cover of episode Day 337: The Importance of Love (2024)

Day 337: The Importance of Love (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Mike Schmitz神父
施洗约翰神父在节目中详细阐述了使徒行传第16章中保罗和西拉在腓立比的经历,以及哥林多前书第13章和第14章关于爱和属灵恩赐的教导。他强调了保罗为福音的传播而牺牲自我,让提摩太行割礼的举动,体现了为他人利益牺牲自我原则。他还讲述了保罗和西拉在腓立比被囚禁,却依然祈祷和赞美上帝,最终使狱卒及其家人皈依的故事,展现了即使面对监禁和苦难,基督徒也能保持信仰,并最终赢得他人皈依的强大力量。此外,施洗约翰神父还深入探讨了哥林多前书第13章关于爱的重要性,强调爱是超越其他属灵恩赐的最高美德,以及第14章关于预言和方言的恩赐,强调这些恩赐应用于教会的建造,并应有秩序地使用,避免混乱。他指出,属灵恩赐并非自动使人成圣,而是为了教会的建造,而爱是所有恩赐中最大的,因为爱永不止息。施洗约翰神父还特别强调了在教会生活中,应优先使用能被理解的预言,并有秩序地运用属灵恩赐,避免混乱,强调爱的重要性,并呼吁听众寻求并运用属灵恩赐,但更重要的是要充满爱,将恩赐用于服侍他人。 施洗约翰神父还分析了保罗和西拉作为罗马公民的身份,最终使他们免受不公正的待遇,也突显了罗马法律的保护作用。他深入探讨了哥林多前书中关于属灵恩赐的教导,指出这些恩赐并非自动使人成圣,而是为了教会的建造,强调爱的重要性。他解释了为什么爱是所有恩赐中最大的,因为它永不止息,并且在教会生活中,应优先使用能被理解的预言,并有秩序地运用属灵恩赐,避免混乱。他呼吁听众寻求并运用属灵恩赐,但更重要的是要充满爱,将恩赐用于服侍他人,并以身作则,在生活中实践爱的原则。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised?

Paul had Timothy circumcised to avoid causing offense to Jewish Christians and potential converts who might not accept Timothy due to his uncircumcised status.

What was the significance of the earthquake in the prison?

The earthquake symbolized God's intervention, freeing Paul and Silas from their chains and providing an opportunity to share the gospel with the jailer and his household.

How did Paul and Silas respond to their imprisonment?

Paul and Silas responded by praying and singing hymns to God, which not only strengthened their faith but also inspired the other prisoners.

What is the main message of 1 Corinthians 13?

1 Corinthians 13 emphasizes that love is the most important virtue, surpassing even spiritual gifts like prophecy, tongues, and knowledge, and that love is essential for the proper use of these gifts.

Why does St. Paul consider love to be the greatest of all virtues?

St. Paul considers love to be the greatest because it is eternal and necessary even in heaven, unlike other gifts that will cease, and because love ensures that spiritual gifts are used for the benefit of others.

How does St. Paul advise the use of spiritual gifts in the church?

St. Paul advises that spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, should be used to build up the church and that speaking in tongues should be limited and interpreted to avoid confusion among believers and outsiders.

What lesson can be learned from the conversion of Lydia and her household?

The conversion of Lydia and her household demonstrates the power of God's word and the importance of hospitality and community in the early Christian faith.

Why did the magistrates fear when they learned Paul and Silas were Roman citizens?

The magistrates feared because Roman citizens had certain rights, including the right to a trial and protection from public beating, which they had violated by beating and imprisoning Paul and Silas without due process.

What does St. Paul mean when he says, 'Earnestly desire the higher gifts'?

St. Paul means that Christians should actively seek and pray for spiritual gifts that will benefit the church, such as prophecy, healing, and tongues, to build up the community and spread the gospel.

How does St. Paul differentiate between spiritual gifts and sanctifying grace?

St. Paul differentiates by noting that spiritual gifts, like healing or prophecy, do not inherently make a person holy, whereas sanctifying grace is the grace that makes a person holy and conforms them to God's will.

This chapter recounts Paul and Silas's missionary journey, their imprisonment in Philippi, and their miraculous release. It highlights their unwavering faith and the conversion of the jailer and his household.
  • Paul and Silas's travels through various cities
  • Timothy joins Paul and Silas
  • Paul's vision in Troas calling them to Macedonia
  • Conversion of Lydia and her household
  • Imprisonment of Paul and Silas
  • Miraculous earthquake and release from prison
  • Conversion of the jailer and his family
  • Paul and Silas's Roman citizenship

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike unpacks the events in Acts 16, describing Paul’s trust in the Lord as God frees him from prison. He connects St. Paul’s conversation about spiritual gifts to the well-known “love” chapter in 1 Corinthians, explaining how love and donation of self gives purpose to the spiritual gifts. Today’s readings are Acts 16, 1 Corinthians 13-14, and Proverbs 28:13-15.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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