cover of episode Joe Biden’s Final Betrayal of American Justice | Guest: Duncan Stroik | 12/13/24

Joe Biden’s Final Betrayal of American Justice | Guest: Duncan Stroik | 12/13/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

Duncan Stroik
Glenn Beck
Jason Buttrill
Mark Andreessen
Glenn Beck: 本节目讨论了多个重要议题,包括堕胎、新泽西州上空的无人机事件、拜登总统的赦免行为以及对世界末日的担忧。他呼吁人们关注堕胎问题,并对拜登政府赦免中国间谍和其子亨特·拜登的行为表示质疑,认为政府缺乏透明度和公众信任。他还将当前局势与1938年奥森·威尔斯广播剧《世界大战》进行类比,暗示公众对信息的信任度下降,并对未来人工智能和量子计算技术的发展表示担忧。 他回顾了战争技术的发展历程,并预测未来战争将以难以想象的速度和方式进行,并引用了广岛原子弹爆炸目击者的记录,描述了原子弹爆炸的场景及其对人们心理的影响。他还讨论了巴黎圣母院的修复工作,并评论了在修复过程中现代化和哥特式风格之间的争论。最后,他还提到了一位对杜克大学男子拉クロス队性侵案做出虚假指控的女性,并表达了对奇迹和改变的希望。 Jason Buttrill: 他认为拜登政府的赦免行为是深层政府的宣传策略,旨在转移公众注意力,并建议关注拜登政府赦免的中国间谍及其与CEFC公司的潜在联系。他还认为当前的无人机事件并非孤立事件,而是全球范围内无人机技术发展和军事竞争的一部分,并讨论了“Immaculate Constellation”项目,暗示美国政府可能正在对不明飞行物技术进行逆向工程。 Duncan Stroik: 他讨论了巴黎圣母院在修复过程中所面临的挑战,包括火灾、破坏和现代化改造的压力。他赞扬了首席建筑师菲利普·维尔内夫在修复巴黎圣母院过程中所做的努力,并肯定了他对哥特式建筑风格的坚持。他描述了巴黎圣母院修复后的状况,并指出大部分修复工作都忠实于原有的哥特式风格。他还讨论了手工技艺在建筑和艺术中的重要性,并认为手工制作的物品具有独特的价值。 Mark Andreessen: 他描述了白宫官员关于人工智能控制策略的言论,并表达了对政府过度控制的担忧。他解释了政府控制人工智能技术的潜在理由,包括军事应用和社会控制。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Glenn Beck compare the drone sightings in New Jersey to the 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast?

Glenn Beck drew a parallel between the 1938 'War of the Worlds' panic and the current drone sightings, noting how both events occurred during times of societal unrest and technological change. He suggested that the public's reaction to the drones could mirror the panic caused by the radio broadcast, which was believed to be real by many listeners.

What was the significance of the 'War of the Worlds' broadcast in 1938?

The 'War of the Worlds' broadcast in 1938 caused widespread panic because it was presented as a real news report, leading many listeners to believe that a Martian invasion was occurring. It highlighted the power of radio to influence public perception and the vulnerability of people to misinformation during times of uncertainty.

What is the most boring explanation for the drone sightings in New Jersey?

The most boring explanation, according to Glenn Beck, is that the drones are simply hobbyist drones that cannot be tracked due to their size and technology. This explanation suggests that the government's inability to detect them is a result of ineptitude rather than any malicious or advanced activity.

Why did Glenn Beck criticize President Biden's pardons, particularly those involving Chinese spies?

Glenn Beck criticized Biden's pardons, especially those involving Chinese spies, because he believes it undermines national security and sends a message of weakness to other countries. He also questioned why Biden would pardon individuals who may have been involved in activities harmful to the United States, suggesting a lack of accountability.

What connection does Glenn Beck see between the drone sightings and the Biden administration's actions?

Glenn Beck sees a connection between the drone sightings and the Biden administration's actions, particularly the pardons of Chinese spies. He argues that these actions, combined with the government's inability to track the drones, project weakness to other nations like China and Iran, potentially emboldening them.

What does Glenn Beck believe about the UFO phenomenon and reverse engineering?

Glenn Beck believes that the UFO phenomenon could be a cover for advanced military technology being reverse-engineered by governments. He suggests that the government may be using UFO sightings to mask the development of new, highly advanced aircraft that could be used in future conflicts.

What does Jason Buttrill, Glenn Beck's chief researcher, think about the pardons and the drone sightings?

Jason Buttrill believes that the pardons, especially those involving Hunter Biden and Chinese spies, are part of a deep state psyop to distract from the real issues. He also thinks that the drone sightings could be part of a similar misdirection, with some of the drones being advanced military technology that the government is testing.

What does Glenn Beck predict about the future of war and technology?

Glenn Beck predicts that the future of war will be radically different due to advancements in technology, particularly quantum computing and AI. He believes that these technologies will change warfare in ways similar to how the atomic bomb changed conflict, making traditional military tactics obsolete.

What was the outcome of the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral?

The restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral was largely successful, with 98% of the original Gothic architecture restored. The head architect, Philippe Villeneuve, fought against modernizing elements and preserved the cathedral's historical integrity, despite pressure from President Macron and the secular elite.

What does Duncan Stroik, the architect, say about the importance of hand-made craftsmanship in art and architecture?

Duncan Stroik emphasizes the importance of hand-made craftsmanship in art and architecture, stating that it adds a level of authenticity and life to the work that machine-made items cannot replicate. He believes that the hand-made process is essential for creating truly meaningful and lasting art.

Shownotes Transcript

Are we being scrutinized and monitored by somebody, or something, that knows us better than we know ourselves? Glenn plays and describes an old radio broadcast that sounds like doomsday reporting, as Glenn connects it to the current reporting of the suspicious drones flying over New Jersey. Glenn warns of the possibility of the apocalypse. Glenn’s chief researcher, Jason Buttrill, joins to discuss the recent presidential pardons made by Biden, the possibility of it all being part of a deep state psyop, and how the suspicious drones in New Jersey are also connected. Is Biden’s final legacy a legacy of betrayal? Glenn, Stu, and Jason also discuss the latest revelations regarding UFOs and alien technology. Glenn recalls how the aftermath of Hiroshima changed how humans engage in war and how nuclear war will change the game once more. Architect Duncan Stroik joins to discuss the process of restoring Notre Dame and keeping true to its historical architecture. 

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