cover of episode Bonus #64 - Nore Davis [PATREON PREVIEW]

Bonus #64 - Nore Davis [PATREON PREVIEW]

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听众讲述了他和女朋友八年恋情中遇到的问题:他喜欢舔女朋友的腋下,但女朋友对此感到反感,甚至作呕。他不知道该怎么办,是尝试让女朋友接受他的癖好,还是放弃。 Stavvy和Nore Davis分析了这个问题。他们认为,八年来没有向女朋友提及这个癖好是一个错误,直接舔腋下方式过于唐突。他们建议听众应该循序渐进地尝试,例如先从亲吻手臂开始,逐渐靠近腋下,而不是直接舔。他们也建议听众要诚实地与女朋友沟通,解释自己的感受,并强调他对女朋友的感情,而不是所有人的腋下。 他们认为,舔腋下并不是一个极端的性癖好,听众应该勇敢地表达自己的需求,并尝试与女朋友找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案。他们鼓励听众不要放弃,并尝试与女朋友进行坦诚的沟通。 Stavvy和Nore Davis建议听众应该坦诚地和女朋友沟通他的癖好,并尝试循序渐进地让女朋友接受。他们认为,直接舔腋下方式过于唐突,应该先从亲吻手臂开始,逐渐靠近腋下。同时,他们也强调了沟通的重要性,建议听众向女朋友解释自己的感受,并强调他对女朋友的感情。他们认为,这个癖好并不极端,听众应该勇敢地表达自己的需求,并尝试与女朋友找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案。 Nore Davis也参与了讨论,并表达了对听众的理解和支持。他认为,听众应该坦诚地和女朋友沟通,并尝试让女朋友理解他的感受。他认为,沟通是解决这个问题的关键,听众应该勇敢地表达自己的需求,并尝试与女朋友找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


How's it going guys? I'm calling because I'm having a bit of a problem. You know, me and my girl, we've been together for like eight years now and everything's great. But, you know, we were getting, let's say, intimate a couple weeks ago. And I

I have a little bit of a fetish for armpits. I just like the look and the smell of them. I don't really know how to describe it. You must bust out. She put her arms above her head while we were making out and I went to the titties and I saw the armpits up and I was like, fuck. Those are some nice ass armpits. So I went in for a lick. Get a feel of that stubble on my tongue. You know what I mean?

And she like pushed me off and she like gagged. She got pretty pissed off. She was like, why would you do that? You've been with her eight years? Yeah. And it's like, that shit gets me rock hard. You know what I mean? And it's like, I don't know what to do. Do I try to like figure out a way to get her into the armpit stuff? Or do I just like say fuck it and just give up on it? Take the L and just like.

put that in the filing cabinet you know what I mean but yeah that's pretty much it this is crazy yo you got the best heartfelt men yo like real talk man my heart I'm such an empath I'm like nah man I feel him like can I bring her into my crazy world yeah

I know you're gonna bust it down. Like, after eight years? That's wild. That's crazy. That's wild. I mean, I get it. I guess the shame of it, I'm just admitting. I mean, here's... Yeah, I mean, this is a crazy question to me. This is one of the easiest questions of all time. Wow. Eight years is insane, number one. You're absolutely right. It's like, you haven't brought this up in eight years. And here's the other thing.

In the grand scheme of things, armpits is nothing. Yeah. Armpits is nothing. It's like even backseat to feet. It's nothing. Yeah, exactly. Like, what are we talking about? And what you fucked, here's where you fucked up. Yeah. I'll tell you. You have an easy way to ease your way into armpits. You just kind of have to kiss everywhere. Yes. You fucked up from going from titty to just being like, licking her fucking armpit like you're Daffy Duck.

Your Daffy Duck having an ice cream cone. You know what I mean? That was where you fucked up. Just say Looney Tunes. Yeah, like a big Looney Tunes lick. Like, you should have just kissed titties, gone up, like arm kissing. Elbows. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, do that romantic shit from the wrist all the way here. And so... By the third time, though. Eight years is crazy. I don't mean to shame him. I don't want to shame him. At least the fourth time you fucked.

that's when you like kiss everywhere and get your armpit slightly and slide it in but you tip your toes it's crazy because you were so timid about this yeah for eight years then you just didn't work your way up to it at all i guess the the you know and then it called them off guard yeah and then she gagged that's a weird sign that's also like she seems like a bit of a prude to be honest yeah no she's disgusted like she you like your armpits and she gagged yeah it's one thing to be like hey that was weird can we keep talking but she's like

Because you licked her armpits. I think, look, here's what I think you need to do. You went for it, right? Yeah. You gotta just admit this to her. You love her. You've been together eight fucking years. And you're not even asking her to do anything that weird, bro. That's it. You're asking for a little lick and sniff of an armpit every once in a while. It's not even peeing or none of that. No peeing. It's just armpit. You're not asking to put anything in your or her ass. That's not even.

You know what I mean? Like, this is class. This is so barely anything in terms of fetish. And it makes you, in your own words, rock hard. This is clearly what you want. You have to communicate this with her. And you have to, like, talk to her about it and be like, look, maybe I can't. Sorry if I caught you off guard, but I got to be honest. I have this thing. And I love specifically you.

Your armpits, not all of them. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Make it about her. Just her armpits. Sure, that's smart. Not other armpits. Like, if you see other women's armpits, ugh, ugh, you gag too. But hers, something about hers just got like a little bit of blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah. You insert the word there. Do something. Whatever you want. Once you make it about her, man, yeah, man, you should be all right.

Hopefully. But you got to fucking stand up for yourself here. Yeah. Because this is not that fucking crazy. And you rock hard dick. And yeah, exactly. Because you heard him say, he's like, I can fuck it all. Oh, man. He's been holding that in. The way he said fuck it made me like...

Like, he was sexually excited remembering it during a voicemail to a podcast. You really want to fuck armpits. Exactly. Or lick them. You got to talk about this. You got to admit this to her. And you can't live with this, you know, unfulfilled your whole life. Yeah, man. Hashtag pro armpit, brother. Pro armpit. That's not that crazy. Lick it, man. It's all good.