cover of episode EP. 27 OKLAHOMA - The Bever Brother Family Massacre (WARNING: VERY DISTURBING)

EP. 27 OKLAHOMA - The Bever Brother Family Massacre (WARNING: VERY DISTURBING)

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主播:本期节目讲述了2015年发生在俄克拉荷马州断箭市一起令人震惊的家庭灭门案,比弗兄弟罗伯特和迈克尔残忍杀害了他们的父母和五个兄弟姐妹。节目详细描述了案件经过,包括兄弟俩的犯罪动机、计划过程以及案发细节,并探讨了家庭环境、网络暴力等因素对犯罪的影响。同时,节目也关注了幸存者克里斯塔尔和奥塔姆的后续生活。 罗伯特·比弗(推断):我受连环杀手和校园枪击案的影响,渴望成名,计划杀害家人后继续犯下更多罪行,以成为美国历史上最臭名昭著的杀人犯。我详细策划了整个过程,并购买了武器和装备。虽然我承认杀害了家人,但我对自己的所作所为感到自豪。 迈克尔·比弗:我受哥哥罗伯特的影响,参与了杀害家人的计划。虽然我最初在审讯中撒谎,但最终承认了杀害母亲、克里斯托弗和维多利亚。我杀害家人的原因是他们阻碍了我的计划。 克里斯塔尔·比弗:我亲眼目睹了哥哥们杀害家人,并侥幸逃生。那晚的经历给我留下了难以磨灭的心理阴影。 丹尼尔·比弗(推断):我听到家人尖叫后试图逃跑,但被哥哥罗伯特刺伤,最终不幸遇难。 艾普丽尔·比弗(推断):作为母亲,我尽力保护我的孩子,但最终死于两个儿子的手中。 大卫·比弗(推断):我被儿子罗伯特残忍杀害。 克里斯托弗·比弗(推断):我被哥哥们杀害。 维多利亚·比弗(推断):我被哥哥们杀害。 奥塔姆·比弗(推断):我侥幸逃生,但我的家人却永远离开了。

Deep Dive

The podcast explores the background and motivations of Robert and Michael Bever, who planned and executed the murder of their family in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, inspired by notorious killers and a desire for notoriety.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2015, two brothers in Oklahoma slaughtered members of their own family in their own home in an attempt to become the deadliest mass killers in United States history. The two were inspired by the Columbine shooting, Jeffrey Dahmer and loads of other notorious murder sprees... but they ended up committing a horrific act that Oklahomans were unprepared to deal with. This, is the story of the Bever brother family massacre... and you're listening, to MURDER IN AMERICA.

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