Hello Fielding, what's troubling you our friend? I'll tell you what man, I just got out of a six year relationship and I met someone pretty quickly who's kind of complicating a few facets of my life. Okay. So the girl I was dating for a while
We separated officially on the first of this year. Okay, damn. We had spent some time. Officially with the fucking paperwork got stamped on the first. All right. New year, new year, new bitch. I got you. That's right. But we shared a pretty, and we still share quite a bit of life together. We have a dog together. We have finances, car loans, all that kind of stuff. So we're pretty close.
About three years ago, we took about a seven-month break where I didn't really do much but pine over the fact that we weren't together. I didn't really spend a lot of time with me. I kind of waited around and let her control how that went. Brutal. And...
Yeah, man. And we're in a similar situation now. She kind of made the call and needs to do some reflective self-work, which I'm totally for. Hold on a second, dude. I'm sorry. You let this bitch every three years go on a little dick rump springer? Dude, that's crazy. I absolutely did.
I didn't do I didn't I didn't go anywhere and I'm a guy that's in in previous relationships I hate to say this but I've always been a cheater - This is a getting back to you right so that was but at this point that was about three years ago Okay, so now we split now she goes through something similar and this time after doing a lot of work on myself I say I totally respect your decision. I'm not gonna wait around this time. Yeah, of course. I
By doing a lot of work on yourself, do you mean having basic self-respect? Yes. Is that what you consider that? Exactly that, actually. And that's a struggle. And that's been a struggle. But I work in management in a hospitality setting. And I have...
Someone that I met through work. Time out, time out. This is fucking... Sorry to interrupt you, bro. You're a man... Oh, please. You're a fucking manager at a fucking TGI Friday's Fuck the Hostess, and he's couching it in fucking therapy language. Essentially, yeah. I mean, what am I going to do? I'm trying to, you know, hold an image a little bit, but... She gave me a lot of... This is your big self fucking...
You're finding yourself as you're an old guy, older man who fucked the waitress. You're a boss who fucked an employee and you're like, I did some soul searching.
Here's the best part is that she's older than me. Oh, there we go. Okay. Respect. It wasn't even like the hosted situation. She's a lifer. There we go. That's fucking awesome. All right. I'm back in. I'm back in. I respect you again. Go ahead. So listen, she's bad, man. She's bad. She's recently divorced. She separated from a husband that she married for papers. Nice. She moved...
across the country to kind of get away from him to start over. She landed in the city that I'm in. Hell yeah. He followed her about four months ago without telling her. He moved to the city to try to find her like an detective. It's pretty wild on her side. So she's got her own shit. Holy shit.
Yeah, man, it's messy. So she gave me an ear. And on New Year's, we were New Year's Eve together. And she was like, yo, you know, you're going to make, you're going to rip the bandaid off, basically. She was like, this is what I did. I moved across the country. I was like, yeah, you know what? I'm going to make a decision tomorrow. Oh, I see. And then the next day we were, we started hooking up immediately. So she was trying to pull me in that direction to begin with. Dude, I'm sorry. So you...
You... So when you go on these breaks, you didn't even fuck a girl who, like, fell in your lap until you officially, like, broke up with your ex. That's crazy. Yeah. We have a...
Brother, we have a dog together, and I don't know really if you know what that means, but it's an unbreakable bond. You're talking to a first-generation immigrant who never grew up with a pet in his home? You might as well say we have a fucking fish tank that we share. You might as well be like, yeah, we got a mini fridge that we fucking both put drinks in.
That's crazy. The idea that I let a woman ruin my life because of a fucking Cocker spaniel is insane. But I get it though. People love their dogs. I have people very close to me that love their pets. I understand it's serious, but you know, whatever.
Yeah, it's insane. It's relevant to any part of you guys here because she's also a first generation. I guess she's actually, she's, I don't know, what's the step removed from first generation? She's an immigrant. Oh, she came from the country? What's that? She was born in a different country.
Yeah, yeah. So she was born in Albania. Wow. Okay, it's making sense. Wow, you're letting a fucking Albanian bitch control your life, dude? Pussy too good. She thought of pussy too good. I woke up with her this morning, and on my drive to work, I had to listen to Eyes of the Panther by Steel Panther. If you've ever heard that song, dude, she's mental. It's the best. It's the fucking best I've ever heard. And now, listen, I was in like a
I wasn't getting anything for the six years where I was. So like maybe this is just average and I'm settling for an Albanian. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She lived in Greece from six years on and then moved here with her family. She escaped like sex trafficking and it was wild. Wow. So anyway...
None of this is really a question except for the point here is you already hit it man. It's like basic self-respect is I don't know if I'm just so willing to jump into something how to differentiate something like that or be like, hey, you know, I'm just I am enjoying something that is good for me right now. That could be complicated. Yeah, here's the thing. How do I rationalize? You are rationalizing. Listen,
We can tell. I can tell you're fucking, you overthink literally everything. I mean, the idea that you came up with some kind of mental gymnastics to allow this woman two separate six-month-long breaks to cheat on you while you paid half her bills and fucking took her dog to the vet. The fact that you come up with some kind of philosophical reason that's okay is crazy. It's very simple, dude.
What's that? Paid rent, exactly. I was paid rent sleeping on my mom's bed in my couch. I hate this. I actually have to tip my cap to you. I've never met somebody who's fucked a woman and got friend zoned by her afterwards. That's really impressive.
That's really impressive to somehow you got caught you got you got friendzoned so hard You got friendzoned so hard that getting pussy doesn't erase getting friendzoned somehow Yeah, dude, you're you need to look you're already overthinking this next thing. I got I got news for you, buddy You're not marrying this fucking 42 year old lifelong waitress Okay
Get head for a couple months and then move on you need to work on breaking up with shit and also don't cheat it seems like From not knowing you at all, but knowing that in the past you were a cheater and you found yourself in this kind of predicament you either take a very nice woman for granted or you allow an evil woman to ruin your life and you need to work on the nice balance dude, and you need to work on getting out of situations I mean
six seven months where she fucked other people and you paid her rent I mean there's no we're not there's not a question there that's you're a fucking you're a moron you're a loser who got got by some bitch and you can't let that happen again dude like that's like there's no there's no analysis to happen here it's like hey Stav um there somebody's got a knife and they're telling me they're asking to chop my dick off should I let them do it
No, is the answer to that. Like, that's what we're talking about here. So look, buddy, you're free. It took, you know, it took too long, but never get yourself in that situation again.
Get out look have a little fling have a little fucking whatever with this waitress But yeah, maybe you might need to start over and look the dog might be cute You might fucking you might lose five grand your five grand half of a Honda fit whatever the fuck it is It doesn't matter you got to move on bro You got to completely move on move forward and just start dating until you find something in the middle of what your life has been So far that sounds fair. Amen
It does. I'll tell you this. We laid together. We were talking about taking dick pills. We made a joke about dick pills earlier. And I couldn't help but pull up the little short you did of cutting your cock off. She was rolling on the floor immediately, man. She's got a good sense of humor. But again, she could complicate my shit, man. She could cost me my job if she decided to go nuts. Listen, how about this?
It's dicey, dude. Yeah, it is. I appreciate it, boys. Oh, go ahead. It is, but just take, look, don't do this too long. Get out of this situation in a nice amicable way and then start your life over. That never goes that way at all. All right? Good luck, dude. We're rooting for you.