cover of episode Reby Hardy on Gothic Baby, Wrestling and Being a Child Bride

Reby Hardy on Gothic Baby, Wrestling and Being a Child Bride

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Reby Hardy
Reby Hardy讲述了她从在纽约皇后区长大,到16岁成为童养媳,18岁离婚,再到成为职业摔跤运动员、模特、电台主持人和母亲的经历。她还谈到了与大型品牌合作,通过Twitter结识丈夫Matt Hardy,以及他们共同打造的“哥特婴儿”形象。她分享了在北卡罗来纳州建造家庭庄园的经历,以及对未来规划的展望。她坦诚地谈论了作为公众人物所面临的压力和挑战,以及她与Matt Hardy的婚姻生活。她还表达了对女儿未来的担忧,以及对“哥特婴儿”品牌发展的期待。 Bunnie作为主持人,引导Reby Hardy分享她的故事,并就其经历和观点进行提问和回应,展现了对Reby Hardy的理解和支持。

Deep Dive

Reby Hardy discusses her upbringing in Queens, New York, and how her father's role as a superintendent influenced her DIY mindset and relationship with him.

Shownotes Transcript

 Bunnie gets in the ring with Reby Hardy this week. This beautiful wrestler, game designer, model, host, super mom and wife (and even more) paints the picture of growing up in Queens, becoming a child bride at 16 and divorcee at 18, and her journey to having her first wrestling match televised on live TV. She talks about working with huge brands like Sirius, MTV, and Playboy, meeting her husband, wrestler Matt Hardy through a fan's suggestion on Twitter, and together making the cutest viral Gothic Babies that the world has ever seen. Reby talks about building their family compound in North Carolina, and what's next for the family of superstars.    Reby Hardy: [IG]( | [TikTok](  Matt Hardy: [IG](       Watch Full Episodes & More: [](            

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