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To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. The $50,000 isn't mine.
It belongs to something called a prop shirt. So I paid $50 for it. Alright. And then another $100 to... How much did you pull out of your retirement accounts? To be fair, there was only... How much did you pull out? $60. The point I get to the day trading where I don't need to work. Oh, shut the f*** up. Do you think in a few months you're going to be making a full living off of that? I do think that is exactly how it's going to go. And then you live in beyond delusion world.
My name is Ethan. I'm 24. I'm based out of Houston, Texas, and this is Financial Audit. Thanks for coming over to Austin. What do you do there for a living in Houston? So I'm a day trader currently, up and coming at least. Up and coming? Yeah. Okay. Typically the day trading I see isn't much up. It's kind of usually down and coming to zero. Wow. You must be doing okay then. Yeah.
It's complicated. We haven't had a day trader on before. I mean, we've had people that dabble, but we haven't had a professional day trader. I wouldn't call myself professional yet. I'm getting there, though. I mean, I'm just scaling the accounts. I've only taken about $400 out of them, and that's kind of where I'm going. Do you live at home? I live with my aunt currently. For free? No, for $500 a month. But you've taken two...
How are you paying for that? So I've liquidated a lot of my assets over the last couple of months. 24? What?
You're taking away all the compound growth and time that you have in the future of your life. What? What assets? So I liquidated my Roth, first of all. Roth what? My Roth IRA. Okay. I had a personal one opened up at some point. Wonderful. Yeah, let's do that. Our tax advantage account, something that would be tax-free by the time you're 59 1⁄2.
And penalty free. I kind of figured that if I took it out now to use for this, then I'd just put it back later. Do you know the statistics around day trading? I don't. It's something like 85% lose money. I think it's, well, I mean, I thought it was a lot higher. I've heard a lot higher. I've heard a lot of different numbers, though. Okay, if that's the case, then why pull from your IRA? Well, yes, if the odds are even worse...
I guess it might be worse, but I didn't pull from it just to pay for trading. I pulled from it to pay for rent. So, but, uh, I, uh,
had a job up until uh like march and i was delivering for amazon for a while and i got bit by a dog so i was out of work for about a month because i couldn't put leg or put wow that must have been a bad bite yeah it was a it was a german shepherd so he latched completely on it's 80 to 95 percent lose money uh significant number of day traders typically leave within the first year they quit which
And then only 15% remaining active after three years. How far are you into this day trading thing? I've been on and off for about four years. So I started learning. Oh, you're part of that 15%. Less than 1% of day traders are able to predictably and reliably earn positive returns. Wait, you've been on and off for four years and you've only ever taken out $400? I've taken out, I've made about $3,000, $4,000. But I've only taken about $400. That's enough to survive...
Leanly for a couple months. I don't know with my bills. Leanly. Maybe a month. Okay. So what is the... So how are you paying...
You said because you pulled from... How much is available still from those assets that you've pulled from? So I have an employer-matched one with $250 just because I couldn't... That's all that's left? I couldn't pull it out because it's vested, so... Yeah, you better be a couple smiling over that. That's absolutely insane. Yeah. You're not a full-time Dray Trader. I'm getting there.
How? But how are you getting there? You seem very far if you've only ever been able to profit a couple thousand bucks. Well, I don't want to pull out more money right now just because I want it to grow. What's your account at? Currently, it's at about $500 in profit. No, what's your account at? Which account? All your day trading accounts.
is about $500 profit right now. No, no, no, no. What's the balance buddy? Uh, 50,500. Okay. So you're trading with 50,000. Okay. Yeah. So obviously you can day trade cause you're over $25,000 in your account, which is required to have in order to make more than three day trades. It's not mine though. The 50,000 isn't mine.
uh explain that so uh the 50 000 is it belongs to something called a prop firm so i paid 50 for it and then another 100 to activate it and there's no loss liability though so if i blow the account i don't owe them anything how do they make money they're what that doesn't seem this doesn't make sense
So it's like a $50,000 loan in a way. In a way, yeah. They have rules in place. Rules.
It's relatively interest with the extra, essentially, if we're calculating the money you gave them. And then it's almost a guaranteed loss, 80 to 95% chance of loss based on day trading statistics. So I'm confused how this works. From what I understand, they make the money off of the challenges you pay for. So you don't get the money up front. You have to go through their specific challenge and you have to pass it.
and then once you pass it they fund the account I did I passed one what's the challenge it's a profit I believe it was profit three thousand dollars on the fifty thousand dollar account and I did that within about three or so weeks that's
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Wait, how much did you pull out of your retirement accounts? Your assets? All your assets. How much did you pull out? To be fair, there was only... How much did you pull out? $750. It wasn't very high, to be fair. This is weird, man. This is a unique conversation. This is one we've never had. It's definitely... To a lot of people, it definitely seems like...
The wrong move? Yeah, to like everyone. Who would think it's the right move? People like me, which is few and far between, really. People like you who will never retire? Probably. I don't know. Retirement sounds kind of boring. Unless you're a part of the 1% of the day trading statistics that actually makes it reliable. Yeah.
income pretty much uh but i'm in the starting stages now so i've changed how are you making money how are you paying bills that's what i'm very curious i sold an nft last month and that's how i paid most of my bills bought an nft for me i participated in a project for crypto mining and you're part of every just insane
Yeah. That's only two of them too. I mean, but I did participate in a crypto project like earlier this year and they gave me an NFT and I sold it for about five grand. And that pretty much has paid my bills for the last month. Oh, month? For the next, my bills are paid through this month. What the f*** is the rest? Wait. No. Cause I'm listening to your behind payments. What are you smirking about? What? I'm sorry. I'm trying. I,
- Yes, I was behind last month. - No, what were you smiling about? Is that funny to you, behind on bills? - It's a reaction, trying to control it. - So you were behind on payments, but you just caught up because you were able to sell an NFT.
Yeah, it was kind of a last resort and I didn't know existed until I... You didn't even know you had it? No, I didn't know. I didn't want to sell it. And then I had just got to the point where I was so behind that I kind of had to. So... Dude, okay. So what do we do now? How much of the $5,000 is left? After all the refunds from my purchases, about $1,000. So...
What is our plan for income? Is there another NFT waiting? No, there's no. So what is our plan? Why aren't you working? I know you want to be at your desk when the market's open. Why not work an evening job, even part time at least?
Now that I'm even encouraging this day trading thing, I can't believe I'm just like even like accepting that. But even still, like why aren't you working at all? Well, originally I wasn't working because of the dog bite. But after that, I mentally I went between I kind of like bounced between
do I need to work or do I not need to work? And I've kind of just settled. How, how, how would the answer be? You don't need to work. I mentally, I think I make more money than I do, which I know it doesn't make a lot of like concrete sense, but you talking about, yeah, it's what that didn't make any sense. What are you hoping to make on your 50,000 hours? I'm hoping to make about a thousand bucks a month.
Okay. I'm planning to make it. So $12,000 a year, you're not living off of that. No, I'm in the process of getting other... So then you have to work. Yes. That is the idea. Yes.
So what is the plan then? I have been applying to jobs. What? A lot of fast food jobs. Yeah, how often? Probably once every few days. That's a joke. You have so much free time, you do nothing all day. You're right. And most of the times at noon anyways. You're applying to 50. Yeah, you just trade the market open? Yeah. Yeah, you apply to like 50 a day minimum. Yeah.
I don't even know if there are 50 jobs out there, minimum. In Houston? Is there? Oh, shut the fuck up. Are you kidding me? I'm not from Houston. The fourth largest city in the country. Oh, where are you from? I'm from Nebraska. Okay. Well, that's a state. That's not like a city. Well, I'm from Lincoln, Nebraska, which is like... Okay, there's more than 50 openings in Lincoln. Yeah. Well, yeah, I'm very... I am...
I'm picky though. You're in the fourth largest city. Not being able to pay your bills. How are you allowed to be picky not being able to pay your bills? What kind of entitlement is that? I guess mentally I just, I think I could, I give up on my bills. That's the honesty of it.
And that's partially why I'm in this situation because I get to the point where it's too much to worry about and then I just give up on paying them. So what are you hoping to do? What is your goal here? What are we trying to do? I'm trying to get a...
i guess a path to move forward i i don't okay give up day trading get a job be a man be an adult act your age you're not 12 well i can do both can i well you're really limiting yourself in the job pool having to be in front of a computer screen from 9 30 central to you know noon yeah
You're really limiting your job pool. It's definitely... Especially to lower income jobs, to be honest. Yeah. With the... That's why I figured fast food or like something restaurant-wise. 591 fast food openings in Houston right now. 591.
Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. But you'll apply to one every few days. Yeah, I applied to like a couple serving positions. 290 open in Lincoln, Nebraska. 290? That's a lot more than I anticipated. People like fast food. Look at my belly. Yeah, I mean, I definitely do too. My spending proves that. How the f*** can you spend money? You don't have money to spend. Okay.
What would you give yourself a score zero to 10 for your finances? Zero being the worst, 10 being the best. Where do you self assess yourself? I like to think I'm at a one, probably like a half, like a 0.5, 0.5. Well, at least it's real. At least it's honest. If you want your hammer financial score, it's free link in the description below. You can also go to slash apply. If you have interesting stories, if you have worldviews that you want to be challenged, if,
you're a weird day trader or something. Apparently you can also apply to be on the show. We'd be happy to have, uh, you know, a variety of finances. Okay. All right. I'll take a little peeky. This day trading thing, you know, uh, anyone by the name of John Carter for trading, uh,
John Carter. That sounds like the movie that came out once. Okay. No, I've never heard of a Carter. It's like one of the only few people that's actually making a living off of doing the thing you want to do. And somehow you don't know who that is. That's crazy. Because like no one makes a living off of it. But okay. Yeah. You think usually people that have a passion into something usually get to know the leaders of their field. But I don't have a lot of hope for you making it in this day trading. So this was... Okay. Okay.
This was at $4,427. Then it was $35 of interest accruing and it brought up to $4,462. Now the minimum payment, $726. Yeah, that's because that's about three months behind. Because it was three months behind. Actually, it might be more because I think the payment's actually $121. Which is ridiculous. I mean, honestly, that's just the actions of a child. It really is.
You can go work five hours a week and at least try to make a payment. I could. But instead...
What do you do all day? Okay, you trade from 9.30 to noon. What does noon to 5 look like for you? So it's a lot of Netflix, maybe some trading stuff, but I'm not doing a lot, to be fair. Nothing even good to watch on Netflix, so okay, great. And 5 to 10? Yeah, 5 to 10, like p.m.? Yes. Well, I mean, I go to bed around like 9.30.
So more Netflix, I guess. I don't really have, that's my, I don't have a lot of things to do. So you're right. Then there's no reason to not just work. And you might make friends at work as well. Because I'm assuming, it sounds like you don't have a social circle. Oh no, not yet at least. Okay. And I would encourage that. And also let's take some of the time because you're not going to work every day. You know, I want you to catch up on your bills. But maybe we'll join some clubs as well.
Like, I want you to have a social circle. It's important in life. Yeah. You know, find some hobbies. But I feel like you're into some nerdy shit. I'm into some nerd shit. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Find a nerdy shit club. Maybe. Maybe. We'll see. But it's just, I don't, I feel kind of bad going to a job, especially if I, like, leave it within, like, three months anyways. Why would you do that?
because at the point i get to the day trading point where i don't need to work oh shut the you've been doing it for four years and you've only made a couple thousand dollars you think in a few months you're going to be making a full living off of that and oh i'm so sorry boss i'm making so much money i have to weave now i did what are you talking about i do i do think that is exactly how it's going to go then you live in beyond delusion world what how do you think that's going to work
How do you think that's going to work? You plan to make $1,000 a month off your $50,000. How are you living on $12,000 a year? Essentially like the poverty line. The idea is I would make more. Oh, okay.
Oh, is that the idea? Okay. Well, you told me $1,000 a month. So, well, that's my current cap. I mean, I only have a $50,000 account and I can only safely trade a certain amount. First of all, that's insane. I mean, what is that? That's a 24% return on a yearly basis for the...
On your account balance. 24% on... Yes. Oh, on the 50,000. Yes. Oh, okay. Yeah. Which is an insane number and you're going to make more than that? Well, I... You're not making any money to put into the account. So how are you going to make more than that? Well, I don't have to. I don't have to. It's honestly insane as it is. Yeah. Well, I don't have to make money to put into the account. I can only take it out. I can't put anything in. But...
Why are you even taking advantage of this? There has to be strings. There has to be something weird here. I wish I knew more about this. There's a lot of... What's it called? Top step. I'm also doing another one on Apex. Two? Two different $50,000 accounts. I'm doing five currently. So, which accumulate to right about... Top step trader? Yeah. Yeah.
So it's a pretty, it's been a popular concept for a while, but recently shortcuts. I have definitely tried my fair amount of shortcuts for sure. I tried to gamble for a living once.
Well, you basically still are, to be clear, but that's insane. But even worse. What? I was going online. I was transferring crypto to an online gambling site, and I thought, you know, if I could just turn this $50 into like $1,000, $2,000, then I could live off of it. But that kind of blew up in my face. One second. I might bring in an outside source here.
Might have a phone in. So, I don't know. I did some sports betting and it kind of just graduated into...
Yeah, well, this was one of my... I've kind of been on and off with trading. And at this point, I was on with trading. And I was bored on the weekends. And like after I was trading, so I decided to sports bet. Because that's what everybody in my circle kind of said. Yeah, it was a pretty bad circle, I will admit. Luckily, I'm not with that circle anymore. But that's pretty much what I did. It got to the point where I didn't enjoy watching sports anymore.
If I wasn't betting on it, which is when I knew it was kind of needed to stop. But by then I had already lost like three or $4,000. One goal become a top step funder trader. Okay. Multiple accounts earn and take payouts from up to five express funded accounts. Simple payout strategy. Just have five winning days of,
plus two hundred dollars to earn your payout so the money you win goes to them and then they give you a payout so they give payouts up to a ten thousand dollars without a split but after that yeah but how much do you have to earn in order to get that payout uh it's the five winning days so after five five winning days make a dollar profit you can pull out half of the profit
after five winning days so you only get half the profit they get 50 until you get to 30 winning days and then you can pull out up to the full amount how are they making money because uh well generally they make money off of people failing challenges because oh you get a funded trader certificate for your linkedin profile you're gonna stand out among the rest yeah i don't think i've ever put something real and get a real job to like course careers and get like a
accounting certification instead like an adult but okay I couldn't even tell you how much money I've spent on education or you know trading or other businesses probably yeah there's no degree attached to all the money I don't even recommend thinkorswim I mean that's yeah that's what I started at but uh yeah I started options trading which is
Worse than what I'm doing now. What are you doing now? I'm trading with a brokerage account. That's better. They talk about futures so much on this page. Trading the indices, so like the Dow. The goal is to eventually make enough from that. I'm assuming that will be in a couple months. Actually, I'm planning on it. I'm not even assuming at this point. It's basically guaranteed.
I have good news. Okay. Someone I used to work with who I also hired. Okay. At a company where we actually sold products teaching how to trade. Okay. I wouldn't. You know, I was just doing it because it was my job. I would never recommend anyone to buy products like that. Not based on the company, but just day trading in general. He also worked there. He was kind of higher up at that company. Yeah. And I sent him that and he says, oh, I know all about...
Top step. I know all about top step. So let's have him ask a couple questions. Okay. All right, Robert. How's it going? You're being screen recorded. So this guy is signed up for...
the top step program and from your point of view, your fake name is Ethan. Explain to Robert what you think, how you think this works. So basically I passed my first challenge and then now I'm in the process of passing four more with top step and at my current trading half a percent, I'm making about a thousand dollars a month minimum. It's about a unit a week and
Um, but I'm scaling that over the next few months without taking out any profits to the point where I will be making enough to sustain myself and grow the accounts at the same time. Gotcha. So you've already passed a top step. Step one then. Yeah, I've got the express account. Um, I don't have a live account cause I'm not, they don't release any information on how to get that. But, uh, I've got that and then I've got about three more on there. Okay. Okay.
Cool. Yeah. So, you know, that checks out. I mean, how top step works, they understand it. If I'm wrong, but basically you pay right a fee of like $165 a month. So how does Robert, how does this work? How are they making money? If this dude just loses the $50,000 for paying like a dollar a month for it? What is happening?
They say if you pay a certain amount of money a month, we'll give you a certain amount of cash in buying power. Right. So you don't have the actual money. You can just buy a certain amount of, in this case, futures contracts based on that amount of money that you get.
And so, right, you can't just lose that 50K in buying power or whatever it is. Top Steps and other companies like this put limits on it. So, for example, if you lose $2,000 on the basic program, they automatically stop you from trading, right? Yeah. And if you don't have an actual funded account, if I understand correctly, you don't actually get real money. So is this good for...
Ethan to do if he wants to make a living off of this? You know, for Ethan, I would need to know more about what he's doing and how he's trading. But so far, it sounds like you're in that small percentage that he's actually able to make a profit. How long have you been making a profit with him?
Currently, it's only been about a month. It's been one month. I've been trading on the accounts for a few months, though. Gotcha. So you just got funded after a few months of paying. Yeah. Well, I've been trading for on and off for about four years so far. So I...
traded demo trading before. So with paper money, fake money, just to make sure I was profitable. And once I had like the lot sizes down, the risks, the rewards, everything, all the data down, then I was able to transition into the funded trading and I passed it in two weeks. Gotcha. So you, so out of those four years, you've been profitable for one month.
Well, I've been profitable. I was profitable when I was options trading. But generally speaking, yeah, it's been only about three or four months of profit in my whole career. Gotcha. So...
Three months is not enough time to tell whether or not you can sustain this for the course of a year, right? Yeah. Because market conditions change, as you know. Oh, yeah. That's true. Except for these past couple days. He's like only been a part of a bull market. Well, I definitely lost one of those days, but yeah. Okay. All right. Thanks, Robert. I was scared for a second.
What? I thought he'd say something. I didn't know who you were bringing on. Well, it sounds like, you know, it's interesting. Yeah, it's not something I would recommend like anybody to because it takes a lot of effort. It sounds like you might have something not saying that. I mean, again, it's been only a couple months, so true proven track record, maybe not, but maybe you have... It's just the percentage of people who make it is so low that it's just...
Yeah. It's so hard. It's so hard because it's, if you were just in bonds, let's just say just in like low risk bonds or treasuries or something, and you just held down a job throughout your life that has a hundred percent chance practically of making it you, but you have a 5% chance of making it in this. So it's just like,
Maybe you do well for a couple of years and then you blow up multiple accounts and it's all gone. It's like – I don't know. That kind of life scares me. And it sounds like from your past that you've just done –
I've tried to become rich quick type need gambling. I have living like that's not a thing. What else have you done? I've done anything else. I've been in four MLMs. See that just see that that is what scares me. It's your entire history. So like, I don't know how this is going to be very different for you. I know you're putting a little bit of discipline in it and you've gotten lucky so far in the easiest of market conditions.
Well, I wouldn't... Well, the... I don't know if luck has everything to do with it. There may be a small percentage of luck that has to do with it. No, well, you're in... You're not in a... If you're... Buddy, you in a sideways market...
I would pay to watch that. I would lose in a sideways market. And buddy, the market was sideways for like all of what? 14, 15 and 16. No, no, no. Sorry. Sorry. Uh, 11, 12 and 13. Oh, last week. No, 2011, 12, 13. Oh, it's like we're just like, you know, like, I don't think, I don't know what happens when it's three years of that. How are you going to survive for three years?
Right now, you're just taking advantage of, yeah, let's go! Yeah, well, the training I do doesn't necessarily ride a trend
So a lot of it is done intraday. So as long as there is not complete sideways, which is like, you know, it's going up 30, it's going down 30 constantly, then I can make money. Plus with your monthly payments to these accounts, it almost sounds like maybe your ROI isn't even positive overall. And if it is, it's micro. Well, at the moment, I've put a lot more money into it.
from challenges and that's how the companies make their money. I failed. I was curious of this whole time. I failed to probably about seven, $8,000 worth of challenges in career. And yeah, I've spent probably triple quadruple to get like a champ to do a challenge. Uh, current with top step. It's weird because a lot of the regulations have been changed. Um, for day trading, there's a couple of platforms that were pretty popular. Um,
but they've stopped serving us traders. But other than that, the futures market, it's like, wait, what was the question again? Is the Sapphire card, the balance that we're seeing here, or did you make progress from that? That's the only thing I have not paid on. So I don't know how, how the even close you're going to pay $726. Like,
i'll figure it out even the profits you make on this account you don't keep them you get 50 of them for a little bit and stuff and then you're paying money towards them it's like i don't understand how you are gonna make money and then make your payments yeah and i don't even get into debt in the first place probably because you've just refused to work your whole life because you're like a literal man baby that's a that's a really long story i started it was mlms that that was the start of my debt for mlms okay let me get through this credit card and then i'll let you
Okay. I want to hear about them. It's not about... Okay. What's the normal minimum monthly payment for this that you've missed? $121. It's a closed account. I think. I like that one. So it's going to go to collections soon, probably. No, Chase doesn't send it to collections. $247 in interest this year so far.
surprised you're not getting obliterated with fees okay yeah i uh went through a debt repayment plan at some point like you pay like you go to a person and then or not a person but the company and then they reduce everything and that's they negotiate yeah yeah yeah i did that for three months how'd that go um well i stopped making money so i stopped paying them and you know everything just stopped making money because you're refusing to get a job how long is your how long you've been able to walk
It's been about a month and a half, two months. Okay. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Because March 20... A month. I would give you a month. A month and a half, I think, is a bit too long. You could have gone at least fast food job since then. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've been applying. I've had some interviews. One every three days. I did have an interview last week, but... How'd that go? I didn't go because I moved. So...
And it was 35 minutes away. So I tried to reschedule. You're not willing to do anything in life. You're such a child. There's such a child. It may seem like that. Yes. How would it seem in any other way? Other than the receding hairline, what other indication? I'm not homeless. So it could be worse. Because you're aunt.
Yeah, that was an arrangement though. So I guess that's fine. But if it wasn't for depending on other people and milking them, you know, the teat of your aunt, you would be homeless. I like to think I can handle all my own bills. How? You're not paying your bills. You just said you weren't paying your consolidation. You're not a credit card person. I wouldn't even... Well, I love the Fizz card for all those people and most guests. I wouldn't trust you to do it. I wouldn't trust you to do the Fizz card. Yeah, I do have a Fizz card.
How does that... How do you do? There's a balance on it. So... Yeah. I pay it off every month, though. You have to. Yeah, you're right. So I don't have a choice. Exactly. But... I was going to say something else, but I can't remember what it was. That's why it works for most people, but you... Yeah. I kind of just...
I just look at the things. What? No, no. No, I want you to explain how in the possible you think you would like to think that you could make it on your own. In what way? In what way would you possibly be able to make it on your own, man child? It's put in a fight or flight kind of area. Buddy, you're in fight or flight. You're not paying your damn bills. Yeah, but I haven't. It's not that bad, is it?
I mean, it could be worse is what I mean to say. I don't even want to respond to that. I mean, you know that's dumb. How many times have you seen that? Have you seen the show? You've seen the show. Yeah, I have. Have you heard me respond to that before? I don't remember how you respond to that, but I know you don't like it. So why'd you say it?
Because I live by that. So I say that daily. Like I literally say that daily. So that's like actual philosophy in your life. That is an actual philosophy, yes. So, okay, because I inject one needle of heroin a day instead of three, it's okay because it's worse out there for other people? That is pretty bad. I shouldn't laugh at that. But that's another thing. So because there are people getting bombed somewhere,
That means you acting like a child is okay? I heard you guys wanted to get dirty again. Dirty money is back, and this time you're gonna be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. And you know who you usually meet in those sheets? I'm personally into BBWs. Budgeting. Bonds. Wealth.
And this sexy merch is only available through the end of this month, and then it's going away. So to give you a little extra sweet treat, we're bringing back the classic dirty money as well. BDSM. Sluts for index funds. Finance Daddy. If this isn't for you, you can eat my assets, because I am myself an assets man.
Go to slash dirty to check it out before these designs go away at the end of this month. And as an extra special sweet treat, every order over $100 gets your favorite asset signed and framed, the Hammer Dump Truck. I...
it's because people in the united kingdom have half the median income as the people in the united states have it's okay that you live at and below the poverty line by choice and milk off your aunt because it could be worse it's okay yeah again when i talk about acting like a child that is the mindset of a child that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense it's the way i think i don't how do i how do i change that
Well, accepting the reality of your situation. You're right. That's how you think. But oftentimes, if we think something, if we have a worldview, if that worldview is challenged, and the challenge makes sense, which I don't know how you could refute that. Feel free to try. I don't encourage it. But that's when you adapt and change. If you're just an immovable brick in life, then you're not going to make it anywhere. You're not going to make it anywhere. We should all be willing to change everything.
Well, I just kind of figure one day I'll be where I want to be. And then I'll just handle everything else. That's not how goals work. That's not how goals work. That's not how goals work. Yeah. By the way, that's not how it's worked. It's worked so far. It hasn't. You're not paying bills. You're living with your aunt. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah. I do admit I need to move out of my aunt's house. Yeah. But how would you be able to afford that? Well, I mean, I figured something out. I mean, this is like actually insane. Yeah.
That's the way I think. If I look at something... How have you made it this far? That's a very good question. I'll tell you how. By milking off of other people. There has been some input from others, but it's always reciprocated. I.e. your entire living situation right now. Well, I don't know about entire. Like, maybe part of it.
You live with your aunt. Well, yeah, because it's a new state. I don't know if I like it yet. Like, what if I want to move to a different state? I haven't gotten a feel for Texas. What are you even trying to do? Why are you in Texas? Because it's not Nebraska.
Well, that's fair. So, well, there was a lot of responsibilities I had in Nebraska that were not mine. And we know that you can't deal with at least a single responsibility in your life. And I especially can't deal with them when I'm dealing with everybody else's responsibilities as well. Sure, I'm sure that's a big load of bullsh** on everything you've said this entire conversation.
I mean... Because you've lost all reliability as a trustworthy person. You can believe what you want to believe. I mean, it is the truth. It's impossible not to believe that after this entire conversation. Come on, we're 40 minutes into you f***ing around and being a child? Yeah. Come on, f***ing run in life. Not in this interview. But, I mean, you're actually... I mean, you're giving me what you f***ing think, but you are a literal baby. Yeah. You were, like, just born. I know I'm insulting you, but I don't give a s***. Like, I mean, I'm kind of disgusted by your existence. It's...
I, I joke and that's kind of why I'm here. I want, I want a plan to follow because whatever I make, I, whenever I make a plan, I don't follow through. I, so why would it be different if I made you a plan? Because I've seen you make plans for other people. I've seen other people successfully execute those plans, but those other people weren't beyond delusional.
yeah i can't i can't argue with you on that one you're as buddy you're literally the one percent but it's because you're telling me listen if you didn't tell me i think it's just gonna work out i will just end up in that plan i'll just figure it out if i'm moving around you didn't tell me all of these absolute insane things that are not based in reality i'd be like yes let's get a plan this dude
Is in the real world and can figure it out. You're not in the world where plans exist in your brain. You haven't been forced to grow up yet. You haven't been forced to. Because you're just able to rely on other people. And you're able to just go into debt and allow it to just flow away. What at this point would allow me to earn back your trust and how to take care of all this? Because I need to get this done. Well, let's continue the conversation and I'll tell you. So...
I need to get this behind me. How did you deposit? What's this Coinbase thing? $4,928. That's the NFT. I had to withdraw through Coinbase. There we go. Okay, so that was basically your income. Yep. Okay. Listen, if you did... Again, I know. I shouldn't be insulting you as much as I have. A couple jabs here and there. We do that. But it's just like... I don't know.
a lot of people make dumb choices and they make dumb excuses and that happens because people are defensive when they get on camera just but your world view is so detached from the world that that is what that is what scares me if you if you want to blame anything for my world view you can blame the MLMs
Okay, so what are the MLMs that you got involved in? I was in Amway right when I graduated high school. For two years, I was in Amway. And that's where most of my viewpoints come from. And I met a lot of cool people through that, but I lost a lot of money. Then how is your worldview based on something that completely f***ed you? It's just association, you know? You get around people that think a certain way, and now you think a certain way. And how did it turn out? I mean...
I don't like jobs. That's probably the only thing that I got from that. Really? Yeah. That's what you got from that? That and maybe that there are better things than jobs. No, you're just lazy. You want rich quick? You want rich quick? That's all you want? I feel like if I wanted rich quick, I wouldn't have spent four years doing something.
on and off i mean i'm not gonna say it's like four years every day but every few months all the things that you're participating in are in those avenues of quick growth you know what people do when actual successful wealthy people yes some start businesses they do well some will one percent will you know make money in that day trading some will of like a very small percentage in gambling will all of a sudden make enough to live off of
Well, the vast majority of us do. They open a brokerage. Like I opened Moo Moo for my brokerage. I invest in like the S&P 500 overall U.S. market fund, overall United States stock market. And then by the time I'm like mid-60s, I retire.
a successful wealthy individual. That is what the average person does. You are just an average wealthy person. You are just trying to get there today. But instead, you're ending up negative. To be fair, I've never considered myself average. Does that help? Sure. You're just continuing to explain your insane worldview. Most of the things you see in front of you are from two years ago.
That doesn't make it any better. You don't seem like a real person. You really don't. You're like a make-believe character. This whole... The whole death situation... You came out of an egg.
I can't say whether that's true or not to be fair. But no, this is like two years of my life. What was after Amway? What was the next one? Amway and then I took like, I swore off MLMs after Amway. And then I got into another one like a year later because somebody convinced me.
but the other ones one was like World Ventures it was a travel MLM and then there was also like the I Am Mastery which was a trading MLM but they don't do any stocks and stuff they're mostly I will get the spray bottle I'm sorry I bounce my leg and I tap things can I have it please
I don't trust his fingers. Yeah. But no, that's... And then I also joined one for the WFG is what was called, World Financial Group, because I thought at some point I wanted to be a financial advisor. And I did take steps to do that and it didn't happen. Now that was a funny joke. It was a real ambition for about two months.
You know, you'd have to go to school to become a licensed financial advisor. You need a bachelor's degree. I thought you just need certifications. That's what everybody else tells me. You need a bachelor's degree in order to get, like, a CFA, though. Oh, not like a CFA. I'd get, like, the series licenses. And then they would sponsor me for the seven. I wouldn't get a CFA. I guess it depends on...
this was the one but in terms of like selling different packages yeah well that i'm interested in that stuff i just have never had the capital or the you know you've never had the commitment in anything in life yeah yeah yeah other than trading trading is the only thing i've ever long term done i'll tell you what you committed to i know i know in your recent past you committed to spending six thousand dollars and tipping streamers that was
Yeah, that was loneliness was what that was. But you're still lonely. Well, I'm not lonely anymore. Well, you live with your hands. Well, I wish I was lonely, dude.
I wish I was living on my own to be fair but no I would love you to I want you to find a social group a good social group because again the people you surround yourself with in your MLMs you're right a lot of them impacted your world view however you know what the rest of us typically do I've made mistakes I've been dumb I have a dumb past and obviously we all continue to make mistakes and mistakes will be made but what I do for the mistakes is I do them and I'm like
Oopsie. Whoopsie. That was a mistake. We don't do that again. You're like, oh, that was a mistake. Let's do that mistake one more time. Oh, let's do it again. Let's do it again. That was really fun. I feel like there's a little... Let's do it again the fifth time because now you're in your fifth mistake. I feel like there's a lesson to be learned in every mistake though. Yeah. And you haven't learned any of them it seems. What if I learn a different lesson in every mistake? I think your lessons, again, are in that like fake world though because you're not in the real world without the rest of us. So... This conversation, honestly, I'll be honest...
I'm going to be honest to the audience as well. This is a hopeless conversation. This is a hopeless conversation. That being said, there is a dumb 17, 18, 19-year-old out there that's like, I want to be a professional day trader. Watch this episode, and I'm going to continue because this...
don't you're about to learn so but no this was two years of my life um racking all of this up and i've just been kicking the can down the roads ever since so i'm trying unfortunately this is turning into an example episode and not being able to help you episode i apologize for that but i don't think your worldview is so it needs to be what you're in like the mirror dimension or something you know dr strange needs to pull you the back in what if i told you i'm gonna get a job by the end of the next week
Oh, that would be great. How? Well, I have three interviews. Okay. Well, how are your interview skills? Because that's important. I've done a lot of interviews, so I hope they're good, but I've never really... Yeah, and how many of those interviews have worked? A lot of them, actually. Okay, so you get lots of job offers? I do. I just deny a lot of them. That's a start. That's a start. I'm not going to say you're not going to quit in three months like you said you will. Well, if I'm in the right place, I may, but I...
I will commit to six months at the minimum at a job. And if trading is not doing well by then, I will continue. Oh, I'm excited for this six month call. Okay. Okay. It's I, I have already, if you had talked to me six months ago, I wouldn't have never considered you could have said job. And I would have said, yeah, no. Oh, so you graduated from the age of five to seven.
I think at least... I'm sorry, guys. I'm being mean. I know I'm being mean. I'm being mean, but this worldview legitimately is... Nothing gets under... I'm talking candidly to you right now. Nothing gets under my skin more than this worldview. It's insane. Actually, you could be a racist and I'd put you on the same level or something. I mean, your responses are exactly what I've been dealing with for the last five years, so I'm used to it at this point. But...
I am willing to change. I need a spray bottle. He's tapping. I'm trying. Bad. Bad. I can't. Fidgeting has been in my blood. I'm going to put him in my lap and not move them.
all right where was i did you catch up on this payment for the climb launch yes okay so the normal payment's 135 yeah and it's like uh it's 135 behind you were behind but it's 135 for six months and there's 230 um continuing wait when does it kick into uh six months uh last month it's month one so six months would be what december january okay i that was that was a mistake
That student loan. This is a student loan? Yeah. Oh, man. Okay, what's the balance? $10,395. F, 16% interest. That's ridiculous. And then, of course, you had a late fee. Well, you went to school. No. That's for a coding boot camp.
Oh, coding boot camps are great. Oh, okay. I thought you were going to... Well... Why would I be against that? I didn't know. I mean, a lot of people... No, I mean, it's only a month in. You're doing it right now. I know how to do HTML, but that's the extent of my experience. So you want to work in coding all of a sudden? I did. But I really kind of just... A month ago? I just want to...
create things. That's pretty much my only goal there. Is that what you want to create? Because I like to create things too. There are things I wouldn't want to create. I wouldn't want to create a tower of human d***.
I'm confused now. Well, is this what you want to create? I do want to do that. I was generally interested in it. I am interested in it. Let me change my words. But I haven't done it as much the last week or so. Oh, you are not a commitment person. You can't commit to anything past a couple of days. It was. I was doing the Netflix. I was doing it for like a few weeks. Oh, what a big boy. You know, things happen. And I just.
I miss a day and then I miss another day. What happened? You do nothing all day. I get really distracted. I feel like I keep making fun of you, but you just keep saying insane shit, dude. Like, what the fuck?
You sign up for a boot camp, borrow $10,500 at 16% interest rate with minimum monthly payments you cannot pay because you don't pay. You already almost missed one, but you find an extra NFT and you sign up for coding because you like to build things and you're somewhat interested in it, but you participate in it for a couple weeks and we're already off for a week because something happened, but nothing happens in your life. So what the f*** happened? I don't know what to do here other than just take a f*** and just...
To be fair, though, a hurricane happened last week. Was it that? I didn't have power for it. Yes, it was that. Okay, that's an actual valid thing. It's the first valid thing you've said this entire 15 minutes. Yeah, that alone. I moved into a place on Friday two weeks ago for like an extra 200 bucks a month so I could have my own space. And then the hurricane hit and then I had to move out. And that's where the extra thousand is coming from.
from refunds because i'm returning the bed and all the furniture what about the landlord and the contract you signed oh it was only a 15 day notice and the landlord's cool i know him
Oh my God. So you can't. Okay. Your life. Yeah. It's, it's a mess. How do I understand? How do I actually help you? Cause I know I just need a plan, but, but, but your plan would rely on the real world. I'm, I'm asking myself right now, what can I actually do to help you? Cause I do want you to walk away with something positive. I really do. And I know I'm just an absolute right now, but I really do want you to walk away with something positive. But if I don't know, man, if we can at least take, uh,
Like if I get one of these jobs, if we can,
like go over a budget for this stuff including the extra thousand from trading but a budget so like a budget i will create a budget for you i'll help you with that and we'll follow it to the job but no no well that's the thing you've done you've done things now i want you i want you i just like the coding thing and this one's obviously much shorter much shorter but there are quizzes and stuff go through our budgeting program okay i would do our investing one because you'll learn how dumb the you're doing this as well
You guys can do it at a bundled price, by the way, and get a free $100 in coupons towards it. But either way, I want you to go through those programs because it'll help you at least stick to the budget and make and manage yours. But yes, I will make one for you. It's going to be a loose budget, though, in terms of just high level. But again, you've made stuff and you haven't stuck to it. So I don't know what's different about mine. Well, I'm...
I was going to say more dedicated, but that's not actually an answer. What's the words? My mindset has shifted in the last few weeks. And I just feel like I need to get this out of the way. And I need to start making some progress. Or else, like everything, I'm going to have to move back to Nebraska, which is the absolute last thing I want to do. Corn.
Yeah. Yeah. Corn and responsibilities. And I don't, I don't like either of those as we've established. So, um, but it's just mentally I am much better up here and I need to stay up here. So I'm down, down. Yeah. I still haven't corrected that, but yeah,
I believe this is the turning point. I hope so, man. I literally hope so for your sake in your life. Do I have hope in it? I'll be honest. No, but I hope so. I hope so because you are a human being and I want you to have a great life just like any other human being. And I think you can turn it around based on the worldview you have. But I want you to turn around and I do hope you do. I really do hope you do.
Right now, if you guys use my Moomoo link in the description below, you can literally get 8% on your money that's sitting in there for three months. It's absolutely incredible. Plus you'll get 15 free stocks just for signing up with my link. This is literally free money, so make sure you're taking advantage of it now. There is no reason not to. Sign up now, link in the description below. - I feel like the difference between this time you giving me a budget versus me creating my own, I'm only competing with myself.
when I'm making my own budget but this is this is going to be on the internet I can't go back on my word now so it's kind of a way to force me into a checkmate of sorts and you're going to come on for a follow-up and I will take the taser from the back and just yeah if you don't do it tasers are not pleasant you've been to that I've been tased before why I just it was a party and things got hairy so I I don't like to talk about it it was it was pretty rough
just go to the bathroom before you get tased nothing can we talk about that in the post show or do you not just not sure all right we'll talk about that in the post show something tells me he's off but um okay that would be bad liberty first this is the only i think credit card apart from the fizz and sapphire well that's close oh i'm saying active yeah active why didn't you send me a statement for fizz
I think I sent it originally in the documents before, but I might have forgot the second one. I can bring it up. Yes. Okay. You can get it ready. Okay. Liberty. We have a balance of a thousand dollars, right? Yep. That should be it.
I'm going to write the balances for these last ones. It's at a... Stupid. I don't know if the interest rate is listed on there. It might be, but I know the interest rates of all my debts. What's the interest rate? 12.9. I'm glad you're knowledgeable about it and you don't do anything about it. It's 12.9%. 12.9, okay. Yeah.
Yeah. Okie dokie. And you have a $38. That's not the normal monthly payment because that's what's stacking up after your missed payment. But you caught up, right? What is the normal payment? The normal payment is $30. $30? Yeah. Okay. It was $38 here. That's because of your late charge. It's give or take like a dollar sometimes. But yeah, it's really low interest. That's the only reason I still have it is because... Advanced credit card late fee. Late fee. Okay, great. Wow.
Yeah, I have Dave hooked up to that. No, you don't. You do those micro payday loans? Sometimes. Oh, just get a job! That's like the solution is literally just work for a single second of your life! What a... I'm trying to move past all that.
Okay, members own credit union. So we have a loan here. Personal? So that was a credit card that was transferred to a personal. Great. Obviously that works. Well, it was a... So the bank actually recommended it. Oh, of course they did. Of course they did. Well, it was a $5,000 credit card and a personal loan that I had combined. Dad! I'm talking with my hands. I'm sorry. Sorry.
But yeah, that's what that is. They only said statements all in one. So they're all in there.
hmm okay so five thousand five hundred three dollars and eighty seven cents on that one what's the minimum for that uh for the five uh is that the personal loan or is that the car yes the personal is 179 a month i don't know how there's this buddy your minimum statements have stacked up so much in your income zero this is ridiculous what's your car what's your car uh it's a hyundai elantra year 2017 how's she doing uh it's pretty good i mean i can get at least 150 out of them
And what's the miles? Currently 93. Okay. I just did a tune-up. Interest rate? 5.9%. That's not horrendous. $7,975.87. What's the minimum monthly? Minimum monthly, $332. Okay. You owe basically $8,000. What do you think it's worth in its current condition? It's probably like $5,900 or $5,800. Close. Like $5,600. So I think I looked at it like a month ago.
so i was considering selling it but i realized that was a bad move maybe yeah i don't think i would sell it at that rate you know you just have to make money and pay for it yeah okay then a thousand bucks in the actual credit union itself is it is there a thousand bucks in there was at least at the time of this thing oh yeah they it transfers into my like my savings
transfers into my savings and then it auto transfers to the loans so that's how the process works there liberty first that's probably checking but I see a master card that's the thousand
Did we already go over that? Yeah, that was the first one. Oh, we did. Yep. Okay. Yeah, that's the only reason I have that account. I was getting paid through that from the state of Nebraska up until February. Okay. Let's look at the checking account. They don't make it very easy. I'm choosing Netflix. Top step trader, $149. Yeah, because these payments are not even ready. You put more money into it than you've made, of course. So this is going to be great for your future. It's an investment.
i'm sorry that was that was out of line not a line i i i look at it i look at it as an investment but i know you don't see it that way apple bill going inside getting some bs imperial nutrition yeah it's like uh protein shakes you working out yeah i mean i'm trying to i like give us those gains oh it's it's pretty rough
It's not there. It's a lot of swimming. Oh, man. A little sneak peek in that armpit hair. McDonald's. Coinbase. Coinbase in. 31 bucks. Oh, Dave. We're Dave-ing. And there's Raising Cane's. Okay. Might as well work at Raising Cane's. McDonald's refund? McDonald's refund. Or it was an advanced McDonald's.
I don't know. Oh, and then $270 in this checking account in your Chase. Here's where you spend money, isn't it? Oh, yeah. This is my main checking as of like two months ago. So we got a little bit of money from our NFT.
So let's go to Texas Roadhouse. Get those rolls down our throat. Chipotle. Go inside and get into BS. McDonald's. Texas Roadhouse. Chipotle. Top Step Trader. Because we're not making a profit on there, Dairy Queen. Going inside and getting some BS. PlayStation Network. $43. What did you get? Reoccurring. See, I forgot that was happening. That's a three-month subscription for Plus or something. I haven't touched my PS5 in like a month. I'm trying to sell it. Cancel it. Sell it.
selling out 800 yeah that was rent for the for the new place that was rent i'm getting half of that back i can't believe you even considered that because you can't even pay your bills buddy you're so far behind on your payments you're just putting wants wants wants i want to live on my own want want want i want all this and wow wow wow i want to firm 653 yeah that was that was the bad um that's gonna be a refunded off so what's zen business uh that's my llc
You just formed it? Yeah, just like last week. There's nothing in it. LLC for trading? Yeah, to avoid the taxes. What taxes? Not the income taxes, but all the federal and stuff. Not avoid the taxes, but to separate my personal and my business account. Does that make sense? I don't know if that makes sense. Yeah, it's an LLC. It's a limited... Well, yeah, I don't know anything about LLCs, so I'm not even going to try to explain what an LLC is.
I just know it helps to separate the things I'm getting from the business. Yes, it's good to separate. This is 1099 or not 1099, but something else for investments. It's good to separate different bills and accounting. I want to check up on something extra because before I throw something out, I'm 99% confident on, but you're making me question it. I know trading is a weird area. I know that it's not.
considered like earned income because I'm not providing a service for anybody but myself. Now I know you get capital gains but you get short term capital gains. Yeah which is what I'm yeah but if I trade under an LLC it helps it in some way I don't know exactly the ins and outs. I think there's extra tax for trading your own money right? It's somebody else's money I'm trading. It's $50,000 for the top step. Yes but that has nothing to do with your LLC. No just the money I'm yeah you're right you're right you're right.
Because, I mean, you're only getting paid on what you're able to actually get out of there. Yeah. Because it's a weird little thing with this company. Yeah. So, I only get taxed on what I pull out. So, I kind of just opened it so I could, like, split the taxes and everything off so I could be responsible with the IRS from now on forward. Well, you're trying to get, like, write-offs and tax breaks on certain things, but I don't... There's not a lot of write-offs I could get, though. Exactly, but...
Maybe a laptop. LSEs are more used just as a pass-through. And I just want to... Plus, future-wise, if I ever want to... Yeah, no, buddy. What you're saying is completely wrong. This isn't saving you anything. Now, what you're working on... Mm-hmm.
Yeah, this is going to get short-term capital gains tax. But what you're working on with the trading the other people's money, I don't know 100% with that. So that's what I wanted to confirm. No, the LLC does not help in any way with the short-term capital gains tax. No. It's a pass-through, buddy. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know either. I'm not a tax professional. Why'd you do it?
Because I wanted to separate it. You told me it's going to save you on money. Because I wanted to separate it. Yes, that makes sense. And if I ever want... We were talking about taxes, though. Yeah. Well, and this is way down the line. Apple bill, apple bill, apple bill, apple bill. I don't trust your way down the line because you don't know what's happening two seconds from now. We can talk about it later. Doubt it. Coinbase, $30 is out. Top step trader, $149. Top step trader, $149. Top step trader, $149. Top step trader, $149. You're not even close to making... Oh, more Zen business.
More of that protein stuff and marble slab creamery. Wonderful. We make no money. Let's spend it.
Going to a restaurant, I think there's Chipotle, Sonic Drive-In, kolaches. Going inside, getting some BS or groceries, a little hard to tell with that one. Annie's Hamburgers, Texas Roadhouse, kolaches again. Going out to eat every second of our life, even though we literally make zero dollars. To be fair, to be fair, a lot of the later statement is because I had no power or no way to like store food at our house because there was roaches.
So I was going out to eat because I didn't have any food. Couldn't you just go with your aunt though? No, because it was 40 minutes away from my place. After about a week of no power, I moved back to my aunt. And after realizing there's roaches.
um so that that's why i returned everything because i know roaches love mattresses and i'm not about to have a mattress spend twelve hundred dollars on it and i can be okay with some of it i feel like you could have made a little more sacrifice driving to your aunt's 40 minutes um shipley salt green salt grass and potential bs yeah i've i've got a real issue with going and sitting down by myself at restaurants
That's a thing you do? Yeah, like constant, like more than I probably should have. And it costs me significantly more because it's like I get my alone time. I don't have to deal with anybody else. Don't you always have your alone time? No, because I live with my aunt.
You don't have your own room? My sister, no. I'm sleeping in my nephew's room. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay. Yeah, I would want to get my alone time too. I'd go to a park or something. I don't even know where those are here. A really awesome new invention called Google Maps exists. I know, but some parks are weird. They're really small parks that aren't really parks.
Just so they can say they can have a better park, dude. What the fuck are you talking about? That's such an invalid excuse. Such a stupid, pointless excuse. Yeah. Obviously, again, I don't think that making the budget at this point helps. I'll make you a budget offline once you get a job and you know what your income is going to be. But land the job first. Okay. I can guarantee I'll have a job by the end of the week. All right.
Your video won't be up by then, so Noah, make a reminder to confirm. It'll be in the pinned comment. We'll confirm it in the pinned comment below. Okay. Gives me something to work towards. I said a reminder to follow up a week from now. A week from today, because you said within a week. Hopefully by Wednesday. I said hopefully by Wednesday. Okay, six days. Okay, so yeah, you spent $5,000. You made no money. So again, there's...
It's a joke. Your world view is of a child, to be honest. I don't have much hope. I'm just being candid here. People are going to think it's rude. It probably does come across like that. But I want to be candid. I want to be real. I don't want to baby you. Because I think you've had enough of that. Yeah. Yeah, I'd get the job. I can help you budget. And then we'll start figuring out how to get a one-month emergency fund and paying off your debt. But as of now...
Your worldview is what's holding you back. It's destructive. You refuse to have any responsibilities. You're just putting your wants over your life and you're trying to get rich quick soon. Rich quick as quick as you can instead of actually putting in the work and effort. I hope we can help you
I hope this was a wake-up call because I think that's the only thing that I can help you with today. I'll do the budget for you. But more than anything, I also... This was more of an example episode. I started realizing halfway through. No, I want you to walk away with something positive. I hope it has helped thousands of people out there that are like, I'm going to be a professional day trader. Yeah. I did feel slightly targeted when I got off the call and I saw the day trader email from you guys the day after. I was like, dang. That's fine.
Cause I told, I said I was a day trader on the phone and it's like, yeah, it was coincidence probably, but it's very funny. Hammer financial score, uh, grow the up, make sure to stick around for the post show. We're going to talk about him pants. I think that's my best guess. Um, and then we'll dive into some of the extra drama that we, uh, you know, didn't uncover cause I don't know everything, but my producers do and they'll bring in some extra drama. Uh,
And you can join the post show in the description below. And you also see links to the resources that I use or would use in specific situations, including the best budgeting and investing course, which are bundled at a lower price and also giving you $100 in cash rewards towards your investment accounts. Thanks to Moomoo. Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. I was mean. I don't mean this in a rude way, but.
Isn't that kind of the premise of the show? Like, aren't you usually kind of mean? That's the value. I'm just myself. I call out things and the calling out things can be aggressive. And I also like to make quips and stuff like that. But I feel like that was meaner than normal. But you get one big revenge spray right into my face. Right here. Just do it. Thanks for that actually. Felt nice. To watch the financial audit post show, click the join button below.