cover of episode Officer Kevin Eudy Takes The Hot Seat

Officer Kevin Eudy Takes The Hot Seat

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Kevin Eudy
Bunnie对Kevin Eudy的职业生涯、婚姻生活以及在TikTok上的网络成名进行了深入的访谈。访谈中,Kevin Eudy分享了他童年时期遭受家庭暴力的经历,以及这段经历如何促使他投身执法工作并创立非营利组织“Love Behind the Badge”来帮助弱势群体。他还坦诚地谈论了他与妻子的婚姻关系,包括两人曾分居一段时间以及他曾出轨的事实。此外,Kevin Eudy还分享了他作为一名警官的经历,包括他如何处理性贿赂以及他如何看待执法工作的政治化。在访谈中,Kevin Eudy还谈到了他在TikTok上的网络成名,以及他如何利用这个平台来分享自己的故事和观点。 Kevin Eudy讲述了他童年时期遭受家庭暴力的经历,以及这段经历如何影响了他的生活和职业选择。他坦诚地分享了他作为一名警官的经历,包括他如何处理性贿赂以及他如何看待执法工作的政治化。他还谈到了他与妻子的婚姻关系,包括两人曾分居一段时间以及他曾出轨的事实。此外,Kevin Eudy还分享了他如何在TikTok上获得网络成名,以及他如何利用这个平台来分享自己的故事和观点。他还谈到了他创立的非营利组织“Love Behind the Badge”,以及该组织的宗旨和活动。

Deep Dive

Officer Kevin Eudy joins the podcast and discusses his background and how he got into law enforcement.

Shownotes Transcript


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All right, gentlemen, coming to main stage next, this is Bunny. Get up there, she's got a tornado of titties coming your way. Get those dollar bills ready. She's got an ass that shakes like Michael J. Fox. So get up there and throw, throw, throw them dollars. Dude, that is fucking iconic. What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of Dunblond. I have...

Can I call you Officer Daddy? No, absolutely not. Hi, Daddy. Hi. I have Kevin Udy. Udy. In the house, baby. What's up? How are you? I'm good. How are you? Thank you for having me. Dude, thanks for being here. So I'm sorry I mispronounced your name whenever I was given the whole fucking rundown of who was coming because I didn't know. And then everybody made fun of me for

of me for calling you officer, but you are an officer, right? I was. Okay, we'll get into that. Okay, I didn't know, but I know that your Facebook name says officer. Well, I can't, it won't let me change it because there's so many fake accounts out there. Anytime that I've tried to change it, somebody already is taking it to fucking...

Do whatever with. Are you verified on Facebook? No. Yeah, me either. They're fucking assholes. They're never going to verify me. Are you verified on TikTok? No. Me either. I'm too, like, I don't mind telling people to go fuck their face with a cactus. TikTok doesn't much like that. Apparently, I don't have enough publicity out there. It's crazy because I do and fucking they still will not fucking give me my...

My flowers. So to open up, I want to ask, I'm going to put you in the hot seat and I'm going to ask you some questions. There is a lot of questions that...

Some of your fans, you know, like I pride myself on having a huge female base. You have a huge fucking female base and they are willing to do anything for you. Are they ride or die? No, it's awesome though. I love it. I love it. I think it's awesome. So we're going to put you in the hot seat. I'm going to ask you 10 different questions and you just answer them to the best of your ability. All right. Ready? Here we go. What has ever been offered to you to get out of a ticket sexually? Anal.

No fucking way. That ass pulled a woman over. I don't know. She probably was mid-30s. This is when I worked in Wingate. Pulled her over, and she tried that whole pulling her shirt down and stuff like that, but that shit doesn't bother me. Obviously, I don't pull people over for dumb shit, so you got pulled over for a reason. We're sitting there, so I pulled her out because I did smell marijuana in the car. When I pulled her out, she's like, if we cannot do this, you can have any hole you want. I said, what the fuck?

Not the holes. Yeah, I said, you know what, ma'am? Turn this body camera, make sure this body camera's on so we don't get no trouble around these people. I would have told her to just bend over and spread the cheeks.

I'd be like, I just want to see the butthole. I don't feel like that's going to go the way it wants to go when you start looking at me in law enforcement. That's crazy. I couldn't imagine offering anal. Like, I could be like, hey, you want me to suck you off real quick behind the cop car, but not fucking just straight to anal, dude. Just straight to anal. Like, obviously, this is not her first attempt. Yeah. Was she hot? No. Oh, damn. If she was hot, would it have made it? No. Okay. Well, are you that type of officer that writes tickets for hot girls? Like, you don't care if they're hot? Oh, yeah. I don't care who you are.

Well, then the last question is going to suck. All right. What is the craziest? What is your craziest one night stand? Do you do one night stands? No, I try. I really do. Like every relationship I've ever been in, I have been like, dude, we're just going to fuck and I don't want to see you again. And they always wife me up.

Yeah, I mean, I can see that. That's probably because you got that Dyson 3000 and you just fucking changed their life. You don't do one night stands, so you're a lover. Not really. I mean, I just don't see the point, really, honestly. Is it hard for you to give it up? Or do you make them wait? Are you the type of guy that makes them wait?

Oh yeah I mean like I will fuck like I will like it is what it is but like I'm not just going I'm not out here trying to just get your panties dropped like. Oh you're a lover. When's your birthday? September 4 Virgo. Virgo okay oh yeah you have the same birthday as my dad. Yes ma'am. Yeah my dad's a lover he's fucking 80 and he's still mack and hosing chilling so I get it. I hope you be like that when I'm not. No he is I swear to god and he looks like he's 50 so it's like it's really it's a fuck it up thing dude that I have to deal with. What's one of your bedroom kinks? You have any kinks?

Like it sounds stupid, but I really like being like, like I like my back like scratched. But like I like when like dig your fucking nails in my shit. Like I want to fucking bleed because then it makes me feel like I'm doing something good. Nice. OK, so you like it rough. Yeah. Pain for me is like, like. Do you like to choke girls and slap them and all that stuff? That's weird for me. Like I will. I mean, I like it. So with my wife, like my wife likes to be choked.

But then she'll get to those points where she's been drinking a little bit. She's like choking me harder. And I'm like, hey, listen, babe, I'm not trying to go to jail for no strangulation shit. But no, I don't like the whole slab. So like some girls like to be spitting their mouth and shit. I don't like that. Are you? Is this foreplay? I don't like that shit. I mean, I mean, yeah.

So, you know, a lot of girls with trauma like shit like that. And here we are, all of us. So you like getting your back scratched until you bleed, though. So that's kind of like, that's deep. Oh, yeah, no. I'm at probably past childhood shit. Like, I like being choked, too. So like a girl being on top and like pushing my... Yeah, I'm like, girl, you better stop. It's going to be an early night. Do you know how many girls are twiddling their twackers at home right now listening to this? Probably.

They're so excited. Like they, they are probably, they probably never heard you talk like this. No, because I don't talk like this. We're just doing it to open it up and then we're going to get into like, you know, the good stuff. But do you like to role play in your uniform? Yeah.

I used to when I first got into police. Yeah. But then as you do it for so long, like you just can't wait to be out the month. Yeah, no, for sure. And for me, it's like more fun of like, like Heather, my wife, when she would have come in and she has it on and like, you're going to jail. And I'm like, no, I'm not. And I get to resist and stuff like that. So it's fun. So do you guys, you guys role play a lot? Oh, I love that. That's really cool. I want to get into your wife too. Cause a lot of people have questions about your wife. All right. So you have to choose between the two. Okay. She's a, she's a,

I can't even get these out. When we write these, I just want you to know we're full on belly laughing. Oh, I'm sure. She's a 10, but she has dingleberries. Smash or pass. Or she's a 10 and she smokes crack. Which one are you going to smash or pass? Oh, the dingleberries for sure. We can get past that. Yeah.

a little wet wipe me in there baby i don't know listen i can't have you in this motherfucking tweaking this shit while i'm trying to roll dog yeah no i agree so smash on the dingleberries pass on the crack crack is whack we don't want crack don't do drugs kids ever dare dare to stay off drugs if a woman was a dessert what would she be oh fucking little debbie christmas tree cake

What is it with these things, man? I see all these women like that's their way to connect with you. And they're just like, officer, look where we are. You know, Kevin, look where we, you know, I started it two years ago. I did. It was funny. I came out and sat in my truck because my daughter crazy as shit. She took all the little David Christmas tree cakes and ate them. Yeah, I was just sitting in my truck and I was mad just ranting about it.

over the course of that month, somebody sent me over a thousand boxes of little Debbie Christmas tree cakes. I'm literally, I was taking them to the homeless shelter, just giving them out. Do you really like them or did it just become your shtick? I'm not a very big on sweets person. Like I enjoy them from time to time, but I'm not a very big sweets person. Right. So you're just like, it just became your thing though because you were around and now it's gotten so big. Like everybody does the videos and then I'm tagged thousands of times a day in everybody's videos. So that is fucking hilarious. Isn't it crazy how the internet will take what they want and just run all of it. Yeah. It's nuts. Right.

All right. Would you ever fuck a fan? Ooh, it's gotta be an ego stroke. Cause I know my husband has groupies and we bang them. So it's like, it's kind of like an ego stroke for both of us because somebody is just like, you're literally like, I don't want to say a God, but you're just like that person's idol. And if they can,

get you to come all over their face it's like the best thing I mean I would say that I would but like it would have to be a correct time because like you you don't know who's genuinely doing it because they want you know that they I'm just or they want something afterwards when it's done right yeah that's got to be weird for you guys like I try to put myself in smart positions to say you know what I'm not just going to go out here and raw dog every bitch because if I do then it's going to be a problem yeah yeah that's why I said you don't I don't

And the internet is so big. I'll take one person to get on there and say, Ooh, they did this, this and this. That's why we have bitches sign NDAs. Yeah. You gotta start carrying NDAs on your phone. Yeah, exactly. I'll, I'll, uh, hip you to game on that. If you and your wife want to start being in fans, what is your go-to rom-com romantic comedy that nobody would expect from you or your favorite movie in general that people wouldn't expect?

What's something that you watch that is like your guilty pleasure? I'm like a lot like the notebook. I enjoy the notebook. I've still never fucking seen the notebook.

I know. I've never seen it. And it's just because of the persistence. Like, you know, you go through the trials and adversities and stuff like that. And like my grandmother and my grandfather, she was 15. He was 19 when they got married. And they were together 60 years until he passed away in 2007. Oh, I love that. He passed away in 2007. Greatest man I've ever known. And she's never been on one date or talked to any other man since he passed away. And you ask her to this day and it's been, what, 14, 15 years? She was like, I was already married to the greatest man. Why would I want somebody else? Oh.

and so for me like finding love like that like that's that's special for me so yeah like probably the notebook and then plus people always like oh you look so much like ryan goshling i was like the wish version that fucking best the wish version i don't think i've never found the appeal of ryan gosling ever i like dudes that wear makeup though so i mean i'm the wrong person to ask i like i'm like in his face

I love guy liners. It's my thing. I always had a crush on boy George when I was younger. Makes sense. And then fucking as I got older, Chris Motionless is my hall pass. Shout out, Chris. He's got a restraining order on me. Chris. Chris, drop the restraining order. Yeah, drop that D and we'll just pretend the restraining order's not there. You know you hold the cheek. Stop playing. All right. Big feet or big hands on a woman?

Oh, big, like don't, your feet can't, listen, if you got. I knew it. Listen, if your feet fucked up, I can't, I can't even talk to you. Like if I look down and you got like ego talons and shit, nah, I won't even talk to you. Yeah. Big feet is kind of weird. It looks like they're like walking on skis and shit. No, like I dated this, I dated this one girl in college dude and her second toe beside her big toe was like this much longer than her big toe and it bothered me so I couldn't get over it. It was like so cliche on this day, but I could not get over it. No, you're a Virgo, so you're a perfectionist. Yeah, I couldn't get over it. It was awful. Yeah.

That's how my dad is. He's like, so he'll pick his fucking girls apart. I mean, you can palm my face if you want to, but don't have fucked up feet. That is fucking hilarious. Palm my whole head while I'm banging you. Yeah. Just while I'm in there, I'll get down there. Just grab my head. Stay. Yeah. I love that. All right. Last question. You pull me over. What do I have to do to get out of a ticket?

I pull you over? Yeah, what can I do to get out of a ticket, daddy? He fucked up. He told me I could call him daddy. First of all, I never said that. I said the only two people call me daddy. They got my last name, name my children. He said, you can call me everything. You can call me daddy. And then he said, he goes, wait, let me rephrase that. My kids call me daddy. So I heard the first part. You didn't. Loud and clear. I heard the first part.

I heard the first word. Selective hearing, ladies and gentlemen. This is an invitation to call him daddy. So now it's daddy officer. Officer daddy. So what did you do to get out of a ticket? Yeah. It's probably not like sex or anything like that. Just be honest. Honestly, just be real. Just be like, yeah, bro, I'm fucking doing meth and banging hookers in the backseat. Sorry, I'm swerving. Facts. And you'll just be like, okay, bitch, just fucking stay in the toilet.

Sam Lanes. More than likely. I like honesty, honestly. Like I said, you'd be surprised how poorly we get every excuse in the fucking book versus my book. Listen, I know I was being, I had shit to do today. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Yeah. I respect that. I tell you, I'm all for honesty too. I hate motherfuckers that like, do I look like I was born last night? You know, like I hate that shit.

- All right, well you passed. You did the hot seat. I'm so proud of you. It wasn't that as bad as you thought it would be. - It could have been worse. - I know, that's what I thought. So where are you from? Let's go back to childhood and talk about trauma and stuff. - Oh, it's gonna get deep. - The good stuff. - I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. - Okay, so you're from North Carolina. You're a country boy. - Yeah, not really. See, I grew up in Lancaster, South Carolina, which was predominantly black area. So I was like one of 50 white kids in an all black school. - Wow. - And then I moved back up here.

after my mother got killed, I moved back up here when I was 17 and haven't left since. So,

So let's rewind because you just said something about your mom getting killed. Your childhood, how was it? Were you close with your mom? I was super close. I had a lot of medical issues. What happened? I was born with mitral valve prolapse. Me too. So I've had to have two open heart surgeries. Oh, wow. I haven't had to have the surgeries for it. That's crazy. Yeah, I've had to have two open heart surgeries. So I was extremely sick as a kid. So my mother was like everything to me. Like mama's boy, true and true. Was dad in the picture? He was for a while until they got divorced. And then it was kind of like...

um it's just not a knock on him like not everybody's built for it which is fine he kind of chose yeah you know a new wife and that life versus just being with us and stuff like that which is fine yeah no it's not fine i i understand i mean it's fine now it wasn't fine yeah yeah that's not okay to do to your kid you know like that that leaves a scar on anybody's heart the same thing happened to my dad um my dad's dad ended up marrying his mistress and like completely just left him and you know my dad is my dad um so

You know, growing up, did you live in like a lower income neighborhood? Oh, yeah. I lived in a trailer. Oh, did you? Yeah, a single by trailer. I love that. I ain't mad at it. At least I had a place to sleep. No, I'm so proud. I'm proud of where I came from, too. Oh, thanks. That's why when people say I'm broke, I'm like, no, no. I know broke broke. Like, every time we go, it was either heat or getting something to eat. Like, you know, I can remember having on Christmas waking up to nothing and my mom giving me 10 bucks to go light up LA Gears at the Dollar General for Christmas. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, but I feel like that's what makes good people. It's like when you come from nothing and humble beginnings, it literally makes for like the best story ever. And it also, you either turn into two people. You are lazy and you don't want anything and you have no motivation or you have all the fucking motivation. In 2022, if you're broke, it's completely your fault.

Absolutely. I agree. Like there's, I mean, there's too much money out there on the table for you not to be to go and get it. Just thriving. Yeah. No, it's especially now. If my dumb ass can out here, make a good living off of this shit. I know anybody can. Yeah. So let's go back to your mom. Um, I think I remember you saying something about her getting into a domestic violence relationship. She married, uh, how old were you? I was,

Okay. I was nine when they got married in October 18th, 1996. His name was Ray. He was a piece of shit. Like he used to beat the fuck out of me. I've had my nose broke, jaw broke, toes broke. Like it was an everyday thing. Oh my God. From the time that I was nine until I was 16. Like it was almost an everyday thing. That's terrible.

Took her away from... We were living in Midland with my grandmother and all this stuff. That's when we moved to Lancaster, South Carolina because he alienated her away from family, which most narcissistic piece of shit do. And I never really understood her...

her like draw to him because I'm like mom he beating the fuck out you be beating your kids like dang and it's not until after she got killed and I got into policing um which is the reason why it goes back to the hot takes like what can you do to get a ticket like I got into law enforcement because of my childhood right so I didn't get in there to pull cars over I didn't get in it to fight um to to drive fast or anything I got into it because if I could take a kid or a woman away from the situation that I was in that's exactly what I wanted to do yeah that's just

That's beautiful. But I'm sad that I'm sorry that that had to happen to you. So can we dive into a little bit? Your mom got married and you know, you were getting beat. Did anybody know that that was happening? Did anybody try to help you? They would call CPS and stuff like that, which is probably a lot of the resentment that I have towards my father now because as a father of two kids, it's like,

Like if you put a finger on my child, I'm gonna wear an orange jumpsuit. Like without question, I'll erase your entire family tree. Yeah, absolutely. With a smile on my face. So I don't understand like, oh, well, you know, there's been many a times that I wanted to come down there. There ain't no many a times. Shit, my son called me right now. Yeah. And said, daddy, somebody hitting on me. I believe that...

In the middle of this podcast, be on a red-eye flight back to my son. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, some people knew about it, but nobody did anything. They would call CPS, and CPS would come out, and they would take their pictures, and there would be investigation. He'd get arrested for a thing, but then they would get dropped because my mom wouldn't cooperate or anything like that, or there wasn't enough evidence. Did you ever feel like she didn't protect you enough? Oh, no, I do.

yeah i mean it's still my mom i love her like of course more than anything in this world yeah and it wasn't until i got into law enforcement and started understanding what domestic violence looked like that i kind of took a lot of that resentment away from her because i knew where her mindset a little bit i don't know where her mindset was but i have a little better understanding of where her mindset when she was going through that i was in a domestic violence relationship i'm really open about it like really bad um to the point where i've almost lost my life a couple times and it's when you're in it

it's like you're in a fucking fishbowl, you know, and everybody around you can see what's going on, but you can't. And it's like, it's so fucking love and hate and just like so passionate that normally it's, I think it's just the wiener that keeps us there. Oh yeah. Literally. Like it is like now that I'm out of it, I've been out of it for seven years. I look back and I'm like, I really was only there for fucking dingling. Like we were either fucking or fighting, you know? And that's just how it is. Just as you get attached to this toxicity of,

pain. It's so weird. It's like give or take and it's just like they'll beat you up and then they, you know, you guys have sex and it's like unbelievable and then it's just this fucking vicious cycle that doesn't fucking stop, dude. It's just because when you're having sex in an intimate situation, like it releases the endorphins so you're not worried and you're for that...

for that very few seconds you're safe, you're comfortable, you're comfortable, you know, you're not only are you feeling good on the inside, but the person that you love the most is making you feel this way, which is what you want them to do even when you're not doing those things. So I think it's just that catch 22 to where, you know what, you're going to do whatever it takes to get that moment of peace and that moment of safe while you're also feeling good because you don't feel good any other time that that's not happening. Absolutely. Preach baby. Um, also I think it, in a sense, um, women that are attracted to men like that, um,

like to feel protected because they weren't protected as children. So even if they're, you were still getting hit on, we know that everybody else around us will get it too. You know, if that makes sense. So just a sad situation all around. So when your mom, what, when was your mom killed? Uh, May 23rd, uh, May 22nd. I'm sorry. No, May 23rd of 20, 2006. I'm sorry.

And how old were you? I was 18. Okay. So were you still in high school or just graduated? I just graduated. God, I can't imagine. Can you walk me through that situation? I was actually, I graduated and moved out of my dad and my step mom's house, which is where I was staying. Started living in a single wide trailer with a friend of mine, a buddy of mine, Michael. Um,

Did you ever fight back to your stepdad? That was the last straw. Like when I got to the point where I got tired of just dealing with it and I started to understand that this is not okay because, you know, growing up and you don't have somebody in your life that's showing you, hey,

you know, how to be a man. This is how you're supposed to treat a woman. Hey, let me show you how to shave, pick up your first basketball, do all these things. Um, so it wasn't until I started doing my, you know, learning these things on my own. I was like, nah, this ain't right. Like I'm not, I can't keep, I can't keep doing this. And so the last time we did is we fought like in the day. I mean, he beat the fuck out of me, but we fought and I, and I packed up my shit and moved in with my dad. I had an abusive stepmom and that was the last time I was in the house too. She tried to fight me and I finally just bucked up and just

put it on her dude and i think that was when you know the line the line gets drawn in the sand where they can't bully you anymore because you literally go crazy you get so tired of being a punching bag that you're just like dude i'm gonna fight back yeah i don't care if i win or lose i'm gonna put it on you yeah that's terrible so you moved out and then what happened and so it was like one one o'clock in the morning my dad and my stepmom come pulling up in the driveway um

And I run outside 'cause it's one o'clock, and I'm like, "What's up?" Like, "Hey, come inside, we need to talk." I'm like, "Nah, I'm good right here." They was like, "Nah, I think..." I said, "Don't play this, don't sugarcoat shit with me. Like, what's going on?" They said, "It's your mom." I'm like, "What about my mom?" They said, "She's gone." I said, "Where the hell she go?" He was like, "Nah, she's dead." And I was like, "Y'all gon' fuck..." Like, I lost it. Like, I went, like, "Y'all just gon' stop fucking playing with me. This is bullshit. No, ain't no way."

Man, and I just, man, I broke down. Like, I was so angry and sad at the same time. Because you, because as a son, you want to save your mom. Right. You know? And then also all the resentment and anger from all the years of abuse and just, you know, it's a helpless situation all around. It eats me up every day. It's been...

what, 17 years. And I can sit and talk to Heather. She'll tell you, and I'll have tears streaming out of my face. And I said, it still eats it. I mean, I felt like I could have done more to get her out of that situation, but no matter how many times I talked, no matter how many times anybody tried to intervene, she wouldn't walk away. How do you move on from that? Like what, what, you know, what does the days after that look like? Uh, for like two years, I was a real piece of shit. Like,

Like a real piece of shit. I mean, rightfully so. Like I was angry at everybody. Like I was angry with God. I was angry with everybody. I was lying. I was stealing. Like I said, it's only because of the hand of God and a few good police officers that I'm even in the position that I am in now. But I was just so angry. And then it just got to the point where I walked past. I remember it was February of like 2008. I walked past a mirror.

and I just broke down and cried and I'm like, this the type of man you want your mama to be see? Since you can't be here, you can't protect her no more. So is this the type of man you want? And so I wrote a five page single, I wrote a five page letter to my dad and my stepmom and told them everything, every lie I'd ever told, everything I'd ever stole. And I said, I don't ever ask that you believe me. I said, just watch me.

And from that point forward, I just started building myself, put myself, I went through BLET, which is rookie school, got into law enforcement and then, you know, just started educating myself, learning and doing the best that I could. How amazing is that, that you established

Especially you were what, 20 years old when you had that realization? Yes. Okay. So imagine being 20. I wish I had that kind of self-reflection to be able to make that. I was a fucking piece of shit all the way up until I was 36. So I mean, I don't have an excuse, but for you to be that young and to be able to be like, yo, I don't want to be this man. I want to fucking be something different and to change that young. Like that's fucking awesome, dude. Like that's amazing.

Yeah, no, I'm especially for somebody who's had to raise their self. Right. You know, now I'm proud of myself. Like I said, it's a growing process. I tell myself the ultimate chase for me is just a challenge to be better tomorrow than I am today. Yeah, absolutely. And that's all I am. It's a chase that I'll never get because I'll never be as good as I want to be. But it gives me something. It challenged me and it gives me something to chase each and every day. Yeah. Sorry, I'm looking down at my nose. I have a whole list of things that I want to make sure that we touch on. You can tell that you've been in abusive relationships because you apologize a lot.

Really? Yeah. Most people that are in that have to feel like that they apologize. You don't have to apologize. I think also having to walk on eggshells as a child too. I'm always constantly like, you know, like, is everything good? Um, we're not here to talk about me. Let's talk about you. Um,

No, I like it. I like it. It's not turns me on. No, I'm just kidding. All right. So when did you start getting into becoming a police officer? Me?

Me and my wife, we got married and... Okay, so she was in... You guys... Okay, so let's touch base on the wife then. So everybody wants to know, are you really married or not? Yeah, I am really married. Okay, and how long have you guys been married for? I've been married for 13 years. Okay, awesome. So how old were you when you guys got married? I was 23 and she was 21. Okay, yeah, you guys got married young. That's awesome. And you guys are still fucking hanging on. Yeah, we were separated for a while. You know, last year...

I kind of made some piss poor choices and some bad mistakes. What'd you do? Cheated. Oh. Which is not an excuse for. Yeah. And I didn't want to admit it. You know, I said I didn't, you know, I went through a dark time where, like I said, I was very depressed and it's not nobody's excuse. I started chasing alcohol and women. Mm.

And it just got to the point to where I was losing. I lost her and I lost friends. And I was putting on this facade on the Internet that I'm some great human being, special person, you know, practice what you preach. But I'm over here on the back end, you know, just doing dumb shit, you know. Did you guys ever talk about this publicly? Oh, yeah. I made I came out and made an entire TikTok where I said I've lied. I've cheated. I've made mistakes. I've done like I ate every bit of it.

Jay and I went through something like that in 2018 and the internet will not let us forget about it, but we split. And sometimes, you know, your castle has to crumble so that you can rebuild and just be on a stronger foundation. Oh no. And it was a partial mouthful too. It was like, I got in when I got started on TikTok. I was just doing the law enforcement stories because it was such a bad time between

regular citizens and law enforcement. I was trying to bridge that gap to say, listen, we're not all like what you're seeing on the TV. Like some of us were charismatic. We're, you know, we like to have a good time. So I was doing that. And then it just kind of grew and got stupid big. Um, and like I, at the time I wasn't putting her on social medias because I, you know, I was trying to protect her because I'm doing law enforcement stuff and stuff like that. Right. Which is understandable. But then as I got bigger, um, I started, uh,

like liking the attention that I was getting from the females. And so I kind of knew, so it's an ego stroke. I kind of let some of that shit go to my head and, and, you know, devalued. Did you fuck a fan? Yes. Okay. Gotcha. Yes. Yes, I did. Um, but it like, and it was just one of those things that it took me a while to come up, but I admitted everything to her, like went to her face, admitted everything we separated. Um, she did her thing. I did my thing. Um,

And it just got to the point to where like everybody that I would try and date or be with, like they just wasn't her. Yeah. That's your person. It just wasn't her. So like I went back to her and I said, hey, listen, I don't expect you to forgive me. I said, I want you to at least give me the opportunity to show you. Yeah. And that's all I've been trying to do ever since we decided that we're going to try and make things work. How long have you guys been back together? We're not fully back together. Like I said, I'm still living by my own and she's still living on her. But, you know, we've been working at this for a little over a month and a half, two months now. Yay.

And it's one of those things. I still haven't seen her. I've never seen your wife. She's been in my videos. I'm the worst TikToker. I only watch myself. She's got her own TikTok and she's been in my videos. Really? I'll have to go look. I just haven't had time to even fucking dive down the wormhole. And when I bring guests on, I don't like to have a predisposed

judgment about them, I guess you could say, which I don't judge anybody, but I don't want anything. I just want to learn everything myself from you and it'd be a genuine reaction. Um, so you guys got married at such a young age. Were you already in doing the police work? I was not. Okay. Well, she, we got, we got, we got together. It's crazy how we met. We met, I met her in 2004. I was at a restaurant with my stepmom. Um, and my stepmom was like,

Dude, I think that waitress likes you. What are you talking about? She's like, every time you take a sip of your drink, she comes over here and fills it up. Like legit. Anytime you take one sip. And I'm like, stop it. We love, we stan a queen who likes to serve her man. Yeah. So we, so I was like, nice, cool. So when we left, I left her a tip with my phone number on it. So that night she calls me and she's like, I normally don't do stuff. Like I said, first of all,

When you start out a sentence like that, it means that you've done this before. She's like, no. So we talked for like two weeks. Well, then come to find out my mother-in-law, Wendy, who is now my mother-in-law, she picks up the phone one day. She's like, she has a boyfriend. Don't call this house again. Boom. Hangs up the phone.

How old was she? In her 20s? And she said that? That's Wendy. That was her stepmom. Stepmom, right. Yeah, so I'm probably 30. Yeah. No, no, no. How old was your wife? Oh, she was 17, 18 at the time. Oh, okay. Gotcha, gotcha. Okay. So we fast forward five years. Hadn't seen this woman. Hadn't talked to her. Nothing. I get promoted at my job at CPI Security as a manager. Go upstairs and lo and behold, she's there. And she's like, do you remember me? And I'm like, Heather? And since that time, which was 2009, we've been inseparable.

I love that. So you guys got together and you were a security guard. No, I was working CPI securities, like alarm systems. Okay. Gotcha. I was working sales with a CPI security. Okay, cool. So when, when did you switch over to being a police officer? Uh, in 2011, I went through rookie school. So my, me and my wife, we got married. She was pregnant with my son, Braylon. Okay. Um, so it happened really, really quick. Like we got together, she got pregnant, we got married and then,

Like a year and a half later, I went into law enforcement. I love that. That's amazing. So it has law enforcement obviously has always been on your heart. But, you know, do you think that after that situation with your do you think that if that situation with your mom wouldn't have happened, you would have gotten into law enforcement? Probably. I mean, people would tell me that when I was a kid, I always said I wanted to be a cop.

I don't ever remember saying that. Like my number one goal was like, I love playing basketball 'cause growing up in a shitty childhood, basketball was the only time I felt safe. Like it's the only time playing basketball, the only time I wasn't scared to be at home or scared in general. So I always wanted to play basketball, but with heart problems and I ended up tearing my ACL my senior year.

So it just wasn't in the cards for me. But no, like law enforcement for me wasn't in the cards. Had I had a perfect childhood, like everything was hunky-dory, mom and dad were greater, I don't know what I'd be doing, honestly. - How's your heart now? - I mean, it's good.

with the heart, like you'll have to have it replaced again in another three or four years. Cause I do the pig valve. Yeah. That scares me. Cause I haven't had the surgery yet. And I, they, they diagnosed me with it and I've never gone back to get it checked because I didn't want to know. I was just like, I'll deal with the fucking heart palpitations and the anxiety and all this shit that comes with it. Yeah. I have such a loud heartbeat. Like most people can stand right here and listen to my heart. But like, it's good. I mean, like I said, you're good though. Yeah. I feel great. Good. All right. Well, that's all that matters. Just want to check in on the heart.

so after you went to um not boot camp but what do they call it rookie school you do you become an officer after that or how does that work you go through rookie school and you're either hired on at the agency while you're going through rookie school you're hired on afterwards so i got hired on with belmont afterwards um and worked there for four or five years and then went to ended up going to charlotte for two years and then i ended up going to shelby

which shelby was an absolute nightmare and then went to wing it and why was it a nightmare this is i mean because it's such a small town you know but like is there a lot of politics in small towns it's a lot of politics but it was just such a bad area like we were dealing with homicides every day i couldn't even facetime my wife for 30 seconds without shots being fired it was just crazy making 17 18 and now we're getting bullets damn near grazing yeah that's scary and

So during this time, she had your son, Ray. When does Scoot come into the picture? It was crazy because she had a lot of, she had cystic fibrosis or something like that. She had cysts on her ovaries and stuff. So she was scheduled to have a partial hysterectomy a week, but the week before we found out she was pregnant with Scoot.

And then so Scoops came into the picture December 1st, 2015. She's a Sagittarius. Oh, I love it. Jay's a Sagittarius. She is fucking fire. She's hilarious, dude. She's crazy. She's so funny. Like, where does she get all that personality from? Obviously you, but is Heather the same way? Yeah, Heather. No, she gets her sassiness. The attitude she gets from her mom.

Luckily, they both look like their mama. Thank God. They're both cute-ass kids. Like, my son talks shit like I do. Yeah. He's a cutie, too. But he's soft like his mama. Like, my daughter don't give a fuck about nothing. Like, not nothing. I love how you call her Lucifer. Yeah, that's because that's how she be acting. I call her my little walking around Annabelle doll.

Dude, no, seriously. Like, I think one of the first videos I ever saw of you was talking about her and I'm like, who the fuck is Lucifer? And then I think I went through like your videos and I was like, oh my God, this kid is so, I love her. Like she needs her own TikTok. Are you going to ever give her her own TikTok? Yeah, I will. I mean, I got the whole hashtag scoops world. It is scary. And that's the same thing. Like my son's 11. He's like, and like people are like, you shouldn't, you shouldn't say these things about your kids. What if they grow up and see these videos? They see all my videos. I show them. I show them. I don't sugarcoat shit with my kids.

Yeah. But I'm like, TikTok's so scary, man. Like, it's a children's app and there's a shit ton of pedophiles on that motherfucker. It's disgusting. And I promise you. And then the Reddit pages too, which we block. I don't ever give them. Oh, I love it.

No, they be trying to dog walk me. I'll be in there with my real face talking cash money shit. I love that. Yeah, I don't. I won't go on there. I don't hide behind fake profile. Yeah, me either. I can't do I can't stand that. And I fight. I'm violent. I like to fight, you know, so I'm like, I'll be trying to find motherfuckers houses and shit like I can't do it. So I'll send Mimi and I'll be like, so especially like during podcast weeks like this, I'll go. I'll be like, so what are they saying?

she'll just kind of give me the overview because she knows how fucking pissed i get because i'm just like dude how can you talk so much shit about shit that you don't even fucking know because that's what ain't shit people do right that's why i try to tell you ain't nobody doing better than you talking shit you think elon musk give a fuck what bill gates is doing no no you know why not at all musk is the richest man in the world yeah i said at the end of the day y'all sit on these pages and talk all this cash money shit i'm like

Elon just, Elon literally just did the ultimate boss move. Oh, he don't give a fuck. Bought Twitter, fired everybody, bringing fucking Trump back. Not that I'm a Trump supporter. I'm just saying he just, to be able to fucking buy a fucking whole social media app and control it. Like that's just, that's gangster. I'm telling you right now. It's gangster as fuck. That's the type of money I want. The fucking money. Well, he just, you know what? Let me buy my fucking Twitter.

44 billion. Light this bitch up. Yeah, just crazy. I'm going to come in and just do whatever the fuck I want. But he's worked his ass off to be able to do it. So like, I mean, y'all mad at him. He bought Twitter. We can go out there and make more money than him. Then you can buy it from him. Yeah, buy it back. Buy it from him. Exactly. All right, let's talk about TikTok fame. So, you know, you're a

police officer you're doing all this stuff you got on and you were only you said you were only doing police skits and stuff like that yeah i was just doing stories about my i was just telling them stories about my little funny clown story i got when or how i pull people over things like that uh and it just man it just took off like people love story time well you're a great fucking storyteller you're like my husband like you guys can literally put a camera in front of you and people just want to hear you talk oh no it happened women just want to look at you like oh i just love your voice your voice is so soothing

it's like you got that kind of like country hood like going for you or whatever um so and it just blew up overnight i think i had a video that hit like 60 million views wow so i woke up i remember it was february uh of 2020 i was i got on there because i was dumb didn't know about tick tock and i i was like thank you all so much for 25 000 followers and then fast forward a year later i was at 2 million and then fast forward six months later i was at 5 million now i'm at 8.6 million so yeah

No, it's crazy, right? The power of TikTok is fucking insane. Social media in general is nuts. I didn't realize what a beast it was, though. Like, I fought her forever. I was like, I am... Because Mimi's my manager. She's like, you need to get the fuck on TikTok. And I'm like, I'm not... I'm fucking 40 years old. I'm not getting on a fucking kid's app and doing some weird shit. Like, I'm not going to be shaking my ass. Well, here I am shaking my ass now doing transitions. Fucking... It's just crazy that...

just the power behind it. And what's also crazy is that all of us have our own like cult following. Oh, a hundred percent. Like it's nuts. Like, and these people like love the fuck out of you, dude. Oh, they do. If you, if, if somebody comes in my comments and says some slick shit, like I literally had to say straight dog walked. Yeah. Straight dog walked to the point where I'm like, damn y'all chill. No, I almost feel bad. Damn, calm down.

No, I like I normally will call people out like if they say stuff about Jay and I say what you want about me all day long. I don't give a fuck. Don't talk about my husband. Don't talk about our kid. But like if I like will do a video and I always try to keep it like positive or whatever. I read the comments and these motherfuckers just go off. Oh, they talk shit. I feel bad because I'm like, oh, fuck. I'm doing what they're getting bullied because of me, you know, but at the same time, I'm like, they shouldn't have left that fucking janky ass comments.

for me, like, because I look at social media differently. I use social media as almost like a job. Yeah, absolutely. It's almost like a job because I want to, it's fun and I've met some incredible people and I'm excited to do it. But at the same time, like, it's,

if it's not working to build an empire that i can leave behind for my children yes i wouldn't be i'm not going to do it like it doesn't make any sense so for me like when somebody comes and leaves a hate comment hey thank you for the view yeah i appreciate you yeah like i don't even get mad and like i've told other people like because you'll give people like man my account stopped growing like was to stop responding to ain't shit yeah i said because it don't matter i said this here you can point this this is a brick wall some of no it's not it's green screen

yeah it's painted that way like is gonna argue about not anything it's the reason why i never do politics or religion ever because at the end of the day it don't matter what side you walk on somebody's not somebody's gonna be mad about it yeah for sure she's always having to talk me off the ledge i'm like i need these and she'll be i'll have like a whole thing that i already filmed and she'll be like you are not dropping that like who cares like don't even respond to it because sometimes i just get so mad especially like with

Like they fucking just piss me off. So sometimes I want to respond, especially when like they attack the podcast and stuff. I just get so mad because I'm like, motherfucker, I came from nothing. Like, let me see you do what I'm doing and fucking then talk shit, you know? Listen, listen, you ain't shit, motherfuckers. It costs zero dollars to not be a piece of shit. Okay. Thank you for your time. I agree. So TikTok, are you still...

- No, I got out of policing fully. People was like, oh, he got out because he wanted to do social media. I got out because it got too political. - Well that, because you want to fucking live for your family. - I want to live, not only live for my, but it honestly just got too political for me. Like I got into law enforcement for the specific reason is to take somebody out of the situation that I went through as a kid.

And I got to do that several times over, which I was blessed for. But then it got to the point to where it was like, oh, well, we need to send you for minority training. And I said, you can't train somebody to have a good heart. Either you fucking got one or you don't. I said, I don't care how much you put a computer in somebody's face or go have somebody talk to somebody. If they got a shitty heart, they got a shitty heart. And then you get to the point to where you start calling out shitty officers. And they're listening. They're 100 percent support the police.

And there are a lot amazing, amazing, good female and male police officers out there who do their job the right way every day. But there are a lot of shitty ones out there. And the problem is, is like for people like me, I got no problem calling you out. If you show up on my scene and you're a piece of shit, I'm going to let you know on my scene that you're a piece of shit and you can walk away.

And it got me jammed up and people didn't like it. They ask you that in rookie school, one of the first classes you take is ethics and morals. Are you willing to call out nonsense for a higher up or superior? Everybody raised their hand. Y'all bullshit because none of y'all will. None of y'all out here doing it.

Oh, we're brothers. We're sisters. I don't give a fuck. You're not making my job harder. Yeah. Like it's already an uncomfortable situation. Anytime you get pulled over or you're out with somebody, it's already an uncomfortable, intense situation. So why am you or I going to do anything else to intensify that even more? Yeah.

No, I mean, preach. That's 100%. There's so many. I've only met one good cop in my life. I'm from the streets, so my whole crew knows I just fucking do not fuck with cops. Nobody, they've never protected me. They've never, you know, I've met one cop in my life and he was the most amazing cop ever. He let me go over some bullshit that I was supposed to get arrested for. And for that, I've always been thankful. But, you know, I've just met so many cops that I've

have the worst egos and just like there's just not good humans like you said and it's very hard to meet an officer that are do you guys like to be called cops or officers no i don't give a damn which okay i didn't know if it was like derogatory to call you guys cops or whatever but yeah i have met nothing but shitty cops but i grew up in vegas too so you know it's just it's very political out there that badge don't mean shit it's what's behind it yeah everything

All right. So you're doing, so now you are doing TikTok full-time, social media full-time? Well, I have social media in general. I also own a non-profit called Love Behind the Badge. And then I own my own company, my merch company online and stuff like that. What does your non-profit represent? Like, what is that?

We do a lot of different things. Like I said, two years ago, we raised money and gave away three cars to three families. One of them was actually at a domestic violence shelter that we took it to. We had to meet off-site, of course, because you can't meet at the domestic. Yeah. So we gave away three cars. We've done stuff for, like you say, child where we give out laptops and stuff. We do Christmas giveaways and stuff like that. Yay, yeah.

We try to do something every holiday season too. So I'm looking to do something. Maybe we should pair up and do something together with Jay. That would be awesome. So are you a rapper? Are you into music? I'm not a rapper, but I love music. Music is therapy for me. A lot of times that's what got me through a lot of the depression and shit that I went through with music. Do you make music? No. Okay, I don't know. Somebody asked or said you made music. No.

Okay. I was like, I'd never seen anything like that. Would you consider ever doing it? I mean, yeah. I mean, if the opportunity persists and there's a right opportunity, I would definitely do it. I mean, I really want to get into like writing a book. Yeah. Just with the things that I've been through as a kid and stuff like that. I have a publisher I can hook you up with. She's helping me with my book and she's amazing. She's very small time, but she gets...

Shit done. Yeah, that's what I... Because I just don't know where to start. Like, for me, I'm a little stupid when it comes to that shit. It's like a cult. Like, literally, the book world, because it's such a dying art that... Because everything's so fucking digital. When you... To find a publisher that believes in your story and actually wants to help you is...

impossible. That's why everybody publishes their own shit on Amazon now. I already went through this so I can teach you and I'll hook you up. Yeah. And I'll hook you up with my girl BJ cause she's amazing and she's such a good soul dude. And she, you have a really good story and you have a platform to present it to. So I know she'll definitely be interested in it. Yeah. I would love to. Like I said, that's my, my main goal is like,

Like I've been, we've been doing a comedy tour that we've been touring and do music and comedy and stuff like that. Okay. So you do a comedy tour. Awesome. Um, but that's coming. Our last show is in December 2nd. And then we have a Cancun that we're doing, um, in February. And then who do you do comedy with? Uh, it's me, Kingery, um, Steve, my buddy, Steve, he hosts, uh, with Rick, uh, my buddy taco. Uh, and then we have Corey. She's, she, uh, one of the most incredible singers I've ever heard. And then Kingery also, uh,

sings and raps. He's great. I mean, he's up and coming here in Nashville too. Awesome. Oh, I didn't know. I didn't even know. Like, I don't even know who the Kingery is. I don't think I've ever, you know what? I'm lying. We just followed each other because somebody said they wanted him on the podcast. I believe. I'm not sure. Listen, super talented. Is he? I'll have to check him out. Um, so you guys do like, um, tours, like comedy tours. That's awesome. We're getting into podcast touring in 2023. So yeah, that'll be exciting. Yeah. We're going to do, we're going to, I do.

I don't know if you know this, but I do this thing every January called the Whorelympics. It's an annual Whorelympics and girls come on and they get like fisted and suck on sausages and shove them inside their vaginas. And like, it gets very Howard Stern-ish. So...

Like, where do I get tickets? So, what'd you say? I said, where do I get tickets? Dude, you can come be a judge. I'm thinking about having Demps be a judge this year. We could have him be a judge. That would be fucking amazing. And it would be, last year, some girl squirted 13 feet in the air. It was crazy. Like, shit got,

- I've never had a girl do that before and when she did, I jumped up excited as fuck running around the house. - Fuck yeah. - Just helicopter naked as shit. - Yes, we stand bitches that squirt, I love it. - It made me feel like I was doing something special. - You are. - And I ain't shit, 'cause I tell them four inches ain't shit, but it's still hell at 90 miles an hour. - I doubt it's four inches. Do we have a measuring tape here?

You want to pull it out? No! Hey, how you doing? For all the girls. Heather's going to be like, you know what? Don't let your wife listen to this podcast. She's going to be like, what the fuck? Next time you got to bring your wife with you. I will definitely. I tried to get her, but like I said, my babies are at home sick. So she's staying home with them. Maybe we'll get you and Scoot and Heather here. Good luck with that. And Bray too. That would be awesome. Just a whole family thing. She needs her own episode. She's into this phase now where I'm bruh now.

Your what? Bruh. Oh, I love that. It's not even daddy. She's like, what up, bruh? Bruh, like, motherfucker, I'm not your bruh. I'm your daddy. All right, bruh. I love you, bruh. Scoop, don't play with me. I love her. I fucking love her. I'm not even kidding. She got a five-foot Annabelle doll that stays in her closet. She punches in the face twice every morning before she goes to school. Gets up, goes in her closet, pap, pap.

gets clothes on and she's just happy to talk about her day and other people are freaked out by she loves it won't let me get rid of i'll try that is so funny i love it she's gonna be a force to be reckoned with oh yeah she's gonna run she's either gonna be president or run a gang in prison there's no in between i love it i love it so what can we expect from you in 2023 uh just bigger and better things like i said for me i got to the point uh and like i said uh just

Just to reiterate, like when talking about my wife and I getting back together, like I went through a stage where I was a real piece of shit again. I mean, you're human. You're allowed to make mistakes. There's no template of how to do life. No. Like there's no manual for me to know how to get everything right. But at the same time, like it's also important to understand that, you know, when you realize you are the problem.

you start building back and you put yourself in that position. So for me at this point, if it's not challenging me to be better or pushing me towards my goals of being a multimillionaire, I don't want it. So for me, like I, I'm, I got some stuff that's in the works. I have to be quiet about just because, you know, yeah, some people will take it and try and run with it and stuff like that. Hopefully just look at, you're just progressing, fucking growing and glowing. I just want to be alive because scoop may or may not kill me at this point. Well, tell scoop.

Tell Scoot I want to have her on the podcast next. I would definitely tell her. That would be awesome. She'll be excited because she already asked. She's like, are you going? And Braylon's mad because Braylon's is obsessed with Jelly Roll. He's obsessed with that. Are you guys coming to the show December 9th? You and the whole family should come December 9th. It's huge at the Bridgestone Arena. Where is that? Here? Yeah. We'll put you guys on the list. Everybody and their mom is going to be there. So, I mean, you guys should definitely come. It's going to be a fucking insane night.

Can I tell you a funny story about that? I hosted for him when he did a concert at the Mud Bash last year in Laurenburg, North Carolina. Yeah, he told me. So they asked, could I host it? They asked me to host it. I was like, hey, can I roast Jelly Roll? And the manager was like, what do you mean roast? I'm like, you know, talk a shit. Like, you don't roast. I grew up on Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy. We were talking shit, having a good time.

So Jelly Roll came out and he was super chill. He was like, roast me. He said, just be cool. Like, don't do that. So I got up there and it was supposed to be. Don't talk about my wife, in other words. Yeah. And I was like, welcome to the stage, the overweight, less talented Post Malone. And somebody threw a fucking beer bud-like can right at my

I said, clearly a joke. Man, it's amazing. I love him. He's great. But he was super cool because Jay was nice enough to do a video that I posted it for my son and stuff like super chill. My son's obsessed with him when I tell you that's all he listens to. Somebody save me. It's his favorite song. Bring them. Bring them the ninth and we can have, you know, have the whole family meet him and stuff like that. He's he would be here, but he's at home right now with a camera in his face. So as soon as we get done here, we have to run back over.

I'm sure. Because, you know, today's our fucking big CMA walk. So we're excited about that. But I'm so... Thank you so much for coming and sitting down with me. No, I appreciate you for having me. You have an amazing story, dude. And just, like, I...

If the women didn't love you before, they're going to really fucking love you now because they actually got to hear like your whole story. I hope you love me. I ain't shit though. Bunny is though. No, I ain't shit either. They know that though. I would love to be back and to do anything. Like I said, I'd definitely like to speak with you in the book and reference to that and stuff like that. I'll plug you in whenever we get off the mic for sure. You'll love BJ, but you got to promise me that you'll come back next year.

I promise. And be a recurring guest. All the time. Anytime. And then bring me my scoot and my bray. I'm not bringing her to the Horror Olympics, but I'll definitely... Bring Heather to the Horror Olympics now that we know she's a squirter. First of all, you will not be doing any of that, Heather. I'm just kidding. I'll definitely bring her down. But like I said, I'm excited about what the future holds. And like I said, I'll definitely be back. Yeah. And I'm excited for you guys being back together too. Yeah, me too. It makes my heart happy. I love it. I should have been smarter and fucking...

But, you know, you got to live and learn and you make your mistakes. It's not until that foundation starts to crumble and you start to put it back together that you can actually set a dream house on. Amen, baby. Why don't you tell everybody where they can find you, all your socials? Okay.

Be clear about this. I only have one account on all my social media. There are no fake ones. We are not in a relationship. You have not been talking to me. I have official underscore Udi on TikTok. It's got 8.6 million. I have the underscore real underscore Udi on Instagram. It has 350,000 followers. And then I have an officer underscore Udi on Facebook and it has 6,000

800,000 followers. Those are my only three accounts. I don't have what's up or any of the other junk shit out there. So follow me on there. Love your face. Yay. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of dumb blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye. Bye. Bye.