cover of episode Day 330: Saul's Conversion (2024)

Day 330: Saul's Conversion (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike Schmitz 神父讲述了扫罗神奇的皈依经历,解释了耶稣派遣阿纳尼亚治愈扫罗的重要性,以及这如何表明耶稣通过他的教会行事,如同道成肉身一样大有能力。他还强调,如果我们属于主,我们就必须参与他的苦难。

Deep Dive

Fr. Mike explains the significance of Jesus sending Ananias to heal Saul, highlighting how this reveals that Jesus works through His Church as powerfully as He did through the incarnation.
  • Jesus identifies Himself with the Church, showing that persecuting the Church is persecuting Him.
  • The last age is the age of the Holy Spirit working through the Church.
  • Jesus chose Saul as His instrument and revealed that Saul would suffer for His name.

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike breaks down Saul's miraculous conversion, explaining the significance of Jesus sending Ananias to heal Saul, and how it reveals that Jesus works through his Church just as powerfully as he worked through the incarnation. Fr. Mike also reminds us that if we belong to the Lord, we will have to participate in his suffering. Lastly, as we conclude St. Paul's letter to the Romans, Fr. Mike leaves us with the exhortation that the Gospel advances primarily through family and friendship. Today's readings are Acts 9, Romans 15-16, and Proverbs 27:18-20.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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