cover of episode EP. 12 KANSAS - The Wichita Horror: The Most Disturbing Murder Story I've EVER Heard

EP. 12 KANSAS - The Wichita Horror: The Most Disturbing Murder Story I've EVER Heard

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Murder In America

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:2000年12月,堪萨斯州威奇托市发生了一系列令人震惊的犯罪事件。起初是简单的抢劫,随后迅速演变成劫车、暴力袭击,最终导致一起可怕的入室抢劫案。两名非洲裔男子闯入一户居民家中,对五名受害者进行了数小时的酷刑、性侵犯,并在雪地里将他们处决。这起事件的残忍程度令人发指,受害者包括一名图书管理员、一名棒球教练和四名在家的朋友。其中一名受害者HG幸存下来,并提供了关键证词。这起案件凸显了犯罪的随机性和残忍性,也提醒人们要提高警惕,保护自身安全。 这起案件的细节极其血腥和令人不安,包括对受害者的性侵犯和酷刑,以及在雪地里被处决的场景。幸存者HG的证词详细描述了犯罪过程,揭露了犯罪分子的残忍和邪恶。 威奇托恐怖事件不仅是一起简单的抢劫案,更是一起由纯粹的邪恶驱使的犯罪行为。犯罪分子卡尔兄弟对受害者进行了随机选择,他们的行为毫无人性,令人发指。 这起案件也引发了人们对社会安全的担忧,以及对犯罪心理的思考。威奇托恐怖事件的发生提醒我们,在看似平静的社会中,也潜藏着巨大的危险,我们需要提高警惕,保护自身安全。

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The podcast sets the stage for the Wichita Horror, detailing the escalation from robberies to a brutal home invasion and executions.

Shownotes Transcript

In the year 2000, an unbelievably brutal and shocking series of crimes rocked the city of Wichita, Kansas. What began as simple robberies quickly began to devolve into carjackings, then acts of violence, followed by, ultimately, a terrifying home invasion, hours of torture, and series of executions in a snowy field. There have been shows and podcasts made about The Wichita Horror, but usually people skimp out on the details of just what happened inside of that home in Wichita on that cold, December’s night. But we aren’t. We are going to tell you the FULL story, and I have to tell you guys, to everyone listening online, PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE WITH CAUTION. We are going to discuss some vile, disgusting, absolutely reprehensible things in this podcast, and this is NOT for the faint of heart. Trigger warnings include abuse, sexual violence, and obviously, murder. This is the disturbing, true story of THE WICHITA HORROR. And you’re listening, to MURDER IN AMERICA…

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