cover of episode Luna Skye: Talks Sh*t About All Things

Luna Skye: Talks Sh*t About All Things

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Luna Skye
Luna Skye 详细描述了 Instagram 平台对其作为性工作者的账号进行严格审查的经历,包括账号被多次删除以及需要付费才能恢复账号的经历。她还分享了在 Instagram 上推广 OnlyFans 的策略,以及如何巧妙地利用 Instagram 的平台规则来避免被审查,从而增加 OnlyFans 的订阅量。她还谈到了 OnlyFans 内容创作的策略,强调了独特性和品牌匹配的重要性,并指出许多 OnlyFans 用户的合作更多是为了吸引关注而非盈利。 Bunnie 也分享了她作为性工作者在 Instagram 上的经历,并指出 Instagram 对性工作者的审查比对普通用户更严格。她还谈到了性工作者之间的互相帮助和支持,以及如何利用其他平台来推广 OnlyFans。

Deep Dive

Luna Skye discusses her journey into the adult industry, starting as a cam girl and eventually transitioning into porn and OnlyFans.

Shownotes Transcript


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Is this thing on?

- All right, gentlemen, coming to main stage next, this is Bunny. Get up there, she's got a tornado of titties coming your way. Get those dollar bills ready. She's got an ass that shakes like Michael J. Fox. So get up there and throw, throw, throw them dollars. - Dude, that is fucking iconic. What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of "Dumb Blonde." Today I got this cutie with the booty in my presence and I am so excited. Miss Luna Skye, what's up, baby? How are you? - Another dumb blonde.

Honestly, I really don't have a booty, but I'm a little cutie, right? You do have a booty. I love that introduction, though. Dude, I love your booty. It's all over fucking Instagram. If you guys haven't followed her, you gotta follow her on Instagram. It's all about them angles. I'm xlunasky, if you guys wanna follow me. Absolutely. You just got your account back, right? Yes, fuck.

Oh my God. I was struggling with Instagram for months. Dude, I'm so tired of Instagram, man. I got fucking flagged yesterday for telling, for saying that my friend needed to get pounded out for bullying and harassment. Like what the fuck? Like I got deleted. I got something deleted for hate speech. Cause I said, I hate men. Cause I was pissed off. And apparently you can't say that anymore.

That's crazy. Okay, like at least it wasn't nudity though because that's usually my thing. Do you feel like Instagram is harder on us because we're sex workers? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We're definitely way more heavily censored than like most people because ever since I started just posting regular things and like you told me to take my link out of my bio, I haven't gotten anything to do with it.

anything taken down. Yeah. So like, they don't know I'm a sex worker. I don't get anything taken down. But as soon as you even have like a link tree or anything in your bio, they're like, I'm going to watch you extra and delete every little thing. Yeah, no, it's fucking insane, dude. Like I, my account, my big account has been deleted like fucking, I think two or three times now. I've had to fight to get it back. I had to pay some Turkish guy fucking in Turkey to get it back a long time ago. I got the same exact thing. I got it deleted a couple of times within a few months. And then like the last time they were like, okay, this is it.

Like, okay, you're done, bitch. You obviously aren't getting it. So... How did you get it back this time? Did you have to fucking pay somebody to get it back? It took nine months and then this girl... Will you pull your mic closer to your mouth? There you go. Yeah, yeah. This girl, I think it was a Randy Banks shout out to you, girl, because she sent me the telegram of the guy that helps get Instagram back. So...

I paid him and he got it back within a couple of weeks and everything's been good since. Was that Viking Barbie's guy that does that? I'm not sure. I know they're all tied in all those nudies girls and Barbie's like one of my, I love her. She's like my sister, dude. Yeah, probably. I don't know. I didn't really talk to her beforehand. She was just like, Hey, do you need your account back? And like, she helped me out on like some, some real like girl code. Don't you love that? I feel

like um all of us ig girls are like in a family yeah you know like there's a few fucking assholes but for the fucking the the most part like all of us girls look out for each other yeah you know like if somebody loses a fucking account we shout them out you know like if we collab together we do stuff like that um only you have an only fans right i do yeah how's that going for you um

It's good. I just signed with a new management team and they're like helping promote me and stuff. And then like also getting my account back has been like huge. So like it went from like I was about to delete it to like, okay, this is actually going well. Finally, it's like worth it.

Yeah. So do you feel like Instagram helps your only fans? Cause I don't get a lot of stuff off Instagram. I get like from promo that I, you know, do with other girls on only fans, but Instagram has never, I've never like gotten hell of fucking subs from Instagram. I'd say,

ever since I got my account back, my subs have doubled and I haven't even had my link in my bio. Like I've been like posting little things on my story, like, Oh F at Luna sky. Yeah. For your backup account. No, I posted on, on my main page, but like, I don't post any links or anything. I'm just like, if you know what this means, go search me. That's smart.

I'm so fucking, fucking scared and have PTSD. I'm like, I will not put anything in my fucking on my page about it. Like I'll shoot everybody over to like this fucking fake profile that we have set up. That's like bunny fans and people can just go click the link in that bio. Have you collabed with any girls for your only fans? Um, do you like collabing with girls? I do. And I want to start more. I used to pretty much solely with my best friends. You know, I don't really like,

I don't really fuck with that many people. You know, there's a lot of girls out there that fuck everybody on their only fans. And I'm just like, yeah. And they just don't understand like exclusivity. I'm like, okay, like it's cool to make content, but like, do you really want to make content with everybody? Like I try to go with girls that like are my friends or people that like match my brand.

Like I try not to do anything off brand. Right. That's just, that's just fake and it's ugly. That's what I did. I created my own little sister wife pack and I have like me and my three best friends that I've grown up with. And those are the only people that I will, sorry, I got post nasal drip from these fucking allergies out here. Um, and that's the only people that I'll make content with because you never know. And like, I feel like whenever you do do collabs, like it's not really that, um,

lucrative it's really not and like honestly most of the girls are only doing collabs because they want the attention from it like I hate it because like I like girls you know I think that they're sexy and I'll hook up with a girl like on with without a camera right but most of the girls that are doing it nowadays just do it for the camera and you can tell that it's forced and it's just so uncomfortable yeah like please just don't even invite me over

If you're not interested. If you're really not going to fucking pound the pussy out, don't invite me over. Like if you don't have a strap on ready to go, I'm leaving. I got to fuck Momo with a strap on. That was fun. This is my best friend of 18 years. This poor thing. She fucking has to take all the big old schlongs on only me.

I'm like, seniority rules. I have the bigger following. You have to take the dick. You're the dom with the following. Yeah, exactly. So let's talk about, you know, where did you grow up? Did you grow up in Cali out here or where are you from? I didn't actually, um,

You're good. Gross. I didn't want you to get scared of that. No, you should have done it. There's some people at home that are probably flicking the bean to that. Gross. You're right, though. I grew up in Vancouver, Washington. Oh, dope. Okay. So right by Portland. I like to say Portland because everybody says, oh, you're from Canada when I say Vancouver. So I'm like, no.

I just say Portland. But yeah, it's like kind of a little country redneck meth town. Like everybody knows everybody. And I'm like the only one that got out.

So you moved to L.A. on your own or just how long have you been here? Yeah, I moved to L.A. when I was 20. I was living with my ex, my baby daddy. I was living with him and like he was abusive and he went to jail and everything. So like while he was in jail, I kind of just dipped out. How long were you guys together for? Four years. What kind of abuse did you go through if you don't want to ask me? Shh.

I mean, he was like very like hands-on. Physical. First of all, he would be...

like he would say his words to me and then that sets me off. Like I'm not, I'm not the type to take that, you know? So I stand up for myself. So I get in his face and then he pushes me. And then it was like, it was more of like a, it wasn't him abusing me. It was like, we abused each other. Like we beat the shit out of each other. I totally understand that. And like one day, like the neighbors called the cops and he was in jail for about a month. So I just dipped out. I'm like, I'm done. I went to California. Yeah.

You know, figured my shit out. Didn't realize how expensive it was. So I started doing porn. Oh, did you? Yeah. I didn't know that about you. I did. Yeah, I did porn for about a year. And... Was it easy? Was porn easy to get into out here at the time? It was because I was a cam girl. Mm-hmm.

On Chatterbait. I did cam too. I worked for my free cams. Yeah. It was like one of like the top cam girls, you know, like at the booths and stuff. And so I was getting offers from agencies saying like, Hey, we want you to do a scene. Will you do this and this and that? So I finally signed with this agency. I'm not going to out them.

but I should because I'm mad at them. Do it. OC modeling. Oh, that wasn't hard. Say less. Okay. You don't got to ask me twice. So did they do you dirty? That was always my fear for getting in the porn industry. Cause I too was a top,

cam girl and I had offers all the time to get into porn but I just was so scared because I was just like bro I'm not gonna let these people like take advantage of me yeah I mean they didn't do me dirty exactly but when I signed the contract I was like okay I want to do at least two scenes a week because the scenery is about a thousand dollars per per scene right that's not very

Back then or now? Back then. It's probably about the same still. So I'm like, I want to do at least two a week so I don't have to do other things and I can still pay my rent, you know, because that's going to make me exhausted. Yeah. So she's promised two scenes a week and I ended up not getting two scenes a week. I worked for the whole year and I ended up only doing 20 scenes total. Wow.

Wow. And like that was bullshit. I'm like my whole pussy's out online and like I only made 20 grand off of that like minus the 15% that I had to give my agent. And there's not you could like if you sign with somebody you can't just go and take other gigs right? I can take the other gigs and I would book some myself but that's why I'm mad at the agency because I would book it myself and then they would still take the 15%.

Right. So I'm like, what the fuck? Like, why did I do all the work? If you're still going to take your cut, like I didn't book this myself and talk to the guy and set everything up and drive there myself and do my own makeup just for you to take 15% just for knowing me. Right. You know?

Yeah, that's another thing. I've never been able to give somebody else my money. Like, I'm always like, if I'm going to be fucking for money, I'm taking all of it. I hate it. So that's why I got into escorting because I was like, you know, I can fuck without the cameras and keep all my fucking money. And I've done that too. Yeah. Like the porn was just like,

Do you think like porn and escorting go hand in hand? I'd say yeah. Like I don't understand how having a camera on you makes it legal. Right. Because like porn is like you show up, they prep you, you get ready, you don't even know the guy. Yeah. And then you fuck.

Like at least like escorting, you can like, you know, sit down and have a drink and relax. And make more money. And you don't even have to fuck. Right. You know, you get to decide if you want to. Because I'm like when I was escorting, I did it for a couple of years out back in L.A. when I first moved here. How is it out here, by the way? Asking for a friend. Actually, actually, it was really, really good. I met a lot of really fucking rich guys like up here, like.

I did it in Vegas and I made so much money on my own. So I can only imagine how much money is out here. And I'm not like the type to like...

be full service as I like to call it. So I'm like, yeah, I mean, I can like, yeah, I'm like, I can hang out with you and like be your friend and we can go out and whatever, like party together. But, um, I'm not going to do that. Yeah. Yeah. So I was just like playing all of these guys that I had like 10 in my roster and I'm like, okay, well, which one am I going to do? Like, and it was just, it was just so easy for me, but no, uh, porn was the absolute opposite.

Yeah, it was more like you had to like show up and you had to do the job even if you didn't want to. That's what I try to explain to people about escorting. People would be like, God, you fucking escorted for so long. And I'm like, first of all, we're more like paid therapists and people don't believe that. And I'm like, dude, no, for real. Like we literally can walk into a situation, assess it, get as much money as we possibly can without even being touched. Yeah. And then just leave. Yeah. I've listened to men cry about their wives. Yes, me too. Okay, I'm going to go now.

Yeah. Like, oh, poor baby. Come here. And you, you know, you like baby them and they're, they give you more money. I still have my jacket on. I'm like, wow, that was a really sad story, but I gotta go. So.

I would clean the safe out and then I would leave. Yeah. I'm like the type to be like, I'm going through your bathroom and like, I'm going to steal this watch and oh, you left this hundred dollar out. Must be mine. It's got to be mine. If it's left out, it's definitely mine. Finders keepers, right? Yeah, for sure. Do you feel like, um, if you would have not gotten in that abusive relationship that you wouldn't have even gone down that path?

no it was just like your destiny it was it was probably my destiny because when I got into porn I was I was single technically and I just got into it my first scene was really fucking bad it was horrible like the guy was like oh my god he was so old and like he had back knee and like oh my god it was like a weird massage scene and I just hate

hated it. Ew, and you had to massage the zits? Yeah, like I had to like pretend that I was applying for a job at like a massage parlor. So I had to massage this like old ass man and his back knee. Why are there no hot dudes in porn? None. There's literally two. Small hands

hands oh he's yeah he's amazing i love him i want to get him on the podcast but when i'm like on porn hub and i'm trying to whack off and go to sleep i'm literally going through so many fucking videos because not one dude is hot so bad but i did find hot guys fuck and it's got like some young buff dudes on there so but there's like no hot tatted dudes that fucking are important besides the two that you named and i'm just like bro

Why? Is it like mandatory to just be a fucking old trout and just shake your hairy balls all over the fucking... No, I hate it. Nobody wants to see that. And then the angles, like you can see their ass crack and their ball sack and like, oh my God, it's disgusting. I can't even watch my own scenes because they get the worst angles. I hate it. My first scene was so bad. I was like, I am not going to go out sad like that. I got to keep going. Yeah, you're like, mama didn't raise no bitch. Yeah, I'm like...

Like mama raised a soldier, not no bitch. Okay, we're ready for this. So I went off and I did the best I could. I worked for browsers and I worked for, I did a scene for Blacked and like I worked for pretty big companies and I ended up to be top 20 on Pornhub. And then I was like,

I'm good now. Like if somebody Googles my name, they're not going to see me massaging some back me. They're going to see me like, okay, with 4 million views, whatever. So like I made a name for myself. Search me on Pornhub, Luna Sky. When do you feel like you made it in porn? Like whenever you, when the views were reaching the millions? I'd say like after my first browsers scene, it was like, uh, cramming the college cutie.

And that was like, I love porn names. I know it was so funny, but that was like, that was the day I was like, okay, this is actually something because Brazzers was like a big company. And like, that was the first time I like felt like a princess on set, you know, like makeup. And usually I like to do my own makeup because they don't know how to do it.

fucking do it. Yeah. Unless you're makeup by Haley. Shout out makeup by Haley. Seriously, you should start doing porn makeup because all these ladies are old and they don't know what they're doing. I'll plug you in with her before you leave. Like she's always flying around and she's amazing. Yeah. But what's up guys? Just wanted to take a moment to tell you guys that this podcast is sponsored by

What else do I have to say? Why not snuggle up to your favorite dildos that you can go and get for 50% off at All you gotta do is just use code bunny, B-U-N-N-I-E. Tap that little fucking what's the button called? Check out. And voila, your packages are delivered discreetly straight to your door. What are you waiting for? It's time to buzz the bean. And don't forget that it's also free shipping.

No, I am. I liked the browser scene and that's what set me off. And then I did another scene for browsers. And after I did that one, I didn't do any like lower one. So are you like retired now? Yeah. Will you ever do porn again? No, no, no, no, no, no. You're done. How do you know for sure that you're just like done? You just are like, you know what? I made a name for myself. That's it. I'm not going to do it again. Like if times ever got desperate, would you do it?

Cause I know if I fucking ever had to, I will turn a trick in a heartbeat. If times got desperate, I would rather escort than do porn. I don't want it to be publicized. And is that because of your, your, you have a son, right? I have a son. Yeah. But it's not just because of that. It's just because like, I don't like how they make me look. I like being in control of my content. I'm the same way. That's why I'm like, uh, this, these are these videos on here that I do not

Like, I want this to be off immediately. So I can't because I signed the contract. How old were you when you had your son? I was 17. Oh, you were a baby. Yeah. I was like graduating high school, like nine months pregnant. Oh.

At least you graduated. I graduated. Yeah, I got in. Like, you know, I started camming because I was the only stay at home thing that she could do. And that's how I got into sex work. How do you feel about the adult industry and raising children? I have this, I get this question all the time because my husband has a daughter who we have full custody of and people are always like, aren't you afraid of what she sees? And I'm like, dude, she's going to see way worse on the internet. She might as well, we might as well be open and honest with her. Not about everything, but...

But you know, teaching her to embrace her femininity and also take charge so that people can't take advantage of her, I think is like a huge thing. How do you feel about it? - My personal opinion is that I don't give a fuck.

i love that can we use that as a snippet please that is so awesome i have a kid and believe it or not probably 75 of girls in the industry also have kids whether it's cam girls porn stars whatever they have whole families and they hide it families and they hide it just because i choose to show that i'm also a mom and

And I'm a multi-dimensional person. People attack me for being a bad mom because I go out. I'm like, okay, yeah, sure. I drink.

Like you're not allowed to have fun. I'm 23 years old. Let me go the fuck out. Like I make sure he's taken care of and that's it. Like people trip about the weirdest things. I'm like by the time he's old enough to even use the internet, he's not going to find my porn. Who's going to watch 10 year old porn? And even if he does, you're going to fucking be like the hottest mom ever. Right? I know. I'm going to be Stacy's mom. Okay. She's got it going.

That's what I tell my kid all the time. I'm like, she's like half my friends think you're a whore and half my friends think that you're like really cool. And I'm like, well, the older you get that you're going to have more friends who think I'm really cool. I was like, so just get used to it. I'm going to be Stifler's mom. Really cool whore. So you just went through a pretty public breakup. Can we talk about it? I tried not to even have it be public and especially because my Instagram was deleted while the breakup happened. But yes, we can talk about

So who was it that you were dating? Quest G. As you can see, I try to cover up the name. But like I was crazy in love for this fool. No, you guys were like super passionate. I loved the whole... That's how I found you actually. I don't even follow him. But like something that you guys did together got like...

a lot of views or went viral or something. And I was like, she's super cute. So I ended up following you. I never followed him, but I'm obviously better. I'm a girl's girl, but he's also a tattooed Las Vegas guy. And I just, I grew up in Vegas and they're all douchebags. I don't trust men from Vegas anymore. They're a whole other breed, baby girl. Next time, just run it by me. I'll let you know. I fucking lived there for 30 fucking years. Those dudes out there are not worth a shit. Quest G let's talk about it.

So I want to start by saying he's a piece of shit. And I mean that very disrespectfully. She said very disrespectfully. And I mean that very disrespectfully. She said I came with the disrespect, bitch. He is a user, abuser, addict, fucking everything you can name under the sun. And he hides it very well. He's not hiding it anymore.

So he's a grade A narcissist. Oh, yeah. Grade A. Like, I met him and I thought everything was amazing because he had OnlyFans. That should have been your first clue. Any dude that has an OnlyFans. No, I wanted that.

Because I was doing porn. And I was like, okay, I need somebody that's open. And then something happened two weeks in. We're fucking exclusive. I quit porn and we have matching face tattoos. And it's like, whoa. Like I fell in love. Was that his idea for you to quit porn? No, it was my idea. I was planning on quitting anyways because like I did my blacked scene and that was like the biggest scene that I did. And then they offered me another one that was like really shitty and didn't pay that much. So I was like, okay.

okay, no, nevermind. I'm not doing any more than if you think that I'm going to be worth this little after doing that scene, like I put work into that. Right. Like I, I,

No, and demand your worth. Always do that. So I quit while I was meeting him. And so I thought we were kind of open and like all of that. So like we had a couple of problems with that. And that was just what were the problems? He just didn't trust me. You know, he was like, you did porn. So obviously you're a dick muncher. Obviously you fucking love dick. And that's all you think about 24 seven. I'm like, OK, God, I have an ex like that, too. No, I did porn to get a following.

and to get attention. I did porn to support myself and to fucking build a brand, motherfucker. Exactly. And now like I have other things going where I don't have to touch anybody and I still make more money than I made in porn. Right. And I did porn so that I could be at that spot. But this was two weeks in and he was doing this? This was, no, two weeks in we were good. It started about a month in actually. The mask starts coming off. And he started getting weird and he was like, okay, why are you going to the gym so much? Who are you flirting with? And then

Isn't he like a gym dude? He was. Why didn't he go with you? He was. And then at the time, I was on a lot of Xanax. So I had the plug and he liked Percocet.

and my plug had perks so he would pay for those and he didn't have very much money so i started paying for him and then before you know it he's addicted to the percocets and i'm not buying was it he was addicted to you was it that he got addicted to the percocets or was he already addicted and he just hid it from you he had already been taking them before right and like when i met him he was just drinking a lot and like taking kratom to like not do them but then he was like like

he found the plug like I found the plug for him and immediately it was like every single day need more more more and it just escalated and we moved to Las Vegas and like I

I was trying to cam and he just didn't trust any of that. And like, you know, camming, like you have to pretend like you're interested in it. Weren't you guys doing it together though? We tried and he hated it. He didn't like people looking at me like that. So how, what did he want you to do? Work in an office? He wouldn't even let me post nudes on OnlyFans. That's to where it got. I couldn't go to the grocery store alone. I couldn't drive my own car. I couldn't post nudes. I...

I couldn't get a job. So I was like, okay, what can I do? Like I can cam, but I can't shake my ass. I can't get naked. I can't, I can't even have like the little vibrating lotion where you can't even see it. I can't talk to anybody, nothing. And like he was gone one day. So I was like, fuck you. I'm going to make extra money. Like I'm going to like get naked. Like, cause people are going to pay you for that more. Like that's what people are on the cam sites to do. Right. And he found out and he got super pissed and we broke up for like two months and

He came back. I was working at a strip club in Vegas and like, Oh my God. Uh, deja vu. Oh, okay. Fucking whack. It was horrible. I don't know why you wouldn't have gone to like one of the better ones. Cause I wanted it to be low key. Like there was too many people in Vegas that like knew him and I didn't want him to know. Right. Like then we got back.

And I quit the strip club. And like we got evicted from our house because he wouldn't let me work. And he didn't make any money. I was going to say, what does he do for money? He scams people for shout outs. So by the way, I'm going to say this really loud for everybody. The tea is piping hot. If he hits you up for a shout out.

He's like, I'll post you up on my page. It's $100 or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He's not going to post you. Or it's going to take him weeks to post you and you wasted your money. Also, he has a clothing brand. Don't buy that shit because he's not going to send it to you. He made...

And he sold 50 pre-orders of t-shirts and he hasn't sent out one single t-shirt. And that was three months ago. Oh my gosh. So he's just a typical Vegas scammer. His, his main thing though, when we were together was he would go to target and fill up a cart of like toys and stuff and like, and he would resell it so he could like pay for his shit. Okay.

Okay, so... That's how he made money. So let me get this straight. He was putting demands on you guys' relationship, wouldn't let you make any money, but yet he wasn't bringing in any money and he's a professional scammer. And all he was doing was fucking people over and like giving us bad karma. And that's why I think that we didn't do well. How long were you guys together for? Two years. Wow. All that happened in two years. Two years. And then like...

He started doing fucking testosterone and he got like... And he was on trend. So he got really fucking like violent. Like he... You see this fucking scar on my lip? I don't know if anybody can like zoom in on this shit because I had to get five stitches because this motherfucker...

right hooked me like I'm a dude oh my god like I'm like I'm a man fighting on the street for nothing like I didn't even touch him first like usually like like if we would get physical like I would like headbutt him if he said some bullshit like I would push him like yeah he's six foot three but like I don't give a fuck is he six three yeah I always thought he was like five seven he looks so little he's six three and like really like buff but he's not strong because he does steroids you know like he lifts 30 pound weights like he's weak as fuck

And like all he does is like act scary. So I'm like, fuck you. Like I headbutt him, give him a bloody lip. I've smacked him like a bitch before. But like when he punched me, like I didn't initiate that one. So that one was like uncalled for. Here's the thing. And I am not condoning any sort of violence. I've been in severely abusive relationships myself, but I have also hauled off and socked dudes in their faces. You know, there's a difference between when a woman can push a man and a man pushing a woman. Exactly.

A man should, you know, contain you. He should never, ever, like, close fist, punch you in your face. Like, that's wrong. Like, I understand, like, holding you down. Yeah. Holding my arms down. Like, even, like, grabbing your face just to, like, calm you down. Yeah. Or, like, anything. But, like, he just lost his shit and punched me. And it was... What was it over?

We were staying in an Airbnb and he was like really convinced that I cheated on him. Like he's telling everybody I cheated on him. God, he sounds like my ex, like to a T. He's telling everybody I cheated on him and I never had the motherfucking chance.

Wish. I wish I cheated on him. He deserves to be cheated on. You're my spirit animal. I wish nothing but the worst on that motherfucker. I should have cheated on him. And if I ever got back together with him, I would do it solely to cheat on him. Like, fuck him. He's telling everybody I might as well make the scene anyways. So you guys, so, okay. So two years of all this bullshit and you finally decided to walk or he walked? We were literally homeless. We, okay. I'm not, I'm telling you.

Like, we made money. Like, I made money because I was working for an agency and they paid me to, like, post content or make them content and stuff. So, like, we were making pretty good money, especially with his little thieving ass shit. I can't even believe that. That's fucking some scroungy shit. And he spent every single fucking penny on perks. And then he got me addicted to them, too, because, like, I was like, okay, well, if it's around, I'm going to do something, too.

Like, obviously. It's easy. I always say it's easier to pull somebody down than it is to pull somebody up. Exactly. So it just went down and down and down and down and down. And we were like living in Airbnbs and hotels. And then we had to move in with his mom in fucking Utah. I was like, okay, this

this is too much like oh my god I can't be in Utah it's snowing here like I need the sun and then um I was already planning on leaving I was gonna go to my mom's house but then his mom kicked us out and we were in a hotel for a week so I was like okay you know what fuck

fuck this, fuck you. I'm gone. I went to my best friend's house and she lives in a Paris, California. So I like drove from Utah to Paris, like middle of the fucking night. How did, yeah. Did he know you were leaving? Yeah, he knew. Like we were supposed to be doing long distance. I was just like, I can't stay in a hotel with you anymore. Like I have a place I can go make money. I have people that will let me stay with them at the

very least where was your son during all this with me he went through all of that he went through all of that with me and I'm like fuck this like I can't even be selfish right now like yes I love you but no I can't do this like you are a fucking addict and you're never gonna be anything better right you know and so you drove to your friend's house I drove to my friend's house

house and stayed there and then he ended up getting arrested while I was there and he came out of jail. Where did he get arrested for? He parked at a gas station and fell asleep and he had a bottle of pills in his passenger seat and the cops like found him and they took him in and he was in there it was like 4 a.m. he's calling me at 4 a.m. I'm like I'm sleeping like why are you calling me at 4 a.m. and I'm it's not his number it's the county jail number so I'm obviously not gonna answer.

And I finally answer like 8 a.m. And he's like, you dumb fucking bitch. How could you not answer my calls? I've been in jail all fucking night going through withdrawals, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He sounds like a real peach. I was like, what do you expect me to do? Like, you want me to mail you methadone through the fucking phone? Like, what do you want me to do? I ain't going to bail you out. Like, you got yourself in this hole. You fucking climb out of it. Like, I was your ride or die for two years. I have your name tattooed on my face and you're going to fucking call me up and fucking attack me.

like that? Like, do not come at me like that. If you're asking for a favor ever, they always play the victim. He was like, fuck you. How could you? And I was like, all right, then fuck you. He gets out of jail. He calls me, his car got impounded. So I sent him about 450 bucks to like get his car out of the impound. Like I was like, okay, here you go. At least you can drive somewhere. And then he was like, oh, but you know, I need money for drugs. You know, I need money for a place to stay tonight. I don't have anywhere else to go. That's so gross. I was like, honestly,

fuck you like honestly fuck you like honestly I'm not gonna give you any more money I don't care if you think that that's a bad thing or not like I'm here for you like it's called drawing boundaries I care about your health and your fucking mental state and the way that you treat me like I do not give a fuck about your drug addiction like I that's not my problem so I wasn't gonna pay for that and he was like okay well if you're not gonna support me and you know that I'm hurting right now then fuck you

so we just broke up and just never talked again we just broke up like do you still love him

fuck no no i can't even hit that octave no like honestly if i were to see him in the street i would either end up in prison or act like i don't know him and i don't know which one yet it's hard but at least you got out of it you know like a lot of girls get out when it's really too late like whenever he like he could have fucked up your face he could have got you pregnant he did fuck up my face i got

I mean, that's what I mean. But like, he could have like really like disfigured you, you know, and like you could have gotten pregnant or, you know, at least if somebody, if you could tell anybody right now, um, that's in an abusive relationship and they don't think that they can get out of it. What would, what kind of advice would you give them? Honestly, just fucking leave. It doesn't matter where he's at. If he's sleeping, um,

It doesn't matter if you have to drug him, make him pass out while he's at work. You don't need anything. Okay, I have dipped out. I've left with like two boxes packed up my car and dipped out in the middle of the night. Like if he is not for you, leave him. I had somebody that moved in with me and I couldn't handle him anymore. So one day I sat down with him and I was like, hey, I can't do this anymore. He didn't have a job. He didn't have anything. When's your birthday? So that night he fucking died.

Put his shit in his car and drove all the way fuck back to Wisconsin with his mommy. When's your birthday? Yes.

You strike me as a Gemini, but I'm not sure. I'm a Libra. You're a Libra? Okay, you're an air sign. I definitely feel the air for sure. I'm an air sign too. I'm Aquarius. So you got out of that and now look at you. You're fucking thriving. Yeah, as soon. You're beautiful. And she's beautiful in person, by the way. I think you look so much prettier in person than online too. You're thriving. I am. You're happy. You're glowing. As soon as he was out of my life, like...

I feel so much better. And then it makes me even happier. Like my favorite TV show is like getting messages from my friends. Like, have you seen what he did? Like, have you seen? Okay. First of all, he moved, he already moved in with another girl. He already moved to Dallas. Like he's with somebody that basically is like the junkie remix of me. Well, he can't support himself. Okay. Go redo our relationship and fuck up another female. Like,

okay, I'm going to sleep better at night knowing it's not happening to me. But that poor girl. I'm sorry, girl, but don't say I didn't tell you so. And when it happens, I motherfucking do so. Ha!

So what's next for Luna? Now that you're on your own, you're thriving. What are you doing? You're doing OnlyFans now. What else? Are you modeling again? What's going on? What does 2021 have to look forward to? 2021 has a lot to look forward to. Yes. So I just got this cute little place in Hollywood.

Hollywood and I like set up a room just for a music studio. So I'm trying to make music, trying to learn how to like make the beats and stuff. Like I got it all set up and then me and my best friend are actually trying to start a podcast, but like, I'm not going to rip you off. Don't worry. Girl, I started this podcast two years ago and not everybody fucking has one. I've, it doesn't, if you need help, we'll help you whatever you need to. I'm trying to step away from OnlyFans.

Like I don't want to be known as the only fans girl. I just want to be like sexy and fun and cool and make dope ass music. And like, I want to be the bitch that you want to know. Yeah. Like not that everybody knows. Right. Like I even put it in my bio. I'm like the coolest bitch you'll never meet. Yeah. You'll never meet me. I mean, you guys,

Yeah. No, I get it. I get it. You want to be just... You kind of like an online personality. That's really what we all are in a sense. I show everything. I show everything. Like the one thing that I haven't really talked about is just my ex because...

Who cares? Like it's none of their business. You know, like I get all these questions, but like everything else I'm pretty real about. Like I tell people about like the addiction that I had and like the struggles and the fucking a few things here and there. Like people knew that I escorted and people knew that I did porn and all that. And you know, I have a kid.

I think it's awesome though, because stories like that actually reach people. That's why I started this podcast because I wanted girls like you, girl, girls like me, girls like all of us that are literally on the internet, fucking working our asses off to be able to come to the table and sit down and be like, look, there's a story behind this face. You know, we don't get chances to do that. People slam the door in our faces all the time because we're not square or we fucking are just like two, you know, we're too edgy and,

I was like, you know what? No, I'm going to, I'm exposing all of us for the good. I like, I like what you said. I heard you say one time, like if anybody's going to tell my story, it's going to be me. Absolutely. And I love that. I'm like, okay, people get everything all twisted. Like I have no beef with anybody. If you think you have beef with me,

That's a personal problem. That's one-sided. That's a you problem. Think about it in your, like, free time. Yeah. But, like, that's it. I just love being able to be like, okay, this is what I'm about. I didn't do this because I'm a fucking hungry ass dick muncher. Like, I actually have feelings. I'm so saying dick muncher from now on. Like, I have feelings.

and morals and a little bit of self-respect and like mild self-control. I think that's what people don't understand is that just because we're on sex work doesn't mean that we don't have morals or self-respect. We actually respect ourselves to be able to put ourselves out there and control the narrative. You know, so I'm going to do this anyway. I might as well make a

little bit of money off of it absolutely like okay girl you're sending 20 guys on tinder your nudes yeah you're not making a buck i just made two grand like absolutely what are you doing i always say the fucking square bitches are out here fucking for uber rides and dinner i'm like have yeah

Yeah. Why don't you tell people where they can find you online, all your socials and your OnlyFans and all that jazz? So my OnlyFans is Lunaskye, L-U-N-A-S-K-Y-E. Instagram is xLunaskye, spelled the same way. And then I also have Lunaskyesucks. And I just thought it was kind of a funny like play on words. Because like if you look up Lunaskyesucks on Google, like you find my porn. Yeah.

So I had to. Yeah, so I had to. And that's my Twitter name and my TikTok name. So...

Well, thank you for coming here. It was really cool sitting down with you. I want to have you on again. We'll have you come on as like a regular all the time. Yes. I love that. I'm so excited. I love spilling it out. I feel like this is like a therapy session. It's therapy, right? Finally. It's therapeutic for me too. Cause I like to hear other people's stories too. And I'm like, you know what? We're all just fucking in the same game. Just fucking fighting these devils together. Exactly. And now everybody knows who to avoid. Yes. We will make sure to make that a clip. Cause you said a lot of funny shit, dude. Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you for being here, mama. Thank you so much. I loved it. I had a great time. I love your face. Thank you guys so much for tuning in and I will see you guys next week. Bye.