cover of episode Flying High and Knocking Down Barriers with Air Force Amy

Flying High and Knocking Down Barriers with Air Force Amy

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Air Force Amy
一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Bunnie讲述了她儿时对Air Force Amy的崇拜,以及对合法妓院的兴趣。她还谈到了Air Force Amy的职业转变,以及疫情对性工作行业的影响。Bunnie表达了她对性工作者权利的关注,并认为性工作可以赋予女性权力。 Air Force Amy分享了她从空军到性工作者的职业转变经历,包括她在空军服役期间的经历,以及因酒驾而离开空军的故事。她详细描述了她在不同妓院工作的经历,包括在早期妓院中受到的严格管控和不公平待遇,以及后来在Bunny Ranch工作时获得的成功和经济独立。她还谈到了与Dennis Hoff的合作,以及如何通过Cat House节目改变了性工作行业的形象。Air Force Amy强调了性工作中的女性赋权,以及疫情期间性工作者转向线上平台(如OnlyFans)的转变。她还谈到了行业内女性之间的合作,以及她对未来职业规划的展望。 Air Force Amy详细讲述了她从空军到性工作行业的职业转变,以及她在不同妓院工作的经历。她描述了早期妓院的严格管理和不公平待遇,以及后来在Bunny Ranch工作时获得的成功和经济独立。她还分享了与Dennis Hoff的合作,以及Cat House节目对性工作行业的影响。Air Force Amy强调了性工作中的女性赋权,以及疫情期间性工作者转向线上平台(如OnlyFans)的转变。她还谈到了行业内女性之间的合作,以及她对未来职业规划的展望,包括写作回忆录。

Deep Dive

Air Force Amy discusses her transition from serving in the Air Force to becoming a prominent figure at the Bunny Ranch, including her experiences and the challenges she faced.

Shownotes Transcript


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What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I am in Vegas, and in Vegas we have...

uh, do we call them cat houses, brothels? Like what do we call them out here? Legal brothels. And I have, listen, when you guys were growing up, you guys wanted to be like fucking, uh, what are some like, you guys wanted to be like care bears and shit. When I, when I was growing up, I wanted to be like air force Amy. I was introduced to air force Amy whenever she did her pot. Uh, what was that? Your TV show? Um, cat house. Um,

I instantly fell in love with you. So Air Force Amy, thank you for being on the podcast. How are you? Thank you, buddy. You're already so close to my heart because you're a bunny. Oh, I love it, dude. So the first time I ever saw you was when Cat House came out, of course. And I was like, who is this little fucking ray of sunshine? And for people who don't know, what is a brothel out here in Vegas? Let's start there.

Well, Nevada had brothels way back in the Civil War. Right? Yeah. Legal. Prostitution is the oldest profession. Our service members, we take care of them. This is the battle-born state, okay? Yeah, for sure. And yeah, Lincoln needed us for our money, for our gold and our silver. And our platinum. So we're like, we're going to take care of

Yeah, for sure. We have brothels sprung up around the gold mining towns, of course. I mean, women are smart. Yeah, duh. You guys go to work and we're going to go. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so prostitution's been legal in Nevada for God knows how long. Well, it is in certain counties, okay? So the two largest counties, No Way Jose, Clark County, which houses Las Vegas, and San

Washoe County, which houses Reno. Right. Absolutely no bueno. Prostitution is not legal. Wow. I did not prostitution. Yeah, it's real bad. Down here on the strip. Oh, you're not. Oh my God. You get caught once. I've gotten, no, no, I did. You get banned from the casinos. You get caught twice. You get banned from the strip. You get caught three times and it's like, you got to blow the mayor. Yeah. Yeah, totally. And,

$20,000, then go work at a legal brothel for a couple years, and then you can come back. Exactly, exactly. That's exactly what happens. So prostitution is legal in most parts of Nevada. No, prostitution is only legal in Nevada.

Inside a licensed brothel. Right. Inside a county that allows people prostitution. Right, right, right. Okay, so in several counties, they do allow prostitution and it has to be, you have to be licensed inside a brothel. Anything else you're getting? These guys that are flicking their little, their car's on a strip and these things.

running up and down the strip. The services, yeah. It is so illegal. It is so dangerous. And you know what? Crime breeds crime. It's so dangerous for you guys, okay? Have you ever worked a service or you just only worked in the block? I did for like one or two days. I used to work for a service. It was crazy.

The hustle is nuts. No, they sent me like to one hotel room like over on Fremont Street and you have to get out of your car, get out of the car, park the car, do the valet, get to the garbage, get to the room. Collect the drop and then get your money on top of the drop. Everyone is Asian. I'm like, oh, fuck.

Fuck. Hold back, then go back down. Then they call you to another room. You go to like the other side of the strip. You go through the valet, through the lobby, through the, through the, through the, oh my God, the phone and then the elevator and then the room and you get there. There's nine guys and a table full of Coke. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me?

Are you serious? Nope. That's exactly how it is. Okay. I'm out of here. That was my experience. I've got stories for days. Um, let's rewind all the way back. How, how did you used to be in the military? I read somewhere that you were in the military. So that's how you came about with your name. Air Force Amy. Correct. How long were you in the military for military for five years? And see, that's how I got to Las Vegas. Um,

My last duty station was at Nellis in Las Vegas. Oh, wow. So I was stationed in the Philippines and I did an extra year for the convenience of the government. I had an honorable discharge, but an extra year so they just wouldn't drop me off in Las Vegas. Right. I mean, in Los Angeles. So, and they were going to send me and I was kind of in trouble. I kind of got, yeah, I did something at my last base. What'd you do? Tell us. What'd you do? I want to know. I paid for it.

They were going to send me to Montana, but I went to Bayside. What did you do? Well, I got a DUI. Oh, yeah. But wait, so I didn't want that. Of course, right? Yeah. Because he took a strike. Yeah. So I fixed it. Oh, you just blew the fucking sergeant or something? She's like, I can't say. It's going to come out in my book, okay? Oh, yay. It is in the memoir. Okay. It is a story in the book. Yay. Yeah, which we're writing right now. Awesome. So I was told to, you know, get your next, you're getting your straight back.

You get your back pay, but you're leaving. You're putting it on to your next duty station. You're out of here next week. Bye, Sal. We love you. Was it hard for you to be in the Air Force being as beautiful as you are? Like, you know, just pretty little blonde? No, I was just a tough guy, man. I was a hard ass. Yeah? I was a hard ass. Did they treat you differently? I was one of the guys. Oh, that's awesome. I'm like a guy's gal. You know, I'm one of the guys. I'm not that. No, I love that. No, I can look that.

But I'm not that. Don't you mistake me. Yeah, no, totally. So when you got discharged from or when you did what you did, the honorable discharge discharge, what happened from there? Well, I wanted to stay in the military and I want to be cross trained into something like called acquisitions where I could go shopping for the Air Force. Right. Yeah, I can do that. Yeah.

huh? Yeah. And they're like, no, you're too highly trained and we need you. And I was supposed to be able to get a career change and they wouldn't give it to me because I was too shit hot. Oh. And I just had too much, I was too valuable in this career field so they wanted me there and I was like, no, you have to cross train me or give me a realist my bonus. Right. No, we can't do that. And I'm like,

awful is that you can't do that watch me you know so you had it already made up in your mind that you wanted to be a working girl yeah well I had it made up in my mind back when I was 17 16 years old yeah when I was hitchhiking around the country and I ran across the Mustang Ranch in Reno and Highway 80 and I was like those girls were inside and they were beautiful and they were in

Back in the day, I mean, everybody in the business is beautiful in their own way. Get that. But back in the day, it used to be so taboo. And the girls that were in the industry were gorgeous. I mean, like you couldn't touch them unless you had five, 10 grand to even knock on their door. It was a showgirls. It was bugsy and showgirls. Yeah. And we were working for Joe Confetti.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, totally. Two fur coats to work there. Yeah. I always, always was drawn to... Ever since I was a little girl, I was always sexualized. I don't know if that happened with you too, but I was always sexualized as a little girl. So instead of letting it make me a victim, I turned it into making me powerful. And, you know, people always...

judge women like us because they're like, Oh, they're, you know, they're too sexual. Well, what's too sexual to you? We're, we're powerful. We took our power back and we are literally monetizing off of it. And you know, people don't understand that. Um, when you went to the brothels, I want to hear about your first day.

My first day, like I said, I came from the military and I was this little Billy badass. And I went to interview at the chicken ranch. And Russell Reed, he wanted me to take my clothes off to see if I had any...

or scars. Right. And I said, well, you can see that on my DD 214, buddy. I've got tattoos. I've got scars and no tattoos. You can read that right on my, and that's my discharge paper. Right. You can check that out on my DD 214. You don't need to see anything. Right. He just wanted to get you naked. Yeah. It was like the casting couch. Yeah. And so, I mean, a lot of things were just, I was like, you want what?

What? So your first day, how old were you? In the brothel, I think I was 23, 24. And these weren't Dennis's brothels, right? No, this was a chicken ranch right outside of Vegas here. Okay. Because I had gone to the Cherry Patch. In Pahrump? Yeah. I had gone to the Cherry Patch. I got a flat tire or something. And then people ask me, how did you get from the military to the brothels? And I'm like, it's only an hour.

I drove, bitch. Four wine coolers and I was it. Yeah. You don't even know. I was just a couple wine coolers. Yay. I love that. Okay, so your first day, were you nervous or were you like ready to just roll? I was like a Nazi prison camp. Are you kidding me? Are you serious? You know, you're these strip searchers. In a brothel? Yeah.

rules and rules and rules and fines and rules and fines. And it was just like, yeah, they mind controlled you, man. Wow. From the get go. So it's like pimping kind of. Yeah. The second you walk in, you're just, you're, you're mind controlled. Wow. That's crazy. Okay. So they made it. You don't steal money. Right. Well, they just don't get it. They couldn't figure it out. Right. Figure it out. Right. How to get the girls to love you and give you their money. Yeah. Well, Dennis was like, Dennis was like Hugh, Hugh Hefner without the title. You know, these places,

So you weren't making, so you were literally selling yourself and not making any money. But they wouldn't let you keep it? Oh, gotcha.

Okay, gotcha. They didn't want to steal on their clients and they didn't want to steal on tips and they didn't want to steal on money. Right. Because you have to remember back in the day, we were some pretty resourceful gals. Yeah, right. Well, I mean, that happens in any industry. They don't want you stealing the clients, you know. They just put the thumb down on you.

man. Wow. That's crazy. So how did you meet Dennis? And for everybody who's wondering who we're talking about, we're talking about Dennis Hoff. And if you Google him, you'll find out rest in peace. Dennis actually messaged me on Facebook and wanted me to come work for you guys. And I was just like, dude,

would but i just i always never had the balls to do it i was a working girl out here in vegas i worked for the services i had you know sugar daddy's galore so you know i was i just the two-week rule they have like a two-week rule no see that's that that was when i got to dennis's place see i had worked in these brothels out here outside of vegas and they are locked down penitentiary

Yeah, like take your phone away, like all that shit. Yeah. That's what I heard and I was like, I can't do that. And so when, and Dennis changed that with my help. Oh, that's so awesome. Yeah, because he was getting the porn stars to come in and they weren't going to sell for no two weeks lockdown. It was like, what?

Yeah, exactly. But our county didn't have the same rules that the counties out here have. Right. So our county wasn't locked down. So how did you meet Dennis? I met Dennis. I had heard that he had porn stars up here, up there making $5,000 an hour. And I'm like, what? $5,000 an hour, people. So whenever you guys talk shit about girls at the brothels, they're just laughing all the way to the bank. I was like, what? Okay. I want to be a porn star. What?

You're like, I'm coming. Here I come. I'm going to be a poster. Yeah. So I went up there. And it was, you can see, you can read it in the book. It was a struggle to get away from the pimp that ran the place, the cherry patch down south up to Dennis. And I was cowering in a hotel room.

scared I was going to die, scared this guy was going to kill me, he was going to come after me. God, he was that brutal? And scared that, and waiting for a charge to get dismissed or changed from an attorney so they can, because each county has different rules. You've got to be like, white as snow to work in a brothel. You have to pass all these tests and not have any kind of criminal past. And I had like a,

possession charge or something. I was like, I'm going to get that going away. So it was a couple weeks before I could get up there. But ABM was happening at the same time. We love ABM. That's the adult video music, or adult porn awards that come out here to Vegas every year. So I'm hanging out in a hotel room waiting to get cleared to go to work up there, and Dennis and Ron Jeremy are down here, and he's like, he's got my phone number. I don't even know how he got my phone number, because I was...

talking to Suzette right but he's like hey honey I'm here and I'm like oh shit my new boss I got to go yeah did Dennis and Suzette were Dennis and Suzette ever together they have like the chemistry of just like they were just ultimate business partners though they were they were partners I know like every time I watched the show I was like they have to be boning like something's going on no not at all Suzette seems like a really sweet woman no she um is she still around

Yeah. Oh, okay, good. Yeah, yeah. He left the enterprises to her. Oh. Yeah. I mean, she ran them. Yeah. He ran them and she put the fist down. Yeah. She put the foot down. Yeah. She was the businesswoman. He made the commands. And she kept, I mean, like, these girls were talking like 50...

High strung, crazy girl. Dude, I couldn't imagine working with bitches in a brothel. Running a chariot race with 400 horses going in different directions at the same time. Yeah. She kept us, you know. So she was like his right hand. Yeah, she was right hand. 30 years. Oh my gosh. Okay, so Dennis texted you while he was with Ron Jeremy. So he texted me while he was with Ron Jeremy down here at AVN. I'm like, I gotta go see my new mom.

So, you know, and you're just going to have to read this in the book. Yeah. It's coming out. Okay. It's coming out. There's a long story to it. It's a good story. That's awesome. So when I finally did get up to the Bunny Ranch, my first day on the floor, and I've got my boots that I wore, my go-go boots, in a shadow box. So do you, is it like a strip club? Do you work at like a strip club? How does that work? You go into this little house, and they're not really magnificent. They're...

I've been to the Red Rooster out here. Trust me, I get it. Dude, I've seen some shit at the Red Rooster. The Red Rooster is a swingers club out here. And like, instead of my girlfriends and I ever going out to like the clubs, we always wanted to go to the swingers clubs because guys would leave you alone. Like if they came up to you and they're like, Hey, you want to fuck? And you're like, no, they're like, okay, bye. And then they leave you alone. Whereas out here in the regular clubs, dudes would keep bothering you. We ate the buffet there one night and I swear to God, we got drugged.

We woke up the next day with Del Tago rappers all around us with lights on at our parents' houses. It was crazy, dude. Can you go back for a second? Oh, of course. The place is addicting. I saw some bitch getting banged by like 11 dudes on the pyramid mattresses. She had a dick in every hole. I didn't even understand how she had that many holes to put dicks in. I was just sitting there like, holy fuck. I've seen so much shit at that place. What a fabulous learning experience. Oh, dude, I was always a hands-on type of person, you know? On the job training.

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So yeah, that's where I grew up. Now you guys know why I'm such a fucking weirdo. Um, okay. So your first day on the floor, you're wearing your go-go boots and, and, um,

I know this is where I got my name. Okay. Yeah. I noticed that a bunch of the, I used to work at the Mustang ranch and then I went down South and worked at the cherry patch. And when I went up North to the bunny ranch, the Mustang had got shut down. And I noticed that the customers coming in were the same ones that were going to the Mustang. I'm like, Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm like,

Yeah. Yeah.

So that's how you got your name. I love that. But you were really in the Air Force though, right? So that even, that's, that's even better. Yeah. So, so my first day on the floor, so I just knocked it out of the park, man. Cause I was used to working in these lockdown, you know, Nazi brothels. Right. That made you work in Dennis's place was a kind of laid back. Yeah. And I'm taking these smaller parties and I'm being mean to the customers. And she's, that's like, why are you being mean to the customers? Cause he only had $200. She's like, well,

well, don't do it. You're not allowed to do $200 parties or less anymore. I'm like, cool.

And I started just nailing them to the wall, man. Yeah, just banging them out. Literally. $3,000, $30,000, $5,000, $10,000. And dad just called me like a monster because I wasn't afraid to ask for the money. No, you can be. I got taught not to be afraid to ask for the money. The first time you do a $1,000 party, you're like... Shoot high because you can always go lower or higher. And I never understood that until I started doing bigger parties. Once you do a $1,000 party, you're like, oh, wow, I should have charged $2,000. Yeah, yeah. Then you do a $5,000 party.

wow i should have charged ten dollars yeah what are what is like one of the craziest parties that you've had to do crazy i mean we would mix it up like we would do like this this thing i called peer meeting i had a crew you know the girls that i worked with this one would drink and this one would do this one would do that and this one would do that and i'm gonna ring master and i

And I would do everything. And I gave him everything. I gave the guy everything. No, I've seen you in action. Six girls got called up to one place every week. And one girl got called back every week. It was me. Yeah. I didn't get paid the most money because I wasn't a porn star. Right. But I did all the work. I mean, damn sure I worked every time. I worked my ass off.

off yeah you're in my party you're gonna work your ass off yeah but you can take some time off too okay right orchestrate good parties right you know like two girls is better than one three is the key so two girls is always in that room and one girl can go fuck off have you ever had people be violent with you any customers in the brothel no not

Yeah. No, it's so strange. It is a phenomenon that does not happen. It makes more sense in a brothel that they wouldn't be because they feel like they're being watched. The rooms have cameras in them too, don't they? Yeah. Could you imagine like 40 women with high heels running after you? Motherfucker. I mean, that's what happens when someone gets stupid. It's like, yeah, we all got, we all got, you know, we don't need a security guard. We got all of us.

So how did you guys get Cat House? How did that start? Actually, a guy down here, Joe, he pitched the idea to HBO and they liked it. Yeah. And it came out and was going to be just a documentary. Right. And they thought they would have to take like a year to film it. First time ever, girls reveal their prices online.

Right. Right. Because we never really told them prices. Right. Ever. You know, we were kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. If we said our prices were high, people wouldn't come see us. If we said our prices were low, then we, you know, it's just a little ego thing. So we told them our prices were really low and they come see us and, you know, curiosity killed the cat. Oh, for sure. So that's the first time ever prices revealed, really, first time ever cameras inside a brothel because it was like

that. Right. These places, they had things to hide. Yeah. And they didn't want cameras in there. Right. So Dennis was like, oh yeah, hey, come on in. Oh yeah.

But it was a good move though, right? It was a good move. Because it literally blew that industry up. It made me like double, you know, take like, hmm, should I fucking mosey on down the old ranch? We put that Bunny Ranch on the map with shock. You're the shock radio queen. And we put the Bunny Ranch on the map with shock radio, with shock TV. So,

Yeah. No, like Howard Stern even paid attention to you guys. I did the shocking things. I was the one, Amy will do it. Yeah. Amy will do it. Amy will do it. He had me so programmed. I'm going to do anything. Yeah. Amy will do it. Yeah. No, it was, but you know what? People always look at it like in a negative aspect and they don't realize that sex work is really empowering. Yeah. You know, like you literally are just,

You're your own boss. You make a shitload of fucking money. We pay a shitload of taxes. Everything's legit. Like if you really treat it like a business, this, you can do it pretty much your entire life, you know? Well, I'm sure I'm knocking down that barrier. All right. Yeah, no, totally. But you're a boss. You're a boss house bitch.

so many barriers in this but look how far you've come and like you literally you cannot live in vegas and not know who air force amy is there's no it's crazy like you've literally made a name for yourself i was telling them whenever you guys heard before you came here i was like dude i've always wanted to meet her like i don't fangirl over people but i totally have like just grown up and just loved you like even your personality you're so sweet and just everything about you your demeanor but you're also like i'm

But you're also a boss, you know? So how has the pandemic affected you working in the brothels? Well, yeah. Sis-Lax shut us down. It was so strange. It's like he specifically, specifically said brothels. Right. But leave the casinos open. Makes so fucking, so much sense. All the industries in Nevada.

You guys get tested, what, once a week? Dude, we can't have a license. To be licensed, you can't have any felonies. You can't have any charges with prostitution, theft, weapons, anything.

Anything. You just have to be white as snow to get this license. And you're tested once a week for five different STDs plus chlamydia. Once a month, they draw blood for syphilis and AIDS. And the requirements are even stricter in different counties. That's my county, which is like the easiest. You can't have these convictions for five years. These other counties are much more strict. And the other counties don't let the girls out but four hours a week. I fought that. I fought that. That was on the ballot.

um, last year and I started writing some letters and it lost. Yay. Good. No, that's crazy. I'm like, you know what? Um,

death row prisoners get more time outside than these girls do. Yeah. Are you kidding me? And they're, they're literally bringing joy to people's lives. They're not doing anything wrong. And with the internet, the gentlemen are coming from all over the country. Okay. So I don't understand why they want to endorse. It's a novelty. And Tropicana and all these massage parlors and all the illegal prostitution and the card flippers.

I don't know why they want to endorse that. And that was not called out on the pandemic at all. I was like, is that going on still? Right. You know, it's takeout. Yeah. It's delivery. Yeah. No, the services are still running. I have girlfriends too. They did not shut down. I have girlfriends who are running with them. How can you believe that?

Yeah. I mean, I'm happy for the girls. Yeah. We always want the girls to make money, but at the same time, it's fucked up. You know, just to, to, to, to point a finger at us and to give us and to, to shut down an entire industry. One guy, one stroke of a pen. That is not America, dude. Yeah. Not at all. That's not America. No, not at all.

um so what did you do did you have to move your platform to online um most the girls did they i saw them really quickly jump all of us all of us hookers went online i saw everyone really jump on the only fans real quick yeah um probably some escort services and stuff i just took a damn break you needed one baby you deserve one shit yeah no i just for 30 years straight

What? What? Whoa. And I'll watch some TV. Oh, but that's necessary. That's self-care. You know, oh my gosh, for the first time in my life, I had more than two months off, three months, four months, five months. I started going, uh-oh. You're like, wait a second. Uh-oh. I need to get back to work. What's his oldie fam?

Yeah. So you got on OnlyFans. What is your OnlyFans? Not until like three days ago. No, but that's perfect. What is your OnlyFans? Air Force Amy. Air Force Amy. So it's backslash Air Force Amy. You guys got to go check her out. She's amazing. I mean, so I was like, well, yeah, I guess I could do virtual. I mean, I honestly, by all rights, I can retire. Yeah, I'm sure. Well,

But it's hard. It's hard for, but you know what? Um, to just not do anything. My job was empowering people and giving people, um,

No, you're fine. Just giving people joy. Self-esteem. Yes. Yeah. People don't realize you're kind of like a therapist, you know, when you're a working girl. Guys come in, just their hearts are ripped up. They've got no self-esteem and they just feel awful. And that makes them feel good about themselves. Yes. They walk out feeling like a rock star. You're a healer. Oh, no, I'm sure. Yeah, they're just like, yeah, they get up and skipping their steps.

They got a girl talking to them and they write me back and say, Amy, I went out on a date. I got that job. I got out of that shit job. And, you know, I just empower people, make people feel good about themselves. Sex is just an itty bitty part of it. Totally. Just the itty bitty part of it. Absolutely. It's so big in men's minds that they have to have a heart to it, girl.

or they have to have this or they have to be this. Yeah. Well, it's the ego thing. You know, and it's just socialization. It's just retarded. So, I mean, we just get in there, we get naked, we get down, we get real. Yeah. And, you know, we just, and I tell them that, you know, you are good. You're enough. You're like, it's therapeutic, literally. You're like a sex therapist. Yeah. So I just give them self-esteem and I miss that. And, you know, because I've been there. Yeah. I've been there. I have no self-esteem. I feel like a piece of shit.

And I want people to feel good about them. So there's just no sense in walking around this world being like that. There is no point in it. And I've always felt like the porn star is better than me or this woman is better than me. It's just a dichotomy between, oh, I have to get my pictures in this ad. And I look at the pictures from 10 years ago. I was hideous. No one really knew me.

putting me in it. Oh, stop it. You know, that's how the industry used to be. It used to be like the porn stars were the top girls. And now, especially with only fans, everybody is on the same level period. That's it. Like you're, we're all on the same platform. We're all doing the same thing. Like there's no competition. That's why a lot of us girls work together now. Like, you know, we collab and we do collabs together because it's

everybody's just kind of coming together. And I mean, you still have your fucking asshole chicks who don't want to collab and, you know, who think they're better than everybody. But for the most part, it's just such an, a women empowerment, just a movement because we literally came in. Only fans was made for musicians to connect with their, their fans. And the sex workers were like,

Nope, we're coming on in, baby. So we came in and we took over that platform. But I think it's been really cool to see how it's brought women together. And all ages. I mean, there's women on there that are MILFs that literally...

don't look like us fucking killing it i'm a gilf are you kidding me you're hot as fuck but listen they they're crushing it though and it's like they don't look like the stereotypical fantasy and that it's and they're making a hundred grand a month and you're i'm just over here like hey look at me you know here's the thing with the internet you know um i was killing it

When we first... Like, I had a website before the Bunny Ranch had a website. And I was on a message board. And that's how I kind of killed it. Right. I was on my message board and MySpace and stuff like that. Oh, yeah, yeah. Good old MySpace. I mean, when Cat House came out, we were the number one watched documentary ever on HBO. Because you guys showed everything, too. Also, we aired the time slot. The time slot was...

the last episode of The Sopranos. Yes. Okay, so, and then our show came on and bam! Oh, yeah. Right out the gate. Oh, yeah. You just... You had people going from feeling like mobsters to jacking off. Well, it's the viewership. Yeah. For the last episode of The Sopranos. Oh, yeah. Okay. Perfect. It was just like...

Perfect timing. So you're writing a book now. What is this book going to consist of? And let's talk about that for a second. You know, this starts with my childhood. And there's like five parts to my life so far. There's the childhood. Then there's the hitchhiking around the country until I was old enough to join the military. Then there's military. Then there's the brothels. The first 10 years of lockdown. And then the next 20 years with Dennis. Yeah. And then everything.

and what's coming up now. Yeah. So there's like so many parts. That's going to be awesome. And I just hope that it's really inspiring. I hope that it's revealing. Yeah. In a lot of ways. I'll buy it. And then, and I hope that it's inspiring that you can see that, you know what? Nothing was handed to me, baby. Yeah. No, you worked hard for it. And I had a lot of crutches that I overcame a lot of obstacles. Okay. I don't feel like, you know, I don't feel like,

I just want to say that everybody can do whatever you want. I mean, just do it. And don't feel bad about yourself. Don't get down on yourself. Don't ever get down on yourself, man. That's the worst thing. You know, I just see guys that their hearts are crushed, their egos are crushed. And I just, I got to say, you know what? You're enough and you're good and all these things. And, you know,

Do whatever you want. That's why I've always been drawn to you because you just are just a little ray of light. You always have the biggest smile. You know, I'm for the underdog. Me too. I am for the underdog. That's my whole fucking shtick with my podcast. Yeah, I am for the underdog. I think women like us, when we've been in this industry for so long too, you have to be for the underdog because we see the underdogs and we see the top dogs. Top dogs are normally pieces of shit. We see the top dogs eating up the underdogs. It's like, you know what? Fuck you.

top dog. I got a bunch of underdogs here with me. We're coming. We're going to walk right past you. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Get the fuck out of my way. Exactly. Leave my girls alone. Well, Amy, I want you to come back on the podcast. I would love to have you back. Will you tell people where they can find you, your website, your Instagram, all that stuff? Yeah. It's, which I do myself. Like I have a webmaster, but I've been designing. I put so

Yeah, no, I believe it. But you know, for the first time, I'm not selling sex at this moment. Yeah. So I've had to totally re-imagine myself and redesign myself. I'm not selling sex. But they can get a one-on-one experience with you on your OnlyFans. Yeah.

um i don't even know well yeah we can talk as to why i figured it all out you gotta show me but i will i'll teach you show me all this stuff because you know i just got on like three days ago yeah and i do want to provide a virtual experience any question you have i'll help you with it yeah no problem yeah so that's and i'm doing that my i do that myself and twitter is airforceamy and i can throw up some triple x on twitter i like that and um

My Instagram is TheAirForceAmy, and I'm just starting to feel my way around that as well. I'm starting to answer people and stuff. You guys go follow Amy on all of her socials. And then OnlyFans, yeah, I want to just, you know, I need followers for the book because when I put the book out, I have a book proposal, and to shop it around, I'm going to need a lot of followers. That's what I didn't think about.

No, we got you. I'll shout you out whenever you drop your book. Just tag me in something and I'll repost it for you. Publisher takes the book and, um,

And then I can just create stuff for choice. I love my fans. Oh, and they love you. They love you. You have a really, you have like a cult following and I'm one of them. Cause you know what? I can't do the sensual thing or the young and pretty thing, but I can do the air force. Amy, you're beautiful. Listen, age is just a number. I'm going to be 41 in two weeks.

Yeah. I'm going to be 41 in two weeks. Age is just a number, dude. It really is. Like that's true. I'm giving these 20 year olds a run for their money. I always have. Yep. You know, I always have. I've had more stamina, more state. I'm running circles around any teenager, any 20, any man. Like,

And the wisdom, the wisdom we have is just insane. Put me to the test, honey bunny. Yeah. Come on. I got you. Thank you so much for being here, baby. Thank you. I'm so flattered that you had me. Dude, I'm just so happy that you're here. And you're beautiful. You're a beautiful soul. We don't stop. We're going to make love. Yeah. Let's do it. I'm so glad you're talking. There's a swimming pool out there.

Listen, girl, don't threaten me with a good time. I'll be in there butthole naked. Let's go. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye. Thanks, bye.