cover of episode Sen. Bernie Sanders on Making Government Deliver

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Making Government Deliver

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The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart

Bernie Sanders
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart认为,民主党在最近选举中的失利,部分原因在于未能认识到现行体制未能满足大多数选民的需求;政府应该更有效率地为民众提供服务,以重建民众对民主的信心;政府应该更关注底层民众的生活,而不是仅仅关注富人的财富;政府需要了解普通民众面临的困境,例如高昂的托儿费和教育费等。Bernie Sanders认为,特朗普胜选是因为他宣称现行体制已崩溃,并承诺将其打破,而民主党则选择修修补补维持现状;美国经济体制对底层人民不利,导致生活成本上升、贫富差距扩大等问题;过去50年,尽管工人效率大幅提高,但蓝领工人的实际收入却停滞不前,财富严重向富人转移;美国的政治系统腐败,富豪通过巨额资金操纵选举;医疗保健应该被视为一项人权,而不是商品,政府应该确保人人享有医疗保健;如果政府能够切实为人民服务,就能提升民众对民主的信心;政府应该对大型跨国公司进行监管,以保护弱势群体;即使在《公民联合诉联邦选举委员会案》之前,金钱就已经对美国政治产生了巨大的影响;共和党标榜自己代表普通民众,但这是一种虚假的民粹主义,因为他们的政策实际上损害了工人的利益;政府需要提高效率,切实为人民服务,以重建民众对政府的信任;政府应该保持邮政服务等公共服务的公益性质,而不是将其私有化;一些人试图通过削弱政府职能来推动私有化;如果政府能够有效地提供医疗服务,就能提高民众对政府的信任;美国的医疗保健系统效率低下,成本高昂,导致许多人无法获得医疗服务;应该改革医疗保健系统,消除盈利动机,提高效率;政府需要找到一种方法,以提高效率,从而在服务质量上与私人企业竞争;政府在为民众提供服务时效率低下,而在筹款方面却效率很高,这反映了政府的优先级问题;政府需要吸引更多有能力、有责任感的员工,以提高政府效率;繁琐的规章制度阻碍了政府效率的提高;政府需要简化规章制度,提高效率,但不能以牺牲环境保护和社会公平为代价;许多理工科毕业生选择进入金融行业,而不是从事科研或教育等领域,这反映了社会价值观的扭曲;美国社会需要改变价值观,重视公共服务领域的工作;美国社会需要改变价值观,重视劳动者的权益,确保劳动者的劳动得到合理的回报;工人们需要有能力与企业利益集团抗衡;应该缩短工作时间,让工人能够更好地平衡工作和生活;科技进步的成果应该惠及所有劳动者,而不是仅仅让富人更富;人工智能技术可能对就业市场造成巨大冲击,需要采取措施来应对;参议院的规则和程序阻碍了立法效率的提高;可以通过预算协调程序等方式来绕过参议院的规则和程序,提高立法效率;政府应该直接向民众提供援助,而不是仅仅向企业提供援助;《美国救援计划》有效地帮助了低收入家庭和弱势群体;只要政府有决心,就能有效地为人民服务。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Sen. Sanders believe the Democrats lost the 2024 election?

Sen. Sanders believes Democrats lost because they defended a broken status quo while Trump promised to smash it. Voters felt the Democrats weren't delivering for them economically, while Trump tapped into that angst, even though his solutions will likely benefit the billionaire class.

Why does Sen. Sanders think so many Americans are dissatisfied with democracy?

He argues that democracy isn't just about voting, but about government representing people's interests. He believes most Americans feel unrepresented due to a rigged economic system and a corrupt political system heavily influenced by billionaires.

Why does Sen. Sanders believe healthcare should be a human right?

He argues that establishing healthcare as a human right would transform people's attitudes toward government. He points to the heartbreak of medical bankruptcy, the high number of preventable deaths due to lack of access, and the exorbitant cost of healthcare in the U.S.

Why are drug prices so high in the U.S. according to Sen. Sanders?

Sen. Sanders asserts that the U.S. healthcare system prioritizes profits for drug companies over providing quality care. He highlights that the U.S. negotiates drug prices far less than other countries, leading to significantly higher costs.

How does Sen. Sanders suggest the government can regain public trust?

He believes the government must become more efficient and accountable, delivering services effectively. He cites examples of successful government programs like public schools and the VA healthcare system as models, and advocates for a shift in values to prioritize public service.

Why is Sen. Sanders critical of the current value system in America?

He criticizes the focus on becoming a billionaire as the ultimate goal, arguing it promotes a system where lying, cheating, and stealing are acceptable if they lead to financial success. He advocates for a shift in values where public service and essential work are respected and well-compensated.

Why does Sen. Sanders believe money in politics is a major problem?

He argues that the influence of billionaires and Super PACs prevents politicians from voting their conscience or representing their constituents' interests, leading to a corrupt political system. He cites the example of AIPAC's influence on votes regarding Israeli policy.

What solutions does Sen. Sanders propose to address the issue of money in politics?

He suggests public funding of elections and shorter campaign cycles as potential solutions, pointing to other countries as examples. He also criticizes the Supreme Court for weakening corruption statutes and legitimizing corrupt practices.

Why is Sen. Sanders concerned about the impact of AI on the workforce?

He worries about the rapid pace of AI development and its potential to displace workers, similar to how globalization impacted manufacturing jobs. He questions who will benefit from increased productivity and whether workers will see higher wages and shorter hours or if the rich will get richer.

What does Sen. Sanders suggest to improve government efficiency?

He advocates for streamlining bureaucratic processes, citing the example of Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro's rapid response to the I-95 collapse. He also emphasizes the need to attract talented individuals to public service by fostering pride in government work.

This chapter explores the declining faith in American government and the reasons behind it. It discusses the disconnect between the Democrats' perceived defense of the status quo and the needs of ordinary citizens struggling with economic hardship.
  • Americans' faith in government is at historic lows.
  • The economic system is perceived as rigged against ordinary people.
  • Billionaires are spending vast sums of money to influence elections.

Shownotes Transcript

As Americans’ faith in government reaches historic lows and billionaires turn their attention to government efficiency, we are joined by Senator Bernie Sanders. Together, we discuss how to restore trust in public institutions by making them more accountable and responsive to the needs of the people.

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Host/Executive Producer – Jon Stewart

Executive Producer – James Dixon

Executive Producer – Chris McShane

Executive Producer – Caity Gray

Lead Producer – Lauren Walker

Producer – Brittany Mehmedovic

Video Editor & Engineer – Rob Vitolo

Audio Editor & Engineer – Nicole Boyce

Researcher & Associate Producer – Gillian Spear

Music by Hansdle Hsu

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