cover of episode Day 331: Peter Preaches to the Gentiles (2024)

Day 331: Peter Preaches to the Gentiles (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Fr. Mike Schmitz
施父麦克详细阐述了使徒行传第十章彼得向外邦人(哥尼流一家)传道的意义。圣灵降临在哥尼流一家身上,说方言并赞美上帝,象征着上帝对所有民族的接纳与爱,也标志着基督教信仰从犹太教走向世界。施父麦克强调,这一事件是旧约律法终结,上帝之爱扩展到所有民族的里程碑。 施父麦克进一步分析了保罗给哥林多教会的第一封信。哥林多教会内部出现派系纷争,信徒们分成不同的派别,分别追随保罗、亚波罗、矶法(彼得)或基督。保罗谴责这种分裂行为,指出这种行为违背了信仰的根本,即耶稣基督的十字架。保罗强调,信徒的信仰应该建立在上帝的力量和圣灵的恩赐上,而不是人的智慧和雄辩。他提醒哥林多教会要回归信仰的本质,避免陷入对个人、教派或方法的迷信,而要专注于耶稣基督的十字架和上帝的恩典。 施父麦克指出,哥林多教会的纷争反映了所有信徒都可能面临的诱惑:忘记耶稣基督的十字架,而迷信于个人的智慧、教派或方法。他提醒听众要时刻谨记耶稣基督的十字架,避免陷入类似的错误。 施父麦克在讲解使徒行传时,特别强调了彼得在哥尼流家所经历的神迹。他指出,圣灵降临在哥尼流一家身上,说方言并赞美上帝,这并非偶然事件,而是上帝主动将他的爱与恩典扩展到外邦人的明确信号。这一事件打破了犹太教的传统观念,预示着基督教信仰将走向世界,传遍万民。 在讲解哥林多前书时,施父麦克指出,哥林多教会的纷争并非偶然,而是源于信徒们对信仰的理解偏差。他们将信仰建立在对个人的崇拜上,而非对耶稣基督的信仰上。保罗在信中严厉谴责了这种行为,并提醒他们要回归信仰的根本,即耶稣基督的十字架。施父麦克认为,哥林多教会的经历对当代教会具有警示意义,提醒信徒们要保持信仰的纯正,避免陷入对个人的迷信,而要专注于对耶稣基督的信仰。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Peter receive a vision instructing him to eat previously forbidden foods?

The vision symbolizes the end of the kosher laws from the Old Testament, marking the expansion of God's embrace to the Gentile peoples and all foods of the earth.

What significant event occurred when Peter preached to Cornelius' household?

The Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word, and they began speaking in tongues and extolling God, leading to their baptism.

Why did Paul decide to preach only about Jesus Christ and him crucified in Corinth?

Paul resolved to focus solely on Jesus Christ and his crucifixion to emphasize the power of God, not human wisdom, in converting people to Christianity.

What issue did Paul address in his letter to the Corinthians?

Paul addressed the dissension in the church, where members were forming factions based on their allegiance to different leaders like Paul, Apollos, and Kepha, rather than unity in Christ.

How did Paul's approach in Corinth differ from his approach in Athens?

In Athens, Paul used human wisdom and logic, but in Corinth, he relied on the power of God working through him, allowing miracles to convince people of the truth of Jesus Christ.

What does Paul warn against in the Corinthian church?

Paul warns against forgetting the cross and Jesus, emphasizing that faith should rest on the power of God, not human wisdom or factions within the church.

What was the significance of the vision given to Cornelius?

The vision directed Cornelius to send for Peter, leading to the first recorded instance of the gospel being preached to the Gentiles and their reception of the Holy Spirit.

How did the Corinthian church's environment affect its members?

The Corinthian church members, living in a morally challenging environment similar to Las Vegas, were prone to sliding back into their old, sinful habits.

Peter is guided by the Holy Spirit to begin ministry to the Gentiles, starting with Cornelius' family. This chapter details Peter's vision and his subsequent visit to Cornelius, leading to the baptism of Cornelius' household.
  • Cornelius, a Roman centurion, is directed by an angel to send for Peter.
  • Peter experiences a vision where he is told to eat previously forbidden animals, symbolizing the inclusion of Gentiles.
  • Peter visits Cornelius and preaches the gospel, resulting in the Holy Spirit descending on Cornelius' household.

Shownotes Transcript

In today’s reading from Acts, the Holy Spirit guides Peter to initiate ministry to the Gentiles, beginning with the family of Cornelius, a Roman centurion. Upon hearing Peter preach, Cornelius’ entire household receive the Holy Spirit and are baptized. Commenting on today's second reading from 1 Corinthians, Fr. Mike reminds us to pursue Christian unity and avoid the dissension and infighting we see in the Church of Corinth. Today's readings are Acts 10, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Proverbs 27:21-22.

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Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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