The search shifted because revisiting the edit revealed crucial temporal clues that were previously overlooked.
The vehicle was found burned out in the river, suggesting a deliberate destruction to hide evidence.
Toby's superior olfactory abilities allowed him to track the scent of the missing boy, leading the team through various locations.
The footage showed a mysterious figure approaching the camera, which was confirmed by experts to be a significant clue.
The team believed the residential areas were significant due to the contaminants and stress markers that Toby detected, suggesting the boy had been moved to a new location.
The team faced challenges such as losing Toby, dealing with a complex case involving multiple missing elements, and handling pressure from clients and Mary Morstan.
The fire was determined to have started in the main cabin, not the engine compartment, and was likely accelerated by an accelerant, suggesting deliberate arson.
The team concluded that the fourth member was likely a White-faced killer, based on observations from the vehicle's interior and the security footage.
The team decided to focus on revisiting the beginning of the case, re-editing the footage, and seeking new leads, including speaking to Toner's family.
The team dealt with the pressure by discussing their feelings, seeking support from each other, and trying to maintain a balance by considering other cases.
For just six pounds a month, binge add free adventures in full and have access to so much more over a patrie on outcome food slash show lock.
Previously on share up and come.
we checked out cameras in the area for that time.
When we got this, is that the .
man in the coat with a hold up, we believed to be Linda sing, a smaller figure. Next thing, tome.
jesus, you track the vehicle we have.
it's been destroyed IT was found bone out and the most in the river cryin in.
So nothing more than a twenty minute drive from the house of mahinda. correct? And there are no witnesses that saw the vehicle being .
were working on that, but the vehicle isn't the most significant thing here.
What is watch .
this footage.
What's that what's going on there .
on in something to the security camera, our team say. And we've had this confirmed by three independent experts.
a roa.
Roa A.
Fascinating stuff. This was his, he stored his cash from the what?
Where did you get there?
this? Yes, IT was in tongues room.
This is mine.
I've been in india for .
the past six years after the people trying to track nothing, though. And IT was .
in bloody woods Green, the boy's hat, the football team. Chelsea, yes, that one I want.
so is tobia.
Is .
he's coming back to the hat. Come on, boy.
Come on right.
So if we go.
Watson, follow that goal. Hey, what's them? Yeah, I know what you going to say you too. Yeah, the game is a foot.
Ah welcome to the snifter dog broadcast with your host john ruffin and cohoes show up .
and that .
please stop never to again. we.
We are in chicken folks with the lovely toby. He's taking a break from snifty and running well, just standing around and snifty. He's obviously delighted to be back to work. And yeah, we're pretty happy to heaven. So hope this he is mariana .
of this route. It's all back .
streets. Yeah, USB doesn't.
嗨, 嗨, 嗨, 嗨。 hello.
And welcome to the school by squad. I'm shaggy. This is definitely excuse me. And he is scooby do himself, played by toby bee. This is, I am marion.
Sorry, what is .
going on? He tell me, hello, so is IT working is working .
I think unless he's just sniping out something completely irrelevant. Been see stupid spanish ship yet?
No, because I I can't get this stupid case of .
I have my world rubbish .
and it's not a stupid ship. It's the galleon.
Look here so from the river craye, where the car was filed. Hi, hi. Thanks from the river crane.
It's been across the park, then down cambell road, then fourth cross road, over hampton road, and now down wisely shortcut. Quite the opposite, the long way round. But the more concealed, especially at night.
they were moving done through the back street.
so they didn't get caught. yes. And if they have driven the car at the door or wherever they have ve taken, they've to take the two eight roads, which means cameras, they're staying out of sight.
What are you doing? Better?
Stop, recharge in the nostrils. I think he doesn't this thing. Talk him up with the hat again.
How did he do that? Well.
with about three hundred million more olfactory receptors than us, and with a bulb, perhaps that data that is around forty times of the size of hours, and of course, a dedicated air flow for smelling, and also a highly specialized via a aza organ in the roof, his mouth that is not just detecting the smell toner, but most likely as aware of his mental state to and panic. All these microscopic indicators we leave behind us in our cent, our skin tissue, our hair, follow calls, what we touch, where we trade. While you smiling.
it's just nice to see you happy.
I'm not happy. I mean, the gripes of a very serious case. exactly. happy. yes. Yeah.
you going go. 礼物。 Left, left.
go left. We do. We know close or what .
if the day .
and logging is anything to go by, we may be very close indeed.
Okay, we are heading over the road. People watch the please.
I know how roads work. Thank you.
Yeah, I was talking to today and still .
we had self what some away from how was low and further into took with them toward strawberry hill. Okay.
he's taking us back to residential areas. He looks like.
yes, indeed, this is a good sign.
Why that's .
contaminants, main stress. So our toby gets a clear accent, but also IT matches isn't IT. They moved the boy from the house where he was being held. They thought the address may be compromise, ed, and they were right, correct? So they were run the look out for another house.
yes. yeah. Make sense. Well, wow, wow, all right. To be slow down. What you tell me to be, to be slow down.
I think he may be a little over excited.
Just pull him back, Watson. I think people say, boy.
not working. Pull him.
Ship to be to be.
It's going to, it's toby. toby. You want a treat, treat for toby to many .
tourists .
to get back hit.
Spect forest.
Dog in twick, dammit.
Should you look on common in the picking up? Uh, right. no.
Um we are just for the damping. We are not accepting new clients. Yeah, I do. I do apologize IT just oh, okay.
Was that toby or us to come rescue that .
the fourth potential client i've had to turn away since we got back from india?
That's not good.
Speaking of cases, this baard.
So just cracked open. Don't talk to me about cracking cases, make cheese but you going .
for I i've got a large rock stolen .
from a public park.
lovely and i'm smashing the local and over and till the .
I cry or IT opens great.
Come on.
Come on, how what, john, what .
we are .
refusing .
we are. So because of this case, yeah, this this case is .
IT showing .
any kind of success.
Are you talking about the suitcase?
Or the crime case, the crime, the crime, the crime case. John.
I mean, what yeah, he did, or at least I thought I did until I lost an elderly dog in southwest london.
Maybe we need to. Talk to him.
Do you look and say, well, oh, sorry, may can't figure out the case. Let's move on to the next one.
Not those words exactly, but it's maybe open up some other cases.
No, we can't do that. What why not? Because we can.
He told you that.
It's not fair on mary.
Yeah he's also not fair on us and it's not fair on the people that need our help. Oh and IT, by the way, it's not fair on tanga baa open news.
Stupid mother.
You nearly said a bad word on mike. No, I know you basically said, IT, shut up. To be honest, that's the worst word i've caught on mike and I came from you. So, ten year old.
listen to this. Show me god. So why do .
you want to do IT open other clients cases?
IT doesn't matter whatever that I am not starting anything, not until this case is finished. right? What is IT? What's wrong? Are you .
voting? I'm not in just .
stupid bread.
A oh, the thing .
he mouth to the security camera.
Yeah, that's the clue he's leaving. Surely IT leads to him or a diamond. Take here at this moment how we will take anything on.
We just need some good fortune. You know sometimes when i'm working, maybe it's a pitch right for business or i'm offering our work on police reports. I can get so stuck.
Don't know what I wanna write, what I wanna say. So do you know what I do? I do something else, a different job, a different task. I get a win, some place cells, and that pumps me up for the hard work.
So you're saying this goes to the backbone.
Look at you, john.
Yeah, I know i'm not .
sleeping exactly.
I'm not eating.
Don't agree with that.
I'm not. We literally just had lunch. IT was half a sandwich I shared with you.
Yeah, they new ate mine. They new eight crips and the chocolate best.
All right, fine. Okay, whatever IT might .
help you, you in particular, to have a case you are not so invested in with mary.
Stop with that.
Come on. No, i'm not. This is an teasing. okay? I I am serious. I know you like her, so you're putting all of this pressure on yourself.
Look, I like everybody.
You know what I mean.
john, sorry.
sorry. IT happens, right?
look at me. We weren't looking for a missing boy then. We were looking for a missing boy and a missing diamond. Now we're looking for a missing boy, a missing diamond and a missing dog.
Sorry you love. Sorry, sorry to be if you listen.
all of this is and it's over. We're winning. And on top of that you've got her wanting answers, wanting closure and and wanting .
when you yeah.
Yeah, I know .
you got .
more ris.
god. Do you know what? Can you get off your us and hit the stupid thing with a rock?
Oh, sorry, do.
Room for one like good man and his people work.
Yeah, yeah. Stays were in two to one eight.
I more more than I seem. I tell you, every time I watched the paralympics, I get my other new running blow.
Aora, meaning the lights for Alice.
yes, the northern light, which this year, the year of our law two thousand and twenty four, very much father self than the'd been for generations and generations IT meant india finally witnessed its display. This happened on the fifth of me.
right? But why does toner care about the fifteen of may? What is you trying to communicate?
I think this is where we speak to his family to try and understand what he could have meant by that. Perhaps they know whether super cool has been taken to and that will in turn and lead us .
to tony yeah well, it's quite complicated at this point .
how so i'm all is i'm called to all.
of course yeah at some point. A few months ago, toner broke into mary mostana house and stole her music box. We think the sylla had been in the whole time a gift from arthmore into his daughter.
my good life.
yes, so longer stole that put his own luck on upon .
discovering the super uo inside.
fascinated like something out that as a Chris .
yeah well, not sure of her protectionist stevia gave up what oh.
I know is this we're finding IT a very tRicky and it's it's cutting a few problems for the clients that need help.
You can give up. Apparently we can. So yeah, but what about the diamond?
The boy, I mean, after the police in london.
are revote in the case. Now we've got interpol agents and government .
we bring to the table.
Honestly, we watch the man get poison at a restaurant and amma. Then when we raided the temple full of corpses, now we've lost a dog with ten steps behind. The law enforcement agencies are actually catching people and getting crucial footage.
What are we do then? What about shelter?
He is one more sleepless night away from going completely bonkers. And if that happens, then we've got no more detective consultancy firm. We just a doctor and accounting and a bulldog.
if I lovely, share lucky, struggling to sleep. You've always got mine.
But yeah, yeah, he's reading IT.
is he indeed? You know, adversity is a funny old thing. Isn't IT doesn't .
feel that funny right now?
What would we be without our sufferings, vacuous shadows?
I have a question and I I have to know because the weight of everybody's stake in this case is, well, IT matters if we withdraw.
Did they .
talk to to you, JoNathan, the sign of four is how you lost your leg.
Knowledge is power. They say, well, let me tell you, when IT comes to knowing ing a thing or two about sorting after diamonds, it's not power. It's a weakness. No one is safe from them.
I sometimes think what might be best is if they just have the super cooler, only that will stop the suffering, and early, then will they begin to fall apart, take each other down, eliminate the other shareholders of this most prize asset, pretty balls. You move when people get what they want. That's when they become weak and corrupted. What did they say about mountain? Ninety percent of the accident happened on decent.
Because you're going down, right? IT is .
more dangerous. Could be, could be. Has something changed in your mental state?
You've achieved .
what you wanted to achieve. You've reached the top. You've conquered all that focus, that fight begins to deteriorate. You know, I don't know what IT is.
You get this great trauma in your life, and then you're determined to ever come, not just IT, but any weakness. It's obsessive. I never had a family really to pour my attention and focus into.
So IT all became about perseverance. I ve been told I wouldn't be able to walk, to run, to jump. And so I immediately insisted to myself that I would not let that be the case.
Within a year or two, I was competing in half marathon's. I was on the athletics track. I was jumping and spring. I, if they said I never dance again, I would have done a tude and prances around a sone leg. One leg, so the luddy want.
And that became applied to everything else that the ligious little voice in the back of my mind, that absolute can posted of a man took over. You could never write a book, jonson, and so i'd write a book. I write many books.
You'll never learn on job. So I teach myself you'll never travel to every country in the world. Oh yes, I bloody well. And I suppose I am asking, what does he do to you in your heart, your god, when you tell yourself that you can't find the super .
cool IT hurts .
Victory huts success i'm David microsys.
former C I, A analyst turned spinout list.
and i'm good and career a national security journalist.
And together we are the host of gold hangers. The latest protest, the arrest, is classified.
Every week we're going to bring you brilliant stories from the world of.
we are going to have hilarious characters, real deal authentic spycraft and intelligence Operations and the often sadly absurd events that fill this world of secrecy, y and deception.
Think the rest is history.
but with spice. And we're going to start in iran, the americans and the britz. Yes, even the britts got in doing downright dirty things to destabilize the government.
The C I, I love a coup.
Don't like David. We don't love a coup as much as you think we do, gordon. But when we get around to IT, we make sure that it's a banner. And this one, I think, at the template.
regime changing iran all started by a single american spy come and join us. The rest is classified list at the end of this.
Emphatic that pain correlates with defeat and suffering, yes, but correlation does not imply caution. By its very nature, trauma is Victory. IT is survival. IT is the hangover of enduring something so terrible. Did they torture you?
I can't answer that. Did I torture myself? Absolutely, but i'm damn well glad I did.
You need your beautiful ve. Young man. Don't give up. I mean, IT, if you do, i'll make you read more of my books.
thanks. We're coming by jon open, and thank you for the notes.
An order and a privilege. Remember, get me into tone's house and I will speak to his family. We'll get to the bottom of this of our mystery.
How are you feeling pretty pumped? He's good. He is good.
Shall look on, go, my dinner speaking. So, so sorry, but we are busy solving another case.
Back to work.
Back to work.
I five in a hug.
first share.
SHE got any.
Get off. Get off.
You quit the case.
I didn't quit the case, Anthony. I'm here and I right. fine. You daily quit.
I would just like to say I wasn't present for this unacceptable behavior.
Said, no, no, no, no. I said we should be doing multiple cases .
and I said that wasn't fair or possible.
I am with mariano.
the more than mary. No, that's stupid. We get completely burned out .
taking a bus down. And he is.
wow. Yeah, that is, that is a burned out vehicle .
to an absolute close. What do you want to know? I will know plenty once I have observed closely.
Yeah, well, I can help brought news boma hendering. Seven years ago, rail tax, insurance and visit parking permit all registered to him. Mlt is expired, which is a bit naughty, I realize is done worse. But that's .
not on sake.
greg is the law mate. And two, six keys, spacious boot for the hist .
smooth drive.
Okay, time to take a closer look. Oh, what? no. And we go. What in cat?
Join me with.
Okay, let's see. Yes, definitely deliberate. It's not like they're got into difficulty on root. How can you tell the burn patterns? Where would you expect a vehicle fire to begin?
Feel tank correct?
Or engine .
engine .
compartment? Yes, also correct. But we can see here, the fire began in the main cabin of the vehicle.
We can see that, can we?
Yes, you can see the sweeping direction of the burn. And by the plastics on the inside of the vehicle, detect where in the car held the most intense blaze. Same plastics you see, not so melted. Then down here, behind the passengers seat.
Ah, yeah, very melted exactly.
Also, this and IT is possible. This is what I did, our friend toby, wherever he is here. see.
Yeah, what is that? Like, flakes or something?
This is our accelerant. You want to burn out a new car with state of the art safety measures. Well, then you would Better have something extremely flaming to move things along.
Our friend mahinda had, judging by the smell. Create, create. Yes, the older .
has remained .
throughout the vehicle, although particularly strong right there at the source.
Let's hope that the one of the equality hadn't IT.
yes. Dore's a bit smoky.
T that's the how sorted. We know the when.
as we've seen, the security footage, collect to the witness statements, and of course, retrieved the vehicle, the why is a little tRicky.
We assume that the hindering knew the risks, knew his location would be compromised, and decided to abandon the house and burn his car during the transportation of the boy, as we observe from toby's direction of pursuit, our sign of four attempted to use the location of a car as a red hiring to imply the next location was closer to home. slow. But toby pulled us south away from houses low. The, how the y bt.
what are .
we certain on the hoo.
why are we not certain on the who? The vehicle is registered in his name? We saw him on camera with toner. We did .
pre blaze, of course.
So I think we have our mysterious fourth member, dost akbar, arrested. Abdul ka, seemingly absent. I have some observations that lead me to some conclusions that remain unformed as of this moment.
Can you let me in on those .
I'm in the driver's seat.
You are, you are in .
the passengers seat. I.
what do you notice?
Well, my seat is a little forward.
Good, john, good.
So you think kid longer was SAT here.
But why do you move your seat forward?
Because you've got someone .
behind you. exactly. My seat, I would say, for someone five at ten or so, wing mirrors lined up, rear view mirror lines up, mohra is five at ten.
So he was driving, but someone was behind longer. And that's whether fire was started. I think on this vehicles final journey, we had more hindering toner baja. And I would venture a White faced killer.
What's you think is my hinderin toner weren't alone? The security camera didn't pick up anyone else. That's because he caught the car face on our accomplish in the back.
What are you doing now?
Yes, sure.
What are you doing for what? Nothing in particular. Cool, cool.
He is looking for nothing in particular.
危险 的 in the car。
He has his ways. Oh, he's found something.
Any word on toby?
What did you .
find an important stone? What not that one will explain later. Okay.
what's the latest on toby?
Searches underway.
Couple of dog doing is out there. And i'm looking for .
strawberry hill.
I believe. so. Yeah.
good. That's good.
Sorry, we ve got sniffer dogs looking for a snifter dog. Yeah, enough. So what's the next move? Keep moving forward. And .
the we've been, oh, box.
are you gay? We need .
to move backwards .
right back.
IT was all right there.
What is he talking about?
But to be honest, mate, I was sort of all when you be able to tell us.
Now yeah what you thinking .
am thinking .
dinner and cancer .
they want that is your .
caster just .
saying that wants yeah IT doesn't .
work actually the marine am using .
isn't remotely latini a okay yeah i'm interested .
so yes it's .
yeah ah yeah .
yeah yeah dinner is is what i'm asking you to good lad.
This is the easy one. This is the second date.
Well, technically it's the third day because you .
did chew up to the first one 哦 okay yeah so you would think some total generation .
but he made did enough yeah to continue my jewish do you wanna come over for dinner for a bottle wine?
Would love to is checking that's .
a good question. He's gone into silos mode since since the discovery this afternoon. So it's hard to tell when he's in or when he's out. He's yeah thanks in the lunch. I'll see what .
is up to cold.
right? I, I, I will see you in four or five version hours.
great. Looking forward .
to IT me too by bay, bay, bay watching the news.
No reading .
alums, good book were .
not really no.
You know, going to tell JoNathan that though, you know, going to do that brutal honesty thing. I'm not brutal. No, but people who write books for a living, they might get a little hurt by work, by by your honest reaction.
Yes, I may heard his feelings.
Yeah so yeah, we will keep that to us.
We we can certainly try.
So where ver.
so I here, mariana hasn't had any luck with that suitcase yet judged .
by the sound of a rocket I here being held that suitcase downstairs. No, listen. yeah.
So I think we should have dinner tonight. We always .
have dinner.
No, the a whole time. I mean.
so you want to marry honor up here because she's pretty focused on the suitcase thing.
I'll give her the key. Get athon y and JoNathan to key. And mary.
let's have mary, will you listening to my phone call? Doesn't matter if I was well technically, yeah but so no, looking .
forward to IT, I know why i'm smiling. Why are you smiling?
Because you're being smug? yes.
And and that usually .
means we've got some movement in the case .
you'd be right.
Or did you find out the car today?
I told you a valuable stone. Can I see? IT? No, IT wouldn't mean anything to you yet.
So you sure are homes are excited about an upcoming social event, correct?
That you are a hosting. I don't know about .
that co hosting.
What do I have to do by why they'll bring a bottle?
I'd like to take risks. Buy more chicken. Some of the freezer took IT out two hours ago. You're suspicious, Watson.
because you're behaving suspiciously.
Rather short news item on our friend toner feel like we're .
crossing that thresh hold.
You know what thresh hold? Is that .
acceptance there? I say IT, bodow, bodow.
you're bored of the case.
No, not me.
country. how? So this?
No, i've seen that happened a million times. And if it's not a missing person, it's a scandal, a war or a famine, not got a bit of genocide, that the initial shock arrives, the panic theory, and we all go a bit and nuts, right? People take side.
People make IT about what they wanna make IT about. And then it's not in in every news broadcast is in every other news broadcast is not every front page. But that might be once a week, the hashtag start to dry up, the theories get less and less engagement, and the next doggy thing comes up. We all go, oh, look over here. And now, this horrible thing.
Yes, quiet.
I didn't like this at first. Be in all over the media and all over the health sites. But now I I wish I was back. I wish we were back a couple of weeks ago in the blazes, in hot fire of all, you know, not this praddy at a little fixing members. You are hoping for a miracle.
I think it's time to start your edit. Doctor Watson, you want to go back to the beginning. You said, IT yourself, get to work.
I am. I meant to be looking for something, sherlock.
The truth. You're looking for the truth.
right? And what does that look like? Shell lock shall lock. Were in the box you. Familiar, some guy, you money that doesn't .
mean you have the right.
We just mean to, I know.
do you still have the diamond?
I sold summer first, but they they just keep coming. And I I contacted any expert diamond expert, and he ended up buying .
them off me stitch .
that thing.
Where is IT? 呃, that there .
is .
OK cut. And then two.
yeah, be helpful. You kind of get .
up the batch weariness of the whole thing.
hi. Oh.
oh, hello. Sorry, JoNathan. This is sure. look. But on the and john.
right? yes. hello. good. hello.
They run a detective agency. Yeah, they have some questions about the the .
recorders. Yes, I think tell you what, I think we pop into the local as we've got a little one with us here tonight, grandson with only a year, so we want to wake him.
Let me help you on the steps there .
that tell you what .
I think we pop into the local as we've got a little gun with us here and night grandson, with only a year over, you want to wake him.
我。 And this one did when .
you're disabled, do you work your us off to prove your worth? And I will bloody well prove IT. Besides, i'm the lonely old ran. I could do with the work.
I'm A.
Lonely old man got the little one with us here tonight, grandsons.
Yeah, yeah, come in coming. Don't worry about the stairs.
We're in two, two, one, eight. I am more nimble than I seem. I tell you, every time I watched the paralympics, I get by new running play.
Twenty bit later, you get this .
great trauma in your life, and then you'll determined to ever come, not just IT, but any weakness. It's obsessive. I never had a family really to pull my attention and focus into.
So IT all became about person. I never had a family really to pull my attention and focus. Never had a family really got the little man with us here tonight, grandson. Never had a family, really, only the old man. That the ligious little voice in the back of my mind .
that absolute fuck about a man.
Sherlock, sherlock, what did you find? Because I found something too.
You've seen rather disturbed by IT.
Well, yes, yes, it's it's disturbing. I don't think I can be .
can't sherlock.
When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the .
A key for what .
time to unlock .
the case? I think john, oh, mariana.
oh, you looked her case. This adventure right the way up to part time, now available in full APP patri on dot com forward slash show local.
Hi, is David a classy from the rest is classify. Here's that clip that we mentioned earlier on. We're back with permit rose bet or in tehran in july of one thousand nine hundred and fifty three permit is there. He is planning A Q. He's got bags of cash and he's in constant villa calling himself James lock rich that's right.
And he's supposed to be undercover as James proper age. But when he plays tennis with other other experts and diplomats, every time he misses a shot, he curses himself and says a rose belt, which is his real name. So and then when people asked why, there he goes, well, i'm such a passionate republican that I hate Frank and rose about democrats. And so yeah, use the name is a curse word. I mean, it's not good cover is that dave?
It's it's pretty rough. It's prety rough. Although I will say that being wasted online, Ricky, and playing tennis, that's just a Normal C A, can you confirm? Seems very Normal.
So permit there. Now he's brought money that right to can throw around but it's maybe less than we would think yeah to accomplish the overthrow of the government. Is that right?
I mean, some of the estimates said that he can do IT for hundred thousand dollars, something like that. And that seems crazy. Doesn't like to think that all that cost for the coup, I mean, the estimates vary, but that's basically bribe money that's that is gone.
I thought this was also very interesting. I was not where before we started taking IT, he actually takes over M I sexes network yeah in iran doesn't a which is I actually can't think of a modern parallel where you don't have a joint I mean it's is a joint effort, but he doesn't have britz on the ground with him. He's there.
He's taken over the british. And if you want to hear the full episode, listen to the rest is classified wherever you get your podcasts.