cover of episode Inflation Is Easing, So Why Doesn’t It Always Feel That Way? Your Questions Answered

Inflation Is Easing, So Why Doesn’t It Always Feel That Way? Your Questions Answered

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WSJ What’s News

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Zittner
Greg Ip
Harriet Torrey
Luke Vargas
Harriet Torrey:整体通货膨胀已大幅下降,但食品等价格自疫情以来大幅上涨,对消费者造成持续的经济压力。服务业通胀居高不下,且服务业占据人们每月支出的很大一部分,某些服务价格(如托儿服务和交通服务)持续上涨,令人沮丧。 Greg Ip:汽车保险价格上涨是汽车价格上涨的滞后效应,因为保险公司需要获得州监管机构的批准才能提高保费。历史表明,价格不太可能回到几年前的水平,人们最终会适应新的价格水平,但前提是美联储能够将通货膨胀率控制在正常水平(约2%)。某些类别可能会出现短暂的通货紧缩,但整体通货紧缩不太可能出现,持续的通货紧缩通常是经济衰退的症状。随着时间的推移,工资和物价往往会同步变化,过去一年中,工人的购买力已经超过通货膨胀。政府或消费者很难迫使企业降低利润和价格,因为企业的主要目标是为股东创造最高利润。但随着需求下降和竞争加剧,一些公司已经开始关注价格。美联储是控制通货膨胀的主要政策制定者,经济衰退是降低通货膨胀的有效方法,但代价是失业率上升。 Luke Vargas:即使某些商品价格有所下降,但其他价格的滞后上涨也可能导致预算难以维持。住房成本(租金或抵押贷款)是人们最大的支出,并且一直在上涨。民众对通货膨胀持续高企感到沮丧。 Alex Zittner:通货膨胀是今年大选中的一个重要问题,尤其是在那些尚未决定投票给谁的选民中。民主党在通货膨胀问题上处于劣势,因为民调显示选民更信任特朗普在处理通货膨胀问题上的能力。民主党试图承认通货膨胀问题并采取措施解决,而特朗普则试图将通货膨胀归咎于拜登政府。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the topic of inflation, highlighting the disconnect between economic data and people's everyday experiences with rising prices and stagnant wages.

Shownotes Transcript

Inflation may be coming down, but when will prices –from items in our grocery carts to insurance premiums– stop climbing so fast? And when will wages catch up to make the cost increases of recent years stop hurting so much? WSJ economics reporter Harriet Torry) and WSJ chief economics commentator Greg Ip) answer your questions about how economic data and Americans’ everyday experience don’t seem to match—and what can be done about it. Luke Vargas hosts.

Further Reading

Why Inflation Might Not Win the Election for Trump

Why the Fed Should Cut Rates Now—Not Wait Until September

This Doesn’t Look Like Recession. Here’s How One Could Happen.

Economic Growth Quickens, Rising at 2.8% Rate in Second Quarter

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