cover of episode My Husband Refuses to Grow Up and Take Responsibility

My Husband Refuses to Grow Up and Take Responsibility

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The Dr. John Delony Show

John Delony
Carrie: 我需要诚实地告诉我的丈夫关于我隐瞒的一些信用卡和银行账户余额。我一直在独自承担家庭财务的压力,我感到焦虑和内疚,想要寻求帮助,并与丈夫建立更开放和诚实的沟通。我试图独自承担所有家务和财务责任,试图证明自己的价值,但实际上我感到精疲力尽,并希望丈夫能够分担责任。 我担心丈夫会因为我没有诚实而生气或失望,但我更希望他能理解我的困境,并愿意和我一起解决问题。我爱我的丈夫,我希望我们能够一起克服这个难关,建立一个更加和谐的家庭。 John Delony: 隐瞒财务状况是一种财务不忠,会造成很多戏剧性冲突,但很多人都有类似经历。丈夫应该参与家庭财务管理,不应该让妻子独自承担所有经济压力。妻子独自承担家庭财务可能源于丈夫的参与不足和妻子试图证明自身价值的焦虑。全职妈妈可能会因为没有经济收入而感到愧疚,并试图通过承担所有家务来证明自己的价值。许多人将事业和财务放在首位,忽视了家庭和情感连接的重要性。女性试图独自承担所有家务和财务责任,试图证明自己的价值。不需要将家庭财务管理视为“CEO”角色,夫妻双方应该共同承担责任。财务管理是夫妻关系中非常私密且重要的方面,应该共同参与。丈夫对妻子隐瞒财务状况的反应可能是愤怒和被背叛的混合。在与丈夫沟通财务问题时,应该直接坦诚地面对问题,并表达自己的恐惧和需要帮助。在与丈夫沟通财务问题时,应该准备好具体的财务数据,避免模糊不清。丈夫可能已经察觉到家庭的紧张气氛,妻子应该向丈夫道歉并寻求帮助。坦诚沟通能够带来家庭的平静,避免隐瞒带来的紧张感。

Deep Dive

A woman is struggling with the guilt of hiding credit card debt and the true state of their finances from her husband. She seeks advice on how to confess and work towards a solution, while also grappling with her role as a stay-at-home mom and feelings of inadequacy. The host emphasizes the importance of honesty and teamwork in finances, offering practical advice for the confession and tools for better financial management.
  • Financial infidelity is a form of cheating and causes significant relationship problems.
  • Honesty is essential for resolving financial issues in a marriage.
  • The woman's feelings of inadequacy contribute to her hiding the debt.
  • Open communication and shared financial responsibility are crucial for a healthy marriage.

Shownotes Transcript

On today’s episode, we hear about:

·      A woman trying to convince her husband to get on board with a financial plan

·      A couple seeking advice on how to balance family planning and a medical career

·      A woman struggling to tell her husband the truth about their money

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