cover of episode THE GIRLS BATHROOM! | EP 381 | ShxtsNGigs Podcast

THE GIRLS BATHROOM! | EP 381 | ShxtsNGigs Podcast

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本期节目探讨了女生友谊的复杂性以及在两性关系中可能遇到的挑战。主持人和The Girls Bathroom的嘉宾们分享了她们对女生友谊的看法,以及在处理恋爱关系中的冲突和误解时,如何保持积极的沟通和信任。节目中还讨论了生理期对情绪的影响,以及如何理解和支持伴侣的情感需求。 The Girls Bathroom的嘉宾们分享了她们从小学到创建播客的经历,以及她们在友谊和事业中遇到的挑战。她们强调了友谊中积极沟通和相互支持的重要性,以及在面对冲突时保持冷静和理性。她们还分享了她们在处理粉丝问题和恋爱建议方面的经验,以及她们对两性关系中信任和沟通的看法。

Deep Dive


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- I'm taller than you. I can't rest my head on your shoulder, I hurt my neck. - Well, you can. - I'll hurt myself. - You can. - Nah, I'm too tall. - Too is not the adjective you wanna use. - Stop, stop, stop. - On this show. - Okay guys, welcome back. - Welcome back indeed. - It's Monday. - Indeed. - We're in the studio again. - It's Tuesday, oh sorry. - It comes out on a Monday, bro. Let us work. - Sorry. - Let us work, man. - It's Tuesday.

- I thought you were getting confused 'cause we're back on holiday. - This has never happened. - This has never happened. - Wow. - I was mid-flow. - Mid-stroke just interrupted. - Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. - Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. - Anyway.

- I thought he was disorientated. - I was doing a thing. Right. - Sorry. - I'm not gonna start again. - Okay. - Let's just keep going. - Okay. - Anyway, usually guests don't speak. - Happy Monday. - Usually guests don't speak until they're introduced. - Yeah. - So if you want to shut up, so we might as well get on with it. - Yeah. - Sorry. - I've got a whole process. - No, he has to do it. - Start again. - Oh, we need a nice intro. - Start again. - Yeah, I have a whole nice intro prepped. - Start again. - And now it's ruined. - Cool. Right guys, we've got special guests in the building today. - We do.

- Two lovely guests that turns out are a bit stush. 'Cause we asked them to come in like months and months ago. - Yeah. - And they were like, rather not. - They had better things to do. - But that's fine. We did their show. - And guess what? - Immediately. - It blew up. - Yeah. Is it the most popular episode they have on their YouTube channel? - Maybe. - Probably. I haven't checked. - The streets have. - Yeah, the streets have checked. - But the streets have checked. - The streets have checked.

And anyway, time to return the favor. So this needs to perform the best out of any episode we've ever done. Facts. No pressure. So guys, we've got two very special guests in the building today. The reason that they are special is this is a hot take, but girls are typically cruel and mean, especially to one another. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- For some reason, these girls have cultivated such a nice community, similar to ours I might add, in which everyone is super nice and super generous and super uplifting to each other. And it's really, really cute to see and it's awesome. So it must speak a lot about the hosts for them to be able to do that in such a toxic environment.

And also on top of that, they're from the Midlands, which is a rough place to come from, speaking from experience. So I'm super, super gassed guys. Please give a warm welcome to the girls bathroom. - What a lovely intro. - That was lovely. - Glad you enjoyed it. - And also that March when you asked us, babies were being born.

- Yeah, not our babies. - You pointed. - You added her live. - That's why we weren't available. - That's fine, literally it's literally fine. - Life was lifing, yeah. But we're happy to be here. Thank you for having us. - What a lovely intro. - Oh, you're welcome. - That was great. - Okay, cool.

Usually we ask the internet to bully each other, but as I said, this is like a really uplifting episode. So we're not free. We've not asked anyone to do that for you guys today. We can relax. Because we're on our periods also. Because we're blood sisters. Blood witches. Blood witches. Way too emotional for any sort of... We can harbour a lot of power at this time. We have full time.

- Do you know ladies sync up? - Yeah, I've heard that. - We would sync the fuck up. - Yeah, we do sync up. - Yeah, you texted me this morning like really cranky. Sorry, and I was like, bro, same. - 5:00 AM. - Yeah, this is your myriad. - There we go. - Myriad. - Well, it can be, yeah. - A myriad. - Oh, I didn't see it. - Myriads. - And it was a full moon. - Full moon?

- Charge energy. - Blood witches. - All them things I don't know. - Casting spells. - What's the full moon got to do with anything? - Witches. - Just folklore. - Witches. - We are not witches. - This is turning. - We don't cast spells. - This is turning. - This is turning. You know, they're trying to do, I think it's one of them things, I reckon if we sat here silent, they would just keep speaking. - Talking. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. They keep saying stuff. - You have to film silence. - Yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. So what we usually do,

is we start off with the bullying, but once the bullying is done, we get to what we call a segment called the origin story. So what we like to do is if you guys wanna take a couple minutes and explain to people who don't know who you are, who you are and where you came from. And you guys have been best friends for a long time. So what's that about? - We have. - Yeah, explain the story. - Yeah, explain that. - So myself and Sophia here. - Absolutely.

- When we were how old? - We met in primary school. We met when we were like four, five. - Yeah, my first memory of Soph, I was in ballet class and she walked in the door with her mum. And I went, "That's that blonde girl from school." And that was it. - That was it. - That's adorable. - And then I was like, "Come here to me. Let's do ballet together." - Cute. - And she did. - She lured me in. - And then we did that till we were 16. - Wow. You went to ballet till you were 16? - Yeah, and jazz, and tap. - Jazz. - Jazz hands. - Bit of contemporary.

- Do you know what a character skirt is? - No. - It's got nice ribbon around the bottom. You get your little character shoes. - And it's like heel toe, heel toe.

- Oh, I do know what that is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You wear your little bun. - Yeah. - So that's where we connected and bonded. - Yeah, so we just met at school. - On the dance floor. - Cute. - Very cute. - And then we went to secondary school together. - How was that? - Nice. - Yeah, it was all right. - It was lovely. - What area was this? - Secondary school, we really came together as the two of us. Primary school, we were always friends, but we had other best friends. - We had best friends who had the same name. - Isn't that weird? - Oh, that's rough.

Secondary school, we really honed in our bonding. - That's rare as well, 'cause secondary school is where it gets rough. - Yeah, it's true. - Yeah, I've seen girls exiled in secondary school. - Secondary school is a scary place. - It is scary for girls. - We had two girls, the two baddies in my year, I've told you about them before. They were best friends from primary school. And then once we made it to like year nine, arch enemies girl. They curated their own groups against each other. And it went on until like year 11.

- Damn. - Yeah, and as a guy, you weren't allowed to double dip. - Double dip. - You gotta double dip, bro. - You had to pick one. - Pick a girlfriend from one group.

- Don't fuck around. - Politics. - It got serious. - Were there any like beefs between your friendship groups when you were in secondary school? - We did. - We always tried to stay out of the drama. We liked to stand by and watch. - We did have a few group hops, but then we realized we were better off just the two of us. Less drama. - Fair play. Follow up question. Have you guys ever like squabbled during secondary school? - No. - Not one squabble? - No, we go sit in Sophia's Nissan and eat lunch on our own.

- Oh, so you guys are losers? - No. - That's what I'm hearing. - Trauma bonded, that's what we're talking about. - We got pushed out of our group. So then we just were like, well, it's just two of us now. - Why did you get pushed out? - 'Cause we were trying to do our blog. - We were trying to do our blog. - Oh yeah, that's what I was gonna get to. - And our YouTube channel. - And it was weird. - At the time. - And people were like, what is this? I don't get it. - Yeah. - How old were you guys when you started this? - So we were exiled. - 16. - 16, 17. - Damn, that's pretty early. - Yeah, it's early days. Well played, yeah. - We wanted to be bloggers. We were like, ew, YouTube. - Had this little fashion blog. - Talk to us about that journey.

the fashion blog yeah we were going into our a levels yeah and neither of us loved school that much and it was it's at that time when everyone's talking about uni and what's everyone going to do and you know you've got those people who are like i'm going to do this and i know what i'm going to do i'm going to do psychology and we were always a bit like oh my god i have no idea so we started this fashion blog because we like loved the girls that did it we would take chintzy as mum's credit card go to the shops buy the clothes return them take the clothes back

did it every week as a little like hobby and then we just took a gap year and started let's just have a go because we didn't want to go to uni sick we were at crossroads yeah and luckily

- The girlies love the vids. - And here we are. - What was the blog called? - The lifestyle blog. 'Cause we didn't wanna call it Safira and Chintzu 'cause we thought, oh, then everyone from school's gonna find it. - We wanted to keep it secret. - But then everyone found it the next day and it was an all the group chat. - You guys didn't hide it well. - No. - Yeah, we tried. - It was quite literally the next day. It was like, oh, what's this? We're like, ooh. - Oh, vomit. - And then it was like, out the group chats, new group chats being made. - Out the group chats.

then they were sending it into other group chats. - Boys group chats. - Oh God. - It was awful. - No, that's sickening. - Yeah, it was a bad time actually. - Yeah, I would have survived it. - It was all character building. - Made us strong. - Jesus. - I would have called you to not do this. - Yeah, it's kind of good that we went through it because I feel like it's part and parcel of a most high school experience, like girl drama. And until that point, we didn't have any.

So now when people write in that are really going through it, it's like, oh, I've been there. I know how that feels. So it's kind of good that we had to go through it. And it made us stronger as a duo. Character building. I can imagine so. Well, well played. Glad it worked out. Trauma bonding, right? Yeah. Yeah, we've always got that. So post vlog blogging era, is that when the girls bathroom came into play or was there something in between that?

So yeah, we had the YouTube channel and then we were using Snapchat loads and we kept finding that we would talk to loads of people on Snapchat and just girls would be sending us messages like, oh, you know, I don't have a best friend who I can talk to. Like, I just need some advice. What would you do? And we just kept finding ourselves getting advice. So we literally just thought we could do a YouTube series. So we thought we'll call it like boy talk and we'll just answer these DMs.

- Reminiscent. - Yeah. - Reminiscing. - And then we were like, oh, we could also have one called Girl Talk. And then it just literally started from there. And then we just decided actually this could be its own thing. This could be a podcast.

- It was like the start of like the podcast era. Like all we knew was the receipts. - Yeah, we love the receipts. - We love the receipts. - Yeah. - And people like, you could do a podcast. - Yeah, and we weren't sure if anyone would move over like from the YouTube channel. We were like, maybe no one's gonna listen, but yeah, we love it. - And we're so happy we started it. - Yeah, it's our favorite thing. - In the world. - Bang it. - In the world. - That's the cutest OG story ever.

Is there, if you guys remember any dilemmas or questions you had when you were doing the boy talk, girl talk thing that like stood out? - Oh my God. - Back in the day. - Well, we just like,

- We don't know what we were dishing out when we were 19. - We were so blue. - That's what we worried about. What were we telling people to do? - I'd never even had a boyfriend. - 19 advice is insane. - That's crazy. - Yeah, it was scary times. - So I get scared about what we were saying, what advice we were dishing out. We recently did a reacting to old videos video. - Yeah, that was scary. - It was awful. - We weren't doing that again. - What were we saying? - No, we had good advice. - We did. - We stood by it. - We were scared though. - We've been wise. We've been wise all these years.

- We've always been wise. We just love to gain wisdom. - Okay, cool. - My name actually means wisdom. - Wow. - I thought you meant moon. - No. - What? - So mine means moon. - Yeah, in Greek it means wisdom. - I was thinking what language? - You can Google it. - Say less. - So we like to hone our wisdom. That's why we enjoy getting older 'cause we gain more wisdom. - Exactly. - When we're 50, we'll be so wise. - Cool. - Think how wise we are now.

- Mums know best. That's why this is so true. - Where did this question start? - Bro! - The question started, did the dilemma start? The question was, did you have any dilemmas that stand out? Now we've got Sophia means wisdom. - Bloody hell. - Wow. - That's hilarious. - I knew you were trying to kick it. - You knew you were trying to kick it. - Sophia means wisdom. - You're mad, all right, there. Okay, cool. Well, speaking of.

We want to do a very special episode. We don't really do this. Where the majority of the episode, we're gonna take a leaf out of your book and just do dynamic planning. - Oh, brilliant. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we've got loads. I haven't actually read them yet. - Oh, yay. - Our lovely researcher got them so we didn't have to read them first.

- Perfect. Are you guys the people in your friendship group that one would go to for a dilemma, for a problem? You advice givers? - I'm a friendship group. - Yeah, like you know in the friendship group everyone's got a different role. The people come to you for advice in life. - Probably Jay, innit? - Yeah, probably Jay. - Actually no, that's not even fair. Jay gives the most advice. I don't know if he's asking. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Fair, fair, he'll interject. - Jay will be talking to the back seat or something and then he'll be like, my thing is, what I'm hearing is you lack confidence.

and this is how you need to overcome it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I bet. But no, I don't think everyone, what do people, Rhym, what do people come to me and Fua for? Nothing, innit? - Not particularly. - Yeah, not particularly at all. It's just on the show.

- Yeah. - It's all of a sudden. - Yeah. - To be fair, I don't think anyone comes to anyone for anything in our friendship group. We're kind of equals, right? - Oh, that's cool. - So there's five of us in our friendship group. There's me, Fiat, Rem, our friend Jacob and our friend Toby. And we're all equal, right? - What's that like a boyfriend group of five? Is there like stronger connections within the group or is everyone equal? - Yeah, 'cause that's what would happen in girl groups. It's like, well, they're best friends and they're best friends. - There's a separation. There's a bigger group, but then being- - One who's left out.

- But you guys, I guess you two were, you got that work. - You got that thing. - You got the work now. - But then Rem works with us too. - Yeah. - I think it, I'd say it went in stages, you know? There was definitely a stage where like, I think I'm the slut of the group. I've had close to a friendship with all of you. - You are the slut of the group. - Yeah, I'm the slut of you. So like, yeah, I'm always the tart in the middle. So I think when we started, it was you and Toby were obviously closer 'cause you knew each other from school.

Rem and Jay were obviously close because they knew each other from college. I didn't know anyone. And then there was a period when me and Rem lived together and we were closer. Toby kind of kept himself to himself and you lived away and Jacob didn't live with us. So I'd say me and Rem were the closest for like a good couple of years. And then when...

Rem moved to London and you moved to Manchester. I would say me and you were closer. - Yeah, makes sense. - And now Jay lives in Northampton with me and him and I are closer. - So it's kind of worked. - Yeah, I'm just with, now it's Toby. - Yeah. - Toby's too calm, I need that connect. - Yeah, he's mine. Toby's gonna have an ear hole with me. - Yeah, fair, fair. - But yeah, no one comes to us for anything really. - No. - Maybe they will after today. - Just bags. - For sure. - They could see you in a new life.

- You can take some of my wisdom. - I'll take that. Cool, right, we've got some juicy dialogues. - Okay. - Juicy scenarios. - Wait, you need to choose two anonymous names.

- Oh, is this this Brian shit? - Yes. - What's Brian and what's your name? - Brian and Sarah. - Sarah. - Or Susan or Helen. - Helen. - Helen. - Helen. - That's a mother's name. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's a trunchbull. - Or Sally. We have a Sally every now and again. - We like Sally. - There are actually no names. - There's no names being named here. - Okay. - No one ever gives names in our dilemmas. - It's all a non, so we're good. - So they just dish out names and you have the change? - Or they give us Brian. - Yeah. - Brian, Sarah, Sally, Susan, Helen. - Let's call him Brian.

Steve sometimes comes into the picture. Steve's usually the like sideman. Yeah. So Brian's the main Steve. Brian's always the main guy. Steve is sometimes. Steve's the ex, you know. Or he's the wandering eye. The wandering eye. He's the guy, the Jim. The Jim crush. The Jim crush. Yeah, he's the ex that's come back around.

- Shout out Steve out there. - This is all too sexual to be called Steve. - He's like Alejandro or something. - You can't be banging and saying Steve. - Wandering eye for Steve. - That's not the name you want. - Alejandro. - Alejandro. - Yeah, it's got to roll off. All right, cool. Juicy scenario number one. She cheated in the beginning. That's the title. Me 23 male and her 22 female.

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Our sex life did take a dive a little bit, but it was just the medication she was on. We have since then bounced back. Pause. Why pause? Bounce back? Yeah. Well, when we first started dating, which was about a month before we made it official, she just told me today, about a week after we made it official, she slept with another man. Oh.

And she just now told me this. So that's the Steve in this situation. This is the Steve in this situation. Steve's always there in the background. She's been thinking about Steve. I'm upset, but honestly not too angry. I don't want to leave her. I'm just confused on how to move forward. We talk about it and we're going to try and work through it. She said that she loves me and that it has never happened since, which I believe. Should I be more upset about this?

- Ooh, we've had shit like this before where it's like they find out three years into the relationship that something happened at the start and then it's like, how do you feel about that? - Yeah, that's really shit. - 'Cause it's like, well, yeah, at the start-- - You kind of feel like you've been living a lie. You feel like your whole relationship's been a lie even though it hasn't. - And it's like, what else have you lied about? Like, is there anything else? And then it's like paranoia. - Yeah, why has it come out now? - Why didn't you tell me at the time? - Were you ever gonna tell me? - Well, because they know.

- If you found out at the time, you would've just called it off, obviously. - 'Cause you weren't attached. It was a week. - Yeah, like we're not in love yet. - Yes, I'm out here. But now. - It's tricky. - So he's asking if you should be more upset. - That's manipulation. - I'm surprised that he still wants to be with her because I would say you need to break up.

- Me too. - 'Cause it's ruined now, it's ruined. You spoiled it. The trust is gone. Now I'm doubting stuff. Now I'm reminiscing and thinking, oh, all those good times we had. Meanwhile, you'd actually just cheated on me. Like you've just ruined it. - We cast and they made it official. That's a honeymoon. - I'm reminiscing on those times like,

oh, that was so amazing. But now there's just a dark cloud over it. Yeah. And then you met my mom like two weeks after. Yeah. Yeah. You just ruined it. Fresh off the beat. I don't doubt that she regrets it and probably wishes she hadn't done it. But she did. So final answer? Cheating is over. Break up. Break up. Okay. Damn. What's your thoughts? Because this is our guy. Yeah. What if this was your new girlfriend? Year and a half. You love her. You want to marry her next year. BT dubs that first week. And then first week she was...

Her guts were ruined. Yeah, she got mud. You know, I think that week, you just announced your love to her. You said, please be my girlfriend. I love you so much. I would never say that, by the way. I promise you that. That's romantic. Is it? That's what we want. A declaration. A declaration of love.

- Asking to be your girlfriend, it's a mini proposal. - You say, yeah, can I be your boyfriend? Not will you be my girlfriend? - I would never say that either. - Interesting. - That's a better one. - Would you bestow upon me this honor? - Can I please be your boyfriend? - On your knee. - That's what we want. - Nah, that's some Oliver Twist. - Caleb's sword, I knife you.

- Caveat, Mandem just transcended into relationship. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We go from- - How does she know? - She knows. - 'Cause I'll bring her around field and I'll be like, "This is my girl." - Exactly, she knows. - And she'll be like, "Okay, he said it." - Yeah, he said it. - She just knows. Few months down the line, she's got a key. She knows. - Yeah. - She knows. - That's why she's sleeping with other people.

because you haven't defined the relationship. - No, man. - She needs to know. - These guys did define it and she still did it. - Exactly. - So you never have a moment in bed where you're like, "You are my girlfriend." - No. - That makes me want to crawl up and die. - That's horrible. - You're not asking girls. - And they're just assuming. - Assuming is the worst. - Never assume. You should never assume. - No, you should know. - Always assume the worst. - No, you should just know by the vibe. - Yeah, and if you're undecided, then you're not her. Facts.

- Yeah, if you don't know then you're just not my girlfriend. You're answering it for yourself. If you have to ask me if you're my girlfriend then you're not my girlfriend, are you? - Because you should just know. - Yeah. - How I treat you will tell you. - But if you've never said you're my girlfriend, how are we meant to know this is my girlfriend? - Yeah, but that's what we just said. - Oh, girl, that's different. - If you do to the man them, oh yeah, this is my girl by the way, X.

- This is the love of my life, my girlfriend, my one and only. Then I might get the picture. But this is my girl. Who am I? - So you never giving her flowers the same? - A stranger? - Girlfriend? - Nah. I'll give her flowers. But if you're at my house four days a week, I'm cooking for you, I'm giving you flowers. We're going shopping. I've introduced you to people. You've met my family. - You're my girl, bro. - Don't ask me if you're my girlfriend. - But what's so hard about a little, you know? - It's sickening. - I love you so much. Please be my girlfriend. - Please be my, no! - You are living a fantasy.

Nah, we're grown ups. That's crazy. That happens in real life. Yeah, that's crazy. It shouldn't anymore. It's not just for novels. Yeah, we're ex-communicado, please be my girlfriend stuff. That's yucky. But,

- But back to the scenario. - Oh, shame. - Back to the scenario. - Romance is dead. - Yeah, you guys. - As you guys were explaining it and you said it, or if it was me, I'd have to leave because that in the guts thing was, that's murked me. - In the honeymoon period, not even when we're down and out. - Exactly. - Yeah, that's murked me. - Exactly. - It just tarnishes. - It does. - It's never gonna be the same after you know that. It's never gonna be the same. - Facts. - Facts. - Oh, 100% it's gone. - Cool. - 100% 'cause that's what that, what's that tweet?

that uh what's the original tweet that we read ages ago was that when you're thinking about taking her back just remember when it slipped out he helped she helped him put it back in morbid i know but it's that's that's the kind of stuff you need to think about yeah yeah when you're trying to mend relationships that's the kind of stuff you need to think about no she helped him put it back in yeah that's disgusting and what's the one you say about if you're stupid enough

A crush? No, if he comes back, it's to test to see if you're... If he comes back, he's just checking to see if you're stupid enough to go back there again.

- Interesting. Stupid enough is- - And then going back to our next, it's also like, it's like reading a book and expecting a different ending. - It's gonna end the same. - Reading the same book twice. - We like that one. - Yeah, we do. - Yeah, we're doing proverbs. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, cool. - That's a sexy one. I like that one. - I like that one. - Okay, next one. I'm reading this one, right? - Cool, cool. - Gang, excited. Okay, this one is entitled,

Weird relationship between my boyfriend and his sister. - Ooh. - Interesting. - Taylor's older time. - I don't know what references they are. - Is that Taylor's older time? Boyfriend and his sister.

- It's been on Friends. - That's what I was gonna say, there's some Friends in the building. - This is a classic Friends episode. - Yeah. - Classic. - It's what, who's, it's Rachel's guy? - It's, it's. - It's Phoebe. - Or is it Phoebe? - Oh no, it's Rachel's guy, yeah. - Rachel's guy. - It's Rachel's guy is tickling his sister and having baths with her. - Running baths. - Running baths. - They live in Ross's building, right? - Yes. - Yeah, something like that. - We had a tickling one last week. - We did. - Do you two tickle each other? Good question.

Don't ask ridiculous questions. Why is that a good question? Because we needed to know. We had this guy who was tickling all his friends. That's disgusting. Yeah, no, no, no. Like he was sweating. He was like, sorry, been in a tickle fight. Ah!

- So we were just checking. - I've never touched his armpit in my life. - I've never touched anything tickleable. - We don't associate. - Okay, interesting. We'll have to get back to her. - Do you two hug? - Yeah. - Oh, that's nice. - We don't hug. - Do you not? - No. - Strange. Why? - We don't have physical contact. - True best friends don't apparently. - True best friends don't hug. - That's bullshit. - No it's not.

exchange like love type of thing we go hi hi so how do you celebrate moments if Sophia got engaged I would hug what if she got pregnant I would hug her yeah special moments yeah likewise special moments but when she was crying I'd hug oh yeah in a moment of tears yeah so hang on in a moment of sorrow when

- When you guys got here, we hugged you. - Yeah, we hugged everyone else. Like we hugged Grace. - Yeah, but when you saw each other today, you just said hi. - No, she just got in the car. - Let's go. - Okay, so let's say the car wasn't there. - We got each other a coffee this morning. Yeah, let's go. Woohoo.

- Woo hoo. - Nah, we need to hug. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - True best friends don't hug. - No, that's not true. - That's not true. - No, it is, I've seen it. - We've seen it on TikTok, other people can feel it. - Yeah, it's like you've got that best friend that you've been friends for for years, but like you don't have that physical. - Nah, we hug the fuck out of each other. - Oh, I love that for you. - Oh, that's really sweet. - And tickle. - 'Cause we're true best friends. - No, we don't tickle. - Tickle each other's toes. - Oh, toes are crazy. - Few hugs, tickles.

- That's crazy. - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - Hug more. - Hug more. - Yeah. - How did that feel by the way? - Weird. - We hold hands sometimes. - No, we hold hands, we link arms. - We link arms. - We do all that. - Link arms is cool. That's one thing I wish guys could do, link arms. - We sleep in the bed together. We do all this. - We're in the nude together. - Yeah. Let's not go down there. - Why do we wish we could link arms? - I don't know bro. - We'll get back to it. But like link arms is just sometimes like, because,

Ninking arms is like a guy does with his female friend, right? And it just feels nice because you're never the one who instigates it. So I'll just be walking and then she'll do that. And you're like, cool.

- Cool. - Yeah, I hear you. - I don't know. Maybe we could try it one time. - Would you wanna be the linker or the linky? - No, you have to link me. - So I'm the... - You're the one who grabbed, 'cause the link, the one who initiates the link also rests the head on the shoulder. - Yeah, so that can't be me. It has to be you. This is never gonna happen then, is it? - So Fuhad, you've got the hand around the bicep. - Yeah, that's his fantasy. - You're holding the bicep. - Yeah, you have to do that. I'm not doing it. - So why do I have to do it?

- Well, just leverage, but for starters, I'm taller than you. I can't rest my head on your shoulder, I hurt my neck. - Well, you can. - I'll hurt myself. - You can. - No, I'm too tall. - Too, it's not the adjective you wanna use. Too is not the adjective you wanna use on this show.

Anyway. - Anyway. - Back to it. - Back to the problem at hand. - Sorry. - Said I'm too tall. - Why is that so funny? - I don't know, it just is. - It should be funny for a little bit. - It just is. - Anyway, weird relationship between my boyfriend and his sister. My boyfriend and I have been together for two and a half years.

I could definitely see myself spending the rest of my life with him. And he says the same all the time. But something that bothers me and has bothered me since I met his sister is how close they are.

I knew from the jump that they were close. I mean, her picture was in, oh, was his lock screen when we first met. Jesus, that's dark. - That's intense. - Yeah. - Weird. - I've been struggling on figuring out if their relationship is odd or are we just different because I was not raised the way he was. Considering I don't have the best of relationships with my other siblings.

They're very affectionate with one another. She rests her head on his shoulder while in public or during a movie night. They put their arms on each other's shoulders or hold hands while walking. Too much. Are you sure this is brother and sister? Bro, it must be a stepsister. Brassers. Brassers, yeah. Stuck in the tumble dryer.

- What does Brazzers mean? - Why are we talking about washing machines? - Sorry, Brazzers is a spawn site. - It's a corn site. - Yeah. - Oh! - I thought he said Razzers. - I think he said the washing machine. - Yeah, what was that? - Oh, that's- - It's like a- - It's just a theme. - It's like a typical- - It's a theme of corn. - Okay, cool. So, in my times,

Sometimes I'll go on a legitimate site and they'll pop up a spawn site and I'm like, fuck sakes. As I tried to close it, sometimes you might see a themed stepsister stuck in the tumble dryer being like, oh, help me. Help me get out. My head's stuck in the tumble dryer. It's a stepsister, stepbrother situation. A weird stepsister, stepbrother type sitch. Yeah, anyway, that's what the streets say. Cool. That's neither here nor there.

- Every day is a school day. - Every day is a school day. - I'm sweating. - She said, "Are we talking about washing machines?" - Right. Anyway. - Yeah, I'm boiling. - I'm laughing today. Right. During a movie night, they put their arms on each other's shoulders or hold hands while walking. She will hug him and not let him go for several moments. - Wow. - It's an embrace. - Yeah, that's too much. If he and I are hanging out at his parents' house, she will come ask for a ride or try

"tried to get in on our time together, "and he only rarely tells her to let us be alone "and always caves if she wants him to take her somewhere. "I've told him that I don't really get their relationship "and I'm all for being close with your siblings, "but this is a bit odd, "and sometimes rides the line of being inappropriate. "He says he understands and will try to set some boundaries, "but nothing ever really changes."

- What's the age gap? How old is she? Is she not sad? - From the sounds of it, she must be younger. - The sister we're talking about? - The sister must be younger. This whole like, just by the sounds of the dynamic, it's giving like little sister vibes. - It does give little sister vibes. - Holding hands in public. - We have one like this before with a little sister and we said, you need to arrange your date nights at 18 plus locations. - There we go. - She can't go. 18 plus cinema, casinos.

- Bars. - Bars, strip clubs. - Strip clubs. - All of the such. - She can't go. - Fair. - Cool. - Or he needs to just be more stern. - But he caves all the time. - But he's his sister. If he doesn't see it. - But we need boyfriend girlfriend time. She needs to say it again to him, like, you need to tell her to leave us alone.

- That's what I say to my sister, I'm like, leave me alone now. - Yeah, but sister, sister is different to brother, sister. - Especially if she's younger. - And it's very, you're teetering on the line of being a hater. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If I think the relationship's normal and you're just like, your sister, your sister, bro, you're a hater. - Yeah, this is my sister we're talking about. - Yeah, you're just a girl. - Chill. - Yeah.

- Yeah, that's awkward. - Yeah, that's a tough one. 'Cause like the rides and stuff like make sense to me. - Yeah, the movie night snuggles. - That's- - Movie night snuggles is out of control. - Like I wonder if she puts her legs on him. - The holding hands is interesting. - 'Cause you should be holding my hand. Like I'm the girl, like are we all holding hands on the street? - Yeah. - Yeah, but you're not in competition. It's just a sister.

So what do you do as the sister, as the girlfriend, as the girlfriend, sorry, what are you doing? Put up with it. Really? If you want to be with him. What can you do? It's his sister. She might be like marking her territory in like a really weird, scary way. But if he doesn't see it as a problem, it's not going to come across well, you know? If he needs to see it as a problem? Yeah, but he doesn't. Well, it's if he can live like that.

- Right, so if Safer would put up with it. - If you can't put up with it, then you need to get out. - If every time you're hanging out with him, you're like, oh, this is- - 'Cause the sister's not going anywhere. - The sister's not going anywhere. - But what if you're in deep, this is the, ah. - Yeah, she said she can see them spending the rest of their lives together. - This is the guy. And you guys have said that to each other. - You need to move away. - I was gonna say, they need to get their own place. - Move far away. - You need to move far, far away. - Otherwise she's gonna be around every single day. She's gonna have a whole room with all this shit in it. She's gonna have clothes around there. - Yeah, and you gotta think, could be worse. Some sisters hate

their brother's girlfriends. - I would rather that. - Try and push them out. Try and make them feel shit. Like you'd rather the, maybe the more loving than the horrible. - True. Trying to ruin your life. - But yeah, it's no one's dream scenario. It's kind of like, oh, that's weird. Like I wouldn't do that with my siblings, but what can you do at the end of the day? If this is the guy that you want to be with and if he doesn't see it as a problem. - And if you can live with it then. - I don't think she can. - But if she can't then, yeah.

- Fair enough. - What would you do? If someone said to you, "Oh, I don't like your relationship with your sister." You'd be like, "What?" - I'd tell them to outline. And I think I would see, I think as a grown man, I'd see some of the shit is weird. Holding hands in public. - That's crazy. - Movie nights. - Crazy. - Resting your head on my shoulder and that kind of shit. - Crazy. - It's crazy. - Yeah, all three are crazy. - So I'd say, yeah, I can charge the physical touch stuff a bit, but if she comes in and says, "Can you give me a lift here?" I promise you I'm doing it. - We're doing that. - Yeah, exactly. - Day nights on pause, so get used to it.

- Tough. - Yikes. - Very tough. All right, let's move on to the next. - It's 'cause she's being replaced, innit? - Do you think? - It feels like she's being replaced. - Maybe. It has to be a younger sister thing for sure. - Yeah. - Title of the next one. - Okay. - "My penis makes my girlfriend sick." - Not the penis. - Context.

It's not boyfriend dick. It's what? There we go. It's not boyfriend dick. Yeah, I just learned about boyfriend dick. Yeah, I just taught you about it. What's boyfriend dick? Go on. Explain. Boyfriend dick is... I love all these caveats. Same. I heard Harry Jousey coined the phrase because he claims to have great boyfriend dick. So just like something you can have on the reg. It's like nice. It's not too like, whoa.

- Whoa, it's just like, it's a nice experience, you know? - Not too painful. - Not too, you know, one way or the other. It's just good. - Middle of the road. - Comfortable middle of the road. - Yeah, yeah, fits nicely. - There we go. - Not life changing though. - We didn't say that. - Mr. Jousey. - Mr. Jousey's, you know, I'm sure he's got a great sex life. - Yeah, sounds like it. - Interesting. - And I've heard women who've slept with him say it was a great old time. - Good reports, yeah.

All right. Interesting. Cool, man. Cool. Yeah. But in this case, this penis sounds like it's not that comfortable. Yeah. Yeah. Sub three. The puzzle pieces aren't going together. Sub three is crazy. A waste of a body. Waste of a body. What? The girl who said about the boyfriend dick. Wouldn't fit. Wouldn't fit. Too big. Too big. Tried twice. Two different occasions. Wouldn't fit. We said, ah, it's not boyfriend dick. You can't get it. Can't have it.

- That's a shame. - That is a shame. - Tried twice. - It's a real life issue. - She said it would not fit. - I don't know if that would ruin my ego or, not ruin my ego. It would- - Give you an ego. - It would give me an ego. - There's only so much ego. It's only so far ego can get you. - Yeah. Yeah.

If I'm feeling this girl and she's tried twice and it doesn't fit. - It's like being like seven foot tall and everyone's like, oh my God, you're so tall. And then it's a day at Thorpe Park and you can't go on any of the rides. And it's like, where is this ego getting me? - Facts! That's a great analogy. - Yeah. - Thanks bro. - That's a great analogy. - Thank you. - Jesus Christ. Jesus. Anyway, my penis, not my penis, but my penis makes my girlfriend sick. I'm in my mid twenties and I've been facing a perplexing situation with my girlfriend.

Whenever she sees my penis, she reacts with nausea and disgust. That is- - What? Just- - That's your girlfriend! - So just purely the visual. - The actual visual of- - It looks like a knuckle. - A wiggly knuckle.

- How did we get here? How are we here? - I don't know. - Can she describe the distinct characteristics of it? - Did she draw a picture of it? - Sketch. - Let me read the whole thing. - Wow. - Whenever she sees my penis, she reacts with nausea and disgust. Despite maintaining good hygiene and being experienced, her reaction persists. To provide context, my girlfriend hasn't had any prior sexual experiences.

Initially, I considered it might be a trauma response, given her past experience, but she denies any relevant trauma. While she's okay with intimacy and even touching, seeing my penis triggers a strong adverse reaction in her. Recently, I sent her a video and her reaction was extreme. She couldn't finish watching and ended up vomiting.

- Why is he poking the bear by the way? A video. - What? Actual vomit. - This isn't the response I typically receive. And it's left me concerned. How do I fix this? - So she's never had sex before. I think she's just, they are ugly, scary things. - She's afraid of it. - I think she's just afraid. - But of vomiting. - Vomiting is crazy. - Vomiting. - That's like Loki crawling. - That's not been in there.

- I mean, and it was only over the screen. - Yeah. - So imagine in real life. - Imagine life size. - Life size in 4D. - She's gonna cry. - 3D and 4D. Scary. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah. - Oh, bro. - He needs to find a new girlfriend. - My bro, facts. - Yeah, I think. - My WhatsApp picture would go gray on her phone so quick. - So fast. - Yeah, so fast. - Vomiting. She had to tell me that she vomited by the way. I wasn't there. - Yeah, what did she say? - I would have kept it to myself. - Oh, that made me vomit.

And the reaction was extreme. Yeah, bro, I'm blocking you. You're not my girlfriend. He needs to move on, unfortunately. If that's not the reaction he's used to, because if he's had kind of gags and nausea before from other women, then maybe something concerning is going on. Then he needs to look inward. But he said he's never had this before. Maybe he should go to the surgeon's office. Is there things you can do at the surgery office? To make it look pretty? Or to neen up? I've heard that you can gurp it up.

- Really? - Oh yeah. - Interesting. - I heard that a well known celebrity is girthed up. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, they inject it with fat. - I have no idea. I don't know what the process is. - We'll look into it. - Yeah, I've heard that they can do stuff these days. - Well, 'cause you can get a designer vagina. - Yeah, you can. - I've also heard what that look like. - I think they can tighten it, neaten it up, re-sculpt, just a facelift.

- So there must be penis things. - Interesting. - But if he's never had this response before, she's not the one. - She's not the one. - So it's just charged? - It's just, yeah, charged to the game, bro. - Well, yeah, 'cause also it's making him feel bad about himself. - Unless he wants to slowly start introducing it to her. - That's horrible. - How? - In various forms. - Oh, wow. - That's hell. - Well, it's like,

what's that clip of that woman who's scared of, on this morning and she's scared of something and it's like a phobia. What's she scared of? - Brussels sprouts? She panics. - Yeah, she's crying. - Bruh, duh. They put a Brussels sprout on the table, they say, "Look at it." She looks and heaves.

- She eats a singular sprout. It's the funniest thing. - So it's a phobia and you need to be exposed to things when you've got phobia. So it might just take six months. - Therapy. - Yeah, maybe. Maybe one of them ones where it's like, you know, when you're a kid and you're like, ah, I don't like fucking boiled potatoes. And your mom's like, you like chips?

- True, true, true. - There you go. - She needs to just close her eyes. - There you go. - This is hell, why are we even entertaining this? - Blindfold, she could start with blindfold. They could dress up.

- There we go. - If she's not had sex before, I promise you, no one's blindfolded anymore. She'll be on the phone to the police so quick. - True. - So quick. - But if she's willing to learn and accept it, he needs to ask her, do you want to try and accept it? - No, I'm not entertaining any of them. - He needs to find someone else. - Yeah, this is hell. - All right, cool. - He needs to sort this out. - Final answer, charged.

- Makes us sick. - Got to the bottom of that one. - How did we get to girlfriend status? - What does she look like? - And she's vomiting at your dick. Oh, interesting. Okay, the title of this next one is, "Sex is my husband's love language." - Ooh, what's your love languages? - Oh yeah, good question. - Here we go, let's do the quiz. - This is our favorite question. - What do I like to receive or what do I like to give? - Both. - What I like to give, I gift give. - Ooh, nice. - I'm a gift giver. And I would say gift giver and then,

quality time physical touch in those three and what how do you like to receive um would be acts of service and quality time physical touch yeah active service first yeah oh nice james mine is mine actually varies depending on my mood

- I'm in a vulnerable mood. - Yeah. - Physical touch. - Physical touch is top, top through the roof. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I need like hands here. - Hold me. - Literally hold me. - Like a little hand. - Yeah. - He needs his tickles.

- God. - My head tickles. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, them rugby runs. - I'm snoring. - Let me do this shit. - Fucking hell, I'm yours forever. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But okay, on a normal day, I would say active surveys 100% and then probably physical touch. Quality time, I'm not that fussed about. What are the other ones? - GIFs. - Words of affirmation. - Words of affirmation. - Words of affirmation. - I'm not really fussed about that. - Words of affirmation, guys.

- Gifts for me is not a thing. I don't really care about gifts. But yeah, I like to give gifts for sure. But yeah, I would say acts of service and physical touch is my top two. - Is that to receive? - To receive. - To receive. - But yeah, also, but that physical touch is like, gets to a point. If I don't really know you that well and you're touching me, that's an, I will cut it off for me. - I think acts of service for me, both ways. - Oh, okay, fair. - Yeah, I think so. And...

- Quality time. - Both ways as well? - Yeah, but I'm mainly acts of service, I think. If I had to choose one, it would be acts of service both ways. - Nice. - Your quality time. - I'm quality time and cuddles.

- Both ways? - I think so. - Yeah, I'd say so. - If I don't get quality time, I'm scared. - She ain't happy. - Makes sense. - Yeah. - Cool. - Cool, man. - So what's she afraid of? Oh no, she's not afraid. - Her husband's love language is sex. - Oh, we've not even got to the-- - Oh, yeah. - I said the first sentence. - Fair. - Right, my partner and I have been together for almost seven years. He says sex for him is how he receives love from me, how he feels connected to me, and how he shows love to me.

- He's, oh God, he's threatening to leave me if we don't have- - Threatening? - He's threatening to leave me if we don't have more sex. This is his requirement or he will not continue our relationship. - Requirement? - Seven years, big man. - An ultimatum like that. - I don't like to have sex when I feel unloved or when he's being hateful/mean for long periods of time. Yes, I've told him. - He sounds nasty. - Yeah, he sounds horrible. - He does sound nasty. - He says no sex is the reason for this behavior.

Yeah, yeah. This is getting the legalities. The legalities are getting great. Wow. We do have very good sex and always have, but we don't do it that often anymore. Maybe a couple times a month. This makes me feel like his love is conditional. And if I don't have sex with him, I am unlovable. Like this was the only reason he was with me to begin with, to use me as a body to fuck.

and to build his self-esteem. Should I try to work on us or just let him leave? - The fact that she has to say when he gets nasty and hurtful, that for me is like bad vibes. When I was getting nasty and being hurtful to you, then that's just all around bad vibes.

- That's horrific. - And then the ultimatum. - That's scary. - It's really scary. It's giving, no, I don't like that. - Seven years? - Seven years? How do you get to seven years? - Oh, I don't like that. - Men are scary sometimes. - There is something about understanding your partner's love language though and appreciating that it may be different to yours. And that's why they say it's really important to know what your partner's love language is because

you could be doing all these things thinking you're making them feel so loved, but they don't see it in that way. So there is something about learning your partner and how they feel loved and I get all of that, but for him to make it sound like a chore or like a punishment, like, well, I'm not being nice to you because you're not sleeping with me. I don't wanna sleep with you if you're not being nice to me. - No. - I think he's just handled it wrong.

I think if he wanted to have sex more with his partner. - Who he loves, apparently. - He needed to tune more into her love language and do all the things she likes, make her feel special, sexy, set the mood. - Yeah, 'cause nothing about that is sexy. - Then he would've got what he wanted and it would've been happy days. He just went about it weird. - Okay, question, question, question. - That was a great answer.

- Thank you. - It was a great answer, by the way. - I'll take that as well. - Very. Let's say all of this is happening to both of you right now individually, but the sex is banging. Like out of this, you've never had like prison dick. - Prison dick? - Never had anything like this before. - What's prison dick? - What's prison dick? - You've not had prison dick. - Yay! - If you're asking what's prison dick, you've never had prison dick. - In prison? - No. - Conjugal visits? - No. - Conjugal visits? - No, it's just like- - Baby birth in prison?

- And then just bang into your last breath. - It was like we've been locked up. - He's been away for like 10 years and he's come out and like, yeah, you're the first thing he sets eyes on. It's like game on. - Oh. - And you've experienced stuff like this. But this is how your husband fucks you every time. - Okay. - Okay. - Twice a month.

- At the minute, it's twice a month. - You've been together for seven years. So you know the sex is good, but you just know what the sex comes with. What the cons the sex comes with. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The thirstiness. - You can't work tomorrow. - Exactly. - You can't work tomorrow. - Yeah, you can't work tomorrow. - But he's also a bit mean sometimes. - Conjunctivitis also. - Yes. - Oh.

Conjunctivitis is crazy. It's crazy, by the way. This is a bad ep for me, man. I'm showing a weird light. I'm just trying to ad lib it. It's not being received the right way. Yeah, the right way. What are your thoughts on that? Awful. I think you have a different response. You were thinking about science breathing. He's being mean to you and Nasty. It wouldn't be worth it. Okay. Especially because it's twice a month.

That's just now though. But then again, we are talking about now. - Yeah, but we're back to square one again. - And then it's all about, oh, I'm only gonna have sex with you. You need to make sure that you'll be, blah, blah, blah.

- Yeah, it's too much pressure. - No, it's not nice. - Yeah. - As far as the month thing is rough though, to play devil's advocate, not condoning the nastiness, but if that genuinely is how he feels love and it's only happening once every two weeks, he must be suffering. I'm not condoning the bad behavior. - He's just going around in the wrong way. - He needs to learn how to communicate his feelings in like a not a nasty way. - Oh yeah, yeah. - He needs to try and like get his partner in the mood.

in the mood and do all these things rather than like being at her like you haven't done this and blah, blah, blah. 'Cause that's not gonna make anyone feel like, oh yeah, let me sleep with you, I'd love to. You know, he needs to change his approach. - Yeah, he's a bit grim. - Fair. - That was nice. - That was a good one. Good answer as well. All right, next one. - He did English A level. - I can tell. - Well played. - I got a D. - Right, interesting title of the next one.

Interesting title. How do I tell my girlfriend she's getting too fat? You don't. You cannot ever. Interesting. Interesting. Let me just give the context. I have not read this, by the way. What? Oh, no. You should love me in all shapes and sizes. Let me land. Yeah. So my girlfriend has gained weight over our time together. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if she kept growing until about two, three, five to round out to an even 100 pound again.

but she wants to lose weight, which I'm all well for. So she started off great with working out, but this holiday season come around and she started to head back into habits that make her extra thick to begin with over these last two months. And I'm afraid she's going to grow outward even more as the holiday continues. And it doesn't help we have a cruise for four days of nonstop eating and drinking over the new years.

It's not. That's dramatic. With everything said, she is sensitive to the subject and her self-image. And I just want to know what would be the best way to talk to her without hurting her feelings and showing support. So she wants to lose weight. She wants to lose weight. She's expressed that. But I feel he's saying that she flip-flops.

she doesn't she's not consistent she's not consistent and now she's now he's worried that she's going to route her habits off again yeah it needs to be approached with much gentleness tlc i think maybe a good way to approach if she genuinely wanted to lose weight and wanted to get in a better fitness routine etc

then he could sort of come at it from like, I'm gonna coach you. This is gonna be so fun. We're gonna do this together. I really wanna get fit too. Let's do this together. I'm gonna write as a fun plan. I'm gonna do this and do that. I'm gonna do this together. It can be a joint couple thing. We can hold each other accountable. You can hold me accountable. I can hold you accountable. Needs to be a joint. We're in this together. I've got fitness goals too.

- He used to come from like, oh, I wanna get fit and I need you to hold me accountable. And oh, let's do this together. I think that's the only way it's gonna- - And that lasts a week. And then you go back to old habits. - Well, that's where he needs to stay firm and say, no, I'm your coach. We need to do this and this and this. - But are you getting offended by this constant,

"Oh, we need to hit the gym, we need to..." - No, I don't think so. Well, I think that depends on the person, right? 'Cause like I say to my boyfriend, like, "You need to hold me accountable." I said I was gonna go to the gym in the morning when my alarm goes off, I'm gonna go in the gym in the morning and he will, and we'll go together and it'll be great. And there's such a thing as holding your partner accountable. Like if they say they're gonna do something and like I said to you, like, "Oh, please make me go to the gym, I need to go."

I think that's fine. But obviously that depends on the person. It depends on your relationship and what the vibe is with your partner. That's why I think if he came from the approach of this joint thing, it's not all like, I'm going to make sure you do this and you do this and you do this. It's like a team thing. It's like, we're partners. Let's do this together. We're going to get, I don't know. And it's loving. So it's like, you're so beautiful.

I love you now. I will love you forever. All of that. So it's like, oh, you feel nice. That's sprinkled on the side. How does he approach it if, so for the sake of it, let's say we go with that approach and then it's been a few weeks. Jim's getting boring and she's like, who actually cares that much? Like who gives a fuck? Let me just relax. Yeah, I'm going to eat one, drink one. How does he then be like, ugh.

- Well, he needs to learn to love his girlfriend at any shape and size. - Yeah. - That's hell. - Love is blind. - There we go. Exactly. - How would you like a girl to come to you and say, "I'm not loving how you're looking at the moment"? - Oh, she needs to tell me. - Stern. - Yeah. - Really? - I will take that motionless because I know I need to fix her. - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

men and women receiving that kind of information would be very different. - Yeah, I agree. - I would need to be told because I know I look like naked. I've seen myself, if I look at my stomach in the mirror, I'm like, yo, this is where to go. But I'm lazy with it. And she's like, listen, I love you, babe,

- That tummy tum? Stop. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I would laugh, but I'll cry inside and I'll run to the gym the next day. - 100% motivate the fuck out of me. - Yeah, yeah, 110%. I'm bang on it. - So it depends on your dynamic, right? - Yeah. - It does. - He needs to tread carefully. He knows his girlfriend. He knows what's gonna set her off and what's gonna start the waterworks and the tears on a Sunday night. And he also knows what's gonna be like, "Oh, okay, yeah, blah, blah, blah." He needs to navigate this carefully, but he can, I think. - Very carefully.

- Especially because it was initially instigated by her. - She said that I want to do this. - It's clear sailing. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Let's do this together. - The real problem would be if she hadn't said anything and he was just thinking, hmm. - How am I gonna say something? - How do you say something? - How though?

- You can't. - You can't. - You can't. You love us. - Exactly, that's the reason why I'm saying it. - Yeah, you're doing this because we love you. - I just don't see how anyone, how you would relay that information and I would take it well. I don't know. - Because I go off, so I'm fat. So you think I'm fat now? - How would you tell your boyfriend?

- If I, I would, I would do exactly what I said. - Let's do this. - Let's do this together. Let's get, but we were so good at going to the gym. We always did that together. - We used to go running. - We used to go running. Let's do it together. I wanna get back into it till I fall off the track. You need to help me. I need you to help me. - And he's like,

That's 20s chat. I'm 33. Yeah, I'm tired. That's a young man's game. Yeah, let me focus on the household. Let me focus on my work. I've got time for this stuff. I'm happy that you're so motivated, but please, for the love of God, leave me out of it.

- What next? - 'Cause he's getting chubby. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's getting chubby. You can't see his pocket. - Oh, stop, stop, stop. That's too much. That's actually too much. - I don't know. What do you do? What do you say? - I think you gotta accept. - You gotta see past it. - I don't know. - I don't know. - What's all this, man? - You deserve the best. - Facts! - You deserve the best.

What are you talking about? - Except. - No, but he's comfy like that. He likes having his cookies in front of the TV. He likes eating- - So why are you now taking L's every morning? So why is your life a big L now? - Do you not, in these scenarios, do you think you would start to resent your partner? - Oh, if you were really, it might. - I don't know. I actually don't know. - 'Cause I don't think you can just continue with this in love. - No, you can't. - A relationship is about accepting

- I disagree. - And compromising. - Beyond the physical appearance. - Beyond. - I disagree. - Have you guys watched Love is Blind? - I hate that show. - I don't care about it. - That show is bullshit. - It's so good. - I love it because it's juicy. - Juicy like drama, but it's not a good. - Yeah, a concept is terrible. - It's an incredible concept. - Yeah, what did Homegirl say? She looks like Megan Fox.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 100% look like Megan Fox. - So yeah, no, no, no. I disagree with that wholeheartedly, acceptance. - So how are you guys saying to your girlfriend that she needs to come gym with you? - I would say, do you know what babe? I actually truly believe this as well. I would say, do you know what babe? I think

Every day, I'm so lucky to be with you. Nice, good start. And every day, I'm so happy that I get to choose to be with you and be lucky. And I think that you should, I know for a fact that you could have any guy that you want.

and you pick me. So I want to make sure that every day you have the same options and the same choices and you choose to pick me every single day. So I'm going to do the best I can to make sure that every day I am that guy for you.

And I would like it if every day you treat me the same and think I'm gonna be the best version of you so that I choose you every day. And I think we should continue on that path forever and ever. - That was lovely. - I would ask you to text that to me so I can say the same thing. - Yeah, copy and paste. Just co-sign that above. - Cool, nice. - Yeah, that was really good. - Good, good articulation. - Gentle approach, very loving. That's what- - Only if it lands though. 'Cause she could be thinking this is all, this has nothing to do with-

This is a paid advertisement for BetterHelp. Bro. Talk to me. Real quick, ask me what my self-care non-negotiables are. What? Grounding.

Wim Hof breath work. Yeah. Eight hour sleep. Non-negotiables. Those are three perfect non-negotiables. And I'm proud of you. Thank you very much. I'm very, very proud of you. It's like when people say never skip leg day, but it's never skip therapy day. We all know how easy it is for our schedules to become overwhelmed with social gatherings and other obligations that leave us struggling to make time for the things that fill our own cups. 100%. It's like when your schedule is packed with big work projects and more.

It's easy to let your priorities slip. Even when we know what makes us happy, it can be hard to make time for it.

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Oh, right. Next to them? Next to them. All right, Beth. Good answers from both sides. That's complicated. Title, am I the bad guy on Valentine's? Probably, if you're asking the question. I was going to say, we already know the answer's yes. Yeah. Probably. Right. I live up to the stereotype of a guy who just cannot shop. Because of this, I've depended on my girlfriend's mum and her two sisters for Christmas, birthday, Valentine's Day presents for her, and they've always been good enough to recommend things she'd really like. That's poor.

Yeah. That's disappointing. Anyway, last year, her mum told me about certain Brazilian jewellery my girl liked. We're Scottish, and her mum said that finding it over here was difficult and really make it a surprise and pretend to my girlfriend that I couldn't find the pieces she'd been admiring. Anyway, Valentine's Day came, and I gave her smaller gifts, etc., and she was clearly disappointed. It'll just make the surprise better, I thought.

Unfortunately, she proceeded to have a full-on tantrum

in brackets because I didn't make any effort. This included stomping her feet and slamming doors. She's 27. Her mom and her sister witnessed this and were none too pleased and actually wanted me just to get my money back for the jewelry. When my girlfriend did get the main present, she blamed us for making her seem like a child. I think this is concerning behavior. Who is in the wrong?

- Interesting. - So. - Can we recap that? - Yeah. - Recap is he's shopping. He asked the mum and the sister, what can I get for Valentine's day? The mum was like, she really, really wants this jewellery. Make it a big surprise because it's incredibly rare. She was clearly expecting said jewellery. So on the day he gave her shitty little gifts

So to make the surprise better, but before he could give her the surprise, she was kicking off and being like, this is the worst fucking Valentine's Day of all time. Started slamming doors. And now the mom's like, don't even give her the fucking jewelry. Fuck this girl. And now she's found out about the jewelry and she's like, you guys are assholes. You've made me out to be a child by giving me shitty little gifts. And now you're offended that I had that kind of reaction. You should have just given me the jewelry in the first place.

It's a weird dilemma. - That is a weird dilemma. - So he's asking... - He's asking who's in the wrong. Should I have just given her the gift?

in the first place and we would have avoided this whole tantrum situation. - Possibly. - So he bought the Brazilian jewelry? - Yeah, he got it. - Why did he give it her? - Because he wanted to build up the surprise. He wanted to give her the shit he gives so she'd be like, "Oh, for fuck's sake." And he'd be like, "Psych, here you go." - It's like when people forget to acknowledge your birthday and then it's like, "Surprise, we've got a big party." It's like that vibe. - Yeah, so you're disappointed first and then it's like, "Oh." - But she stormed off. - She stormed off after the little ones. - Oh no.

Oh no. I don't think he was in the wrong there. I think she was just... I think she should have just been a bit more patient. Short fuse. Yes. The stomping is childish. And the slamming is scary. And the stomping seems extreme. Slamming is one thing I would never tolerate in my house. Yeah. Slamming doors is scary.

- I don't think he's in the wrong. I think he just needs to be like, look, come on, go over. I got you a really nice present. I was trying to just build up the, trying to set, you know, trying to just set something up that was quite nice. - That would ick me out. - Yeah, it's giving ungrateful. - Yeah, I'm not sure about that reaction. - Obviously her love language is gifts. - So would you guys give her the gift?

- The good Brazilian jewelry? - Yeah, I would. - I would. - I'd give it her like that. - Yeah, I'd give it. - Just like there's no love in this gift anymore. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Have it. - Yeah, I would literally throw it on the bed or whatever. - That's exactly how I'd give it to her. - Yeah, 100%. - Yeah, because- - Yeah, I don't like the reaction from her. - Yeah, 'cause we're grateful for all sorts of gifts, right? - Well, it's just giving like stroppy child. - Yeah. - Also it's Valentine's. - Yeah. - It's not birthday. - True. - True. - But then, you know,

- Does he know if he knows his girlfriend well, maybe she should just give another the gift that she wanted. - Exactly, if you know her that well, then you know that she might get like this. - Oh, true. - So give her the good, good girlfriend. - I remember watching, what was that show called? "Don't Tell the Bride." Do you remember "Don't Tell the Bride"? - Oh my God, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - BBC Three. - Under the Sea. - Yeah, BBC Three. - It was BBC Three. - Incredible. - The themes.

- And then what did they have like 12 grand or whatever to make a wedding? - 12 grand. - It was rough bro. You never watched it? - No, I can't remember the budget. - It's so good. - There was one thing on there that said like every Friday, the boyfriend gets her flowers. - Okay. - And obviously on this one, the boyfriend's planning the wedding. So the wedding was like on the Saturday. So the day before the wedding, he's like manically trying to sort stuff out. She didn't get any flowers.

she was like, "I'm not marrying this guy." - I don't remember this one. - Yeah, "I'm not marrying this guy. "He can't even remember Flower Friday. "Yeah, fuck this guy." - Did she marry him in the end? - Yeah, she ended up marrying him, obviously. But obviously he didn't know that that went on like that. And I always wondered when he watched that back, if he was thinking, "What the fuck?" - Yeah.

- Good point. Watching that back would ruin my day. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would fuck everything up. I'm planning a wedding by myself. - Facts bro. - Fuck your flowers. - I ain't got time to think about flowers bro. - Yeah, it's tough. - I've got 12 grand budget. - Did you see the guy who spent the full budget on flights to Vegas? - Vegas, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah, I saw that. - Yeah, I did. - And then she didn't marry him in the end. - His dad do. Her hen do was shit as well. - Yes.

- Shit. - And he did a 12 grand flight to Vegas. - Yeah, he smoked the whole thing. - He did a cake. - Aw yeah. - He just wanted a free bag. - Yeah, on the bachelor party in Vegas. - Awful. - Say less. - Yeah, he flew all the boys out. - Say less. - Yeah. If I'm one of the boys, I'm gassed. - I'm gassed. I don't care what happens or not. - Facts, it's just a holiday for them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gassed. Say less. - Oh yeah, that's hard. - That was sick.

- That's a hard one. - Right guys, it is time for the Whoop Diddy Scoop update, okay? - Yeah, man. - So we're well into the swing of things right now. - We are. - If you haven't joined our community challenge with Whoop, literally stop being an idiot. - What are you doing? - And do it now. We're trying to get snatched, so what are you doing? - What are you actually doing? - We're trying to get sculpted, so what are you doing? - Yeah, facts. - We're working every week, trying our best. What are you doing?

Clearly not enough. - Not enough at all. - So I made some heinous statements last week. - What did you say? - Just in terms of what I wanted to be. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Bro, I'm not gonna lie to you, I tried. I didn't get enough sessions in and the ones that I did get in just aren't enough. Caveat, I've said it before,

This is silly, but it's making me want to charge PT. I'm not going to charge PT, but obviously when I go and do PT, daddy trains, but he doesn't get that cardio in. So I go in, do my PT and then I dip. And because we train legs mainly, when I see my PT, we like, bro, I can't even. - You can't fathom. - Yeah, I can't even do it. Bro, I can't even do it. So that's fucked me. So I remember last week I had an average strain of 10.6 and I was like, that's the one I want to beat.

I didn't beat it. My average strain was 9.7. Okay. But I did get nearly an all time high of like a strain of like 14.5 the other day, which for me is crazy high. I got that on Easter Sunday, might I add.

I trained really, really hard. So that I will take away as a win. I went super hard. And the other training sessions I did, I did go hard. But I just didn't get there. But this week's a new week. It's harder for me this week 'cause we've got a lot of work on. But I'm gonna try my best to get it done. Even if it means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I can't. And then Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I go, go, go. I'll do that, okay? - Yeah, I hear you. - Right, guys, if you're in the community, you'll know this by now, but we've got a new one on top, Ruben.

- Ruben is on top this week for strain. - 20.6. - With an average strain of 20.6, which is fucking insane. - That's an average. - Average. 20.6 strain. - Wow. - But what I will say, Rebecca and Kyle, someone do something. - Kyle's been in the top three. - So has Rebecca.

- Facts. - Rebecca and Carl, week after week, are in the top three, top five. Someone, 'cause I can't do it clearly. - Do something about it. - Someone do something. Let's be fair, you can do something about it. - I could. - You're the strain daddy. - I could. - Do something about it, Fia. Please do something about it. - Say less. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's up to you. - Maybe not this week. Maybe not this week, guys.

But shout me next week and we'll see. All right, bet. Cool. Yeah, someone do something about it. What was your average for last week? 9.7. 9.7. What position did that put you in? 1,329th. Say less. What was yours? My average was 15.4. That's good. My position was 151. Well done. That's really good. Thank you. Well done. Okay, show me recovery, please. Recovery. All right, so recovery, we've got a 98% lead at the top.

I hope I'm pronouncing the name right. Lyric or Lyric? Lyric? Lyric? I'm going to say Lyric? Yeah. Lyric Joyce. Lyric Joyce with 98%. No synonyms. Those are synonyms. Lyric with 98%. Connor with 97%. And Shane also with 97%. My personal recovery? 63%. Amber, 725th.

Mine was also 63%. - Interesting. - And mine was 715. It also goes to show which this one is like a big, big sleep day because this is worse than last time. - Okay. - But my overall greens for the week were better. - Okay. - So I think I only had like one bad one, one or two bad ones and the rest were like, - Jesus.

bless you thank you green green green green green green but like they weren't as high as the weather before yeah the week before i was doing like 97 92s and then i had a couple ones this time around i had more overall better sleep yeah but it wasn't enough to bump up that average hey um the recovery i mean my sleep average 83 percent my and what's your what does that put you position 607th my average you said 83 mine's 73. damn one thousand

138 Damn Right we need to do better We do need to do better Well after a bad start Yeah Because last night We had a terrible sleep Yeah But we can make it up We can We should Monique on top Yeah The average 100 sleeps are insane 5 hours sleep 100% Monique Sheehan

Let's not bail her out like that, but she's cheating. Somehow, someway cheating. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nikki, 100% and Lauren as well, 100%. So yeah, it's cooking. It's time for me to step up. Yeah. It is really, really time for me to step up. So yeah, I'm going to try and get, again, 10.6 is the benchmark I want to beat. Okay. Guys, if you want to jump on and get the week by week, it's not too late. Please go to forward slash join.

SNG. Get your whoop. It's 30 day risk free. So if you want to try it for a month and you're like, I actually hate this, which you won't, but, but the caveat is there. Okay. And yeah, just hurry up because May's around the corner. We're trying to get snatched, snatched in, tight and tucked. Mm. Mm.

And yeah. Damn. All right. That's Dilemma's done. Dilemma's done. Nice. Cool. So now we have, oh yes. Okay. This one's going to be fun. Right. So we've done this like three times now. Yes, we have. Cool. So now we have you here. We're going to go best friends versus best friends. Oh,

- And we've got the best friend quiz. - Best friend quiz. So you guys have your whiteboards next to you. So this is what they're for. - Oh, we should have practiced. - Practiced what? - I know we should have practiced in the car. - Some general knowledge, some best friend trivia. - Rem, can you please explain? - Explain. - 2v2, obviously. So Chinzia, how well do you know each other? - Very well. - Pretty good. - Very well, all right. - I'm excited about this one. - We need to look into each other's eyes. - Yeah, let us sync up for a minute. - Lock in. - We got it.

Sorted. We'll go clockwise starting with Soph and yeah, one question each for obviously each other. Understand? No. I'm going to ask you a question. Oh, I'm not. Am I thinking of a question? No, you're asking me a question. No, I'm asking you a question. Okay, cool, cool, cool. And then, yeah. And then I have to write down what? And you're both supposed to write the same answer. Okay, okay. Write this seriously. I'm getting rid of my scars. A different question and you'll both need to write the same answer. Got it, got it, got it, got it.

And then we'll move on to Fu Had for James. Yeah. I'm so nervous. Everyone, peel. We need to look out for secret codes and secret gazes and all this kind of stuff. Apparently they're witches. And it was the full moon, like we said. Yeah, watch out. Be careful. I remember when we played this on...

- Was it Chunks and Phillies? - Yeah. - And they asked us when your birthday was. I've known your birthday for years. When I say when they asked me, I panicked. - You never told me this. - Of course I didn't tell you. - I would have punched you, bro. - I panicked, my bro. - I would have fucking punched you. - I was doing mental maths. - So if you used to forget my birthday. - Yeah, I only remembered it in recent years because we had three friends at school who were the three days and I was like, which one are you in the dead? - Yeah, that's annoying.

But anyway, let's do this. I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm terrified. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Who is Chinzia's ugliest ex-boyfriend? Why did you... Whoa, whoa. Got it. Wait, let me just make sure. We know, we know. Ugliest. I just want to make sure. Don't ask me that question. Don't ask us that question. Anyway.

We know. I just want to make sure that I've got the "you know". Eric! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Drop the nicknames. Eric! Don't ask us those kind of questions. Yeah, I think it's gonna be that one. Three, two, one. With the hearts around it, you know. No, no, no. He was nasty and ugly. I don't even feel bad about that one. Neither do I. So, Jinxia.

What is your favourite place you've been together? Let me think. I need to think. Our favourite trip that we've ever been on? Yeah, your favourite trip you've been together. We say what our favourite trip was, do we? Eight, seven, six. I feel like this is wrong. My brain's not working. They're locked. Okay, reveal in three, two, one. I said Tulum. When you were the carrot.

- Oh, and I was the carrot lady. - We always say that was the best. - But we had a magical time so long. - We did, I forgot about that. - We had 10 magical days. - Guys, I'm happy to have you. - Damn, we stayed at Pablo Escobar's old mansion. - Yeah, Casablanca. - Wow. - Where the jerseys used to come in. - Nice. - Damn. - Okay, let's relock. - Oh no! - All right, let's go. - Oh no. - James. - Oh yes, bro, tapped. - If you had, who was James's favorite artist in 2023?

- Spotify artist in 2023. Who had writing something down, bro? So. - This is a wild guess. I think it's a wild guess. Cause it was mine. And I think, no, no, no, no, no. Listen to me. Listen to me. I think it's the same. I genuinely think it's the same. It's the same, right? Right, you're right. I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty confident. Do you even remember what your one was? - Top artist. - You know the Spotify rap thing? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Top artist, Spotify rap to 2023. - Is it right? - I'm sure. - We'll find out.

- I don't remember who my top artist was. - I think we discussed this. - I remember what my top song was, which was "Rogue". - Exclusive. - I remember what my top song was, which was "Rogue". - Five, four. - My art is gone. - You've got 75 minutes. - Stop, that's pressure. - Yeah. - Sorry. - I can only think of one person who it would be. - Yeah. - But you're saying it's random. - No, ignore it. Just, I've written what I've written, you've written what you've written. Let's just go with it. - For fuck's sake. All right, three, two, one.

- Oh, thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. - I wrote that in seconds. - Yeah, you threw me with the random thing. - So original, right? - Yeah. - What a unique music choice. - What is it, 1-1? - Yeah. - All right. - Okay, 'cause it's 1-1. - Yeah, just play the game that needs to be played. - Facts. - All right, next, next, next. Okay, okay, okay, okay, go. - You're gonna hate this. - Oh, fuck. - Sorry. - James. - Yes. - What is Fuad's favorite meal to cook for himself?

- No one knows that stuff. We had this last time. - I would know. - For myself. - I would know. - Favorite meal to cook. We did have this last time, but these cooking ones, man. - No, we did my death row meal last time. - That's what I'm saying. The meal thing is not making sense. The favorite, I know. - Favorite meal to cook for myself. - I know, I know, I know, I know. 'Cause my boy, yeah, he's been trying to deny himself for the last couple months. I know exactly what it is. - That was such a,

- No, I promise you. - I'm not even wearing anything. - The thing is, you know what? Right. Lock in, bro. Lock in. - My favorite meal to cook for myself. - Let it land, bro. Let it land, bro. Please don't overthink it. - I'm gonna have to push you, bro. - You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. - Hold on. Oh my God. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Let's change his answer. This is like the finale of "The Traitors." - Yeah. - You can do this.

- Do not overthink it. - There's food in my head. - Yeah, you're doing too much. - It's like a Venn diagram. - You're doing too much bro. - Bro. - Yeah, we've spoke agnosium about this ting over years and years and years. - I'm gonna write what I need to write. When I flip the board, I'm not gonna look at your answer. Give me the clue and if I can get it, I'll say it. If that makes sense. - Yeah, all right. - Cool. - Three, two, one. - Nice. - All right. - Yeah, the clue was I was gonna say is.

- No, I'm not gonna say it 'cause I wanna- - When he starts seeing a new girl who'll cook them breakfast. - Same thing all the time. - Oh, pancakes. - Incorrect. - Fuck.

- That was stressful. - It was stressful. - That was a heavy round. - Oh, you can make pancakes so good. That's good. - Yeah, that's lovely. Banana pancakes. - There are skills. - I love making pancakes. Yeah, that's me. - What do you have on them? - I'm a plain Jane, you know, I'm not gonna lie. Maybe some turkey bacon. I love a bit of turkey bacon, yeah. - Do you do maple? - I do do maple. - She's a maple girl. - Blueberries in that bitch as well. - Blueberries is it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bit of cinnamon on that bitch as well. - Ooh. - Come on. Anyway.

- Fuck. - Yeah. - Fuck. - Okay, it's one-one. - I was going to say, you're thinking about dinner too much. Then you would've got it, but I thought that's a giveaway. - Yeah. - These meal questions, man. - It's not me, it's not me, it's not me. - Damn. - Dude, Anna, was it you? - I'm not grassing, it's not me. - Fuck, man. - So I'm not grassing. - All right. - Next question. Sof, what is Chinsia's favorite thing about her looks? - What's her favorite thing about her looks? - Just one. - That's a really tricky question. - That is a really tough question. - Just one.

Oh, but there's so many things. What would you say? So many things. Favourite thing about... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. What the hell's going on there? What's his mouth stop? It's just me speaking. Okay, I am... But I don't know if you're going to write that.

- Okay, I'm gonna go for something. - Are you going for something? - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - We had all this talk. Just go simple, think simple, think simple. - Yeah. - You literally said, "Are you gonna go for something?" - I am going. - Okay, I think-- - I've gone simple. - I've gone what I think you're going to say. - Really? Is that what, okay. - Three, two, one.

- That was really hard. - I was gonna say tits but I thought there was no way to write it down. - Yay! - Let's get it. - Beautiful eyes. - Let's tie it in the reins now. - Let's reel it in. Let's reel it in. Okay, we're really in now. - Let's go. All right, next question. Jinxia. - Oh yeah, what's next? - What would Soph order from Domino's? - Domino's? - Yeah, you got it.

Do I? Yeah. She's not confident at all. Just a simple... Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did not mean to... Three, two, one. I just put simple margarita. Brilliant. Thank God for that. I was scared she was going to go all stuff crusty on me. Stuff crusty. Stuff crusty.

- We kept it simple. - That's how it's done folks. - 3-1. - Plain cheese. - 3-1. - I'm not feeling these questions. - Right, who had? Next question. - Yeah, yeah, locked. - What city was James born in? - Thank God. Who had? - Come on, come on, come on, come on. - If you don't. - I've actually already given you the point, bro. I've given you the point.

- The reason why I'm nervous is because obviously I know where he lives, but I know he's dotted a bar in and around. Everyone knows this. - Just before his mom was about to give birth. - I could ask a random fan and they would know this about me. Where you were born. - Yeah. - I know the hospital she was born in, likewise. - And you wanna talk about dotted a bar? - I know I've dotted a bar. I've dotted a bar. - I know everything about you. - I know I've dotted a bar.

- Tan? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. - And I'm hoping it's the tan. - Three, two, one. - Oh, thank God. - Nice. Luton Airport. - All right. Gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. - Cool. - Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. - I get nervous on this stuff, bro. - Yeah, bro, bro, bro. That could have got techy. - Fuck. All I'm saying, I'm happy I've gotten both of yours. - Do you actually know what I mean though? Favorite meal to cook? - Yeah, bro. - What is Fuhad's biggest ick?

- In a partner. - Go on. - Biggest ick in a partner. - Not even a girl, a partner. - Just a partner and we have had this question. I asked this question in the last one. - Did we say it wasn't in a partner? - Don't get lost in the details bro, just write your biggest ick. - Three, two, one. - You wrote something else. - Can't walk in heels, no heels in clubs. - Oh, it's not quite the same.

I think that's Can't walk in heels No heels in clubs For such a vague question Oh yeah That's the same thing You're talking about girls Taking their heels off In the club Yeah Whereas James is saying Girls that can't walk In their heels That is a different thing Unfortunately It is a different thing Unfortunately But we're not the rule makers Who makes the rule But this is actually my

- It's slightly different. - It is different. - It is slightly different. - It's cool. - Obviously heels, but sorry. - Yeah, it's cool. - At least we're in the same general region. - There's a common denominator, but. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Heels are hard to walk in. - Okay, Soph. - Yeah. - What is Chintzy's most embarrassing moment? - Embarrassing moment? Oh goodness. Okay, let's think. - Three, two, one.

- Finger stuck in the taxi. - Oh, I put falling off the stage after the live show. - Oh, I did fall off the stage. - Oh, that. - Finger in the taxi, that was a bad one. - That wasn't embarrassing though. - No. - No. - What did you say? - My finger got caught in the taxi door. - Oh, we had to go to A&E. - The tip was hanging off. - Ah, with a nail. - No, the tip of my finger. I will show you the scar. - Oh my. - We went to A&E. It was a night. - And the taxi man still charged us money for the taxi.

can you believe that makes sense yeah it was his door it was his door yeah but yeah it was automatic sliding door and her hand was behind it my hand was in it i was very drunk ouch oh damn sophia took me to the hospital it was good save the tip you fell off stage i fell walking off the stage onto my knees my clue was going to be oh we've got this on video oh

- Oh, I forgot about that. I was in these ridiculous heels. - I would have charged that entire point. - That's all I could think of. - Yeah, yeah, facts. - That kind of kill would have charged that entire point. - Only a few people saw me though. - Yeah. It was funny though. - It was funny. - What is Soph's favorite color? - Oh my goodness me. - Don't overthink it. - Easy peasy. - Three, two, one. - Pink. - Easy. - We sit in a pink room every day. - Okay, two head. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be sick. - What annoys you the most about James?

- Pet peeve. - I don't know how to write it, but I know how to write it. - Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,

Comfort film. That's impossible. That's a nice question. I've never said I've a comfort film in my entire life, bro. Soph listens to Shrek every night before bed. Good Lord. My favorite comfort movie. About a year and a half. What? What makes you feel warm and fuzzy? I don't have one. Fiat isn't a warm and fuzzy kind of guy. If you want, if the girls bathroom agree,

You can swap potentially your question for a would you rather that I have loaded here. This is a lifeline then. We're incorporating a lifeline. So are we in a nice generous giving mood? Okay, we'll let you have it. We're nice ladies. Thank you very much. So James, would Fu had rather live a hundred years in the future or a hundred years in the past? I don't think he knows.

Three, two, one. Future. Nice. Well done. We're happy for you. Sensational.

Jesus Christ. Had to be the future. A hundred years in the past. Yeah, you'll get whipped. We didn't survive that. Understatement. Understatement. Your butt will be scarred. Anyway. It's a good feeling when you really know your best friend, you know? Let's not do this. Let's not do something like this. Let's not. We've had this before. So the game we have for you guys is for us. So iPad. Ooh.

If you unlock the app, it should be unlocked straight away. Just press the button and go to the books tab. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the title of that?

- Body talk/girl trivia questions. - That's this one, right? - Girl trivia? Is that what we're doing? - Girl trivia. - All right, so if I understand it correctly. - Oh, these are good questions for you. - All right, so the way I understand it is that we have questions that we need to try and answer based on female trivia. And if we understand the answers to these questions, right? About female, just lifestyle. - Anatomy lifestyle. - Anatomy and lifestyle. - How fun is this? - So is this question, is this

- VV or is this? - We're just trying to help each other out. - I think you should both try and help each other out. - All right, better, better, better, better, better, better. - This is just stuff you should know as a man in this world. - Cool. - Oh, it's been, the narrative has been spun already. All right, we can do this, bro. - I love having the eye patch. - I know, it's so official. - Okay, so firstly, can you pee with a tampon in? - I know the answer. - Do you?

- What do you think? - Don't give them any clues. - I'm not giving you any clues. - So yes or no? - Okay, emphasize can. - Exactly. - Yeah, what do we mean by can? - Because. - So? - Is it physically possible? - Is it physically possible? - A lady is, you know, on her flow. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - She's got her tampon in. Ooh, I need the loo. - She needs a loo. - I'm saying no. - What happens when we get to the toilet cubicle? Does it have to come out before? - It comes out, pee, and then they replace. That's my answer. - I'll go with you, bro.

- Incorrect. - I was gonna say yes. - Wee with it in. - Let the record show. - You can wee with it in. - James was gonna say yes. - Yeah, but I said that's what I was gonna say. You said go for it. You didn't say. - So you think we're just plugging our wee hole. - No. - It's a different hole. - No, I know it's a different hole.

take it out, pee and then replace. - Yeah, but can you? - That's why I said can. - Can you? - All right, cool, whatever. - I think a lot of girls would prefer to just take it out. - Yeah, and go again. - And go fresh with a new one. - But you don't have to. - But you don't have to. - Cool. - Let the record show James is a feminist and he knew that the pee hole is different to the sexy hole. - Yeah, cool. - Next question. - 'Cause that's how you get UTIs. Bacteria gets in your pee hole from your main hole. - Cool. - Then that's a UTI.

Sorry, bro. Facts. Professor Chincia. So, how many ovaries does a woman have in her lifetime? What did you say? No. Ovaries? In their lifetime? What? Try and picture from school that diagram of... Yeah, I know what it looks like, but the lifetime is spinning me. What's your answer? It's my answer, okay.

- I didn't know that they re-upped. I thought it was just, I thought- - Do we get new ones? Do they regenerate? - I didn't know that they just like came back. - Do they multiply? Do they share? - Do they lay eggs? - You need help. Just talk, brother. - Do they shrink? Do they grow? - I'm just saying, I said, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's not final answers, we're deliberating. - Yeah, we are deliberating. - Okay, say less, then pick your answer. - We've agreed. - Yeah. - Final answer, James.

- Okay, if I'm wrong, it's because I didn't know they're re-ups. I think it's two. - Correct. - Congratulations. - Thank you, thank you. - The lifetime was... - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was tricky. - There are two ovaries. - Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Jesus. - Okay. Number three. How big is a human egg? I would even know this. - So are eggs, are they as big as a... - Easter egg? - But you can't really... - The answer on here

includes they're comparing it to a different thing on the body. - Size wise. - Size wise on the body. Get out of here. - I can't think of anything else bro. - Did you go to boys school? - I don't remember sex ed in MTS. - What were they teaching you? - I'm gonna say like... - I say Gav.

- In comparison to something else on the body. - We'll just go like this. - I don't think this would help. I'm not gonna lie to you. 'Cause it's still gonna be small. - Yeah. - But I could say this and I could say this, you would say yes. Do you know what I mean? That's not fair. - The answer here is very specific. - Same size as something else on the body? - Yeah. - All right, we're gonna vote for a strand of hair.

- Well done. - I would have known that. Yeah, about the width of a human hair. - Yeah, width of a human hair. - Well done. - Minuscule. - Okay, ready for the next question? - Yes. - I don't know. I genuinely don't know. - Okay. What is the hymen? - I know what this one is. - You know what it is as well? - Let me refresh my memory. - Quite a specific answer.

How are you gonna describe it? - I don't know. That's why I'll let you do the scientific talk. - Let me talk the scientific talk. - I know what it is. - Man called it the... - I know what it is. - Cool. In the best way I know how, I'm pretty sure it is the skin that gets broken when you lose your virginity.

- Correct. The official answer here is a small thin piece of tissue at the opening of the vagina. - Yeah, and it gets- - Same, same. - Yeah. - Broken through. - Also through horse riding. - Horse riding? - Gymnastics. - Yeah, they can break their hymen. - Oh no. And gymnastics as well. - I think so, yeah. - Yeah. - You're doing well here. - You are doing so well. This is great. - Keep the good momentum. - Good, good, good. Well done guys. - Okay, next question. How many tampons do women use for their period?

- So think, from start to finish, how many tampons do they get through? - I mean, surely that depends on your flow. - On average. - On average. - How many jawns are in that pack? - What's the answer? - I don't know how many jawns are in that pack, but let's say, what's the average period like? - I think per day. - Per day. Think how many days it is and think per day. - Final answer, eight. We're gonna say eight. - Eight. - 18. - We meant 18 minus five.

- So we said two a day for four days. - Two a day? - Wow. - Four a day. - It can be one every hour. - That's insane. - That's why I said it depends on the food. - So two a day, what, morning and night? - I don't know. - You're having it in from morning till dinner time. - I don't know. - That's gonna work. - You'll get toxic shock. - You'll lose your legs too.

- It's 2024, we need a more efficient method of this. You guys shouldn't have to go through this. - What's the official answer? 20 per cycle. - Interesting, good to know. Sorry, Anna. - Interesting. - What is a period? - So a period is, no, no, no. This was actually fun fact. - So why is there blood? - This was my first fun fact on the show. - I think, did I get it right? - Maybe. - I think I got it right. - Maybe. - I think I got it loosely right. - Loosely right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So a period is the shedding of the,

- What's the ting? The womb? Not the womb. The shedding of, it's the shedding of something that releases the uterus maybe that releases the egg. So it's the shedding of something. - Shedding of the lining in the uterus. - Uterus, there we go. Yeah, come on dog. Yeah, that was my first fun fact on the show. I remember. - Round of applause. - I know my uterine. - That was a hard one, yeah. - Let's go bro. - I know my uterine man. - Okay, next one. - We in our woman bag. - Let's go, feminist gang. - It's quite simple. Where does the baby grow? - Uterus.

- Correct. - Congratulations. - This is the wild west. - Yeah. - Damn. - Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm just saying stuff. - You said that with the- - Yeah, Jess! - I looked at you and you already spoke and I was like, "Oh, let's see what I've got." - I didn't wanna. - You didn't wanna deliberate. - Yeah, I didn't wanna deliberate. - Cool. - 'Cause I'll get confused. - Okay, how long can sperm live inside the vagina? - Is this non-egg penetrative or? - Just how long can it just live in there? - Float around it. - Float around.

- Really? - I think it's a minute. That's all I thought. - What did you think? - I have no, I just didn't think it was long. I think it's a minute. I thought they'd die quick. - Nah, they stay up in there. I'm gonna vote for three days. - It's up to five. - Okay. - That's close. - All right, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. - I actually thought it was three days. - Yeah, it can stay there for a while. - Yeah, five's insane.

- Okay, next one. - So wait, so obviously we don't get that point. Okay, say this, cool. - Yeah. - No, we didn't get that point. - Yeah, I guess. - I'm assuming, yeah. - What is the difference between the morning after pill and the abortion pill? - I mean, so. - So if you were to take a morning after pill, what's that doing? And what's the abortion pill doing?

- I know this. - So the abortion pill is obviously getting rid of- - Yes. - The abortion pill. - Yeah, you know what I'm trying to say. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's tacky. - Yeah. - You know what I'm trying to say. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's delicate. - Yeah, that's the word. - Okay, cool. So the morning after, the morning after, I'm pretty sure, what does it do? It does something, it does something. - Don't overcomplicate it. - Yeah. - Surely it just like- - State the obvious.

- Okay, so we can just say bare bones? - Yeah. - More than enough to stop you from getting pregnant and the abortion pill terminates the pregnancy. - Yeah. - Okay, cool. - Well done, simple. - Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. - Okay, you've got three more, right. What does OBGYN stand for? - Fuck. - I don't even know. - I don't. - OBGYN. - So the OB is one word and the GYN is gynaecologist. - Yeah, so it's...

- Yeah. - Almost. - Oh, gynecology? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then O is what? - Oh, the O and B are two different things? - Yeah. - O and B is one? Thank God. - I don't even know what this is. - Well, you don't even know what this is. - Observational? No.

- No, it's more scientific than that, I think. - OB. - Do you want me to say? - Yeah. - Obstetrics? - Ain't no one getting that. - Obstetrics? - Obstetrics, gynecology? - Obstetrics and gynecology. - Say less, yeah, I would never get that. - Yeah, we won't get that one. - Maybe a young half point. - Okay, two to go. - Two more. - Yeah. - Can pregnant women go swimming? - Can? - Mm-hmm. Is it dangerous for the baby and the mother? - I feel like you're trying to give me a clue here. - Does it pose a threat?

- Like eating sushi? - Sure, I've seen bear pregnant women. - I'm sure. - Or you've just seen them training. - Have you actually seen them in the water though? - Yeah, I'm doing a Mandela. - Have you seen them swimming? - The Mandela's coming to my head. - Have I? - They could just be sunbathing, you see. - They could have their toes in. Are they actually submerged? - It's a belly within. - Interesting. I don't know. - I'm gonna vote no, but I don't know.

But is it yes or no, bro? - I'm gonna vote. It's safer to vote yes. - Yeah, okay. - 'Cause let's not tell them what they can or can't do. - Can they? - Okay, final answer, yes.

- Of course we can go, it's recommended. - It's jacuzzis I think they can't go in. - Oh, yeah, it's hot. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think water births. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Babies are in water. - The baby's floating in water anyway. - True, true, true. - Amniotic fluid. - Absolutely. - Right, last one. - You say, can it pose a threat? - Okay, how long can a tampon safely stay in?

- Oh, think back. - Oh, this helps. - Think back, think back. - We gave you some clues a few minutes ago. - Yeah, it's an hour note. They change it every hour. - Are you listening? Are you listening? No, she's saying that's worst case scenario. - Safely stay in. - I'm gonna say, I'm sticking with my answer. - We'll go with your answer. - What was your answer, four hours? - Four hours. - Well, you can have them up to eight, it says here, but not recommended.

- I would say four is probably about- - Four is about the ceiling. - Taking out toxic shock. - Cool. - Cool, thank you. - Well done. - What were you gonna say? - Well done. - That was- - On the girl trivia. - After the one, no, after I said the one and the reaction was the reaction, I was gonna say up to eight. I genuinely was gonna say up to eight, but I didn't know what was up. - You did well there. - You did do well. - Really well. - Cool. - You did do really well. - Congratulations on the girl trivia.

- That was tough. - That was tough. - I've been learning some stuff today. - Cool, cool. We have the final part of the show. This part of the show is we've asked our audience and our fan base to ask you guys some questions. - Okay. - What you guys are gonna do is read out on the iPad. So go back to the iPad, go to the notes tab. - I like this iPad. - It should be straight on there. - Can a guy have a girl best friend while dating? - Yes. - Yes, Sophia is proven.

- Tried and true, tested. - Best friends. - Nice. - All good thumbs ups all round. - Yeah, love it. - It can happen. - They become your best friends. - Nice. - As long as they're welcoming and they wanna be your friend too, then it's all happy smiles. - Yes. - Nice. - Decent. - Chinzia, your answer to that? - The same.

- As long as they're not being hidden from me or it's like keeping us separate, that's weird vibes. Yeah, but generally it can work. - Cool. - How do I tell him the things he does is unsexy?

- You need to approach with care. - You need to be more direct, I think. You need to say, no, tell him what you want him to do. - Yes. - Do this, do this, do this, do this. - Not that's not sexy. - This is so much better, do this. - Oh, when you do that, that's so sexy. - Oh, I love that. Do this. - Nice. - Yeah, so it's positive. - Positive reinforcement. - There we go. - Yeah. - Constructive. - Easy. - Constructive, okay, cool. - Yeah, 'cause then it's not negative, like, ooh, I hate when you do that. - Yeah. - If you had to switch bodies with James or Fu Had,

Which one would it be and why? - You look the same. - You look the same. You're the same height. You've got the same stature. - Look the same. - Not facially. - Okay, okay. I just had to, yeah. - I had to change. - 'Cause this is about the body.

- Body includes the face and the mind and everything. - It's everything. - Me as me and him as him. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well, this is a tricky question. - Yeah, this is hard. - I'm intrigued. - Take your time. - I'm gonna sit with you. - I would choose. - What would you say, so? - You have to say why. - They're gonna do the tactic that they just said. They're gonna try and avoid the negative and say positive reasons, even though one of us feels left out. - Positive, rude, or right to the question. - It's gonna be choose it to someone and I'm gonna dash my ball. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's not gonna be me. - I would choose

Foo hat Because I like his gold bracelet That he's got on This is bullshit Absolutely nice This is fucking bullshit Bullshit

- That's not your reason why. - He's like nice jewelry, you know, I'd like some nice jewelry if I was a guy. - We have exactly the same jewelry by the way. - Well, James isn't on display. - I am wearing my chain right now. - Well, you can be James and we can match. We can twin with our jewelry. - No, no, you're your own person. - My answer is, I would say Foo Head because you've got a thicker beard and I'd like to brush it every morning and put beard oil in it.

- Fair. - And that would be fun for the next round. - That's an answer. - That gold bracelet is a coward. - You're a coward. - Coward is the word. - You're a coward. - Number one. - If Fu has beard, looks like we could put beads in it and stuff. - Yeah, we could braid it. - We could braid it. - All right, cool, cool, cool, cool. - Some gold hoops. - That would be nice. - Okay, cool. - Okay, what's something you guys regret doing?

- I don't know. - It could be individual, it could be together. - Ooh. Not starting our YouTube channel sooner when we're at school 'cause we were nervous. We just did the blog. - We were scared what other people would say. - Oh, okay. - So we're like, let's just do the blog first 'cause like I'm so scared. But we thought, no, just do what you wanna do. - Yeah, that's a good one. - Just go for it, right? - Yeah, that's a good one. - How long did we, like time-wise, how long did you lose out with that mentality?

- A couple years. - Maybe a year or so. - Two years, like the whole of six forms. - Oh damn, that is a long time. - Yeah, so I would've said we should've just said, yeah, that's a good one. - Should've just gone for it. - Yeah. - And okay, last one. What's a personality trait you admire the most about each other or just in general? - Do each other and then do just a personality trait in general.

- Okay, trade that I admire about Chintz is you can tell she's the older sister. Like she's so generous. You can tell she's always had to share her shit from like younger sisters. - Am I generous? - Yeah, she's like, "Have this. Yeah, take this. You can have this. You can use this." She's just, you can tell it's in her to lend and share. - That's nice. - That's a nice answer. - That was nice. And I admire about you,

- She's trying to one up now. - Your organization. - Thank you. - She's very on top of admin and just she's got, Safiya's someone who's got her life in order at all times, I feel like. - Oh, thank you. - Whereas I'm a bit scatterbrain. Safiya is not scatterbrain. She's got her shit together. - Very cool. And personality trait just in general. - Oh. - Not about each other. - What was the question? What will you admire? - What's a personality trait that you admire?

- Safiya? - No, not about it, just in general. - Oh, in general. Oh, just like funniness. - Funniness. - Yeah, make me laugh. - Oh, in a partner. - We're just here to have a good time. Oh, in a partner. - I think I'm very, people who have the personality where they can just be like, "Oh, whatever, I don't care, it's fine, let it go." - Oh, easy breezy. - I would like to be more like- - As a fair. - Yeah, just more like, "Oh, whatever, yeah, it's okay, let it go, let it go, it doesn't matter."

- That's you to be fair. I admire that about you. - Thank you, G. - You feel like I'm like that? - Yep. - I feel like you could be. - Yeah. - I am waiting for a response. Is that a crime? - What do I admire about James? I admire, what I actually do admire. - Gang, thank you for that. - What I actually do admire about you is when you're passionate, when you're very, very, very passionate about something, you make your dreams in reality.

- Oh, that is beautiful. - I will smash this chair into a million pieces, my bro. Thank you. That's one thing I genuinely admire about you. Yeah. - Thanks, bro. - That is beautiful. - And reverse. - I did him first. - Oh, sorry. - You were too busy. - Oh, we were chit-chatting. - But I said I admired the War of the Ducks back thing. - Oh, yeah. - She does that like exceptionally well.

- Not letting things get to you. - Yeah, it's a good way to be. - Yeah. - Gang, is that the last question? - That was it. - That was it. - Cool. - That's the episode. - Very nice. Well, thank you guys. This was lovely. - Thank you. - I really enjoyed this episode. - Same, same. - This is gonna be, yeah, it's like one of our longest episodes ever, right? - We've been here a while. - Thank you guys. - Thank you so much. - Thank you for having us. - We appreciate it. - The Girls' Barf Room. - Is there anything you wanna plug? Now's the time to do it. This is probably like the biggest platform on the internet. - We're struggling to sell tickets for our Swansea show.

- If you live in Swansea. - So only Swansians, if you're in Wales, Swansea's the only show with tickets for movies. - Come to the live show please. - There, all right, Swansea. - Guys, show up. Wales, show up for them. - That's embarrassing. - Come on, man, you're better than that. - Yeah, no one wants to go there and these lot are willing to go there and you're not even gonna show up. Pathetic. - Come on, guys. - Okay, cool. Well, that's it. Love, love, love. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

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