cover of episode Day 333: Peter Is Rescued from Prison (2024)

Day 333: Peter Is Rescued from Prison (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

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神父Mike Schmitz
神父Mike Schmitz在节目中讲述了使徒行传12章中彼得被天使从监狱中奇迹般拯救的故事,以及哥林多前书5-6章中哥林多教会存在的严重性道德问题和内部纠纷。他指出,彼得的获救体现了上帝以神秘的方式引导信徒,即使我们不知道道路,也要对上帝的旨意说“是”。而哥林多教会的道德败坏则凸显了教会纪律的重要性,特别是逐出教会(绝罚)的必要性,以维护教会的纯洁和信徒的灵性健康。他强调,信徒应该专注于最终的目的地——与上帝同在,而不是执着于理解道路。同时,他也指出,尽管哥林多信徒曾经犯过许多罪,但他们已经得到了救赎和净化,强调了上帝的爱和救赎的普世性。他还呼吁信徒们要避免与教会内部那些公开犯罪的弟兄姊妹来往,并强调教会成员之间应该互相劝诫和纠正,避免诉讼等行为,并通过祈祷寻求上帝的帮助,避免偏离正道,并坚持对上帝的承诺。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did God miraculously rescue Peter from prison but not James from being beheaded?

The Bible presents a mystery where God's ways are not always clear to us. Both James and Peter trusted in the Lord, but the way to their ultimate destination varied. Sometimes, the way involves immediate suffering or death, while other times it includes miraculous deliverance. We are called to trust in God's plan, even when we don't understand it.

What is the significance of excommunication in the context of St. Paul's teachings to the Corinthians?

Excommunication in St. Paul's teachings is a public declaration that someone has stepped outside the community due to their actions. It is not about putting someone out but recognizing the reality of their separation. The goal is for the individual to realize their position and return to the community through repentance.

How does St. Paul address sexual immorality within the church in his first letter to the Corinthians?

St. Paul is heartbroken and horrified by the public immorality of a believer living with his father's wife. He criticizes the community's arrogance and calls for the removal of the individual to prevent defilement. Paul emphasizes the need for mourning and correction rather than tolerance of such behavior.

What does St. Paul say about lawsuits among believers in his first letter to the Corinthians?

St. Paul views lawsuits among believers as a disgrace, indicating a broken relationship within the community. He questions why believers would turn against each other in court, suggesting that they should handle disputes internally and with wisdom, rather than resorting to external judgments.

What list of sins does St. Paul provide that can separate a person from God's kingdom?

St. Paul lists immoral behavior, idolatry, adultery, homosexual actions, theft, greed, drunkenness, reveling, and robbery as sins that can separate a person from God's kingdom. He emphasizes that despite these past behaviors, believers have been washed, sanctified, and justified through Jesus Christ.

How does St. Paul encourage believers to view their bodies according to his teachings?

St. Paul teaches that believers' bodies are not their own but are purchased at a price, referring to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He calls believers to glorify God with their bodies, recognizing their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit and instruments for God's glory.

Fr. Mike reflects on the miraculous rescue of Peter from prison and the contrasting fate of James, highlighting the mystery of God's ways and our call to trust in Him.
  • Peter's miraculous rescue from prison by an angel.
  • James's execution by Herod.
  • The mystery of why God intervenes in some situations but not others.
  • The importance of trusting in God's plan, even when we don't understand it.

Shownotes Transcript

Today begins with Acts 12 and the miraculous rescue of Peter from prison by an angel. Reflecting on this story, Fr. Mike helps us grapple with the mysterious reality that we are each called to say "Yes" to God’s destination for us, even when we might not know the way. Lastly, Fr. Mike delves into St. Paul's hard teachings to the Corinthians on sexuality morality and excommunication. Today's readings are Acts 12, 1 Corinthians 5-6, and Proverbs 28:1-3.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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