cover of episode BONUS: If You Feel Like Giving Up (with Jeff Cavins) (2024)

BONUS: If You Feel Like Giving Up (with Jeff Cavins) (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jeff Cavins
神父Mike Schmitz
神父Mike Schmitz: 即使进度落后,也不要气馁。坚持阅读圣经计划,上帝会在你阅读圣经的当下与你相遇。先知书的阅读虽然充满挑战,但其中既有谴责也有安慰,即使是谴责也是为了拯救。撒旦也能曲解经文,所以要谨慎。要学习从先知书中获得安慰和鼓励,并从中汲取力量。 Jeff Cavins: 阅读先知书时,应关注先知发言的时机和对象,而非仅仅顺序阅读。已经坚持到现在的读者已经取得了很大的成就,值得庆祝。阅读先知书时感到困惑很正常,可以先专注于整体叙事,日后深入研究。即使进度落后,也不要气馁,可以回顾之前的章节,并用感恩的心重温,坚持下去。聆听上帝的话语依然重要,即使不完全理解,因为上帝的话语有力量,能够改变人心。阅读圣经是为了了解上帝的计划和旨意,建立坚实的信仰基础。 Jeff Cavins: 先知书如同父亲的教诲,虽然有时令人不快,但却是出于爱,如同成长过程中必要的引导。通过连续阅读先知书,可以更清晰地理解不同先知的风格和信息,并从中获得安慰。先知书中的谴责并非定罪,而是提醒和警示,牧者也应以此为鉴,关怀信众。

Deep Dive

Fr. Mike and Jeff Cavins discuss the challenges and rewards of reading through the Bible in a year. They acknowledge that the prophets can be a difficult section, but encourage listeners to persevere, emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical context and the unique voices of the prophets.
  • Reading the Bible chronologically offers a unique understanding of salvation history.
  • The prophets section can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  • Understanding the context and individual voices of the prophets is crucial.

Shownotes Transcript

As we continue through this year-long journey Fr. Mike and Jeff Cavins offer some words of encouragement for those who might be struggling. No matter if you're listening consistently or if you're "behind", the Lord will meet you where you're at in scripture.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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