cover of episode 37: The Government Poisoning Alcohol?!: Prohibition

37: The Government Poisoning Alcohol?!: Prohibition

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Dark History

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#history#politics and government#political and social commentary#political influence#law enforcement and public safety#political scandals#political campaign dynamics People
Bailey Sarian
@Bailey Sarian 在节目中深入探讨了美国禁酒令的历史,从禁酒运动的兴起,到禁酒令的实施,以及由此引发的各种社会问题,包括政府在酒精中添加毒物导致大量人员死亡,黑社会势力的崛起和暴力犯罪的增加,以及对经济和社会的影响。她还分析了禁酒令对女性的影响,例如女性进入酒吧的权利增加,以及家庭暴力可能下降等。同时,她也提出了禁酒令是否是一场浪费时间的疑问,并探讨了禁酒令的正面和负面影响。@Joan 在节目中没有发表明确的观点,但她的存在为 Bailey Sarian 提供了互动和补充。 本期节目主要由 Bailey Sarian 主持,她以轻松幽默的风格讲述了美国禁酒令的历史,并穿插了大量历史细节和人物故事,使听众能够更直观地了解这段历史。她对禁酒令的评价较为客观,既肯定了禁酒令在一定程度上减少了家庭暴力和肝脏疾病死亡率的可能性,也批判了政府在禁酒令期间的诸多失误和不作为,例如在酒精中添加毒物,以及对黑社会势力的纵容。她还强调了禁酒令对美国社会和经济的深远影响,以及对女性地位的改变。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces the topic of Prohibition, questioning why the government would repeal a constitutional amendment and whether Prohibition was a complete waste of time.

Shownotes Transcript

Most people have heard of Prohibition, the time when America decided drinking was bad. But how much do we really know? Because it wasn’t just the speakeasies that were hidden. We’re talking about Mafia turf wars and government poisoning alcohol for years. And that’s just the start. Because today we are getting into the deep, dark, and a little drunk, history of Prohibition. 

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