cover of episode Entitled Gen-Z Girl Uses Payday Loans To Party | Financial Audit

Entitled Gen-Z Girl Uses Payday Loans To Party | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

Brooke:Brooke 承认自己有不良的消费习惯和欠债行为,她将此归咎于追求享乐和逃避现实。她尝试过制定预算,但从未坚持执行。她因为申请信用卡屡屡被拒,所以选择高利贷,并认为这比信用卡更好。她承认自己从未寻求过财务建议,并对寻求帮助感到羞愧。她将自己的消费行为归咎于追求体验,并表示自己没有认真对待预算,只是希望每月有足够的钱。她知道自己的收支情况,却仍然放任过度消费。她将储蓄用于旅行,并认为这是紧急情况。她没有应急资金,也没有车辆保险。她使用高利贷支付超速罚单和纹身费用。她没有及时处理罚单和车辆保险问题,也没有充分利用信用报告工具来了解影响信用评分的因素。她对债务缺乏责任感,也没有正确使用信用卡。她有过度付小费的习惯。她每隔一周就会使用高利贷来支付账单。她还有其他未披露的债务。她因为丢失卡片而没有偿还纹身贷款。她认为自己一直以来都是靠这种方式生存下来的,直到现在才意识到问题的严重性。她承认自己忽视了财务问题,并希望改变现状。她使用第三方支付平台支付租金,增加了额外费用。她对自己的财务状况缺乏认识,也没有制定合理的财务计划。她表示自己更重视其他事情而不是财务问题。她有过度消费的习惯,例如频繁外出就餐、购买奢侈品等。她没有建立应急基金,也没有为未来做好财务规划。她对自己的财务状况缺乏了解,也没有采取有效的措施来改善现状。 Caleb:Caleb 指出 Brooke 的收入对于单身人士来说不错,不应该出现财务困境。他认为使用高利贷并非财务状况良好的人的行为。他指出 Brooke 的信用卡使用习惯很差,导致信用卡被关闭。他认为 Brooke 应该将娱乐活动纳入预算,并坚持执行预算。他指出 Brooke 没有认真对待预算,只是希望每月有足够的钱。他认为 Brooke 虽然知道自己的收支情况,却仍然放任过度消费。他认为 Brooke 应该优先考虑财务安全,而不是一味追求享乐。他指出 Brooke 的过度消费导致她没有应急资金。他指出 Brooke 没有及时处理罚单和车辆保险问题。他认为 Brooke 的行为幼稚且不负责任。他要求 Brooke 自我评估其财务状况。他指出 Brooke 的汽车贷款价值低于贷款余额。他指出 Brooke 由于对汽车贷款再融资的流程不了解,而没有进行再融资。他指出 Brooke 的财务状况会影响到她的恋爱关系。他指出 Brooke 的信用卡使用习惯很差,导致信用卡被关闭。他指出 Brooke 不适合使用信用卡。他指出 Brooke 没有正确使用信用卡。他指出 Brooke 的日常消费支出很高。他指出 Brooke 在工作场所的午餐文化中面临压力。他指出 Brooke 的信用卡可用额度很低。他指出 Brooke 的行为表明她不重视车辆保险的重要性。他指出 Brooke 的行为表明她更重视其他事情而不是财务问题。他指出 Brooke 的财务管理方式非常糟糕,导致她损失了大量的金钱。他指出 Brooke 每周都会使用高利贷来支付账单。他指出 Brooke 还有其他未披露的债务。他指出 Brooke 的财务问题并非因为忘记,而是因为一再拖延。他指出 Brooke 的财务问题会影响到她未来的恋爱关系。他指出 Brooke 并未真正意义上地生存,而是不断拖延问题。他指出 Brooke 的财务状况非常糟糕,需要立即采取行动。他为 Brooke 制定了还债计划和财务规划。他希望 Brooke 能够按照他的建议改善财务状况。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Brooke take out payday loans despite making a good income?

Brooke takes out payday loans primarily for fun and to ignore financial issues, even though she makes $78,000 a year managing a grocery store in Austin, Texas.

Why does Brooke think payday loans are a better option than credit cards?

Brooke believes payday loans feel better because they seem like borrowing from herself, unlike credit cards which she has been denied for and had closed due to missed payments.

Why is Austin, Texas considered the most expensive major city in the state?

Austin is the most expensive major city in Texas due to its high cost of living, particularly in terms of housing and general expenses, making it challenging for residents like Brooke to manage finances.

Why does Brooke struggle to follow a budget despite making a good income?

Brooke struggles with budgeting due to a lack of discipline and her desire to maintain a social life and fun experiences, which she prioritizes over financial stability.

Why hasn't Brooke refinanced her high-interest car loan?

Brooke hasn't refinanced her car loan because she didn't know it was possible and believed there was a time limit after which refinancing wasn't allowed.

Why does Brooke have a high phone bill?

Brooke's phone bill is high because she is paying off her phone in installments, contributing to the $100 monthly cost.

Why does Brooke have a closed credit card account?

Brooke's credit card account was closed because she missed payments for a couple of months, leading the bank to close it.

Why does Brooke have a high insurance cost for her car?

Brooke's car insurance is high because she got a speeding ticket and her insurance rates increased as a result.

Why does Brooke have a tattoo payday loan?

Brooke took out a payday loan for a tattoo because she wanted to cover up old, bad tattoos and had to borrow money for the second session after an unexpected expense.

Why does Brooke have overdraft fees despite her income?

Brooke has overdraft fees because she spends more than she earns, leading to insufficient funds in her account and resulting in multiple overdrafts throughout the year.

Brooke, a 28-year-old manager in Austin, discusses her high income but reveals her reliance on payday loans for daily expenses and fun.
  • Brooke makes $78,000 a year managing a grocery store.
  • She takes out payday loans for fun and to cover expenses.
  • Austin is the most expensive major city in Texas.

Shownotes Transcript

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