cover of episode Day 285: Story of Hanukkah (2024)

Day 285: Story of Hanukkah (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Father Mike Schmitz
A Catholic priest, speaker, author, and podcaster known for his social media presence and impactful ministries in the Diocese of Duluth.
施父迈克详细讲述了光明节的故事,即犹太人马加比家族领导下的反抗希腊人的战争。他强调犹太人的胜利并非依靠军事实力的优势,而是源于他们对上帝的坚定信仰和信赖。施父迈克引用了《第一册马加比》中的经文,说明犹太人在以马忤斯的胜利是上帝帮助的结果,而非单纯的军事实力。他指出,犹太人的胜利展现了他们对上帝的信赖和顺服,以及他们对上帝的敬畏和顺服。施父迈克还提到,犹太人战胜敌人后,对圣殿进行了清理和重建,并设立了光明节,这进一步体现了他们对上帝的虔诚和信仰。 施父迈克在讲解《训诫篇》时,强调了谦卑的重要性,告诫人们不要骄傲自大,因为世间的荣华富贵终将消逝,唯有敬畏上帝才是真正的荣耀。他引用了《训诫篇》中多处经文,阐述了尘土的卑微和人生的短暂,以及世间的权势和名利最终都会消逝的道理。施父迈克还指出,在上帝眼中,敬畏上帝的人比那些有权势的人更伟大。他劝诫人们要避免轻率地评判他人,要谨慎交友,要专注于上帝所呼召你爱、服侍和生活的那一部分世界。施父迈克还提到,人会经历两次死亡:肉体死亡和人们不再提及你的名字。他鼓励人们要谦卑,要专注于上帝,不要被世间的名利所迷惑。

Deep Dive

Judas Maccabeus and his men, despite being outnumbered and outmatched in terms of resources, achieved a remarkable victory against Gorgias and the Greeks at Emmaus. Their success was attributed to God's intervention and their unwavering faith. After the victory, they returned to plunder the camp and sang hymns of praise to heaven.
  • Judas Maccabeus and his men defeated Gorgias and the Greeks at Emmaus.
  • Their victory was attributed to divine intervention and their strong faith.
  • They cleansed and rededicated the temple after their victory.

Shownotes Transcript

In today's reading from 1 Maccabees, we hear about the victory of Judas Maccabeus, which is also the story of Hanukkah. In Sirach, Fr. Mike points out that chasing fame and glory in this world are not worth our time, because they will all fade away after we are gone. The readings are 1 Maccabees 4, Sirach 10-12, and Proverbs 22:9-12.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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