cover of episode I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT AWAY WITH THIS! | EP 309 | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT AWAY WITH THIS! | EP 309 | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

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本期节目围绕着"做过一些侥幸逃脱的事情"这一主题展开,主持人与听众分享了各种各样的经历,例如:与朋友的丈夫和朋友本人发生关系;在法国居住五年没有缴税;吸食大麻后拜访女友父母;偷窃母亲的香奈儿香水;在过去五个月里偷窃食物、酒水和衣物;一位客户支付了一年的理疗费用,却只来了一次;为了避免被父亲责罚,伪造了A-level考试成绩;在嘉年华上吃垃圾桶里的鸡肉;冒充足球运动员获得特殊待遇;多年购买儿童电影票;与朋友的前女友发生关系;收到陌生女子发送不雅照片;在一段无聊的性关系中,与前任在工作场所幽会;使用自助结账时不支付饮料费用;意外拿走商品未付款;组织三人行并谎称是玩笑;用廉价酒冒充高档酒并私吞找零;男友误以为身上的吻痕是自己留下的;等等。这些故事内容丰富,情节曲折,引人入胜,展现了人们在生活中遇到的各种奇葩经历和侥幸逃脱的时刻。 听众们积极参与分享,内容涉及生活中的方方面面,展现了人们对生活中的各种挑战和机遇的看法,以及人们在面对困境时所采取的应对策略。这些故事不仅幽默有趣,也反映出人们在生活中所面临的道德困境和心理压力。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a sing-along session and a warm-up exercise involving R&B love songs.

Shownotes Transcript


This season, Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid.

I saw you walk, leave the club. I dashed off me and chased off you. Like I said, you were my girl, bro. I dashed to take off me and chased you out the door. Like I said, you were my girl, bro.

We're all a bit worn down and tired today on this Monday. So what we're going to do, we're going to start a warm up exercise. The team's going to synchronize, bruv. Yeah, yeah. And we're going to go R&B love songs. Yeah, yeah. Okay, right. I'm going to point. Oh God. And we're going to go. Yeah. Guys, get the lyrics ready. We're going to go Chris Brown with you. Soulful, wholesome. It's a family song.

Juicy, woosy little family affair, okay? Right, are you ready? Steady And we're gonna mix up tempos, I'm just gonna point Tempos? Yeah, we're gonna mix up tempos Ready, three, two, one, and Hey, little mama Ooh, you're a stunner Hot little figure Yes, you're a winner and I'm so glad to be yours Let's go You're a class of your own, man Oh, little cutie When you talk to me I swear the whole world stops You're my sweetheart Let's go

I'm so glad that's your mind. You are one of a kind. And you mean to me what I mean to you. Together, baby, there ain't nothing we won't do. Here we go, because they forgot you. I don't need money. I don't need cars. Girl, you're my all fam. I'm into you. And girl.

No, what else would do? Because every kiss and every hug. You make me fall in love. And now I. No, I can't be the only one. Show off. I've had the hearts all over the world tonight. With the love of their life who feels. False out. When I feel when I. With you. With you. With you. With you. Hey. All right. Well done, guys. We're up. Round of applause. Let's go. GGs. GGs.

- We did it, we did it, we did it. - Guys, now that you've sang along, now that you're active, now that you're awake, it's time to get into the IG question. And the question this week was, what's something you did that made you say, wow, I can't believe I got away with this?

And as per usual guys, you guys stepped to the plate and gave me some juicy ass responses. So here we go. I slept with a girl's husband. She found out and cried about it to me. I slept with her too. - Oh, damn. Just consolation nuts. - I slept with her too. - Do you know if it was male or female? - I slept with, she was a female. - Oh, okay, they said this. All right, gang, gang, gang, gang.

I've moved to France and didn't pay taxes for the first five years. The admin is a mess.

that's funny that's actually funny their taxes isn't that doesn't surprise me that's jokes man said i smoked the zaza before meeting her parents they thought i just had a great sense of humor just laughing you're just laughing eyes red and laughing giddy fair enough fair fair fair fair when i gave my mom's brand new chanel number five to my girlfriend when i was 16

That is scary. That's yeah. You'll lose skin that day. Yeah, I could never. What? I've literally stolen all food, booze and clothes I've had in the last five months.

Okay, what are we talking about fam? What we talk about all food booze and clothes the last five months and gotten away with it from where I? Bro, probably like B&M or something being a man stopping you do enough. They probably go all as well Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It's a female that sent this in as well. I knew your tone would change. I saw your face like next. Until I said female, look at you doing echoes and shit. Next, man. Oh, love me. That's funny. I had a client pay for a year. Oh, wait, sorry. I had a client pay for a year's worth of PT, which amounted to 5,200 pounds. She only came once. I've had that a few times. I had...

I remember I had a PT. I had a client who paid me for like six months up front. And then I was leaving that gym. Oh. And we'd only done like four sessions. Oh. So I basically said, I said to one of the other PTs, I feel bad about this. I said to one of the other PTs, I was like, bro, I'm not going to lie to you. She's got like,

this many sessions left. But if you give her these sessions for free, this, I said, this chick's got bags, bro. She's going to pay you. And he had no clients. So he was like, bro, I'll do it. So I said to her, look, I'm leaving. I'm really, really sorry, but I don't want you to stop your journey. You've started the journey. Let's not stop the journey. So I'm going to pass you off to, his name was Alex. I'm going to pass you off to Alex. He's going to take care of you. He knows everything about you. I've told him. She was like, gang,

She did one session with him. Text me, James, I'm really sorry. I don't want to train. We did a session. I don't like it. Can I have a refund? Blocked her number. The money was gone. I blocked her number. My heart was racing. James? I had to. I had to. Fair. You've never told me this, but fair. You did what you had to do. Bro, when I was a self-employed PTU, I had no money. Oh, wow. Bro, blocked her number. I couldn't give it back.

Damn. I spent on food. I bet you needed to. Fair enough. Food and petrol, bro. It was gone. Bloody hell. Sorry, G. Do you know why I'm laughing? Well, go on. I remember the time you told us a story about how you had to get to work and it was dark and your car wasn't working. You had to run.

- Oh, the other day when I told the story. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - A man said I had to run to work at night. - Right, he was dead bro. - Bro, you've lived a life my G. - I lived a pathetic life bro. - You've lived a life my bro. I can't fathom such a thing. - Ran, ran. Flip sake man. - Jesus, anyway back to it. What's something you did that made you say, wow, I can't believe I got away with this.

I photoshopped my A-level results so my dad wouldn't whoop my ass. That's bravado. That is incredible bravado. That is bravado. I could never do anything like that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Because I know it's one of them ones where he would...

probably for one not believe that i've got these grades and then double check and come to school yeah to be fair your dad's invasive your dad doesn't follow normal procedure the amount of times you just said like he just picked me up at lunchtime that doesn't make sense james he had he had plans and he was going to act on those plans he didn't care he didn't care about the consequences he's just acting on instinct yeah my pops acts on instinct he doesn't care bro

There's rules, bro. I wouldn't have to act if I just saw a parent there. At lunchtime. I'd think, where are the rest of the parents? Yeah, where's mine? Yeah. 100. Wow. All right. Oh, I ate chicken from a garbage at a carnival. Yuck. What do you mean I can't believe I got away with this? Yeah. It's not a treat. Bro, bro. Yeah. When I went to Estonia, two strippers asked me if I was a footballer. I said yes and got the full works. Really? Yeah.

Really? Bro. So yes, I got the full works. No one even knows what that means, but we know what that means. The full works. Say less. Yeah, that is a say less. Say less. Damn. That is, I can't believe I got away with that. Factual. That's crazy. That is crazy. Buying child tickets to the movies for the last 10 years. I'm 32 and I will not stop.

- Okay. They've changed it now though. I don't know when was the last time you went to Cineworld. Child tickets the same price as adults. - Say Wallahi. - Yeah, it just says it there. I saw it the other day. I was booking to see something and I just saw child and it was like 12 pound adult, 12 pound. - Oh, raw. - I was like, damn bro. I mean, it makes sense. A chair is a chair is a chair. An experience is an experience is an experience. - Factual. - But I was like, damn, is that how they're doing these kids? - These kids. Fair enough.

Banged my best friend's ex a week after they broke up. He's sitting next to me right now. Oh.

- Yeah, how do you get away with that, boy? - What is it with these lot? - I don't know. - What is it with these lot banging their friends' ex and boyfriends and all them? - You're not friends. You cannot have been friends in the first place. - Bro, I would never find any man's girls attractive. - Like, bro, period. - They could be lame. - It's just not on the cards. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it doesn't exist. - It's not on the cards, man. - And then if she tried it, it would put me off more. - It would make, I would run to you. - Oh. - I don't think you might get outrun to you. - Bro. Also,

Tell me softly Sit me down Hold my hand and tell me gently You can't come at it with just aggression and stuff Because I'm already hurt as it is A week later Tell me gently bro

- 'Cause there's only, at that point I can imagine there's only so much my chest can take. And I've already broken up with her. The humiliation of she only waited a week to try and bang you. I wouldn't be able to handle, I really wouldn't be able to handle it. - That's treacherous behavior. - 'Cause she wanted this the whole time. - Factual, it was her plan the whole time. - Yeah, I'm deep in it now. I really couldn't handle it. - I don't think anyone could. Well, clearly people can, but not in this circle. - Not in this circle.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Whilst it... Come on, you're deep in it still. No, I'm just imagining. I've told this story on here a thousand times. I'm imagining the time you told me when my little nude thing... Back in the day when I had a... I don't even know you, man, were here when I said this story. Back in the day... No, it would have been... There was a chick on Snapchat. I'd never met this girl, but she went to our uni, right? She would just send me tits.

Unsolicited, just regular. And like he messaged and I thought it was just us thing. She would just send me stuff. I'm like, damn, send emojis back. And it was just our little exchange at least once a week. And I was like, gang, gang, gang. And I'll tell him about it. And then he texts me one time and was like, fam, you'll never believe you just sent me a nude. And I was just like, how is it? Man told me who it was. I gasped. And I literally felt like I've been cheated on.

I wanted to message her bro. - I was, I remember what I said to her. I was like, are you sure that was for me? She said she never makes, she never slips up in a DMs or something like that. I was said, raw. - I was heartbroken.

Heartbroken. I don't know why bro, but I thought I saw me and her in a connect. - You thought I was yours? - Yeah, I thought I was patterned. - Yeah, yeah. Damn. Sorry, dude. I wasn't expecting it either. I saw the purple T, I tapped it. I was in a gym, James. I will never forget. I was in Gold's gym, dagging him. That's exactly where I was. - Bro, I was vexed when you told me that. Because in my head it's like, if we ever cross paths, obviously it's on.

But she's freeing up to everyone. My best friend. Of all people. Of all people. She's got options. Oh, that's gold. That's comedy gold, fam. I know you are. Thank you for that. It never happens in reverse. It never happens in reverse. Oh, that was too funny, bro. Okay, gang. Carry on. All right. I've got a few more, yeah? What's something you did that made you say, wow, I can't believe I got away with this?

Whilst in a sexually boring relationship, I would visit my ex at work and have fun in the back. - Oh my God. - Wow. - Oh my God. That's a young gin ting. - That is, ooh, yeah. - J. John. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's a next ting. I've stopped paying for drinks when I use self-checkout. Raw. - Hm? - I've stopped paying for drinks when I use self-checkout. - Just exclusively drinks?

Maybe it doesn't ring. I know I've heard that it only rings on like high-end, not high-end foods, but all foods in general. And obviously all those things are like those little things. Little tags. There's little tags on it. But nine times the tick don't ring, bro. Oh, bro. I've accidentally taped stuff bare time. Same. I've, I've,

I think I've paid for stuff and held something in my hand by mistake and only deepened when I got out. I can't remember what it was. Question. Yeah. How much would you, someone asked me this recently. How much would you have had to like value wise? How much would you have had to stolen accidentally to actually make you turn around and you deep when you get back to your car to make you turn around and go back and pay for it?

Value wise, maybe between the range of 50 and 100 quid. It depends on what, if, I mean like, am I in like a Asda or something, like a supermarket or I mean like, am I somewhere else? - Now you're in like a, yeah, like a, you've just left like Asda or Tesco or whatever. - Oh yeah, then not 50, it depends.

I probably wanna go back, my bro. - Yeah. - If it's Asda, I'm not gonna lie to you, my bro. Asda, Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury's, you might can all get it. Co-op, you can all get it. Yeah, I ain't turning back. I'm really out. They're taking the ring. What are we talking about? I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't do it on purpose. You might not getting that back. You might not getting that back, I promise you. I promise you. Fame or no fame, you might not getting that back.

- It's pointless bro. - I'm with you, I'm not going back. I will turn around and look at the door and just see if I have to use depth perception to see how far that door is, I'm getting in my car bro. - I'm not doing it bro, I'm not doing it. - I'm getting in my car. - I'm not doing it at all.

Oh, God. Yeah, man. They just have to hold that L on the P&L. That's their problem. When they're doing stocks and thinking, oh, why is this missing? That's not my concern. Yeah, literally. All right, a few more. Got caught organizing a threesome. Cried my eyes out and swore it was a joke. Wow. I thought this is... I can't believe I got away with this. Maybe he got away with it in the end, but yet he suffered. Oh, wow. He suffered. Organizing...

Organizing a threesome as a concept is mad to me. - It's just butters. - Threesomes have to be like- - Organic. - Yeah. - It just has to be organic. - Yeah, organizing one. - Yeah, that's no. - And your girl catches you with two strangers. Oh God. - I said he cried. - Oh, bruv. - I swear it was- - It was a joke. So why are you crying? - Facts. - Facts.

My mate asked me for an 80 pound double shot of whiskey at the bar. I got him JD. He didn't notice the difference. I pocketed the change. Oh, he paid for it himself. That's fucked up. If I'm giving you 80 pound, get me my 80 pound drink. You got to know the difference though, bro. You clearly don't know what you're drinking. You're just drinking shit. Fam, I remember one time me and Ren ran out.

I had JD and Coke in this hand, Malibu and Coke in this hand. Once I was twisted. - You didn't know which one was it? - I didn't know the difference bro. - I remember that. - He was gone. - I was wasted. - He was gone. - I remember that. - Fam, yeah. - You couldn't taste the difference between rum and whiskey, bro. - Well, yeah. I couldn't, with coconut rum and whiskey, I couldn't smell or taste the difference. - Wow. - I was gone. - Wow, bro. - Foo had I was gone. - That's different. - That's the day you call me cheated.

- Yeah, that's what I'm saying. - That's the first year. - And carries. - Yeah, carries. - Tuesday night carries. I couldn't believe what I saw in the first year of UniU, man. - That was the same day, bro. I told you I was gone. - Oh, I've never been so disappointed. I couldn't believe it. I just didn't think it was a thing. - 18 years old, I didn't know which way it was up. - I didn't know cheating was a thing, James. - Bro, neither did I. - Until it sat in your lap. - Fam! - Until it literally sat in your lap. - Fam, she took my hand.

put it on her back and said, does your girls feel like this? - No, she never. - Yes, she did. - That's treacherous. - It's treacherous, but I never heard stuff like that before. - 18, I'm solid. - What? I was a boy. Right now if a girl said that, smack it. Who do you ever speak about my wife like that? Who do you think you are? Who ever speak about my wife like that?

Get your hands off me. - Is your girl's ass off like mine? - Is it squishing like this? Get your hands off of me. - Get your hands off me. Get off me. - Get the fuck off me. - Get off me, man. - Oh, allow him, man. With your hermolescence and them ting. - Yeah. Why is it sweet like that? Why is it sweet like that? - That's hilarious. - You tramp. But yeah, 18.

- I was a boy. - Oh my God. - I was used to begging for Tom. So when I'm saying, I've got a girl, I've got a girl, and you grab my hand and put it on the cheeks. - I said, does her ass feel like this? - Does it feel like this? - Jesus. Jesus.

- That's a realm under the pin. - Yeah, bro. I literally didn't know stuff like that existed. - Existed, yeah. - And when I say literally, I mean literally. - I know, bro. I know 'cause I was dumbfounded. - Yeah, I remember you were. - When I caught you walked out, I was dumbfounded. I was done with the whole night, James. - You were fuming, bro. - I was done with the whole night. - I saw you walk, leave the club. I dashed her off me and chased after you. Like I said, you were my girl, bro.

and dashed the ting off me and chased you out the door like I said you were my girl. Baby, come back. Literally. Baby. Bro. So fucking drunk. Oh, it's hilarious, bro. To be 18 again, I was in a whirlwind of emotion. Jesus Christ, that's too funny. Rem was lips in his ting. I don't doubt that. I don't, you were...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. First couple of years. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. I remember. But yeah, I couldn't taste the difference. That's hilarious. I couldn't taste the difference and I couldn't see the difference between right and wrong. I know. It was a great night, bro. Oh, it was an unbelievable night. Kerry's on a Tuesday went off in Coventry. Let's go. Wow. Wow. I remember holding on to a...

I think they had like an elevation bit. Like a little stadium bit. - They did. - Yeah. And I remember it was the first time, I think Frisky dropped Tiny Tempo. - Yeah, fam, it's so funny because I was literally, as you were talking, I was like, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. - Yeah, yeah, 'cause he was in his bag that day. - He was in his bag. - Wow. I was like, wow, yo, yo, going on. - We were dugging into all of it. - Of course we were. - To everything. - Of course we were. That was our bag. - I still do that. - What, dugging? - Still dugging.

- Oh, yeah, so do I. I've said it before, I dug it just to make sure I still got it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just a quick shoulder shimmy, that's it. I just make sure I still got it, you know? It's one of them ones. - Ooh, what? ♪ Can you teach me how to dug it ♪ ♪ Ayy, ayy, ayy ♪ - I'm a big lover. - The cat daddy as well, come on. ♪ If it you, you, you ♪ ♪ Beg it up and dug it ♪ ♪ Ayy ♪ ♪ Bring your arms out ♪ ♪ Swing side to side ♪

Wow. You see me do my Dougie, right? What are they called? New Jerk Boys? Is that Dougie? Is that them? New Jersey Boys? No, it wasn't New Jerk Boys. It was New Boys, I think. New Boys, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, we've gone off topic. We have. We really have. We really have. Sorry, guys. I've got a few more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not going to read the title again. I pushed a wheelchair-bound guy out of the line in KFC and blamed the person behind me.

- A man said, "Wow, I got away with this, raw." - Jesus. - "Sold my dad's car for Beyonce tickets. He believes it's still in the garage." - Huh? What do you mean you don't know? What do you mean I don't know where my car actually is? This is why some parents trust their children with bullshit. - Way too much, bro. - He thinks it's in the garage. I'm not giving my car to my child to put it in the garage. - He thinks it's still in the garage. That's mental. "I changed the sacramental wine with lean." Lean?

Like perp? Like cough medicine. Yeah. That rendered me breathless. Last but not least, my boyfriend believed he left hickeys on me. They were from my side ting. Treacherous. Don't let me put my mouth on another man's mouth.

- Fucking facts. Wow, treacherous. - Yeah. And make me believe it's mine. Make me believe I'm doing the bits whilst lips in your neck and it's next man. - I can't even pop a blood vessel. - Goodness me. - That's crazy. - But yeah, welcome to the show guys. - Welcome back guys. Thank you for that. You already know the drill. I feel like I haven't said it in a couple of weeks, but if you are watching on YouTube, please subscribe to the channel. We're not gonna push it any further. We already hit the milli.

Do what you want to do. - I like. - Guys, if you enjoy this show, if you care about this show, if you are locked in and you want a little bit more, you want to see the grassroots, you want to see the come up, head on over to and please contribute a very, very humble three pound a month. - 10p a day. - You need to run the P to SNG and indoctrinate yourself into the cult babies, okay? We've got a lot of big stuff.

Coming up, we've got the second half of our tour. We've got after parties. We've got merch dropping in the next couple of months. We've got all this cool, cool, cool stuff. So if you want an extra episode every week, if you want first dibs on all that, and if you want to join our popping Discord channel, head on over there and get yourself involved. Okay. Finally, if you are listening on any of the podcast apps, Spotify, Apple, like, you know what it is.

Please, please, please, please, please leave us a nice review. It helps the show grow and you know your boys need that cake. Facts. We need that cake. We've started this journey now. We've got expenses every month. We have houses and cars and jewellery habits.

and they all need funding. - And they need consistent funding. - This lifestyle can't end. - Yeah, turns out you can't just buy stuff and then have it. You have to maintain it. And you have to also maintain another thing that's important to us, appearances. These haircuts ain't cheap. - They're not. They're consistent. - They're consistent. First of all,

We want haircuts every week. Facts. The beard needs trimming every week. Facts. And your boys can't go to any barbershop. We want Donnie's to come to our yards. Facts. Stuff like that isn't cheap. It's not. So please tell a friend to tell a friend to watch or listen to the show. So live vicariously through us and watch us do rich guy stuff. Facts. And yeah, you can just be our friends through the screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because someone, at the end of the day, someone needs to live the rich guy lifestyle and it might as well be us. Facts. Facts.

Facts. Anyway, we're just being stupid. Thank you, guys. I'm excited for this one. Believe it or not, we've got top five, no? We do have top five. Gang. Right, guys, let's do it. Right, guys, top five, top five, top five today. And as you said before, yeah, game franchise. So can you guys list me the top five gaming franchises of all time?

- Time. - Top five gaming franchises of all time. I thought we did this already. - Oh no, we did highest grossing. - We did highest grossing games. - Yeah. - Oh. - Yeah, I remember. - I remember. - And this is highest grossing again? - Yes. - Highest grossing game franchises. - Franchises of all time. - All right, I'm locked in. - Cool. Obviously there's no order of five to one or one to five. So, Ellis, since you are locked in first, can I have your five please? - Yep, so we've got Grand Theft Auto.

I was going to write that and I flipping forgot. It was in my head to write and I flipping forgot to write it. And then it went out my head and I've written other stuff. And as soon as you said the first word, I was like, bro, you were literally going to write that. Vex, Vex, Vex. Call of Duty, FIFA. The Last of Us and Sonic. And what, sorry? And Sonic. Sonic. Rem, you were next. I have...

I just realised what I should have said. Go on. GTA, FIFA, COD, Halo and The Sims. Good shout, good shout, good shout. I've done FIFA, COD, Super Mario. That was the one I missed. Pokemon and League of Legends. League of Legends is a franchise. League of Legends.

It's one game, but it's a franchise to him. It's a franchise to him, you know. It's a franchise to him. Let him have it. Right. I'm going to give you top seven. All right. That's what the list gives me. Number seven is FIFA. Damn. Okay. I was counting on that. So that's peak. Number six is Super Mario. Oh, no. So close.

- You're good in the tie break though. In the tie break. - I didn't get GTA but there ain't gonna be no tie break for me. - Number five, GTA. - Livid. Absolutely livid about that. - Number four, COD. Number three, Pokemon. - He's back in the race. - Number two, Tetris. - I was thinking about Tetris. I was thinking about Tetris. - Yeah, fuck sake. - Number one, controversial, Mario. - I'm done.

- Let's go. - You said Super Mario. They're two different franchises. - Yeah, no, they are. - I didn't think that one. - What? I didn't think it was, no, I just meant Mario, bro. Like Mario Kart, Super Mario, what do you think there? - Mario. - That's not fair, bro. - Super Mario is still in the top 10, but it's not in the top five. - But I don't know the difference. What's the difference? - Mario and Super, I personally don't know the difference. - You have Mario and then you have Super Mario. - Super Mario is like further on. That was like DS Wii.

Mario's jump, like early Mario.

- Yeah, that's what it means. Like early, yeah, like Nintendo 64, I think it was. Like original. That's the original franchise. - Oh. - Mario Kart. - No, Mario Kart is part of Super Mario, I think. I think Mario Kart is under Super Mario. - You talking about Mario? - I'm talking about Mario and Super Mario. Those are two separate franchises. - Oh, okay. I had Mario Kart in my head, so I'll allow it then. I'll stop my argument. - Cool. - It's cool. - So points wise,

Jimmy 2 Rem 2 Ellis 2 Yeah Shit Swear With his tiebreaker then Does that mean I win? Why would it mean you win If they all got 2? Because I was number 6 He was number 6 Oh yeah Fucking I was thinking Why are we Yeah Yeah yeah yeah Sorry Yeah That's exactly what I said Actually Yeah because you got number 6 Yeah because FIFA was The one below Yeah FIFA was 7 Yeah That's what you said And then yes

- Yeah, shit, yeah, you got it. - Yeah, yeah, you got it, yeah. - I said that. - Oh. - You think he's happy now? - I'm dumbstruck. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I'm dumbstruck. - That's jokes, but yeah, that was top five. Here we guys played at home. - He literally said it in a tiebreaker, that's you. - Yeah. - I didn't think that tiebreaker was gonna see me, boy. - Official scores are, ting. Yeah, that was top five, top five, top five, guys. What I did wanna quickly touch on before we crack it, what were you gonna say? You wanna say something? - Nothing.

Oh, I want to actually talk about, I want to talk about on this episode, the bear. Oh, yes. James. Yes. Rem, Ellis, world, cult babies. This is no exaggeration. Yeah. I genuinely think

season one of The Bear might be the best television I've ever watched. Yes, bro. It's banging a lie. I've ever watched. Like, I was so engulfed with... And obviously, this is more because of the experience I've had in the kitchen or in the restaurant. Ellis would understand. It's...

Accurate to a fucking T. - I swear. - If you work in a busy ass bitch, it's accurate to a T. The relationships, the way they formed, the way they argue and split up on all the sections in the kitchen, everything bro, everything about that show, pull up for me real quick so I can see the characters names. Everything in that show,

was absolutely fantastic. - It's an unbelievable show. - Unbelievable. I'm so happy that I didn't watch it season one and then had to wait and then watch season two. I binged that bitch in, I think two days, season one and season two. I finished the whole tick. - Yeah, I binged season two in one day. - The whole tick. - One day. - Richard, is his name Richie?

- The cousin? - The cousin, yeah, yeah, yeah. - His character development might be the best I've seen on TV. - Bro, wait till you see his character development in season two. - Bro, I've just said to you, I've seen- - Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I said sorry.

Yeah, his development in season two. His character development is the best I've seen on TV. It's amazing. I can't believe it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was fantastic. Bro, when he went to stage at the thing, amazing. I could have watched four episodes of that. Yeah, just him. He was gassed that he was so gassed that he gets it. Yes, fam. And when he got back to Bear and said, don't worry, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he said, thank you. Thank you, bro. I'm like, wow.

- Wow, this is TV bro. - The whole, like everything when Richie went to stage.

unbelievable yeah when marcus went to stage yeah peaceful serenity yeah the way homeboy was just like wrong again yeah wrong again worse again just bang yeah compose yeah clean you yeah yeah clean you bro oh bro so so so so so through our ups and downs sydney's i prefer sydney in season one than season two

She jarred me in season two. - Season two, I think she was kind of the same for me. She's an all or nothing type of woman. And yes, it has so many pros, but I feel like she butts heads with so many people making it cons obviously. But I think the way she handled

them going under in season two towards the end, or when they actually opened their spot. The way she handled that was cool, was good. - Yeah, it was good. And I love when Richie took over the- - Expo. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Expo's my favorite thing in the world. - Oh, sorry. - Expo's my, if- - It looks like if you're on a roll, your dick will be hard. - Expo is my favorite thing because people don't understand, well, people don't need to understand, that's the whole point of Expo.

- People, so first of all, let me sit properly 'cause I'm excited to hear you speak.

- No, because you don't understand. 'Cause I was watching him do it like a composer. And I remember thinking, this is like, from my perspective, this is in the zone. - Yeah, this is art form. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's poetry. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because there's no other way to describe it in the sense that you are the conductor of this whole thing. Because the kitchen clearly fell. I always, as we say, I say, people say in restaurant, you sink. So if you're sinking, if you don't have a strong expo,

One, food is not going out on time. And that then affect, it's kind of like a balloon theory. You have to keep all the balloons in the air to make a restaurant float. And if one balloon falls, it's affecting the flow of every single thing else. - Sexy, keep talking daddy, come on. I'm sorry, I'm so turned on right now. You have no idea, bro. When you man watch this, I can't explain how excited I am to just hear you keep talking about this.

You have to have a plan and you have to have a good relationship with the person that's on the other side of Expo, i.e. the head chef or sous chef or whatever. So, for example, like obviously you've seen the show. If there's so many checks on, let's say there's 20 checks on and the chef just needs to concentrate, it's all on Expo. The chef is...

Because the chef gets tickets as well as the expo gets tickets. So there's two tickets on either side. So we can both like match what's going on, what's getting sent out and blah, blah, blah. But if the checks keep running, the chef isn't going to read the checks anymore because the chef needs to help the rest of the kitchen. So it's down to expo or me or whoever's on there. And I'm the one conducting this whole bitch. I'm the one making sure that every table has food at a specific amount of time. And that in itself, if you fail or if I fail as expo, the restaurant fails, my bro. Oh, wow. The restaurant fails because-

You need to understand that if I'm the head chef or if I'm the head chef, the person on grill isn't reading every check. They're just focused on how many grill shit they need to grill. The person on salads is only focused on the salads they need to do, desserts, ETC. But for me, I'm focused on everything. So if you man are asking me for all day, I need to let everyone know that I've got six chickens. What the fuck does all day mean? So all day means if you look at the check, if you look at all the checks, let's say you've got 10 checks on the pass and

The kitchen is at a point where it's done probably its first turn. So every table has food on the table, but it's slowly starting to get busy and people are forgetting shit because new checks are coming.

Head chef will ask or one of the chefs will ask can I get all day on grill? So you need to check on all the checks how many chicken beef or whatever that goes on the grill is for that chef to make so for you would say chef you have six fillets two ribeyes and three chickens to make all day so he can know what he's got to do for these ten checks and all they can be for any sub part in the in the kitchen or in the restaurant so you can do all day veg all day sides all day meats all day sushi whatever so that's what all day means and

What does all this like two plus two and all this kind of shit mean? What do you mean two plus two? Every, okay, caveat. Every restaurant has different things. Ignore me then. Carry on. Sorry, I really don't want to interrupt the forum. So sorry. It's minor. Every restaurant has different ways of performing expo depending on how, depending on what they sell and how their style of service is. Does that make sense? So expo is very, very, very, very pivotal in a,

in a, what's the word I'm looking for? In a small plate mixing restaurant dining style as opposed to starters, mainstays. So because different food goes to different tables at different times and different days. So that's, yeah, bro, expo is the one. If you're the conductor in expo, if you really good at expo, I think that's what spun me into knowing that I could be good with what I do. Because when I first started my...

When I started my management training, going from a bartender to a manager, expo is one of the things you have to do. You have to do expo, you have to do kitchen, you have to do bartending and something else. When I went on expo, that was when I was like, oh, I'm in love with this shit.

I'm in love with this shit because the control you get and the satisfaction you feel of clearing that last check after a busy rush. And the thing is rushes can last 15 minutes, but that 15 minutes can feel like an hour. And that could be the best or the worst part of your day. If you don't have a strong expo or strong runners or a strong kitchen, my bro, balloons need to be up.

the balloons need to be up because if expo dies the best way to do it is speak to the person the managers float in the floor and say this table this table on this table needs to be touched let's get them some drinks let's get them some nibbles so that up whoever's on starters for example let's say you've got five checks of stars or five checks of five checks or whatever and each check has three different stars if you're trying to touch those three other tables that are behind you need to tell the starter man make

just so we can put it on these tables. So that puts him behind. You see what I'm saying? So all balloons need to be up for a restaurant to run, my bro. - Man, that sounds too stressful. - It is stressful, but once you understand the system and once you understand your role and your job, it's poetry, man. - Yeah, I bet. - Poetry. That's why I was so invested in that show. One of the best shows I've ever watched. - Yeah, bro. - In my entire life. - I'm not even pre-

to all that shit that you're talking about. And I loved it. In my entire life. I loved it, bro. Like the different dynamic of personalities and the temperament. And like... And that's exactly what it's like. Bro, it's mad. And like Kami loses his shit. The one critique, not even critique really, but one thing I was like gurning for in season two was...

watching Kami do his ting. We didn't see him do his ting at all in season two. - That's the reason why I said I prefer season one to season two, because they were all in the kitchen in season one. Season two was the transition to the- - It was a transition, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just building the restaurant on the side. We didn't get to see Kami do his thing at all. I'm hoping in season three, there has to be season three. The way they finished season two, there has to be season three. Season three, I'm hoping we get to see him in his,

It is absolute element. Because I'm trying to think what else could go wrong. Do you remember in season one where I can't remember something happened and the next day they got pork or something and it's a beef restaurant and they got pork. He wasn't living. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So shit like that happens every single day. That's mad, bro. And I feel like...

I feel like they made a really good depiction of what a regular kitchen looks like. Because it was so multicultural, so many different personalities and how they, the relationship between Sid and who's the Latina lady again? Tina. Tina, yeah, yeah, yeah. The relationship with them, obviously the only two women in the kitchen at the time. And you could see like the bickering between them at first to how much love they have for each other now. Do you know what I mean? It's just...

Nail on head my bro Bro Gang This is one of the best shows I've ever watched Bro it's sick I don't think you understand How warm I felt On that Richie Starr episode Bro I don't think you understand I was gassed for him I don't think you understand He found his purpose He He found his purpose Banging my chest Like they say Purpose

- Purpose. - He found him. - And this thing as well. - This sorry ting? Dang bro, I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna use that. This ting? Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You man the bear, stop. Don't make me cry, the bear. - Bro, the bear's so banging. - It's so good. - I love it. When I say I...

season two in one day. It's the best show, bro. It's the best show. I loved it. Wow. Yeah. The stage thing when Rich was actually talking to the guests and making everyone laugh, feeling comfortable, like this is my house. When he had the interview with that chick and she said she's not it. She's not it. She didn't turn the thing. The napkin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, you, yes, yes, yes. Because I would have noticed that straight away. That would have fucked

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wow. - Such a great show. I saw a TikTok saying that since the season two's dropped, there's like these tight white t-shirts sold out everywhere. - Oh, I swear. - Yeah, the ones that Kami wears sold out everywhere, bro. - I swear, I swear. - Yeah, everyone wants that vibe, bro. - That's a joke. Oh, such a good show, man. - And you know what resonated with me because like,

I am like, this is one thing that like, you see how you just said it truly depicted how you feel about the kitchen and it's like the best thing you've ever seen. Carmen's in the finale, Carmen's breakdown of his relationship affecting his focus and his drive and his dream is me to a T.

When I'm not performing and when I have a focus and I want to achieve stuff and shit starts slacking, if I'm... See, same thing with the balloon thing that you were talking about is how I get with this team. Okay. So if I'm... Like, for example, when my phone was broken yesterday... Yeah.

I assumed there was 900 messages in the group chat that I'm not privy to. Clips aren't getting uploaded to TikTok. Clips aren't getting uploaded. This is not happening. Edge is gonna be messaging me, asking me for approvals on this, that and the other. And none of it's happening. I'm just sat there like. So when he had the breakdown of just like, I don't want happiness. I don't want pleasure. I just want success. And he was just like, all of this is going wrong because I'm distracted from the goal. Bro? Bro?

I don't think you understand that level of like tunnel vision when I want to achieve stuff. And then when stuff starts slipping and we're a couple of things behind and I've said, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. And people are chasing me. And like, Ren might be hollering me like, oh, have you got this thing? Or you might be hollering me like, did you do that thing? And I'm like, I'll get to it. I'll get to it. I'll get to it. And then Edison might be like, oh, did you manage to do this thing? And I'm like, I'll get to it. I'll get to it. Flipping someone else's message to me like, oh, have you got that email? I'll get to it. Megan's message. Have you got this? And I'm like,

Fuck. And then I start blaming everyone in my life. Everyone. Everyone. I'm like, why? Like, do not talk to me. I don't need friends. I don't need family. I don't need girlfriends. I don't need anyone. Like leave everyone leaving the fuck alone so I can succeed in my life. But when he was in that fridge having that breakdown, I was like, wow. Wow. It was a good, it was a good way to, it was a very, very, very good finale because I genuinely thought they would get him out. So the way,

It was good to see that they could separate the two situations and we could see the flourishing of the restaurant as well as his

breakdown yeah the restaurant is bigger than him yeah and better than him yeah and the restaurant doesn't need him yeah and but in his mind his world is ending because he doesn't know because the last time he left them all alone there was a gun in the in the dance facts so wagwan do you know what i mean yeah it's crazy very very and the facts are the funniest supporting acts yeah yeah the fact family yeah in um in the episode have you finished season two

- I haven't started. - He's not watched any of it. - I haven't started. - He's not watched any of it either. - No, he has, he has. - Oh, you just said season one, a few episodes, right? - A few episodes, season one, yeah. - I won't spoil it too much, but they do a flashback episode in season two. - You won't spoil it too much now. - I didn't, I'm my bad. 'Cause I genuinely thought you were on season two because when we spoke last week, you said you were watching. - Yeah, the flashback episode. I was gassed for the flashback episode because in the first minute, because they do it, right?

I fucking, it's almost like a feeler rep, bro. They do it in the pinnacle moment where you're like, oh my God, next episode. And there's flashback, you wanna dash your laptop. I wanted to dash my laptop and I was like, you're taking a piss out of me. We ain't got time for flashbacks. I was this close to skipping it.

We haven't got time for flashbacks, bro. Very good. But then once you get into the episode, wow, it's good. Wow. Is it just the monkey? Oh, Mikey. Mikey and the mom. When they say mental health is hereditary. You man. Their mom and Mikey are two peas in a pod. Yeah. They're crazy. Drinkers. Yeah. Yeah. Addicts. Yeah. Addicts. Fam. The fork ting.

The fork thing? Yeah. I don't think you man will have the patience for that. Wow. The fork situation was mad. I think I held my breath for three minutes straight. It was crazy. That whole dinner table situation was sensational. Yeah, unbelievable. The show's fucking good. Perfect television. The show.

The show's fucking good. I have no critics or critics critiques. Yeah, I could watch it for a hundred episodes. I love the bear, bro. I love it. I'm so gassed you watched it because I remember finishing season one not even that long ago. Yeah, I know. And I was screaming it. I know. No one was listening to me. I know. I know. It's so good. It's the best television I've watched in God knows how long. Bro, spud me, please. I'm so gassed you enjoyed it. Best television I've watched in so long. Bro. Oh, now I see why you want to wait for this episode to talk about it. Now I see, bro.

it's a tv show oh it's a tv show got off my chest yeah i just want i need to get off my chest i've had it in my notes for ages i need to get up bro the the the stars bro that's an episode when he smashes down that last ticket he's just like let's go yeah he's a rich he's a guy that's what i'm saying his character development is from season one season two is one of the best character values i've seen on tv yeah because he is rock bottom

He had zero to him. He had no purpose, no misses. It was just annoying. He was jarring. All he did was swear. Oh my God. Yeah, bro. He has purpose now. Yeah. Ellis, you have to watch it. Oh, I'm 100% going to watch it. Disney Plus, bro. Disney Plus, you have to watch it. I'm glad that you said as well that it predicts it.

like in a realistic setting. - Depicts it, depicts it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because like that's a pet peeve of mine. Like chef films where you're just like, it's not like that. - It's not, what it's not. - Yeah, yeah, that's sick. - Trust me bro. - I can't wait, I can't wait. - Trust, the dynamic is so real. - I can't wait. - When they did the, like the deliver rooting, the online. - Oh, and Sydney fucked up. - Oh yeah bro.

- She fucked up. - Oh my God. Season one, yeah, that was terrifying. - Yeah, she fucked up. - Do you know who came into his own and was like my secret favorite guilty pleasure? - In the bear? - In the bear is Sugar's husband.

Oh, towards the end. Fam, when he was chatting, because he gets, he's a doormat through the whole show. Everyone, he jars everyone, including me. In the last episode, we chatted to the mom. Yeah, he couldn't contain it. Fam. He couldn't contain it. She was like, I can't take it. What do you mean you can't take it? And he's thinking, the love of my life and like my pregnant wife is sat in there waiting for you. You need to get the fuck in there now. You're killing her. Get in there. Facts.

And then he had to go back in there and face her and just never mention that I saw your mom outside. Bro, he... He was crying. Oh, bro. Yeah. He loves her so much. And when he accidentally told her about the baby as well, the mom was like, Rod, I can see the...

I can see why my kids don't talk to me. Do you know what I mean? That was a realization. Facts. When Kami was like, and the flashback was like, this is literally why I didn't want to come home. And the mom was like, what the fuck? And Mike was like, what the fuck? Why would you say that? So good, bro. And even in season one, we're doing the flashbacks of him in his Michelin star restaurant. Oh.

- Oh, and the guy was by his ear saying, "You're terrible, do it again." - So slow, so slow. You're a joke. Why can't you do this? You're so slow. Can you go any slower, bro? Like you're so slow. You can't do this. You can't hack it. And he's just ignoring him like. - Just cracking on. - They break him down in that show, bro. They break him down and he's like this. They tease you and tease you and tease you. Like they say they want it to be 10 seasons, bro. They do not.

let you see him in his bag. - They don't. - It's two seasons and they've not given you a full episode of seeing him. - He's not sourced anything. - He's not sourced anything and it's just like, they make him out to be the world's best chef. - He made a sandwich in season one and in season two, Sydney said that's still the best thing she's ever tasted.

Do you not remember? That's the best thing you ever, you don't remember? - I don't remember that. - Sydney and Marcus were talking about like the best food you've ever had when they both left. And Marcus, is it Marcus? Yeah, Marcus said to Sydney, "Oh, you didn't tell me what your favorite thing was or what your favorite dish was." And he was like, "They were chefs."

It was chefs. Undeniably, it was chefs. And the only thing, to my knowledge, that he's made in the two seasons is that sandwich. Oh, they're teasing, man. In season one. They're teasing, man. Season three, it has to be. The way they've built it up, season three, I guarantee we're going to get at least two episodes of him in his fucking bag. Yeah, I think season three might be the finale. I think it should be. Yeah. I think it should be. Yeah, I think pacing-wise, I think it should be because, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're going to be, season three has to be about them trying to get a star. Mm, mm.

has to be about them trying to get Sarah and just seeing. And I think there's gonna be a big, big drama between Kami and Sydney in terms of the partnership. - Yeah, partnership and his focus and all of them things there. - 'Cause I think season three, he's gonna be locked in and- - He's gonna probably wanna try to take and forget he's got a sous chef. - Fam he's gonna, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they're supposed to be like fully both head chefs, right? - Partners, yeah. - Yeah, full partners. So she's supposed to have equal thing on the menu, equal input in the menu. He has equal input in the menu and already in season two,

She drafted up a whole menu and he was like, scrap that. Scrap all of that. This is the menu. I spoke to my girl and this is what she told me to do, basically. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the menu, bro. Oh, man. Wow, what a show. Also, caveat, but also very, very, very important information. From Season 2 is now back in the UK. From? From Season 2. It took you a minute. It's now in the UK. On Prime? It's on...

I don't know if it's on Prime because it's on Sky. Disney? Oh, now TV. Now TV. Now TV, not Prime. I knew it was one of them side ones. I was looking for it for like a month, my bro. Yeah, I've heard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it's back now. Oh, full season? Full season. This has been a week for me for television, guys. I smashed Dave. I smashed the bear. I smashed that breathing ting. Oh, yeah. And now I'm going to smash Fromm.

Oh yes Anime and stuff You Anime Obviously I told you I finished Demon Slayer A couple weeks ago I've not really watched I've been watching Bleach Week by week Same It's great You've seen the next Most recent? Think so Three? Yeah I watched episode three JJK ep three Oh I haven't started JJK I'm letting it I'm letting it cook

- Yeah. - No, no, it's one, like, it's not crazy, but when I say you've never seen Gojo in this state. - Oh, I swear. I've seen like a minuscule clip on TikTok and I scrolled immediately past it, but he just looks, you see how he's like very composed and chill? He just looks on stuff. - Brother, Gojo episode three. - Really? - You see stuff you wouldn't expect.

You see stuff you wouldn't expect. I really, really want to watch the movie again, you know? The movie was fucking fantastic. I saw it twice in a week. Yeah, bro. It's amazing. Wow. I loved that movie. Yeah, yeah. Jujutsu Kaisen Zero, whatever it's called. Yeah. Oh my God. What a movie. Movie. Yeah. Fuck. Damn, bro. Yes. Right. Trash Newsroom.

Yeah, boy. So, Terry Crews opens up about his porn addiction affecting his relationship with his wife and kids. I would be angry at them for forgetting in the way. In the way of what? Him watching porn? Bro. I think so. Wow. This is surprising that this is something that is still getting spoken about because he opened up. I first heard about his porn addiction. I've never heard about his porn addiction. I think I have before. He's spoken about it.

At length. Oh, swear. Yeah. Seriously. He's touched on it a lot. At first, he was on Tim... Tim Ferriss? Tim Ferriss. Flipping hell. Thanks, man. He's on Tim Ferriss' podcast literally when I was still working at David Lloyd's. I'm talking like five years ago. Okay. And he was talking about his porn addiction. Okay. And how it has ruined his relationship with his wife. Oh, mad. But I'm assuming it says here he went on Armchair Expert, which is another popular...

I can't ever read it. So go on, man. The White Chicks actor revealed how he'd purposely start an argument with his wife, Rebecca King, so she wouldn't ask any more questions while he was battling the addiction. Poor woman, he said. It was horrible. My kids and I would be angry at them for getting in the way. Cruz then reflected on his childhood and spoke about how he grew up in an ultra-religious household and how his father would...

I bet. Eight years old. Yeah.

Damn. I love the time in hotels. I would be on porn channels. I would feel super guilty. And then I would read a bunch of self-help. Damn, dude. Explaining that his mindset was okay to let me get back to even here. I felt bad about myself all the time. He said, I'm a failure in my head.

Yeah, Terry Crews is a bit of a weird one, you know. Like, he's spoken about this bear over the last few years. He's also spoken about, like, his abusive dad, Lowe's, over the last few years. Obviously spoke about that time a Hollywood agent gripped his tool. That's the only one I know about. Yeah, he said when an agent pinned him up against a wall, grabbed his tool, and he called it, like, he said he was sexually abused or whatever. It is sexual abuse. It technically is sexual abuse, yeah. Is it a woman?

Now he's a guy.

Doesn't make any difference. Basically, what he was trying to say is that the power dynamic made it more sexual abuse in that this guy apparently is like a big, big, big agent or either agent or producer. I can't remember. And like, he's the kind of guy that can shut your career down. So he was basically saying it's like a Weinstein thing. Yeah, that shit happens a lot in that kind of thing. Yeah, it's a bit mad. So he was saying he's... But yeah, you can see a couple of the...

a lot of comments are just like bro you're an attention whore why was this needed to say out loud yeah it's like um it's one of them ones that people are starting to cuss him now because he speaks about this kind of stuff so much and i guess it's a weird one because yeah i guess he's just trying to bring awareness to it maybe but at the same time yeah it's been he when i say he's been talking about it for years maybe i've heard about it i have one time

time i've never heard so this is new information to me the only thing i've ever heard about terry cruz was the sexual assault thing yeah that's the only one i've heard about terry cruz but this whole porn thing is is crazy to me and i feel like i don't i feel like it's a bit harsh to for people to be saying your attention to get away if he's trying to

raise more awareness about what he's battling as opposed to... Do you know what I mean? That's a really shit move to do that. That's a shit move. Like if he's going through something mentally and he's in a... He's obviously at a position and has a platform where he can speak to many people or be invited to shows to speak about himself, therefore speaking about his brain. So...

I just don't think it's fair for them to say that. Like, it's mad. I mean, nine times out of ten, most comments aren't fair. And it's one of them ones where he's on a podcast. The guy's asking about it and he's talking about it. Like, if you don't like it, just turn it off. Facts. But yes, it's a tough one, man. Like, I'm assuming that's still his wife now. Yeah. So I'm wondering, like, what's the dynamic with, like, just an embarrassment ting?

Because like for me, for me personally, let's say my wife was a sex addict and she cheated on me all the time and she was famous. If she felt the need to like come out and tell everyone and see how like get off her chest and raise awareness, I'm going to be a bit like, oh God. But like, fair enough. Like, tell your truth. If she's still doing it five years later, I personally might be like, babe, like,

The first time you brought it up, it's actually been long enough now for everyone to forget it even was a thing. And it's been half a decade and you're still talking about it. It's like... Fair. From a close-knit perspective, that makes perfect sense. You're embarrassing me and the kids every single time you talk about this. That makes perfect sense. Like, have you not spoken about this enough by now? Okay, that makes perfect sense. Yeah. Because I know a lot of people say like, bro, you're just shaming your family the more times you bring this up. Because like, yeah, you've been speaking about it for years and years and years. Right, right, right.

So it is like a double-edged sword to be fair. - Does he still act or does he just do like America's Got Talent or whatever? - Oh, probably. I don't know the last thing he acted in. - But he said he'd been battling with this all his life, right? - Yes, this was eight.

It's crazy because if you think of Terry Crews, you only ever see him in like a comedic form. Do you know what I mean? And it's crazy that that's just general acting. Yeah. That might not even be his demeanor. He might not be. He could be, but you only ever see him act in a certain manner. He's kind of almost typecasted. Yeah. Oh, 100% typecasted. And it's crazy, man. It's just crazy how...

You can see someone in a movie, series, whatever, for many years and you just think, oh, this is just how he is normally, you know? But clearly not. He's a little sweetheart. Clearly not, man. That's life. Cool. Right. You want to finish off with a question for everyone? Yes, I do. And you said you finished The Glory, right? Yeah. Gang, so I can ask you. So you're not going to watch The Glory, right, Rem? No.

No. Even if you do, you're not even going to remember much about your 16 long ass episodes. Anyway. It's a long series. It's a long series. Yeah. Good though. It was great. Yeah. Very, very good. I've already got one next one to add it to my list. Okay. Ultimatum, right? Would you, if you were, if you were not Eugene's, okay. Eugene's husband, not her husband, but the real dad. Jae Joon or whatever his name is. Yeah. Jae Joon.

If you were J.Jun in his current situation... He fucks, by the way. In the show? He claps. In his current situation, and you had the same altercation with...

Yeon Jin's husband in that face-to-face meet. In the parking lot? In the park. No, no, no. Prior to the parking lot. When he came to the golf club? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So would you, A, divorce your killer wife and give up the rights? So this is you saying it to the husband. Divorce your killer wife and give up the rights to your daughter.

to be the biological father or he leaks all the evidence with a voice recording of the death. I'm the husband? You're the husband. Yeah, so he... And Jaejun's just threatened me with this? Yeah. What would you do? So would you rather give up your... Because he's not your daughter, but she is your daughter. Yeah, yeah. Would...

ratings the way he writes for his daughter and that yeah he does yeah i i who who are you talking about by the way the husband oh yeah of course he would yeah i would do the fuck yeah of course i would um yeah so would you divorce your missus who you've actually now found out is an actual stone cold killer yeah and give up your rights to your daughter

Or I leak all the evidence about your wife, which would then probably implicate you because you might not be married anyway. And we're just going to lose our daughter anyway. Which one are you going to do, my bro? So for context, for people who have not watched the show. Yeah, sorry. So what we're talking about is...

In this scenario, I am Do Young. Yeah. I am a CEO of a major corporation. You're a billionaire, long story short. I'm married to Yoo Jin. Yeah. Who is a weathercast girl and she is...

- The main antagonist. - The main antagonist and she's a murderer. - She's a murderer and a bully. - A bully and a murderer and she's my wife and I have no idea about this. And then the guy threatening me is Jae Joon who is my wife's sideman and the biological father of my daughter. So in this scenario, he's asking me, this is the only way

Guy is now telling me to my face I am your wife's side man I am your daughter's real father Your wife is a murderer Hold that information And here's your two things I have evidence that your wife is a murderer Which I will leak And will probably implicate yourself And she's definitely going to prison Or all you need to do is divorce her Which you want to anyway Because I've just told you she's a murderer and a cheat Facts

But when you divorce her, I need you to relinquish your parental rights to your daughter. And she comes to me. Yeah. Leak it. Swear. 100%. Swear. As soon as he's telling me, I'd hear him out. Yeah. Until he says relinquish your parental rights. Yeah. Knowing that he's talking about because the door's going to go to him. I'll say leak what you want to leak, big man. Yeah.

- Over my dead body are you taking this ute? - Fair enough. - 'Cause I love this child. - Fair enough, fair enough. She loves me. - And she, oh, that's the main important bit. She loves me and she's scared of you. - Facts. - 'Cause you're threatening. - Facts, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're scaring, you're threatening my guy. So I would say leak whatever you wanna leak, bro. - Fair enough. - You're not taking her. There's literally no scenario where you're taking this ute. Over my dead body. - Okay, cool, fair, fair. I'd obviously do the same thing.

I was just asking, I was quick. That's a good question though. Yeah, man. That was a, oh, he put, how Do Young dealt with that? He dealt with it for episodes. He was so composed. Composed for months. Composed for months. Yeah, he was burning inside. I don't know how he handled it. Neither do I. He ended, man, though. When Push came to shop. Literally. Yeah. Literally. He doesn't forget nothing. Ha ha!

That was sick. Wow, yeah. Damn, bro. Yeah, man. Really, really, really, really, really, really good series. But yeah, good question. Yeah, man. Okay, cool, man. Thank you for today, guys. That was decent. We're going to wrap it there. Please join us on Thursday at forward slash shits and gigs. And without any further ado, love, love, love. Gang, gang, gang. Love, love, love.

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