cover of episode Talking Dateline: The Killer Among Them

Talking Dateline: The Killer Among Them

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Dateline NBC

Andrea Canning
Josh Mankiewicz
乔什·曼基维茨和安德莉亚·卡宁讨论了安德莉亚的节目《杀手在他们之中》。1996年,亚特兰大百万富翁兰斯·赫顿在家中被发现遭钝器袭击致死。调查人员仔细调查了兰斯的生活,发现了可能导致他被谋杀的复杂关系。乔什和安德莉亚讨论了在犯罪现场留下的各种线索,安德莉亚分享了警探与兰斯杀手的猫鼠游戏,以及警方问讯的更多内容。他们还回答了观众和听众关于该集节目的问题,乔什预告了他的全新原创播客系列《致命幻象》。 安德莉亚·卡宁详细描述了案发现场的诡异之处,例如女友照片面朝下、停摆的钟表、扳手等,这些线索增加了案件的悬念,如同一个谜题。她还提到了警方最初推测口香糖包装纸是凶手在屋外观察受害者时丢弃的。 乔什·曼基维茨指出,受害者兰斯·赫顿生前风流成性,与多名女性有染,这可能是导致他被害的原因之一。但他同时强调,兰斯并非十恶不赦,他也有善良的一面,对朋友很友善,乐于助人。 安德莉亚·卡宁谈到了受害人的儿子哈里森,尽管经历了父亲的离世,但生活依然积极向上,并以父亲为榜样。她还提到哈里森称呼父亲为兰斯而非爸爸,因为他从小由继父抚养长大,对兰斯印象更像是一个传奇人物。 乔什·曼基维茨和安德莉亚·卡宁讨论了凶手迪安娜的行为,她伪造信件,在警方的审讯中表现得过于自信,撒谎,并且与警方进行了一场“猫鼠游戏”。迪安娜在警方的审讯中表现异常,例如微笑等,这与案件的严重性不相符。 节目中还播放了迪安娜的警方问讯录音片段,她声称在兰斯死后感到害怕,担心有人在监视她。 乔什·曼基维茨总结了迪安娜在审判中的过程,她最初被定罪,但后来上诉成功,并在第二次审判中被判犯有误杀罪,服刑十年。 节目最后,乔什·曼基维茨介绍了自己的新播客节目《致命幻象》,讲述的是一起发生在加州的涉及开放式婚姻、婚外情和谋杀的案件。 迪安娜在警方问讯中表现得非常自信,她认为自己比警方更聪明,试图通过撒谎来误导调查。然而,她的谎言最终被警方识破。迪安娜的言行举止与案件的严重性极不相符,例如她在警方的审讯中竟然微笑,这更加暴露了她内心的虚伪和狡诈。 案发现场的诸多细节也暗示了凶手的身份。例如,受害者女友的照片被故意面朝下放置在床上,这表明凶手对受害者女友怀有强烈的敌意。停摆的钟表也暗示了凶手精心策划了这场谋杀。 受害者兰斯·赫顿生前与多名女性有染,这为他树敌无数。他的复杂人际关系为案件的侦破增加了难度。然而,兰斯也并非一无是处,他也有善良的一面,对朋友很友善,乐于助人。 受害人的儿子哈里森尽管经历了父亲的离世,但生活依然积极向上,并以父亲为榜样。这体现了哈里森的坚强和乐观。 本案的侦破过程充满了曲折和挑战,警方与凶手之间展开了一场精彩的猫鼠游戏。最终,凶手迪安娜被绳之以法,但案件的真相却依然扑朔迷离。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the title 'The Killer Among Them' resonate with the story of Lance Herndon's murder?

The title 'The Killer Among Them' resonates because the killer was someone close to Lance, having attended his birthday party shortly before the murder. It emphasizes the unexpected nature of the crime and the close-knit social circle involved.

Why did the crime scene of Lance Herndon's murder seem so unusual?

The crime scene was unusual due to the numerous clues left behind, such as the girlfriend's picture face down, stopped clocks, and gum wrappers on the ground. These details suggested a deliberate attempt to manipulate the investigation.

Why did Lance Herndon have a complex social life, and how did it affect the investigation?

Lance Herndon had a complex social life, involving multiple women, many of whom had legitimate reasons to be upset with him. This complexity made the investigation challenging, as it provided a wide range of potential suspects.

Why did Harrison, Lance Herndon's son, call his father by his first name instead of 'dad'?

Harrison called his father Lance because he was raised by a stepfather whom he considers his dad. Lance, to Harrison, is a larger-than-life character from his past, and this way of addressing him reflects the unique relationship they had.

Why did Diana's behavior during the police interrogation seem bizarre?

Diana's behavior during the police interrogation was bizarre because she appeared to be more concerned with her persona and the way she presented herself than with the gravity of the situation. She was smiling and acting in a way that seemed inappropriate given that her boyfriend had just been murdered.

Why did the prosecutor use a jar of muddy water as a prop during the trial?

The prosecutor used a jar of muddy water as a prop to symbolize the clarity that would come by the end of his argument. He shook the jar, making the water muddy, and by the time he finished, the water would be clear, illustrating how the evidence would make the defendant's guilt clear to the jury.

Why did the case against Diana face legal challenges, and what was the outcome?

The case against Diana faced legal challenges when her initial conviction was overturned on appeal. She was retried, but the second trial did not reach a verdict. She eventually accepted a manslaughter plea and served ten years in prison.

Why did Andrea feel when she watched an episode of Dateline featuring her on an airplane?

Andrea felt a mix of pride and a desire to share her experience with others, but she was not embarrassed. She wanted to tell the person next to her that it was her show, but she did not do so.

Why do Dateline producers sometimes have to pass on stories they want to cover?

Dateline producers sometimes have to pass on stories because the people involved want monetary compensation, which the show does not provide. Paying for interviews can change the nature of the story and encourage embellishment, so the producers avoid it.

Why did Lance Herndon's friend find his final phone call unusual?

Lance Herndon's friend found his final phone call unusual because it sounded like a goodbye, which was not typical of Lance. The friend thought it was odd for Lance to call out of the blue and speak in such a manner.

Josh Mankiewicz and Andrea Canning discuss the murder of Atlanta millionaire Lance Herndon, the clues at the crime scene, and the complicated social life that may have led to his death.
  • Lance Herndon was found bludgeoned to death in his home.
  • Investigators discovered complicated connections in his life that could have led to his murder.
  • The killer was among the people close to him, including someone who attended his birthday party shortly before his death.

Shownotes Transcript

Josh Mankiewicz and Andrea Canning sit down to talk about Andrea’s episode, “The Killer Among Them.” In 1996, Atlanta millionaire Lance Herndon was found bludgeoned to death in his suburban Atlanta home. Investigators took a closer look at Lance’s life and discovered complicated connections that could have led to his murder. Josh and Andrea discuss the various clues left at the crime scene and Andrea shares more of the cat-and-mouse game between detectives and Lance’s killer in the police interview. Plus, they answer viewer and listener questions about the episode and Josh gives a preview of his brand-new original podcast series, “Deadly Mirage.”

Listen to the full episode of "The Killer Among Them" here: