cover of episode He’s Choosing Xbox Over His Wife And Kid | Financial Audit

He’s Choosing Xbox Over His Wife And Kid | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

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作为《Camerosity Podcast》的主持人,Anthony Rue 深入探讨了摄影设备的历史和使用经验。
通过分享她的故事,Vanessa 为那些遭受家庭暴力和虐待的人提供了支持和鼓励。
Vanessa:作为家庭主要经济来源,她独自承担家庭经济压力,丈夫Anthony沉迷游戏,缺乏工作稳定性,导致家庭财务状况极其紧张,需要经常向父母借钱。她对Anthony缺乏责任感和对家庭财务状况的漠不关心感到不满。 Anthony:他解释自己之前的工作经历,包括在朋友的商店工作(销售非法产品)和在其他几家公司工作,但都因各种原因离职,目前正在等待一个新的工作机会。他承认自己缺乏经济规划,并且沉迷于游戏,并试图通过开设游戏YouTube频道来改善经济状况,但目前没有稳定收入。他解释了部分消费行为,例如购买游戏电脑,并试图为自己的行为辩解。 主持人:主持人对这对年轻夫妇的财务状况表示担忧,并指出他们缺乏成熟的财务管理意识和生活规划。主持人批评了Anthony的消费习惯和缺乏责任感,以及Vanessa对Anthony行为的纵容。主持人分析了他们的债务情况,包括信用卡透支、汽车贷款和向父母借款等,并指出他们目前的财务状况难以维持,需要做出改变。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a discussion about the financial struggles of a young couple, Vanessa and Anthony, who are living with Vanessa's parents and relying on her income as a meat wrapper.

Shownotes Transcript


- To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. - He's negative in his debit card code school. He's not getting any money. - I'm a stay-at-home dad. - Then why are you spending money? Why aren't you at least doing like Snoop Reads or DoorDash or something? - I was. - Make ends meet for you and your family. - Just wanted to take a little time to relax. - What did you do? Time to relax? What time to relax do you have? Yeah, how does that feel? He's taking time to relax when you're out there grinding it. I don't think video games is more important. Hey, guess what? You're a dad. - We have fun though. - Huh?

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I'm 21 years old. And my name is Anthony. I'm 22 years old from Houston. And this is the financial audit. Financial audit. We'll start with you, Vanessa. What do you do for a living at 21? I'm a meat wrapper. Meat wrapper. Wrapping that meat. That's exciting. I bet you love that. So how much do we make doing that? An hour or? Yeah, sure. $16.50 an hour. Okay. Okay.

16 15 hour how many hours a week are we working currently 30 to 40 30 to 40 how inconsistent kind of inconsistently i'm just trying i just started to get into it so yeah there's a new job uh a new position i've been working at the same store for like over a year now i just transferred and what do you do for living uh for right now i'm a stay-at-home dad but um i you guys have a kid yeah yeah okay

I know people used to have kids when they were young. I guess it's actually a very normal thing for so many people. But to me, it just blows my mind. As a 29-year-old who's like, I can't even imagine having a kid yet. I'm like, please. I'm just a little baby. It's just like, how the f... Like... But, okay. Good for you guys. Planned. No. We knew what we were doing. Okay, you're a professional meat wrapper. You should have wrapped that meat. Yeah. That wasn't my...

That wasn't my job yet. Okay. Wow. So how old's the kid? He's two. Whoa. So this was young. Similar to like when my parents had me. Okay. Wow. So we're relying on the single income of $16.50 at potentially sometimes 30 hours a week. How are we doing off of that?

We're barely making it. I mean, we're still going past it, but it's kind of... We don't have no extra money for nothing. Yeah, if I need money, I would ask my mom. Be like, oh, can I borrow this much? How much will we borrow from your mom? Right now, I owe her $50. Not much. $50. But how often are we doing this? Pretty often. We're paydaying from our mom? Okay, stay at home, baby.

dad obviously okay we're breaking gender stereotypes whoa um so wait but they're two okay i guess we're avoiding daycare daycare is expensive why is the stay-at-home dad what we've chosen well for right now i mean i was waiting for a job interview because um i i've already had the interview i just i have it on thursday but uh i was just waiting for them to call me back so but it took a while waiting

Well, how long have you been? Two, three weeks. It was more like a month. Over a month. How long have you been out of work? A month. Oh, what happened? What were you doing? Okay. I was working at my friend's shop, but... Your friend's shop? Yeah, but I had gotten kind of, like, fired from there. From your friend? You have to be really bad at your job to get fired from a friend, don't you? Yeah, I was... Well, I mean, I was working there for a little bit, for like a week, but...

Her and her mother were complaining that I wasn't enough pay and I was away from home for a long time. Even though it was a really easy job. Even your mom were complaining to his friend who was his boss at the same time? No, we weren't complaining to his friend. We were complaining to him. And then I was complaining to my friend. What were you making? I was making like... He was making like $13 something an hour. It was a shop and what was your position? It was a smoke shop and I was just in the back just smoking.

Taking out the orders that they order. But he was selling. Selling. Oh, under the table? Yeah. Yeah. Type stuff. So, not really legal. Yeah. Behind your friend's back? No, no, no. No, that's what the shop was. That's what the shop was.

Why wasn't it legally sold? I mean, it was just... It's Texas. It's not legal here. But the shop was to sell it. Oh, yeah, yeah. The shop wasn't registered, basically. So it wasn't like... Because I know next to my condo when I used to... I can say it now because I lived there. It was on Boulevard. And there's like this collection of shops. There's an Alamo Draft House right there. And there's a shop that grows in the window. And they sell it.

In a way where they're like, if this catches on fire and smoke comes from it, you know, that might be something that happens. And that was their legal way of being able to sell it. And they sell like a certain strain that's legal. It sounds like you guys weren't doing this. This is not. Okay, so I'm trying to understand. So I know it's illegal in Texas, but like places in Austin, they don't enforce it. Yeah, well, I mean, it's just like they didn't really, it wasn't, they didn't build enough to where to get attention from like...

police or anything like no one that would like suspect anything yeah because it's like actually dangerous things happen yeah so it was just like um like under under the table like you said like like stuff on instagram that we have like customers why'd you get fired uh my complaining complaining and they don't have the money for it either i want to say well it's not that i mean like if why didn't he just say no uh

I mean, he did say no, but they always just like... Because we wanted him to find something better. He was working 40 hours in six days. Like, but a normal job, you'll get five days for 40 hours. Yeah, I mean, it sounds kind of just like a weird job. Small business. Yeah, it was like a small business. So I was trying to help him, you know, build it up.

Yeah. So, I mean, I was still getting paid. Well, 13 bucks an hour, right? Yeah, 13 bucks. I mean, that is more than $0 an hour and it ended up becoming $0 an hour. But he had a job before that, like a real job. Oh, when? It was... He quit for that job.

He didn't even talk to me about it. It was a job at Papa's Barbecue. So, I mean, but the thing is, I was already kind of... Why aren't you... Why aren't we discussing what we're trying to do, though? Because it could impact things. Why are we not discussing the mother of our child? Because, I mean, I kind of already knew that she would say something. So, I just... Well, what do you think then? So, does that make sense to then just go do it? I mean, I had told her, but I had told her at the last minute.

So when it's done. He had already put in his two weeks. I'm not saying you can't do it, but just like don't we inform our partner? Yeah, but at the time. Have the conversations and at least get their thoughts. It was just like a quick thing, so I didn't really get the time to tell her. How healthy is this relationship? Oh, no. We're fine. We're good. We're good. But it was just like. It was just like communication. It was never really.

Oh, it's just... It's just the main thing. Everything's great except for the most important thing. Yeah, the main thing of the relationship is not there. And even then, on top of that, before that Papa's barbecue job, he had another job at some... What is it called? A grocery store? Yeah. And...

He quit mid-shift too. And that... What are you? What are you? I know you guys are young. It's because I had a co-worker and... Do you have a kid? I have a kid, yes. If it was just you just f***ing around, that's a little different. But the thing is that... Okay, so before that job, I was working at Papa's again. So I left Papa's to work at that job. How much were you making at Papa's? I was making like $14,000.

Oh, so he went down a dollar. Yeah. So why was that the biggest? Like, no. Okay. So first when he was working at Papa's, he was making like 12. Then he quit to go to the grocery store and then he was making like 18, 18, 18, but it was overnight work.

Okay. And then he got tired of that one co-worker. He really didn't even talk to nobody about it. He got tired of a co-worker. Because he's been there for like five plus years. So he always thought that he was the shit. Like he was on... For five years? What is this? High school? What is happening?

So he would always boss me around. But he was nothing. Talk to a manager. I did, but since he was working there for a while, he had favoritism. That's hardly... Okay. And he was like the best. Just because nobody wanted to work there. People would always quit after him. Somebody else quit. Well, I'm okay with you going and getting a different job. Okay, so we went back to Poppy's. Papa's. And then from there... And then you took a dollar cut. So why was a dollar...

Oh. I had gotten more because they raised it more. So what were you making before you went to $13 an hour at the job you got fired from? It doesn't even matter because you got fired from that job anyway. The first time I was making $12.50. And then I left to make $18. And I came back. I was making $14. And then I had left again to make $13. So, okay, what's the big freak out between you and your mom for $1 down? Because he was sending me.

Oh, it's the part. Well, no, you said originally, you said it's because he wasn't making enough, so you and your mom complained that he needed to make more. But he wasn't making enough. He could have made more at another job, too. Were you making more with the under-the-table selling than the 13? Kind of. Because it wasn't for the 13. It wasn't really...

Like, it wasn't, like, guaranteed of, like, a 500, like, paycheck. What? Because for that 13, I would be making 500 every week. But for the other one, it would be biweekly, and I would be making, like... 800. 800, 900. Maybe 1,000. So, kind of less. In a good week. It would be less. Yeah.

Okay. So you got fired because you were asking for raises? Yeah. I got fired because I was asking for more. Even though the business was still small. Yeah, because I want to say, but for what he was doing, I want to say that he was... I walk into work every day and the first thing I hear from Noah is, oh, daddy, please give me a little raise. And then I punch him and lock him in a closet. That's what happens. You know, you watch yourself. I don't know. I have never

yeah so they they were they were just completely like the more they complained the more they add on about stuff like oh like it's dangerous like yeah it was dangerous but we but we also were like protected we had protection so i mean it wasn't protection yeah protection like um firearm we had a firearm okay this is weird

That's a weird job, but you got fired from it anyway. So what the fuck are you doing now? What's the interview? The interview? It's just... It's a freight handler. Yeah, a freight handler. So it's like a warehouse. So I'm just going to be toured around the building and then I'm going to see what they do after. Where are you in the interview process? Have you not had one or is this like the intro? This is the intro. So it's not a guarantee for sure.

It might be guaranteed because I have someone in there. Yeah, somebody got him that interview. That can definitely pull some weight. Yeah, it can pull a lot of weight actually. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I'm still young. So literally right now though, 1650 on a slow week, we're making $495 before any deductions, before any taxes a week, $25,740 a year.

assuming no time off is there paid time off i'm not full time assuming you well 30 to 40 kind of i will i pick up hours how are we surviving guys legitimately how are we surviving living with my parents we don't pay rent or we do pay rent just not yeah it's just like it's just like a couple bills we pay to help out okay

Yeah, I mean, you guys are kind of forced to live with the parents. It's not really much of an option. Is that what we want to be doing? No. Then, I don't know. Does it feel like, I mean, you guys are in your 20s, but young 20s. I mean, we're still in the same decade, but I'm just getting a sense. This is a sense. We can prove me wrong during this conversation, but I'm getting a sense that we haven't grown up yet.

I feel like we're still kind of children, especially with your whole situation. The reason I dug into that was just to learn more about you because it doesn't really necessarily matter figuring out the income and everything of a job that is already gone. But, you know, just learning about you as a person and, you know, just quitting mid shift because we had a little bit of a beef with someone at work. And then we worked in a legal job kind of that we got fired for because we were begging for more money. It's just I don't know. I feel like you and your mom. I don't know. I feel like we just haven't like grown up yet.

But the kid's kind of forcing you to at the same time. Yeah. Two-year-old kid. So, like, yeah. Because, I mean, I always take their word. So, like, if they say something, I'm like, okay, well, like, I got to go through with it. How are our finances? How are we looking today, guys? No savings. No savings. And a negative. We laugh about that. Okay. It's interesting when we have a kid. Okay. Sure. So, no savings. He's negative in his...

in his debit card because well he's not getting any money in there um then why are you spending money i'm not spending money i haven't had no bills or what how are you negative why aren't you at least doing like new breeds or door dash or something i was trying to but why aren't you working at a coffee shop why aren't you scraping gunk somewhere for like seven dollars just to at least make ends meet for you and your family

In between the job. But I mean, it's just that I haven't had, like, I just wanted to take a little time to relax. What do you mean, relax? What?

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buying sweet treats, people, and start investing. Well, I mean, I'll be playing on my phone. Yeah, how does that feel? How does that feel that he's taking time to relax when you're out there grinding it? $16.50 an hour. She can't have a place to call her own because you're taking time to relax. Something tells me kid equals video games.

Yeah. Oh, I nailed that. I can smell it from across the room. You don't stink. That was more of just a saying. You guys smell fine. Mainly because I can't smell you guys, which is what I asked for.

Okay, I don't think video games is more important. Hey, guess what? You're a dad. If you were 22, 22 and you weren't a dad, and you were single and you were around maybe a little in college, like, okay, fine. Would I dig into you? Absolutely. But you're a dad. You got a couple responsibilities right now. Yeah, but I mean, I also wanted to try it on. Oh, okay. Yeah, here we go. Go ahead.

I wanted to see if I could start a YouTube channel of gaming. Oh, okay. So I could also play with my son. Like, well, he's watching me. So I can play with my son and then... Sounds like an excuse to play video games. Well, I mean, it's not even that. It's just that, like, I really enjoy video games and YouTube is a good hobby. Like, a side hobby.

There you go. What do people with side hobbies usually also have? Yeah, but I mean, I was just waiting for this interview to come up. Yeah, four weeks, buddy. Like, at that point, plus there's no guarantee you're going to get the job. That's the thing that hurts. You're really, I know, you have an inside connection. That is going to help.

If I was a betting man, which I'm not, I would probably bet that you're going to get the job. But there is still the chance that you're not. So what I would do is that at least be looking for other jobs and working other jobs. You had $0 in savings when you lost your job, right? Right? I had what? Right? $0 in savings? Yeah. Okay. So that's when we're going and the day we lost our job, we're walking into McDonald's and saying, I'll fry some fries in the middle of the night. Okay? You have a kid. Okay.

It's not a comedy show. You have a kid, a child, a real-life child that actually exists in this world who doesn't have their own place to live in that you would like.

Because video games. I just need to get back up my feet from my current job. Yeah, it's not really a choice, buddy. I didn't know it was going to be like three weeks until they called me. I was waiting like, oh, like at least a week. That's what happens when we don't have a backup plan. That's what happens when we don't get out there and grind. I would have grinded, but. But you didn't know. And if you don't know, then you have to. He didn't know it was going to be this hard to find a job. What do you mean? How many jobs have you applied to?

No, okay, so his first job, like, his first job that he ever had, he was working at Little Caesars. He'd worked there for, like, three years, I want to say. And then after, I got him the job at Papa's. Because my aunt works as a manager there. And then I got him the job at the grocery store. Yeah, so, like, it's always been, it's always been, because I had someone in the company. So you've never achieved anything on your own? No, not really. Okay.

I've always had to help with someone. I was like, it's okay for help. That's not, it's not a shame thing. This is, I mean, that's how I grew up. I, I've, I've never game. Are you even playing fallout? Fallout four. There's been a new fall in forever in your grinding fall. I mean, I'm on what, what are you playing on Xbox?

Okay, but I do have a PC but just say I haven't it just sits there. Yeah, just Can we sell it to get us out of debt? I literally just got it for his birthday cuz he was telling me he was like wait a minute You got it. I'm your finances aren't good. I know I've been digging in on you. So I Know you don't have money gaming PCs are not cheap. How much did you spend? Um, like a thousand Oh Me again, we have a kid

But we're acting like kids instead. I'm going to count down from three. Three, two, one, go. On go, I want you guys to give me your collective household financial score. You too. Zero being the worst, ten being the best. Where do we think we are? Three, two, one. Five. Okay. So you guys think you're right down the middle, doing solid, doing okay. You're getting through it. People with zero dollars in savings. People who can't live on their own. People who blow money they don't have.

people who don't go and get jobs sure okay if you want your hammer financial score it's free in the description below and if you also do not stink from across the table feel free to apply and come on the show slash apply let's look at the finances we've been talking for a bit but we haven't touched finances oh oh me now what are we doing guys

What are we doing? Who owns the Capital One? Both? Are we both on it? Or whose card is it? Just me. You, the one who just spent $1,000 on a PC? Yeah. What are you laughing at? I've had that card since... And it's funny? No, it's not funny. That was my first credit card. I had gotten it. I was just like, oh yeah, I want to build up my credit. I want to buy a house. I have the funds to pay it.

I want to buy a house and yet we can't move out of our parents. Okay. And yeah, it just accumulated. And then now it's just like, oh, it accumulated. The minimum. It's over the credit limit. $500 is the credit limit. It's a $568.56. $14 for the essence of interest. $25 fees. Even worse. I don't get it. You put a little more than the minimum payment towards it. But yeah.

you went and purchased 116 why are you purchasing on a card that you can't afford to pay off that is over the credit limit well accruing interest why that was my first late payment i had a late payment yeah oh i thought it was over the credit limit thing so we're purchasing on the card that's over the credit limit that's a green interest that we can't pay off that we're missing a payment

How in any world does it make sense to purchase $116? How in any world has that ever made sense in this galaxy? Getting groceries and we just... Pardon? Checking account? Have we heard of them? Yeah, but if we pay from to there, we can use that to pay. Uh-huh. No, but you didn't. You didn't. What do you mean? I was trying. I don't know. Trying? What trying? Trying.

Excuse me, what trying? There's no trying here. You were late. Trying? I don't see a try. Where's the try? I paid it after. It was there. I swear. That is inexcusable. You missed the payment. You missed the payment. That's inexcusable. Even if you make it a little later, you missed it. You are not a credit card person. You don't know how to use credit cards.

chop them up close the accounts they're not benefiting you they're you yeah and the debit one for the discover one for mine i kind of she got me into it because i wanted to do my credit to enable that

and they gave him a really really really high credit for just yeah for for starting it was just a 2000 actually no he had one before that one but then they closed it on him he also i first sent him that uh capital one which one applied to be on the show me okay yeah i didn't know anything about the show she just signed up and okay we're gonna go to the show welcome welcome welcome

Okay. I'm just assuming your smile is a cop smile. You smile, right? Yes. I'm just a smiley person. That's okay. It's okay. I just want to make sure. My big fear is people taking it seriously. I just never want to care about someone's financial situation more than they do because that just like, you know, that would be terrible. Okay. $70 minimum payment. The interest is accruing.

Groceries? Groceries? Groceries? Groceries? No, we had a return mobile payment because we didn't have enough money in our checking account, I'm assuming. We had a return payment because it bounced. And then Amazon Prime. Groceries? I don't see a single grocery. I don't see a single grape on here. I don't see a single peanut. Groceries? Okay, so I kind of stopped. Okay, so I do the minimum payment on that one, but...

It's my other credit cards that I usually do the groceries on. What are we getting on Amazon? I did. That's where I bought the monitor. I bought him stuff for his birthday. You don't even use it. I do use the monitor. Oh, yeah. Just the monitor. Why do you prefer the Xbox over the computer? Because on the Xbox, I have DLC and stuff already on the Xbox. Return it? Can you? No.

It's been over, I think, the month. I don't know what the return was. I had a friend. But I can still use the PC because I truly want to go to like a YouTuber type hobby. So I can use a PC. I'm OK with that as a concept. But we do that when we have money.

Like we don't go into depth for that. And you still work a full time job while doing it. I didn't get to leave my job for a while when I started this. It was quicker than a lot of people because I've been incredibly best because this audience is absolutely amazing to be completely honest. So it was quicker than many people. But can you return the monitor? No. I was going to give you one of our monitors that we're not using. If you return that monitor. We'll check on Amazon. Check real quick.

It's not a great monitor. You're not going to get something thrilling, but it works. I mean, I could easily use a second monitor. One for me and the boy. Return window closed on May 22nd, 2024. I don't say sell it on Facebook, but at this point, I don't think you guys would. Use the Fizz card if you're going to use any card. It's geared towards people your age anyway for the rewards, but it's a charge card that forces you to pay it off every month and builds your credit. Discover. Is this the one you said is yours? We both have a Discover. Discover it.

We both have the same balance. Tell me who's this? Oh mine your interest free it appears So big thick old balance. Thank you for making your minimum payment on time $1,956. I don't know how from from I think I sent him like they had a they had like a High school sweethearts

We met at work when our first job. Yeah, the first job and then we got together. Our first job. Because of the birth? No, we were already together like a year before. Okay. People on the show hate condoms. Let me tell you. They really do.

I'm sure the kid's a blessing and awesome and very pleasant. And also stinky and sticky, but also very pleasant. And loud, but pleasant. Actually, very quiet. He didn't talk. Oh, my gosh. That's my dream kid. Okay. It ends in eight months, the interest-free period. So what do we have to pay on a minimum monthly basis to make sure it never accumulates any interest? Will there be back interest? No. Okay, good.

So we need to pay this off to eight. Okay. Ooh, uh, $244 and 57 months, uh, $57 a month. That's what you need to pay it. So interest never accrues, but there's no back interest. So that does help with that. So it's not like beyond urgent. So the income situation, uh,

Well, what's our highest levels of education here? Did we go to college? I went, but I stopped going. I guess I dropped out. I don't know. I did too. I get it. I dropped out of high school. You dropped out of high school? Yeah, because that's when I had my... Wow, you don't hear that much these days. That's when I had my child, so I didn't have enough time to go to school and energy. So I dropped out. You must have been like senior, last year senior. Yeah, I was senior. I was the last. You should have just...

But the thing is that they had held back a credit that I needed. So I would have had to repeat the whole year for that one credit. What about GED? I would want to do that, but it just...

I need a little bit of time to get back into it. Gosh, I don't know. This is off of my head, but people without a high school education, like, they barely make income throughout life. It's, like, horrendous. I mean, if I get a job, it'll be enough if I get it. What did you say the pay is? $19.95 starting. Okay. Yeah, it's not bad, but just typically people without a...

high school degree their income is kind of stagnant throughout life and that's kind of what scares me it's harder to leverage our way up and if I do the YouTube but as a side I mean I'll probably get like a couple not a lot because I'm still going to be new but if I do blow up I mean it'll be pretty good obviously just like any guest on this show I have the opportunity if you ever wanted their tech certifications but there's things like accounting and stuff if you ever want a certification course and stuff to get that attached to your resume through course careers I'm able to gift that

The median expected earnings of someone without a high school degree is less than a million dollars throughout their entire life. Entire life. A million dollars is a lot of money, but a lot of people are making, you know, like $60,000 a year. And you can get to a million dollars over the course of decades. Not necessarily saved, but total earned. 973 is what someone without a high school degree, someone with a high school degree, no college at all, 1.3 million.

bachelor's degree go up to 2.8 million dollars 2.8 more than double yeah but the graduation i mean the diploma doesn't really i mean that's just like a paper really like jobs are looking for experience like to a certain point but with where you are in life

don't really have much experience. You've been fired. You've left jobs quickly. I would argue yes when you're in like your 30s because you have a lot on your resume that starts to outweigh the degree because at that point your degree is a bit older and you have been showing that you've been benefiting the company. You're 22. And also, I mean, a high school degree, that's pretty basic minimum stuff. I think usually the logic surrounds that it's typically more college.

Like college dropout. But even still, I mean, the statistics speaks for themselves for the medians. But there is some truth to what you said, but that tends to be later in the career when you actually have job experience. I don't have any experience right now. No. Not really, no. But I mean... I mean, I don't think you're allowed to be all kind of high and mighty on this when you have a kid. You're bringing in zero. Look, there is a certain level of responsibility that you have as a dad, right?

Well, I mean, I just want to spend time with him before I start working my ass off and I don't have time for him anymore. Yeah, but even if you're working 40 hours a week, there's a lot of time to spend with him. And you can play video games doing that. Right now, you're just sitting down here at the home. And yes, start a channel. This platform is like the greatest thing for creators ever. It's almost a miracle that this platform exists. It's crazy.

Do it. That's a side thing. You still have to take care of your kid. Your potential career on a social media platform is not more important than your child, is it? If you're a business owner like me, I have an absolute game changer to share with you. What if I told you that there is a way you could cut your business operation costs almost right away? I know it sounds way too good to be true, but thanks to today's sponsor, NetSuite by Oracle, it's actually possible.

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I dropped out of college to spend more time with him because when he was born, I was in school. I was doing sports. I was doing homework. I was working. I was doing all this stuff. Now it's just like I get to be home with you. My mom really wants me to go back to school, but that's not what I want to do right now. For her, it's weird, but for her, whenever she's away, oh yeah, that's fine. It doesn't really matter. But whenever I was working at that shop,

And I was away working. Oh, that was a big problem for them. Because he was gone most of the time. He was gone for a lot of the time. Working? Yeah. Well, that's him bringing in income for the house. You got to stop being. I mean, that's kind of dumb. Come on. She was away at school playing soccer games that she didn't even get paid for. If you're out there drinking and hanging out with friends, that's different. But if he's out there working. I mean, come on. You guys literally have zero dollars in your checking account. There's almost no alternative. Like, that is what has to be done.

how can you be upset at that i'm sorry that he it was it was just that he he unless he's perfect purposely selecting shifts that are like so i never have to see my wife and kids again i genuinely feel that there was only one shift okay so he would work he would work saturday all day okay saturday all day and then six hours to bring home money but it would be when i would be at work so do you ever want to have your own place i do

But it was just like he could have gotten a... If he really wanted another job that made more money or something, he could have gotten something else. I agree with that. And it's okay to push back against that as a concept. But don't be angry because he's at work when you guys literally have $0 in the checking account. He already had a job. You're not making your payments.

It was one payment. One payment. All it takes one to have missed payments. He could have gotten another job that was, if he had a better job, that was a better job. What he had before, which was working five, well, he was working five days. And then the other job, he was not, he was working more. Listen, just with where you are kind of sitting on your ass, then again, I think there's a good chance because you have an internal connection and that's how you've gotten all your jobs. But I'm starting to get a little afraid that the kid's going to get a job before you.

Okay. So you're at $1,956. Minimum repayment, $40 on this. The interest starts kicking in at the beginning of February. You need to make a payment of $244, $57 a month starting this month in order to never pay interest on that. How'd you rack up that credit card debt? There's a lot of credit card debt for so young. It's mostly food. I would say mostly food or like stupid stuff. Really? The f***?

Fries in that gut is more important than getting your own house for your kid. What guys? Okay. I know. I feel like I've said a similar version of that multiple times in this episode. I'm just so confused. That's why I really think you guys are still acting like children. You're putting your own desires in pleasures, but I was mostly her, your family. That's mostly her though. That's her. That's the rest of the food. Okay. Yeah. But that was your card. You said it was my car, but I mean, we're together. So it's basically is our money is what he's saying. Correct.

Yes, but it was like then why was that more important than your kids? How's it make nug more important than you getting a place of your own because I was the only one cooking at home He was never over there cooking like her now. Wow So what he's not a lot. He's not a so he's not allowed to work so that he can cook But then he needs to work. I'm so confused He is working or what he was looking wait when we're when? Sorry when we were at home

He would not cook. He would be like, oh, yeah, like, can you make me something? Or... Okay, buddy, you're being a little... up a little. Cook some food. Can you make me something or can you... Even then, he was being... But why does this mean fast food, fast food, fast food, fast food, fast food? Where else are we supposed to get food? Warm up a hot pocket even. It's cheaper. He doesn't like cheese. Oh, my... That was an example. Are you kidding me? That's what you're going to say? Yeah.

He's very picky. I can bring home frozen food and he'll be like, I don't like it. Well, then go cry. Then make your own food. This keeps coming back. You guys are children. You guys are children. You can't afford it. You don't get a word. Now we have a car that we can't even come close to paying off because guess what? We don't have a job to bring in money to pay it off. Discover. This one's yours? The pig one. Five out of ten.

$1,612.06. Minimum monthly payment, $57. These are stacking, my friends, for a single household income that's not even working 40 hours a week. $63 of purchases. Why do you keep purchasing on a card that you cannot pay off that is accruing interest? $41.86 of interest is accruing. Yes, you paid more than your minimum. Congratulations. But then you spill spent on it. So what's the point? You're close to the credit limit anyway. You started

the credit limit why purchasing how are we supposed to buy things what are you supposed to see what you bought then oh six flags six flags going inside a gas station get into bull in like a locker for six flags how am i supposed to buy things you don't six flags are you kidding me really that's more important that's seriously more important

That's more important. We have a two-year-old! Two-year-old! It's for his birthday. Whose birthday? His birthday. F*** you! Happy birthday! Get a job! Make some food! Stop playing video games! Oh my f***! Children! Children! We had fun though. Huh? We had fun though. Oh, f*** you. Listen, I know you're not the one who watches the show. No. Well...

That's not the time. What? It doesn't matter? Are you serious? The life of your two-year-old doesn't matter. It's a joke. It's a joke. We make little jokes. Are we doing little hee-haw hee-haws? It doesn't matter. It doesn't give a shit. You don't give a shit. You'd rather go have fun? He's not going to remember. He's a two-year-old. People don't start forming core memories until about three. That's why I told her two. Yeah, because I love to go out with him. I love to go to the museums and stuff. You live in her parents' house, and you think having fun is more important. Be a f***ing man. Grow up.

What a joke. That's gonna piss me off. CarMax, the enemy of all humans. Oh, this is expensive. Oh, this is expensive. Oh, death. What do we have? What is this car? 2018 Subaru Legacy. Okay. Sure. We owe 18... Current balance, current balance, current balance, current balance. Okay, I'll just go off this one. $18,904.56. $18,904.56.

the minimum payment oh my gosh these minimums this is a chunky minimum i mean it's it's what it's like 47 no 544 544 but for on your low end the whole page it's a whole weeks of worth more than a week's worth for you oh it is it is my whole weeks oh no 540 547 sorry 547 21 i don't know why

Must have made a small payment or a little hangover of the payment. Oh, amount paid ahead $2. That's why. Okay, great. Really making progress there. Oh, round off 13.45% interest rate. What's the term on this? Do we know? I think they said seven years. Did they? Or something like that. Is that what they said? I think it's five or six. All right. Well, I'm getting very different numbers. So is it five, six or seven? Because all those are different.

I want to say it was $7,000. We chose the longest one to pay the least. We don't even know. We don't even know. What's the car worth, guys? You owe $18,904 on it. What's it worth? When we bought it? What's it worth? People are selling it for lower now, like $16,000. $14,734. Why did you guys get such an expensive car? You don't make any money. When we first bought it, we could afford it. Could you really? But you weren't able to get a place of your own even then.

So could you afford a car? I don't think so. I don't think that's how the math works. We could afford the payment. Yeah. Well, living at home, were you going to live at home for your entire life? So I don't think you could have afforded it. That doesn't make sense. We didn't have a car when we... Congratulations. You got a $20,000 car. You could have got a $10,000 car.

Yeah, the weird thing about returning it to get something cheaper, but... Right now? Yeah. When did you get this? Two years ago. You can return it right now? Well, not like for free. Oh, you mean trade it in or something? Yeah. Well, we don't even want to trade it in. But your equity is, what, $4,000? You're under $4,000? You're underwater $4,000? Yeah. We would have to, what, pay it back? So, I mean, if you do that, I mean, you'll... And you get a $10,000 car, I mean, you'll owe like $14,000.

Yes, it's better, but not much. And I don't think the interest rate is going to be much better. Well, that car isn't even under our name. It's under my mom's name. We're paying for it. So she would trade it in? She would transfer the title? She would have to pay to our trip? She said that car has given us so many problems. The transmission has broken twice. It's on the third transmission.

Okay, so it's $547 a month. How much is the car insurance? $450. F*** me. What is that number? Dude, you're spending literally half of your income for this car to exist. Plus the repairs. Plus gas. Oh, f*** me. For a car? Half of the household? F*** me. Sorry, just one second. That's f***ing crazy. That's f***ing crazy.

Oh my gosh. Are we even going to be able to make a budget at the end? That already blows up the budget. Hopefully we have something fun planned for the post show at least because that's, with that, that's no fun at all. He said there's something. He just doesn't know if I'm going to like it or not. Okay, so clearly you guys have never budgeted in your life. We were trying before. What was trying looking like? We were saving when we had our son. So not budgeting? Well, I guess not. Hmm.

We're just like, we're like cutting off like a lot of stuff so we can save that money for later. But we ended up just spending all that money. Because we didn't have anything to pay. How's the car insurance that expensive? Because he was under 22 or whatever for that car. And then I'm not even on that insurance because I don't know how to drive. Yeah, it's just me and her mother. Well, I need you guys.

We've created this specifically for people like you. You need to go through our budgeting program. Take the quiz. But I want you guys to do it together. Take the quizzes together. If you guys don't do this thing together, no longevity here. No longevity here. You guys got to do it together. Go through that. At the same time, you also get our new investing program as well, which means you each get a free $100 gift from Moo Moo, which is really cool. So make sure you guys do that. So yay. A couple hundred bucks.

Is that like investing? Yeah, which you're not ready for just yet, but you do get it for free because you're on here. But still. Okay, that CarMax. Money owed to grandma? You? Yeah, for the transmission. Huh? For the work or the car. Oh, you said transmission. Okay. Oh, I got an itchy eye. All the stress is leading to an itchy eye.

Like a minimum monthly payment with this that we've agreed upon, or is it just owe it when we can? Yeah, just owe it when we can. I mean, we had... It was more. It was like $5,000. So you're borrowing money from your mom. You're borrowing money from your grandma. We're all racking up credit card debt. Sometimes we're over the credit limit. We have minimum monthly payments we're literally not making, and the car insurance and car payment is half of the household income. This is a show beyond...

This is... You guys have gotten... You don't even know how bad this is. I can tell. I don't think you guys realize just how f*** this is. And I think it's because you're just, just too young. You haven't really been in the real world too much. You have the kid, which has helped you grow up and made you grow up. But you haven't experienced a lot. I mean, we still have a lot of time. Like, we're still young. Yes, you have time. But you're making that time so much harder than you because you've put yourself in a...

it becomes a more inescapable hole the lower you go. Like, you know what that time could do for you? It could be compound growth in the market. You could be retiring millionaires, even with lower paid jobs, because you have so much time. But instead, so much of the time is going to be you digging out of the hole you're in and working more hours than you'd want to because you want to see your kid more. But you f***ed yourselves by acting like children. Go on.

We're trying. We're trying as hard as we can. Trying? F*** you trying. 30 hours a week, that's not trying. 30 hours a week, that's not trying. Missing a payment, that's not trying. Holding on to a card we can't afford, that's not trying. Going to Six Flags? That's not trying. Getting a $1,000 computer plus monitors plus bulls***, that is not trying. Have I seen trying? I haven't seen trying. Nothing in here indicates trying. So let's look at the checking account. Maybe there will be trying in here.

$366 on this chime checking account. H-U-B, H-U-B, H-U-B, H-U-B. Some of these have to be drinks though. You're going and getting $5.41. $2.40, we're just getting bullsh**. Has to be. It was like snacks. Oh, yeah. It's for my lunch. Huh? For lunch. F**k you. Pack a sandwich. Make a sandwich. Do some ramen. It's cheap.

What are you? I was hungry. The correct answer is a child, especially when you respond like that. Really? This is what you're going to allow? You're going to allow him to have that mindset? You're going to be with someone like that? She has the same mindset. I don't have her saying that. That immature, dumb, childish, 16-year-old brain. She would if she could. If she could? For snacks? She already does. I get snacks too. Go into a restaurant.

Going inside, getting some bulls**t, and going to a restaurant. Some chicken place. Twice. Yeah, that's trying, guys. We're really trying. Guys, we're trying. We're just blowing all our money. Bulls**t. $6 in this. A line of credit? This is like an overdraft protection thing. I don't even know. They have a little, like, credit card with no... It's like a credit building card. Oh, yeah. Trying to check it. Negative $26. Well done. What a man. What a father.

Sorry, that one was a little mean. I apologize. I'm just very irritated here. I am very irritated. Conversations like this rarely get to me. You just say, I'm hungry and make little quips and then we're trying. I haven't seen, I don't know. It's just immaturity or lack of self-awareness or just trying to piss me off. Better not be the last one. V4U. It's a gas station. Is McDonald's a gas station?

Our son really likes chicken nuggets. Oh, good for him. He's a picky eater. Yep. What about grilled nuggets? Grilled nuggets. No, no, no, no, not grilled. Sorry. Frozen. I've made them at home. He won't eat them. Okay. I've never dealt with that. It's like my brain is like, okay, he'll eat when he's hungry. That's probably not how that works for a two-year-old though.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't have the answer to that. I'm sure some parents in the comments below. There has to be solutions, though. It can't be we're going to McDonald's to feed our kid. First of all, I mean, this is horrible. No, yeah. We... Well, we also go because we go. So we can eat, too. Because we get hungry, too. Oh, you get hungry? See, that was the same way I said it.

McDonald's, McDonald's, steam purchase, Apple subscription, Apple buy some bullsh**. McDonald's, parking, parking, jack-in-the-box McDonald's. Going to the chicken place, Microsoft, McDonald's, Brewings. Another Apple bill, another steam purchase. Going inside and getting some bullsh**. Trying. $522 in this. Cashback debit card. Oh my f***.

What are we doing guys? You're just blowing all your money. You don't make money and we're literally blowing it all and the dust is going higher. You have time, you're correct. You're ruining it. You're destroying your time. There's more time, yes, but right now is the best time. Steam purchase, Valve, Valve, Airbnb, McDonald's, Netflix, Panda Express, Amazon, Whataburger, Marshalls, Blue Bell Ice Cream, Chicken Place, McDonald's, Raising Cane's, The Waffle,

Wonder Wild, Popeyes, Raising Cane's, the restaurant and parlor thing. This is a joke. This is embarrassing. I think you guys have needed this show more than anyone. You need the wake up call. Panda Express, Zellen to dad, Zellen out, Zellen out. You guys don't understand how dire this is. You really don't. And I don't know how to convince you.

I go hard because I need people to know. But I don't think I can convince you. I just, I see the face of children in front of me who are willing to laugh this off and just think it's okay. I know you wanted to come on for help, especially you. But I think you guys combined is a formation of an infant. Right? Am I wrong in my assessment? If I am, please show me. I think you're wrong. I think we can make it work. Why haven't you done a single second of work then?

Not actual work. You say you think you can make it work. Why have I not seen a single inkling? Once I start working, it will be enough money to pay off everything. Yeah, buddy. You've worked before. You worked a month ago. With this job, it will be enough. Is the debt not in the room with us? It's right there.

I'd love to financially audit every single one of you, but let's be real, I just don't have that time. So I've found the next best thing to help you get your finances in order. That's why I've partnered with Empower and let me tell you, these guys are absolute pros. They're the number one retirement plan provider recommended by financial professionals. They manage a massive $1.6 trillion in customer assets and help 18 million Americans reach their financial goals.

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Why is having a job this time going to change that? Sounds like more spending money to me. More Six Flags money. More Steam purchase money. Because now we can actually... We've talked to you right now. We're talking. I'm not a magic pill. The action's on your side now. We give you tools. Yes. Put some knowledge in there. Sure. Wake up call. Absolutely. All the work is still on your end.

The sacrifice. The not going out to eat. The putting in more hours. That's all on your end. The budgeting. Communication. I don't do that. I can't do that. I am not there with you. That's on your guys' end. What's going to be different this time? We're going to do it. We're going to put in that work. We're going to put in the effort. And what's different? Okay. And what is different? How is that different? For one, maybe we can start cooking at home. Okay. We can start. I don't really know. That's it. Okay.

It's just like the food thing. 56 minutes and that's what we got? Cook at home? Okay. Well, hopefully some other 21, 22 year old is watching this and learning from it then.

and what not to do i'm sure you guys are pleasant people it's not about that so it's the money part well it's not just we're just gonna cook food at home we're gonna we're gonna make we're gonna make more than just a minimum payment because i i've seen that it's like oh yeah like if you if you just make the minimum payment it's gonna be like oh yeah you're gonna pay this off in 10 years with like 3 000 in interest that's not what i want to do i'm paying a full

Okay. Because, for one, when he starts working, I can pay that capital one off completely. And if anything, close it. Okay. Now that I don't believe you, let me play a little devil's advocate. Walk away from here. Fire Lender. We're excited. But three months from now, are we just as excited? Does that make Arch not look nice and shiny on the way home a bit more since this conversation is so much further away? The same thing with the car. I mean, we're going to try our best to return it so we can...

Stop paying her. You're going to trade it in, I think. And I don't know how because it's under her name. So you got to do some title work. Like, is she trading it in? I mean, yeah, she wants to trade it in because she's like, then if you guys don't pay for it, it's her. And what are we going to do?

Again, get a $10,000 car? Roll some negative equity over? My brother is selling a truck. And how's that truck, honestly? It's a good truck. It's a 2007 Silverado. Okay. Can you take it to an independent mechanic, though? Yeah, him. First? He is a mechanic. Independent is the word that I said. He is a mechanic. He's a good mechanic. Is the word independent not making it across this table somehow?

What are you talking about? Can you get it looked at by someone else that is not the person selling it? Just to give you the seal of approval that it's going to be safe for you guys and last you guys a long time without having to... He wouldn't do that, though. He's my brother. He might not do that intentionally. Can we get someone else's opinion on it? Like it's a diagnosis for something medical. Maybe someone else sees something that he doesn't. He has equipment. Who the f*** is this?

He has equipment for it. He is a mechanic. He knows how he knows what he's doing. He wouldn't sell me a vehicle. Am I what I'm saying? Making sense with that? Debt payments in that 15.6% went to, no, no, no. Just debt payments in general. 15.6% went to them. Housing 3.7%. Transportation 25.8% of our spending. Necessary food 11.6%. Bullshit food 12.6%. What's a bigger percentage? 11 or 12.

Unknown shopping, typically Amazon, Walmart. In fact, I recognize that the Amazon charge 2.7%, medical or healthcare 5.5%. I hurt my knee. Don't do that. Okay. I was... I used to play soccer. I was big into it. I was a goalie. I was on the field for the first time. One of the first times, actually. And I guess I...

what is it called sprained it she done broke my knees instead of my ankles you broke it i sprained it someone someone juked her and her knee did not go the right way okay and but i guess that also saved me money because i would go and spend you have to pay to play sure so it was like no this isn't a random field with friends no it's like it's like it's like official food yeah yeah subscriptions point four

Miscellaneous bullsh**. You really don't need an additional 9.7% of the large purchases, 12.1%. I mean, the spending's a joke. It's f***ed up. Total payroll when that came in was $1,844. That's what hit our account. Practically nothing. To be completely honest, just in the world of income. I mean, again, I'm not trying to income shame. But just realistically. Okay? But what do we think went out? Total spending, including debt increasing...

What do we think total? A little collaboration. Like... Communication for the first time. $2,500? $2,500? How about $4,000? Ooh, but only $1,800 came in for money. So more than double went out. That's not sustainable. Time's not on your side. Time's not on your side. Not with that. We just gotta wait until the money comes in, basically. That's really it. It's just a waiting game. And then I'm... We're patient for right now.

Well, guys, honestly, with that mindset, I don't think I can help. I mean, I have shown and demonstrated through here that it's the spending, it's the management that is the issue. The income is a certain part of it. You think you guys actively going out and spending and increasing debt and all that stuff by two times your income is going to be fixed with income? No, because your behavior won't have changed. You guys just unlock more to spend. Hey,

I don't think so, man. I think that's kind of a delusional take that you have. I'll be honest. There was some del-loo-loo there going on there. It's not just our finances that we need to get in order. It's our lifestyle, our health. We don't even have money to go to the doctor. Yeah, we need to go check that out. And why is that, guys? Because we prioritize our food over our health. Well, there's something. Your mom's calling you. Maybe you should answer it and tell her how you guys are done beating the fuck up.

When do you guys want to move out? I don't, okay. Hear me out. I'll be honest, this sucks. Because I'm sure you guys love each other. I'm the kid, all that stuff. What you just said actually had some, like, reason behind it. You've bulls*** quite a few times and have given me objectively wrong responses.

I'm a little nervous that we're not on the same page going into this. Sure, we want to get to the same ending, but how we get there I think is a little different. And I think that's going to cause strain in the relationship, and I think it's also going to affect our finances even further. If we're not 100% aligned on what the budgeting is. I think we're going to make it. I hope so. I think we'll make it. As you said, this is a good wake-up call. We've tried to get better.

Like, by ourselves, but we just end up back on the same page. Like, with the food. Like, we started when we would, like, home prep our meals and stuff. But then, like, it just... It was just easier. Yeah, it was just easier to just get food. If that's what you guys got from this, then okay. But wake up calls that you're walking away with, at least it's that. Does your mom speak Spanish? She speaks English. Sorry. Can I talk to her? Yeah. You live with her, right? Yeah. Her? Yeah. Yeah.

Do you want me to call her? If you think she's down, we should ask her permission first. Do you want to talk to the guy that we're interviewing? Do you want to talk to the guy that we're interviewing? I'm being interviewed. Oh, that is interviewing us. Do you want to talk to the guy who's interviewing us? No. That's okay. Yeah, almost. It's okay. Don't pressure. Just to talk about how... It's okay. No, she said why. Just like, I guess how... I have two questions I want to ask her on microphone. You just have two questions.

She just hung up on me. That's a no. I do have a fear you guys are potentially also being enabled because you don't need to work or budget because...

I don't think living at home is wrong by any means. Live at home for however the f***ing long you want. You know, it depends on the culture. Eh, it doesn't really matter to me. More, my thing is in our culture is you can start seeing some potential enablement. And because you guys aren't following the traditional path of most Americans, you know, moving out a little earlier. And again, you know, the kids, the grandparents, you know, there's some good things here.

I feel like you guys also feel like you don't have to work. And I think that is kind of you guys a little bit because you are working less hours than you should, to be clear. So in general, I'm just I'm just curious on that. And that's what I wanted to ask her. I can't assess that fully. I don't know. But it's a potential thing to consider. OK, hammer financial score.

Spending in a budget was ridiculous. It's a zero out of ten. You're fucking going crazy and you fucking spent double what you made. Debt. Crazy thing. The car is bad. The car is going to bring it down. Other than that, it's really not that bad. It's manageable. Any person working most any job can pay off all that debt except for the car debt really damn quickly. Really damn quickly. You guys aren't... We're not even making the minimum two payments sometimes. On time. Debt. Two out of ten. That car really brings it down because that's insane for your income situation. It's not even...

It's crazy. You said $0 in savings? Yeah. Emergency fund, $0. Anything in retirement? Losing all that compound growth time. 0 out of 10. Real estate, 0 out of 10 because we live at home. I'll be generous. Hammer Financial Score, 0.5 out of 10. Not a 5 out of 10. 0.5 out of 10. Make sure to check out all the resources linked in the description below. They're what I use or would use in specific situations, including the best budgeting class and the best investing class that you can ever get.

that we spent months and months and months building out. They're really incredible. Check it out. Now, stick around for the post show, ladies and gentlemen. Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. It's got to be fun to do some prank calls. Call a karate studio asking about enrolling your son in karate lessons. You're trying to train your son to become a bully. I'm just calling to check if you do children training. Prank.

I don't want him to fight his teachers, but I want him to be able to if he needs to. If you even considered putting him on steroids, they'd be completely honest. Things are not going well at school. To watch the financial audit post show, click the join button below.