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Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds 在节目开头简短介绍了 Mint Mobile 的促销活动,随后节目主要围绕着 Twitter 上的各种帖子展开讨论,内容涵盖了约会、两性关系、性行为、网络流行语以及一些奇闻轶事。多个发言人分享了各自的经历和看法,包括对男性和女性生殖器敏感度差异的讨论,对约会中遇到的各种奇葩经历的吐槽,对各种性行为的奇特看法,以及对一些网络流行语和社会现象的评论。发言人还分享了关于前任、恋爱关系和背叛的经历和看法,讨论了关于跟踪和隐私的事件,以及对性行为中不同风格的看法。最后,发言人感谢听众并宣布将创建 Discord 服务器和 Reddit 页面。 节目中充满了大量的网络流行语、俚语和粗口,反映了当下年轻人的网络文化和语言习惯。讨论内容涉及到较为私密的话题,例如性行为和两性关系,但整体基调轻松幽默,以娱乐为主。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the sensitivity and role of nipples in sexual experiences, comparing them to other intimate acts.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. Recently, I asked Mint Mobile's legal team if big wireless companies are allowed to raise prices due to inflation. They said yes. And then when I asked if raising prices technically violates those onerous two-year contracts, they said, what the f*** are you talking about, you insane Hollywood a**hole?

So to recap, we're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. Give it a try at slash switch. $45 upfront payment equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first three month plan only. Taxes and fees extra. Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes. See details. Let's cheer it up a bit and let's go into Twitter Hall of Fame, guys. The legendary Twitter Hall of Fame. Final off wags. We haven't done Twitter Hall of Fame in a little bit. I love Twitter Hall of Fame sometimes. Same. Same, same, same. Right. Yeah.

start off like i hate that you guys nipples don't work because t head is comparable to head head really i mean yeah i knew that i knew that already but i hear what she's saying because i have no sensitivity in my nipples whatsoever bro whatsoever so i can imagine obviously ladies have a lot more sensitivity in their nipples than demand them so i'm so i know well compared to my nipples anyway because a nipple head is comparable to head head but

Not necessarily I see it, but sometimes because you're, when you're giving head to a girl, right? You're so far down. You can't really necessarily see her reactions, but you can kind of hear her reactions. But whereas when I'm licking a T, and I'm sucking on a nipple, you know she's in gold. The hands all over your back. You can hear her hair move, everything. So as I read that, I was like, ah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Say less, say less, say less. Say less, say less, say less. That's fair enough. My nipples are... They're non-existent. They're just there. My nipples are little tickle cushions. Bro... They're just tickly. I've got small nipples as well. I've got small nipples as well and a fat tit. I've got small nipples and a fucking fat tit. I've got a hefty tit and just a little ting on the end. A dark tic-tac. A fucking dark tic-tac on the end. That's it.

I ain't got an areola for shit. Bro, no areola. Just tic-tac, that's it. Funny, bro. One guy wrote, if you're going to wear your hand in front of your stomach the whole night, don't wear that outfit. Bro? Facts. Yeah. Facts. Don't wear that outfit. After two months of talking, I told this guy yesterday that I wasn't ready for a relationship and he responded, it's been great. I hope you have a good one.

And then he blocked me. No effort, no pressure applied. I'm devastated. Raw. Is that what she's after? Fight me on this. Fight me on this. Fuck it up. It didn't pan out the way she wanted it to. Sneaky links ask the most stupid questions like, why do you look so nervous? Because I'm not supposed to be with you. What the fuck? That's funny. Why do you look so nervous? When his phone is unlocked and you guys are having a great day, you just got to lock it for him.

I want that as my screensaver. I want that tweet as my screensaver. Raw. Yes. So this is a mini thread within a Twitter hall of fame. Okay. Not that many. Yeah. So I saw this tweet that said, what tricks do you guys be doing during sex? Ladies share your trade secrets. Quote tweet. I like to blindfold niggas. And then right when he thinks we're about to start fucking, I start swinging on him.

Nah, bro. I can't explain the level of fear that I'd be experiencing through that. Brethren, it's a different type of sensation. Yeah, no. I'm not about it. I duct tape the dick and balls together. That way I can feel everything. Oh, Shiro. I handcuff him and clear my carts in peace using his credit cards, of course. Oh, no. I clear my carts. Carts. Plural. In peace. Nah. Nah. No, bro. Bro. Bro.

One chick put, first you pick a book of your choice. Mine is the Bible. And then you read it together. One chick replied, I don't think my mind is going to come off that. Any other ideas? Then another chick replied, mine is the Kama Sutra. If you make it to the end, we ain't reading it right. Facts. Facts. Facts. When I'm doing reverse cowgirl, I like to suck on his big toe and I'll bite it when he's about to come if I can reach.

nah bro nah bro just let me not i'm not nutting in converse cargo anyway but yeah period bite away bite away oh because i need to feel satin bite away oh i need to be satin else by this pain yeah but it's curved pain fuck sake all right that's the mini thread hall of fame he doesn't have to post me as long as my rent is paid on the first i don't give a fuck fair

Fair. That's a deal I'd be willing to make. That's a deal I'd be willing to make. As long as my rent is paid on the first, I don't give a fuck. Bet. Say less. Why people leave things in Jesus' hands, knowing he's got holes in them, is beyond me. Wow. Dark. Very dark. British people struggling in this heat wave, stay strong. Your ancestors colonized entire countries in this heat. Bro!

Facts. There you go. Wow. Yeah. Old British people were built different. Different. Because if you think for one second, I'm pulling up into Africa, into the Congo, in this humidity and entrapping anyone. You've lost your mind. You've lost your mind. You've literally lost your fucking mind. And rubber jumping the Atlantic. It's boiling. And these men are wearing uniform and all sorts. All day, every day. Shoulder pads. Knives and everything. Boots.

Get me on the first shit back. Yeah, they're on stuff. Yeah, fuck these men. They were on stuff. Dudes can't even unclip a bra, but can do everything else behind the girl's back. Raw. Yeah, raw. This reminds me of you when you were working in sales every time you say you got a payday. It's hard to save money when food is always flirting with me.

This sushi ting. Payday sush. Payday nigiri. Fam? Yes, bro. I spend on food. I spend on food. I know, G. If Thames comes out as a mayonnaise lover, a mayonnaise man lover, I will harm innocent people.

Bro, can you imagine if Thames come out and said, I love white guys? I'll have nothing to say. I'd have nothing to say. The same way I'll just speak. I'll have nothing to say about it. I don't know why, but that is like, to me, that's like if Meg Thee Stallion came out and was like, I only fuck white guys. I'm never going to fuck you anyway. I hear you. But for God's sake. For God's sake.

I thought I had a chance. Yeah, there is a reality in my head where this might happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But now you're firmly saying never. Mayonnaise man, you know. Rah. I begged my ex for almost three years for something simple as flowers. He bought me flowers when we broke up. Some commiseration thing. This is the reason why they say mayonnaise shit. Yeah, because they're not stupid. They know what they're doing. Of course. Don't be the bigger person today. Be the problem.

toxic and that was a chick that said that i know oh thanks fake accounts are so funny because why do you think i would follow back budjoo banton two three one fuck oh wow that's funny my co-worker started crying because her boyfriend broke up with her through through a text and my manager said that's why we stay off our phones at work

My ex-girlfriend hit me up. Well, sorry, my ex-girlfriend hit on my new girlfriend and told her I was a cheater. Like, damn, why you got to spoil the ending? I know you know how this is going to end, but let her experience it. Raw. Fam?

To be fair, yeah, like, that's never happened to me, but when I've heard those stories before, I'm like, just leave her to find out. You don't even know her. You don't even fucking know her. Facts, bro. You just, it's under the guise of being a good person. You just want to fuck my life around. Let me cheat if I want to cheat. Yeah. If I'm going to break hearts, let me break hearts. This is the path I've chosen in life. Let me deal with the ones that's on my own accord. Yeah, you're done. Yeah, fuck off. Oh, man.

This one time, my side told me that my main was cheating on me. I'll let you finish drinking. I'm going to start again. This one time, my side told me that my main was cheating on me. She even had receipts. I pretended like I knew and didn't care. I tried to stand up, but my knees failed me. I just sat down and wept. Too exciting. Imagine. I tried to stand up, but my knees failed me.

Yo, that's funny. Amanda really can't. Our pride can't handle finding out we've been cheated on. We can't handle it. We can't physically take it. We literally can't take it. I'm imagining it now. We can't handle it. My side is telling me my man is cheating on me and here are the receipts. And he just sat there and cried.

Yo! Bro, imagine. Yeah, you feel... Mandem can't take it. No matter what, the hypocrisy is. Yeah, we can't take stuff like that. I'm literally with... I'm literally cheating as we speak. Yeah, as we speak. But I can't find out that my girl's cheating on me, bro. I can't. I've break down. Mandem are too funny. Oh, fucking hell. So jokes. Fam, this one. She blocked me...

Also, premise, man held the audacity to put this. Oh, okay, go, go, go. She blocked me because she posted a picture out of a plane window and I was able to use the fact that it was a Virgin 737 flying north over the desert, cross-referenced it with a flight radar and the sun position to tell her the flight number and the city she was going to. She blocked him. She blocked him. Oh, rags. He's a psycho. Cracked.

Cracked. Did you hear ever, there was a guy not long ago who was tracking fucking Elon Musk's like private jet or something. No. I don't know the details properly. There was a kid a little while ago that was like tracking Elon Musk's movements. For? For fun. For fun. And just posting it on Twitter. Because he knew he could do it. Yeah. So he was just tracking his shit really, really well.

And just posting on Twitter, like, Elon Musk has landed in such and such today. It was getting so invasive. And Elon Musk is trying to pack. He's a busy boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He can't have man just knowing where he's at. Yeah. He's got businesses to run. Yeah. And he's got competitors with his. Yeah, yeah. He can't be hearing, he's landed in Austin, Texas for this. And then he's in fucking Jamaica for this. Yeah. Because a couple of men will start adding up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So Elon Musk had to contact him and said, yeah, well done. Mm-hmm.

His, like, give me a number. Stop. Yeah. Oh, swear. He paid him off. Oh, swear. Said, fucking stop. Fair enough. And the boy was like, say less. He took the P and dropped it. ND-18. Hush, hush. Yeah, bro. Fair play. Fair play. Props. All right, I've got two more. Go, go, go. Bitches be trying to suck dick all cute. If you don't start foaming like a pitbull, I'm out. Bro, it...

We've said it before. Yeah. There's either a nut head. Yeah. Or there's like foreplay head. Yeah. If you're going to try nut head, you best try and get this nut head. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. None of this like cutesy wootsy. What was that one I said the other day? I don't want any more little lizard licks. Bro.

Slop it like it's the elixir of youth. Bro, slop it like you mean it. Slop it like you haven't sucked a dick in 10 years. Suck it like you've just come out of pen. Yeah. Suck it like you've just come out of pen. Yes, bro. Yes, that's the fucking bar. That is the bar you've just said. Ladies, suck it like you've just come out of pen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A 10-year stretch. A young bird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like the first tool you grab onto. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Demolish it. Bro, yeah, yeah, yeah. Lap it up.

That's what I want. Yeah. Rags. That's what I want. Wow. That was such a good analogy. Fuck it up. Yes, bro. All right. Last one. I text my baby daddy. Is he bringing our son back home? He says, yeah, I'm grabbing some food first. I'm like, okay, can you grab me something? This nigga said, nah, I can't be feeding nobody else's girlfriend. This man hates my guts.

Bro, rags. Rags, bro. I can't be feeding nobody else's girlfriend. Rags. If you're not mine, don't ask me for stuff. Facts, bro. Absolutely facts. You think because you hold my ute, I'm just running around for you? Shut up.

But yeah, that was this week's Twitter Hall of Fame. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. You know what, guys? I owe you one because not a single bastard complained about our short episode last week. No one did. True. They took it, digested it, commented and liked. And you guys are really, really, really the fucking tits. Facts. Also, on top of that, me and Fweg spoke about today. We saw we noticed that you guys are really, really highly requesting a Discord server.

So we're on it. We're going to make it happen. Patreon only, S&G Discord server. Enjoy that. We do pay attention to everything you guys say. We pay attention to the feedback. A few people have messaged me before and asked for like a Reddit page or a S&G subreddit. We actually have one. A dedicated fan created one a few months ago and he's just been lounging in there, collecting followers in there. So I think it's like...

it is shits and gigs I'm pretty sure it's just shits and gigs so go on over to reddit shits and gigs sign up to homeboys subreddit for him he'll be gassed and as always guys love you like a fat kid loves cake you know my style I think to make you smile

Thank you very much.

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