cover of episode How Investors’ Bets With Borrowed Money Unraveled Markets

How Investors’ Bets With Borrowed Money Unraveled Markets

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Emily Glazer
Francesca Fontana
Gregory Zuckerman
Jinju Lee
Francesca Fontana: 本期节目讨论了近期市场因投资者过度使用杠杆交易而导致的暴跌,以及人工智能快速发展对美国能源价格的影响。投资者在市场乐观情绪下过度借贷,导致风险累积,最终引发市场动荡。 Emily Glazer: 马斯克的超级政治行动委员会"美国PAC"在运作过程中出现问题,在距离美国大选仅剩几个月的时间里更换了许多供应商,这给特朗普的竞选活动带来了不确定性。特朗普竞选团队的基层组织薄弱,严重依赖外部团体来提升其影响力。 Gregory Zuckerman: 投资者过度使用杠杆进行交易,导致市场动荡。日元套利交易的失败是由于日元走势与预期相反,美元贬值。"Mag7交易"(押注七只科技股)因乐观情绪过度而失败,投资者被迫平仓止损。投资者被迫平仓或主动平仓以减少损失。 Jinju Lee: 人工智能的快速发展导致对数据中心的电力需求增加,从而可能导致美国能源价格上涨。PJM互联电力系统公司最近的容量拍卖结果显示,电力供应紧张,价格上涨。各州正在重新考虑对数据中心建设的激励措施,以应对电力价格上涨。 Francesca Fontana: 本期节目还报道了以色列军队高度戒备,以应对伊朗和真主党可能发动的袭击,以及欧盟官员致函马斯克,警告其注意欧盟的网络内容规则等国际新闻。

Deep Dive

Israel has placed its military on high alert due to concerns about potential attacks from Iran and Hezbollah. The Pentagon is also reinforcing its presence in the Middle East, indicating heightened tensions and potential impacts on ongoing peace efforts in Gaza.

Shownotes Transcript

P.M. Edition for Aug. 12. The rapid decline of several popular trades and the heavy use of leverage sparked last week’s markets meltdown. WSJ special writer Gregory Zuckerman) breaks down how borrowed money) and risky bets set off a stock-market roller coaster. And Heard on the Street columnist Jinjoo Lee) explains why the AI boom could cause a hike in Americans’ power bills). Plus, Israel puts its military on high-alert) on the possibility of an attack by Iran and Hezbollah. Francesca Fontana hosts. 

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