The Dr. John Delony Show is a caller-driven show that offers real people a chance to be heard as they struggle with relationship issues and mental health challenges. John will give you practical advice on how to connect with people, how to take the next right step when you feel frozen, and how to cut through the depression and anxiety that can feel so overwhelming. You are not alone in this battle. You are worth being well—and it starts by focusing on what you can control. Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting We want to talk to YOU!
Show Notes for this Episode
2:54: Morning Routine (45m-1.5h)
Tools of Titans) - Tim Ferris
7-8h sleep
gratitude journal, Bible, notecard
meditation (Insight Timer) app)
coffee, green tea)
feet on bare ground
workout (30-60m), go for a walk/ruck
Jocko: Push, Pull, Squat & Lift Protocol
hang upside down on Teeter) inversion table
cold immersion/exposure
physical touch with wife & kids
breakfast with kids
12:36: Diet
16:08: Books
The Wilder Good series - S. J. Dahlstrom
20:54: Comedians: Cosby, Pryor, Chapelle, Lewis Black, Steve Martin, Seinfeld, Nate Bargatze, Robin Williams
22:13: Music
27:01: Movies:
28:58: Living in the woods vs. the city
- Mandelbrot), fractals
30:29: Why do you block out your kids pictures on social media?
32:07: How long have you been married?
32:23: Favorite food
32:34: Enneagram/Myers Brigg
34:46: Favorite places to travel
35:13: Who in history would you want to hang out with?
36:10: How did you and your wife meet?
37:46: Things that get you the most anxious?
40:36: How much money is in your swear jar right now?
40:50: Biggest change coming from TX to TN
42:20: What's your beef with Crossfit?
43:03: Do you find yourself being Dr. John when your wife just needs her husband?
43:56: What are some of your biggest influences on the advice you give?
45:27: Have you hd your own mental health challenges?
45:48: With your experience, what has stopped you in your tracks?
47:29: What car do you drive?
47:38: How do you deal with having different opinions than Dave?
47:51: Ultimate comfort food
48:06: Who are your mentors?
48:25: How you manage staying humble and be successful?
50:55: Guitar of choice?
51:52: Opinion on using weeds and drugs recreationally
52:37: How do you keep balanced if a question goes against your beliefs or morals?
54:51: Lyrics of the Day: "Thunder Road" - Bruce Springsteen
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