cover of episode Bonus #33 - Ben O'Brien and Luke Taylor [PATREON PREVIEW]

Bonus #33 - Ben O'Brien and Luke Taylor [PATREON PREVIEW]

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Stavvy's World

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来电者讲述了其新女友与朋友相处的不和谐,朋友们对新女友存在偏见。 来电者的新女友被描述为非常好的人,但其朋友们对她的接受度不高,这引发了来电者的困扰。朋友们对新女友的抵触情绪,可能是因为新女友的出现打破了他们原有的社交圈和习惯,也可能是因为朋友们对新女友存在误解或偏见。 来电者希望得到建议,如何处理朋友们与新女友之间的矛盾,以及如何帮助朋友们更好地接纳新女友。 节目主持人和嘉宾们就种族主义玩笑的界限展开了讨论。他们认为,即使是看似无恶意的玩笑,如果带有种族主义色彩,也可能造成伤害。 他们还讨论了如何区分善意玩笑和恶意玩笑,以及如何在日常生活中避免说出带有种族歧视色彩的话语。 节目中还提到,一些看似反纳粹的二战时期动画作品,也可能存在反犹太的元素,这提醒人们在看待历史和文化作品时,需要保持批判性思维,避免盲目接受。 总而言之,本话题围绕着人际关系中的矛盾、种族主义玩笑的界限以及文化差异等问题展开讨论,并试图寻找解决这些问题的办法。 Stavvy和他的朋友们讨论了来电者朋友们做出的带有种族主义色彩的玩笑。他们认为,即使是带有种族主义色彩的笑话,如果带有恶意,就是种族主义。他们还讨论了如何区分善意玩笑和恶意玩笑,以及如何在日常生活中避免说出带有种族歧视色彩的话语。 他们还讨论了如何尊重不同的文化和观点,以及如何避免因为文化差异而产生误解和冲突。 节目中还提到,一些看似反纳粹的二战时期动画作品,也可能存在反犹太的元素,这提醒人们在看待历史和文化作品时,需要保持批判性思维,避免盲目接受。 总而言之,本话题围绕着人际关系中的矛盾、种族主义玩笑的界限以及文化差异等问题展开讨论,并试图寻找解决这些问题的办法。 Ben O'Brien和Luke Taylor作为嘉宾,参与了对来电者问题的讨论,并提供了他们的见解和建议。他们可能就如何处理朋友们与新女友之间的矛盾,以及如何帮助朋友们更好地接纳新女友提出了建议。 他们也可能就种族主义玩笑的界限,以及如何在日常生活中避免说出带有种族歧视色彩的话语发表了看法。 总而言之,Ben O'Brien和Luke Taylor作为嘉宾,为节目增添了不同的视角和观点,丰富了节目的内容。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


I have a new girlfriend and she is D1. She's the best person I've ever met. She's a real sweetie pie. And my friends, a couple of them are a little resistant to change, a little resistant to this new girlfriend.

Are they? Are they?

Uh-oh. What if...

Please help me out. God bless you. God bless Elvis. God bless Albania. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cut it. Cut it. Delete that. This guy kind of sounds like evil Joe Pero. Um...

You know his friend said the craziest fucking shit to that girl. It wasn't that racist. So nuts. I mean, if we start... If you're talking about degrees of racism in a joke, it's a racist joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, if you're a nice, sweet girlfriend who is the best person you've ever met...

It's like I don't know about that, but your dirtbag friends that you've had since you were a kid were like oh come on She's being a fucking bitch. Oh, you're telling me I learned how to tap dance and paint my face this way and now I can't do it I took all those tap dancing lessons for nothing. I spent $10,000 on glasses to get the fucking accent exactly right And you're telling me I can't use it? I got a voice coach

I do it. Yeah, it's racist. I do it respectfully, though. I'm going to really respect the crowd. I perfect a Whoopi Goldberg impression over years.

I met her. I met her and I watched her. That's the problem is she just doesn't appreciate art. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, your new girlfriend is completely uncultured. I think take her to a museum. Take her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Teach that. Show her some old Looney Tunes cartoons. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The ones during World War II where you're like, it's anti-Hitler, but I think it also is anti-Jew, but I'm not sure. It's...

They're supposed to be the ones we're saving but why are they drawn like how the Nazis draw? So I think it's good, but yeah.