cover of episode Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Matthew (with Jeff Cavins) (2024)

Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Matthew (with Jeff Cavins) (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Father Mike Schmitz
A Catholic priest, speaker, author, and podcaster known for his social media presence and impactful ministries in the Diocese of Duluth.
Jeff Cavins
Father Mike Schmitz: 本期节目介绍了《一年读经》播客,并与Jeff Cavins一起探讨了马太福音的独特之处,例如其强调跟随基督的呼召以及将所学与他人分享的重要性。节目中还讨论了旧约与新约之间的联系,以及如何以全新的视角阅读圣经。 Jeff Cavins: 马太福音是写给犹太人的,理解它需要一定的旧约知识。马太福音的家谱具有象征意义,预示着耶稣的到来是旧约预言的应验。耶稣的受洗和在旷野受试探都与旧约故事相呼应,展现了耶稣的顺服和胜利。登山宝训是耶稣教导的精华,强调听道与行道的区别,并提供了对抗罪恶的武器:施舍、禁食和祈祷。马太福音还介绍了教宗职位,以及耶稣对彼得的委任。最后,马太福音的大使命呼召信徒去传教,将福音传遍世界。 Jeff Cavins: 马太福音的独特之处在于它与旧约圣经的密切联系。家谱的结构和其中提到的女性都具有象征意义,预示着耶稣的到来是旧约预言的应验。耶稣的受洗和在旷野受试探都与旧约故事相呼应,展现了耶稣的顺服和胜利。登山宝训是耶稣教导的精华,强调听道与行道的区别,并提供了对抗罪恶的武器:施舍、禁食和祈祷。马太福音还介绍了教宗职位,以及耶稣对彼得的委任。最后,马太福音的大使命呼召信徒去传教,将福音传遍世界。 Father Mike Schmitz: 节目中还讨论了旧约与新约之间的联系,以及如何以全新的视角阅读圣经。跟随基督既是跟随,也是与基督同行。最终目的是为了传教,将福音传遍世界。

Deep Dive

Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to discuss the Gospel of Matthew, highlighting its unique focus on discipleship and the call to share Christ's message. They delve into Matthew's genealogy, emphasizing its significance as a literary tool connecting Jesus to the Old Testament figures and covenants.
  • Matthew's Gospel emphasizes discipleship and sharing Christ's message.
  • The genealogy in Matthew connects Jesus to Old Testament figures and covenants.
  • The genealogy includes four women with unconventional stories, foreshadowing the unique aspects of Jesus's life.
  • The genealogy is structured in sets of 14 generations, highlighting the number 7's significance in Jewish tradition as a symbol of covenant and fulfillment.
  • Jesus's birth marks the beginning of the seventh set of seven generations, signifying the fulfillment of God's promises.

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome to the third Messianic Checkpoint! Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to introduce the Gospel of Matthew and explain what makes this gospel unique, such as its emphasis on joining the call of Christ as his disciple, sharing the things we've learned during this journey with others in our lives.

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Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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