cover of episode Bonus #29 - Caitlin Peluffo [PATREON PREVIEW]

Bonus #29 - Caitlin Peluffo [PATREON PREVIEW]

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Caitlin Peluffo
Caitlin Peluffo讲述了她大学期间在墨西哥蒂华纳的经历,包括经常跨境去派对,以及一次因醉酒被捕的事件。她详细描述了在名为Club Safari的场所饮酒过度,以及随后在试图返回美国时与边境官员的冲突,最终导致她被捕并被关进醉酒者拘留所过夜。在拘留所里,她与其他被捕的女性待在一起,其中一人甚至携带了武器。她还谈到了事后在大学咖啡馆与同行的女孩再次相遇的尴尬经历,以及她长期酗酒直到六个月前才戒酒的状况。整个叙述充满了幽默和自嘲的语气,展现了她对这段经历的反思。

Deep Dive

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Well, so then you just go into the drinking version of it? You stay at UC San Diego? Yeah, and then I went into art. Which is a party school, right? Yeah, it's like a nerdy party school. Is that the Aztecs? No, Tritons. Tritons. This is our... The shocker. The shocker. I remember orientation. A girl had to come down and be like, okay, so this is...

This is what it is. When we cheer for the Tritons. Do you spread them? You're supposed to spread them, but everyone was like... That's hilarious that they would do this. Yeah.

It's just crazy. Come on, man. Yeah, and she was so embarrassed. She should be. She was like, this is, oh, God. Who am I thinking of? Who's the fucking Aztecs? That's a different, San Diego State? That's San Diego State. Yeah. Okay. They were the party party school. That's who I was thinking of. Yeah. But there was a bus that would go from UC San Diego to San Diego State to University of San Diego. Oh, wow. And then drop us all off at the Tijuana border. Wow. And then we would go party. So you were doing some of that? You were going across the border? Oh, yeah. I got arrested. Oh, my God.

That was my freshman year. Freshman year. Yeah. We go across the border. We got shit face at a place called Club Safari. Club Safari. It was awesome. Hell yeah. And a lot of test tube shots. You know what I mean? And then plastic. It was bad. Yeah.

And a beach volleyball court in the back. Respect. No. Who's playing volleyball? Yeah. Anyway. Just used to run around. Somebody pops their titties out. Exactly. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There was go-go dancers on the top. I loved being up there. I was up there constantly. Yeah. Hell yeah. And then one time, the last time I went, I went across the border. I was hammered.

and they, uh, in order to get back into the U S you just had to give your ID and say, uh, they would ask you what's your country of origin. And you say the United States. But I was so hammered. I said, your mom,

You were feeling yourself? Yeah, I was like, you're a mom. This is a good one. I'm going to crush this guy. Yeah. And then as soon as I walked onto the American side, he was like, drunk in public. And he cuffed me. Wow. And I was like, touche. That's so funny that a grown cop is more immature than a drunk college freshman. I'll show you. You don't say that about my mommy. You're going to jail.

And that's only because you're white. Otherwise, you might have just accidentally tripped and hurt your knee on my fucking nightstick if you catch my drift. That's so funny. How long were you in jail? Uh,

They make you spend the night or you're just there a couple hours. I was there. I spent the night It was the drunk tank, yeah, whatever so Like some like community center a bunch of cots on it But then there was only like six women and the rest of it were like it was like 40 men Oh my god, so they put us in a corner and they had two armed guards in front of us. Oh

Wow. And we were all hammered. We were like wrestling and talking. And I was like, show me your tattoos. And I was like, oh, these cops were probably like...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's insane. Yeah. Just a bunch of you guys arrested in Tijuana, just like. For these college kids, 19, like 18, 19 years old. Oh, my God. One girl had two revolvers right here. And I was like, that is so cool. And she showed them to me. She's like, her crotch in my face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow.

That's awesome. Yeah. No, but didn't you guys still keep in touch or what? I never, I didn't talk to her because I was still like brown out, you know, and then eventually I get home and then like three days later I go to like our college cafe and she's the barista. Get the fuck out of here. And instead of being like, oh my God, you, we both like looked at each other and just like,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because at the time I was like, I'll never tell anyone that this happened. This is so shameful. I have to get back on the field and practice. Exactly. Oh, they're going to kick me off the soccer team. Please do. And then you were just drunk as hell for a couple of years? What do you think? I was drunk as hell until about six months ago. Yeah.