cover of episode Day 341: Eternal Weight of Glory (2024)

Day 341: Eternal Weight of Glory (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Fr. Mike Schmitz
施密茨神父在节目中阐述了使徒保罗在使徒行传20章中前往马其顿和希腊的旅程,以及他在特罗亚传道并治愈了昏睡坠楼的厄提丢的故事。他强调了保罗对信徒的爱和关怀,以及保罗在米利都对以弗所教会长老的告诫和劝勉。神父特别提到了保罗预知自己将面临监禁和苦难,但他仍然坚定地前往耶路撒冷,展现了他对福音的忠诚和舍己的精神。 在哥林多后书部分,神父重点讲解了新约与旧约的区别,以及圣灵赋予生命,鼓励信徒以揭开的面容仰望主的荣耀,不断改变,越来越像基督。他强调了信徒尽管身处困境,但仍持有坚定的信心,因为暂时的苦难将换来永恒的荣耀。神父还谈到了信徒的属天居所和对主的渴望,无论是在世还是在天堂,都以取悦主为目标,并最终要站在基督的审判台前。 最后,神父结合箴言28:25-28,强调了信靠神、慷慨施舍和敬畏神的重要性,并呼吁信徒效法基督的爱和舍己精神,在生活中活出基督的样式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Paul prolong his speech until midnight during the gathering in Troas?

Paul prolonged his speech until midnight because he intended to depart the next day and wanted to encourage the believers thoroughly.

How did Paul react when Eutychus fell from the third story during his sermon?

Paul went down, bent over Eutychus, embraced him, and reassured the crowd that his life was in him, demonstrating his compassionate and healing ministry.

What did Paul foresee as he was bound in the Spirit and heading to Jerusalem?

Paul foresaw imprisonment and afflictions awaiting him in Jerusalem, as the Holy Spirit testified to him in every city.

Why did the elders of the church at Ephesus weep when Paul spoke to them?

The elders wept because Paul told them they would never see his face again, indicating his impending departure and potential martyrdom.

What does St. Paul describe as the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant in 2 Corinthians?

St. Paul describes the old covenant as a dispensation of death with Moses' face veiled, while the new covenant is a dispensation of the Spirit, unveiling the glory of the Lord and transforming believers into His likeness.

How does St. Paul view the afflictions and sufferings of the present life?

St. Paul views present afflictions as a slight momentary affliction preparing believers for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the unseen eternal rewards.

What is the significance of St. Paul's statement that we hold treasures in earthen vessels?

St. Paul's statement emphasizes that the treasure of the gospel and eternal life is not dependent on the messenger's greatness but on the message itself, held in ordinary human vessels.

How does St. Paul encourage believers to face the judgment seat of Christ?

St. Paul encourages believers to always aim to please the Lord, whether in the body or away from it, knowing they will be judged according to their actions in the body.

This chapter recounts Paul's travels through Macedonia and Greece, his preaching, and the miraculous healing of Eutychus, a young man who fell asleep during one of Paul's sermons and fell from a window. This event highlights Paul's compassion and ability to heal, mirroring the actions of Jesus.
  • Paul's extensive travels through Macedonia and Greece
  • The miraculous healing of Eutychus
  • The significance of 'breaking bread' as a reference to the Eucharist

Shownotes Transcript

In our reading of Acts 20, Fr. Mike reflects on the healing of Eutychus, Paul's willingness to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, and Paul's tender affection for the people he ministered to. In 2 Corinthians, Fr. Mike also highlights Paul's encouragement to hold onto the hope of beholding the glory of God with unveiled faces and to persevere in our afflictions as they prepare for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. Today's readings are Acts 20, 2 Corinthians 3-5, and Proverbs 28:25-28.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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