cover of episode Zombie mortgages are coming back to life

Zombie mortgages are coming back to life

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Christy Kelly
David Gordon
Karen McDonough
Karen McDonough 的房屋被以僵尸次级抵押贷款的名义进行止赎,尽管她已按时还款17年,她经历了被告知次级抵押贷款已被免除,但多年后却收到债务追讨公司的索赔通知,最终导致房屋被拍卖。她认为这是欺诈行为,并正在寻求法律援助以收回房屋。 Robert Smith 和 Chris Arnold 报道了僵尸抵押贷款的广泛存在,指出数千人面临因长期休眠的旧债务而被止赎的风险。他们调查了此现象背后的原因、法律依据以及房主可以采取的应对措施。 David Gordon 解释了僵尸抵押贷款卷土重来的原因:房屋价格上涨使得这些原本被认为毫无价值的次级抵押贷款重新具有价值。他认为,借款人应该偿还贷款,即使贷款已休眠多年,并表示他通常会与借款人协商,但如果借款人不回应,他也会进行止赎。 Christy Kelly 律师指出,债务追讨公司违反了《贷款真相法》中的规定,因为他们没有按月发送账单,这为房主提供了法律依据来对抗止赎。她利用这一漏洞帮助许多房主成功阻止了止赎。她还强调了债务追讨公司以极低的价格收购债务,却要求房主偿还巨额款项的不公平现象。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Karen McDonough of Quincy, Mass., was enjoying her tea one morning in the dining room when she saw something odd outside her window: a group of people gathering on her lawn. A man with a clipboard told her that her home no longer belonged to her. It didn't matter that she'd been paying her mortgage for 17 years and was current on it. She was a nurse with a good job and had raised her kids there. But this was a foreclosure sale, and she was going to lose her house. McDonough had fallen victim to what's called a zombie second mortgage. Homeowners think these loans are long dead. But then the loans come back to life because they get bought up, sometimes for pennies on the dollar, by debt collectors that then move to collect and foreclose on people's homes. On today's episode: An NPR investigation reveals the practice to be widespread. Also, what are zombie mortgages? Is all this legal? And is there any way for homeowners to fight the zombies? You can read more about zombie second mortgages online at: *Correction: An earlier version of this episode description misspelled Karen McDonough's last name as MacDonough.Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)