John Hickey:案发时为一名年轻的消防员,与Jennifer McKay交往。他热爱生活,即将进入消防学院,拥有美好的未来。
Jennifer McKay:John Hickey的女友,在John Hickey失踪后报警。她与Daniel Green有婚外情,并向警方提供了关键线索。
Daniel Green:Jennifer McKay的前男友,已婚消防员。他因与Jennifer McKay的婚外情以及对Jennifer McKay失去控制而被指控谋杀了John Hickey。
Jen Green:Daniel Green的妻子,最初为Daniel Green提供不在场证明,后因良心发现而改变证词,成为控方的关键证人。
Lester Holt:Dateline节目的主持人,介绍了案件的背景和调查过程。
Dennis Murphy:Dateline节目的记者,对案件进行了详细的报道。
Kim Hickey:John Hickey的母亲,对儿子的死感到悲痛欲绝。
Scott Amey:John Hickey的朋友,证实了John Hickey汽车刹车被人为破坏。
Brian McDermott:John Hickey的导师,评价了John Hickey的职业素养。
John Hickey的叔叔:描述了John Hickey与Jennifer McKay的恋情。
侦探Val Vaughn:负责调查此案的侦探,与John Hickey的家人建立了深厚的情感联系。
侦探Ryan O'Connor:协助侦探Val Vaughn调查此案的侦探。
John Hickey, a beloved firefighter, was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to the head. His family and friends are devastated and baffled by his sudden death. Police investigate his girlfriend, Jennifer McKay, who had called for a wellness check on John after he went silent. The investigation reveals a series of strange events leading up to John's death, including harassing phone calls, the sudden death of his dog, and tampered brakes in his car.