cover of episode 9 - The Golden Pince-Nez - Part One

9 - The Golden Pince-Nez - Part One

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Sherlock & Co.

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Carol Watson
Dr. John Watson
PCSO Stanley Hopkins
Sherlock Holmes
Dr. John Watson: 本集播客讲述一起发生在约克斯利老宅的谋杀案,案件中包含令人不安的场景和暴力描写,此外,本集播客将分为三部分播出,并记录我和夏洛克·福尔摩斯的冒险经历。 PCSO Stanley Hopkins: 我报告了一起谋杀案,受害者是19岁的威洛比·史密斯,他死于约克斯利老宅。我担心这起谋杀案会被掩盖,因为凶手可能是约克斯利老宅的邪教组织“拯救者”的成员。该组织渗透到社会各个层面,他们曾阻止一名女法医进入犯罪现场。受害者生前是该组织的成员,凶手可能在保护他的同伙。Coram计划进行人祭。 Carol Watson: 我认为12月的天气太潮湿了,我将和一位名叫查理的朋友一起去苏格兰。我认为华生应该成为一名全科医生。我正在听《五十度飞》的续集。 Sherlock Holmes: 我用华生的行医执照购买了止痛药,我认为华生的母亲很漂亮,我负责照顾华生,我让华生去睡觉。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

THE LAMENTABLE DEATH OF YOUNG WILLOUGHBY SMITH - it was a wild tempestuous night towards the end of November. Pissing it down non-stop and thunder banging around like no-one's business. I had plans to spend a couple of days in London with my Mum.. but the death of Willoughby Smith at Yoxley Old Place changed that. Well actually this case took place over one evening- so I did actually end up spending a bit of time with her. Little too much time to be honest, bit exhausting after a while. Anyway, enjoy the adventure.

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This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts.

Copyright 2023.


Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson

Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes

Marta da Silva as Mariana Ametxazurra

Leigh McDonald as Carol Watson

Rhys Tees as PCSO Stanley Hopkins

Written by Joel Emery

Directed by Adam Jarrell

Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio

Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill

Executive Producer Tony Pastor

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