cover of episode Trump Makes His First Big Moves (Ep. 2368)

Trump Makes His First Big Moves (Ep. 2368)

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The Dan Bongino Show

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Dan Bongino
Donald Trump
批评CHIPS Act,倡导使用关税而非补贴来促进美国国内芯片制造。
Felipe Reines
Peter Ducey
Tom Homan
@Dan Bongino : 本集主要讨论特朗普当选后的一系列政治策略和社会影响,包括边境政策的收紧、对审查制度的对抗、对深层政府的打击以及对言论自由的保护。他认为特朗普的胜利对世界格局产生了深远的影响,并对未来两年美国政治局势持乐观态度。同时,他也表达了对部分共和党温和派人士的担忧,以及对民主党内部反思的观察。他还强调了他们节目的巨大影响力以及对特朗普的支持。 Dan Bongino还特别提到了选民身份证制度,认为这将是未来几年重要的政治议题,并预测民主党将以种族歧视的理由进行反对。他还分享了他妻子在美国移民方面的经历,以此来反驳民主党对非法移民的特殊待遇。 此外,他还分析了拜登政府在飓风救援中存在的党派偏见,并警告听众注意诈骗行为。 @Donald Trump : 特朗普在视频中宣布将签署行政命令,打破左翼审查制度,恢复所有美国人的言论自由权。他指责深层政府、硅谷巨头、左翼激进分子和堕落的公司新闻媒体正在合谋操纵和压制美国人民,并承诺将采取措施拆除和摧毁审查制度卡特尔,清除国家安全和情报机构中的腐败分子,并对相关部门进行彻底改革。 @Tom Homan : 就大规模驱逐出境的成本和必要性发表了观点,强调国家安全的重要性,并解释了为什么大规模驱逐出境不应该导致家庭分离。 @Peter Ducey : 报道了拜登团队正在试图“特朗普防护”白宫,以应对特朗普政府即将上任带来的挑战。 @Felipe Reines : 对民主党内部现状表示担忧,认为民主党被左翼极端分子绑架,需要进行反思和改变。 @Van Jones : 承认主流媒体的影响力下降,并意识到民主党在与共和党竞争中落后。 @CNN评论员 : 拒绝承认男孩应该参加女子体育运动,引发了Dan Bongino的批评。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Trump appoint Tom Homan as the new border czar?

Tom Homan is a former director of immigration enforcement with a strong stance on border security, making him a suitable choice to enforce stricter immigration policies.

What was the reaction of the Biden administration to Trump's early moves as president-elect?

The Biden administration was panicked and began efforts to 'Trump-proof' the White House, trying to implement as much of their agenda as possible before Trump's inauguration.

How did the mainstream media and Democrats misjudge the impact of Trump's campaign strategy?

They underestimated the effectiveness of digital platforms and social media in reaching voters, focusing instead on traditional methods like door-to-door campaigning.

What is the 'Trump effect' mentioned in the podcast?

The 'Trump effect' refers to the immediate and significant changes in global and domestic policies and attitudes that occur as a result of Trump's election, often leading to more favorable conditions for the U.S.

What concerns did Dan Bongino express about the potential impact of China's hacking of U.S. telecom companies?

Bongino fears that politicians may be subject to blackmail by foreign governments due to intercepted communications, posing a threat to national security.

How did the left-wing media and Democrats react to Trump's victory in the 2024 election?

There was a mix of introspection and denial, with some recognizing the need to adapt strategies and others doubling down on their existing tactics despite their failure.

What was the significance of Trump's plan to dismantle the deep state?

Trump's plan aimed to remove corrupt actors from national security and intelligence agencies, ensuring that bureaucrats could not target conservatives or political enemies.

How did the Bongino Army contribute to Trump's election success?

The Bongino Army utilized digital platforms effectively, reaching a large audience and mobilizing voters through social media and online communities.

What was the main focus of Trump's early policy announcements as president-elect?

Trump focused on immigration enforcement, border security, and dismantling the censorship regime imposed by tech companies and the deep state.

How did the left-wing media's influence change post-election?

The left-wing media's influence waned as they realized their relevance was diminishing, and they needed to adapt to new methods of reaching voters.

Dan Bongino discusses the immediate impact of Trump's election on policy changes, personnel appointments, and international relations, highlighting the 'Trump effect' as a catalyst for rapid change.
  • Tom Homan appointed as 'border czar'
  • Stephen Miller as deputy chief of staff for policy
  • International reactions to Trump's election showing immediate shifts in alliances and policies

Shownotes Transcript

We're in charge now, and Trump is wasting no time. In this episode, I cover the first steps in the transition, with policy plans, personnel nominations, and more. Plus, some more liberal meltdowns, because why not?

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