cover of episode I’m Not Surprised She’s Single | Financial Audit

I’m Not Surprised She’s Single | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

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通过分享她的故事,Vanessa 为那些遭受家庭暴力和虐待的人提供了支持和鼓励。
Vanessa: 我是一名45岁的信息系统技术员,月收入约为10000美元,其中包括36000美元的军人退休金。我独自抚养两个孩子,一个已经大学辍学,另一个即将参军。我住在圣安东尼奥,但并不喜欢这里。我每月收入约6000美元,但经常超支。我有一个记账本,但对数字不太敏感。我有一些信用卡债务,其中一张信用卡余额高达23525美元,月利息565.75美元。我用这张卡支付了祖母的葬礼费用。我还有其他债务,包括房屋装修贷款和摩托车贷款。我的财务目标是在五年内退休,在加勒比海的一个小岛上生活,每月生活费约3000美元。我计划通过偿还债务和可能的海外工作来实现这一目标。我意识到自己的消费习惯存在问题,并愿意做出改变。我不会轻易放弃我的摩托车,因为它对我意义重大。 Caleb: Vanessa的财务状况非常糟糕,她的债务总额超过48万美元,其中包括高额的信用卡债务、房屋装修贷款和摩托车贷款。她的每月最低还款额超过2700美元,这还不包括抵押贷款。她的消费习惯存在严重问题,经常超支,并且没有应急基金。她的退休计划不切实际,因为她目前的储蓄不足以支持她未来的生活。我建议她改变消费习惯,减少不必要的支出,偿还债务,并建立应急基金。她需要做出牺牲,例如出售摩托车,以改善财务状况。我建议她考虑海外工作以增加收入,并制定更切合实际的退休计划。

Deep Dive

Vanessa discusses her move to San Antonio due to her son's basketball aspirations and her background in the military.

Shownotes Transcript


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Why are you telling my business? Well, now I know why you want the kids to leave so you can be loud. Okay. Studio booking. At least I'm loud with myself. Okay. Hey, I'm just saying. Okay. Never mind. Hi, my name is Vanessa. I'm 45 years old from San Antonio, and this is Financial Audit.

Wow, 45. I legitimately thought you were younger. So good job on that. Well, thank you. Lucky. So what do you do for a living in San Antonio? I am an information system tech. Okay, awesome. That can make some monies. What are you making? Right now, like $100,000. Like $100,000? Yeah. So is it $100,000? It's like $100,000 and two. Okay, $100,000. Okay, cool. How do we feel living on San Antonio in that? San Antonio, one of the cheaper cities in all of Austin. Or all of Austin, all of Texas. Goddamn.

Well, I don't like it, but I'm here. You don't like San Antonio? No, I do not. Okay. Why are you in San Antonio? Because my child brought me here. Okay. Funny story. So I sent them here to San Antonio to do a basketball camp.

They convinced him and he met a girl, but he didn't tell me that part. So the coaches was like, hey, you should move to San Antonio so you can, you know, get better looked at for basketball. That's the only part he told me. How was the kid? He was 16 then. We moved for a 16 year old to play basketball? 15 year old to play basketball? From where? Well, we lived in Tennessee. I retired from the military. Oh, when did you retire? 2018.

Okay. Do you get any money from that? I get a retirement check. Okay, cool. Is that monthly? Yes. How much is that included in the $100? $36,000. Yes. Okay, so that's included in your... So the $100 is your total? Yeah, $102 is the total. Oh, gotcha. Okay, cool. So...

Wow, we moved down for a 15-year-old to play basketball more? Yes, and he got a full scholarship to play basketball at college. Well, that's good. What college? He was going to Ottawa University, but he decided to play at Okidoki and drop out a few months ago. Play at Okidoki? Ottawa University. Oh. It's in Arizona. Oh, this is so confusing. Okay. So, we... Ottawa in Arizona? So, okay, this is what happened. So, we are retired. Okay.

my mom passed away in the house and he found him and he was like mom I want to leave and I said fine so we moved to Texas because of the basketball thing sure so he became very good at you know one of the top players in steel okay and so his senior year he tours ACL and MCO so a lot of his other um

scholarships they backed off but the one school that kept him they wanted to give him a scholarship was ottawa university so he graduated from high school yes he graduated from high school and moved down to arizona to play basketball okay interesting and now you're stuck here stuck i'm not why are you here you hate it well because he came back okay all right we'll talk about all that in a bit but okay well i feel like there's probably a lot to dive into sounds like

$9,421 comes in on a monthly basis under your account, it looked like. But that was total in. But it looks like payroll. Okay, this was a little weird. We had ACH deposit. I'm guessing that's payroll of $3,869. And we had additional payroll. Maybe this bonus is $1,073. And then VA deposit $3,870. Well, the one VA was for his school.

So being in the military, right, he gets to go to school for free. Yeah, but he's not in school. Well, he was. So they pay him to go. And so when he didn't go and he left, I got a bill and I overpaid that bill. And that's what that is. Okay. So how much normally hits your account on a monthly basis? Say $6,000. Okay. Now...

If I understand that, we might have a good thing. If I understand this, we might have a little good thing here. I hear you follow a budget. You make a budget, you follow it. Yeah, I try. That's great. How much did you spend this previous month? So this previous month. How much went out of your accounts? Almost all of it to pay bills. So what I do is. So is that $6,000 then? Almost. I'm not going to say all of $6,000 because, of course, you don't have to pay for groceries and gas or whatever. So are you telling me $6,000 went out this last month?

almost yes because you budgeted right yes okay twelve thousand eight hundred sixty four dollars went out this no yep including all transfers that is how much is left to your account twelve thousand mm-hmm twelve thousand eight hundred sixty four dollars in my account your accounts oh my accounts well yeah and you're only budgeting one account yeah

That doesn't make any sense. How the fuck would that make any sense? How do we just budget one account? You budget everything. Well, no, I do. But when you say in 12... That's impossible because... Debt, debt, debt. Debt, debt, debt. Spending. You spend on cards. Oh, you said spend. Okay, that can't be right. No. Okay, so I have... No, I have a book, right? That I spend every week I'm in that bad boy trying to pay off bills, right? So...

unless i well i don't actually like well this month was probably no you're right i got an extra um bonus that's right this month i had to think about it because that's not normal because i was like wait a minute that's not what what's not normal so that because normally i only get six thousand and then i got a bonus so i spent a little more this month because i've paid off i was trying what was the bonus it was for um no amount amount it was five thousand i think

So you would have only spent $11,000, but you spent $12,864. I don't know. I might have. Could have. I doubt it. I don't know. What do you mean you doubt it? That's the numbers. We have your accounts. We went through your accounts. That's the numbers. Then you might be right, but I'm not. Well, I am right. Well, I don't have it right in front of me. So you could be right and you could not be. But... No, I am. But if you budgeted, did you spend $1,800 more than you brought in? I'm not... I gotta think about that because I don't remember spending all that. You're right. I did...

I did. I mean, how much do you think you spent going out to eat and other miscellaneous bullshit? Well, so no, that one, I just remember because I did, I had to get the back porch fixed. That's what that was. I was like, wait a minute. I mean, how much do you think you spent going out to eat and just miscellaneous bullshit? Going out to eat. Just Amazon and stuff. So going out to eat, I try not to go out to eat all the time. I try to, I'll tell you right now, Friday I don't cook. So I'm trying to think. Friday you don't cook. I don't. No, Friday is my day. I don't cook on Fridays. You're 45. It's your day. Cook for yourself.

No, I don't have to. On Fridays is my day. Well, that's interesting looking at your debt. I mean, that's kind of what a child would say, but okay. Well, not necessarily because I cook every day. That's the difference. Except for Friday. Except for Friday. That is the only day I do not cook. So I would say me going out, unless I'm on the road, I don't really spend maybe a month, maybe four. Going out to eat? $400, yeah. Oh, okay. And that's for not just me. That's for like me and my kid or my brother. Oh, sure. $1,148. That's a lot.

you don't know your numbers you don't budget i do budget no you don't i do however i just don't accurately budget you don't budget like an actual person who budgets well if i have my book then i would be able to explain everything to you because i write everything down so when i paid my bill you don't need your book i'm about to go through every single line okay but you don't know your numbers i'm not gonna tell you i do it's not i'm not talking about being off by a dollar a few cents a hundred dollars

You are off by like $700. Okay. $700. What do you mean? I'm usually on top of- $6,000 comes in. $700 is a ton. But I'm usually on top of all my bills. Like I said, if I have my book, I can just break it down because every time I pay a bill, I check it. And then every time it come out my account, I check it to make sure everything is paid.

Well, you might hit your payment like rent. That doesn't mean your debt's not getting worse because you're spending on credit cards. For example, let's discuss this. You started your Southwest Rapid Rewards card. How much did you spend on here this previous month? How much did you spend? Jesus, a lot. That one I can tell you a lot. That's a lot. Let's see. Maybe $4,000 or $5,000. So Southwest...

I don't think you know your numbers. You spent $1,652. I don't know where you are in your world of numbers. I don't think you're informed on your situation. It's not that I'm not informed. Self-assessed. Where do you think you are in your financial life at this moment? Zero being the worst ever. Ten being the best ever. Where do you think you are? Self-assessed. I'm at a five.

I'm in the middle right now. Average. You think you're just solid average? Yeah. And we're sitting at a $23,525 balance on a credit card that's accruing $565.75 a month. And that's solid average? Good job. High five? No. The reason why that one is so high is because I used that to pay for my grandmother's funeral because nobody else would pay for it. And she stayed in a freezer for two weeks. Incorrect. The reason it's so high is because you spend a ton of money on things you don't need and you're not paying it off.

The reason it may have gotten that high is because of something tragic that you took care of. Good job for that. Like, okay, that responsibility was put on you and you took care of it. That's great. But you spent...

Over a thousand hours going out to eat. Let's take a second to talk about something super important. Did you know that almost half of Americans wouldn't be able to cover a $1,000 emergency expense? That's why I'm excited to announce the Caleb Hammer $1,000 Savings Challenge. Over five days, starting August 26th, I'll be sending daily instructionals and exclusive videos to guide you through the practical steps

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You can't cook on Friday because you're a child. Like, I mean, come on. I'm not a child. I just choose. Well, that's an action of a child. You're right. You're not a child. That's an action of a child. No, that's not an action of a child. It's somebody that works every day. And like that day. What's every day? I just got off of mid. So I work Monday through Friday. Oh, no, you're an adult. Of course. I'm an adult. Yeah, that's what adults do. They work Monday through Friday. That's not all people work Monday through Friday.

Okay, so your average adult in the United States of America, like, are we going to start bragging that we work Monday through Friday? Like, it's a major sacrifice. If it was left up to me, I wouldn't work at all. However, I'm being an adult and I'm working. And I'm actually here because I know that my spending isn't the greatest. But like I said, I'm not going to sit here and try to tell you that I know all my numbers off the back of my hand because that's why I have a book.

to track it. And I'm not going to say I'm perfect with it either. But you can justify going out to eat over $1,000 a month because you work five days a week like everyone else. I'm not going to sit here and justify it. You were. No, I said I went out. You said it's because I work five days a week. I do. And at one time, I want to do something for myself. I just don't want to be in a kitchen as soon as I get off. Friday, what I do, I come home, I take me a shower, and I relax. Wow.

Like I'm tired. So that's the reason why I'm Friday. I'm tired too, but you know. And that's fine. I paid off my debt. And that's what I'm doing. It's just taking a little longer.

It's a little longer because, I mean, you put a payment of $1,422 towards this, then you purchase $1,652. That's not paying off debt. That's debt going up. That's debt going up. That's you. That's not funeral expense. That's you not paying off a card because you're not willing to sacrifice. No, that's not true. It legitimately is. You spend $200 more than you made, then you put towards it, and then it accrued $565. The fuck?

The numbers on this card went up $800, even though you put $1,400 towards it. So what do you mean that's not true? That's objectively true. It's right there. It's numbers. Numbers don't lie. Tell me the lie in the number. I'm looking for it.

You're a little hostile. You okay? We're talking about numbers. I'm not the greatest with numbers. However, I have a book. Demonstration. I mean, that's cool. Like I said, it's not like it would be another thing if I was sitting here saying, well, you know, but no. But like I said, I already told you, I don't make the best choices sometimes. I said, but however, right now, like I literally faxed or pay my bills off. But you're bullshitting me. If you just said I don't make the best numbers, that's that. But you said, no, I'm making progress towards my debt.

Oh, I can go and spend $1,100 because I work five days a week. Oh, this card's high because I had to take care of a funeral expense. It's because you're not sacrificing. It's because you're putting more money on this. Okay, let's see what you spent your money on. Let's see what I went to. Oh, good. Oh, good. We're getting a car wash. A car wash. Very, very necessary. Go car wash.

$20 go car wash so hold on because I don't even go to the car wash I wash my own car so I'm glad you pointed that out because I'm going to tell you I'm going to be honest I don't look at the statements I just pay it so I'm glad you pointed it out how do you budget if you don't look at the statements because no when I mean look at the statements like I don't go like you're doing now going through each little transaction I look at the balance no I look at the balance right so what you just told me was like I have to be careful because I don't put my cards up I put them in a drawer

So I have to check that one on the real. I'm glad you showed me that one because that means that somebody in my house got my car and did a car wash.

This is why we look at statements. Okay. Well, you're right. You are absolutely correct. You are absolutely correct. Just like every guest that comes on the show, we're going to give you access to our budgeting program that teaches you how to go through all this, how to look at it, how to build out a budget and actually budget. Take advantage of that. You can also do the investing one as well. Now it's all bundled at a lower price with $100 in cash rewards to your first investments. Thanks to Moo Moo as well. So that's pretty cool. He also got Tank's Pizza and Dutch Boy Cleaners.

And beer, wine, liquor, Zaxby's, beer, wine, liquor, American Airlines, American Airlines. Where are we going? We're putting this all on a card, $500 on a card that is only this high because it's a funeral. No, it's because we're getting $500 plane tickets. And almost $100 going to Timu. We're keeping a credit card balance that high for Timu. Oh, yeah. I like Timu. Really? I've never heard anyone say that, but... I do. Okay.

Okay. Okay. So it wasn't the funeral. Funeral wasn't on here. There was no funeral. Well, the funeral was on. It's not on there this month. It was on last month. And you're right. A lot of it I did last month. I'm not going to lie. I mean, however, but I did. I am. Like I said, I have it planned out to June.

Because I didn't realize that that APR was that damn high. How high? It's 28%. Yes. Okay. Well, you do know that. That's good. $2,321 in interest accrued this year so far just on this card. That's why. It's insane. Guess what? That card got cut up when I seen that. I was like, holy shit. Close all your accounts. I would use the Fizz card. So I got a question, right? Because I was going to do that, right? And they said that you shouldn't close the cards because it drops your credit score. So what I did was I cut that up.

Oops, excuse me. I cut it up and I'm just going to pay it off. The thing with cutting it up is it can still save on online accounts. Oftentimes, maybe not for you. It can still be in your Apple wallet for Apple pay. Maybe not for you, but you can also just get a replacement with a push of a button. So usually people that just cannot control their spending, usually for them, the best course is to close their account. So you just can't have access to it. You're right. It will hurt your credit. That being said, what are we using our credit for?

usually for most people they're saying because their end goal is to get a house i already know you have a house so what do you want your credit score high for what is your purpose of having a good credit score in your life because i already have one and plus i don't plan on staying here eventually i'm gonna leave i just don't know where to get a new house somewhere somewhere because i

I feel like renting is a waste of money, right? Why am I gonna see-- - Kind of, right now it actually makes more sense technically. - Well, no, because now rent, like rent now, it's like for the house that I have, they're renting at $3,600 a month. - No, no, no, compared to when you bought your right, but if you were to buy now versus rent now, rent makes more sense. - Right, that's why I'm still here. To be honest with you, that's the only reason why I'm still here because I know for a fact that I would never see a 2.2 APR for a house.

yeah so that's the i mean i'm gonna be honest that's the only reason why i'm still here and i don't know where i want to go anyway yeah something dramatic would have to happen in our lifetimes for that already happened to me so exactly so you already have it it's hard to well yeah everything that hopefully never nothing else more but yeah but yeah so i cut it up um and the thing is is i don't have to have it like i said because now i i'm like on it of trying to because of some fact is i have a goal

for the next four and a half years and the goal is to quit working we i don't think you understand your situation i appreciate the no that's my goal government well that's great but it might be unreasonable wait how many years 21 oh in 21 years no in five years i'm retired oh well 21 years sounded reasonable

Five years. I don't know. That government pension that you're getting for your time serving, that helps. Your debt is so substantial. I don't think you're understanding. You're not making any progress on it. No, actually, if you look at the book, if you look at my numbers, wait, if you look at my numbers all together, right, from what you're looking at, there is a plan that I already have to how to pay them off. Okay, what is the plan? So what I realized is, right, like you pay off the contract.

the the ones that have the higher interest rates because if you're avalanching exactly except you're not because you put more money towards this than you paid it off and it's a 30 interest so that's a lie okay well for right now that's what you're seeing right now this is last month as in literally what's happening right well like i said when you said when i sat down because you have your day to yourself your special little day because you work five days a week that's not gonna change regardless

I'm going to have my one day, but I am going to. Cool. Then you won't return five years. Well, I will. I mean, the plan that I have, I mean, because I won't need that. I won't have that anymore because like I said, I cut that one up. Cutting it up does not pay it off. Well, no, I'm paying it off. It also doesn't prevent you from getting a new one. Well, it does when you're having goals.

So I'm a person that I'm straight with goals. Goals are great. Usually you sacrifice to get goals and you're not even willing to sacrifice your one little going out to eat. Because I feel like here's the thing because now once I get rid of the people that's in my house or whatever, I feel like if I spend what $10 on a salad on Friday, it's not going to hurt me. Because that's literally that's what my meal is because I don't really eat a lot. On Thursdays, you often spend over $80 on door dashing. Yeah. So what the f*** are you talking about? Well, door dashing...

That's because that's not me. And I had to cut, I cut DoorDash off because I realized that my son was like, hey, I don't want to eat this. And I was like, well, you ain't gonna eat. So I learned that I have to, he's 20. Is this the one that went to college and dropped out? Yes. And I was like, yeah. And I was like, yeah, you're got to go. And so we had this discussion that you have four choices. Either you go back to school and you do your, get together or you join the military or you go to trade school or you go and get the.

out and sleep in your car i don't care which one did you choose trade school trade school's good yeah and then and then my other little brother he's about to go wednesday to go take his app yeah i've had is he living with you yeah oh okay so like adopted type situation yeah oh okay sure yeah gotcha and and go on so he's about to join the military so a lot of my extra expensive and have to deal with other folks will be gone

But like I said, it was a lot that, you know, having, I don't know, it was just never, I've never been the one to do my parents that way or I was by myself. So to use their credit card without asking. Yeah.

Well, you let me use it once. So I thought it was okay. So the DoorDash, they do that every week? Yeah. Because I was like, I'm cooking. Why am I cooking and ain't nobody eating? How long have you allowed that? Well, I didn't even really. Like I told you, I really didn't pay attention until recently. Well, and that's why I'm saying when I realized that, I was like, well, damn.

Like I'm paying all this money to pay it off, but the balance isn't going anywhere. So then I was like, that's when I realized that the APR was. And then I was like, but damn, I'm gonna be paying forever if I'm just paying this much thinking I'm paying over when the balance was. The reason why was because it was actually more added on to it. Now, the $500 plane ticket. Yes, I did buy that. I did. So the thing is, is like I have to do better with.

looking at my statements like i needed to start looking at my actual pay stubs because i wasn't i was not looking at that either okay i wasn't so then you were not budgeting okay well i'm not that's okay so when you say so you take it as me not budgeting when i say yeah i look at the number i write my number down okay this is what my net pay is that's what i look i didn't look at like okay because fika is ripping my ass straight like nine eight hundred dollars a month that they taking out my check i'm like what the

- Who? - So, Fika. - Oh, okay. - No, Fika. - Okay. - So I'm like, Jesus. So that's why like, I didn't really, never really paid attention 'cause you know, you work, you be like, okay, this is how much I'm supposed to bring home. - Yeah, yeah. - But then you actually look at the breakdown and that's one thing I would, I hadn't, I have never really done that.

I've been working since I was 13. I didn't have anybody tell me like, hey, you need to look at this and you need to look at this or you need to do this. I'm figuring this out on my own, you know. Most of us do. I mean, that's usually how it goes. But most of us do. But like now, I try like now seeing that having a kid and I'm like, yo, you need to start saving your money. You need to start doing this. And then...

you look up and like, what the hell? What is this? You know, if he needs an audit, let us know. We are taking applications for people who want to come on. If you have interesting situations, interesting stories, any opinions, you need to be challenged. Go to Caleb Hammer dot com slash apply. And I will definitely let them know. But now so and the thing is, is I'm always willing for advice. Right. Because I feel like if that's good is that no one knows everything. Right. And so at the end of the day, that that's

Your way may be a little better than mine. Or there may be some things that you suggest that I. Well, my way makes progress on that.

I mean, I'm not denying you or denying you. I'm saying your way might be better than mine or some of your techniques might actually be better than mine. I'm an open book to open things. However, when there are certain things that I'm going to stick with, I'm going to stick with. But why? That doesn't make sense. Why be stubborn? Because I'm old. That's why. Old people are stubborn. You also look like mid-20s. So just like, I mean, maybe have a little mentality though, you know? It's like, I don't know.

Let's not use that as an excuse. That doesn't make sense. If you're going into a situation trying to change goals, trying to change things, being stubborn on certain things is pointless. It doesn't help anything. But one thing. I'm sure there's... We heard that one thing like 30 seconds in. I bet that's the peak of a...

Iceberg, you know like so I don't know but you haven't asked about anything else, but I made one statement We'll go through we'll see Okay, we'll go see and if it fits in the budget it fits in the budget if you have enough room for it to fit in The budget I'll put it in but if you only have like a few hundred hours to spare it's like we just can't do it right now if you guys use my moomoo link in the description below you can literally get 8% on your money that's sitting in there for three months, it's Absolutely incredible plus you'll get

15 free stocks just for signing up with my link. This is literally free money, so make sure you're taking advantage of it now. There is no reason not to. Sign up now. Link in the description below. All right, Citi Double Cash Card. And I like this card, but... I don't. Well, yeah, you were done with it. Okay. It's another high APR.

yeah because you're not a credit card person oh that's why i'm getting that's why i cut that one up too okay it's at eight thousand one hundred twenty four dollars you did not spend on this right so you put your payment towards it 176 of interest accrued okay so that one let me tell you what happened that one you may not want to hear or even say it i went to dubai for my birthday

and they lost like right now like this year yeah i go so i go every year to go jump out of airplanes now let me finish so i had no okay i have no i had no intention on using that at all the airline lost me and my son back we didn't have our bags for the whole week in two weeks afterwards so i used this one to get clothes and stuff and they said that they were going to reimburse me yeah well look what happened they didn't so now i'm paying it back

But how are we going to Dubai regardless? Regardless of that situation, that doesn't make sense. You're in so much debt. Because I have planning. You want to retire in five years. Go on the vacations. And when you retire, you're just, I don't know. You're one of those people that has a goal that requires sacrifice and refuses to make any of the sacrifices it looks like. What is your retirement account at today?

My investment? Yes. I don't know because I haven't looked at it. I just started this new job, so I couldn't tell you to be honest with you. I don't. How do you plan to retire in five years? How do you plan to have an income? I plan on paying my bills off and that's it. Yeah, you need money in retirement. I know that. By the time five years, I will have money in retirement. How much? I don't know. I'll have to look.

This isn't a plan. Well, no, it's not. You don't have a number? I know my number. Well, I'm sure you do. But I mean, like I said. What's your number that you need to hit? To hit to retire? Yes. I don't know yet. What are you trying to do? Because I plan on living on an island and that's it. That's it. What is? Oh, fuck. How much money do you need a year for this lifestyle on the island? I'll probably be good with, what, $3,000 a month. That's just, that's a big. Well, how much are you getting again a month? $3,000.

From the retirement from the military? Is it 37, 38? I think 38, 37, something, or close to 38. You really think you could just live off of $3,000 a month forever on this mythical island? Yeah. Island life is usually a little bit more expensive unless you're going somewhere not so safe. Yeah.

Well, nowhere is safe, but that's not true. Where? Tell me where it's safe at. It's safe right here. You are lying to tell. I promise you that. That it's not safe right here? It's not. So everybody thinks America is safe. So the difference between America and other countries is that other countries, we feel like they're oh so bad. They're fighting for power and all the other stuff. We're in America killing each other just because.

Honestly. And I've been to a whole lot of different countries. Yeah, but Austin in general is a safe city. I don't know nothing about Austin. That's fine. I'm so confused. Okay. So where are you going that's going to be this cheap island paradise that is safe? I mean, so what island? It would be the island off of, what is it called? It's a small, really small island in the Caribbean. It's called, oh, shit.

starts with a t let me think on it because i i can't remember exactly the name of it right now but i've been doing some research with it i appreciate the dream it seems to be very much a dream so in five years is it trinidad and tobago i think yeah okay median home price of a home there is nine hundred thousand dollars i don't need a home it's just me so where you live in an apartment yes okay how many rooms one

You're looking at, you know, upwards of like $900 a month there. Depends where. Which, that's honestly not horrendous compared to obviously the home price. I don't know how the apartments are when I'm actually looking at these pictures. Even the $1,000 a month one looks horrendous. Whatever, I don't know. How much have you really looked into this? It's like, you have this plan...

To live on an island that you didn't even know the name of and you don't know what your number is that's required to live. No, it's not that I know the name of it. I just couldn't remember it. But you don't know what your number is? Because are you suggesting that this $3,000 whatever a month is going to sustain you forever? I ain't going to say forever, but right now... So you're going to have to go back to work eventually? No, I ain't going to have to go back to work. So... What? Okay, so here's the thing, right? I don't have to go back to work. But the thing is, is you can always find...

I own businesses or whatever. So the other... Oh, casually. Yes. Let's just start a successful business if we need a little extra income. I mean... Just casually. Casually.

What? I'm just saying. This is becoming more of a pipe dream. No, it's not a pipe dream. But also, my goal... But you can't answer the questions. No, my goal... Because I kind of don't want the world to know just yet what my plans are. Just give me numbers. This is a number show. I'll say it like this, right? The number show, I say for me to live off of maybe...

I'm not a very materialistic person. So $100,000. A year? Maybe, yeah. We'll say that. We'll say a year. Okay, $100,000 a year. Cool. I can start doing some math. And I'm dividing that by 12. Subtraction 3,800 is what you get a month? Yeah. Okay. So you need $4,533 a month and 33 cents. That is $54,399 a year.

Before or after any taxes. Okay. So, for that, you need $1.4 million. I don't need that much. That's a lot of money. No, that's how you generate that amount of money a year without you losing it using the 4% rule. How close are you to $1.4 million? Not close. In investments. Okay. Not close. You're going to get there in five years? Well... Mathematically? No. No.

anything's possible but okay so we just we don't live in the real world okay well now at least i know for this conversation anything was possible like i said if i like say for instance if i went and took a job overseas right that's tax-free i can then i won't be there in trinidad and dubai i'm not we're not even talking about that that's you we talking about five years i'm saying if i was to stop now and go get a job overseas right where

Just say Iraq or Afghanistan. Yes. So don't don't judge me now. If I do that right. Tax free money. Right. So that means. Sure. But what's the median income? So just what are you asking? What my pay would be? Yes. OK. So depending on where it could be, any range from 150 to 200,000 a year. OK. So this is some like like government stuff. So it's me going over there to work.

So then you have tax free rights. So then you don't have to worry about the gas. Are you planning to do that? Yes. When? It'll come. What about the kid? Okay. The kid is what? Say it again. What about that? He's grown. That is true. He's grown. That's true. That's true. And I support that. That's fair. How old's the younger brother? 26. 26.

Oh, also grown. Yeah, to grown people. Okay, $257 minimum monthly payment on that. Again, no purchases on the city, double cash. Oh, you've accumulated so much debt. You might have to do that overseas thing because this is insane what you have here. And honestly, you making more money, I don't know if that fixes your situation because you've been making good money and you're in this situation. So without the behavior being changed, it's... I've been working this job since... How much were you making before that then?

A whole lot less. How much? 70,000. Nope. Yeah, 70. Okay, so like the median household income in Austin. So all alone. So how did you end up like... This is all before. So this is me. Now that I got this job, now I'm trying to like make overpayments, pay all this stuff down. You're not.

So if you have not looked at the other one, notice I haven't used that one at all because I've been trying to pay. Yeah, we went over one on or two. One, the balance went up. The other one, the balance barely went down. Then that's what I'm saying. So I'm trying to figure out like I'm paying on one card at a time to pay off faster. Where was that card? Because I have not seen that pay at one card at a time. You put $50 more towards the second card than the minimum monthly was required for your income and for your debt situation. That is basically nothing.

I mean, okay. And like I said, So that's your big plan? An extra $50 a month? No. So my actual plan is to try to make like $1,000 payments a month for the card. Wonderful plan. Why is it not happening? It is now. I mean, I just, I made my big payment two days ago.

okay so you did one right but judging on the entirety of your picture it's like okay i'm going on a finance show gonna do this big thing well no this is way before your financial show you said you just did it right because i just got the um the money that's why so this doesn't have anything to do okay so this picture shows that your behavior is bad you got into this debt you haven't been putting money towards it your debt has only gotten worse and then you made one good thing because it's like me having one day of not eating and saying i'm on a diet

I'm never going to be on a diet. But my thing is, is what I'm saying is, is I think everything happened for a reason, right? Because before I came, before I came on the show, like I was like, okay, I need to figure out something, whatever. So then boom, I got this, this money. And I was like, I'm not going to waste it. Yeah. I'm not going to wait. No, I got, I got it on something else. Can you tell me? No. Okay. So, so it's not even, no, no, no, no. It's extra. So that didn't even count. But the thing, it's not even,

income right well what I'm saying though you're not even starting but I could only because you got extra not from your actual budgeting $100,000 a year so if you ask me now how what am I going to pay on now what I'm saying was I could have took that money and blew it right but no I was like you know what this is I'm going to start I'm going to go to this financial show learn how to do something else a different way but as it is it's a baby step right so now if I like you said

What? The baby step? Nah. What? They'll get it. It's okay. Dave Ramsey. Oh, I know who that is. So what I'm... Old bald. Yeah. So what I'm saying is that, yeah, I might have...

back then but like a week ago okay okay okay i'm moving on i don't need to hear this so the thing was was that you got to give me a little tiny bit of credit i'm actually trying i know no you got extra you got extra money so you put it towards your debt you're not doing it within your own budget it means unless you get another big pool of money that comes in from whatever source that means according to that you don't make any progress well no because the

now we're talking now like now right now right so i can sit here and say what i could have done $1,800 more than you brought in after a bonus this last month so so what are we gonna do to fix it how about that huh huh what are we gonna do to fix it i gotta get through your finances first and then we talk about that because you got like five gray because you got five gray hairs just by talking to me you're probably gonna get five more so keep going i'm gonna eat my tongue first

I'm giving you heartburn and stomach. You got gas? Jesus. Not gas, Steve. Just acidic. Okay. Loan amount. Remaining $9,314. With a $615 minimum monthly payment. These minimum monthly payments are stacking like crazy. We're at like $1,700 in minimum monthly payments. And we've barely even touched cash.

All your debts. This is a 16% interest. Why do you have, why did you take out $17,500 as 17% interest? Why? Why? What is happening? Because I had to replace my roof. Okay. That's why. What happened during your roof? In San Antonio? Y'all, well, they're here in Texas. Well, what about your home insurance? Oh, well, they were like, oh, well, we're only going to put, what did they say? A thousand on your, I said, what? That doesn't make sense. I said, that's a...

Thorne, what am I supposed to do? I didn't know. I was also told that I could have used FEMA, but I didn't know. I didn't know about that. Well, I don't know about that one specifically, but people get borderline free roofs in Texas. And that's exactly what I thought, right? But they were saying, and that's when I got rid of Geico. Oh, wow.

And that's why I have USA. I don't know. I would have talked to someone that may have been able to help me on a legal front. Well, I didn't know. I didn't know. Like I paid a thousand dollars for a brand new roof on my first house after a hailstorm. I was like, oh no guys, it hailed. Well, well, that's probably was because you did it right afterwards. Right. But I didn't know that my roof was messed up. When did you do it? Oh,

So, I mean, I'm not like I get on my roof and see it. What happened was shingles started falling. And I was like, what the f***? And they said, oh, well, it's been too long since the storm. I was like, well, how am I supposed to know? But you made so much money. Like, you had to take out $17,500 is insane for your situation, though. And more insane is, okay, maybe you had to take it out at that moment because you didn't have, like, an emergency fund. By the way, we have emergency funds for these kind of things. Fun fact. We can talk about that more. But...

Either way, it still shouldn't exist. What happens when you have a loan at 15.99% interest rate or a credit card at 30% interest rate? We sacrifice everything until they're gone and we have a fully funded emergency fund to cover the next roof thing when the next thing that hits. Like that's basic sacrifice so that you're in some kind of any place of security.

You have an incredibly blessed situation of this monthly reoccurring thing from the retirement. It's awesome. And it's through the service you paid. I mean, don't get me wrong. You worked for it. But that's coming in. Like, I would just be living off my absolute minimums, get rid of my debt, have a six-month emergency fund, then ball out like crazy. And that's the goal. But that's the goal. But you've done absolutely none of it. A goal without actions is you. Well, no.

Now we're doing action. So that's what we're doing. No, you had a little bit of extra money come in and you put it towards it. It wasn't from your budgeting. It wasn't from behavioral changes. It wasn't from sacrifice. It wasn't through anything you intentionally did. You got extra money. And I paid a bill where I could have just blew it off or went to. You're right. You could have been worse. Right. And I'm so give me. But I'm not going to celebrate. I know you're slightly better than dogs.

And that's fine. So let's keep going. Trust me, I will. I am. You've paid $2,000 in this year so far in interest on this. The last one on the city double cash, I can't see. Oh, wait. $836. So we've paid, what are we at? $7,000 in interest so far this year? $7,500, $7,000, something like that? I don't remember what the first card was. That's just insanity itself. Harley Davidson. Do you have a motorcycle? I sure do. Okay. Okay.

You have a car on top of it? I have a truck. That's paid off. The motorcycle's a want then. I don't... I'm so confused why we need this when we have all this horrendous debt. So the motorcycle was... Before I had all the debt. Because the motorcycle actually was a whole lot more than that. How much was it? $48,000.

- It's a nice motorcycle? - Yes, 'cause I ride it everywhere. My truck is 10 years old and I'm trying to keep my truck till the wheels fall off because that's the last thing I have with my dad. So I don't want to drive that every day. And I work 45 minutes-- - So we get something for 50,000? Like get a 10,000 hour car. - Why? I save money on gas. - So you can afford it? - I save money on gas.

Dude, that is not making up the extra $40,000. I don't even owe $40,000 on it. No, no, no, no, no, no. Between the $50,000 purchase of this and a $10,000 car that you could have gotten, should have gotten according to your financial situation. Wait, what car you know nowadays is $10,000? What car? I don't do used cars because let me tell you why. Oh, well, there you go. That's why. It's because you don't do used cars. Well, no, because here's the thing, right? You go to a used car dealership and they say they certify it, right? However. No, I never trust that. You get a slip to be able to take it to a mechanic, a trusted mechanic.

Well, I don't know. And it's different when women do it because men try to get over it. Because I promise you, when my truck...

transmission went out they were trying to rate me with ten thousand dollars for an uh a used transmission i was like what but then i went and got my cousin and had him go and they knocked it down to seven thousand yeah that's an actual real thing so i mean sometimes we have to just bring i mean that sucks but sometimes just like bring your cousin you know but what if i didn't have that you see what i'm saying okay but you do no actually he still happened was here business and it was your son you have your brother

They are men. You brought up that they're men. They're kids. Okay, well, you're scary. They're kids. You can... You could... You could beat them up. I mean, that's besides... I try not to be that way. But anyway, so I got that because I drive everywhere with that. Well, I get that, but you spent $50,000 and sometimes we don't have... A new car is one of the worst purchases you can make financially ever because it goes down in value almost immediately headed off the lot, especially heading back into a more normalized car market recently. I mean, everything because like...

A used car is more than a brand new car. Have you looked? Well, it depends on what you're getting. You can buy anecdotal... Oh, I thought you said Ikea. What do you mean Ikea? So you look at Ikea, right? If you went to a certain Kia dealership,

Maybe. But there's also private market. I'm not saying this is the easiest thing in the world. Trust me. Don't get me wrong. I know I'm using lots of broad things because, you know, what, we have like an hour and a half and it's going through all this like we could spend a whole week, nine hours a day. And you're getting a headache and you get more gray hairs. Yeah, exactly. But in general, it's the work you put into it.

It's how you get the reward that you desire. If you're putting in hours and hours a week looking for used cars on private sale and through car dealerships, you get the slip, you take it to a mechanic, and maybe you don't have that relationship yet, but you use the resources that you have, the people that you have, and you just make sure that it will get you safely around for years to come without putting substantial money into it, and then you get the car, check the value across multiple websites,

So you're not getting swindled. And yes, you can find used cars. It's not a $2,000 used car market anymore. It's not a $5,000 used car market anymore. But it is a $10,000 used car market. 10 to 15. It is. You didn't have to get a $50,000 motorcycle. It was actually a $50,000 round. But it was close to it. Well, then it's the same thing still. Yeah. 10 to 15,000 hours versus almost 50 has a massive gap. Okay. So let's move on.

No, that's you. No, what do you think? I feel like, well, see, you look at that. You look at that and it's just like, boop. No, because you're getting frustrated with me. Wait, because you're getting frustrated with me. I'm frustrated at everyone. Well, and that's the thing. Like, I don't need you to get frustrated with me because I'm here and I want to hear what your advice is, but I don't want you to sit here and get frustrated and like,

I think I just gave like the most tame five minute speech I've ever given. And you were like, let's just move on. That means it just went, it just bounced off like I was playing ping pong against the wall. It's not that it bounced off. It's the point that like, I'm not buying anything else because the goal here is, and you don't want to listen, that I am trying to pay off these bills. That's why I have not bought anything. I'm not going anywhere. Like I am really...

That is not reflected in your statements. And the only reason that can be is because you literally have just done that. And if you are just doing it, that means nothing because anyone can diet for a couple of weeks. That doesn't matter. Right. If you're dieting for multiple months, going to the gym for multiple months, that's when I'm like, yeah, anyone can cut spending and pay off a little bit more debt for a couple of weeks. So bring me back to your show. Just bring me back to your show.

At the end of the month. I mean, at the end of the year. Excuse me. The end of the year and see the difference. I'd be happy to. No, I just want... That's what I'm saying. Bring me back at the end of the year because right now you have this picture of me, right? Oh, you just... You don't care. You just... It's in the numbers. Right. And here's the thing. And your reactions. And the thing was...

Yeah, it just because it seemed like, "Oh, well you came on the show and now you're trying to..." No, it was the sum of fact that I was actually like, "Wow, this some shit." I just said, "Okay." I actually sat down and was like, "This is what I need to do. I need to change this, this and that." And then I get this call to come on here, which it all coincides.

everything i'm telling you for you right now it doesn't matter because it doesn't show however i can sit here and talk to you blue right i'm a person that actions be louder than words that's what i'm saying agreed right so i say i'm talking about your actions right and so i'm saying talk about my actions now fine but by the end of the year bring me back and then i'm happy to come on our follow-up channel it's it's blowing up people love it

- Love it. - That's why, so I wasn't blowing your $10,000 car off. I believe you. However, I'm not gonna go out and buy one 'cause then you'll be like, "Well, what the ?" You're just talking about you're trying to pay off your bills and you went and go buy the $10,000 car. - Well, hold on, not necessarily. Not necessarily. There are lots of situations

Well, instead of assuming, how about you ask? Because there are lots of situations where someone has, they're close enough in their equity position in their car to the value of their car. But if the balance is so high where it's stupid to put in their debt payoff journey, that it makes sense to trade it in, borrow the difference, and then borrow enough for a $10,000 car. Sometimes that makes sense because you can bring down a loan from like $40,000, $30,000 to $15,000. What car would you want me to trade in? I don't know.

So, well, no, no, no, no. That's an example. That's an example for your situation. It might not make sense. I don't know what the motorcycle, what's the motorcycle worth. Do you know? It's for a lot. Cause it had worked. Did we check? So, yes. Okay. We don't have the vent. So we didn't check. I would have gave it to you. I didn't know y'all needed it. It's okay. No worries. But it's owed $19,482 and 60 cents. Do you have it by chance? Mm-hmm.

Okay, can you shoot it over to him real quick? Can I get up? Oh, is it out there? It's right there. Oh, yeah, go for it. And while he checks that, we'll continue. So talking about, you got the bike to save money on gas. How much did you spend on gas this previous month, this most recent month across everything to save money on it? I don't know. I don't know because I didn't, I wasn't able to ride a lot this month because I had surgery.

So on a normal basis, though, when I'm riding my truck, I'm usually putting...

anywhere from like a hundred to like a hundred like every like four days because i work 45 minutes for the truck yeah so you do drive the truck only because i had surgery but normally when i had don't have when i haven't had surgery i'm like it only costs like 15 to fill the tank up how often do you fail um maybe like if i fill up on monday i want to fill up again it's like sunday okay you spent 637 dollars on gas that's the truck

But normally, like I say, I ride my bike everywhere because it does save a lot. Well, again, I mean, you got a $45,000 motorcycle for it with a $660 minimum payment. What's the interest rate on this? I think six. Okay. It's not horrendous with depreciation and everything, maintenance, all that good stuff, gas, car insurance, the payment. It's definitely not keeping up with the overall market in terms of our value of money, so it's still...

probably a payoff early type situation but it's not like a we will we will emergency and it fits in your income now that it's at twenty thousand dollars it was a bit aggressive probably when you got it okay well keep going what was this is this is this another personal loan no that's the same that when you said about the city that's the new the new one so it went down so i want to look at you i was like that is not right oh it went down two hundred dollars okay

Okay. So Citi revised it down from $8,124.01 to $7,981.91. Congratulations. Your debt went down $200 out of... Out of all the extraness. Yes, I understand. Out of a total of $480,000 of debt. Also, which is the mortgage. Mortgage. Talk about that right now.

Okay, yes. So this is incredible. Delicious. Wonderful. Absolutely love it. $370,056.07 is the mortgage at a 2.25% interest. Love it. $1,869.79 a month. Love it, love it, love it. Cool. Not much to complain about there. Let's show. Throw it on the floor, though. It was meant to go right there. It slid.

This I do have to complain about. Yeah, I will too. You got a home improvement loan at 7%? What did you even get? Better have put value into the home. I put up a little link. Okay, so the thing that doesn't put value into a home and actually makes it harder to sell is...

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Oh my God, I always wanted one. And now I'm like, God, why would I? Why would I done it? I mean, if I can go back, if anything, I can go back. I will go back on that one. I will be honest with you. I wouldn't have got it. Period. Why? Because nobody use it.

I'm not home at enough to do it. And the kid, I thought he would get out of it because he asked for it and he don't even get in it. Didn't even get in there, I should say. But that would be one thing that I regret. I don't think he understands the value of it. I mean, he's probably getting his use out of it, but it's just like $49,000. No, he didn't get used out of it. Trust me. Okay. And the payment on this, but again, it's a stack it up for a minimum monthly payments. It's at 7% basically $372 and it's at $50,000.

It's crazy. For the bike, we need the year, make, model, mileage. It's a Road Glide Special. It's 2020. Do you know the mileage? It has... Round. Thank you. 20,000. All right. And the condition? Like new? Like new. I think it's 20. It might be a little more. How long have you had this pull-on? Three years. Three years.

What was it at the beginning? Because it's at $50 now. What year is this? 2024. I'm sorry. I moved in this house. 2020. How much was it? It was $50, right? It's at $50. $56? Dude, it's at $49,740. What was it? I think it was $56. So this is all going to interest. Okay.

Yeah. It's going to bell curve that. So I have to agree with you on that one. That was a piss poor choice. It was. Is there anything you don't agree with me here on? Everything I've said is very reasonable. I don't agree with you on my bike. What did I say that you don't agree with on the bike? Oh, you could have bought a $10,000 car. Yes, you could have. While you were getting out of debt. I wasn't in debt when I got my bike. Did you have a fully funded emergency fund?

I did. Six months of living expenses, all saved up on the side. I did. I had a story. It was a bad decision. What happened? I moved and I got back with my ex and he was like, well, we need a bigger house because I have all these cars, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, fine. And then it was, well, you know, it's going to be yours. So what did I do? I tried to

make him feel like it was his so i got rid of a lot of stuff so he can put his stuff in to kind of build together well that didn't work so needs to say we ain't together and leads to say that i should just stay where the f**k i was at and not worry about it and how'd that get you into that and because i i had a house yeah and then i only had the house for like seven months

Oh, so yeah, with like the fees and everything, you definitely had a loss. Right. And then you let your boyfriend that you got back together with convince you to sell a home after you just got in and get a new one. We were together for like five years. Oh, man. So it was, yeah, we're going to do this for real and blah, blah, blah. And yeah, I knew it. I was like, should have felt good with my gut instincts. But anyway, that's on me. That's a choice that I made because I thought that.

that it was going to go somewhere. I might sell your bike. Nope, not going to do it. So you're not willing to sacrifice? Just that. Remember when you said it was just the eating out? Now it's just that. There's going to be lots of just that. So the only thing I will not like bend on is, like I told you, my truck. My truck is the only thing I left for my dad.

The bike. So I'm not going to. Well, people who don't bend and sacrifice don't get any sacrifice. You're not going to get. I do. You it's just a story behind some of the things like I can. OK, I can get over the Friday thing. Yes. But those two things. You need to get to one point four million dollars in retirement in five years. What do you have?

what do you think you have well I'm not nowhere close to that I could tell you that but that's why I was saying that then you're never gonna get there that's a dream it's a pipe dream because you're never gonna get there because you're not willing to sacrifice anything the fact is I'm running a sacrifice to leave America and go and work overseas to that part's great so that's what I will you need your bike there of

Of course. That's all I'm going to take with me. I'm not going to take my truck. Listen, this is what I would do personally as someone who also enjoys fun toys, not bikes and motorcycles, but I do have my own fun things. I'm sure you got an $80,000, $90,000 car. Huh? I'm sure you got an $80,000, $90,000 car. Oh, no, you got video games, right? Video games, yeah. Yeah. So, so...

that's why your hair hurts my thumb hurts because I was playing so many college football as people say I have a nice house what I say is for my bike it's mental for me it's the trauma that I went through losing my dad that's why I have my bike

I got my dad started riding his bike. I traded his bike in for that one because it was too emotional. Okay. Here's what I was going to say about the bike and the toys and what I would do with toys, right? It's not a toy for me though. Okay. But by all technical sense, it's a toy. And if we're just talking finances, I get it. But this also wasn't the one that he drove. And I'll explain why. Okay. So let me explain what I would do as someone who enjoys toy. Let's pretend like this is the toy that I like.

Because you actually have a $10,000 equity into it because it's worth $30,000, $31,000. So you actually have like, you know, and you own 19. So that's great. I would actually sell it right now, pay off that debt, put the $10,000 towards one of your other major debts. I mean, it totally, it pays off your personal loan, which is at an insane interest rate. It could also pay off the city card as well. And, or it could put a big chunk towards the Southwest card. I would do that.

I would do the overseas work for a couple years, pay off all the debt, have a fully funded emergency fund, and then I'd get a $75,000 bike. I'd get a set. Well, it's an example. It's an example that you can sacrifice now, go crazy for a couple years, and get the sexiest bike you could ever dream of. Ever. It's a temporary thing. I'm not saying I don't want you to have it. I'm saying literally a couple years without this...

can get you so many places. That or, you know, honestly, because you make a good income, if you actually sacrifice and do not spend money other than your basic living expenses...

You're going to have to pay off because of this an additional essentially $30,000 in debt that we haven't talked about because you don't have the $10,000 going towards the extra things and you have the additional $20,000 in motorcycle debt. So maybe you need to stay an extra year or something overseas or maybe six months. So you can do that as well if it's really worth that to you. To keep this bike, if

If it's worth an extra year of work for you, do it. But that means you have to be sacrificing through that entire time. And that is hard for people to do. It's hard for people to sacrifice for six months, let alone a year, let alone two years, let alone a half a decade. So whatever is required, you're making it harder and harder. I would just say, okay, let's just sacrifice. Let's get rid of some right now. Do you have equity? How long have you owned this home? I can get rid of my house before I get rid of my bike. How long have you owned this home? Four years. Okay. You actually...

My house is worth more than what I owe. So trust me, I can make a lot of money on it. And I'll get rid of that house before I get rid of the bike. Well, I would do that too. And then maybe pay off some of the debt as well. You know, depending on what you have. And start throwing things towards retirement. All I'm saying is, if you're going to work overseas especially, but you can get rid of some things now. You okay? What happened? Oh, okay. It's okay. Good? You going to stand up for a second? It's okay. Sorry. It's okay.

I'm going to move on to your checking account. It's only $300 in there, which is absolutely insane at the time of this statement. Doing a vending machine. I see Ottawa purchases for the kid, even though he's not there. We're door dashing cook sesh. Cash app out $10. Cash app out $30. Pick and pack $76. Yes. Round Rock Sports.

There's more gas. Go inside a gas station and get into some bulls**t. Go inside a gas station and get into some bulls**t. Because you weren't driving no more. I know you were only spending a few dollars on gas. Go inside and get into some bulls**t. Do you stop in and get things at the gas station? No. That one was... I had a basketball tournament and I got it for the girls. What? What did you get? It's a gatorade for the girls. Okay. Well, I see like four stops of inside purchases. Yeah. That's the weekend that we had a basketball tournament. I coach girls basketball. Oh, gotcha. Go inside and get into some BS.

Apple cash, $15 out. Amazon, Apple bill, Nike, Cajun, DoorDash to cook sash, 70 bucks. Amazon, Holiday Inn. Oh, man. So I got refunded the Holiday Inn and the gas for the basketball. Okay. Apple cash.

Potentially gas or getting some bulls**t. Hard to tell. Amazon, ATM, which are $100. Who knows where that went? Apple Cash sent out $100. Dunkin' Donuts, Chipotle. Getting some gas there. Vending machine. Adam and Eve. Why are you telling my business? Well, now I know you want the kids to leave so you can be loud. Okay. Studio booking. At least I'm loud with myself. Okay. Hey, I'm just saying. Okay. Never mind. Moving on. Okay.

vending machine vending machine yeah go inside get in some bs that vending machine was bs because they put me on mids and i would never work midnight again i was struggling struggling okay that was i've never been in a vending machine before until then i was like holy crap at two o'clock in the morning i was like this okay go inside get in some bullshit golden triangle golden triangle what's golden triangle smokehouse i don't know you went there twice golden triangle what is golden triangle i don't know you went there twice i'm out

What's the amount? $12 and $9. Smokehouse. Potentially going inside games and BS. Hard to tell. Amazon. Golden Triangle. Again, $20 there. Amazon. Liquor store. Holiday Inn. Yeah. So Golden Triangle is not. That's basketball.

That's what that is. Okay, well, you're spending a lot of basketball. Well, you have so much debt and want to retire in five years, and you're not willing to get rid of your motorcycle. But no, so they give it back. So, like... All of it? Everything? So, the expenses when you're coaching, so you do all the expenses, and then they pay you. So, next month, they'll reimburse me for everything. Charlie's Philly Cheesesteaks, potentially going to take it into BS. Cash app out $20. Amazon McDonald's. Amazon DoorDash. Beer, wine, liquor. DoorDash. Randolph Commissionery.

Commissary, sorry. Oh, is that... Grocery store. Grocery store? Yeah, it's a grocery store. Potentially going inside and getting some bullshit. McDonald's. Nothing Bundt cake. Wow, I didn't know people actually got that. It was a birthday cake. I think I saw it on Shark Tank. Yeah, it was a birthday cake.

Apple. I mean, you're spending so much money going out to eat, dude. And we have so much interest to grow and so much debt to pay off. And you want to retire in five years. This doesn't make sense. This is more than just having your Friday, your special little Adam and Eve Friday. This is... We don't want to start that. But this is so much more than your Friday. So that's when I, like I said, going out to eat, I was like, right.

The reason why? Because I feel like I gained all this weight and I was like, we got to do better than this. That's because a lot of it was traveling. And that's why I said, like, I'm just going to start...

Like, you know how they do prep meal prep meal prep? Yeah, do that. Because like, I ain't gonna lie, some days I like, they be like, here. And I be like, take the car. I don't care. Because I won't, some days I won't even eat. I be like, just take this car. Because I've been like really on the road doing a lot of different events. So that's why I was like, hey, we're going to stop because this is crazy. Like I looked at that and I was like, whoo, I can spend all that on groceries. Yeah. Basies.

Amazon, Amazon, Apple Cash sent out. This is so much. Amazon, Nails and Spa, DoorDash and Chipotle, Home and Garden something, Patio Bar, Home and Garden, $186 there. Apple Bill, Michaels, Amazon, Amazon.

Something. Vivint Inc. That's my alarm. Okay. Wing Daddy. DoorDash. Oh my gosh. Netflix is insane. Vending Machine. Vending Machine. Vending Machine. Vending Machine. Oh, and Netflix had a return because I canceled it. Good. They don't have anything on there. Mexican Restaurant. Beer and Wine. Techport Center. Tank's Pizza. Etsy's.

Heals on something. $145. Okay. That is an insane amount of money. That is an insane amount of money. And just again, for me personally...

Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. Yeah, sacrifice is huge. But again, it's more your behavior is out of control to get to your goals. And I know you've made progress for one week. Okay, fine. Let's have a little happiness for that. Okay, done. So none of the progress you've made has been within your own efforts. It's all been because something else came.

And I don't know what you are going to do. You're going to try to move overseas to make more money. That's fine. But knowing you're spending your life spending $1,800 more than came in after a special month where you got bonuses. You're just going to lifestyle inflate yourself. You're only getting into debt and more debt and more debt. The debt went up and you spent money on bulls**t. Your categories. Your spending categories were insane. Of the money that you spent, which was $2,000 more than you brought in.

Housing, 7.4% of your spending, phone 0.5%. That's not bad. Transportation, because you spent so much on gas, and I don't even talk about insurance yet, 11.3%.

necessary food well we thought now we didn't recognize a couple places it was a little higher but going out to eat was nine percent or 1148.82 cents unknown spending that's typically amazon target it's hard to know what's going on there same with walmart 8.6 percent of your spending or 1107 walmart is grocery shopping okay i didn't see too much walmart and i also didn't call out the walmart i saw a ton of amazon that's majority amazon

Miscellaneous bullshit. Things that do not actually contribute to your life in any way whatsoever. $688.08 or 5.3% of your spending. Other large purchases, 15.7% of your spending or $2,022. And you know, Amazon does go grocery shopping now.

Yeah. And do you do that? That's what that is. All that. $1,000. So you're getting $1,000 in groceries plus and $1,000 of eating out. That's insane. That makes no sense. Well. That's a ridiculous amount of spending when you have so much debt and you want to retire in five years. You're not even close. And that's why, like I said. We are too rich to progress. Okay, great. What am I supposed to say to that? I don't know. You're supposed to tell me, okay, this is what the plan we're going to do. We're almost there. I promise you we're almost there. And then you're going to say, okay, this is what we're going to do. And if you talk about all this shit,

We'll see when you come back at the end of the year with you done. That's what I want. We're almost there. I promise. The miscellaneous spending was around rock sports, the Apple, the Nike, Adam and Eve studio booking. Uh, we thought the commissary, but it's not because it sounds like you're like eating at the place, but I don't know. Omen garden, athletic center, tech for center. I'd say some of this was reimbursed. I know the other large purchases, the Ottawa university of 1,278. I know you said that, uh, came back, right?

Cash app out $101 cash app out $230 holiday and $236 ATM withdraw $100 private school fees $56.95 and UPS store $19.58. I'll make your budget. I'll tell you what you need to live. I'll tell you how to do it and how long things are going to take. But again, it requires changing your behavior other than just one extra special little thing. So 6,000 bucks comes in on a monthly basis. Wonderful. Let me get your minimum monthly debt payments besides your mortgage.

This is already insane. This is insane. $2,705 and that doesn't even include your mortgages. That's crazy. That's insane. Your mortgage is $1,869.79. Okie doke. So what is your utilities? My electricity is $100 and my water bill is $40. Internet? So no gas? No, I'm all electric. Internet? It's

$89.99. That's internet and cable together. How much do you drive normal month for your gas for your driving? I work five days a week every month, every day.

So what is that? What is five times four? How much do you spend on driving gas? What do you mean driving gas? The gas that you fill your motorcycle with. What's the average monthly payment? Average? Let's see. We're thinking about maybe $80. I mean $80 to $100, depending on the inflation of the gas for a month. Sorry, for me one more time. What was that? So it's maybe like $80.

Maybe close to 80 in the middle. I say 80 between 100. It depends on. Okay, I'll do 90. And car insurance across the board. So I pay $700 every six months for all three vehicles. What's the other one? My son has a car. Is he going to take care of it? Once he gets the damn job. Yep. Every six months? Yeah. 117 a month. Okay.

TP fun $100 anything else you need to survive. That's where your Adam and Eve goes. That's where your makeup goes That's where all that good stuff goes pet insurance. You have pets. No, okay. I don't wear makeup It's all your extra stuff. How long until the kids are gone? Maybe put a hard limit on it Well, we'll find out when he takes his ass back on Wednesday and my son graduates in January So you take her groceries for everyone? Yeah, you're gonna put a $700 limit on that. Oh

I'm going to be meal prepping and they take it or leave it or spend their own money. Anything medical co-pays, anything like that? I don't really have co-pays. If I do, it's maybe $20. Okay. Phone bill? It's $80. Do you own your phone? Do you own your phone? Yeah. You do? Yeah. When it's paid off, switch to helium, $20 a month. Who the hell is that? Though for overseas, maybe not actually. Well, then again, you would get international coverage, wouldn't you anyway? Yeah.

It's one of those third-party services like Mint and stuff like that that uses the same towers. I don't know. But you have to tell me more because I ain't never heard of it. I'll send you all the information after this show. Well, this is good through your budget, though. But for now, because you still have your phone, it's $80. Yeah. That's for two lines. It's not the worst. But again, when we're starting to save money, we save money. Okay. Anything else I need to put in your budget that I haven't yet? By the way, for your son that's going through the schooling process,

Now, it's not trade school, but because you're on the show, I get to gift a course career certification, which is like accounting certification or something tech-related. And if he wants to take advantage of that, you just let me know. Okay. And this is why we don't have your special little Friday budget. And I told you exactly why to begin with if we only had a couple hundred dollars. And we barely even have that. If $6,000 comes in a month...

It costs you minimum to live $5,896. Okay. Let's just do a little math for a second. So you have an extra $103 a month. $103 a month.

And Noah says there's some extra tea about your son crashing a car and some extra stuff about your brother and stuff. And I think we're going to save that for the post show because it's just a little more drama driven. We are basically halfway through the year and I need to make sure you guys are saving your money in the right place. In my resources section in the description below, you can sign up for one of the best high yield savings accounts there are, but you can also get $300 for free with qualifying deposits. You can also get FDIC insurance up to $2.

million dollars on your money and get 4.6% on the money that's just sitting there. It's exactly where I put my money. Why let your money lose money when it could be making money? It's the biggest no brainer in the world. Open up a SoFi high yield savings account now and get that $300 for free. But we'll, I want to do some extra math here real quick. Your debt not including your mortgage.

is 110,044 dollars okay wonderful you have an extra 103 dollars a month okay you want to retire in five years but it's going to take a thousand 68 months to pay off your debt without any interest but also not taking into account the extra minimum monthly payments that you'll have to be able to put towards your debt once you pay off a debt yeah so you'll pay off your debt in 89 years jesus christ i'll be dead yeah and that's without you spending literally any money on fun

So I don't think there's excuses anymore. Now you almost have to get rid of the motorcycle. Now you definitely do not get a Friday of super excitement. Now, like it's either you're getting a second job if you want to stay here or go work overseas and cut your budget to nothing. But you need to make more. You need to make as much money as you have the ability to, which sounds like you have the ability to for things we're not going to go into. But go ahead and do that.

And every single penny that is not going to you living needs to start going to debt. Because not only are you not going to retire in five years, but you're never going to be able to retire in your life at this point. Because, I mean, just debt minimum monthly payments on your budget. I mean...

was not including the mortgage, $2,705. So let's say you just have your retirement income that you currently have from the military. You can only live off $1,000 a month, and you just can't do that because your mortgage itself is $1,869. So we might be selling the house if we're going to go do overseas. There's a lot of options. You said you had hard lines that you weren't willing to sacrifice, and you only have $100 left a month. So honestly...

You're right. Come back by the end of the year. Yeah. But right now, there's no plan without you just making some sacrifices and you put red lines in the sand so that I have no desire to give all these lists of options because you aren't willing to sacrifice in general. I wasn't willing. Get rid of your motorcycle tomorrow. We'll think about it. I ain't going to say I'm not. I didn't say no. I'm just saying I got to. There's a lot of stuff that goes with that.

Hammer financial score. Spending in a budget. You overspent by $1,500, so you don't get any points there. 0 out of 10. Your debt. You don't have anything in collections, but those payments are so high compared to your life, and it brings your budget, your necessary budget. 2 out of 10. You don't have collections or IRS debt. That's the only reason it's that high. Emergency fund. You don't have anything in savings. 0 out of 10. Retirement. You do have that government thing that's going to help you, but other than that,

uh or the military thing other than that you don't have really anything else so it's not like thrilling i'm gonna do a four out of ten there because at least that's guaranteed lifetime income seven out of ten for the house though love that love the equity position but obviously still technically have risk on it because there is a mortgage

It's going to be a hammer financial score, two and a half out of 10. Stick around for the post show. We're going to jump into some of the drama that I guess there is that we didn't have a chance to talk about that my producer knows about. So join in the link in the description below. And also feel free to check out all the links for the resources that I use or would use in specific situations there, including the best budgeting information.

and investing programs that can be found anywhere online that are now bundled at a lower price and you get a free $100 in cash coupons to invest in your own investments. Thanks to Moo Moo. So stick around for the post show. Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. Noah, for $22, you can get yourself...

This. Wow. See, look, you already like it. Look, look, Adam, he was calling his name. There you go. You have to be careful because you might order something and you may not get what you ordered. Uh-oh. That doesn't seem fair. Oh, but the thing is, is they'll replace it, but they won't send. I was like, well, can I send back what you sent me? They're like, no. So I have this. To watch the financial audit post show, click the join button below.