cover of episode Day 297: Using Good Things for Evil (2024)

Day 297: Using Good Things for Evil (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

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Father Mike Schmitz
A Catholic priest, speaker, author, and podcaster known for his social media presence and impactful ministries in the Diocese of Duluth.
施洗约翰神父在节目中阐述了《玛加伯上》第16章、《训道篇》第38-39章和《箴言》第23章29-35节的经文。他指出,上帝创造的一切都是好的,但人们可以将这些事物用于邪恶的目的。他以酒为例,说明适度饮酒可以带来快乐,但过度饮酒则会导致痛苦和各种不良后果。他还引用《训道篇》第39章的经文,说明即使是日常生活中最基本的必需品,如水、火、食物等,也可能被滥用,造成不良后果。神父强调,人们需要智慧和谨慎,才能善用上帝创造的一切,避免走向邪恶。他鼓励听众寻求上帝的智慧和恩典,在生活中做出正确的选择,过上智慧的生活。 施洗约翰神父详细解释了《训道篇》中关于医生、工匠和学者智慧的章节。他指出,医生、工匠和学者都依靠自己的技能和努力为社会做出贡献,他们的工作对社会稳定和发展至关重要。同时,他也强调了学习上帝律法的重要性,指出学习上帝律法的人会追求古代先贤的智慧,并深入研究预言和箴言的奥秘,最终获得上帝的智慧和恩典。神父认为,上帝创造的一切都是好的,但人们的行为决定了这些事物是善是恶。他鼓励听众学习上帝的智慧,善用上帝创造的一切,过上敬虔的生活。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did John take over leadership after the murder of Simon and his sons?

John took over leadership after the murder of Simon and his sons to continue the fight for Israel and to ensure the help from heaven was with them.

Why is it important to honor physicians according to Sirach?

It is important to honor physicians because they are created by God for healing, and their skill is admired by great men.

Why does Sirach emphasize the importance of not neglecting the burial of the dead?

Sirach emphasizes the importance of not neglecting the burial of the dead to show respect and to avoid criticism, as well as to comfort oneself from sorrow.

Why does the author of Sirach highlight the role of craftsmen and tradesmen?

The author highlights the role of craftsmen and tradesmen to show their diligence and skill in their work, which is essential for the stability of the world.

Why does the author of Sirach believe that the works of the Lord are all good?

The author believes the works of the Lord are all good because they are created for good purposes and will prove their goodness in their season.

Why does Proverbs warn against excessive drinking of wine?

Proverbs warns against excessive drinking of wine because it leads to woe, sorrow, strife, and ultimately, it can destroy one's life.

Why does Father Mike emphasize the importance of using good things wisely?

Father Mike emphasizes the importance of using good things wisely because they can be used for evil ends if not handled with prudence and temperance.

Fr. Mike discusses how everything God has made is good, but humans can use those things for evil ends, as seen in the readings from 1 Maccabees, Sirach, and Proverbs.
  • God's creation is inherently good.
  • Humans can misuse good things for evil purposes.
  • The story of Simon and his sons in 1 Maccabees exemplifies betrayal and treachery.

Shownotes Transcript

As we read from Proverbs and Sirach, Fr. Mike points out how everything God has made is good, but we can use those things for evil ends. We also reach the conclusion of 1 Maccabees today. The readings are 1 Maccabees 16, Sirach 38-39, and Proverbs 23:29-35.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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