cover of episode White Girl Would Rather .. Like.. Eat Than Grow Up 💅🏻 | Financial Audit

White Girl Would Rather .. Like.. Eat Than Grow Up 💅🏻 | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

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共同主持《Ken McElroy Show》,专注于房地产投资和财务教育。
Danielle: 我是一名24岁的碰撞调查员和琐事主持人,目前正在攻读公共卫生硕士学位。我面临着高额债务问题,主要是因为搬家费用、汽车维修费用以及一些不必要的消费。我承认自己的消费习惯存在问题,没有很好地管理财务,也没有建立紧急基金。我参加这个节目是为了更好地了解自己的财务状况,并寻求改善。 我之前的工作是烧烤店员工,收入较低。现在我的工作收入还可以,但由于消费习惯不好,导致负债累累。我有很多信用卡债务,其中一张信用卡的利息高达30%。我也有学生贷款,以及为搬家、汽车维修和宠物购买而借的贷款。我意识到自己对利息和财务知识的了解不足,需要学习如何更好地管理财务。 我承认自己存在一些不合理的消费,例如经常外出就餐、购买不必要的物品以及订阅各种服务。我也尝试过一些副业,例如琐事主持,但收入并不稳定。我需要改变自己的消费习惯,并制定一个合理的预算计划,才能摆脱目前的财务困境。 Caleb Hammer: Danielle的财务状况非常糟糕,她的支出远远超过她的收入。她没有紧急基金,也没有良好的储蓄习惯。她的债务问题主要源于不合理的消费习惯和对财务知识的缺乏。她需要学习如何制定预算、管理信用卡和贷款,以及建立紧急基金。 Danielle的收入高于圣马科斯市的平均水平,但她却将大部分收入花在了外出就餐、购买非必需品以及其他不必要的开支上。她的消费习惯非常不健康,导致她负债累累。她需要改变这种消费习惯,并学习如何更好地管理自己的财务。 我建议Danielle制定一个详细的预算计划,并优先偿还高利息债务。她应该减少不必要的消费,并建立一个紧急基金。她还需要学习如何更好地管理信用卡和贷款,以及如何进行投资和储蓄。通过改变消费习惯和学习财务知识,Danielle可以摆脱目前的财务困境,并拥有一个更光明的财务未来。

Deep Dive

Danielle, a crash investigator and trivia host, reveals her financial struggles despite earning a decent income. She discusses her recent move, which resulted in unexpected expenses and the decision to take out a loan. Her bubbly personality contrasts with the concerning details of her debt.
  • Danielle works as a crash investigator and trivia host.
  • She recently moved into a house, incurring significant moving costs.
  • She took out a loan to cover the expenses.
  • She is pursuing a master's degree in public health education and promotion.
  • Her income is above the median for her area.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hi there. My name is Danielle. I'm 24 and I am from San Marcos, Texas. And this is Financial Audit. There it is. Thanks. Thanks for coming here. I appreciate it. What do you do for a living in San Marcos? I am a crash investigator and a trivia host. A crash investigator? Car crashes? Yes. Okay.

Okay. Is that a full-time job? It is. Wow. I just recently got that one, too. It's pretty cool. I used to be a pit master at Black's Barbecue in San Marcos. Yeah, it's very different. Yes. Yes. Well, I graduated from Texas State. My major is health science. And it's absolutely impossible to find a job that pays more than $10 an hour in Texas.

in like that field without experience. Sure. So you're not willing to put in the time at that, you know, lower level to build up the experience? Because you're not getting the experience in the crash job, are you? I am. I am. Believe it or not, the company that I'm working for is a public health sector. Okay. So I'm actually in school right now getting my public health education and promotion degree.

I thought you said you graduated from. Yes, I graduated from Texas State with my bachelor's and now I'm getting my master's. Oh, you're getting your master's. How much are we spending on school right now? Oh, my goodness. That could be good. That could be good. What was the master's degree you're going for again? One more time. Public health education and promotion. Education. So what does that look like? What are you going to do with that? I want to work for the CDC. Ideally, I want to help make programs kind of. So like when the world fell apart with COVID, I want to help aid in the world falling apart a

little bit less so i know it so you have to wait for the one every 100 year pandemic to have a job i guess so okay one that'll pay decently what is this position called i want to look at like median pay oh like the one i want to be yeah what do you want i want to be an epidemiologist oh okay and you can get that with this master's degree yes epidemiologist 81 000

$390 as of May 2023 and it tends to range from 73 to mid 80s so median apparently United States is around 181,000 or sorry $81,390 so that's obviously a lot more than $10 an hour okay so let's

What's going on here? Because obviously, so you're in masters right now. You're in masters with a lot of debt, lots of different kinds of debt. We have like all the variations of the little collections that we can get. You pluck all the debts out. So what is going on? What are we looking at today? Oh, my goodness. Well, today you're seeing a lot of moving costs that I

A lot. From where and why? I will never understand this. Like, I've moved cross-country, and I did it for less than $1,000. Like, I know everyone wants to, like, hold on to their stuff, and, like, you know, that makes moving expensive. I sold, like, everything and just packed up his air, and it's like, I'm going to go start a life. And then you just build the furniture over the course of a year. But, like, what did it cost you to move? And that's all your debt was moving? Oh.

A lot of it was moving. Where'd you move from? Okay, so I am originally from Brownsville, Texas. Of course, this giant move is just in San Marcos.

Yeah. Two to three hours north? Three to four hours north? Well, so I moved to San Marcos as a freshman, but the really expensive move is actually just like... Are you telling me literally going into freshman year of college was just that? No, no, no. The move into freshman year? No, it's even worse than that. You are just absolutely joyful, aren't you? Yes. I smile when I'm nervous. Oh, wow. Yes, yes. No, the move was actually just like a 10-minute move.

Yeah, it's bad. But if it helps a lot, a lot of this debt is divided between four people.

So how much did it cost? How much did it cost you this move for four minutes away? Oh, my gosh. Well, so I moved from an apartment, which is a really expensive apartment. And I moved into a house for the first time. So with moving costs and everything. Oh, my gosh. What do you mean moving costs? Like deposits and like pet fees. Okay. See, when I think moving costs, I thought you're paying people to pack up your shit. No.

Move in in her truck and move to like a different city or different state. Oh, no, I was moving. So you're just talking about just getting into a new place, putting the security. You didn't get your security deposit back from the previous place. Not yet. We literally just moved out everything. So I've been living in this house for about a month, but I've been paying for two rents for the last two months. Oh, yes. So why did you why did you sign up for this?

Honestly, because I have never taken the time to sit down and look at all my finances and I'm clearly not doing well. And I think I need an eye opener. Seriously. OK. Especially because a lot of these purchases that I've made, I genuinely feel like I need them. So I clearly don't know how to cut the fat off properly on something other than a brisket. But yeah. So well done.

That's a good one. The look of disappointment is crazy. Well, it's just ridiculous paying rent for two months as a student. I don't. Yeah. I feel like that's the dumbest thing ever. As an adult with a full-time job, maybe I kind of get it. And you do have a full-time job, but you're trying to do the school thing.

I don't know. It may not have made sense. Unless there's like a reason why we're saving more over the long term because of the new place. That's where we could make it work. Well, ideally, that would be the case. So at my last place, my rent with my bills and all that was over a grand with utilities and such. Now at this new place, while the upfront costs were a lot, the rent will end up being like $569. So it should be going down pretty much. But I know that the first few months are going to be pretty...

like making up all of the debt that I put myself in. I did take out a pretty large loan trying to move, but I think I was overpreparing because I didn't know how much this was going to cost. What did you take out? What are you talking about? Oh, I did. So your security deposit, you took out a loan for? Yes. Okay. How much? How much possibly? Oh my goodness. I think it was like,

Three and a half grand, I want to say. How much are you making in this crash job? I make $21 an hour. How many hours a week do you work? 40. And then I also do trivia on the side. How much are you making with trivia on the side? $35 an hour, and I work about 10 hours a week. So each check I get from there is roughly about, like, tomorrow I'm getting paid $420. You got $550 in. Then payroll $2,852. Does that sound like a normal month for you? Roundabout.

Okay. Oh, wait. So like for the whole month payroll for my crash job? Yeah. Probably for the whole month, it's a little closer to like $2,800. I get about $1,450. I said $2,800. Oh, I misheard you. I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. So your total income that comes in through both net is $3,402. Now you had some sales coming and everything, and obviously spending went out. What do you think went out? What do you think went out in the most recent month?

Went out in like what way? Number, your accounts, leaving, debt going up. How much money was spent overall? Probably most of it, honestly. That's not a number. Okay, can I say $3,000? Sure can. Okay. The correct answer would be $12,000. Wow, really? How the f*** are you that far off? Yeah, I'm really far off. I guess I thought I understood a little bit more. Okay.

How have you been surviving? If you're that far off, how much in debt do you have? Total? Probably like, well, are we counting student loans too? Because I haven't really gotten a chance to deal with student loans. Not student loans because you didn't send us a statement for that. So without that, what? How much? Oh my gosh, probably like $15,000.

Okay, that one you're a little closer on. So you're close to understanding at least your debt situation. But where your money's going, you don't know. Not fully if I'm not. Now, for what it's worth, $6,400 went to housing. But even still, you take that and get rid of that. Minus housing, you still spend $6,000 and you brought in $3,400 too.

That's not sustainable. You can't live off of that. That makes no sense. So get rid of the unique housing thing and you're still f***ed by double. Okay, what if I were to tell you that part of the loan that I used was for auto insurance? That helps? Well, I didn't plan on renewing at that rate, but it was pay like $150 a month for six months. Or I think upfront it was going to be like $780 something. Oh, okay.

And I get wanting to do that. But what interest rate did you borrow that at? And then there's minimum monthly payments for that. So that loan, that was part of the loan that I had gotten for moving. Like I kind of wanted to keep it. Yeah, but did it mean you have to use it all? I didn't intend to use it all. And did you use it all? Yes.

Yes. That kind of finished off whatever I had left over from that loan. And I had anticipated like using the loan and then whatever I had left over right after move and all the double rents, returning it and paying it straight back to that loan. And then I guess I can use the excuse life happened, but auto insurance was a lot more than I intended. I'm pretty new with auto insurance, if I'm being honest.

And a lot of the things with the car, which I'm sure you'll see. Oh, yeah. I'm assuming we have a lot to get into. Yes. Okay. Well, I want to hear self-assessed. Where do you think you are in the world of finances? Zero being the worst, 10 being the best. Where do you think you are? Probably like a four. Look who we have, everyone. Oh, well, I was going to pick her up and show. There's a dog here. I was going to show everybody. So you think you're four. You think you're straight down the middle. Yes.

You make right around the median. Well, the median monthly income of an individual in San Marcos is $3,950. Hello. Come here. Hi. Can I say hello? Yes!

She loves attention. She's got the... Here she is, everybody. Here she is. What's her name for the audience? That is Miss Sparkle Pants. Miss Sparkle Pants. Oh, boy. She is Miss Sparkle Pants. That's right. You're so cute. Okay, we're going to film an episode now. But nice seeing you, Miss Sparkle Pants. Editors, make sure you're putting sparkles all over the screen. I know. Okay.

So, you're actually probably making, after taxes, you're making above the median individual earner in Marcos. Okay. Yet you're f***ing it all up somehow. Yeah. If you want your Hammer Financial score, it's free. Link in the description below. And if you have interesting stories, interesting financial situations, opinions you want challenged, if you find yourself to be an interesting person, apply to be on the show. We're happy to have anyone on. slash apply. Let's start the debt journey. Here we go. Capital One. So.

why are we into the Capital One debt? And better question, why the f**k do you not want to accrue fees, interest, and you're only making... You purchased double what you put towards it. You can giggle through that. I get that that's why you're doing that. I'm not going to allow that to piss me off. You're coping. I get it. But why the f**k? Yes, okay. So that Capital One credit card was supposed to be the emergency credit card that you never use ever. No, no, no. Emergency credit card.

Let's get rid of that. Let's get rid of that term. It is a thing in many households and that's why we're f***ed. Emergency fund. A stack of cash sitting in a high-yield savings account that you use only in the case of emergencies. I get it if you don't have it and you have to use an emergency credit card to save your dog's life. I do get that. And then you do it and then you sacrifice everything, everything, everything in your life to pay it off as quick as possible and then save up for a fully funded emergency fund. That's what you do if you have to use an emergency credit card because you don't have an emergency fund. But guess what? You're just using this on an emergency thing. You're f***ed.

Go inside, get in a drink from a gas station, go into the cinema and go into... What is this John Casablanca thing? That's what you're doing. You're doing those three things. Those are not emergencies. Those are not emergencies. So emergency credit card, f*** off. That's not true. What's John Casablanca? John Casablanca is an acting school. So...

I do love public health. That's what I enjoy doing. That's what I went to school for. But I would really like to work in advertising. Awesome. Wait, did you say advertising school or acting school? It's like acting school. So they'll teach you how to do commercials and such. So I've been. What is up with people in Austin? I mean, this is not an acting town, is it? I thought it was. But what movies are made here?

What movie studios are based here? That's true. Can I say Hammer Studios? Is that allowed? You can, but it's Hammer Media. Hammer Media. Sorry. It's okay. Plus, we're not doing a commercial anyway. That's true. But I like the taquito sign, by the way, in the front. That was pretty cool. Isn't that pretty cool? Pretty cool. Hey, show me your commercial skills. Plug...

Plug our budgeting course. For the audience, let's see how good you are in your acting skills. Plug the budgeting course and the investing course.

To the audience. Hello. Oh, hello. There you go. Okay. Yeah, plug it. But I don't know. Get them to sign it up. They're all bundled together at a lower price right now. Okay. Both of the courses. Both of the courses. Teaching you how to bundle, teaching you how to invest, as you know, and then you get them for free because you're a guest on the show. Give us your acting skills. Let's see. Okay. Hi, guys. If you guys are interested in saving money, go ahead. I'm sorry.

I'm just nervous. Oh my gosh. I'll tell you how to not save money and that's going to acting school while you're already in masters, while you're already floundering the income you have, while you already have debt, while you can't pay off a card, while fees are accruing, while interest is accruing. Yep. Yeah, that's not how we budget. A past due fee. A past due fee. Is that on the Capital One? Or... Yes. Oh. You know, I should... What are you doing? I need to turn on auto pay. What? You're not

I thought I... Okay, I like to believe I'm a responsible person. Uh-huh. And yeah, that's good to have beliefs about bulls**t that lead us down the wrong path. That's great. That historically has led to amazing situations for everyone. Oh, yeah. It led me to acting school. And how's that going? Well... Huh? What if I tell you it's a work in progress? I believe it. Well, I mean...

I actually did just stop doing that purchase because I've been paying for it and I thought it was going to be a lot shorter than it was. Have you learned anything? You're a giggly, bubbly, happy person. I'm sure everyone absolutely loves you. Did you get anything from it?

And you want to work in public health anyway, so I don't understand what's happening.

Yes, you know, I kind of feel like with my life, it's like there's something that I should be doing, right? There's the practical option and that's doing public health because I do it one day. I would like to have a family. I'd like to have children and I definitely want to be able to provide for them and doing things like going for acting and just, you know, thinking I'm going to be a star like I'm on X, you know. You're going to a class for it. It's an online. It's a Zoom thing. So you don't find that you have natural talent for it?

I guess I just don't think that I'd be given the opportunity because on paper, I'm a nobody. They're not going to cast someone based on going to a class, though. It's going to be based on talent. Well, they say that at the end of paying for the classes and attending them, you have to attend them. Oh, boy, here we go. That they will give you all these auditions for you to go to. Oh, I'm sure. And I'm hoping that that's the case. But I haven't had the time. But you just canceled it. I did because I've been paying for these classes and I haven't been attending them. For how long?

Probably since like March. Okay. And it's $75 a week. And you're literally missing $75 a week. What are you on? You can. That's a car payment. You can reschedule them. And I've paid. I have a bank. What have you rescheduled? Like 50 now? Yes. And you're literally missing payments on credit cards. So I don't think we're doing $75 a week acting bullshit. Yeah. And that's why I paused it. And I was like, you know, if I catch up. Pause it. Pause it. Cancel. Burn. Burn.

Oh, well, I think it could be. Listen, I know a lot of people that go to classes to do things that involve talent. And then there's the people out there that have talent that actually do it. Like, I'm not saying you can't be an actor, but I've seen the people go around the roller coaster of going through the classes for the things that they wish they were doing.

better at classes for things like education in terms of like engineering and stuff that's absolutely great and public health absolutely fantastic and going to theater school and stuff like that that can be good and obviously there's a lot of experiences in there but i don't know things that sell you like this yeah this is what sketches me out like if you were like at nyu acting school it's different right yes a hundred percent and you know there's

Again, like back to the thing. I feel like I have all of these different things. Like I love to cook. I'm a power. What? I applied to be on MasterChef and I'm really hoping that I can be on it. Actually, the next Gordon, if you're seeing this, I guess she won't stop laughing. So if you like bubbly Gordon, she's yours.

Well, I guess... I'm more of a Joe Bastianich fan myself, though. He's the scary one. He's a great man. He's the scary one. I think that you'd get along with him great. He's cool. You have the look of disappointment, like, on point. I think that I'm always expecting to go bald in my life. Okay. Just because everyone around me is, but I take finesse right to avoid it. And that's been working, luckily. Knock on wood. But...

People like Joe. He pulls off bald well. And I'm like, if I'm bald, I want to look like Joe Bastianich. He has a nice earring now, too. I don't know if you've seen it. It's pretty cool. Well, I don't know if I can pull that off. All right. So and then we went to Creekside Cinema to go see people who are successful in acting. Yes. And then on the way, you stopped at a gas station and got some drinks and snacks. Yeah, I got a bottle of water because. OK, yeah.

For my dog. For my dog. I know, but like $5 and you can get the Texas Star water packs. Like a million water bottles and just store them in your trunk. Yes. Well, so my car doesn't have AC. Like just riding. Water bottles. Well, yeah, but I don't want my dog to drink hot water. Bring it with you from your fridge. Yes. This is stupid. You're literally missing your payments. Yeah.

You're spending double what you make and you make above the median in your area. So I don't know what the f*** you're talking about. I figured you'd be pissed about that. No s***. What do you think? That's stupid. Yeah, well. Death of a thousand cuts. And I know what the rest of these statements look like. So if it was just that alone, no, it wouldn't be. But it's not just that alone. Plus it's a 30% interest rate anyway. 30.74% interest rate.

Okay, so if I'm being real, I don't. Please. Yes, I don't fully understand how interest rates work. Okay. I know another large charge on there was for getting my AC fixed. We had this whole car issue, which I'll tell you about once you yell at me about those purchases.

And I'm sure I will. Yes. Okay, so of your balance that is sitting there, essentially you have to calculate 30% of it is essentially amortized throughout the year. It's divided out on a monthly basis. So the balance that is sitting here, it would essentially right now the interest rate that would hit $538.71 times that by point. What was your interest rate again? That's what I'm trying to get.

So that would be $165.60 essentially. So I'm going to divide that by 12. So it would break it out over that time, which would give you kind of an interest rate, interest added on a monthly basis like this next month of probably $13.50.

80 cents, which exactly from, cause your balance was lower last time your balance was at 447. So when it calculated that you had interest accrued this previous month of $12 and 19 cents. So this video is sponsored by Taylor brands. Are you ready to start your dream business, but feel like the paperwork and legal stuff is just too much. Let me introduce you to today's sponsor. Taylor brands, Taylor brands is the ultimate business builder for anyone wanting to start.

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Does that make sense? Yes. So what would you think would be a good interest rate to go for? Because genuine, I mean, are you... One, I don't trust you with any interest rates because you also don't know how to pay cards. So I would do a charge card like the Fizz card that forces you to pay it off on a monthly basis anyway. And the interest rate that is good to go for is more looking on the investing side, the compound side. Say I open up my brokerage, Mumu, and I buy into the S&P 500.

At best, all up years, down years combined, I'm getting a 10% return on average on a yearly basis. A third, that's a third of the interest rate that's on your card. Meaning you're losing your best hope in like the overall stock market by three times. Oh my gosh. So what interest rate is good, things that are 4% or less. I wouldn't trust you with them because I don't think you know how to use them. So it doesn't matter whether or not you have a good rate, you'd abuse it.

But good? 4% or less on a mortgage, on student loans, on a car even, depending. Well, I see all those pieces of mail, you know. There's a million, all of these. Oh, you got approved. You've been doing so great under this and that. So you have all these credit card options. Oh, don't do those. Those are like... You've probably seen Credit One show up. I mean, I...

That's one of the things that Capital One was. I mean, it's my fault. I get that. But also, I thought that it was good because I didn't get in the way. Don't, don't, don't, don't. You know why? Do you think they're giving free money? They want to make money. They're a company. You are their product. Well, you're their customer. Their product is the card. Yeah. I guess I thought I understood it better than I did. You're being used and abused by the credit system. You didn't even know what an interest rate was. So you don't know. Yeah.

And that's okay that you didn't know, but don't think that you do if you don't even know how interest works. Yeah. Well, honestly, I thought interest was kind of like you owe 30% more than what you said you were going to pay or something. In a way, kind of, I guess. Yeah.

Yeah, see, this is why I need to take. I'm glad that you're going to like you've been explaining this stuff to me because I don't and I've never taken the time to just sit down and look at all this stuff and try to figure it out. Like, well, that's why I'm happy you're here, because obviously you need the help. Let me tell you. Let me tell you.

Yeah, because you have a card that's almost at its max. The next one, the Discover 8 card. Why? Why is it so high? Tell me the story behind this card. Why are we at $4,449.43? Because I was a dumb 20-year-old. It was my first credit card, and it very quickly added up. And I, that's, oh my gosh. I feel like I'm going to be- With what, though? Quickly added up with what?

Rent. Things. Rent on a credit card. Rent on debt. Okay. Yep. Again, I don't know what income you made then, but you do not make an insubstantial amount of income. Oh, and even then, I didn't make... I made less. That's when I was working at Black's Barbecue. Yeah. And so I was making substantially... And I wasn't doing trivia on the side either. So I was making substantially less...

I'm sure you're great at trivia. You have a personality that would be really good as an emcee. Well, thank you. You're welcome. It's a lot of fun, actually. I have a whole tournament if you want to come. I'm sure. I do like trivia. My friends and I, we do trivia. Okay. It's been a second, but we do. That's cool. I think also that job is kind of what led me to think maybe try acting school. Really? Yes. Okay, my boss. Okay, well, let's not connect those dots again. Okay. Noted. Let's connect the dots on how stupid this credit card is and how you're basically at the max.

And that you have $125 minimum monthly payment. Yes. Which is, you know, once these start stacking up, it starts getting rough. But even still, with your income, you should be able to be making more than your minimum monthly payments. Oh, it looks like you put an extra $10 towards it. Wonderful. But $104 of interest accrued.

$104.12. Now, thank you for not purchasing on this card. Yes. Probably because it's at its max almost. Well, no, because I've been trying to like literally just like that's like the no-no card. The no-no card? That's the no-no card. How long has it been the no-no card? Because it's maxed out basically. Well, that's why it's the no-no card. Since when has it been no-no? I mean, since I maxed it out. I've been just trying to pay. When did you max it out?

I think two years ago. No, you haven't. You haven't only been paying the, you want, no, no, this hasn't been two years of payments. That's impossible. I swear to you. I swear to you. You haven't put a single cent on here in two years. Not, and you've only made a few hundred dollars of progress. It would take eight. Well, it would take 18 years to pay it off. Only doing the minimum payments, 18 years to pay off. I think I paid 18 years to pay off. I paid a really large amount. Half of that was damages to my, to,

to my previous previous apartment it was ridiculous really really bad highest damages ever so I definitely did not have to

to I think it was like 2300 lying around. And so that's where that came from. And now it's a no no card because I cannot. Obviously, I have no room to spend on it. I actually I I don't even have that card right now. I haven't like I lost it because my wallet got stolen a while back and I haven't even activated another card like that because I'm just trying to pay it off. And I genuinely like I don't know

If I should be paying more than the magazine. You're not trying to pay it off. It doesn't look like it. Fair enough.

I guess, well, I don't know how much to do on these. It's going to take 18 years. 18 years to pay this off via the minimum monthly payment. Okay. So, I just don't know how large of a payment I should be making. Well, we're going to talk about that in the end when we go through your budget and then your debt payoff strategy because this is dependent on your entire situation. But, you know, likely if we went avalanche, you would want to start attacking this thing crazy. Yes. It says your credit score is a 628.

Were you happy with that? Well, no, but it was much lower not that long ago. Thank you for not missing a payment on this. This one's still at 28.24% interest. Oh. Do you feel you understand now what interest means a bit more? Yes. You know, for a little while, that was like the student card, the Discover student card. So there was an interest on it for a while. And then I think I had like a year or

Again, it's a compounding thing. Like I explained in the market, this, that 28%, you're not just paying that on the current balance, but as that is amortized throughout the rest of the year and adds the interest, that adds the interest to the balance. And then you're paying interest on top of that new balance. So you're paying interest on the interest that accrued. So I'm literally just paying interest like every month? It says compounding. Yeah, your money is basically just going to the interest and then a little bit of principal, essentially. Oh my God.

I had no idea. That's terrifying, actually. Well, I mean, that card has been, like, the number one, again, like, with it being the quote-unquote no-no card. I just, like... No-no card. I know.

This is the f***ing card. It's destroying your life. Yes. No, seriously. And I get it. My parents warned me with the credit card. You got to be careful. Why didn't you listen? I really thought I did. Send this to every 18-year-old out there that just turned 18. No, seriously. That credit card, I mean...

It's been such a pain in the ass, seriously. Because I, and I, again, I know you said we're going to talk about it in a little while, but I don't know how to navigate like. We will. Imagine what's possible when learning doesn't get in the way of life. At Capella University, our game-changing FlexPath learning format lets you set your own deadline so you can learn at a time and pace that works for you. It's an education you can tailor to your schedule. That means you don't have to put your life on hold to pursue your professional goals. It's a way to learn at a time and pace that works for you.

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Yes. So I initially got that card to help with my previous move. New purchases, youth. I don't get it. Again, I want to see you do so well just like any guest on the show. Sorry. I've been trying to use the USA card. The giggle throws me off. I'm sorry. No, it's okay. I'm just like, I'm just like, ah.

I've been trying to use that more for like gas and stuff. You have an available credit of $85 for your gas. How in the world does this make sense? So it's because the interest rate is at zero, right? Yes. Guess what? In November, it's not anymore. So you're going to allow a 30% interest rate to kick in? 22.15, still bad. You're going to, since you're allowing, instead of taking advantage of the 0%,

You're just keeping it. You just keep bouncing it right to the ceiling of the credit limit. And you're allowing that interest to start accruing in just two months, two and a half months, three months, wherever we are. You're lucky there's no back interest. What's back interest? It doesn't matter because you don't have it. But essentially, it's interest that is accruing on the back end.

Well, you're at 0%, but if you pay off your card by the promotional period ending, you don't have to pay the interest. But if you don't, all that back interest comes in and you have to pay it. That's not something you're dealing with here. But also, just don't take on any credit cards. You're not a credit card person. I don't want you to have to deal with that anyway. You wouldn't know what you're doing, and that's fine. And that's fine. You don't need to be a credit card person. Not everyone needs to be a credit card person.

Course careers needs to come out with a certification on how to become a credit card person. You people over there. Listen, listen to that. Make that. Maybe I'll have to. It's John Casablanca. That's the one that has a bunch of those purchases, right? It's like that. I think I'm pretty sure that's the one that I've been putting in. USAA? Yeah. I thought you said it was rent. I thought you said it was the move. No.

Well, no, no, no. That was a Discover one that had a lot of the damage. Yeah, Casablanca, Casablanca, Casablanca. Yes, that's it. I want the Casablanca. I just looked at my account when I was canceling it. I think I paid off of that card. 1200 of that is. Oh. Actually, I think it's 15. Something that's like a hobby. I guess I really wanted to believe it wouldn't be a hobby. What's that? I don't know. There's so many. Okay. You're about to make so much fun of me, but it's like.

Having to sit down and just do one thing every day until I die. Then why do you have to spend? Okay, I get that. No, pursue it in the side. Absolutely. Once you are out of debt, you can have an emergency fund as long as you're contributing to retirement. Yeah, do it on the side. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. In fact, I wish I could start doing music again on the side. I would just like kind of beat on it. Yes, it is. But it's on the side. I'm not going out there and I'm not dropping. Yeah.

$3,000 on learning how to write music again. Yes, well, the way they marketed it, they were like, look, you're paying all of this and this. However, you know, once you get one gig, that's like $600. You're going to get all of this money right back and pay all your taxes off. Their marketing team knows exactly the people they are selling to. Yeah. Oh, f*** me. Well, and I didn't realize how much of an idiot I was until...

I mean, recently when I see that I'm paying for all of these classes and I haven't even had the time to attend it. And I immediately was like, well, I definitely invested in something that I, I mean, I really wanted to believe like I would be there every weekend doing it, doing the thing, but it has just not been feasible for me. How much can you power lift? How much can I, like how much can I lift?

So I squat 292 pounds. Can you squat, Noah, the producer? Probably. I don't know. You want to get squatted in the post show? That could be fun. We'll see if she can squat the producer in the post show.

If they both consent, if they're both okay with it. I bench 190 pounds and then I deadlift 347 pounds. You could deadlift me. Wow. Thank you. Actually, I just competed. I used to be the president of the university powerlifting team. So it was pretty cool. Nice to meet you, Mr. President. Thank you. But I just did a competition not long ago and they were giving out money. I really was hoping I could be one of the people to win money from that competition. But...

I just didn't make the cut. Okay, so your minimum monthly payment on this... Well, it's marked at zero because you made a payment at the time of the statement being hit. What's the normal payment on this minimum? Well, the minimum is probably like $20, I think. Okay, that's going to contribute nothing. Well, but I don't pay the minimum payment, and so I...

No, that's fine. You pay a little over on each, but it still takes 22 years to pay this one off with the minimum repayment only. Okay. Upstart. What do we have an upstart loan for? Upstart, that's the one that I did for all the move-in costs. That was the one that I told you I finished off with the audio. And the minimum repayment for this upstart is $122. Now, that's chunky and 41 cents. Yes. What's the balance out on this? Yeah. You just started this and it's 4,300. You have so many 4,300.

$4,000 loans. You're addicted to $4,000 loans. If you see a loan that has the ability to have $4,000, you're like, sign me up. Well, wait, can you take $500 off of that, though? Because my boyfriend, he...

He didn't have the best credit score at the time, so I wanted to be helpful. And I told him, like, I'll keep you out of it. Did he pay for it yet? Yeah. He gave you $500. No, no, no. He's helping contribute to the monthly payment every month. Why would I take $500 off of that? If he's just contributing to the monthly payment, that's still the balance you owe. Yeah, well. How much do you put towards the minimum monthly versus him? For this one? Well, since I just started it, I'm just doing the $122. You said he's adding more. No, he's paying part of the $122 to me. Yes.

- How much? - Like 50 bucks a bit. And then he'll stop making those payments when he reaches 500. - 122.41 minus 50. So for a bit you're paying $72.41 of your own money, okay.

a two payment so far out of this multi-year loan yes well i this is insane what's the interest rate what's the interest rate i don't see what's the interest rate i want to say that they said that there there was just like a big sign up fee and there wasn't going to be oh what was the big sign up fee because that may as well have been the interest baked in up front it was like 300 i think so you borrowed 4 000 and then 300 was the fee you do really well with the calculator you'd be a great math teacher

No, I wouldn't. I can't do math. That's why I'm using the calculator. Fair enough. 7.5% essentially was added on to this. I felt like that loan was an emergency one because I knew I didn't... Emergency. Emergency. You moved out with having to pay two things that you couldn't afford. It was stupid. It didn't make sense for your situation at the time. Every once in a while, you have some people have to do that. And maybe you did, but it's just... You didn't go about it the right... Even still, that's why...

How long were you working at Blacks? Three years. You could have had an emergency fund. You could have paid for this in cash if you really needed to. Yeah. So this emergency loan is just stupid. Well, honestly, I didn't anticipate all the deposit and all of that to be as much as it was. What are you talking about? Did you not?

You borrowed the money without knowing how much this was. What are you talking about? No. It's like buying a car without knowing the price. Oh, I'm going to buy this Lamborghini. Oh, this was $200,000. No. I thought it was 50. It was my first time moving into a house. And the lady, which for the record, they do not communicate well, but she made it sound like it was. Yeah, so let's borrow for that. Well, I thought it was going to be just a deposit and then a pet fee.

That's it. You can read the contract you signed, my dude. You have the ability for English to be read. Well, I actually had to call them and correct it because they tried to pay me double rent at the new house. And I was like, this is not right. Like, you're not paying me a prorated rent. That's ridiculous. So I had to call them and they got that fixed, which ended up being, I think it was like $1,800 divided by four. But yeah, they tried paying me or charging me for rent.

way more than I had anticipated. And I literally had to be like, dude, like, I don't know if it's because I'm a new homeowner and you know, it's easier for them. Homeowner? Or not homeowner, home renter. Sorry, I don't, I'm not really familiar with the home stuff. So are our entities.

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Do something we're not super familiar with. American way, baby. Look, I'll be the first to admit I am way too prideful. And the whole reason with my other house and even not house, my apartment and this house is I was in a previous relationship where that person and it's his family.

They can't, you know, he had a house. I think he got like $10,000 for, he got to pay for a house. It was like a family loan house. And I was paying at my apartment and his family wanted me to break my lease and all of that and move out of my apartment, which it's a good thing I didn't. Give them what their family wants, but go ahead. Well, they always made me feel like because I did, am I, oh,

Oh, yeah. Then I would break up. Yes. Well, they'd make me feel like because I had an apartment and they had a house and this and that. And so I like look down upon you. Oh, all the time. Because you had an apartment. What? Yes. Maybe you want to be in a more walkable community or maybe you want to be closer to people anyway. There's many reasons to live in an apartment. Maybe you wanted to live a more transitory lifestyle. I moved into that apartment because it literally is right next door to Black's Barbecue. And when I first moved there, I didn't have a car yet.

And so I could just walk to work every day. And I would try to explain things like that to them. And they literally would just constantly say, oh, you're just in an apartment. You just work at Black's Barbecue. And that was really infuriating for me. And

And I did after I got here. And the boyfriend was okay with this? Oh, my God, yes. Total mama's boy. Then leave. Now it's been two years since he broke up, so now I can see that. Oh, he broke up. Oh, yeah. He left me. He literally left all of my shit on a driveway. It's a good thing I didn't break my lease at the apartment because then I would have been homeless. So I moved out because he wanted me to get rid of my dog, and I didn't want to do that. Yeah. What?

Why? They wanted me to get rid of my dog. Communist? No, seriously. Those are freaking horrible people and I still feel much disdain for them. No, now I dislike them because how do you dislike a dog? Yep.

Yeah, no. What the fuck is wrong with that? They wanted me to get rid of the dog and then they tried being like, oh, I cannot believe you would pick a dog over a boyfriend. Yes. I would. I was like, what boyfriend makes you pick between your dog and you? The dog I've known longer. I've had longer. Why would they want you to get rid of a dog? They said that she was destructive. She was an outside dog. Was she? She definitely is. Oh, it's not this pup? No, no, no. Oh, my God. No. No.

I bought a golden retriever at the outlet a couple years ago. She's not destructive. Well, she's just really hyperactive. I guess she would like rip things up in the yard. Trivial things I felt once they got into a fight and it was. Golden retrievers are expensive. Did you just adopt it from like a shelter somehow? No. I saw her in the shelter. She was the cheapest dog and she was huge. She was the cheapest dog, a golden retriever? Yes. Well, they had like these little like pugs and stuff that were like five, six grand. How much was the golden? I don't know.

She was $1,700. How'd you pay for that? It was the first loan I had ever taken out. I got there. Well...

They were like, look, you can finance it. She's on. And you know what? We'll take $500 off. I walked into the outlet and she was in this little tiny little hole. And I was like, you know, she's cute. I could use a dog and she looks like she's suffering. So I. Is she alive? Yes. Yes. I actually. Where is she? She lives with my mom now. She's still destructive? Not as much. I actually I just took in her puppy like two days ago. I have her puppy because now I'm in a house. So I have a place that I got knocked up.

She did. She did. Why didn't you fix her? Well, my mom had anticipated getting... Why didn't the shelter fix her? Oh, I didn't get her from the shelter. I got her from this puppy store in the outlets. I didn't get her from a shelter. Yes, I made the mistake of walking in there and she was the cutest thing ever. And they were like, you know, she's only going to be like... Do you still have this golden retriever dad?

The debt? Yes. And she lives with your mom? Now she does, yes. Why? After I got kicked out of that place, I had initially gotten her, her name's Millie, when she was a puppy. I lived in a studio apartment at the time, and then it moved to a two-bedroom. I moved in with that guy, and so Millie was able to be in, he had a beautiful yard. What guy? The ex? Yes, the ex who ended up. The anti-dog ex? Yes, yes, yes. Okay.

He would let her be in the yard and stuff. But after I got kicked out, I was back in the apartment and I was working a lot and I wanted to do the right thing for my dog. And I didn't want her to just be stuck in an apartment when I was working all day. My mom has this giant, beautiful, like waterfront risaka for like a pool. And she offered to help me with her. And I was like, are you sure? Like, I'll still pay for her. Like, I just can't believe you still have this loan. When did you take it out? I got her when I was 21, I think.

So it's been three years. Three years and you still have this $1,200 loan or whatever? It's $17,000 and I know it's not that much of a difference, but I'm almost done paying her off actually. I'm really excited. This is insane. Yeah. You're just borrowing for everything from moving to dogs to –

Everything. Food. Acting class. I thought I was doing something right with her. Security deposits. Right. But clearly that wasn't the case. But yeah, she now lives with my parents and I am still paying her off because I was not going to ask my parents. They're already helping me by giving her a beautiful home. I wasn't going to have them pay for the loan that I got her with. Okay, let's keep going.

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Is this a rent to own type of thing? Oh my gosh. So what is this? In the midst of all of the moving, my car broke down actually the same day that I came to get my key for the house. It broke down here in Austin and

The radiator went out and my AC was, I had just fixed it. It went out again too. But I was dealing with that. That was fine. I went to Midas here and I spoke to this guy and, you know, there's a whole signs under new management, all of that. He gave me this giant bill that I did not have the money for, but I needed it. You didn't get quoted before? I mean, he said that it was going to probably be like $2,300. How much is the car worth?

I think like five grand. You put half of the value of the car into a repair? I didn't feel like I had a choice. And you know, honestly, no, back to me being prideful. I know I probably could have asked my mother for help. But my dad had just gotten off of, you know, out of a job. So I really didn't want to feel like I was burdening them. What is this, a 50% interest rate? 100% interest rate? What is this? $2,550? The man assured me that... Total pay? Five dollars?

So I didn't know that literally until yesterday when I sent that document. When did you get this done? I kid you not. So this happened right when I moved. So like a month ago. Oh, I have a f***ing headache. Well, I called. I talked to the man and I told him like, I don't have the money for this fix. I don't want to ask my mom for help. And he was like, well, don't worry. We have a financing option. Oh, better not worry. Well, and then he assured me. He even spoke to my mother on the phone. Oh, good. Yeah. So he was like, look, this is what a man. This is what I would do if it was my daughter.

Like I would not do this. It's because he's a moron. Well, he assured me that I would qualify for no interest. I wouldn't have any interest on this car repair. Yes, and I can see that now. Clearly it was bullshit. But he assured me it was just going to be the 23 something. And if I paid it off within 90 days, which I think is up in like a month or two. Okay, well, I'm confused. What was this? What was this on again? Because, okay, here's the thing. The cost of rental.

You're right. There's no interest. It's the cost of the rental. I mean, that's what it is. I mean, that's what they sold you on. What you f***ed up was $2,550. And then there's essentially a fee of $3,354. Now, that says if you pay all regular payments in the processing fee, regular payments of $112 biweekly. Spoiler alert.

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Yeah, it's that for two years, but it was there an early payoff thing. That's what I'm I think it might say within 90 days again. I have the first page yesterday.

90 days? If I can pay the $2,900 or $2,300 within 90 days, I think that then I don't have to owe the rest of that. Really? And if there's a way that I could possibly afford that, I would love to. That's interesting. That might be our goal because this adds $3,354 to your debt if you don't do that. I don't see that in... They said nothing about a fee or interest at all. I only have this page, so...

Oh, and the minimum bi-weekly payment does not include the processing fee of $39. I didn't know that either.

I guess I feel like I was misinformed in that and he assured me that everything was gonna be okay and He even fixed my AC. Oh Part he offered he said he was being nice to me. Oh, he was being real nice brought out the messed up part He's like you see this. This is why the last stupid handyman like messed up your AC, but look it's broken right here I'll fix it and you know what? I won't even charge you labor. Oh, he did his job real well. What was his job salesman? Yeah, I

Well, he made it sound like he's like this concerned dad who would never. Because I told him. You can't fall for that. I mean, there's. Listen, good for the sales industry that there are apparently people that still believe that. That's. I promise. That's not how. Like, just if anyone ever tries. If anyone has the incentive to sign up for a program or has the incentive to, you know, charge more than the thing is worth. And they go, oh, I feel bad for you. I promise. That's not their intent to just be a good guy.

Yeah. Like my. I, you know, and I think what's most upsetting about that is I told him in the beginning, I was like, hey, like, I really I told him I would prefer to speak to my mom before I agree to anything because I'm not that familiar with a lot of these auto things. And I do feel like I don't know anything about cars. So it's easy for them to be like, you need. Why don't you go with someone who knows something about cars? Is your dad?

My mom handles all of the finances in the house. That's not what I asked. I didn't ask about finances. I asked about car. Oh. I don't know if my dad knows much about cars, if I'm being honest. We tried calling my uncle Matt. He's like a giant. He works on like industrial engines and stuff. And he said that if what the man said was true, then to go with it. But it wasn't. You have the easiest to sell to family.

Everyone in your bloodline is the most sellable people ever. $303.62 a month. When does that 90 days end? If that's even the case. I signed that June 14th. So it should be in a few years. Oh, it's the end of June. Okay, so we have about a month. I have about a month. Okay. I mean, if I have to pick up extra shows or something, I can do that. Uh, yeah. Yeah.

I genuinely... Wait, wait, wait. What is this? Easy Pay Lacey? That's the rest of it, I think. What? Rest of what? Is there more? This is the paper, I think. It goes with it. I still don't see anything about a 90-day thing. Oh, okay. Wait. The processing fee was only on the total of the radiator and thermostat. It's not on every payment. So let me get your correct minimum monthly payment. Looks like you're going to have to pay the processing fee once, though. Okay. Your real minimum monthly payment is...

225 dollars and 62 cents i'm sorry you guys hold on this at least you have two cute dogs is that it is that all your debt no it's not you have student loans i do have student loans what is the had to pay anything yeah but what's going on um i was actually really lucky my dad let me pay through my undergrad for like oh my god i cannot talk pay for my undergrad with his hazelwood

So I didn't have to take out very many loans in undergrad. So it's very many. So how many did you take out? I took one out. How much? Seven grand. It was just enough. Casually. My goodness. Money means nothing to you. Well, at the time, I didn't I didn't know any like I didn't pay rent or anything or have a job quite yet. When did you have to take it out? My mom actually told me that I should take that one out. Don't ever listen to your family about money again.

Oh, my mom does really good with money. I don't think so. If you dig deep, I doubt it unless she's making way too much and her stupidity hasn't caught up. If she thinks that financial stupidity, I'm not calling her a stupid person. Oh, I was like, that's not very nice. Buddy, you got into over 100% interest thing with your car with her help and taking out student loans when you had no life expenses. Yeah.

Yeah, that's stupid. She just told me today when we were talking about the car thing. She was like, I really wish you, you know, maybe we could have thought it over more and I could have just sent you a credit card and then you pay the credit card instead of that. Yeah, that sounds like someone we should listen to in the moment if that's what their hindsight is. I just really didn't want to ask. I felt at the time that I didn't want to ask my mom for help because she's helped me so much already. I just. It's okay to ask for help as long as you're not abusing the help or getting enabled. It's okay to ask for.

at least advice help that's totally fine no more listening to them i just i don't think they know or maybe they're they don't know your situation or maybe they just think of debt incorrectly and the fact that seven thousand hours of debt was nothing to you well i guess that's insane so that and how much have you borrowed for grad school for grad school so i'm in my

second semester now so i'm probably at like uh 10 grand for all of my classes for for grad school but i'm gonna be at 20 by the end yes but i'm almost done um with grad school so i should have my degree here very soon wait what's your second semester how many semesters it's four um but but my last semester is only like one class because i've been taking full time it will be twenty thousand dollars that how much are you gonna borrow by the end of it

So $27,000 in student loans. Great. Is that like really, really horrible? Not necessarily, but it's debt that wasn't here. Wasn't in our calculations. You acted like the $7,000 wasn't nothing. Plus sometimes the loans that you're getting for grad school can have a little higher interest. I will say that with my job, they are going to be paying back for...

They're going to be paying me back for the class, like reimbursing me because it's in public health. Wait a minute. So what job? In my crash investigation job. They're paying for it completely. They will pay for one class a semester. So while I am going to have to pay with the loan up front, they're going to reimburse me. How much? How much will you get reimbursed? Best guess across the board. Dollar amount. Oh, my goodness. Yeah.

I guess for the end of that, probably like six grand of it. They said they would pay back. Okay, so 21,000. And, and, and it gets better. Well, you're going to do public student. Oh. No, I have a grant. So I'm really only going to have to be paying for one class for the next two semesters. So I really have to pay for four classes total. How much is the grant for? 1,200 each semester for two. So. Okay.

That helps. Don't get me wrong. That helps. You made it sound like it was a little more than that. I guess I just see it. $18,600 for your student loans by the end of it. Okay. By the sounds of it. Maybe you'll do some public student loan forgiveness as well. But again, you know, it gets a little sketchy administration to administration. I know the approval odds are really low on that, but that's usually because people are incorrectly applying, people that don't qualify for it. So it brings the – that's why the percentage of people who have been approved are so low. Okay.

So depending on the administration and everything at the time, you never really know. Everything student loan thing is getting – it's constantly changing administration to administration, court case to court case. So I don't know. I mean I got really lucky. I started grad school like – because I took a year off. So right when I was about to have to start paying student loans – Oh, my – What? Oh, no. Oh, no. What happened? What happened?

How the f*** did you end your checking account at negative $229? What the f*** are you doing? What is your life? You make a non-insignificant amount of money to do this. I promise that the next day, as soon as I saw that, I paid it off. Paid it off? What do you mean paid it off? This is negative in your checking account. No, no, no. I made it not negative anymore. Why didn't you make it not negative in the first place?

in the first place. - I didn't know that it was gonna do that. It was a spectrum charge moving into there. They did a giant fee for going and setting up my wifi at the house. - How much?

I think it was like $100 for them just to go set up Wi-Fi. Okay, well, you're negative $229. So what was the other $129? The rest of it was, I guess, the plans or something. What the f*** are you talking about? The Wi-Fi plan, I think. So you had $0 in there, and then you went negative $229. Like, even that's still f***ing... I didn't realize that they were going to charge you that. You started at $1,000.

It's still not better, but if I said it was more like negative 70, would that be? Because, again, I didn't know they were charging it. It's not about that. It's about this. And watch this. This is going to... This is what's going to f*** with me. No, it was Chipotle. It was Chipotle. It was going in and getting a f***ing drink. It was Amazon. It was door dashing some Chinese food. Murphy Express, that's likely gas, actually. Ross Stores. Vending Machine. Pizza Hut, 20 bucks.


Yeah, proud of you. You have no money. Shut the fuck up. Marshalls, Marshalls, Ross, Hulu. There's nothing except for the Handmaid's Tale on there anyway. Fork and Spoon, Pizza Hut, Door Dashing Taiwan Rainbow. Negative in our checking account. Let's Door Dash. That makes sense. Great. Church's Chicken, Purchase Overstock, going inside a gas station, getting some BS sweet treats. San Antonio Aquarium. Nope. Spotify. Ah!

Chick-fil-A, Chili's, Chipotle, cash an app out on $150, then went out $20. Who knows where the f*** those went? Amazon.

Amazon, Starbucks, pet camera subscription, or you got a camera in Starbucks and Netflix and went inside and got some bullshit, got some drinks, got some sweet treats. Apple bill subscription, reoccurring subscription, $9.73. White Pages subscription of $63.71. What the fuck are you doing there? That's for my job. Your dog? My job.

Do they pay for it? Yeah, they actually did. They gave me a $50 check. It was meant to be for my phone bill that month. Not phone bill, but they gave me a $50 phone check. I just started getting that literally that month. So the white pages, they weren't going to pay for it, but I decided that I would put my...

phone check that month into that because it makes my job a lot easier. Well, guess what? Taco Plack, Polinique order. Have you tried it? No! Alpha Strike Games Fireworks. Hey, Fidelity. What's it cost to invest with the Fidelity app?

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You know why you had to borrow to move? Because you're going off to eat every second of your life and you have a million subscriptions. So I no longer have sympathy. Frulati, Venmo in and out. $150. Church's Chicken Frulati. Cody's Bistro. Chipotle. Every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. So f*** you. Amazon. Zelen out $40. Zelen out $15. Bulls***. Savings down from $2,000 to $18. So wonderful. Life is great.

That was a joke. That was the spending of a child. You didn't have to borrow because you didn't have money. You spend all your money. You make more than the median person in your city and you spend it. You had to borrow $7,000 for undergrad because you spend it. Yeah. So what the can I do? Because you don't care. You're going and spending everything. I mean, I need to have more self-control, clearly. Oh, in the.

It feels like purchases that are necessary. Chipotle, what are you talking about? Chipotle is fuel. Fuel for powerlifting. Shut the f*** up and get a pack of damn sandwich. Protein shakes. I don't give a s***. You don't like money, apparently. You don't like having a financial future, apparently.

Well, I think that's why I'm here. No, that's not an answer. That is not an answer. No, no. These were your actions. I am calling out your actions. That's why I'm here. No, that's not an answer. That's not a get out of jail free card. It's not.

So what have you been doing? Why have you not cared? And why is now different? I think I have thought that my financial situation is a lot better than it actually is. A lot of those. Well, in the last 30 days, I have been spending a lot like that. Ross, a lot of those large Venmo purchases are for furniture and things around the house. $725 going out to eat.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I don't have an excuse for that. $839 on miscellaneous bullshit. Things that really don't improve your life. This is stopping swiping subscriptions.

I guess those are like the little things that add up and I don't realize that they add up until my bank account. Yeah, $1,800 combined those together, right? Or $1,600. I can't even believe it's that much. I mean, I figured that a lot of it was going to be on going out to eat, but I didn't know it was going to be like that. And then lots of Walmart, lots of Amazon, lots of Target, Walgreens, CVS. You never really know what they are. You can get anything from those places. Bullshit needs. And if it's all needs, you're overspending. $650 at Walmart. Yeah.

And then subscription's $66. Miscellaneous movie theater, the Ross and Marshalls and Overstock and Aquarium and GEVC and the Pet Camera and Apple Bills and White Pages, which we got reimbursed for that, and Alpha Strike Games and Fireworks. It was the 4th of July. I don't give a shit there's more of them. Congratulations, America ages a year once a year. I was just trying to make us feel like a family in the house because I'm kind of like the one...

like the one that brings everyone together in that aspect because i live with three gamers and i find that family things i was raised he launched fireworks in minecraft it was it was the whole thing to celebrate together cool have them chip in well i i want to say that they they did girl the money in your checking account is negative okay i don't give a about fireworks when are negative

And I've had people criticize this show and say, oh, this person in front of me, they're doing bad because of the system. They're doing bad because people aren't making enough money. You're spending all your money going out to eat, getting fireworks, going to the movies, going out to eat once or twice a day, bullsh**, subscriptions, video games. It's not the income. You make more than the media in your area.

You're doing fine. You've had college paid for. You've had your needs paid for. You're spending everything. This is all your fault. Not saying that as a put you down, but I am saying that as you need to recognize that this is all your behavior because then you can actually address the main issue here, which is that behavior. If you think the whole world is against you, which a lot of people, again, they're like, the world's against these people. They can't help it.

If you're going to think that, if you're going to play perpetual victim, I'm not saying you are, but if you are, you're never going to get out of it. Honestly. But if you're willing to actually take accountability and put in some personal responsibility, you have a lot of money to play with. Yes. Well, and I am, and I, I'll start packing a lunch and stuff like that. I mean, honestly, I, I,

Yes, it's my fault. I'm the one swiping the card at the end of the day. I realize that. But a lot of like the car situation, it's not even me being feeling like the perpetual victim. The world's against me. I mean, I truly believe that that man was for me. He was trying to help me. OK, well, it's not even that. Even if like he's still too high, bubbies. I think she wants to be on your lap. I don't know. I would allow it. I would. Hi, girls. And even if that was the case.

i was gonna let her on um it was still your choice not to have the fully funded emergency fund because you spent all your money on food so even if you did get scammed there your emergency fund would have covered it and that was not the world against you the bitch thinks that it was you yeah uh i am definitely not going to sit here and say that my spending is perfect um

And again, I think it's easy in the moment for people to say, you know, I needed that. I needed that Chipotle. I needed this. And I know that that's not the case now that I'm looking at it. You know, before I really thought that I was doing things correctly, but clearly that's not the case. So it is really eye opening seeing all of this stuff. Oh, my gosh. I mean, I had no idea that things were as bad as they were, if I'm being honest. And I think also I've

Had that mentality like, well, no matter what, I do have a very supportive family. And I do feel like if she ever hit the fan, while I would absolutely try to not receive help because I have way too much pride and I need to work on that. Why do small dogs always shake? They're always shaking. No matter how cold, like warm she is, she will shake. But she's actually really happy. She comes everywhere with me. Oh, my gosh. You...

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We gotta teach your mom how to budget, okay? We're gonna make a little budget. You might not get as many treats. Actually, she doesn't even eat kibble. As many dresses. It was five dollars.

Yeah, and we know what you do with $5 purchases. You do 500 of them. Yes. So total income, $3,402. Okay, your debt minimum monthly payments. Hi, sweetie. You're so good. Have you ever been an accountant? 400. Nope, I would hate that. $468.03. I much prefer to have these conversations with people. Rent, your portion. $569. You have no excuse to be in debt. How much do you put towards utilities and internet? $6.

Well, we've only had one bill. I'll just say like $200. I'll say that. That's probably a little over. Gas, vroom, vroom, drive, drive. How much? A month? Probably like $300. I drive a lot. I work in New Braunfels and then one of my trivia shows is in Canyon Lake. Is it worth it? Do you even make money after that?

The trivia one. Oh. Not that show. I've been trying to get rid of it actually because it's not been, it hasn't been worth it anymore. Maybe it was in the beginning but now that I'm more established in this it's. Probably less than $300 but I'll put $300 car insurance. Well I had paid that like the full for six months. It was $780. When does that start again?

I literally just paid it a month ago. So I think the end of the year. TP Fund, anything else you need to survive? $100. Groceries, $300. Follow the meal plan and the budgeting program that you get. Adapt it to your needs. Gym memberships and powerlifting, all that stuff. How much? Yes. Now it's only going to be $35. I moved to a new gym. Any co-pays healthcare wise? No. Oh, wait. I'm lying. I think it's little. I think I pay like $25 a month for my medicines. Perfect. Perfect.

Subscriptions. Do you have pet insurance? I don't. Not yet, though. I'm putting $35 in there. I recommend it. Thank you. It saved me thousands of dollars. Well, I just got to the point of my job for getting insurance and all that. Phone bill? I actually am really lucky. I don't have to pay a phone bill. When you do, use helium for $20 a month. Okay. Noted. All right. Let's get your minimums. How long have you been doing this stuff for, if you don't mind me asking?

Uh, almost two and a half years. That's really cool. Uh, my, my family, everybody knows about you. I'm not on YouTube very much. So I, I hadn't heard of this one before and nothing against you, but no, um, I mentioned that I was going to be coming and my cousin was like, wait a minute. What? Do you know who he is? That's a big deal. He's me. Hey,

It's from a loving place. Yeah, actually, it's so funny that you guys are described as Hell's Kitchen. A, I love Gordon Ramsay and Hell's Kitchen. But also, that's how he described you. And everyone that I said I was going to be coming, he's like the Gordon Ramsay of this show. I love Gordon. I like how he does things. And I love his shows. You have $1,374 left over, so you have no excuse. Really? Yeah.

I was like, that's genuine news to me. Yeah, if you budget, if you only live on your needs, I'll give you, in fact, I'm going to give you $200 of fun just budgeting in. $1,174, and I rarely get to do that because people usually don't have much room, but $200 eating out or whatever you want, subscriptions, Netflix, Spotify, it's up to you. Okay, so $1,174 left. It'll be a little less than that. It'll be closer to $1,000.

Hello. $1,100 when you have to make the full upstart minimum monthly payment? $122. Yes, it'll be an extra $70. So you'll be about $1,100 left over. Okay, so within a month, you need to come up with $2,550. Honestly, okay, so I would save that $1,100 and I would pick up as many shifts as you can over this next month. Literally...

any shift that you can try to scrap together another 1500 1400 which is easier said than done but if you can do that after taxes yes pay that off so you don't have to pay the extra fee if the 90 day thing is real um i i guess another real question and sell things legitimately sell things okay well today my mom did offer the whole like credit card thing do you think that like she said that well she said we're gonna look at it today and she didn't know i was coming here today um

She said that if it is within the 90 days that she wouldn't mind extending the credit card so I could just pay it real quick. What do you mean extending the credit card? She has a credit card. She said I could put the rest of it on there and then pay the credit card back. Sure, do that. Is that better than... I don't think it teaches you your lesson. No, I want to be... I mean, I want to do the right thing. I definitely am not trying to screw my mom over. No, and I don't think you wouldn't because I would make you pay her off really quick. But you can do that. It's not the best, but you can. What I'm doing...

Capital One, first month, paid off. I'd get a one-month emergency fund in a month and a half. And then in the second half of that month, I'd finish off the Capital One. Starting month number three, I would start throwing everything, smallest debt to largest debt. So you'd pay your mom off in two months. And then starting month number five,

You know, the other Discover It, USAA, and Vessert are all pretty much the same. And at that point, at about $12,000, you're probably going to pay that off in about nine months because it's going to start compounding from there, maybe 10 months. So we're probably a year and three or four months in at this point. And then you only have student loans left, of which you might not have to pay more than the minimum monthly payment depending on the interest rate. So, like, literally your life has changed, right?

in a year and a quarter which is incredible and then let's call it a year and three quarters for a fully funded emergency fund and everything so all debt is paid off except for student loans and then you have a fully funded emergency fund that's amazing it is it just requires you actually being disciplined for the first time in your life yeah which is easier said than done but follow the budget set up reward systems i'm giving you 200 for fun just literally budget it

Literally budget it and you'll actually be able to do this. You have a high chance of success. You just need to be a responsible person and focus on your behavioral changes. And the more work you pick up, the faster you pay this off as well. Well, it's looking up at least – it might sound minuscule right now, but I'm trying to grow the San Marcos –

I guess market for the trivia things I just recently became like the manager or whatever for that so every show that I can book I get $50 a week um

I guess not even having to do the show. I'll be getting $50 a week from that. And then all of the hosts that I recruit, which I will be recruiting them. I am recruiting them now, but they're not trained fully yet. I'd be getting $30 a show just for every show they do, which is really interesting. And I mean, this trivia thing is the first time I've ever done anything like this. And yeah.

But I'm honestly, I like it a lot. I just wanted to do it so that I knew I was moving and I was going to be having all like a lot of moving costs and stuff. So I got the job in the first place because I was trying to offset it and I have not made the best decisions very clearly, even though I really thought that I was doing the right thing. Sure. All right. Well, um,

For spending in a budget, zero because you overspent it dramatically. Debt, one out of ten. You don't have a payday loan or IRS debt, but other than that, it's like as worse as it gets, especially with that dumb balloon debt. Emergency fund, you have nothing, zero out of ten. Retirement, you have nothing, zero out of ten. Real estate, you have nothing, zero out of ten. It's going to be a hammer financial score, 0.5 out of ten. Make sure to stick around for the post show. We're going to have her bench my producer, and then we're going to talk about some more drama that we didn't talk about in the episode. So join that membership in the description.

below and don't forget to check out the budgeting and investing program as well which are now bundled at a lower price see you guys in the post show all right should we end it out with a nice power lifting session yeah let's do it do me a favor and like put your arms like a little bit up if you can sure okay to watch the financial audit post show click the join button below