Dan Bongino 在节目中对乔·拜登总统的演讲进行了严厉批评,认为该演讲充满了谎言、煽动性言论以及对事实的歪曲。他详细分析了演讲中多个片段,指出拜登总统在边境问题、医疗政策、以及对特朗普总统言论的解读上存在严重失实。Bongino 还批评了拜登总统的演讲风格,认为其表现混乱、语无伦次,甚至暗示拜登总统可能使用了兴奋剂来保持清醒。他认为民主党故意安排拜登总统在深夜发表演讲,以减少观众数量。Bongino 总结说,拜登总统的演讲是一场灾难,是其总统任期内最糟糕的表现之一,并表达了对其领导能力的强烈质疑。他认为拜登总统的言行对美国社会造成了极大的负面影响,并煽动了种族仇恨。他同时还指责拜登政府对某些政治对手的打压,认为这并非是“拯救民主”,而是对政治力量的滥用。
The host questions the timing of Joe Biden's speech at the Democratic National Convention, speculating that it was intentionally delayed to minimize viewership. He suggests that the true motive will be revealed by observing when Barack Obama speaks the following night.
Biden's speech was delayed until late at night.
The host believes this was a deliberate move by the Democrats.
He proposes a test: if Obama speaks before 11 pm, it confirms the Biden speech was delayed on purpose.