cover of episode Trans Socialist Blames Capitalism For Their Mistakes | Financial Audit

Trans Socialist Blames Capitalism For Their Mistakes | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

Caleb认为该女性将财务问题归咎于前男友的过度经济支持是不合理的,并指出她曾用贷款购买游戏机等不当行为。他强调个人责任的重要性,鼓励女性承担责任,并学习如何理财。他分析了女性的消费习惯,指出其支出远大于收入,并建议她制定合理的预算,优先偿还高息债务,例如学生贷款。他还建议女性寻找兼职工作来增加收入,并为未来做好财务规划。 女性则认为前男友在成年后的过度经济支持导致她没有学习如何理财,并为她在餐饮和购物方面的支出进行辩解。她承认自己存在财务问题,但同时也表达了对未来财务状况的担忧和无力感。她解释了她独特的预算方法,以及她对水电费和学生贷款的焦虑。她还解释了她通过直播获得额外收入的情况,以及她对未来财务规划的设想,包括参加TwitchCon等活动。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Alice struggle financially despite a recent pay raise and supplemental income from streaming?

Alice struggles financially due to overspending on non-essential items like trinkets and frequently eating out, prioritizing instant gratification over long-term financial stability. While her rent is reasonable and she has supplemental income, her spending habits and accumulating debt prevent her from making financial progress.

What is Alice's primary financial concern?

Her main concern is a private student loan with a 14% APR, which she deferred for six months. She took out the loan for a business/marketing degree, but did not finish college.

How much does Alice spend on going out to eat?

$416 per month.

How much did Alice spend on a piece of art for her birthday?


How much supplemental income does Alice earn from streaming?

Around $1000 per month for the past two months.

How does Alice's ex-boyfriend factor into her financial struggles?

Alice blames her ex for enabling her poor financial habits by covering expenses and making financial decisions for her during their relationship. She claims this prevented her from learning the value of a dollar and establishing responsible spending habits.

What is Alice's plan for her streaming income?

She plans to use some of it for a merch shop and to pay her artists, but expresses concerns about the platform's 25% cut.

What is Alice's current credit card debt?

She has $1368.27 on a Discover card with a 24.74% interest rate, but plans to pay it off completely. She also has a Capital One card that she intends to use for Twitch-related expenses and pay off monthly.

Why did Alice defer her student loan payments?

She deferred them initially because she hadn't received a promotion and felt she couldn't afford the payments on her previous salary. She continues to defer and struggle with payments despite increased earnings.

What other debts does Alice have?

Alice has a $2327 debt in collections, federal student loans that she is making payments on, a car loan of $2017, and a $364 debt with T-Mobile which she thought was resolved but has reappeared. She also has another collection for $364 and a debt related to Grand Canyon University for $1061. She also mentions a debt with Upstart, initially intended as a student loan for community college, which became problematic after she enrolled in a program that advised her to stop paying her debts.

How much does Alice have in savings and retirement?

$1071 in savings and $14,000 in retirement.

What is Alice's total annual income?

Approximately $38,000 from her job and an estimated $6000 from streaming, totaling around $44,000.

Why does Alice choose to prioritize Twitch over paying off her debts?

She believes Twitch offers more opportunities for career advancement and partnerships, despite the financial strain it causes.

How does Alice justify her spending habits despite her financial struggles?

She justifies them as necessary for her happiness and well-being, claiming she needs "trinkets" and frequent meals out. She also blames external factors and past relationships for her current financial situation.

Alice, a 23-year-old content creator, discusses financial struggles despite increased income from streaming. She expresses concern about rising rent and electricity costs in Dallas, while acknowledging overspending on non-essentials.
  • Alice, a 23-year-old content creator in Dallas, is experiencing financial difficulties despite a recent pay raise and increased income from streaming.
  • Rent is a major concern, with Alice and her roommate paying close to $2000.
  • Supplemental income from streaming has increased, reaching close to $1000 in recent months, but Alice still struggles with budgeting and managing expenses.
  • Alice admits to overspending on non-essential items and "trinkets."

Shownotes Transcript


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I get actually sounds like .

you trying to an excess about. Well.

now he paid for majority of our .

life when we lived in. That's not a boy from cotton. That's you've in a dump in boring payday .

loans for his x port.

I you you just want to blame me completely on him. You have no ability to take any kind of responsibility.

Hi, my name is Alice. I am twenty three old from dallas. And this is financial audit .

just coming on. You know, I just wanted ask a question. I know that you went through a lot of things without a producer illinoy, just make sure. But i'm a pretty a race of first thing, especially when he comes to talking about finances. And you know the first thing you hit me with this like asking what you're even like allowed to like, say to me, which I appreciate, but like you sure you can be able to handle this conversation because .

this gets pretty intense. Take i'm ready. I am ready. I need to fire a little on my i'm ready.

I was just getting some sensitivity vibes. Yeah so I just want to make sure that are not like, no destroying someone.

You don't know me, so you don't know what my boundaries are, so you can't hurt me.

I am a studio .

manager. I I am A I manage a store in its storage. So basically that I am basically people like I I manage property basically like that was like a studio, no, like a start company. Basically I don't know why is this studio okay?

How many hours with you work in that forty? What's your income there?

eighteen? fifty? I just got a pay increase. I was making sixteen.

seventy five. Oh, okay. Well, that's actually percentage is a good increase. Yeah how do we feel living in eighteen fifty an hour in the dose area?

Not great. Um I and definitely living above my means a little bit. My rent is increasingly like it's bad. It's really bad. I know it's it's but I mean.

I do that what you mean?

What is IT? It's it's .

I do you know I have have been living in this front. Your motive okay, nine fifty I think about .

because like you with sometimes, yes, because I sport IT with the remit I had too Better with a rit. So that's why because some title I like when you mean .

what you think that with, you tell these included yes, so but no for the so in total I .

think it's about two grand. We pay close to two grand for yes.

you no .

roommates yes.

i'm looking at one of the roommates and freak out about the total run the .

places what they are providing.

Give a take nine fifty for the Alice areas relative reasonable. You you're saying you struggle with that.

yes. I mean, there are some weeks.

Where are you not cutting back on all the things in order .

required to get that ish ish? What an ish. I me like, I like trinkets. I like trinkets. What can I say .

of cause a drink?

What do you OK so like? I like to fill my with little trinkets. I like, you know, little supplies and like.

like little frogs. why? Why not pay for the room first? frog? Gs, they're cute.

Where can I say, i'm sorry, but okay, I do pay the room first. I.

you got a little standby there. Are you good? I know. simple.

It's fine. Have you tried this before?

Girl, I walked in with one guy. sorry. I'm sorry that I call .

everyone that you are. OK. You okay? You're good. You, so they call me league. You're okay if you wanted call league I D like leach. It's like a non binary term for a girl guy, princess.

O, let me, let me, okay, you're very a motive. Very excited. I appreciated. I need like come back on earth. Quack, uh, okay. So you struggle ID with the rent even though that's about a week worth of your income, just a little bit more um than a week. Well, the electricity .

of those was what's kicking. Like you said.

it's variable. You said that's including new tories. Sometimes IT is including our two IT. So is that including our electricity or not? No, because you know, utilities are.

What do you saying to the nine fifty comes from my second paycheck?

Because my second page, the rent that comes the nine fifty said that includes utilities. But you say now .

not electricity, electricity entire because that comes from the second paycheck. This the first or the .

first paycheck of the that's starting we're starting with that kind of mindset. Why would do not include electricity .

and util because I don't include in in my secondary ary. That is like the way I budget mentally is my first paycheck is electricity, because my first paycheck is like my flex paycheck and everything like that flex paycheck. So like if I wanna get myself a little treat for the month, that's where that paycheck .

I do that with instead of rent.

that's the second paycheck, because the second paycheck .

is all so electricity instead .

literacy first paycheck.

But you said sa trip was the first paycheck too.

It's both because first paycheck is like, I think right now IT is when .

I set yourself up, you could be good for the month though .

because I just paid IT. I just paid the rent for the first page check.

No, you said first paycheck goes to electricity. Second paycheck goes to rent.

Yes, electricity first pay check is is fifty, is twelve hundred. So electricity is only like a hundred box. So one hundred box of twelve hundred and .

the naval hundred, one hundred reller student, okay, hundred dollars goes. So Lucy, yes, that's what you freak out out about this one hundred dollars. If you freak out about one hundred dollars, we have more problems.

Is that a hundred dollars is not an inside of money? I don't, anna, be clear. You get a lot of hundred dollars, but if we are make or break on life from one hundred dollars, there's much worse happening.

It's more the second paycheck CT that.

But you are just something .

about electricity. You said the issue tricity .

is is way more than that needs to be.

I feel like like ctrace ity. I that's what i'm saying.

I I feel like you're probably paying on what you use. I don't don't care that doesn't listen. That's a completely a different conversation. The electricity use you pay for that what IT is, but you are complaining that the issues that you're doing with those, the electricity in a hundred dollars, not if to be clear, but not to make a break for your life. You complete that in a day.

yes. Can you make that? I do make IT in a day, but I just I feel like the way that my brain works is just what I don't know. I just feels IT feels not right. I just feels like i'm .

overpaying for that. But that's not to make a break.

The maker break is the total amount that I pay to live.

I feel like I A thousand fifty year even still that's not the court. Like for dali is crazy st think sure IT might be a listen, a lot of money into a percentage income potentially. But the thing is you could afford IT. That screams to me that, that is not the issue. And there is a much a larger substantial issue in your life, in your finance is in your spending, in your management, in your lack of budget and your ability to survive like an adult who knows how to look at their money and see where it's going. Looking at my O I hear that all the time.

why? Because IT. okay. So it's like when you're a child and you get scolded for like doing bad choices. I don't like looking at the coding .

doesn't compound though. It's sound like if you those bad choices, and eventually they catch one of the end, you get all the other bad choices post more. This is this compound. The lesson, as you look at IT, the worse and worse that gets, meaning the anxiety is building because, you know, it's only getting worse is something you have to confront.

That's why I don't look at my grades when I was in college because I was like, I didn't look at my grades because I got so terrified that I was doing a terrible.

But why here? Why you?

I am here because I have gotten a lot of money recently from my streaming services and I don't know what really yes, I really three services.

What do you do?

I am a context tor on uhh.

I'm in a specific age, uh.

gaming and slice of life typically OK. I don't play a lot of video games. My video games have been like like if you will so i'm branching out to single players and a lot OK.

And we do a lot of people to come under public of things. That's why you know using a fake name and there is no social links yeah like that doesn't matter. So you got a lot of money you are wondering to .

do with that was IT .

like .

a ramping up. These two months have been close to a thousand. The first one was nine hundred and seventy, and the last one was a thousand.

And then really set up for a much come on, right?

I maybe I use a little bit is a lot to me because I mean, that's like an entire page right there.

I do I get into a lot of money. We're probably thinking .

like tens. No, it's that's great.

I mean, that's good for extra supplemental income for something you probably enjoy more. Yes, OK, forty, forty years week, that other job, how many hours on the twitch? So probably close to forty day.

I'm definitely working as long as is growing. What is like the percentage growth month of a months of every time? I don't to. So okay, this one, so far, your projective revenue.

my projective revenue is close to six hundred because that you going to know because the last two months, I was doing a birthday thing and I kind of overspent for my birthday stuff. But that is what? And I swear I am a singer. I'm sorry.

I swear every first you just just seeing you, i'm talking, I don't get up. I swear all these people that just have these financial issues, these dots connect every single one of that. why? What is this subsection sion with like birthday months and all these balls? Who cares? Let yourself offer any success in the future.

How about that? okay. So I do set myself up for success.

But yeah, no, no, no, no. Actually I fifty hundred and my four one. K, thank you very much.

But what you mean?

Okay, but listen, listen, I I no, i'm not because I put IT when I get my paycheck because I know I overspent. I send my roommate the money for .

rent so that I know .

I i've watched a couple of years. So yeah, I feel like you miss me.

What do you mean? OK? So the supplemental income, yeah, what if you don't? So what is the birthday thing? Okay.

I spent four hundred dollars on a piece of art.

Yeah, but i'm confused again. The income from what went down thousand six hundred, I have to do with the birthday thing because dono. So that's one of the the unique .

that I making like a hundred dollars.

But now the birthday thing is okay.

Your concurrent viewers, on average, on average I twenty .

five to thirty depends on donors to be passionate.

And it's it's a lot people hear my story and they want to help me out.

Okay, well, that's cool. I'm N I N N. So what is going on right now with your debt, with your finances all around, the little more is coming in.

Okay, wonderful. good. That is not a bad thing. Utilizing and putting in in the right place is what matters. So what is going on? What are we looking at?

My biggest thing that's eating my right now is my, is my student no, that like my private student loan dad, it's yes, IT is my college avenue is what IT is and that's .

that's the .

government one yes, because that my A P R O, my apr is at fourteen percent and I am yeah that is what is eating my yeah no, that is what i'm freaking out of out because that is that that payment is due. I deferred IT for six months ago because I didn't get the promotion yet and I was still living on sixteen.

seventy five. sick. What did you go to school for?

I didn't finish college.

What did you go to school for? Was the I went .

to school um for business, for marketing.

Okay, how many years did you go on where?

So um I started out with um at bailer university and then I went to um I went back I filled out of that year um and I went back home to do so.

I didn't want to go.

I knew I shouldn't go but am a little lake. I'm a people loser so I gave into peer pleasure.

Remove the fan. Yes, that's crazy. One of the first few episodes we have recorded.

my mom took a lot about that. My mom took a really how much SHE how SHE has thirty k from bailer. And I took out I think ten k um from myself from like the because I know what students they do thing we're like, you get your own personal debt and everything like that's what I took out ten k that's so that's what the the other student loan is for. Um and then I went back home because I graduated in twenty twenty. I graduate has gone twenty and twenty to be getting with.

So what's your big issue then? Yeah, is student month okay. Then why possibly why possibly what four hundred sixteen dollars go to going out to eat alone? One category at many of one thing that could be going into compounding that pay off of the student on debt, private student on that.

I like food. It's not cute.

That's not funny.

I love food is nice because it's like you come home from a work and you just want to eat food, food because it's like warmth sault like sol food. I need little trinkets in life. I need little pleasures and stuff like that.

You like, are you joking? Is that a joke? No, no one talk like that.

I talk like, no, you, I do.

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Talk like that. This is how I talk. This is me.

This is my life. And I love food. I love food so much.

Well, clearly, but what of I? Clearly, the thing is, but you said the student one thing was the major issue dealing with and that I say you could be putting more money to IT and then you say I like food if that is IT as the end right wouldn't just be IT. That's a they .

wanted more. So my in one payment for that student loan, hundred dollars with two hundred dollars a month. They want more good, but pay IT. My interest alone on that loan is two hundred. If that good.

then pay IT. I'm not saying you have to deal that. I'm not saying it's exciting that you have to deal ta, but that's what that is.

So you deal and you don't say, I like trinkets, I like food. I say, good, that's my life. Let me go ahead and sacrifice temporary so that I have a chance for a Better life. You have anyone dependent on you do have one in life. You are you with .

it's be myself and eyes so OK .

you it's okay. Well, they'll be very sad when you're dinner poverty. You have to throw the they .

would be sad.

But I only a real thing, the thing you feel like a joke. I'm sorry.

not as a person. My I was a joke for a lot of curate my life so .

OK all right a thank you. Let's when we're talking fine as i'm sorry, but I. Um I don't know.

Well I mean if I got caught a lot like in my adult hood and that's when the reasons I um my x typically your .

x OK yeah are a lot.

So when I moved um because I filled out a bailer came home when to me college and then I moved out to arizona, he caught LED me a lot in that aspect because I was and I was going to school yeah .

was because I would pay my rent .

because I was not making enough money to live in phoenix. X because I my rent was a thousand dollars yes, I was working at I was not getting four areas week though. Not getting because starbuck would not.

okay. So he was helping. Subsidized is not .

necessary entire.

It's with that. You're blame in his past action for you. I like I get IT if els enable impact behavior, but I don't ascertained know what because you are working and sound like you are trying to get more hours, which you didn't have the jobs, I don't know, just IT sounds like you just trying to taking an excuse for why things are bad to day and why not doing well.

Now I think, I think, I think he is to blame. I maybe after you, I think he is to blame.

Care you? What do you mean you have no ability to self reflect internally and take any kind of responsibility? Really look teacher numbers yet, but that's insane. I think what in x again, when did you break up a year ago?

okay. I twenty year. I how long are you guys together to paja moved like he paid for our food is so needs.

Okay, but you're work and you're going to school sometimes that that happens. I wanted hear why is actually detrimental to you that was enable in bad behaving.

but you not like necessarily IT was the fact that I never learned how, but like I never know in the value that dollar. I didn't know like how .

much you have been a year now. why? How did you try to learn anything?

I mean.

I I are you saying, did he cuttle all the way to the moment you broke up?

Yeah, cause I felt about myself to the point where I like everything I have noted that .

you got your boyfriend and x box and news day loans for a yes, that's not your boyfriend in that you've been a dump in boring paid daye loans for his x box because I felt I have notes here about this. I just scroll down and find IT it's deep in here. These notes even like this is inform.

This is them taking notes for themselves like I don't go deep into the depths, but I know you were calling bold. You were making bad the choices in that relationship. I know from the conversations you had based on me dig in deep here, but you just want to blame IT completely on him that discuss me for, like the rest of this conversation.

That just suggests to me that all work is never gonna a responsible first thing. You're got a maria. K, all this one's interesting.

He was a feather. Yes, so try to get .

you bad bound.

I waited for, i've lost fifty pounds. I ve lost, I don't know. I think i'm pushing seventy five now, but i've lost like this. great. I pushing three hundred pounds, and now i'm tear tottering on on, uh, two hundred and about to be hundred, two hundred and i'm so freaking excited. But he like, I mean, he would come up and ask me at, like two A M, do you want mcDonald's and I feel like.

get let's go or say, no, that's not feeding. He ask if you want.

I I was so depressed that I sounds .

different than someone who like, just like endlessly bringing food. He came to inside. Do you want to go.

right? You know, ash, he would you.

or do order you made .

a sound different, okay? But he would constantly like, let's go get food. All of our dates was, let's go get food.

Let's go do this. Let's go eat food. I am the type of person where I want to go and do activities. Granted, I can't do IT now, but like activities, well, I can do activities now because my family.

part of you ever heard of a part of trees is great. Here's lauter.

That's okay. But like parks, no, but that's not entertaining. It's not like I I some .

value that happiness such as nature.

but it's not like flashing lights, like an arca or something like that, you know. I mean, it's not yes, park is really park in the winter time.

There's flash lights everywhere. Oh, oh, oh, okay, but he, so you're blaming all this on him. The thing, thing, thing definitely ons, we're i'm taking your word for IT. Well OK, you ve been a part of the for a year and you've lost fifty pounds is incredible or even twenty five incredible. If you've improved that party your life, why are we improving this party your life?

I feel like I am because I know that I have a problem. I am aware I have a problem, which is one the reasons why when .

I when you're where you have a problem, you don't spend four hundred fifty now is going out, which is already bad for you because this was really bad for you in their relationship. And you put IT still ones that you said we're holding a new back, specifically the privacy legal, like fifteen percent, because you want to bail. You know what actually happens? I'll give you a real world example again.

This is one of the first few episodes that uploaded on the sale. He went to beller. SHE didn't want to go to bail her parents force to go bailer.

They said they pay for the whole thing in your parents didn't do that. The son of o so SHE went there because they would like, okay, is where they do. They ended and ended taking more, more about double, I guess what? Because he couldn't afford to pay for them from multiple years.

They went from like eighty thousand hours to two hundred hundred and fifty thousand hours of high and just drive a miles. Never be forgiven, never be a go away via bank corrupt y and that's where we are headed. If you continue to spend money going out, instead of putting in IT towards the student loans, they wanted to raise the minimum of payment so that he would actually start going towards the principle a bit more instead of just the interests. good. That's beneficial.

The minimal monthly payment was right off the bat. Like I haven't paid anything and when they called paid anything. No, I mean, when is that one? Start with school this year. So my K, I think I can remember what the six month period is called, but that started in detect. My first payment was doing september, but I did the room.

Oh, you got an extra form on top of the, yes, because what the interest is, a cream was climbing doing that, I know, but I were head the same situation that that had, yes, like a four, two and half year reunion with that gasp, two years before. I didn't know.

like I knew, but I couldn't. I couldn't ford IT because I was like.

I had you doing there time in september.

I I didn't I didn't have that was still making sixteen, seventeen, seventy five. I didn't know if I was going to be able .

to budget IT in. Go ahead. Why don't? Why don't you? How was a lot? You're Better. I think a lot of IT was in a chicken.

And right, a lot of IT show me your chicken.

Lot of IT was savings OK go head, show me your spending account and I look like you are unable to make a payment. Let me see. We said I would be very curious because again, so far sounds like victim of the world. So let's see completely out of your control, some tea could make any payments, right? Let's see.

It's a little look, I guess a little I change. I started IT was the first because the first paint was doing the beginning of september and I didn't get the promotion until september. See.

I S A little picky, a little August picky and screen record and well, sense of things, just like a new regular statements I .

can't remember because I switched banks. So I don't know if there .

was no go head and take a look in your spending account while you're doing IT. I want you to give me, as you are, attend. What do you think you find out today? You're being the absolute tend being the episode boss.

I'm seen a one on your life, one kay. If you want to him for any court, it's free, it's fun. Go head check IT out.

It's linked in the description below. If you want to beyond show, I would love to have you here in awesome texas, we reimburse travel on all that stuff. Go head, go to kill him.

A slack supply, superfund, easy application and then you get there, talk and hang out with linsey and she's like the cool person, the the the world and then i'm going to yellow you and punch you verbally. Be wonderful. Did you find IT up? IT? And then jake is there too.

I can't try IT because it's just like more. Account management, maybe this is so much easier on the web. I'm sorry, I said why I don't like the funds.

And to give me time for a whole other add, this evil has brought you by earning to use this smartphone guys starting this upcoming monday all the way through the seven, six. We are thirty three percent of our higher class bundle, also twenty percent of every thing else, including our merchandise.

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A. With me where I go over my financial strategies. Sure to check IT out.

IT starts this monday and IT goes through december six. Sounds like you're probably spending too much in your service. You ever thought about doing .

helion for fifteen dollars a month?

Can I do the two months I have the same time? Is t they actually are good? But there you can check out your bingo card for the episode.

I think kind of show you like the transaction is that work are the same.

what you want to all your .

transactions is fine?

no. yeah. Okay, guys, course here is having a black friday. So right now you should check that out.

A lot of people in the audience to advances of last year help the resume made more money. Good dogs were back. We're back.

The extended act and statement has done when is to piano guys, i'm good thing is to banana in koa in the colony and it's like not fully or did you score the bottom? No, I don't have the beginning. I don't I don't .

spend the in the the .

how I to me we got talkers, dutch brows and apple subscription in some time. We went going to get a drink from seven, seven and up. We ve got some best spine, uh, tropical smooth amazon time them.

No, you did not have to take a deforming of the stack up, you public in a new payment. You got dh, you got amazon there. You got some more amazon there.

So selling, we've literally only progress two days. Star donuts mccart ald. Uh, okay, okay.

Prem g, what full door? We're back. Good thirty years. Guys have the first. We're going to interest to continue to get dash.

want to leave the house.

hundred twenty dollars sent out there will obviously black out the name, but crush talk o to drive through, get real food. This is surprised you eating like this and lose in. Wait, good for you. I wish I could you like this and lose way if I touch a calory again one hundred pounds .

after eating sugar.

twenty seven dollars to the sugar all this fast with you get in twenty seven dollars. Um twitch center. great.

When these on my gosh were still barely through the latter half of mid August. Star boxing, amazon, this is crazy. More of .


I guess you first to be doing apple, bill, sonic, netflix and I am not. Can for that time pay out all those people. People in that time, mcDonald pay.

So that's .

all of my twitch actually breaking even with that, you spend so much money. Five out, okay, you will come on. There was one hundred and thirty eight dollars. You've barely bring any money from touch.

I'm glad to bring in the man and come from you with the amount of money that is going out to to other forty five dollars there, and then all the extra things surrounding to which is crazy, the kind of i'm sure that was associated with that. And so I can X, C, L. And selling out ten dollars, forty five dollars around there.

That's four. You decided you wanted to live fun, have fun. If you defer because you could not survive, I would have sympathy. But the fact is that don't mean careful, you take the firm and whatever, it's not the action.

And taking deforming that I care about is very to july to sit there without paying any bounds in the curing at fourteen percent. And i've seen someone in your exact position from bailer with private and loans who got IT to two hundred and fifty thousand and old to be. So if there are not like three hundred thousand, thousand years later, you're gonna end up there, you are going to end up there.

And you human being that exist on this planet, seeing you get to that position when you do not have to, but you choose in toko bell or whatever in door h thirty dollars over actually making any kind of progress and trying to Better life and have even more independent because guess what you retain that literally is full and only knew all that kind of stuff. Kind of how you made is on this is fully take your word on that one hundred victim who is correct, okay, you know, like the victimized in yourself as a hundred percent rect. Cool, cool, wonderful.

How do you get more independence and never have to rely on anyone or ever get dependent on anyone? You get yourself out of this, that, but you are not choosing that. You are choosing o bell, ring, ring, ding, ding. You're just spring in that bell every day. Your life turned IT down .

the third while still .

lose in congratulating Alice hit hard. The thing is, you have the chance for the Better life. You have the chance to not be dependent on anyone else again, but you are choosing, no, you are choosing my future. I want to enjoy the goods now, my trinkets, my fast food, my .

whatever. I mean, now is guaranteed. Later is not. yes. But guess what?

If later is not guaranteed and you die tomorrow, you won't know that you had sacrifice. Sorry, if you had fun, you won. Know, even following, let's pretend you follow most religions.

Even then you don't. H IT says that you don't know. The majority of that happened in your city and life. You are on earth anyway. So no matter what, how is essentially based on belief IT doesn't matter.

So but on the higher statistical chance that you're gonna be here tomorrow, sacrifice for IT because you won't know you had fun and you won't know if you sacrifice, say there. Okay, but fine. okay.

Now see you. Are you trying to be a little chick, a little fun? You're a little silly.

stop. You're not. Stop, stop. This is your life, your White.

I like having fun.

It's .

hard. It's hard to be Better when you like. Old habits are hard. I guess it's really .

hard to don't care to .

an extent I do I feel like.

yeah but you care about talk because I want .

to feel OK if I don't feel OK.

what is feeling okay? What about safety and security? And I having to read anyone ever again .

that feels Better.

I guess you together five half years and you have to fight to get away IT sounds like cool. So if that's the case, why set yourself up for higher likely chance you'd .

be in that position of instant gratification then all IT.


But I it's it's hard to see the future because it's I want instant gratification.

Now yes, we all do. We all do. But what I got another that which was similar debt. What you have, I put that aside in my life is so much Better. Now I can see how .

IT can be Better. But it's.

if you have amazing insurgencies, ation when life is Better, I promise a relatively temporary sacrifice. I'll start with this discover card. Okay, on here.

U O, one thousand, three hundred sixty eight dollars and twenty seven. I think your private are a couple of, have a forty nine thousand mental payment for your income. These monthly payments are going to stack hard.

So I typically pay right now. It's actually down inside a thousand right now. Spent two thousand last .

eight months and aren't for tour for to which but you've barely made that much. You just got Lucy these past couple ones, because you, your bird, you have a dedicated families, which is awesome. I love that for you and good for them, as well as being so kind.

But come on, what can are what you? What do you think? What do you be? So not. What aren't you buying?

What doing? My model are SHE looks, but I like moto, what's a model? So like, I am a movie to tuber. So like the model .

are more so no.

it's of my model who looks hot.

Okay, we're not going to share on screen book.

Can I see? Yes, you can.

Do you want see right now? I would like to see right now, cause I can judge tightness.

do you? You, this is going good.

There is involved.

I can show .

you when we vote. okay.

Do you want to see what we still you want to see with? but. Are you a guy?

Are you a good guy? I want give me you. Thank you. Okay sure. I guess if I found carting care just I think that doesn't exciting.

I'm sorry that on you but here this is on me I see you know the boss doesn't either it's a cartoon but its a very animated but yeah like that isn't you know okay yeah no. And we receive the building behind the you are tube membership difficult if you, if you are fellow, follow OK. You can afford us the thing. Those two pictures are little bubi centered. By the way, I wasn't even real or I know pay for commit .

like for commercial fees because I am opening a march shop tune so I have to pay for commercial pay my artist, however, no, like I have a personal artists.

What have you made? Net like five dollars in the end.

So for this I haven't hearted at lunches next week, but I don't know. But based on how much interest IT is because I did like an interest and before people that show up, so it's consistently, that's the thing because that rotates like not every point.

I know we like streaming our youtube membership, I get IT, so i'm .

projected to make about six hundred. I think I need to look at the numbers in mind you.

he spent two thousand.

That's not on the all of the commercial art though, because I spent that is also on my model.

which is a lot of sound like this when your view to be in no you so you have like a voice modify .

no you you mean like I didn't know what you mean. I think you might like my dialect. Anything like that? No, I said like this is so what 我, because people like different dialogue, people talk different with british access. Sometimes I do, you know what I mean? OK.

tough, tough. Okay.

is a table with bridge accent.

but it's an accident yourself, please. But the sake of my sanity, thank you. They're typing tomato .

in my chat with them.

Tomato bno the boo like booo stop. I think I do a great time. No job.

This isn't a job. My accent, this is to drop. Oh my gosh.

OK you are. You're turning me into that. I've been on your side.

You're literally, i'm going to start, not you, please. I do not want that feeling again. You are a personal exist. I've seen people who get in the situation where you're happy to I want to prevent you from getting there. okay. And I take this very seriously, and I know i'm intense that I take this very seriously because I want to have a Better life but if you're just i'm not recordings this, i'm not film if you're I promise .

I pinky promise one touch A V.

2 pinking so thousand and three and six eight doors and twenty two cents on here and forty nine thousand with the payment, please, one hundred forty five dollars of purchases we need your baLance went up even though is a cruel interest. So my job, here's some bingo financial, a credit card that you can't fully pay off, that the cruel interest you decide to purchase on IT. Go ahead and walk me through your lot. The police casters none.

So I had an event that happened in october that I didn't have to make purchases. Yes, however.

what was the event?

IT was a event in, uh, the D, F, W. Area that I was a content creator and I got was was like featured or whatever.

Okay, so you should be paid instead of sending .

money that I purchased this because there were little trinkets .

taking about G L P one meds like oepa. We gov then, you know, the struggle of dealing with insurance. And unless sapo TTS, luckily, our sponsor roll makes IT way easier to find out if you're covered without all the hassle.

Role helps you check. G, L, P ones are right for you without leaving your couch. No insurance headaches, no doctor waiting room visits, none of that.

Just a simple online process to see if you qualify. So here's how works. You start with a quick online IT, maybe a lab test of needed.

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Once medication. So what are you waiting for that a row dock co. Slashed IT takes just a few minutes.

So what are you waiting for? Go to row ducks code slash kaleb to find out if you're covered for free. I have going inside a gas station for a drink.

I have some bark. I speak. And so so is that all that?

The food, because they wanted to go out to eat after the event and everything like that, they wanted to go to eat to bark. E after after we did the event one night, they who's they like the people who invited to go to the event.

they want to cover your food, invited to go to the event. People, no religions have been bad invites.

Well, I mean, it's I also struggled people paying for me as well. I don't give .

why because I don't.

I think IT has to go back like being financially like depended on him, which I know. I mean, based on finances, it's like i'm not doing well for myself but like I don't want to go back to people.

I get I did you know this different? We can separate a little right? Yeah, I get this probably a little trauma around in their relationship. I get IT, I get IT, I get IT. And then like just liquor for .

days and liquor for days, I dizon Normally .

through the amazon.

I did get boost. I got a monster. What I have been doing Better on because what I do is I now book by instead of, because the if you go to the gas station, it's like eight dollars for monsters, whatever. So instead I go to cover and I get a toll pack of monster for twenty box.

I don't care.

You went and did IT OK. But like i'm doing Better.

I feel like I is not reflected in your and .

so anyone can anything OK .

for but like I yeah twenty four point seven four percent .

interest that's how .

much that what I I don't .

remember how much my my interest rate on my discover okay.

capital one was the baLance because you provided like screen shots of your purchases but not a baLance or interest .

or anything oh no I shouldn't did that but um my baLance is currently is there there is a pending payment right now to pay off the card so it's completely really yeah because what I do is that is um I am switching everything older to all of my stuff that I need to pay for twitch. That is all gonna be on capital one. So what i'm going to start doing since i'm making enough money is i'm just going to pay off that card every single month. So right now.

they did you have a bound. okay. So do we just treat this like pay often? I didn't say on the experience report there is about .

because it's it's paying now it's it's like.

I like pay yeah okay, what was the bound? So make sure you actually .

made IT was three hundred. I okay.

listen and not is no good job paying that off. That is showing a little bit of a discipline. They are specific with that card. Gosh will compared that to like to a thousand three success on the other car in the student loans. I really thought when we pay off a card, we like paid off cars.

So when I pay off, discovered I will be a bit went for me because I found that cat.

Okay, because that's sorry, sorry, I don't want to take away from that win. I was kind of when you say i've comment to a lot of money IT was IT was like, I paid off this card. I was like, okay OK so you put money on here.

I put out off. Okay, if you want a little electra safe, I did use the face card to debit card, but a bills card. So you get the same kind of things which you spend on spend more money than you have account valve was spending in there.

So that couple bundle, oh, wow, haven't heard of that a bit. Rh was still door take. Listen, here's the thing. You're right, you put them on this card. You pay card relations is wonderful .

because what we said, what the movement IT was funny.

I'm excited you have the student moes to pay off even if we're putting the door dason the car that we're pay off that is still thirty out that you are paying off force the card that could have gone to pay off the student also that occurring at a forty percent interest. So it's still not a good purchase. Amazon, I need to look at drama zon and then sa and sick it's this isn't twist many.

What do you talk IT about is this is this month, this is this month.

This is me switching over because as .

you can probably great I to close.

I have a why because .

I don't want to be with chase because with discover checking, they pay you early.

Oh, come on, that shouldn't be the thing.

but I shouldn't be the ish.

I don't want to have that. The reason then again, is stemmed from just financial inability to are not maturity, but inability to a man in our financial maybe financial immaturity, but like getting that pay quicker, like a day or too early. That shouldn't be what's making or breaking us.

If you're managing and budget, go through our budget in class, you get all three of our programs you get for free. Go to the quiz. Es, do IT your family you want to? I don't give right now.

They're bungled together for ten or fifteen percent off. I don't remember what we decided about. Check check out. But come on like obviously with the tripoli in the dickeys arena troubles les through with the cafe go signing, get going to sign and supports talkers and chickle way that all, even if paid off on the car, could have been going to the damn student loans and prevented you from turning like that gas. I was on the show two and a alf years ago.

the a purchase for my sister, sir, my mom paid for SHE gave me money on that. That's fine.

I'm always with yeah the risky would be noted on yeah maybe some business purchases are are not like office soon as OK. This is the, this is the big guy.

This is the big due in the room because the .

thing is about to something you could deal with. IT really is as far as student loans go, twenty eight thousand and one hundred and sixty one is. Now look at the starting sten.

I get IT is started. Twenty two. I've seen works on the show. I'm not trying to diminish this, but the thing is I think the average person walks away .

school forty thousand hours .

and I know I know but walks away forty percent of people uh, who go to color stone. So I was one of them. But you know as far as like you made that sound like this instructive force, where is statistically, if we put them on the scale is pretty daring, the norm.

The interest rate is rough. Don't give me wrong on that front. But the format, when you could have paid on what we know, what was the meeting payment at the time, do you could pay that? I saw three hours to six times two minimum, and we already know you spent four hundred dollars and going out to eat.

So I don't give up you. You're doing this yourself. You destroying your life. That's your choice. So you're acting like this is much bigger than that is.

It's not it's not insignificant and IT might feel like IT is feeling sure. Okay, great. Because that's what you know, making a break in our financial situation, not the actual number.

The everything feels like a giant mountain to me, everything feels huge. And I just looking at that number because IT IT acute so much over these last year because .

you chose not to pay on IT for this a couple months, i'm going to, but that's a couple months of no money going towards IT at that fourteen percent in same. Let's see, I come on one month, almost three hundred dollars of interest .

is and I said it's OK no .

more tongue destroying conversations we don't need to have that wasn't is is the you're just I don't know you're making that sound instructor like you have no control over this, and that is a victim of mentality. And if you have that your entire life, you're never gonna conquer IT, never gna conquer anything. You're going to be able to retire, never going to have self control.

You're going to have been a relationship like that again. Like if everything is beyond your control, that where you're going to end up, you're going to end up at the bottom of this mountain that you're afraid of constantly and never going to make a single step up. Maybe once you go up and short and the seems you don't know, in fact IT is because again, even still this bounced after all the interest of cute and never making eighty process swards IT IT is still ten over ten thousand hours less than I think the median person uh, borrows when they go to college, whether not they graduated.

I didn't, but I don't think my salary reflects like paying IT off quickly. Like it's just like because it's going sorry again.

I say that for him you get go .

for go for a go for a go for IT. I'm ready. I'm OK. I'm ready.

You spent four hundred thousand going out to eat. So salary, in fact, we know you could put next hundred thousand more than your minimum payment. If you had your minimum yet on that, this is your choice.

Yeah, exactly. Is a funny joke. IT is a funny joke.

I mean, life is a fina joke. What you talking about is I want to deal with that. Life is a joke I feel like to extend, because sometimes .

it's not real. You just like like our lives to joke whatever. I don't, again, with assuming that this is instructive and you cannot conquer that you are never going to get anywhere with that.

never change that.

Well, I would love to. I participate, please. And that change would be good when you're making a sound like you can do this, but I know you can.

I think I can because. I feel like I want to make my life Better. I feel like I do. And I think I think I can because .

what would you make your .

life Better paying on that loan because it's not going to keep incurring rate after like sure.

What's Better about your life? Not having this debt.

being able to buy a house soon? That was how we want to. I would love a house is great. I would like to be debt free by the time and thirty.

you can do that. I think this is something here I don't .

know about no cause my the only other thing that I think that would be significant is my car loan, but I don't have when my car .

paid off OK car. My car is .

at two thousand .


both back in java.

how he is going to need our place of.

She's at one and number. This is one five or no. One, three, eight, comma, zero, zero, zero.

I know that.

How much should?


I think I have the thing with numbers like to jump around in my head lot. And sometimes I see the number wrong. That's no. Yeah.

it's what you do you .

but I feel like that is also I I I think I see all of this, right? I see all of this stuff and .

I get down two numbers and .

I still like, I see everything that I I think really overwhelming.

and I I get the overwhelming that's, but again, I want to correct that mindset a little. The longer you let IT set, the more overwhelming it's going to become. Mails just ripped that bandit off. It's going to become even worse. And we know that because he went from, what twenty two thousand and twenty eight ah .

do you know IT .

gets worse? I know IT gets worse.

And you also do some basic because my next payment is due in march. So if I start.

i'm just going to say you keep deferred this thing right because you just keep saying I can make a payment. I mean, the victim. So you know, this is actually birth, fourteen percent annual interest on this. okay? I want to say you don't paid off the next five years that become seventy six .

thousand and that happens .

to that of the person he just kept deferment, wasn't making payments, building absolutely in the minimum of payment that gets worse hundred and fifty two thousand. You don't pay IT over the next decade.

That is a lot more than what if .

you're not terrified of that? I don't know. This looks overwhelming. You don't even .

know how that a one hundred and fifty thousand that's lake it's like .

a downpayment for a house basically .

a let's like that's like half of a house because the houses that are like OK, but it's that's a lot of penny.

Yes, yes, that's something.

So I think maybe possibly cutting back may help just a little bit.

But I villain left two thousand, three hundred twenty seven dollars on this a firm.

yeah. I default unit.

No, it's closed after the collections. Yeah, I think no, I don't think so. No, it's still under firm OK OK collections and that her even worse.

And you want to get a house. Okay, well, that is. So what happened .

with that is I was still trying to do school, and everything like that would do that with dental stuff. So i'd just try to do a dental program and that didn't work very well.


yeah. Why are you confirm things .

that you couldn't pay?

Because I needed an education that .

was the pressure you .

think because I was a program um that costs .

you affirmed the program.

I yes.

what are you still in school while doing this program? This was the school. what? What did you try to do? So I post failure. So I went to two different schools here.

bailer and grand canyon. Okay, and kenyon, and then this was after grand canyon.

third time. Yes.

and I did not do well. Clearly.

kay, obviously, the cars were going to hockey up for the one of those specifications. But and it's free for you, twenty five percent of everything. One else for black first, free for you, a grand kin university. We all go, we go to them. So only you, again, not in significant.

What happened with them is I didn't see when I was signing up for my scholarships that if I failed a class, I would have to own them back the school.

Where do you know? Where know you want to doing anything?

Actually, why did I class? I think I was around.

And being honest, I think, yeah probably .

that that makes sense. I think I was around a little, but I think, no, actually, I was working at target and I was trying to I was putting more effort into target in school. That's what was happening. And I would miss my class time because I would try to work.

So why haven't japie this? Guess what? It's been almost two years.

No, that just started .

showing up .

a man I like. I just now started .

in calls for IT, calls for IT being close. But I think it's not it's not new though. You've old us since twenty twenty three he says.

yeah because they started what they did is they called me when I was still in my old .

apartment .

when in twenty twenty three. So I was like .

probably so why my question that stands. Why not pay?

Because I didn't have A B because I didn't for time. B .


Because I was the, quote, unt homemaker and quote, unquote. I was .

still going. The relationship work .

I wouldn't allow. He was wanted to make my life Better. He wanted me to like .

because I he wanted proud.

Okay, yes.

but i'm not a child person 是 when you say .

people leave, I guess I just I really, really wanted to be something.

What did you guys talk about IT though? Yes, because that I don't mean why don't make like you did talk about he is like, no.

we talked about IT and we decided that .

would be Better decided. Ah so you did we did are yes and you agreed yes.

I am push over when IT comes to that.

Did you agree though my heart .

know because I know that I wouldn't be happy as a trial. I would not, because I like to be with people, and I like to go out and I like to create things and stuff like that.

Grand canyon one thousand thousand and six one. That was probably feb paid since then because I ve been paying off other things actually. Even in october, August, August, when I was looking to statement that was everyday with food and three at me.

honestly, I kind of forgot .

about the the grain came an actual excuses upstart. Uh, so that .

was also a supposed to be a student loan. I used IT to go to, uh, community college. So what happened is I .

did this program, this OK. I did a program .

where they told me to stop paying everything .

and then they would.

oh no and and they times.

yeah OK what sorry and .

they would take care of IT and deal with the the a thing whatever and then my mother said to not do that and I said I should pull out that so then I started.

um um sure yeah .

so I started. That's why there's a dip in my create record because I went, I was .

but because .

I don't have that .

money right now because it's .

it's a lot of little things.

little things at up. Yeah, this happened for four years.

Gis know I was making the payments on that one for for a little bit.

I was the payment that's four thousand and twenty eight o yeah team mobile for tig.

That one was was to be closed because that one wasn't me. That one was posted.

It's time your .

credit did well know I did the dispute in credit karma where you can dispute IT. I did IT for that. I guess it's back on. So I think I think .

you what's all for the service with the other person, you are probably on IT, which means you were all that I mean, you don't get to get out of because the of emotions, that's how this works. Something is ever gna work. If you signed up for something, you get IT still .

but .

I didn't think I actually okay but you two.

but I didn't get IT I I on okay what you do.

I can give you, I don't, doesn't I you know you.

I know I do, but I just I didn't honestly, I didn't think he came back. I thought i've got rid of.

okay? Well, only three hundred sixty four there again.

Actually, I think that's the one I could. No, I paid. I paid off a different one because I did have a collection. I should not. Okay.

I paid off one collection today OK OK OK. And then we have federal student. This brings closer to that average. So federal.

I have been paying on time. So what I do is I get bonuses from work and everything like that. So I put that because IT out of sign, out of mind for me. I put all my.


I put all of my bonuses in a separate savings account, and this auto trusts from that account. So that way I know what gets made. Now you can make .

eighty two dollars a month. You can make your three hundred thousand a month, one as well. There are you love.

So, okay, I mean, sure. Guess that I can give you high five for an eighty thousand our month payment. 嗯, OK, i'm glad you are paying.

Don't give me wrong. They would have, actually, I probably referred you without interest crowing. So what I am, no, you shouldn't have to.

You should to cut back in your wants. Two point five percent, just two point five percent, and seven point four point seven percent on the highest. So none of them are desperate to pay off early to add me to pain until those who paid off specifically. Oh, everyone, I think I have another collisions.

Uh, three, sixty four, eight of the collections on kay .

will retain likly dance. I don't have another one. Is that IT? No other does I .

think that IT because it's just my my credit cards, my student loans and then um I can check out .

cause I think that is and I think honest .

to god that because I couldn't get into my please I want to do .

for now because I think you keep looking. We ended with one hundred and visit thousand and our cover checking .

come for it's Better than being say.

sure IT is Better than being negative for sake that scary because that leads us to be negative. We are going to started with thirty dollars I because this .

last night was rough. This last month, I was good. In month, no, because I had to paid.

No, because I D pay for car insurance. I'd paid. I prepaid for car insurance.

Oh, okay, listen. And I think most people should. But even if you pay a little more to make IT more affordable for you in the moment, and so you don't go negative, maybe IT make sense for a quarter to do .

play for a moment.

Like if IT literally puts you on the edge of not having money, you don't push you to save a few box. What I want you to do, you don't push yourself to the edge of over drafting. But obvious ly doesn't mathematically make sense in the end.

I think that is lot of that cause that sounds .

about right. Okay, good. So as many of you know, i've been a big supporter, of course, career for a long time.

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So i'm glad a little bit more money came in. But guaranty on your business, you spend more than you made at this point. absolutely. Seven, seven, eleven, you win and you get some body. Domino's.

amazon, forst.

People like you, I don't know. Steam purchase ten dollars, amazon, paypal, paypal winning and get monster. Amazon paid for disco natural.

Amazon pay a lot more disco purchase there. Well, sushi go amazon, paypal now. Amazon mcDonald S C dutch pro Q T hundred dollars cash do shortly.

White run mcDonalds queen, something is. Lots of paypal transfers do every paypal account I know. Yeah, I want to see you so much money going back. Of course, I want to a statement looking through statements.

Come on, a lot of IT .

Green record for us.

Screen record.

Are you saying a lot of IT for witch? A lot of IT? great. So even a lot .

of the sufficing from pole is is from, like I pull from my back account, I don't have a big action face pay.

When do we make a budget? What we how much should I put in for twitch? You know, not for income, for spending, because you spend this insane, stupid amount of money up, paying, paying for people, paying for people, paying for people. Commission, commission, humble bumble, boston stream, that thing. This is more dropout.

More .

mcDonald and twitter sound everyday, lose weight. More twitch, more twitch, more twitch, make out S, C, twitch, twitch with the games, discord. Paying people who make sure for looking out their name.

You pay for six k two hundred forty dollars. I pay that person out of money. Yeah.

you do and you don't .

make enough to do IT and you have high interested in going to hold you back. Remember what we just talked about? How if you don't pay IT, how where those student go? Remember, member, the little conversation. Yeah, that's where go go.

How would you do that instead of paying for stupid stickers? What S I don't stop the will keep going because you there are so many amazon purchases are only takes all for sector is even more purchases and other checking cal and me, I do appreciate you. Come on the show.

I know i'm hard, but come on, I got a clear for your boss. I mean, it's so stupid the way there was a twitch stuff. It's so stupid.

Okay, so we. You're spending more in witch you make IT doesn't make sense. Kiss, you have students that you can pay off that are forty forty percent going to ruin your life. Can U, S, B, C stuff, fifty shets of heavy weight White card stock, ideal for something, some cat little stuff, dish, drive of electric shock color, only use the buzz.

I would just shock. On king thing, well, no witch .

IT was a strange. Yeah.

I I want .

Harry. I have a hard hired to those two .

records you don't need be doing.

Record, suffer. Now, come on, I do. I know you don't need to be doing, but from from the process.

I didn't buy that.

That is that recommended?

Yes, no, but I don't have money.

One of those purchases are stupid. You can the skin record OK. And then again, in here we have more discord of neural. All those other ones are extra.

What are you doing on discord? No, they should all be natural. No, they are natural. Hundred percent. I will back .

myself up the amazon, amazon, then, without ten dollars money to apology. More canvas.

You give me the question you spend more than you make.

Again, we've been through this, and we know where your student loans go. So I don't give up what .

burden are. Nothing continue.

Go, don't we? Come on though, eighty, forty hours. Thousand seven hundred two.

what that's right. So what I do is I give my remate.

dark, cruel eighty five dollars check for subway when i'd got a monster, because a dark Crystal.

I think that was when I went to do the same thing and I bought cool things.

Oh, didn't get paid for. And you spend money and you would come on, come on, come on. And then the neck checking account, two hundred twelve dollars and their zelin out money and just transfers was simple.

Or is that original technical? How have you not had an over graphic? I am so surprised you bring yourself so dangerously low. It's crazy.

Is a hundred dangerously low if .

any payment hits or any emergency happens? Are you kidding me then? And are your savings got hundred? seven? One retirements, fourteen.

okay. So we're definitely behind them. A lot of things.

I thought I was ahead on my on my first one km for my age.

Ah no no probably compared to like the medium in terms sometimes your income by thirty and at this point, you're not attract to hit that. I would I would probably guess what's .

one track of my into what's .

your total annual income?

Great question, mine. And I think it's like I think I calculated IT, I think calculated eighteen, fifty.

eighteen, three times nine hundred forty a week week thirty eight thousand hours should have about forty thousand and retired. That does not double enough to be able in forty thousand. I do five percent.

and then my company matches five percent, ten percent.

I can be enough to get to retirement. You want about OK o it's OK to start little when you it's OK. I have a small bounce in your first getting started. But but to think you are on the right track, you are not in terms of having enough.

I feel like since I started in february, I feel like it's good for her starting february .

for starting in february. okay. But again, I just don't want you to think that IT is enough.

How much would be enough? And one point .

to forty thousand by the time or thirty. So whatever gets you on track to .

get that that how I going to ford that in house too.

oh, you got to start making sacrifices. But we need to be able to have enough money to live. You can get house poor, house poor.

When you have a house with, you just can afford delivering and cannot ford a retired a new point that's more dangerous? Or rather, you have a retirement and rent in terms of just life security by being able to take advantage compound growth in the overall market. Listen you down to talk about this in your retirement stuff with the domain money financial advisor.

There are my financial advisors. I like everyone in the audience to free session with them. If you guys want, I highly recommend smart.

You get a free session as well. Did you connect with them? They can talk the retirement of OK need you reach your budget.

You have money retirement, simple as that. So let's do the budget. What do you think kids, your account on a monthly basis, payroll deposit at three thousand and says something about right?

Yes, because that just got it's it's a little less is typically about twenty eight because I got an influx paycheck recently for my last paycheck was was fifteen hundred and twenty.

And then i'm going to add five hundred for twitter. Yes, because five hundred, three hundred. But how much money we spending on twitch and .

what am I put in aside for to IT since I come two three plan, say what I have to go .

to twitch .

card according to my manager, I have .

to do to come OK, of course but yeah because I to go to twitch on in order .

to like profile l myself for work because I don't go to witch, yes, because that's the world, all the partnerships are. That's in order how I move .

up to next sponsorships, sponsorships, actual manager, a real person who will .

go advocate for you. Sponsor.

so I don't money to do cut cat, yeah they take a cut, they take a twenty .

five percent. So but if then I lose more, or is that? No, they go sponsoring .

whatever they bring you, they get twenty five percent. How much is a treat to twitch?

con? It's gonna like how much? It's gonna like three K I mean.

objectively, you can afford that. You can't.

But then also then I have another one, two.

So I have what other that .

ones in june, that was what is IT is called off kai. That one is like A V tube.

E, R, O, don't go to that. OK, but don't go to that one.

But that one just revo tubes. And that one has a lot of lake IT, has a has more opportunity for V.

T. Where are doing this? Come on. We are so close to the, and, man, we are so close.

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? We are so close, but it's just in the budget sit where we can like that is not the budget. It's 嘿嘿。

Hey, OK, we will see much if you're going to get at some point you're gonna to some damp, listen, is probably I kind of this is such a stupid thing to break at the end. You know, you can't afford this. Is this funny? No, what is not you laughing? I'm trying to figure you out cutting how much I need to set asset on a monthly basis.

You were spending money on twitch stuff. So which stuff? So how much money do I said, you know why? This is what I do.

This is what I do. Whatever money you bring in twitch, you can spend that on to which you spend anymore on double. Okay OK.

So twenty eight hundred come, all right. That's what IT is for. Take your potent rent utilities altogether.

Ers, tent out a one thousand and fifty dollars, right? yes. Is that a cooking internet? No, what is internet for you?

Fifty current.


is about two hundred dollars months since I prepared as well. I'm prepaid until six months a month, so but I should put a sign money going be two hundred month. We don't know since for switching providers, since I was outrageous phone bill, uh, I don't pay for my phone there.

Parents yek guess room, room, drive, drive.

That is about two hundred a month.

Give keep, you find anything else you need. The survivors can be a hundred dollars food. You're gona meal prep of a couple times a week um and refrigerate, bring hundred dollars. The other pets .

my mom pays for them.

including .

peinture ance. Yes, he has everything.

but the health are everything. Yeah I so be you're very, very much dependent on pay. You said, okay much .

I pay fifty, lars because I .

that's cheap. okay. So to be clear, you are so depending on someone you said you didn't want to be, you refuse to how low people to hear your meal, but you're very much so dependent on someone .

here in all this health care is because SHE has a Better plan.

No, and I get that. But again, with her pain for you're not even reivers her because she's getting money taken up before her pay hits, you're still dependent on people. I'm not saying that's that's really bad thing. But based on what .

you are saying earlier, yes, I know IT doesn't hit because she's still paced the same because he has two other kids.

So it's no that's y i'm just saying you said you refuse to be anyone earlier, but you are very much dependent on her for multiple bills.

yeah. But I feel like if I was less dependent, I think I would I don't think I would have the money for trying to pay .

off anything else. No, I again, I don't necessarily disagree with that. I am just saying, based on what you said earlier, of refusing to be dependent on anyone else.

But that is natural. You are to extent, to extent, yes, of course. But your pets, your phone bill, your health care, come on, anything else I need to be your budget that we don't have. This is tty home jam um .

and then I would like a trinket.

budget trinket. I'm going.

I wanted.

what is the track? I still don't even know what are you doing because i've never heard or is this the new tweet tat?

What is a trinket? It's like a little thing that you can just like this. Or this is a trinket.

Why do you use your trick? This is a trick art ahead. I don't need to buy a new trick .

that I just shining new things inside.

New things. You're shining. New things is dead. Be .


Child, three old baby, I am I not funny? It's not.

T I just twenty five blocks, twenty five bucks, twenty five banks.

I put twenty five. But I feel like i'm just giving you an excuse to spend money and you're going to go over. This is so stupid.

Of god, that's done the thing. I'm upset. I even agreed to that because they feel come just allowing you to be bad, allowing you to refuse to sacrifice.

I am Sally.

sacrifice with food. So i'm such .

a thousand .

hours month. K, thousand hours a month. Listen, if you want to start paying off deck or you got a pick twitch counter paying .

off that worker.

how when switch need to pay.

switch kinds in october. So I was going to do do if .

they if they pay for, you can go OK because i'm saying you can spend what you make your twitch money .

on twitch stuff. Can you budget like a thousand if possible? I I don't like .

you're taking away a month of progress. Fine, if, but that I mean, sure you can. But that is a month of progress you are losing and that you had to be willing to accept.

It's going, can I wait until closer?

Because I if, of course, what this dep f is going to beat by then, oh, okay again, all your student, uh, okay, all if you're done together is forty seven thousand hours. So we know that that takes about forty seven months.

It's not that bad, right?

No, it's not that bad. But twitched counts before then a couple twitch counts. Yeah, it's four years. So that's .

onna set me back a lot. But if if the but if .

you do for touch concern, you pay more other pocket than your two people pay you than yes, IT will. It's stupid. Listen, I definitely get IT.

I definitely get IT. But guess what? I've done pretty good on youtube, and I ve never going to the youtube gun of then .

you need but you need partnerships so I don't know how you understand you that I think.

yeah, you need someone like that goes in shops, partnerships for you, they bring him back to you have to see if a vive your morals vibes. What do you want to do? You probably turned on the majority of them like we do. And then at that point, you just accept them and then they get a little cut. It's an agency .

to the nineteen agency. Then stop spending so much money on stuff.

Yeah yeah reached to some agencies.

but OK, but try that if you're your .

entire reason of going there is getting partnerships.

try that IT is IT is my then try that first.

You haven't to october, but even four years, I don't think you should be four years. I really think I get you wanted to this thing, but the fact that you're doin forty hours week at your job and forty hours we can watch, you could be making so much more progress if twenty of the extra forty hours so we was at a second job actually bring in real money.

And at that point, you know that would probably bring an actual thousand box and that after taxes minimum. So you do that wonderful. And at that point, that double that pay out any from four years to two years because you're also .

go in four years to thought .

a fully from emerges from which is a scary five year pay off zone. Why not get that to two and a half using forty hours that you're doing to which and doing twenty for another job? I know what you want to do, but what matters more? The twitch or being debt free with an emergency point being able to survive. Give me the honey.

It's honestly twitch. I know I know it's selfish. I know it's selfish, but I would rather I would .

stand that's your answer. That's your choice. That's how you're doing IT. I get IT. That's fine, but you're setting yourself out for a much harder, longer, stressful life. You really are.

Whatever spending in the budget you overspend zero attend way did you? I think he didn't. Please, let's see a spending of guys.

We even, we even to talk about this. You all way there. Yeah, wait, there's confusion. Thousand, two thousand, you made four thousand. You spent five thousand, seven hundred and seventy.

How did I spend that much? What I? What was that? What was the highest one?

We went through a lot of spending, but I was your category and saying you had a lot of large purchasers. Ch, spending category, kay, so you definitely overspent the debt of collections. You are a ten of mercy fun with nothing.

I'll give you a one attempt to starting retirement. You're about a two ten real stay, obviously zero out of ten. See if you at least got to one.

I don't think so. Did you rounded up barely, barely rounds IT up because you're at a point point zero six. So rounded IT up.

Panera financial score one ten will have you back on the follow of channel. Go check out the food to the follow channel. We will head into the post show for now. And those extra things like maybe calling your mom and crazy stuff that we're going to do, that the producers going to bring in and dive deep into extra things that they know. Guy, I is definitely be sure to check out our entire bundle package of education programs bundle together at a large discount just for you, and you check will see the post .

you in collections.

To watch the financial lot of potion, click the join button below. Hi, I do good. We got a lovely little camera, and right here I know we are to got your consent, time, everything for all fun. Little lovely.

A D, D, is to talk about the post show and up and we just want to get your eyes on me and just get you know that such a little little consent for me for happiness because it's A A wild one compared to Normal. I'm ready. We go. What you think.

I love IT. I love you so much.

Oh my god, this is great. right? Well, your videos going out tomorrow.

I'm so excited. I am so excited. This is great. Oh my god. Oh my. Just probably don't read the comment section is always the suggestion because .

people are crazy online. My mother and he's going to read IT and make sure things good, very like we all .

a be beautiful, okay, beautiful. See, people have a fund center humor and people can have fun online. You can calm down now.