cover of episode A Glorious Day Of Liberal Meltdowns (Ep. 2366)

A Glorious Day Of Liberal Meltdowns (Ep. 2366)

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The Dan Bongino Show

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Dan Bongino
@Dan Bongino 认为特朗普的胜利是压倒性的,提前投票策略破坏了对手的计票策略,使其无法作弊。他批评某些州的选举计票过程存在问题,导致全国陷入混乱,并呼吁改进。他还讨论了特朗普团队的权力交接准备工作,以及他认为特朗普上任第一天应该采取的行动,包括解雇政府官员和执行特定政策。他认为自由派人士对选举结果的反应非常激烈,他们对团结毫无兴趣。他批评纽约州总检察长蒂什·詹姆斯对选举结果的反应愚蠢且具有煽动性。他指出,特朗普当选后,针对他的法律诉讼将不再继续。他认为左派人士现在质疑2020年大选的结果,这与他们之前的立场相矛盾。他解释了选举人团制度的重要性,以及为什么许多自由派人士不理解它。他认为2020年大选存在舞弊行为,导致特朗普不得不面对额外的四年任期。他指出自由派人士的言行前后矛盾。他认为大多数民主党人无法反思自己的失败,并试图将责任推卸给他人。他批评“永不川普”人士仍在试图阻挠特朗普,这表明他们没有从选举结果中吸取教训。他还批评林肯计划等组织一再失败,但仍在媒体中占据一席之地。他认为共和党初选是有益的,因为它能够使候选人变得更强大。他认为媒体对特朗普的报道存在偏见,并且缺乏自我反省能力。他指出民主党内部开始出现互相指责。他认为民主党将失败归咎于与丽兹·切尼的合作。他认为奥巴马对特朗普的攻击促使特朗普竞选总统。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Trump's victory lead to significant liberal meltdowns?

Trump's landslide victory exposed deep divisions and frustrations within the liberal base, leading to widespread emotional reactions and calls for censorship and unity from the left.

What immediate actions did the Trump team take post-victory?

The Trump team began meeting with the transition team to strategize filling the next administration and started considering potential candidates for key positions.

How did black voter turnout impact Trump's victory in 2024?

Black voters in battleground states turned out for Trump in much greater numbers than in 2020, significantly contributing to his electoral success.

What were some of the key factors that led to Trump's re-election?

Key factors included high early voter turnout, strategic voting in battleground states, and significant support from black voters, which disrupted traditional electoral calculations.

What were some of the immediate agenda items for the Trump administration post-election?

Immediate agenda items included firing FBI Director Chris Wray and other key officials, implementing executive orders on the border, and reauthorizing tax cuts and funding for the border wall.

How did the left react to the idea of unity after the election?

The left showed little interest in unity, instead doubling down on calls for censorship, social media regulation, and attacking political opponents, reflecting a lack of self-reflection and a continued focus on division.

What role did the Electoral College play in the election outcome, according to critics?

Critics argued that the Electoral College undermined the popular vote, particularly in states like California and New York, and contributed to perceptions of voter suppression.

How did the media and political analysts view the Never Trump movement's impact?

The media and political analysts viewed the Never Trump movement as a failure, noting that it failed to sway Republican voters and only served to strengthen Trump's support base.

What was the reaction within the Biden administration to the election results?

The Biden administration was surprised and in disbelief that their massive spending initiatives did not translate into political credit, leading to internal questioning and recriminations.

How did the left-wing media handle the election results, and what did it reveal about their perspective?

The left-wing media handled the election results with denial and continued to push narratives about Trump's fascism and threats to democracy, revealing a lack of self-reflection and a refusal to acknowledge their role in the political landscape.

Dan Bongino discusses the issues with vote counts in key states like Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, questioning why these states struggle with timely and accurate vote counting despite being part of the wealthiest country in the world.
  • Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona faced significant delays in vote counting.
  • Dan Bongino criticizes these states for their inefficiencies and lack of transparency.
  • He emphasizes the importance of fixing these issues to maintain national trust in the election process.

Shownotes Transcript

More! More! In this episode, I compile some of the most unhinged reactions to Trump's landslide victory, plus a full breakdown of the key factors that led to his election and what we can expect for the next four years.

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