My name's Jake, big fan. Hey Jake. Here's the predicament I'm in. I was married in September to my wife while we're still married. She's in medical sales. She started out last year. Doing very, very well. We recently relocated from southern Pennsylvania to northern Pennsylvania for her job. She makes good money and I am not motivated to find work up here because it sucks.
and the salaries are shit. Just looking for some advice on
Okay, wow. You need me to fucking tell you to get a job. You got a fucking family. Yeah. Buddy, I got fucking used for you. You got to make some fucking scratch. You can't be using the fucking move as an excuse. You move there because of your wife. Don't move there because of your wife.
to be complaining about the move and the salaries. I didn't realize there was such salary. I know. Disparagy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Disparities. That is so funny. He's treating going from southern Pennsylvania to northern Pennsylvania like he fucking crossed the... He's living in Australia now. Do they even use the dollar up here? Yeah.
I don't know what to do. I'm 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia to the north instead of 40 minutes to the south. Good thing my wife makes all the northern Pennsylvania money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what to do.
So look, bud, you can't be mad at where you are because being mad at where you are is hating on your wife. Okay? You got yourself a boss bitch, it sounds like. She's making the fucking money. Is your ego bruised as a man because your wife is your daddy? No.
Maybe, maybe that's what it is. But you got to let that go if that's even a small part of what you believe. And look, I think it's great. I would love to be a stay-at-home dad. I would love if my wife was more successful than me. I would have no issue with that. But unless you guys have kids and you can offer something to the partnership that way,
Just look at it as wanting to do your part. You know, she's fucking crushing it. You don't want to fucking succeed a little bit, feel a little more useful, add a little, you know, make a couple of, maybe you guys can save more or buy a, you know, buy a house or something if you also have a job.
And honestly, if we're just going to keep it, you know, from a very biological perspective here, it's like your wife keeps crushing it and you keep moping around. You know what I'm saying? Those pantsuits might be getting pulled up by somebody else around the office. That's all I'm saying. She might have a little office romance. Watch out for her office husband. And I remember when my parents, they met when they were very young and they had to relocate from western Louisiana to southeastern Louisiana.
The culture shock. Just the culture. They had a different area code all of a sudden. Yeah, yeah. Right? They had different. They tested them. It was crazy. Kind of like how your great-great-grands came to Ellis Island. It was kind of a similar thing. Similar thing, right? From one part of Louisiana to the other. But you know what they did? They pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, even though they were in a completely different climate.
And suddenly it went from hot and swampy to swampy and hot all of the time. They figured the shit out, man. They figured it out. That was a different generation. I say take some inspiration from that. Just figure it out, man. Try and overcome your severe culture shock and get a fucking job, you fucking lazy piece of shit.