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Financial Audit

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nick Loper
Wayne Seminoff
Nick Loper: 本期节目讨论了将看似无价值的土地(垃圾地块)转化为盈利性投资的方法。嘉宾Wayne Seminoff分享了他数十年来积累的经验,包括如何寻找、修复和转售这些地块,以及如何应对城市规划和法律法规等挑战。他强调了低价购买、解决问题、高价转售的策略,并分享了多个成功案例,例如将1000美元的土地变为40万美元的案例。他还介绍了寻找目标地块的方法,包括利用县政府公布的待拍卖土地清单,以及一些在线平台,例如bidforassets.com和Real Auction。 Wayne Seminoff: 我专注于寻找未被充分利用的、无法建造的土地,解决相关问题后高价转售。这些地块之所以无法建造,通常是因为产权问题、污水处理问题、通行权问题等。我总结了七种方法来解决这些问题,例如获得建筑规范的变异许可、进行边界线调整、解决潮汐问题等。通过解决这些问题,土地价值会大幅提升,甚至可以达到100倍以上。我分享了多个成功案例,例如将1000美元的土地变为50万美元甚至100万美元的案例。我还介绍了如何与城市官员沟通,获得建造许可,以及如何与土地所有者协商,以低价购买土地。此外,我还分享了一些失败案例,例如在Mercer Island的项目由于邻居反对而失败,导致损失了7.5万美元。我的投资策略是高风险高回报,我会每年购买10块左右的土地,并专注于解决这些土地的问题。我的目标是将我的知识分享给他人,帮助他们获得财务独立。 Wayne Seminoff: 我主要从那些不想要土地的人(don't-wanters)手中购买土地。这些人通常是继承了土地但并不关心土地的人,他们往往目光短浅,看不到土地的潜在价值。他们急于脱手土地,即使价格很低。我通常会在土地拍卖前联系土地所有者,并以低价购买土地。在处理土地的过程中,我会遇到各种各样的问题,例如产权问题、污水处理问题、通行权问题等。我会利用各种方法来解决这些问题,例如获得建筑规范的变异许可、进行边界线调整、解决潮汐问题等。我还学会了如何与城市官员沟通,获得建造许可,以及如何与邻居协商,获得土地的通行权。我的投资策略是高风险高回报,我会每年购买10块左右的土地,并专注于解决这些土地的问题。即使有些投资失败,成功案例也可以弥补失败案例的损失。

Deep Dive

Wayne Seminoff shares his expertise in turning unbuildable land into profitable investments. He discusses a case study where he transformed a $1,000 plot into a $400,000 asset by addressing title issues. He emphasizes buying from "don't wanters," individuals who don't recognize the potential value of their properties.
  • Look for unloved, unbuildable parcels with title, sewer, or access issues.
  • Target 'don't wanters'—individuals who have inherited properties or simply don't want to deal with them.
  • Lowball offers are often accepted by don't wanters.
  • Title issues can be resolved by obtaining quitclaim deeds from heirs or through quiet title actions.
  • The potential return on investment can be as high as 100x.

Shownotes Transcript

Introducing 629: Turning Junk Land Into Gold from The Side Hustle Show.

Follow the show: The Side Hustle Show)

How do you turn a "junk land" — a seemingly worthless piece of land — into a profitable investment?

We’ve talked about flipping products for a profit or real estate investing before. We’ve even talked about land investing.

But never like this.

Wayne Seminoff from specializes in finding unloved, unbuildable lots — then he fixes the issues — before reselling these new and improved lots for up to 10x his initial investment.

Tune in to Episode 629 of The Side Hustle Show to learn:

  • how Wayne flips junk land into profitable property

  • how to clear title issues and solve access problems

  • how to turn unbuildable lots into valuable assets

Full Show Notes: Turning Junk Land Into Gold)

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