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$45 upfront payment equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first three month plan only. Taxes and fees extra. Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes each detail. I was so fed up with this story. I was so fed up with it because I just thought it's just so annoying that you're putting me in this situation. But then, make believe or not, bro, if anyone stared me in my face. Yeah, man. Well gone, guys. What are you saying? As you can see, new merch gang. I must have...
Looking clean and nap. I won't get up and show you the back, but you already know what's in the back. Summit Edition logo merch popping. If you don't know, check the website. Links are in the bio. Links are in everything, you know, on Instagram or Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat. We're there. We're everywhere because you know the webs. You know how everything goes. You know, I'm about to do a little sip sip before the episode starts.
Hope you guys are having a good day. Jimmy thinks I'm rapping, so he's doing gun fingers here, there and everywhere. But you know, I might as well be. You feel me, cuz? Cheers. But I don't know, like, comment, subscribe, man. Hope you guys are doing well. Hope you guys are enjoying the two eps a week. For those that aren't on the Patreon, make sure you run us our pee, £3 a day. £3 a day. £3 a month. 10p a day. Run us the pee. Come on. The usual vibes, you know. Let's go.
Yeah, man. Just get in the comments, get on the TikTok, get in the comments there as well. Algorithm is moving crazy. You already know we pop on TikTok. Your boys are godless. Stupid viral. Stupid viral on TikTok. You're going to see us everywhere. So, you know, you got to jump in. You got to feel amongst the crowd. Type in the comments, you know, just be part of it, you know. Make some friends. Make some friends. That's it. Draws a ting in the comments. I dare one of you to draws a ting in the comments. I'll be gassed. Draws a ting in the comments. Come on.
pattern that pattern that for us man let's let's start a community let's keep the community going because we've already got a community and that's thanks to you guys so yeah mom hope you guys are doing blessed um and yeah happy monday yeah mom how are you how are you doing today me you brother chilling g i'm blessed my brother i'm alive yeah i'm feeling good i'm happy with myself yeah um
Gym's been tough for me at the minute, bro. I'm not going to lie to you. Bro, I'm not trained in a minute, but I'll let you go first. I just want to be me again. I want... I want... I want... I want... What do I want? Tell me. I want... I want depth. I hear you. I hear you. I want depth. I hear you. And I want bulk, but it looks... It just looks...
Bro. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not too like. Yeah. Not stuck. But everything just looks thick. It just looks like there's a, there's a nucleus in there. Every muscle has its own nucleus. I want to be me again. Um, but yeah, man, I just, I'm struggling to get into a routine. Yeah. Um, everything's a bit hectic at home at the minute, but I'm hoping in a few weeks it should be better. Uh,
I just need to be bang on it bro Bang on it Your boy needs to prioritise cardio I'm at that age now Gio I need to start prioritising cardio My heart is not what it was Same I always try and avoid it Fucking hate cardio I hate cardio as well The only cardio I do is sex brother I always avoid cardio I always avoid cardio But your boy's tummy tum Your boy's got a tummy tum now Yeah it's tumming My tum is tumming I'm not gonna lie to you My tum is tumming I need to do something about it
But yeah, I'm going to hit the gym. I need to get back into the gym routine very soon. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but yeah, I think I'm going to back, go jump back in tomorrow. I think I've got time tomorrow. So yeah, make the week fruitful and just keep it, keep on keeping on. I need to, I need to get back into it, man. To be fair, depending on what time my train lands, um,
Tomorrow I might have time. I might squeeze it. Okay. Have you got your stuff with you? Or are you going to go yard and then... Nah, I've got stuff. Okay, got it. I've got stuff. Yeah, I can rock it, man. Because I can't keep living like this. Bro, it's a crazy time at the moment. But we're busy. And we have to make sacrifices. But we're here, you know? It's true, G. We're here. Hope you guys are doing well anyway. I'm going to get into a few how to fun facts of the day. So, in 1987, an Ontario man called Kenneth Parks...
drove 20 kilometers to the house of his in-laws. He beat his mother-in-law to death with a tire iron and strangled his father-in-law. He was subsequently arrested, but found not guilty in a court after a jury concluded that he must have been sleepwalking. 20 kilometers he drove there. 20 kilometers. I don't care what any jury says. Yeah. If I'm in the crowd and I'm friends of the accused or the abused, rather not the accused, I'm not going to be in the crowd.
send him to penitentiary oh bro there's no way anyone is driving 20k sleepwalking it's impossible to be fair i've heard stories not sleepwalking per se but stories of people who take um what's the thing that helps you sleep um what's the there's a medication you can take that helps you sleep it's called um oh fuck me
Fuck me. What's it called? James, I don't know. It's called like, does it begin with A? Either begins with A or V, I feel. I don't know. Anyway, is it Advil? Is that a CBN one? Yes. Yes. Because people pop Advils when they go on a plane. Okay, cool. I think it's Advil. Yeah. I've heard people who take that and bro, they have crazy shit happen in the night.
So I was listening to Joe Rogan. He's got a couple of stories of where, you know, Kevin James, the actor. Kevin James. He played. Kevin James. Let me Google it. He's Paul Blart. He's the main guy in Hitch. The white guy in Hitch. Fat guy. Okay. Okay. The guy that played the mall cop. Yeah. Mall cop. Paul Blart. Mall cop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My man. Oh yeah. I just Googled him. Yeah. I didn't know that was his name. Yeah. So he, he's got a story where he said that he, he took it. I went to bed.
Woke up the next day, went into the kitchen and he'd cooked in like an entire steak dinner in his sleep. Nah, brother. All the trimmings. Nah, brother. In his sleep. In his sleep. Because the thing is, I've seen videos of... I can't remember what show it was on. It was on actual TV. And I've seen videos of people sleepwalking, doing random shit, but doing shit that looks like they're awake. And it's like...
How is this possible? Yeah. How is this possible? It doesn't make sense. It's something, I don't know what it is, but it's something, something in the brain where you're just not, I don't even know. You're conscious, but you're not there. You're not conscious. Yeah. And there's the ones where they've said they take an Advil, they've gone shop done all sorts, bruv. And they're just there like that. Well, their eyes are open. No,
Their eyes are open. They're awake, fam. To be fair, how else is man driving 20KM? Exactly. They're awake, bro. They're awake, fully awake, but their brain is off. Nah, man. They're not talking to people. They're not doing stuff. Their brain is not there. I refuse to believe it. I refuse to believe. I refuse to believe man's got the cognitive. What's the word I'm looking for? The cognitive ability to let alone drive 20K with his eyes open, but not consciously awake.
To like stop at traffic lights and not hit anyone. All of these factors it takes to drive as you're awake to then go to the yard, get into the yard, grab a tire ride, kill the mom, strangle the dad, like do all of these things to then drive back home or whatever. Bro. Bro, it doesn't make sense, bro. I don't believe that in this case, I don't believe, I think that's full of shit. I'm just saying there are some cases. I know, especially with the driving. Mm.
They're driving, bro. Have you never had it where you just like switch off when you're driving and you rock up to the place and you like jump because you're like, how the fuck did I even get here? You just forget you were driving. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't remember one bit of that journey. I've been there. I was in a different space. I've been there, brother. That scares me when that happens. Completely automated. Not present at all.
Yeah, so I can see kind of like that, the mechanics behind that, but murdering two people? Come on, big man. Coincidentally, your in-laws that you're murdering? Not strangers, my G. You have to go, Penn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a backstory behind that. Like, you obviously hear your in-laws. They've obviously wronged you in some form or some manner, so you have to...
You have to do a couple years. Man took them out. Man didn't even want to allow the wife. He said, these man need to go. You have to do a couple years behind bars. You have to. It doesn't make sense. Things like that don't make sense. And to be fair, 1987, I feel like if something like that happened now...
Then again, I don't know anything or I don't know much about the court of law in terms of how jury or jury duty has changed. But I just assume, like, if that happens today, man's going pen. I don't care what anyone says. Yes, it happened in 1987, but if it happened today, you have to go to jail. You can't finesse a jury these days. You can't. They know everything. You can't finesse a jury these days. You are going to jail. So...
Yeah, Kenneth, you're a lucky brother, but it's also, you need to, you need to get checked. In the comments, guys, have you ever, do you know anyone that's ever sleepwalked? Or do you sleepwalk yourself? Because I find that very...
I find that very fascinating, but also very scary because I feel like you're in a, I feel like it's a different dimension. You're in a different world completely, but you're, you're, you're conscious, but you're not conscious at the same time. Things like that don't make sense to me. I've, I don't know if I told you this. I've, I've, I, it's very intermittent. Okay. It's not constant, but when it does happen, it happens in like clusters. Okay. But I like try and sleep. Fuck.
Oh, explain. So I've had moments where like basically if I'm in bed with like my girl or my girl at the time or whatever, where I will be like ridiculously horny, but I am asleep. Okay. And it's only, I've noticed that happen a few times, but basically where I'll be crazy horny and I'll try and smash. Now, if they're on it,
And we actually do smash. I'll wake up. Okay. And there's been times where I've woken up
where i've been like oh but it's weird it's a wake up but i know what i'm doing do you know i mean i know how i got to this position when i've woken up i know how i'm here it's not like i'm like wow what am i doing on top of you it's like and i remember from there what we're doing on top of you is that climbed over i remember from there yeah yeah yeah sometimes it's but it's sometimes it's such a flashback to reality that i'm not even horny anymore okay and i'm like oh wow like i don't think i can like i'm just a bit
wavy like i don't know what's going on but there's other times where if they're not on it big man they'll tell me the next day that i was trying to ting last night and i was like no i wasn't big man i was sleeping they're like yes you were really yeah 100 and that's happened to you like a couple times or like bare times really bare times more than 10 okay
Do you feel like... What has happened the night before? Were you drunk before? Did you go to bed horny? And there's no correlating factors, as far as I can tell, that attribute to it. It hardly... It doesn't ever... Hardly ever happens. But when it does happen, it can happen like three, four, five nights in a row. But then it won't happen again for like a year. What the fuck? It's weird, bro. It's weird. My libido is up, up, up sometimes. I hear that, though. I hear that. Because... But I...
I don't know. Cause there are times I wake up or like I'm in that, you know, when you're just in that realm of you're about to wake up, but you're still tired. Your eyes are still closed, but you're horny, but that kind of morning sex vibe, but you're not awake, awake. And you just feel like, I just, I just need to fuck right now. I need to fuck something right now. Obviously you got your missus or whoever that's with you in your bed at the time. But yeah,
As soon as I start trying to pattern a way to fuck, I'm conscious. I'm awake, you know? It's not like it's a subconscious thing. So I've never been in that situation, but I can kind of understand it maybe, maybe, but yeah, that's, that's different. That's different for me. Horrible. Not a fan of it. I can imagine. But yeah, I, I, I'm not, I'm not sure the mechanics of the sleepwalking. Oh, sleepwalking. This is, that's a scary thing. I couldn't,
wake up and probably like what go piss or go get some drink of water or something and see like my missiles or something just bowling through the yard just sleepwalking brother bro it's mad i would panic i would panic if i saw i don't know why because i well i do know why it's because i've never seen that happen to me before obviously i know people sleepwalk obviously i know it's a thing but i've never known anyone to do it mad creepy bro oh my goodness i wouldn't know what to do
yeah i think i've done i've had like a half sleep walk in my life before where i was drunk it was when i was a teenager okay and i basically i might have told you this before i basically pissed on my chest of drawers i don't know if you've told me that maybe you have but i don't remember basically i was drunk but i was this when i was young so i was like 16 i was
and i remember in the night waking up going to the toilet to piss and then come back to bed and go back to sleep the next day i wake up get out of bed go to my chest of drawers and like the carpet is soaking wet fam so basically you dreamt that you went to the toilet i dreamt i went to the toilet but i actually got up and just pissed on the floor but i vividly remember the toilet bro family when i was younger right
I used to piss the bed for bags when I was a youth. When I was a youth, I used to piss the bed, brother. It was embarrassing. It was more embarrassing for my parents than it was me. I used to piss the bed. But my dreams were so vivid. I'm confident I went to the toilet, you know? Because you know the layout, you know the blueprint of your yard. When you're dreaming, it seemed so real, bro. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. But the funny thing is, it's one of them ones where
In the dream, you're pissing, you're pissing in a toilet, right? But I think there is a moment where I think maybe when I'm about to finish pissing, I realise it's a dream, but I can't do anything about it. And I also don't wake up. Oh, okay. So I'm trapped in this abyss. And then I wake up like seven hours later when it's morning time. My bed is soaked and I'm vexed.
I'm just vexed. I used to, bro, there are so many times I used to dream that I was pissing and I would just, I would just murk the bed. I would just murk the bed. When I was a youth, yeah, man, I would destroy the bed. It was so annoying. It was so annoying. My brother used to piss the bed.
When we were little kids, we used to piss the bed. And when we stayed with my dad on weekends, for a couple of years where he lived, we would share a double bed. So we'd have our, he would stay in the spare room. And it'd be a double bed. And there was a double bed in there. We'd share it. Every single time my brother pissed the bed.
I feel bad now because I would wake up going mad at him, bro. Mad at him. Because obviously I'll just be asleep and I might roll over that way and soaking wet, cold now on my leg. I would jump out of bed and be like, oh my God. And I'll just scream at him.
Screaming at him. And he's like, it's not my fault. It's not my fault. And for fuck's sake, bro. Stop pissing the fucking pen. I don't want to be here with your pissy, in the fucking pissy sheets, bro. I don't want to be here. Yeah. And then, yeah. When we were kids, yeah. I bet he must have felt mortified. Oh, I can imagine. Mortified. I can imagine, bro. I hated it. I fucking hated it. Fuck, man. I hated it. It was so shit. But yeah, man. It's a weird thing, man. It is. It is. Pissing the bed. It's, um...
I don't know. I'm sure a lot of people, even like till now, not even till now, but like there are moments where, you know, when you slip in and out of consciousness and subconsciousness, and there are many times at night, I feel like I need to piss, but my dream relates to my reality. And I feel like I've gone to the toilet or I'm about to go to the toilet. And I clocked myself that, big man, this is a dream, you know? So you kind of, you kind of pause the thing where you kind of shake yourself and wake up. But there are also many times where,
For example, I'm sleeping. I know I'm sleeping, but my conscience is awake. So for example, if I can hear stuff that's happening in the real world, but I'm asleep. But if I hear like a bang, that bang will resonate in my dream. And it's like, how does the brain work? I don't know how the brain catches that, but I've had so many times before where I'm dreaming and then someone's knocking on my door.
And they're knocking, knocking, knocking. And in my dream, someone's knocking on the door, bro. And you're in, the thing is like, it's not like the knock doesn't coincide with the dream. It's like, I'm already dreaming. I'm about somewhere. And there's a door that needs to be knocked. Yeah, I was coincidentally walking towards the door. It makes no sense. That's getting knocked. Yeah, but I don't know how the dream patterns. It could be like that. It makes no sense. Bro, it's like Inception. The brain just handles it. It gets it. Handles it. I'm sure that happens to everyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes no sense. Handles it, bro.
oh wow it's horrible oh my goodness oh my goodness um but i've got a um i've got a what would you do scenario now um let me see which one i'm gonna do i'll do this one all right after receiving a wildly inappropriate face massager from my aunt it quickly became my first sex toy don't know how that so my boyfriend's fucking me with the with this massager that's definitely a small cheap vibrator
My mum comes home and we've got to pretend like nothing's going on. She comes in to talk to us and starts talking about the face massager while picking it up and rubbing it all over her face. Then goes and rubs it on my face too. And then on my boyfriend's face. I almost had a heart attack thinking she'd be able to tell it's literally just been inside of me. Luckily she didn't and still doesn't know that she's nuzzled my dildo.
Nuzzled my dildo Alright you're the boyfriend in this situation right Yeah yeah yeah You've patterned a thing with your girl now You're fucking about with this Face massager slash dildo Play with it play with it play Her mum rolls around back in the yard She grabs it and starts talking about it But she starts putting it all over her face Then she puts it on your girl's face i.e. her daughter Then she's about to put it on your face What do you do? I'm smacking it out of her hand Bitch I'm smacking it out of her hand
How are you explaining the situation? Bro, I do not know. I do not know. I don't know, bro. But my initial... I just know my body will react. And I will smack it out of her hand. And I don't know. I'll say something like, why are you trying to rub everyone's face on everyone's face? I don't want everyone's grease on my grease, bro. You're a quick thinker, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get all this away from me, man. Stop rubbing... This is your face massaging. You're trying to rub it on my face. That's disgusting. But yeah, that's...
That girl's a freak as well. Man said, cut to next scene. My boyfriend's fucking me with my mom's face massager. Jesus. She just saw that and said, that looks fun. That looks like it could work. Bang me with that. That's sexy. Not even like, oh, that looks, that doesn't that remind you of a such and such. And then maybe let's go to a shop and get a such and such. That's, I want that. I want that inside me. I want, I mean, now. Bang me with that.
That's raunch. She's a freaky freak. That's raunch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would tell me I've said that. 100% she'd tell me if she said something like that, I'd be like, gang. Gang. I'd have to. Nasty. But yeah, that's gross. I'd say he slapped her out of her hand, you know. 100%. She'll come to me just like, James, feel it. I wouldn't smile. I wouldn't frown. Straight face. Smack her out of her hand.
She will be like, fam, what are you doing? James. I don't know. You'd panic after that. After she reacts, I bet you'd panic. Bro, I would. I'm like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Joking. The girl's just, your girl's just staring at you. Fam, I'll stare straight back at her. What do you expect? This is your fault. This is your fault. But then again, I might just firm it. My girl's pom-juice on my face is minor, really. It's actually minor. It's the mum that's going through it. Fam, imagine...
All right, random scenario. This thing has happened, right? This thing has patterned out. The mom knows what it is. The mom knows it's a dildo-esque type product, right? So she's put it on her face, whatever, trying to like break the ice or whatever, put it on her daughter's face. But when she, no, she puts it on your face, you firm it. Let's say you firm it this time. She puts it on your face, you firm it. She puts it on her daughter's whatever, but then she puts it on her face, stares at you.
Fucking, she's a MILF. She fucking stares at you. But she does it in a way that you know that. You know that she knows that we know what this is. She's making innuendo things. She's doing, she's doing all sorts, brother. All sorts, brother. And she's, let's say you're like 18, 19, 20. And she's a good like 40. But she's banging, brother. If you thought the daughter was nice, you can see where she got it from.
daughter slips to the toilet now or she's like oh mom you're embarrassing me mom you're embarrassing me and she's like i'm just gonna go to the to the shop real quick or whatever you decide to stay you don't go and the mom's done all the ting of all right she's like ah james that that was funny that thing upstairs is funny right and like yeah yeah and she looks at you oh i know what that is i don't i know that's a i know that's a sex toy how about we use it how about we use it
and you've seen you've seen her mom you know that yeah yeah she looks she looks tight why are you looking at your nails brother you want me to say dear she looks tight she looks ripe and tight she's a nice petite figure but curvy curvy she's like oh where's she going she's going to the shell down the road she's going to be at least 20 minutes i'll say first of all big man before we take this any further so you're telling me you knew what it was and you still rubbed it on my face
You knew what you were doing and then you rubbed it on my face. That's disrespectful to begin with. She's like, I'm a freak, B. I'm a freak. I don't care.
I'm a fucking freak. Oh, she swears. No one can say that to me. No one can say that. She swears. I was so fed up with this story. I was so fed up with it. Cause I just thought it's just so annoying that you're putting me in this situation. But then make believe or not, bro. If anyone stabbed me in my boat, said I'm a fucking freak. Oh,
Your heart will leave your chest. 100%. 100%. What? What? What did you say? 20 minutes. Get your gums off. Bro, that's 15 minutes of chill time afterwards. Get your fucking gums off now. Now. You can never look me in my boat, both eyes open and say, I'm a fucking freak. I'd shudder.
James, I don't even know. I don't know what I'd do. I would probably panic. I would definitely panic. Because it's like when we used to do... Obviously, we spoke about this on the podcast before. We used to do Butler in the Bath, blah, blah, blah, back in the day. And we were what? Between like 19, 21? I can't remember. So obviously, in this scenario, around that age. And older women at that time, like 10, 11 years ago, we...
We didn't know how to pattern that. I didn't even know what to say or do. I just didn't know how to pattern that. But if you gave me an older woman, if I was 18 now with my mentality now, if I was doing butlers in a bath with my mentality at 1920, wow. We would have been sacked a lot sooner. Fam, I was just about to say, I would have been fired a long time ago. A long, long, long time ago, brother. Because no one can tell me. I'm a fucking freak and I don't care who knows it.
That's your daughter's boyfriend, big man. Nah. She's a single mum. Nah. She's a single mum with needs. I'll have to think, how much do I want this relationship? Oh, I don't want this relationship at all. I don't want this relationship at all. I'll tell you for free. I'm doing it. I don't know how I'm doing it. Don't get me wrong. I don't know how I'm doing it. But that's the mother and daughter's problem now. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I will have to, yeah. To be fair, I will gulp, go on my phone, block my girlfriend's number, and then I'm going to go to bed.
bang the mum and then just leave and no one's seen me again she knows where you live what do we know and she's gonna do what she's gonna she's gonna do what that's so true what's she gonna do bro and she's gonna do that's thought about it she's gonna do what she's got no father figure yeah yeah hopefully man got daddy issues oh come to my island do what bro
Oh, nah. That is fucking hilarious. She asked me, what were you doing? What were you thinking? I'm like, what do you think, bro? What do you expect from me? Ask your mum. Bro, Shorty wants a thug. Shorty wants a thug and she found one. Get off my doorstep because it doesn't end well for me or you. Because I know we're done. I know, fam. And I don't want you to want me back.
Because I know what I did. Family. And then tutus now, right? All right. You went, obviously you and this girl, you break up or whatever, because you have to, it's inevitable, right? And maybe like a year down the line, she goes to, obviously you're of age, but your girl goes, or your ex at the time goes to uni somewhere else, to another city. And let's say, coincidentally, you go to uni in your city,
And then somehow, somehow she just patterns it. She patterns your idea, your site and the mum. The mum does. The mum patterns your idea. She's hitting me up again. Hit me up. She's like, my daughter's away. Roll through when you want. Oh, I'm banging out every other Wednesday. Oh, brother. I bang out all the time. Brother. I'm a uni student. Brother. And there's a 40 year old that just wants, just pipe constantly. Just young pipe. I'll bang out constantly, bro. Constantly. I'd be exhausted.
you'd be drained. Yeah, 100%. They'll become a time where I'd just be like, not anymore. Yeah, of course. Not anymore. The thing is, I wouldn't know when that would be. I don't think, for me, I don't think it'd be very long. Because... The novelty of it? Yeah, it's just like, it's just like, how many times do you have to bang a stripper before you're not banging a stripper anymore? You're just banging a woman now. Yeah. Jesus Christ, sorry. Yeah. You're just not banging, do you know what I mean? Yeah. After you've banged a stripper like, more than what, three, four times? Yeah. In my head, I'm not banging a stripper anymore, I'm banging Sophie. Yeah.
Do you know what I mean? Yeah, the novelty is... And the whole allure of it is just gone now. Yeah, it's not as sexy. Fair enough. That's how I'd feel about banging, like, my girlfriend's mum or my ex-girlfriend's mum or whatever. But, pause. Do you think you're thinking that because you're a 30-year-old man or do you think you would be different as an 80-year-old boy? I think I'd actually be worse as an 18-year-old boy. I think as a 30-year-old man, I can at least appreciate her as, like,
like a 60 year old woman and like in the longer term as an 18 year old boy, it would be all novelty for me. All novelty. But that's my point though. Cause because I'm saying, sorry, obviously you're going to be an 18 year old boy. So I feel like you're saying the novelty wear off quick because you're thinking as a 30 year old man. That's my, that's what I'm saying. So if you're thinking as an 18 year old boy in that situation, do you still think like the novelty wear off soon or would you still be gassed in the moment or fucking her?
I think the novelty would wear out still soon because my novelty would be wearing out based on what's happening in and around the
this banging situation okay because at some point or another she's gonna tell me about fucking karen at work yeah it's not just gonna be sexy she's gonna want to have some form of conversation yeah okay and then we're gonna realize that we're two generations apart yeah and i'm gonna be like yuck i'm done she's probably gonna be like yeah exactly exactly
What am I going to talk to her about? Yeah, yeah. I'm 18, bro. What have I got to say? What are you bringing to the table? Yeah, bro. Both of us would be like, yeah, this is worn off. Like it has to just be skin, fam. It can't be anything else. Because as soon as you have a conversation, you'd be like, oh, now I feel like I'm banging an 18 year old boy. And now I feel like I'm banging a 40 year old woman. I hear you. Fuck that. She'd talk about her hot flushes and shit.
I was like, nah. Nah, I'm done. This is not for me. I'm literally done. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. But it'd be cool in the moment. And yeah, if you're 18, that relationship can get dusted. I don't care. I do not care. I'll block her number before I've even gone upstairs. That's hilarious. That is hilarious. I'd have to, bro. I'd have to. And I...
I think I just have to be brutal to her as well. To the mom or to the daughter? To the daughter. Okay. And to be like, babes, I'm sorry. I actually am sorry. Sorry, it doesn't, you don't deserve this. Yeah. But it's just one of them things. You're never going to get this opportunity again. Yeah. Or you don't know whether you're going to get this opportunity. Ask any guy that's my age. He's going to say he'll do the same thing. Especially if the mom's a milf. Yeah. Is your mom banging, bro? And she was down. I'm sorry. And obviously now, like, I don't even know what to say. Like, your relationship's probably fucked with your mom. Mm-hmm.
And like, hey, man, this definitely fucked with me. But best of luck in it. I hope you heal from this. Whatever I can do to help. But I did it. If I could go back in time, I'd probably do it again. Damn. Lads, fellas, in the comments, let me know what you do. Would you guys? You know what they do. You can ask, but yeah, we all know what they do. Let me know what you guys would do. Would you leave your girl? You're 18, 19, 20. Would you leave your girl to fuck your girl's mum? And the mum's a milf.
the mum's a milf what would you do and how would you handle the situation that was not well sometimes i just feel like doing accents um scottish aye attention listeners across the galaxy all the way from australia to houston do we have a pew problem yes we've got a pre-problem we've really got a desperate pew problem over here in australia especially us in houston as well if so
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maskit.com 20% off and free shipping worldwide thank you very much back to the episode let's go Jesus of course you know what they're doing bro you ask silly questions sometimes you ask rhetorical silly questions not everyone's like us B they all are 18 year old boys I know but I know I know because I know what I was like what boy is going to comment and say no I'd rather stick it out you never know nah they're all doing it ladies what would you do if you're the girlfriend or the mum what would you do that's what I want to know as well
What do you mean? If they're the girlfriend, what do you want them to say? I don't know, brother. I'm trying to figure out from a woman's perspective what they would say. What would they do if what? If they were in that scenario. If their boyfriend's done it or not done it. Or about to do it or that the situation is about to happen. I want to know, bruv. Fair point. I want to know how that will affect their relationship with their mum, bruv, because they're a woman. To be fair, some of them has probably happened.
Not necessarily a boyfriend. I guarantee there's women. I've met a girl whose mom was a freak. I've met a girl who was younger than me. Have you told me? Maybe not. I don't think I have. Okay. I've met a girl who's younger than me and her mom was banging her friends of her age. No way. So when I was 20...
She must have been like 18. Okay. And her mum was banging her like 18, 17, 18 year old friends. How old is the mum? At the time? Big woman, bro. She's old enough to have an 18 year old daughter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was like 40. The mandem would have been gassed. Of course they were. Had you ever seen the mum? Yeah, I seen the mum. She ain't paying. Was she not? She wasn't paying. But that's what I'm saying, bro. The sex appeal of it, yeah. The novelty of it, bro. 18 year old boy, mum's trying to bang. Wow.
Of course they did it. And they were friends with the girl. They didn't care. The daughter didn't care? No, the daughter cared. The guys didn't care. Of course the guys didn't care. Of course the guys didn't care. Especially if it's not a relationship thing with the daughter. Of course they didn't care. Yeah, they didn't care, bro. They ran through the mum. They? Not at the same time, but there was multiple. Yeah, she's a freak. She's a fucking freak. Yes. I would have been in the queue.
Oh, so would have I at that time when I heard about it, I would have done the same thing. And your mom's not even nice. A hundred percent would have done the same thing. Too much for me. A hundred percent, bro. One million percent. And that's why I get vexed when like you hear about these stories of like these 15 year old boys are like,
get seduced by their teacher and the teacher gets sacked and the boys are like, oh, the boys are traumatized. Shut the fuck up. He's not traumatized. He was hard as fuck. Oh, bro. The boys were down. They've never felt so lucky. They've never felt skin like that before. They've never sucked tea since they were a youth. Bro, they've never been in that situation. They'll kill for it again. They would. They could not believe how lucky that they were. I'm vexed. I didn't have any sociopath teachers like that. I'm so livid. None of my teachers have been paying. To my knowledge,
None of my teachers have been like, oh my God, why would give to fuck you, Beng? I don't, not to my, I can't think of anyone that springs to mind. We had one supply PE teacher. She was banging. She was banging. I didn't have anyone like,
blatantly flirted with or tracked obviously oh yeah like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my boy adam did he took it too far bro okay to the point where it got like oh let me sip this hit me the stories um so yeah i think she was like she was like eastern european she was like petite i already know she's she was early early 20s probably she was young for a teacher and we must have been 14
Year nine? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Probably year nine. Late is year 10. But I'm going to say year nine. And she was bad. But she's not banging now. If we look at her now... I know what you mean. In school, in an authority figure, she was banging. Of course. And then, yeah, flipping...
She was there. I think she was taking us into the tennis courts. We were going to do a tennis lesson. And then all the boys were like, oh, she's paying. She's paying. And then you know stupid school boys have stupid conversations. Like, oh, do you think she'll be on it? Do you think you could pattern it? Obviously no one can fucking pattern it. Everyone shut up. But at that time you gas each other up. I'll move to her. You can never move to her. To my boy Adam was like, I'll move to her. Rags. And then you said like, oh, I miss your opinion, eh?
And then she was like, huh, cool. And then he just said it again. Nah, for real, like you're a pig. And then she was like, okay, like, can we move on from this subject? Like, I'm trying to take this lesson. And he was like, yeah, cool, cool, cool. And then I can't remember. I can't remember. I think he actually squeezed the batty. No, he never. I think he did. No, he never. I think he did. What year was this? Year nine. No, he never. No, he never. I'm 85% certain he squeezed the batty.
Because it escalated Fuhad. That's all I remember. It escalated. He got draped out of the lesson by one of the male teachers. Yeah. The male teacher was probably trying to fuck her as well. Probably. But yeah, because he took it. I'm pretty sure that's what it was. Because it went from mild little flirting kind of thing to being told to stop.
To the point where it escalated, fam. And she was like, nah. Got one of the guy teachers. One of the guy teachers gripped him up and took him out. And I remember feeling so uncomfortable when he took him that... For the whole situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When he took it to that extra level where I was just like... Oh, what are you doing, bro? What are you doing, bro? This was fun and games before. Yeah, it's all fun and games now. You just sexually assaulted someone. You're 14, cuz. It doesn't end well here.
Yeah bro It was tough Damn It was tough What was the aftermath Was he like It wasn't even that bad I don't think He got in trouble obviously But he wasn't like He didn't get like Kicked out of school or anything And he still She still taught him As a teacher That lesson Not that lesson But in general She was literally there for a week Yeah yeah yeah She wasn't like a full time teacher She was there for like a week She was there for like a week So there was her There was another teacher She wasn't really paying But she was like Mid 20s She had Pissed
It was ridiculous. It didn't even make sense. And then nothing ever like that, but like with her, but I remember thinking sexy and she married one of the other male teachers. Okay. And all I remember when I heard that they were getting married, they were engaged. All I remember thinking is, oh, he's loving life, bruv.
With them tics? He's loving life. I was livid about it, bro. Livid about it. Like say you could do anything about it. Like say I was next up. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember thinking, no.
He's banging her. And I've never banged anyone anywhere near. I was like year eight, year nine. But I remember thinking, fuck, I'm so jealous. I'm so jealous. He's banging her. Oh, being a teenage boy is long. Oh, yeah, man. It's the hardest thing in the world, being a teenage boy, man. We're just horny. Horny and aggressive, bro. Horny and aggressive. Anything turns us on. Oh, it's long. Anything turns us on. The fucking wind blows in the right way.
Big man? Oh, it's mad. It's mad. Yeah, it's tough out there, man. Oh, God, it's tough. What have you got for me? Yeah, I went to cinema the other day to watch Black Widow. I've seen it. You've seen it? Yeah, I saw it on Disney+. What did you think? I thought the action was really good and I thought the storyline itself was really good as well. I feel like because, obviously, it's in the past season,
um it ties in very well and it also leads into uh like a black widow 2 because of the ending as well so i felt like it was a it was a good premise there's definitely not a black widow 2 but like it gave the illusion yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but um i don't know what i felt about it to be fair i like i enjoy i thoroughly enjoyed the action did your fighting scenes i enjoyed the fight the fighting scenes were on crud to be fair um
I don't know how I felt about it. I really do not know how I felt about it. I felt like it was all right, but there was a few things that annoyed me about it. Like the dad role, the my man. Like he's the only, yeah, that's what annoyed me for one. He's the only Bray in that entire movie with superpowers.
And he does nothing. Okay. He does nothing for the whole ting. He does one little jump ting when he's in pen and he flipped one lorry or whatever when he was there. Apart from that, he got in scraps as well. Bare scraps. Did nothing. Just got tombed up. He did nothing for the whole film, which I was a bit like, this is annoying. Why her sister has a Russian accent, I do not know. I'm trying to think. Do I know why?
They weren't even based in Russia, were they? She was born in flipping America. Yeah. She grew up in America. And then... Maybe they did some sort of... Like the Red Room training. Obviously, yeah. Red Room ting. Because I think... Was the main guy meant to be Russian? Like the main antagonist? Yeah. So the main ting with the Red Room is in Russia. So maybe, yeah. But they're all supposed to be... Because Scarlett did the Red Room too. Yeah, yeah. I know. They both did it. Her accent's calm. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And the point of the Red Room is they're supposed to be like inconspicuous spies everywhere. So it just made no sense for her to have a Russian accent since like she's not supposed to be, you're not supposed to be able to like place her where she's from or anything like that. It just didn't make sense to me why she got Russian accent. I don't know. It just didn't make any fucking sense to me. The first thing that comes to mind is the reason why she's still got a Russian accent is
Or the reason why Scarlett on the other hand hasn't got a Russian accent is because Scarlett has spent a lot more time in America because she's been an Avenger for so long. I mean, yeah. That's the only thing I can think of. She's never had a Russian accent. But she can put a Russian accent on because I'm sure she's done Russian accent scenes in a couple of Marvel movies. Yeah, for sure. That's the point. So yeah, they're supposed to be able to mimic any accent. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's what I'm saying. Like they can all do accents and they can all...
To be like a widow, you should be able to do everything. You should be able to... If someone tells you you're Nigerian, fam, you should be able to pass off as a Nigerian. That's the point. So I was like, right. But if you were born and raised, for the most part, in America, and then you learn to speak Russian...
surely if you could choose any accent you'd just choose the one that you were born with i don't know but hey okay logistically speaking i understand that because yeah scarlet you're right scarlet can do russian accent she can do like she's supposed to be a speak like a gajillion languages um which they all are supposed to be so i didn't understand like that just doesn't make sense that's a fucking massive spider that was that last time wasn't it it's been there for me i've been watching it every time i like look out when i'm talking just trying like ass is fat oh i know there's eggs in there that's disgusting bro
it's been there for time. That's disgusting, bro. It's been there for time. Um, right. I've got a little, um, this is, you're going to be annoyed with this one. Why? So, you know, when I said we've got fan, fan suggested one's got to goes. Yes. Um, someone sent this one in and I just thought, I'm just going to ask you just to make you feel uncomfortable. One's got to go. Your mom, your dad, or your sister. Jesus. I know. Jesus. Um, oh my God. Um,
It's peak because I'm only basing it off the current forms of relationship I have with them right now. And if it's based on that, it would have to be my dad. Because I talk to him a lot less than I talk to my mom and my sister. Like I said, everyone knows, I've said this on here before, my mom just checks on me like sporadically. She messages me, I message back, she doesn't message me again for the next day or so. So she just tries to know I'm alive.
Whereas I talk to my pops very sporadically. And I talk to my sister a lot more because obviously she's got a kid now and obviously I'm trying to get more involved with my nephew. So I think because of that, it would have to be my dad. But I'm also trying to, it's weird because I'm also trying to
Not necessarily mend my relationship with my pops, but make it stronger because I've got a great relationship with my mum. I've got a decent relationship with my sister. But me and my pops don't talk that much because obviously I live up here now. He's got his own life. I've got my own life. And we're adults now, you know. We're not kids anymore, you know. I'm technically his son, but I don't think he sees me as a son anymore. He sees me as a man. So it's hard to break that barrier. And especially because we have not been...
that close whilst i was growing up anyway he's just been my dad as opposed to being like my father figure yeah so it's tough so i'd probably have to say my dad purely because of that aspect or probably because of that scenario but what about yourself would you say one's gotta go um your mom your dad or your brother my mom my dad or my brother that's actually a tough one i should always it's not i was trying to think about it while you was answering yours because i knew you were gonna ask me back
Um, it's actually very, it's actually very difficult. Bro, of course it is. Um, I mean, I would love to just say, no, I wouldn't love to say my dad, but in this, in the same respect, like obviously I, I'm not as close with my dad as I am with my mom and my brother, but my dad also has another family. So then if I was to lop off my dad, that man, I just make sense. Of course. Um, and I know they're closer with my dad than I will ever be. Um,
So that adds another element of difficulty. Of course. Um, I don't know. My mom's just had pretty major surgery. She seems pretty feeble. So maybe just a little, an extra nudge when she's on her crutches down the stairs. Oh, my did they? That's funny. Um,
I don't know bro it's one of this it's pretty much an impossible question actually of course it is it's pretty much an impossible question um I don't think I can answer it I mean obviously you're cutthroat enough to answer it but that's fine don't be a dickhead you have to answer your heart you have to answer such a terrible question but I don't think I can do it you have to answer bro um mom dad brother a lot of me is saying brother really well no this is the thing
A lot of me is saying brother because I'm just like, how could I ever possibly kill my mum and my dad? Because I think it's more of a, if I say my brother, it means I don't have to choose between my mum and my dad, which either of them will get offended with. Do you know what I mean? But the fact of the matter is I'm closer to my brother than I am with either of them. Probably both of them put together, I'm closer to my brother. So I would never do that. I would never pick my brother. But then again, I can't pick my mum or dad. So I don't know what, I don't know what you want me to say, bro, is what I'm trying to get to. I'm going to keep going around in circles until we move on.
that's what i'm gonna do i just i now look like the arsehole basically now fam you did what you had to do man i understand but that's the thing what i'm saying is is if my dad didn't have another family i would have said my dad as well for the exact same reasons that you did purely because i'm closer with my my brother than i am with my dad fair enough that makes sense but yeah it's good that you factored in the fact that obviously he's got another family in but so yeah um that's not selfish of you i'll kill myself it's not an option brother
It's not an option. I don't think I could ever commit suicide. I don't think I could. Well, then again, obviously I've not been in a situation where I feel like I need to take my own life. I was going to say, what possible situation could I ever be in that I even contemplate it? But yeah, it's a lot, you know, because it's obviously easier for me to say purely because I've never been in such dire circumstances. But no matter what feeling you're feeling, it is going to be temporary, you know?
That feeling is temporary. So I don't, I don't see why. And it's obviously ignorant for me to say, like I said, purely because I've never been in this situation, but I don't see how you can act on temporary feelings. Like don't make rash decisions of temporary feelings because people obviously commit suicide. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But I just don't see myself doing that. Yeah. I think I've, I'm sure I've said this on here before, but there was an analogy that I heard before about what it feels like to be suicidal. And the best analogy, like I basically was like a psychologist that was trying to explain to someone. I was listening to it on a pod one time as a psychologist, trying to explain to someone exactly what you said in terms of how could you possibly do
act so rashly on feelings and stuff like that he said the closest comparison is being stuck in a sauna being stuck in a sauna so you know when you're in a sauna sauna sauna and you you pretty much firm the heat as much as you can i know you want to get out and then you're like all right cool i'm done and you get out it's like he said being suicidal is like being in the sauna to the point where you're like okay i can't handle it anymore and there's no door to get out
there's no way out of the sauna you have to stay in the sauna and you're banging on the window bro banging on the walls cannot get out of the sauna and you're getting hotter and hotter and hotter and you physically cannot get out of this sauna no matter what you do and the only way to get out is to fucking cop top yourself fuck i've never thought about an aspect i've never even heard that analogy before bro as soon as you said sauna i was like oh because i don't
A lot of heat makes me uncomfortable, period As it is So I don't like sleeping in heat I don't like being too hot It just makes, I sweat Yeah bro It's just not me Being suicidal is living in that Bro You live in it Man, it's tough man
People that have psychological traumas and things like that and wanting to be, not wanting to be suicidal, but being in a position where they are suicidal, it's like, fuck, I wish I could take that away from them. Bro. That's tough, man. Did I ever tell you about the lady that committed suicide in the floor below me? No, you never. No, you never. In your old job. In my yard. In your yard.
That's how I know you've not told me. When you said floor below me, I thought you meant in your old workplace. Nah, in my yard, bro. No, brother. Let me sit up. No, brother. Bro, I can't. It was a couple years ago now. I don't remember all the details. Basically, it was a mum and two kids that were living in the flat below us. Mum and two kids living in the flat below us. And...
The mum... It used to be her man, the kid's dad that lived there as well. Okay. I think she had recently kicked him out or whatever. Okay. They used to have domestics. She'd recently kicked him out. He'd moved out. And I can't remember if it was weeks or months later or whatever. Basically, all that happened was, is that we... Not I say we, but everyone...
I say I could hear it, but same time, you just don't notice it. So basically, the kids were for like three days. The kids were just crying, fam. Two or three days. How old were these kids roughly at the time? Young. Oh, bro. Like maybe taking a stab. They're both under, but they're probably like five and three.
Jeez, how long ago was this by the way? Two, three years ago. Okay. I would say two years ago. Okay. But I remember she was a mixed race woman and basically the kids were just barling in there. It obviously wasn't constant. So you can't hear the kids crying constantly and kids fucking cry, bro. Young kids just cry. So for me, it's one of them ones where like I would never even, you could ask me, oh, like, like for example, if a police officer was asking me like, did you not hear the kids crying? I would have said no.
But then I guess if I read, because I wouldn't be able to pinpoint a specific time where I'm thinking, oh, the kids are crying. Because it's such a basic underlying thing that you would never notice in a block of flats where there's bare kids that live there. You would never notice that. But basically the guy...
One of the guys who lives downstairs as well was obviously hearing it, hearing it. Neighbor? Yeah, downstairs neighbor was hearing it, hearing it. And after like a day, it was, I can't remember if it was, it was between one and three days. This is how, I can't remember bare details, but it was definitely overnight. I know that. It was a couple of days.
to the point where my man was just like, these kids are crying fam. Like I've been work, I've come home from work. I'm trying to go to bed. These youths are just crying fam. So after a couple of days, he kept hearing it. So he just obviously not just to make sure everything's all right. Cause he obviously just noticed his kids. These kids are crying far more than usual. He hasn't seen any of them either. So he just knocked, no one's answering the door, knocked, no one's answering the door. And he could hear him crying in there. And I think, think they called the police. I'm pretty sure they called the police. Yeah.
And just said, basically, the youths have been crying in there for days. They've been banging on the door. No one's answering the door. So I called the police. Police broke in. She'd hung herself. And the youths were just in there with the mum hanging from. How dark is that? Oh, my good God. The babies were just in there. The mum's just dead, fam. Oh, my good God. The thing was at night. It was at night as well that they broke in and found her and stuff. The dad come.
I've never seen a human being go as ballistic as what my man was going because they wouldn't let him in to get the utes either. Obviously they were trying to manage the whole thing. They wouldn't let him anywhere near the yard. Because, because, because... It's all coming back now. Because, yeah, I'm getting more details. Flashbacks. I'm getting more details. Because her family, her mum or something, was taking custody of the kids. And I think she told...
The police or something that she reckons he's to blame or he might have done something or he might have something to do with it. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's what the mom said. Something like that. Oh, she would never do this. She would never do this. It must've been him or something like that. So my man's heard your use have been in this yard for two days. Yeah.
With a dead body. Yeah. He's come bust through. Give me my utes now. Yeah. And the police are like, you're not seeing your utes kind of thing. You've never seen a grown man go crazy like that. Bro, you've never seen a grown man go crazy like that. He went Super Saiyan 3, bro. No way. He lost his fucking shit. I can imagine. Oh. I can imagine. Oh, I can imagine, bro. Fuck.
I would knock jaws off. I can imagine, brother. I would knock jaws off. Give me my utes. Give me my utes now. You're telling me my two utes have been up in there with a corpse for two, three days and I can't come near them? They're traumatized. They need me. Come out the way now. And there's going to be more than one corpse up in here. There's going to be bodies. There's going to be bodies. Oh, bro.
Jesus Christ. Crazy. Crazy. And I'm not even sure if he got the kids in the end. I can't remember if it was the nan or him. You never told me this, brother. Bro, I don't know. Two years ago, roughly. Yeah, about two years ago, I think. Wow. Wild, my G. Wow. Wild. Man. The thing is, like, when it comes to stuff like suicide and that, obviously, I'm not an expert. Obviously, I don't know anyone that's committed suicide and things like that. But that scenario you gave me,
I feel like more time is when people are in bad relationships and they're like kids involved and like things like that where people try and get, find a way out. But that's the only way out, you know? And it's like, fuck, like you said, the trap trapped in a sauna thing. Like she probably felt she was trapped in a sauna. She can never be free. A hundred percent. She, I mean, she could at least unlock the fucking door.
Bro, five and three. Obviously, you said stab in the dark. You don't know how old they were. They were young. I know they were young. Yeah, of course, of course. But the older one has cognitive understanding of what's going on. You know, she knows that. She knows life and death. She knows what death means. Surely. She knows like something's wrong. Mom's not moving. The three-year-old, maybe not. But a five-year-old, they must have been starving as well. Big man, how they eating? The youths must have been starving. Yeah.
Broke my heart when I heard that. Bro, it's breaking my heart hearing it. I felt so guilty. Why? Because I'm in the team, fam. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I was thinking... I'm just walking up and says with leisure. Just hearing Utes cry. I don't remember hearing anyone cry, but I'm always hearing Utes cry. I'm always hearing Utes cry in my building. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't think twice about it. Yeah. Same way, like...
Same way I always think this as well Like I could be in bed And like I flip And an alarm goes off Down the road Yeah And the first thing I do Is kiss my teeth And roll over fam Yeah There could be someone Getting murdered over there And police could be Knocking my door Like did you not hear the alarm I'm like yeah I fucking heard the alarm bro I was vexed It was 5am Ha ha
It was 5am I was thinking Shut that stupid alarm off I started working a couple hours What do you mean? Yeah Livid But like I don't know You get desensitised To certain things Yeah of course And then yeah Obviously it was Only ever going to be My Don that lived Next to them Took him a couple days To think like He's used to be in Parliament Far more than what's normal Um
But that's the thing as well. And I, I'm just glad there's people out there. Sometimes I'm just glad there's people out there that aren't like me. Yeah. That take, go the extra mile. Take initiative, bro. Yeah, I know what you mean. Because I feel like it would have been longer for me. Yeah. It would, they would have had to been seriously disrupting my sleep for me to do something about it. Do you know what I mean? If they were asleep at like,
if they're just sleeping in their normal sleep because they're young they're going to need a lot of sleep regardless of what's going on the only way I feel like I would have reacted is two options either one if it was like three four five days in a row where I'm like okay I'm noticing this now this is getting ridiculous or if I can hear them bawling at like four in the morning till god knows when and there's no I'm not hearing any adult yeah yeah
yeah yeah that's when i'm thinking oh that would have been night one yeah night one if i'm hearing a bar from from three till six and i'm not hearing any adults that's when i'm going straight over there but yeah but if it's not in the middle of the night my g i promise you if especially if i'm going to work in the day i would be oblivious oblivious bro and even if i found it annoying if i'm coming home at night and i'm making dinner i can hear him crying
I might just shut them fucking kids up, man. And then just get on with my day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. And even sometimes it annoys me because I even think like, I know the first time if it was in, if it's in respectable hours, the first time wouldn't be the time I would take action. Of course not. The first time I think, is everything all right, bro? Because he's used a barlin. Yeah. I still wouldn't do anything. Yeah. Knowing me. Because you think it's just a one-off kind of thing. Yeah. I'll be thinking, is everything all right?
Because these lords won't shut up. I'm thinking, I'm not going to get involved. Yeah. I'm not going to get involved. Especially if I know there's been a history of obviously her beefing her man, kicking her man out, all these things. I'm especially not, I'm thinking I'm going to stay out of it. I'm just going to stay out of it. It would have to be like two more days of it where it's a point where I'm thinking, what's going on? This is silly now. And I'm so happy it wasn't me down there, bro. Because if I found out that I had ignored red flags,
to only find out that when push push push came to shove that my girl had been dead in there for days and the babies have just been in there seeing that the whole time for days i wouldn't know what to do with myself i would break i would never forgive myself never i'm thinking about it now forgive myself i'm that person i know i could i don't think i'd forgive myself either fuck man that's so deep bro it's dark in it this podcast has taken a very dark turn very dark
This podcast has taken a very dark turn. Bro, it's life, man. Like, people go through shit that no one knows until you know, you know? That's, um... It is a shame. I hate that some people have to go through that and I hate that that's... that the only out that they think is not necessarily acceptable but the only way they can feel free again is if they top themselves. I hate that, man. I hate that. But that's the only out they see. That's crazy to me. It's barbaric to me.
You know? It's barbaric to me, brother. It is uncomprehensible. Like, you can't even begin to understand it. It's a different language entirely. Because people don't just have suicidal thoughts. People have suicidal thoughts because of other people or because of other situations. It's not necessarily anything to do with them. It's like something's happening in their life that's affected them.
you know yeah bro that's the ping ping that's the thing with like um you know people like in abusive relationships and stuff like that yeah that's the big one that's the big one when you're an abusive relationship and you don't think there's any way out of it yeah because they manipulate and control your life bro i can imagine they control where you go they control when you go they control who you speak to especially if you have kids because you always have to come back bro
And there's no other option. You try to leave. They manage to get you back. They're in control of your finances. They're in control of everything, bro. And they keep everyone under your thumb. Under their thumb. They make you out to be a crazy person. And then they're just abusing you emotionally, bro. Constantly, constantly, constantly. There's no way out. And you've got no money, bro. You've got no money. So even if you do leave...
What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Where are you going to go? What are you going to do? So you're stuck there. That's when people top themselves. Bro, people that take advantage and manipulate and put other people in that scenario needs to go straight to hellfire. Kyle, that is not on, brother. That's not on. That's just not on. It's just not. What mental state are you in to do that to somebody? Big man. I don't know. How dare you feel like you've got the right to own someone's life like that?
Bro. That's how people feel though, bro. When you're in a relationship, people, some people think that's mine. That's mine. To be fair, some people do. I own that. That's my property. Family. That is, yeah, this went a little bit dark still. It did. Because obviously it's coming off the back of a real scenario. And it's just like, fuck man, those kids. And you said this was like two years ago now. So a little bit older now. They understand what's happened. They understand that the mother's gone. Like the dad is, God knows, you know, it's...
That's their lives ruined, brother. Big man. Ruined. And the thing to top it is, imagine this, right? Imagine you, so it's a two bedroom flat. Yeah. Imagine you, you live in a two bedroom flat. Yeah. Imagine there was a stranger's corpse in your flat for two days and you can't get out of the flat. You as a 30 year old man, what that would do to you if there's a corpse in the living room hanging from the ceiling?
And you're stuck with it for two days. And you cannot get out. You as a grown ass man. I would lose my marbles. You'd lose your marbles. Now imagine being a five year old kid. And that corpse is your mum. Nah brother. What are we doing bro? How can that possibly happen? That's not okay. That's just not okay man.
I don't know how I'd react, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to take it. Like you said, that scenario, if I'm a 30-year-old man as I am now, random body just hanging from my ceiling and I'm trapped there for two days, brother. Can't get out. Can't get out. You have to live your life moving around the body. You then have to sleep, bro. You have to sleep. At some point, you have to sleep just knowing there's a corpse in there.
You have to eat. You have to wash your skin. You have to just live your life. You as a grown-ass man. Now imagine being a five-year-old, bro. You can't wash yourself. You can't clean yourself. You can't cook. You can't cook, bro. You can't order anything. You can't feed yourself. You can't do anything. You can't call anyone. You can't talk to anyone. All you can do is scream at the top of your lungs and you've been doing that for two fucking days and no one's come. Petrified. Absolutely petrified.
And you can just hear people living their lives all around you. No one's hearing you cry, bro. Do you imagine what that could do, what that must do to you for the rest of your life? How many like psychological issues you must develop from that, those two days alone, crying at the top of your lungs for two days straight and no one came. Wow. Your dad is nowhere to be seen. Wow. The only person that's been looking after you is hanging from the ceiling dead.
You are locked in this yard, screaming. You can hear the next door neighbor walking past you every day, hearing you crying, just getting on with his day. Cars coming back and forth, hoping someone's going to bust through that door any second. You've got your little brother or sister screaming, don't know what's going on. You have to look after them as well. You have to look after them as well. Yeah. Yeah.
oh dearie me so i'm just very very very very this sounds so so selfish but for my own mental state i'm just so happy that i know for a fact during that time i never had that thought of god those kids are crying a lot that i'm so happy that i know for a fact that never crossed my mind that now i was so oblivious and it makes me feel bad still but i didn't i might i might not have even heard them cry at all mm-hmm
And selfishly, that makes me feel better within myself because same thing. If I could have remembered at that time that there was a point within those couple of days that I'd thought, shit, those kids are crying a lot. Even for a millisecond. And then I found out that that's what happened. Oh, bro. I don't know what I'd do. How did you find out?
Were you at home when the police came? All I heard was my Don screaming outside, fam. Oh, the dad. That's how I found out the dad, when the dad was screaming outside. I woke up in the middle of the night, I seen all the blue flashes. I look outside, mama's going nuts. And I had no idea what was going on. I thought it was some domestic thing. I thought he was getting arrested or something. He was going nuts. And then I found out the next day what happened. Jeez, man. That's dark. Yep. Anyway. Anyway.
patreon.com forward slash shits and gigs guys gang uh yeah it's good stuff over there it's good wholesome content over there really light-hearted conversations yeah man funny shit funny shit um so anyway um on our next episode we're gonna be reading out tiktok comments we are so join us over on patreon um and we're gonna see the abuse that we get over there love you guys yeah man
Deuces. We'll see you soon. Peace.
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