cover of episode Day 264: Preaching Without Practice (2024)

Day 264: Preaching Without Practice (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Father Mike Schmitz
A Catholic priest, speaker, author, and podcaster known for his social media presence and impactful ministries in the Diocese of Duluth.
施洗约翰和耶稣的教导,以及法利赛人和文士对他们的拒绝,象征着许多人被呼召,但只有少数人被拣选进入天国。天国的比喻强调了悔改和拥有正确心态的重要性,即使身处教会,也需要具备进入天国的必要条件。 基督巧妙地回答了关于向凯撒纳税的问题,体现了对世俗权威和神权的区分,这需要在信仰和社会责任之间取得平衡。 基督驳斥了撒都该派关于复活的疑问,并用圣经经文证明上帝是活人的上帝,而非死人的上帝,强调了信仰的真实性和永恒性。 基督阐述了律法中最伟大的诫命:爱主你的上帝和爱你的邻舍如同自己,这体现了基督教信仰的核心价值观。 基督用大卫的诗篇反驳了法利赛人关于基督是戴维之子这一说法,揭示了基督的神性,以及他超越世俗权力的地位。 基督谴责了文士和法利赛人的伪善,指出他们言行不一,外表虔诚内心却充满罪恶,这警示人们要注重内在的道德修养,而非表面的虚伪。 基督对耶路撒冷的哀叹,表达了对这座城市拒绝接受他的悲痛,以及对那些拒绝悔改的人的惋惜。 基督预言了圣殿的毁灭以及他再来之前的征兆,强调了警醒和准备的重要性,以及对末日审判的期待。 基督用忠仆和恶仆的比喻说明了准备迎接他再来的重要性,以及对那些不忠诚和怠惰的人的警告。 基督教导我们应该听从教会权威的教导,但不必效仿他们的不良行为,这需要在尊重权威和保持个人信仰的独立性之间取得平衡。 基督既是和平的君王,也是公义的审判者,他的教导既包含慈悲,也包含对罪恶的谴责,这体现了基督教信仰的复杂性和多面性。 基督的温柔并不代表软弱,他既有慈悲,也有公义的审判,天堂和地狱都是真实的,这需要人们对信仰有深刻的理解和敬畏。

Deep Dive

Jesus tells the parable of the marriage feast, where invited guests refuse to come, leading the king to invite everyone. The parable highlights the importance of having the right dispositions for the kingdom, symbolized by the wedding garment. Just being present isn't enough; true acceptance requires the necessary spiritual preparation.
  • The wedding garment symbolizes the dispositions needed for entering the kingdom of heaven.
  • Being physically present in the church doesn't automatically make one a Christian.
  • The parable emphasizes the importance of spiritual preparedness and acceptance of God's invitation.

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike continues to explain the parables Christ recites in Jerusalem, specifically focusing on the dangers of preaching God's Word without practicing it in our lives. Jesus goes on to speak against the Scribes and Pharisees, reminding us that he's not only the Prince of Peace, but the Way and the Truth. Today's readings are Matthew 22-24 and Proverbs 19:17-20.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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