cover of episode Bitter CNN Goes After Me (Ep. 2375)

Bitter CNN Goes After Me (Ep. 2375)

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The Dan Bongino Show

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Dan Bongino
@Dan Bongino : 本期节目讨论了"可爱时光"的终结,以及这一现象对美国政治格局的影响。他认为,主流媒体已经开始关注并讨论这一现象,并鼓励左派继续当前的行动。他还批评了CNN对特朗普政府人事任命的批评,认为其忽略了实际问题,并解释了特朗普为何要"拆除现状"。他认为,左派内部存在分裂,保守派应该利用这一分裂,争取中期选举的胜利。他还讨论了COVID政策对美国政治格局的影响,以及新的媒体生态系统正在崛起。 @Jake Tapper , @Van Jones : CNN的主持人Jake Tapper和Van Jones在节目中讨论了Dan Bongino提出的"可爱时光"已经结束的观点。 @Jasmine Crockett : 国会议员Jasmine Crockett在国会山发表了关于受压迫的言论,Bongino认为这是种族主义的。 @Tim Miller : Tim Miller在Bulwark网站上发表了一篇关于Sarah McBride的推文,Bongino认为这反映了左派内部的矛盾。 @Sunny Hostin : The View的主持人Sunny Hostin在节目中犯了一个错误,不得不进行更正,Bongino认为这反映了左派内部的混乱。 @Scott Pressler : Scott Pressler在宾夕法尼亚州巴克斯县的会议上,对试图计算无效选票的选举官员进行了批评。 @Diane Marsiglia : 巴克斯县的选举官员Diane Marsiglia在会议上承认她试图计算无效选票,并为此道歉。 @Scott Jennings : CNN的共和党评论员Scott Jennings指出,民主党人与年轻男性脱节。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Dan Bongino not upset about CNN's coverage of him?

Bongino understands that being a public figure means being part of the news cycle, and he accepts that he's fair game for commentary.

What does Dan Bongino suggest about the left's identity politics?

Bongino believes the left's focus on identity politics will lead to their downfall as it alienates mainstream voters.

How does Dan Bongino view the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on politics?

Bongino sees the COVID-19 pandemic as both a political tyranny and a significant gift to the freedom and liberty movement, driving many 'normies' to the MAGA movement.

Why does Dan Bongino support Matt Gaetz for Attorney General?

Bongino supports Gaetz because he is unafraid to challenge the FBI's handling of sensitive cases, such as the Hunter Biden laptop, which exposes vulnerabilities in the system.

What is Dan Bongino's opinion on the mainstream media's relevance?

Bongino believes the mainstream media's relevance is waning as more people turn to alternative sources like podcasts and social media for news.

How does Dan Bongino view the schism within the Democratic Party?

Bongino sees a real schism where the radical left continues to push divisive policies while more moderate Democrats recognize the need to appeal to mainstream America.

What does Dan Bongino suggest about the future electoral dynamics?

Bongino suggests that electoral dynamics are shifting in favor of Republicans due to population movements, declining trust in mainstream media, and the COVID-19 pandemic's political impact.

Why does Dan Bongino support Kash Patel for FBI?

Bongino supports Patel because he has been vocal about the FBI's issues, such as spying on Americans and a two-tiered system of justice, making him a suitable nominee.

Dan Bongino addresses CNN's coverage of his theory that cutesy time is over and discusses his background and the public's reaction to the news.
  • CNN's Jake Tapper and Van Jones discuss Dan Bongino's theory of cutesy time being over.
  • Bongino clarifies his relationship with President Trump and the Secret Service.
  • Bongino expresses his gratitude for the public's support and the show's success.

Shownotes Transcript


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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, sorry about the technical hiccup. As you know, Rumble, people try to mess with it, but we got it fixed up, so we're happy to have you here. We deeply appreciate it. Ladies and gentlemen, it is gone mainstream. Cutesy time is over. Did you see it last night? Even CNN...

Jake Tapper and Van Jones were forced to address the Dan Bongino theory of cutesy time, which is what? That it's over. That it's actually over. The cutesy time. He said, you made a huge mistake. You should have wore the cutesy time is over shirt today. I'm like, yeah, I don't know. I just rip him out of the draw one by one. I get so many of them. Big show for you today. A lot to talk about, including me begging the left.

Please continue what you're doing. I'm not kidding. I'm about to get a PAC started to donate to you guys to keep this stuff going, because I promise you if you do it, it'll lead to a permanent Republican majority for decades. Well, temporary for temporary for decades.

which is semi-permanent in my lifestyle, in my lifespan. Hey, Burna, their non-lethal pistol launcher with tear gas and kinetic ammo incapacitates an attacker for up to 40 minutes. That's B-Y-R-N-A, slash Dan for a 10% discount. Folks, big show. I got this tweet and this, did you see the meltdown up on Capitol Hill by Jasmine Crockett, a lefty communist yesterday? Absolutely epic. Please keep this stuff up. It's working so well for you lefties. For over 10 years,

Patriot Mobile has been America's only Christian conservative wireless provider standing behind their service and their values as a company. They put the cause ahead of profits. I'm proud to partner with them. You can get their Every Friday Matters special today.

They're giving away a brand new smartphone when you make the switch. Patriot Mobile offers exceptional nationwide coverage. It gives you access to all three major networks without your dollars funding the left. When you switch to Patriot Mobile, your sporting company believes in free speech, the sanctity of life, the Second Amendment, and more. They're 100% U.S.-based customer service team. They make switching easy. Keep your number, and for a limited time, get a free smartphone.

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Everybody was emailing me last night. Hey, Dan, did you see this clip on CNN? Tapper and Van Jones were talking about cutesy time. I swear to you, I thought it was bullshit. I thought people were messing with me. I'm like, they wouldn't be talking about cutesy time being over. What the hell would CNN be interested in cutesy time for? The clip, however, is real. Took me a few minutes to find it. I'm usually pretty good lickety split, but I don't actually have CNN on my bingo card. So it took me a second ago. I got my spots for Fox and OANN and even MSNBC, but

But let me just say in advance before I play this clip, it's about me and potentially the Secret Service. You know the whole story. I've already addressed it. I've not spoken to President Trump about that at all, folks, at all. It's come up on podcast interviews. Of course, he's got a thousand things on his plate. I'm just going to leave that there. However, you know, the president asks you do something. He has not. I just want to be crystal clear on that. This is really important.

Because everybody's talking about this like this is some kind of like, especially the way CNN's addressing it. So I haven't heard anything like this. However, I want to say in advance, I'm not...

I'm not mad at all, and I'm not even remotely bitter about Van Jones and Tapper talking about me and kind of quietly taking a shot at me. They barely mentioned the fact that I had a decade plus in the Secret Service, five years in the Presidential Protection Division, was with the NYPD, was a Republican nominee for Senate and House. Not that you got to kiss my ass, but it's always like the right-wing personalities. If the only thing I've ever done is politics in my life,

Whatever. I'm not mad about it. These guys are, you know, opinion people and they talk about the news and the stories in the news. So I'm fair game like anyone else. And I, in the scope of things, this really wasn't that bad. I mean, it was like they were taking a heavy duty pot shots, but it is kind of funny. Cutesy time is over. It's gone. National.

Well, it was on CNN, so I don't know how national it was. But hey, check this out. It's pretty funny. CNN is reporting that right-wing media personality and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, by the way, like years ago, we would have him on to talk about Secret Service issues on this show. He is being considered for Secret Service director. Here's to some of what he said on his podcast today on how he views the new administration.

It's cutesy time is over and we led the way. And a lot of people are recognizing that, folks. Cutesy time is over. I'll say again today on Wednesday, people are policy and it is time for us because we are the news to double down on the MAGA agenda. Van, you're going to have to stop being so adorable because cutesy time is over.

No, but seriously, in all sincerity, that does reflect an attitude of so many of these picks, which is it's time to really, really shake up Washington. And a lot of people think, a lot of Trump supporters think, that he went with establishment picks last time and that was a horrible idea. He wasn't able to really drain the swamp. And now that's what they're doing. You have to believe a lot of things that are not true.

for this to make sense. What is the problem you're trying to solve with our intelligence services? We get a chance to walk around here and not have bombs blowing up all over the place because our intelligence services are doing a fantastic job keeping us safe. If you think that sending a wrecking ball through our...

Okay, now I deserve the chance to respond, right? Like I said, I'm not mad. I'm not bitter. It's a news story. I'm fair game like anyone else. But so are you guys, right? Jake, Van, you guys are in the public space, so you're fair game too.

I get the chance to respond. So what's the problem, Van, we're trying to solve? I should say we. I'm not in the administration. I have not been asked. But assume I was. Say I was the Secret Service director sitting there with Ratcliffe and Tulsi and hopefully Kash Patel at FBI. The problem we're trying to solve, you completely, right over your head, missed.

I love how he says, did you guys hear this? Michael, he goes, you know, these are the intelligence community out there and all these other people. By the way, Secret Service isn't part of the intelligence community. They consume intelligence. They don't produce it. However, they do consume a lot of intelligence because they want to make sure they can get the threat right, right? We are not completely safe.

There's a major war in the Middle East that broke out because our intelligence community missed a 9-11 style attack in Israel. There have been terror attacks where people have been on the FBI's radar and they missed it. Why? Because the FBI has been too busy. This is what the CNN bubble looks like. You may have missed these stories, Van.

Did you miss the story about the FBI and the Moms for Liberty, the FBI and the pro-life movement? These are threats to the United States. Grandma's in the gulag for a trespassing charge on January 6th. This is the security threat that's going to keep us here. Go get grandma. Go get her. Did you miss all this?

I didn't even get to the serious stuff. Did you miss the FBI spying on Donald Trump? Van, I'll give you a little homework. Look up the name Azra Turk. Go look that up. You can read about it in the books I wrote about it if you want. Go get it from the library. Here, thank you, guys. I didn't even ask him to throw this out. Just the news. Justice Department investigated the conservatives' Moms for Liberty in the same manner as the Ku Klux Klan.

Again, did you guys miss all this? Why is Trump taking a wrecking ball to the status quo? Because the status quo has failed. There's a thing called opportunity cost, Van. You waste your time spying on presidential candidates and conservative groups and Tea Party groups with the IRS and other things. That's time not spent trying to intercept a major terror attack in the Middle East. That does involve us because we've been dragged into it.

The same death to America crowd was involved in that. The same people who told Biden, the intelligence community, oh, Putin's not going to invade Ukraine. They missed that one too. So forget me, pull me out of the story. But cutesy time is over because that's what cutesy time gave you.

It gave you a bunch of bullshit investigations. And that's why President Trump is reaching out to people who are actual door kickers. I just want to say again, we have not spoken about this. This story like yesterday on CNN, a whole bunch of reporters are reaching out for me for comment. Why isn't he responding? Because there's nothing to respond about. What do you want me to respond and say? I don't know what you're talking about.

By the way, I don't really speak to reporters anyway about that kind of stuff, politics. I don't talk to reporters, especially left-wing ones. Conservative ones...

There you go. Cutesy time is over. Could someone send a shirt to Jake? Our proceeds go to charity, so don't worry. It's not like some money-making thing we're doing for us. Somebody mail Jake and send Van a cutesy time is over, probably extra small. Send them over. Cutesy time is over. Maybe they'll pin one up in their office.

We have all sizes in stock. Someone make a donation over to CNN.

I saw that last night. Again, I'm not mad at these guys. I'm part of the news. I'm fair game. I don't have a thick skin, but I do realize that being in the business, when you're part of the news, you're part of the news. You don't want to be part of the news? Stop being a wuss and don't be a public figure, okay? End the story. Go do something else. And I like doing what I'm doing, so it's part of the business. Dear liberals, we

We are always right. What is two thumbs and is always correct along with his little Bogino army, which isn't so little anymore. This guy, by the way, thank you for making us according to Triton's ranker in October. I can't believe it.

The number three podcast in the United States. Never saw that coming. Thank you, guys. Love the Bongino Army. You guys kick ass and take names. Absolutely adore you guys. We are always right. Why is our army not so little anymore and growing? Because it's fact-based, the show.

We've told the libs. We warned them a thousand times. Your fascination with identity politics and division is going to catch up with you. Why? Do you remember in the chat? Folks in the chat, do you remember? Oh, there we go. Back up. Look at him. He got 125 too. Nice. All right. We're fully back up. Thank you, Chris, for fending off another massive attack. These guys are so good. Boom. Boom. Done. Just like that. We told you a long time ago that the cannibalism theory was going to take over.

The cannibalism theory in the left for those who are new to the show is this conservatives, the MAGA crowd, libertarians and tea party people started giving liberals the double barrel middle finger would cancel culture a long time ago. They just pound right through it. Don't say mass don't work. What did MAGA people do? They go to Twitter the next day or all caps they put now mass definitely don't work. We don't care. So eventually they've had a dial back because they know they're wasting their time, but there's,

power for them in canceling people okay so when they can't cancel conservatives and MAGA people because we just don't listen we flip them off they were going to turn on themselves and this is what's happening with identity politics with the left if you happen to be black right

You've been told by the media forever, right? The left, man, they're looking out for your interests against those horrible Republicans. You're now finding out that it's actually the Republicans that have been looking out for your interests against the horrible Democrats. Because if you're black and you say, hey, I'm a father who happens to be black.

And the left told me like, I'm a big interest group. They're looking out for me, but I don't want a man in the bathroom with my 12 year old daughter, a man, an actual man, the left will then attack you. You get what they're doing. They can't attack us. Cause we're just going to hammer ahead. We've never wanted men in a women's bathroom.

but now they're eating each other alive. And I tell you, man, I am buying my ticket in the front row to see it. This is glorious. Please keep this up begging you. Please keep this up. Here's a tweet from some, uh, communist Tim Miller. He's at the bulwark, which is the commie site. Uh,

Is it wrong to suggest that Sarah McBride, she is the new trans member of Congress, should follow Mike Johnson in the men's room and stand right behind him at the urinal at the next opportunity?

Tim, that's a great idea. You tell the trans member of Congress, Sarah McBride, who's a man, tell Sarah McBride to follow everyone. This is working out great for you. I'm dead serious, folks. I'm not kidding. You guys have given such great advice at the bulwark. The bulwark, which is like a commie site, which has been wrong about everything, every significant political trend of our time, the bulwark,

Have they not, guys? I've been on the wrong side of every one of them. Please take Tim's advice and make Sarah McBride and the trans issue the focus of everything in your next term. Please do that. We're actually begging you to do it. Your fascination with division, cannibalism, and eating each other alive has done so well for you, you lost every single swing state despite having every single lever of power behind you.

mainstream media academia entertainment even Taylor Swift and you got your asses kicked because your issues suck you definitely got to keep up more of this dude you guys see this clip tell me when I sent this over you guys weren't in love right well how to put this I never put clips like this in beginning show never this one's right in the beginning you see this lunatic Jasmine Crockett

She's a member of Congress, obviously a Democrat. This one, I'm not sure about her psychological status. I'm really not. Here she is. She's a member of Congress.

paid probably close to, if not more than $200,000 a year. She has lobbyists kissing her ass every day. She will never, ever be middle class for the rest of her life. Lobbyists will pay her. She'll be given speeches, okay? She is living in the lifestyle. She is a one percenter, okay? Here she is complaining about being oppressed and, again, blaming the white man, which is by its very definition racist.

She's categorizing a group of people according to their race without knowing any of them and basically saying, look at you guys. You guys, here's Jasmine Crockett. Please keep this stuff up. This identity politics is such a winner for you guys on the left. I want to fund the pack. Check this out. You can then misuse words like oppression. There has been no oppression for the white man in this country.

You tell me which white men were dragged out of their homes. You tell me which one of them got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that you are going to go at work. We are going to steal your wives. We are going to rape your wives. That didn't happen. That is oppression. We didn't ask to be here. We're not the same migrants that y'all constantly come up against. We didn't run away from home. We were stolen.

So yeah, we are going to sit here and be offended when you want to sit here and act like, and don't let it escape you. That it is white men on this side of the aisle telling us people of color on this side of the aisle that y'all are the ones being oppressed, that y'all are the ones that are being harmed.

Folks, please. Can someone, someone, folks in the chat, I'm glad to see everyone's back. Good. Yeah, right. Right. Rock'em, sock'em, robot. I just saw that in the chat. Can someone in the chat get like Jasmine Crackit pack and just like buy the We need this woman in leadership on the left. We need to make sure that this woman is a potential presidential candidate in the future.

Please keep this up. Jasmine, I suggest you and Tim Miller get together over coffee at a Starbucks, have a macchiato or whatever. It's kind of a left-wing place. You guys would be great together. Get together the agenda for the Democrats' midterm platform. Make it about following women and men into bathrooms when you're the opposite sex. It's a great idea. And keep telling women

White men and women across America busting their ass to stay ahead in this country with inflation, that they're somehow oppressing you while you're paying $200,000 a year to sit in Congress and have someone kiss your ass all day. Yes! Keep it up, Jasmine. We love it. The judge has ruled. Folks in the chat, you think it's a great idea? Get this woman in leadership. Make her the minority leader. I don't care.

Crockett, Harris, 2028. Guy's looking into it now. Guy's going to put a campaign sign together. I want this woman running for president. This has worked so well. Folks, this stuff, this is going to be the death of the Democrat Party. But do you understand? Dan, stop telling him it.

Listen to me, brothers and sisters. Listen to your boy. I'm in a really good mood today. So much good stuff going on. So much. I am in an amazing mood today. Couldn't wait to do the show. Listen to your boy here, please. Please. It doesn't freaking matter how many times we cover this stuff and make fun of them for doing it. They cannot control themselves. Do you understand that? I mean, you sound like an asshole.

They can't stop because they don't know anything else. Jasmine Crockett doesn't know anything about anything. Either does Tim Miller or else his predictions would have been correct. He's been on the wrong side of everything along with his entire team. They don't know anything. All they know is insult division politics and identity politics. They can't stop. I'm going to show you a clip coming up next. Another classic from The View. Sonny Hostin.

who happens to be an attorney, you would think she would know better, has to issue another... How many corrections is the view going to have to issue on the air? This is unbelievable. She's a lawyer. They have to issue another correction because they can't stop. They're like kids who can't stop pooping in diapers. They just don't have the bowel control. They just don't. I'll show you what I mean coming up next. This woman's a lawyer. This is like...

I can't even tell you how many corrections we've had to cover from The View. It's hilarious to watch. Omaha Steaks say nothing delivers comfort and joy quite like the unrivaled quality and taste of Omaha Steaks. This year, skip the holiday hustle and bustle and save 50% off gourmet gifts site-wide at Plus, get a $30 reward card when you shop early and score an extra $30 off with promo code BONGINO.

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This woman on The View, Sunny Hostin, this is a perfect example of this little conundrum the Democrats find themselves in. When you base your entire political movement about telling people they're different and they're oppressed and they're victims...

Eventually, they don't want to feel sad anymore. Folks, I'm just going to be straight and honest with you and candid. They don't want to feel like they can't overcome the system. Who wants to be told, listen, you're living in a social jail cell. You can't possibly escape. Your life is going to suck and you need politicians to save you. Who the f*** wants to be told that? The answer is almost no one. The only people who want to be told that are people who fail and want an excuse.

Here's Sunny Hostin. She has nothing else. Going after Matt Gaetz. You're going to see the before and after. She has to issue a correction on the air, and she just can't prevent herself. Look at her. Look at her face, what she has to do. This looks like a hostage video. Check this out.

Could you nominate someone with allegations of child trafficking across state lines and having sex with a 17 year old? My understanding further on in the interview, they discussed the fact that once he finds out that she's 17, he stops having sex with her. Sonny, you have a legal note. I do have a legal note. Thank you, Whoopi.

Matt Gaetz has long denied all allegations, calling the claims, quote, invented, and saying in a statement to ABC News that this false smear following a three-year criminal investigation should be viewed with great skepticism, that DOJ investigation was closed with no charges being brought. We'll be right back.

I've seen a, oh my gosh, that is, you see the face? You see her face? She looks like she's really having a moment right there, you know? Folks, that's one of the finest corrections I've ever seen had to be issued under here. Everything she said, she just made up.

Then the legal department, I've been on these live sets. You haven't. Look at her face. Oh, this is an absolute classic. Someone is in her ear. You see the little IFB, Ivan? The little squiggly Secret Service kind of thing, right? Don't read into that too much. But it's the same one we use over there, right? Someone's in her ear going, Sonny, you can't say that on the air. We could be sued for defamation, for malice. You got to correct that.

She's a lawyer, man. They can't stop. Stay focused on my point though. In the beginning, folks, everybody's already throwing out the midterms. I know you're like, Oh damn, we just got over this election. Stop talking about the midterm. No, no, I'm moving right ahead. I want Trump to have a good four years, not just a good two years. And we need to win. You're not ready to move on. Okay, fine. I'm not ready to move on either. We're getting the first hundred days. I have you just wanted to, uh,

I need to win all the time. Gas pedal to the max, 9,000 RPMs. That's it. That's it. I am always high energy all the time. I'm always thinking about the next fight, karate man style. Always karate man. Jake, put karate man on there. I see. I want the nation to do a karate man along with cutesy time. Put that sucker on the air.

Can we do a Karate Man shirt? Or is that like some kind of trademark? Can someone look at any lawyers in the chat? Can you advise on that? They can't trademark the term Karate Man, right? I mean, Karate Man. I don't think someone in the chat, if you're a lawyer, like let us know if you have some expertise. I am not an attorney and I don't pretend to be. But I will say, unlike Sonny, I know not to defame people while I'm on the air. So there you go. Okay, good. Nice. This is Rumble. You guys are great, man. I love these guys. Rock solid. Here, please keep this up.

liberals, we are begging you guys, please keep it up. Keep doing the identity politics stuff and keep ignoring the issues that are impacting everyday Americans and the everyday Americans that kicked your asses out of office in a lot of these places and flipped every swing state in the presidential race. Here's another one. Here is, this is sad folks. I hate to do the emotional rollercoaster on this show, but you know, this, this, that's how we roll.

The Lake and Riley trial, Jose Ibarra was convicted yesterday. The crime is horrendous. This disgusting piece of garbage. I got to tell you, I'm not a huge fan of death penalty, as many of you know. However, this is one of those cases where, you know, I question him. I'm always open. I'm always open for a good debate on anything. Here is ABC.

You would think that this was a clear cut case where they could say the election's over. The people have spoken about immigration. The people have spoken.

The immigration issue was a clear winner for Donald Trump. This Lake and Riley trial is a clear indicator we have to be more secure at our borders. No, that doesn't happen at all. There is no self-reflection amongst the radical left at all. What does this ABC commentator do? Turn around and blame Donald Trump. And almost like an apologetic statement about the illegal immigrants. Totally, completely out of touch. Please, lefties, keep this up and you're never going to see power again. Check this out.

Yeah, Lake and Riley. This death of Lake and Riley and the subsequent trial has essentially been a massive political lightening rod here in this country. And you said it there yourself, the president-elect campaigning on the death of Lake and Riley and pointing to the current administration saying that their laws and what they're calling failed policies contributed to Lake and Riley's death. I wanna remind you that Ibarra entered this country

illegally in 2022, according to law enforcement officials. And he was paroled and released for further processing by ICE. Folks, that segment goes on for about another minute. And this is the ugliest, most sinful, immoral Republicans pounce I've ever seen. Did you listen to the testimony yesterday? The testimony by the friends and family of Lake and Riley?

Folks, Tom Holman, who's one of the toughest guys I know, the border czar nominee for Trump's administration incoming. This guy's tough. I mean, hard as nails, man. He really is. Do you see him get choked up on the air on Fox talking about this? I mean, it was tough to listen to. And this is the ABC take. Folks, the schism on the left is real. I'm going to be covering this over the course of the coming weeks in and out because it's important that you and I take advantage of it.

If we are going to bring this country back to sanity, we have to enforce this schism on the left. The schism on the left is this. If you heard it on my radio show yesterday, my podcast, I want you to tattoo it on your brain.

The crazies that lost in the last presidential election two weeks ago. They lost because they wanted open borders, men in the women's room and defunding the police, the crazy stuff. There is no reckoning for them at all. They're going to get crazier. I've just showed it to you. This was the clearest cut segment ever where they could have righted a wrong and they didn't.

There is a wing of the party, though, the Van Jones kind of, you know, James Carville wing that is going to be great. They want power because that's where all their money and influence is. This schism is real. You're going to see it now. What happened in Bucks County yesterday where this schism, they're starting to realize some of the not crazy lefties that they better get on the right side of this stuff quick.

I'm going to take a quick break. I'm going to get back to that. And Scott Pressler just destroying, destroying it yesterday over in Pennsylvania, Bucks County, giving a great speech. Hey, Berna, listen, when it comes to protecting your family, it's not just about a firearm. It's not the answer for every situation. Imagine an imminent threat comes to you and your family. Well, instinct may drive you to reach for a firearm immediately.

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Order your home gym today at That's Save all those gym fees. Go to Get their all-in-one machine. I was doing the one arm. You have that picture again? Instead of the pull-downs, I was doing them one arm at an angle, and my lats today are so sore. You know, like your armpit there? I feel like I got a knife in my armpit. That's how sore I am.

Yeah, cutesy time is definitely over. All right. So you're seeing it in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where what happened? There's an election official, you've probably seen the video, who unbelievably admitted on camera that she wanted to count ballots that the court system had ruled were invalid. In other words, she appeared to, on video, indicate she wanted to steal an election. This is the kind of thing. Watch, folks. This is why I'm telling you the schism. The schism is real right now.

This is the kind of thing years ago that even fake moderate Democrats would go along with. Remember Stacey Abrams insisting she won the governor's race in Georgia over Brian Kemp? Remember that? It was, what, eight years ago? Even though she lost by like 50,000 votes? Almost no one spoke out against her. Even the, quote, you know, normie Democrats went along like, oh, yeah, yeah, just say it was stolen. We don't care.

What's happening now? Pay attention to your buddy. I'm not steering you wrong. It's a small portion of the Democrat Party, but not insignificant. They're starting to see the light that this ain't going to roll anymore. Someone put the squeeze on this Bucks County commissioner in Pennsylvania and said, hey, man, you better come out and you better say something because you're making us look like assholes. We can't call these guys election deniers while you're on camera basically trying to steal an election.

Here she is, but notice she doesn't go all the way. She blames Roe v. Wade and she does kind of a Republicans pounce. So it's kind of a fake apology, but someone squeezed her. Make no mistake. Check this out. I apologize and I will continue to work hard for you and endeavor to make not make such a mistake again. I will also clarify one more thing. When I inartfully spoke and used the word precedent when I was talking about provisional ballots.

I was referring to the United States Supreme Court and the precedent that has been lost on many issues including Roe versus Wade. If you would just bear with me for one more minute. Unfortunately, I took my frustration out on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, many of whom are friends of mine and who I respect and whose decisions are complicated, difficult, and important.

We are all going to learn lessons from this new media landscape. And most of all, I am. I am a small fish in this big pond. I do not have a megaphone on Twitter or CNN, or I am not a secretary of state. I don't run a presidential campaign. This is the only opportunity I have had to set the record straight. Thank you for listening to me. Today is the only chance I have to stop the snowballing. And I don't really think I could apologize anymore. But I am truthfully sorry.

Who's the news now? Who's the more? More. Who's the news now? I know not everyone went to Penn State, but we are. Penn Staters will get that. We're the news now. You notice how she says that at the end? I'm not familiar with this new media landscape. No, you're not. No, you're not, lady. You are not familiar with the new media landscape. Clearly, who's in charge now? We are. Who made this a story? Us. You. You.

You look, I didn't know you did people like me and all of these conservative MAGA podcasters sent that video out and you made it a story. And now someone put the squeeze because the schism is real. The non crazy Democrats, the fake moderate, they're fake because they're still, they'll be liberals when they need them. The fake moderate,

moderate Democrats are realizing they've got a problem. They are out of touch with mainstream America. They got in her ear and I'm telling you this conversation happened. They said, we're trying to accuse them of being election deniers. You're on video actually doing it. And why? Because we're in charge. Remember Bain? Do you feel like you're in charge? Because you're not. It's ours now. You know who the new media people are?

Us, Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Theo Vaughn, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, we're in charge now. I want you to watch this. You were the news. This was Scott Pressler, who did an absolutely incredible amount of work in Pennsylvania in turning this state from blue to purple to now what may be a red state, which would destroy the Democrats' chances in the future of winning a presidential election.

Here is Pressler at the exact same meeting calling bullshit on this Bucks County Commissioner. What's her name? Diane something or whatever, I don't even really care. This is worth your time, check this out. And now here before us, it's on the world stage that we have a commissioner quote by Diane Marsiglia, precedent by a court doesn't matter anymore in this country.

People violate laws any time they want. And if I, meaning Diane Marsiglia, violate this law, it's because I want a court to pay attention to it.

Well, Commissioner, the court already ruled that undated and misstated mail-in ballots could not be counted. You knew that going into the meeting. And I want to congratulate the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This speech I'm doing right now is going to be seen by millions across the country, the Commonwealth, and the world. And I have a message. Congratulations to President-elect Donald J. Trump, the 45th and 47th President...

Of the United States of America. You go, brother. You go, man. Listen, man, that guy is just aces, man. And it's important that I use my show as the number one conservative podcast out there right now.

It's important I use my show to celebrate others and bring them up too. Folks, I mean it. I mean it. This show is absolutely committed to floating everybody's boat up. Whether it's Evita's, Steven Crowder's show, this movement, make no mistake, this is not faux humility or anything. It's not about me.

I appreciate that I'm a part of it and you have made me a part of it, but this movement is not about me. It's about floating everybody's boat up because I'm not for everyone, folks. Someone tweeted out yesterday, you know, no one thanks their audience more. It's because it matters to me. Think about it. We have 162,000 people watching this show, and it was a DDoS attack on Rumble in three states and not small ones either, and we're still closing in on our biggest audience of the week.

That's how freaking loyal you guys and ladies are. And my gosh, I love you for it. Thank you so much. You are the news now. This is a real story. It's not about backslaps. It's about how now it's time to floor the freaking gas pedal. When you're done with me, go watch Graham Allen. When you're done with Graham Allen, watch Crowder. When you're done with Crowder, watch Tucker. Then watch Rogan or whatever. You,

don't need old school media anymore. Here's MSNBC Morning Joe, which their ratings are just falling off planet Earth. I think we have a far bigger audience than them at this point between audio and video. Here's Morning Joe starting to come to the realization that this is a real problem for them in the future. That we, we, the new media ecosystem, whatever you want to call it, they call it the Rogan sphere, I don't care what you call it, we're in charge. And now they know it. Watch this.

One in five adults regularly get their news from influencers on social media. The number is even higher among younger Americans, with almost 40% under the age of 30 getting their news from those sources. According to the Pew Research Center, the social media site X.

remains the most widely accessed platform, followed by Instagram and YouTube. I mean, that comes obviously for political news. And Mike, that's the challenge. You grew up in a newsroom like Gene grew up in a newsroom. I mean, that's a lot of challenge. That's a challenge for a lot of mainstream media sources is do they make themselves relevant again?

Folks, it's over for them. It's over. I'm in an exceptionally good mood today. Friday's closing in. Got a big weekend planned. Hanging out. We're going to be at Blackbird this weekend, one of my favorite restaurants. I always have a good time. The owner there, Cleve, is just one of the most amazing guys. Just really, like, you know, real patriot. Loves the country. Folks, I want to make sure that I don't waste your time.

This is only going to get better for us going forward if we take advantage of it. And by better, I mean something very specific. Hopefully I get to this article today or tomorrow from Real Clear Politics. Guy, can you just throw it up on the screen, the one about the electoral dynamics changing? It was at the end of the show. I'll get to it in more detail hopefully today or tomorrow at some point.

You have a number of factors. You want to feel good? Listen to this segment. The stars are aligning for a long-term MAGA realignment. This article in Real Clear, it's in the newsletter, slash newsletter. Why Democrats are losing tomorrow's elections today.

Here are these factors lining up at the exact same time. Number one, and again, I'll discuss this in more detail another time. People are leaving liberal states and moving to conservative states, but the people leaving are the conservatives. It's creating a real problem for blue states because they lose two things. One, they lose members of Congress because the members of Congress you have in a number are based on the population. Less population, fewer members of Congress. That's a good thing for us.

And then more members of Congress from red States. But second, they lose votes in the electoral college and the presidential race too, because the electoral college votes are based on population too. Folks, this is a double whammy for them. Now combine that with the fact that fewer and fewer people, one in five are watching old school, mainstream liberal media. And then again,

Factor number three, the one in five that are still watching it, only 31% of those people, according to that poll we saw before the election, only 31% of people actually believe what they're being told by the mainstream media.

I'm not telling you we're not going to have some setbacks. I'm just telling you on a Thursday, the weekend's coming. We just won this election. The appointees have been great. The tide is all coming in for us, man. It is absolutely a delicious time to be alive.

The trend lines for us are all positive. You got a gun to my head right now and you say, who do you want to be long-term, a Democrat or Republican agnostic of ideology? You 100% want to be a Republican. Every trend line is going in our direction. You did this. You chose as your source of media, all of those outlets I just mentioned, Rumble, X, Truth,

And now they're all being left behind. And the problem is the people left behind. Think about what I just said. The math matters. I hope this isn't boring. Is this stupid? I'm sorry. This segment is so critical to understanding and being able to decipher what's happening now and in the future. Only one in five is getting, only one in five people are getting their news from old school sources. Only about 30% of those people actually believe what they're being told. It's creating a bubble.

Let's go back to the beginning of the show. In that bubble, they're only talking to each other. They're still telling each other defund the police is great. People want men in the women's bathroom. Tell black people they're victims. Tell Asians you're not allowed in school no matter how hard you work. They're still telling them that.

Because they can't escape the bubble because they're only talking to each other in that isolated thing. Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. We haven't used a Scott Jennings clip in a while. I like this guy over at CNN. Here he is. He's the Republican commentator over there trying to explain this to the CNN crew that you guys don't get it because you can't get it because you live in this bubble and nothing's going to change until you pop it. Watch this. I do think we have a crisis of especially young men in this country who

And they're in many ways disconnected from the rest of their families, disconnected from their communities, disconnected from our political culture, disconnected from our civil culture. And that's a real problem for a society that depends on all of us to be engaged and working together to make it as good of a country and as good of a society as it can be. I think the Democrats in this election made men feel like that

The patriarchy is over, boys, and we're going to put you in the back seat for a while and you're just going to have to accept it without any thought to the ramifications of telling people who are out honestly trying to make a living, provide for their families, be good husbands, be good fathers. When you tell people who are doing their level best that either A, it's not good enough, or B, you're part of the problem. The schism, man. It is real.

Do you see how the lefties on the panel, if you're listening on Apple or Spotify, forgive me, I love our audio audience too. And some of you just prefer the audio medium and that's cool. I'll explain to you. Folks who are watching saw it as well as I did. You got to watch their faces on the panel. They're the bubble dwellers and they're on the left side of the schism. They're just going to get crazier. They're looking at him like,

You guys saw it, right? Like they're looking at him like he's a science experiment. Like we have you on because we know you appeal to a demographic. We're trying to get back some Republicans on CNN, but we don't actually believe you. They are. They're looking at him like they're waiting for something to happen. Like when you drop a Mentos in like a Diet Coke bottle or something like they don't really they're not listening to what he's saying. They're the bubble dwellers.

But proving my point again, that there are people on the left who are at least trying to get it, not because they're down with us or anything like that, but because they want to win and there's money involved. Here's an article from Axios about COVID, calling this the COVID election by Mike Allen.

People are now starting to realize what we warned them about COVID. And by the way, to the dipshits on Twitter, again, these people who like they don't even want to, you know, they come out and they, oh, you know, with COVID, some of me, you didn't do a lot of these people that you didn't do shit. I got banned from YouTube for warning people about the vaccine. And how many times am I going to tell you this about the damn vaccine?

It's number one, the biggest freaking mistake of my life. I'm still taking natto kinase to this day, terrified about it. And second, I had cancer. I had two choices.

Die or get treatment with vaccine. So you can shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. At no point ever, I will give you a million dollars. If you can, a million dollars cash. If you can point to a segment of the show where I told anyone, hey, you have to go get this vaccine. It's awesome because you'll never find it. It'd be the easiest million ever made. Why not just make the money?

I mean to get off on a tangent, but I get that. Nothing pisses me off more than stupidity on the platform. It drives me crazy. There's so many morons there. We were on the right side of this. I'm not allowed on YouTube. I can show you the emails because I told people with COVID, these people are messing with you. Do not put the face diaper on your face. It doesn't work. And they said, we're going to kick you off. All right, fine. Kick me off. And they did. Best thing I ever did was go to Rumble.

Sorry. I see I got to stop. I get too crazy with stuff. I told you. That stuff, there's two things that bother me, the primary and the mask stuff and the vax stuff. Because if you don't know what it's like to face that awful choice, stick this freaking thing in your arm without knowing the side effects or don't get treatment and die, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And people attacking me for it, it's disgusting.

I hope that doesn't happen to you or your kids ever. And you're faced with these awful choices. You take shots at me all you want, but you're a piece of shit. And just know I know that. I get all distracted. You see, that drives Guy crazy. He's like, you got to stay on point. We've got a whole show. Okay, I'm back. See how he turned on like that? The COVID election. You see the schism? There are people in the fake moderate side who are realizing their COVID tyranny really destroyed their entire party brand. Liberal Democrat communists.

Simmering frustration over COVID precautions helped return Trump to the White House. And some public health experts fear the public's trust in science has been irreparably damaged. Wait, leave this up. Fear? You fear it may be irreparably damaged? It's irreparable. There's no, it's done. You destroyed it. Put the mask on. A freaking mask?

Jam this thing in your arm. Well, what's in it? I don't know. We'll figure it out later. They know some experts now say they took the wrong tone. The wrong tone. The wrong tone. Take this motherfucking jam, but we're going to fire you from your job. That's not the wrong tone, you commies. They took the wrong tone. Here, I love how they frame this too. Check this out. When trying to defend safety measures like masks, it was not a safety measure. It was not a safety measure.

or build confidence in the vaccines, the Wall Street Journal reports, into a deep dive into the pandemic's long-lasting political impact. Folks, their COVID tyranny with you was two simultaneous things at the same time. It was the most disgusting act of political tyranny we've seen in the United States in 50, 60 years. And simultaneously, ironically, it was the greatest political gift the freedom and liberty movement ever got.

Because the COVID tyranny, tell me in the chat, Botchino, get on the case. Yes, you agree with me or no, you didn't. I'm serious. I want your opinion. I think more than anything else, more than even open borders and identity politics tyranny, I think the COVID tyranny is what turned more, quote, normies over to the MAGA movement than anything else.

Right? Yeah. Oh, man. I think we're tearing up. We may break the chat. Maybe it wasn't the best. Sneaky Gemini. Yes. Anna Everett. Yes. You're damn right. 200. We're blowing up the chat again. 200 chats per second on this. The COVID tyranny. I can't tell you how many. Oh, my gosh. Burn that thing down.

Burn it to the ground, kids. Burn it to the ground. Chris, I'm sorry. I know we're probably overloading your servers at the wrong time, but that's what the Army does. When we take over and we're in town, we clean up servers everywhere. Whatever's wrong there, we just knocked it right out. Anyone trying to DDoS, you can't even get in because the Bongino Army's tearing it up. Look at this. Tear it up. Yeah, baby.

The COVID tyranny. You know how many neighbors came to me? I can't believe the school board wanted to put masks on my kids. Oh, man, did we just crash that sucker? You guys are great. I love you guys. COVID tyranny did it more than anything.

Folks, the schism is real and we need to take advantage of it now because we have an opportunity now to do significant damage to the liberal communist collectivist movement. And the only way we're going to do it is with gas down, pedal down, no stopping, midterms coming up.

We're going to move legislation. But secondly, what's policy? Policy is policy. No, people are policy. You are not going to do anything in government without the right people. Why do they hate Matt Gaetz? Matt Gaetz, the Trump's nominee, of course, for attorney general. I'm going to show you some quickie moments why they can't stand Matt Gaetz and why Kash Patel is a great choice at FBI as well. Despite some of the bullshit, the deep state op going on against them. If you see it, you'll know exactly. It's a total op. I promise you.

It's a total op. And by the way, I did not in any way attack anonymous accounts. I attacked deep state anonymous accounts. If you didn't, if you can't comprehend that from what I said, you don't belong on my show. Just beat it. You're too stupid to understand what I was saying. Not I, what are you talking about? Like I've been an investor in an entire free speech economy where some of the most controversial speakers in the world can only speak because of our investments.

anonymous or not deep state anonymous accounts pretending to be one of us I hate your guts and I know exactly what you're doing you're deep staters I know it I'm sure of it they're attacking all of these people for a reason they're trying to smoke you up watch Matt Gates with this assistant director of the FBI and 100 Biden laptop this is why they want to make this guy go away check this out so where is it the laptop

Sir, I'm not here to talk about the laptop. I'm here to talk about the FBI cyber program. You are the assistant director of FBI cyber.

I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is. Where is it? Sir, I don't know that answer. That is astonishing to me. Has FBI cyber assessed whether or not Hunter Biden's laptop could be a point of vulnerability, allowing America's enemies to hurt our country? Now, you're telling me right here is that as the assistant director of FBI cyber, you don't know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago. Yes, sir. That's an accurate statement.

How are Americans supposed to trust that you can protect us from the next colonial pipeline if it seems that you can't locate a laptop that was given to you three years ago from the first family, potentially creating vulnerabilities for our country? I seek unanimous consent to enter into the record of this committee the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, which I'm in possession of.

This is why they don't want Matt Gaetz, folks. They're scared of the people because people are policy. Policy is not policy. Ask Joe Biden when it comes to student loans.

Here's another guy they're afraid of, Kash Patel over at FBI. Why? Because Kash knows where the bodies are buried. The FBI has become too focused on intel, spying on Americans, all things he's been calling out public for seven, eight years now. It's why they don't want it. It's why the deep state's running a bot operation against them. Here's Kash on the two-tiered system of justice. This is why they don't want him over there. Watch this. The biggest problem I have right now is a two-tier system of justice.

And that's the biggest argument we need to advance, not the QAnon, Shanon, whatever that guy's name is, or certain videos depicting X, Y and Z, but use it as a vehicle to say, look at how differently you can be treated by the justice system in the United States of America, depending on your political orientation. Go back to the Antifa riots of not last summer, but the summer before that to say,

liberal attorneys, white shoe lawyers, firebombed a New York City police car and burned it to the ground with Molotov cocktails. And the judge called him a good guy. Literally. Good guy.

Federal. So they were charged, obviously, rightfully so. As a federal prosecutor, a federal public defender who defended people who did that stuff. That's a 10 year minimum mandatory federal prison sentence. You know what this DOJ did? Waived the charges, allowed the judge to go under the min man and gave him basically probation. That's a two tier system of justice. Mark my word, it's going to happen with this. So that's why they don't want him. Every single thing I've told you is a problem with the FBI.

FISA spying on American citizens, a love affair with intelligence gathering on us and a two tiered system of justice. He's been publicly calling out forever. What else would you want? A nominee. He's got the perfect portfolio for this. That's why it's not a friends thing. I don't do friends. I do spreadsheets. Plus one minus one. That's it.

Folks, thank you so much. I love you guys. Sorry about the little tech hiccup in the beginning. We still had 167,000 people, which is just amazing. You guys are so loyal, and I want you to know that loyalty matters the world to me. I cannot thank you enough. I love the Bongino Army. It's an honor to be part of it. I'll keep you updated with any news. I have not heard anything from anyone. I just want to say that clearly. You guys are going to hear anything first, okay? I have not heard anything from anyone.

All right. Please download the Rumble app. Join us every single day on Rumble at 11 a.m. live. You can watch it on demand anytime. slash Bongino. Please click that subscribe button. It is absolutely free. You'll get the alerts when we go live. Really appreciate it. See you on the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes. And back here live tomorrow at 11 a.m. See you then. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.