cover of episode Day 342: Generous Hearts (2024)

Day 342: Generous Hearts (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Fr. Mike Schmitz
使徒行传第21章描述了保罗前往耶路撒冷的旅程,以及他在那里面临的来自犹太人的强烈反对。这反映出早期基督教与犹太教之间日益加深的紧张关系,其根源在于基督教接纳外邦人成为信徒,而无需遵守犹太律法。保罗虽然试图通过遵守犹太教的仪式来缓和紧张局势,但他最终还是被犹太人错误地指控,并面临生命危险。 哥林多后书则深入探讨了圣保罗与哥林多教会的关系。保罗在书信中表达了他对哥林多教会的关切,并指出了他们生活中的一些问题。他区分了两种悲伤:属灵的悲伤,它带来悔改并通向救赎;以及世俗的悲伤,它导致死亡。保罗的信使哥林多教会的信徒经历了属灵的悲伤,并因此悔改。此外,保罗还强调了慷慨的重要性,鼓励哥林多教会效法基督的慷慨,并乐意帮助那些有需要的人。他指出,基督虽然富有,却为了人类的缘故而贫穷,以此来富足人类。保罗的教导突显了基督徒生活中的重要原则:悔改、慷慨和效法基督。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Paul face opposition in Jerusalem?

Paul faced opposition in Jerusalem due to the growing divide between Judaism and Christianity, as the church had discerned that Greeks could be full-fledged members of the body of Christ without observing Jewish laws, leading to a false accusation that he brought a Gentile into the temple.

What is the difference between godly grief and worldly grief according to St. Paul?

Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. Godly grief transforms through repentance, while worldly grief leads to destruction.

How does St. Paul encourage the Corinthians to be generous?

St. Paul encourages the Corinthians to be generous by imitating Christ's example, who was rich but became poor for their sake, so that by his poverty, they might become rich. He emphasizes the need to be like Jesus in their actions.

What does St. Paul say about the importance of repentance?

St. Paul highlights that godly grief leading to repentance is crucial for salvation, as it transforms individuals and brings no regret, contrasting with worldly grief that leads to death.

How does St. Paul describe his ministry in 2 Corinthians?

St. Paul describes his ministry as one marked by great endurance, afflictions, hardships, and positive attributes like purity, knowledge, and kindness, aiming to commend himself as a servant of God without fault.

What message does St. Paul convey about the relationship between believers and unbelievers?

St. Paul warns against being mismated with unbelievers, emphasizing that righteousness has no partnership with iniquity, and that believers should be separate from those who do not share their faith.

What does St. Paul advise about the Corinthians' readiness to give?

St. Paul advises that the Corinthians' readiness to give should be matched by their completing it out of what they have, ensuring that their genuine love is proven through their actions.

How does St. Paul view the Corinthians' response to his previous letter?

St. Paul views the Corinthians' response positively, as they were grieved into repenting, which he sees as a godly grief that leads to salvation and brings no regret.

What does St. Paul emphasize about the importance of imitating Christ?

St. Paul emphasizes that the goal of the Christian life is to be like Jesus, urging the Corinthians to be generous as Christ was generous, reflecting the ultimate purpose of spiritual transformation.

How does St. Paul describe the community's impact on his ministry?

St. Paul describes the community's impact as a source of great comfort and joy, noting their prayers and support, which have led to miracles and transformations in people's lives.

This chapter recounts Paul's journey to Jerusalem, highlighting the increasing tension between Judaism and Christianity due to the inclusion of Gentiles in the church. Paul's arrest in the temple underscores this growing divide.
  • Paul's journey to Jerusalem
  • Growing division between Judaism and Christianity
  • Paul's arrest in the temple
  • False accusation of bringing a Gentile into the temple

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike comments on the growing divide between Judaism and Christianity that Paul experiences on mission in Acts 21. In 2 Corinthians, Fr. Mike explains the difference between Godly grief that brings us to repentance, and worldly grief that leads us to destruction. We also learn about the importance of imitating the generosity of Christ. Today's readings are Acts 21, 2 Corinthians 6-8, and Proverbs 29:1-4.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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