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What's up you sexy motherfuckers welcome to another episode of dumb blonde today we have some of tick tocks most eligible bachelors and I'm really excited that you guys are here Caden McGuire and Jaden armor what's up babies what's going on are you dude I'm stoked that you guys are here I'm stoked too this is awesome I love seeing you guys online because literally you guys have all the girls swooning like how does that feel to have like
Such a huge fan base. You've got what 1.9. You've got 2.7 2.7 million, which I'm sure all fucking women mostly Yeah, no, I believe it How much pussy is getting pitched you guys's way just being tick-tock stars? Like here we go But there was a lot but I mean it has its benefits but we trying to like focus on that part because there's so much content that we try to do but I
I mean, it's there. I'm pretty good at keeping my dick in my pants. Are you? I'm pretty good at it. Caden's face just now when I said that. He's so nervous because we had a conversation before this and I was like, you know, a couple girls came on the podcast and they spilled some tea and he's been fucking shitting bricks ever since. Yeah, there's been a few little slip ups, but I'm pretty good at it.
I mean, there's always going to be like, there's going to be a time that you're like, all right, fuck it. Let's like, yeah, I mean, let's get pussy. But I mean, we're young dudes. Of course, dude, you guys got to live it up. Well, let's take it. Let's start from the beginning. So, Caden, where are you from, baby? I'm from a very small town in Ohio. Oh, very small.
I have. Yeah, I love that. And what about you, Jaden? I'm actually from Ohio too, but I live like an hour away from him. Like I live in a lot of Ohio. Did you guys grow up together? No. Oh, okay. We just met. I actually met him like what, a month ago? No, we met coming to Nashville.
I mean, I knew you online. Yeah. So we met in person just when I got here about five, six days ago. Oh, wow. All right. Cool. But we've known each other from online probably for about a month. Awesome. Isn't that crazy how online can bring you close with people like that? It's just insane. So you grew up in Ohio. I see you on TikToks with your mom all the time. Do you guys have a really good relationship? Yeah, we do now. About three years ago, I was kind of a little...
Little wild party animal. You. I was bad. Yeah. I was real bad.
Let's talk about it. How bad was bad? Well, I was kind of like a... I don't know. I was the opposite of a puss. I was like a seven-day-a-week blacked-out drunk party animal. Drugs or just alcohol? No, I never got into drugs because I was working. Yeah. Are you a carpenter? I was, yes. I saw that. I saw a picture. Yeah. I took my job very serious. I worked a lot, and I also drank a lot to make up for the pain.
Aw, what pain were you trying to make up for? Just working. Oh, is that what? Yeah. Cause having a hard work. Yeah, hating my life every day. So bottoms up. Nobody wants to work though. Yeah, I was out there, bro. Yeah.
Oh, I hate that for you. So rewinding back to your mom. So you guys just got close or you guys have been close your whole life? We've been close my whole life, but these last like three years, we've really got a lot closer together. Is she really 60 years old? Okay.
Because when you fucking made that TikTok the other day, I was like, God, she looks fucking great. Like, I want to know her secret. Yeah. No, that's fucking hilarious. Okay, good. I'm glad we cleared that up. She gets so mad at me for saying that. Oh, I bet. I could tell. I didn't know if she was mad that you were saying it or mad that you were, like, outing her. So I was like, I got to ask him if she's really 60. Yeah. I'll post a video and I always know when she sees it because I'll hear from, like, somewhere whenever I'm around here. Kate and Michael. I'm like, she saw it. Yeah.
Does she have a TikTok too? Yeah, she's got like almost 30,000 followers just from me tagging her and stuff. And people, they just love her. Dude, TikTok is a fucking beast. It's insane, honestly. It sure can do. Yeah, we'll get to that though. So Jaden, you grew up in Ohio. Tell me a little bit about your childhood. I live in a small town. Alliance is not shit. There's nothing there. You have to drive like an hour to do anything.
That one sucks. Well, what was it? Alliance? Alliance, Ohio, yeah. I've never even heard of that. I mean, that's where I grew up, so I have a lot of hometown friends, and I love them. But the things to do there, it's not a place to blow up. Right. I guess I got lucky. I was fortunate enough to find TikTok and do the stuff I'm doing now. But, I mean, I grew up, I was in sports, like football, basketball, baseball, boxing, just anything, really. Like the all-American kid? Yeah. And actually, I wanted to do...
like full time and all this stuff and then I actually got injured. I used to get injured a lot. I actually broke my, I broke my neck and like three vertebrae back here. Which ones? I broke my C1. I broke C6, C7, and C8. Oh my gosh. You're lucky you're walking. I was actually at prom my junior year of high school and I fucking was trying to show off and I didn't know the pool was only three fucking feet. Oh,
So I jumped and I dove and I've had my hands to the side like this. I bet everyone who sees is going to laugh their ass off. But I dove in straight down, like straight down. And I fucking hit my head on the bottom and like gave me like a concussion, snapped my neck. You're lucky you didn't die. Dude, you're lucky you didn't die. It knocked me out for a second under water. My buddy came over, he grabbed me up. He's like, don't be a pussy. I'm like, dude, I just fucked myself up. Like I didn't know at first because my head hurt so bad. I was like, I didn't know my neck like was broke or anything. I was like, dude, I couldn't even see. I went to the bathroom, I was like throwing up.
like maybe nauseous and shit. And yeah, I went and got x-rays and like, I actually have a picture of my phone still with x-rays and it was like snapped. Oh my God. So it was fucked. Yeah, you're about lucky. Yeah, for sure. You're still a fucking post. So let's talk about you guys' faith. I've noticed that you, Caden, are you also a man of God? I am. I don't preach it really like he does, but obviously I still believe in God and like all that stuff, but I don't like put it out like
like he does right so did you grow up in faith or yeah so that's actually a big part of my story and that's why me and my mom got a lot closer the last three years i would love to hear it so i was actually like a big party i grew up in church and stuff and was always going but i just kind of went because i wanted people to like to know i was like a good guy i guess
And then I started to party hard. That dog. I started to party hard, and it got me in some trouble to where I was looking at prison time. Wow, what happened? I got in a wreck driving drunk, and I was looking at two to seven years in jail. Did somebody get hurt? Yeah, so I hit somebody head on, and I got out of my truck freaking out. I just looked at myself, and I'm like, who the fuck am I? I was like, I've never wanted to be this guy. So I kind of just...
started digging into something that I wanted to become better and found it and I just couldn't deny it and kept running with it and kept digging deeper and me and my mom became best friends through it and yeah so I totally one-heartedly wholeheartedly believe in Jesus and I was raised in faith too and in the church um when you're going through some of your darkest times I feel like just
The only person who can get you through that is God like in Jesus because there's times that I've been through some really dark shit and I'll start praying and I'll start singing like church hymns and I swear it just like instantly makes you feel better. Like there's just something about that unconditional love. And if you don't have that relationship, you don't really understand it. Not to get all preachy on the podcast, but everybody knows I, I totally believe in that stuff too. What about you, Jaden? How's your walk with God? I mean,
I've done my fair share of praying, I would say, especially when I fucking broke my neck. I was like, oh my God, I thought I was going to be paralyzed and shit. Yeah. And I remember actually I was sitting on the couch. My mom had walked in. I went and got an x-ray in my hometown hospital or whatever. And they were like, oh, you just tore tendons. Like, you're good. I was like, okay. So I was like laying on the couch, like bent over like this, watching YouTube, like not even caring. I'm like, oh, it's not broken, so I'll be fine. And she came back in.
'cause we got a call from a hospital. They sent my x-rays to another hospital three hours away. And they called and they were like, "His shit's broken." And they sent the pictures. And she was freaking out and I was like, "Oh my God." So I didn't move. I was in neck brace for about eight months. So I was scared, I'm like, "Oh my God, what if I get paralyzed?"
the way my bone broke if the bone grew like outwards like towards like my skin i'd be good but if it grew in it's gonna hit my spinal cord eventually gonna paralyze me so i was like oh so i was freaking the out and i was like dude like praying every night i was it scared the out of me i think that's why i got closer with god i'm not like probably not like him i believe in god i do all that stuff but i mean
I think I probably saved my fucking life, dude. Yeah. That shit was sketchy. No, for sure. Caden, I saw something about a mission trip. Did you ever go on that missions trip? Yes, I did. I went to Africa and I saw stuff over there with my own eyes that I never thought in a million years was one possible, two that I would ever see. Life-changing, right? Yeah. That's awesome. And so you just like toured Africa or like what was... Yeah, we went over and it was like a big...
like it's like a big street mission stuff and it's kind of like a really humbling experience because you go over there and you don't see any of it here and there's like kids on the street that are homeless that they said like 13 up to 7 to 13 kids get killed a week because they're homeless and they just live like in the median of a street like the highway and they'll just get hit or ran over by a car and oh my god people just keep trucking yeah they'll just leave them lay there because it's so like
everyday thing there. Oh my God. Yeah. That's gotta be heart wrenching. Yeah. It's gotta feel so good to like get out there and like be able to help people. Yeah. I cried like a baby in Africa. It made me kind of realize like,
While I feel like a piece of shit for all the times I used to tell my parents that they weren't good because they didn't get me the toy I wanted. Aww. So I'm like, yeah, it was a real humbling experience for me. Good for the soul. Yeah. You recently posted a TikTok about your ex that passed. Can we talk about that? Yeah, but I might cry a little bit. It's okay. I'll hug you. I got big old boobies that'll console you. Okay.
It's okay to be emotional, Caden. So that's a big part of my story. Yeah, I would love to hear it and clear the air because I did see a bunch of articles and nobody really knew what was going on. So I figured if people could hear it from your mouth, it would be... Yeah, I was kind of upset about that. I posted that video and it was all kinds of these press releases about it. It's disgusting. It's like, this isn't even the story. You're making it look like... It's frustrating, yeah. Yeah, so I met her in sixth grade and we were at a...
like big pool party, I guess. It was like a big private pool. And she came over, pushed me in. I looked up and I'm like, damn, that girl's cute. A little sixth grade me. I'm like, I'm going to marry that girl. So we talk a little bit. We go into eighth grade and I transferred schools to the rival school in eighth grade. I walk in the first day and, uh, we, we were talking all summer and stuff. I walk in and see her. I'm like, this is a girl. This is the girl. And then she texts me. She's like, Hey, I have a boyfriend. I'm like, fuck.
I'm like, what am I going to do about this? Mr. Steal Your Girl. And I had a football game that day, and I was the quarterback, so I'm like down in the dumps. First day of the brand new school, got a football game. I'm like, damn, I'm going to suck it up. And then she texted me right before the game. She said, hey, I broke up with him. I just had a date, and we dated every year for eight years. I'm like, what? You're in sixth grade. So we started dating. We were together all of eighth grade, going into high school. We were on and off for like two years, started dating again senior year, and it was like
everything was perfect like we were like a goals relationship going fishing all the time like going to watch the stars we were homecoming court for football games uh it was it was a really like life-changing relationship for me and then we were on and off for the next like seven years after that when you say off and on like why were you guys off and on just growing pains well that was kind of my like where I wanted to party and get wild stage right so I would like
I found, like, peace in her and comfort in her. So, I, like, I loved her, but I wasn't ready to settle down because I was still, like... Because we're babies. Yeah, I was a boy. And she was, like, she was ready for me to put a ring on her finger and, like, completely marry her. And I was not ready for that. And I would run back to her, run away, run back to her, run away. And then we just continued to do that. And I did, like, I broke her heart bad. And it, like, tears me up to, like, this day because of that. But she was a girl that definitely, like...
no it's okay this just means that this is pain that you still need to work through do you ever go to like therapy no i'm good but just like talking about her life man yeah so she ended up actually getting a boyfriend and he treated her good and i like i loved i was all there for like i was supporting it like i was like i want to see her happy because she deserves to be happy she needs someone to treat her this way because i couldn't
And that was kind of when I started finding my faith and stuff really grown. And she was still like pushing me like to be a better person to all this, like sending me stuff all the time. And like I got in that wreck and she was the very first person to like be there. She's like, Caden, like this isn't the you that I know. And that like really grabbed me. I'm like, why would you be there for me? I'm the biggest piece of shit in town right now. So I started through that. And about eight months later, I was fishing a giant tournament, like the biggest tournament I've ever probably fished in my life.
And I get a phone call from my mom. And I'm sitting there fishing. I'm like, Mom, why are you calling me? You know I'm fishing. Like, I'm trying to make some money here. So I ignore it. And I got this weird feeling. Like, something's messed up here. And then she texts me and said, call me ASAP. And I immediately knew. I'm like, something's wrong with Steph. So I call her. And my mom says, Gaden, we need to talk. And I was like, just tell me. And she said, Stephanie's on life support. She's about to take her last breath. And I just, yeah. I'm so sorry. Yeah, but. So through that, I was kind of like.
pissed off at God for it because I was like why would you take someone like that away from like everyone that needed her and in reality she like she did she changed my life she showed me like she's the reason why I'm a better person now that's why she was here and that's why she was put in your life was to help you some people come here it's okay give him a kiss that's it let me give you a kiss on the cheek I'll give you a kiss on the cheek yeah yeah
Look, that's going to fucking get out on GDK. We just wanted to make you smile. I'm so sorry about that. I refuse to let her story die because she's going to impact thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people the rest of my life. I'm going to carry her story with me. One day, I hope.
That's a, that's okay with it. That's what, that's one way you can keep her memory alive though. And also it's going to be healing for you to be able to tell that story. And one of these days you're going to be able to tell that story and get through it without tearing up and you'll be able to smile about it. And like, really, I can tell you carry a lot of guilt from that and you shouldn't, you were a kid and, um,
she knows that, you know, like she's always around you now. I don't know if you believe in that, but energy never dies. So she's always with you in every step that you make every, every decision that you have in life. She's right there with you. Just rooting you on still being your, yeah, I find peace in it because I know like I'm going to see her again and I know she's not in any kind of pain. So yeah, I, I find peace and it's like happy tears kind of, but it's also like,
Damn, I miss her. No, I bet. And it's hard when you find that once-in-a-lifetime love to ever replace that. Hey, Daddy. I brought a kiss. Come say hi. Where's the big man at? Where's the big man? There he is. What's up, fella?
What's up, boys? How you doing? What's going on? Y'all just showed up with Taco Bell. Oh, I was so hungry. I was so hungry. That's so goals. That's so goals. That's what I want. That's what I want. Tasha, come here. Is he off camera if he sits right here? How are you, bro? Chilling, man. Of course. You're not on camera. You can play the game with us in a little bit. I think it would be hilarious to hear your...
To hear your take on it. Come on. Come on. You're already disturbed enough. Let him come over here. Chachi, come here. Two seconds.
Not like we're not in the middle of a podcast, daddy. That dog is a pimp. No, he's awesome. We call him Chachi Two Chains because he normally has two chains on, but I couldn't find his other one. You know what's funny? That dog, I walked in, I saw that chain on his neck. I have a little ass chihuahua my mom just bought at home. Like, it's the size of my foot. Yeah. And we got this big ass fucking gold chain put on his neck. Aww. Yeah, no, Chachi loves his chains.
Okay, so moving on from the sad story, but actually quite inspiring. How did you guys start getting into TikTok? When did you guys get on the app? When did things start happening for you? So for me, I was actually... So my sister growing up had moved away. And she actually moved to Alabama when I was still living in Ohio full time. And she came back to visit and she was at the house or whatever. And we weren't seeing each other as much, but me and her were very close growing up.
And we're sitting there and she's like, yo, you should get on TikTok. I'm like, what the fuck's TikTok? I had no idea. I was barely on social media. I didn't do anything. I was just doing sports full time. I was like, what the fuck? You make videos and shit? And she was like, yeah. I was like, okay. So I went on. She's like, you're a pretty boy. You should do that shit. I was like, probably won't, but okay, maybe. So like a week later, I went fishing and I used to be a big fisher guy like him.
I went fishing. I was on my buddy's boat. I can't see you being a fisher. You're like such a pretty boy. I just could not see you getting your hands dirty. From what I look like two years ago to now, it's a pretty big difference. But I used to be a big fisher guy. But I was on the boat fishing. And I was like, fuck, I don't want to make a fucking TikTok. So I put out my phone. And I was just making this cringy ass stupid transition video. And my buddy was like twerking in the background. I actually got like 4,000 views. I was like, holy shit. It's a deal. We're fucking blowing up. Like freaking out. I'm like, I'm going to do this again.
And I just kept doing it and doing it and doing it. I just fucking shot the fuck up. Crazy. All the way to 2.7 million. Yeah. What's your shtick? I've never seen your profile, which is crazy. Because when he texted me today, he's like, my friend Jayden, I didn't even have a chance to look at it. What's your... Because you know how everybody... He can dance like freaking crazy. Really? Yeah. Like Magic Mike type shit? He defies gravity. I'm not shit. That's freaking weird. Oh, like break dancing or... Like just all the like...
I don't know. He just moves and it's weird. I'll have to check it out. I mean, I originally blew up. I did POVs, like acting skits, because I always wanted to be an actor and model and all this stuff. Right. This was before I moved to Arizona to do my movie or whatever. So I would do acting skits, and they started millions of views each one. I was like, holy shit.
And like, you can't, the thing about TikTok, you can't stick with something. You can only do something for so long. Right. And you got to find something else to do. So that started dying down a little bit. I'm like, okay, what the fuck else can I do? I was like, wait, I can fucking dance. So like, okay, I would throw dances in here and there when I did like acting, but-
I started doing, like, dancing full-time now, and that shit, like, it's doing good. Like, it's just going off. Yeah. Because, I mean, half the app is dancing anyway. Yeah. But once you've... You have to, like, find, like, your, like, your thing, and that can be, like, more than one thing. Like, mine, I did POVs, and I did dancing, but now I do it, like, way more, and it's just...
it's a huge benefit. It's just awesome. When I was Googling and researching, I've noticed that they tag people now as lip lip sync artists. I didn't even know that was a fucking thing. Like everybody gets a fucking trophy type shit. Like it's just crazy to me that that's a title. No, I'm telling TikTok that if I'm a lip sync artist, I'm an artist. You better verify me. I can't even get verified. That's crazy. It is hard. It's like you have to have, I think like the rules, you have to have a certain amount of like,
like different type of videos to say like to show your accounts like a variation of different things so if like i finally posted dances for like a straight year i would not get verified wow yeah it's like it's weird it's something like weird i don't know something like it's like some weird fucking clubs like the illuminati like to get fucking verified on tiktok i'm verified on instagram but can't get verified on tiktok yeah caden how did you get into tiktok well the first time i downloaded tiktok i was at work
We were on our lunch break. We were pouring a lot of concrete. I was sweating my ass off. I said, you know what? I'm going to download TikTok because my brother and his friend made this stupid page called Cletus and Earl. Earl. Cletus and Earl. Where they dressed up like hillbillies and made funny ass skits. And it was funny. That's hilarious. So you do have a brother. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
And downloaded it, got on there, and I was like, I don't know how to work this. This app sucks. Deleted it. And then, like, two months later, I downloaded it again, and I started posting a couple funny skits. And I got, like, the first video got, like, 10K views. I'm like, holy shit, dude, I'm going viral. Yeah. Like, dude, I'm in this. That first feeling, you're like, oh, my God. Yeah. I didn't even show my mom. Do you guys think that, like, clout is a hell of a drug? Yeah.
At first, but after I hit like 10K, I never cared again. Yeah. I feel like it gets to a point where like, like there's some people that be like, oh my God, I have like four mil, don't talk to me. Yeah. Like I hate that shit. That's so weird. I hate that shit. Cause everybody like, dude, that shit can come to an end. Yeah. Oh yeah. Like, you know, people don't realize that. Who are you? Exactly. It's, no. I was on a big rush cause I was like, I just want to hit 10K. So I see like the K mark. Cause I was like, dude, all these people got like 50K, like looking at him as famous. I'm like, I might be able to fit in. And I hit 10K. I was like,
Yeah, I don't really care anymore. I didn't, like, I thought I was going to, like, throw a party when I hit a million. I'm like, yeah, I don't really care. Yeah. It just sucks. Now you're almost at two million. Yeah. We're in a competition, a secret competition, because I'm almost at two million, too, so. Oh, I'm getting close. Me, too. He's pretty close. I think I'm, like, what are we, like, 30,000 away? I think. I need, like, 10. Damn it. Dude, I need, what's my name? Son of a bitch. I checked for Wednesday night, and this is at almost 70 now. Yeah.
He's freaking growing like a son. It's freaking nice. It's all the ladies. They love that fucking Magic Mike shit. I think I'll hit 2.8 probably by... What was today?
Thursday? I'd say like Saturday morning. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Well, congrats to you. Let's talk about these thirst traps that you guys post. So I think the first time I ever saw one of yours, you guys were doing some dance and it was like, you guys were like the boy band of TikTok. But you guys were like dancing together in sync. That was our freaking little between the legs dance. Yes, that's exactly what it was. Yeah. Yeah.
Some of those comments on that video was ruthless. Like, what do you mean? Like, mean or... Oh, they're bad, dude. No. Mean or, like, dirty. Well, my caption was... And I guess I kind of worded it wrong because I said, if you date one of us, you get all of us. So, in the lady's head, they started commenting...
Yeah. And I'm like, women are ruthless. Oh, I didn't realize that. And I read my comments. I'm like, holy, I couldn't believe it. I was like, geez. Listen, women are horny. Okay. And a lot of these women are like older women on the app too. So they're just praying for something. I'm telling you something about a MILF man. It's, it's, I don't know. So Jaden, you like MILFs? You know, I, I'm a fan. Have you had a real MILF though? Definitely.
Yes, you do. Of course you do. You know, there might have been an encounter or two. A counter or two? No, an encounter. Oh, an encounter. I was like, oh, you banged her on the counter? That's hot. I was like, let's keep talking about it. I was banging on the sofa. Keep going. It wasn't me.
That's awesome. What about you? What's your type? Because I see you always talking about you want to get married and stuff like that. Is that really what you want to do? I do, but I'm scared. Because I have heard different. I'm scared. I'm like scared. Like I want that, but I'm like scared. Yeah. I hear that you have a reputation for like hooking up with girls and then like whenever you're out of town and then as soon as you get home, you completely ghost them. That's so cap. That's so cap. Yeah.
Don't look at me, bitch. No, that is so cap. No, that's not you? No. I mean, over the days, I've definitely kind of flirted with the line a little bit, but no, I don't ghost no one. You don't just completely ghost? No. What scares you about marriage? I'm kind of scared of just like, I don't know. Commitment? No. I want it, but I'm afraid that I'm like...
Like it's not going to be like the right one or something. I don't know. There's just some kind of weird fear ever since like, I don't know. It's like that commitment to like that one person. Yeah. Well, that's why you have to be like how him and I are. And we just kind of have like a really free relationship. Like he can do what he wants to do. I can do what I want to do. But we just have that. We're literally, this is my fucking best friend. Like, all right. For him. And like you, when you meet that girl, you'll know. I feel like you just have like that gut feeling. Yeah.
Yeah. No, like literally your soul will recognize that person. That's how it felt whenever I met him. I didn't even know him. He was not my type. Like I didn't even know that he was in music, you know? And literally when I met him, it was just kind of like, there the fuck you are. Like where have you been all my life? You know? And that'll happen whenever the right girl comes along. I feel like you are so young to be focused on wanting to get married. I do. I want to, I wanted to like,
originally get married at like 20 years old oh fucking you've got it could not be me dude i was just about to say jayden how about you how do you feel jayden when's your birthday september 20 2001 is your little virgo libra virgo well you're on the cusp of your virgo libra and you're a gemini right you're a gemini cancer i honestly don't know june 15th yeah yeah i don't know what the yeah yeah i don't know he's like whatever people are like what's your thing i'm like yeah i don't know
What are you guys doing out here in Nashville? Making content. Making content. Hanging out. Honestly, I flew out. Well, he flew out too, but like he had gotten contact. He called me and I was back home and he's like, yo, what are you doing for the fourth? And I was like, dude, I was supposed to go to Jersey. But I mean, other than that, I don't fucking nothing really.
and I was gonna go to Jersey just to hang out with like some of my boys going on the boat and shit he's like let's go to fucking Nashville I was like fuck it let's do it because one of our buddies uh Cowboy Kreech he's blowing up on TikTok right now too Kreech we didn't know how to pronounce his name we were like we just called him Chartreuse we didn't know we were just like making up shit we call him Cheezer Puss one of the two but um that's like an inside joke yeah but uh
No, we were like, we're going here. That's all collab was he to me and be and just like fuck shit up. So we're like, let's fucking do it. Yeah. Just came out here. Come out here and get some Nashville hootenanny. Yeah. Yeah. Have you gotten any Nashville hootenanny, Jaden?
shit yeah what's the next question what about you not me i'm about the only one that ain't why do i not believe that we know we just had a girl on the podcast actually i'm sure he hasn't at all this trip or the trip before or ever trip before no no i've never none
I just want to put this out there. Except when me and Jay were dating. That was like two years ago. Yeah. I was just going to say, I'm not a whore. First of all. I swear to God. But here's the thing. You guys are so young. It doesn't matter. Like you guys right now should be banging people and getting it out of your system. Babe, how many people were you banging when you were in your 20s?
I mean, he's a dirtbag even now. So it's like groupies. He loves them. So it's like you literally you guys need to live your life to the fullest because when you do finally decide to get settled down, not a lot of girls are cool enough to have like an open relationship. So you're going to be stuck with one pussy for the rest of your life. You know, so I kind of want that. But I'm like, I don't know. I'm like afraid of it.
Well, commitment is, it's very scary. It's a huge thing that you have to like really be ready for mentally and emotionally. I think I'm afraid of her like not giving me my hunting and fishing time.
A lot of women don't do that. You're not allowed to hunt and fish on their dime. Yeah, so if she don't let me go sit in my tree now, I might, I don't know. I'm not a divorce kind of guy, but I might have to think about that one. Separation? Yeah. Might just be separation. What's dating like for you guys now since you guys are so big on TikTok? Is it really hard to... Not a lot of it. Hmm.
Really? I mean, I actually had this one girl that I actually, I was like in love with like bad, but I fucking, I fucked it up pretty bad. What'd you do? So, yeah.
No. I'm not even saying that. Kaden said yeah. Oh, fuck, no. We're not talking about that. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Rewind. What were we talking about, Kaden? He's been outing you this whole time, so it's your time. I was supporting you. You were crying. Never mind. Yeah, you did give me a kiss. You're good. Oh, that was really sweet. You'll give me one before this bitch is over. No, I ain't. You sure are. You've been kissing up on me at the house all damn time. I'm even calm. That's fine. Just kidding. So, um...
I'm not going to say names, but like right when I started social media, I was probably like 500K, 600K. I took a trip to Myrtle Beach, met this girl and it was like, boom. Like, like that feeling, that gut feeling. I'm like, holy fucking shit. He would love MJ. I got a girl I want to introduce you to. She is wild. Where's she at? Myrtle Beach. Oh shit. I'm actually going there in like fucking a week. So she's there. I will definitely connect you guys. She's a porn star, but she's beautiful. Yeah.
Didn't you just have her on? Yeah. MJ comes on all the time. I think I saw her. I would love for you guys to come back and be like regulars. Anytime anybody comes on the podcast, I always try to bring you guys on like once a year. I think we're about to be moving here. Yay. Even better. So we'll probably see you guys all the time. So anyway, I met this girl.
And it was like click. And I got back home. It's like I was so new to like all this traveling shit. That was like my first like like my second like trip I took. I didn't know anyone there except for one person. Went into this house with a bunch of TikTokers. I was like, yo, what's up? Is that weird? Not to cut you off, but like going into a house to like collab with a bunch of TikTokers. In the beginning, I'm like, oh, this is like, what the fuck am I doing? What am I supposed to say? Like what dance am I supposed to do? I didn't know shit. But now I'm like, yo, let's fucking do it.
You guys just walk up to each other and start pop lock and dropping it. Yeah, actually. Like have a dance off and see if you can do it the best. You're like, yo, let's fucking make this video. That's literally how it goes and boom, you're friends. I swear to God. That's hilarious. But, so no, I got really close with her or whatever and I went back home to Ohio and we like texted, blah, blah, blah, FaceTime, but...
I kind of wasn't like giving her like the attention she was seeking or like she was trying to give me. Cause I was new to it. I'd never done a long, like long distance relationship. She lived in Jersey. I lived in Ohio. I was still in college full time. And she was, I don't know. I was kind of doing her own thing. I wasn't really like putting out the feelings, like the energy for her. She was giving to me. So she ended up losing feelings a little bit here and there, but we like kind of went off and on a little bit like he did with his girl. But, uh,
So I ended up taking a trip to fucking where was it? L.A. for Halloween like two years ago. And me and her had a really big argument there, like a big fight. And it wasn't good. Was this the same time you got jumped?
No, the time I got in a big fight was this previous Halloween. Oh, gotcha. I was like, you had a shit trip. Oh, I didn't get beat up. Coming through it. I didn't get beat up. No, no, no. I mean, but... No, yeah. So anyway, I went to LA on Halloween. We got in a big fight. It was bad. We weren't talking at all. Because she was mad at me. I was not ghosting her, as she would say, but...
I don't know. I just was not ready for anything like that. And I kind of didn't, like, let her know. I kind of was like, ah, like, I'll drift this way and you go that way. But, so we're in L.A. again. It was bad. And I, it didn't hook up with any of her friends. But I was like, I was flirting with them, giving them attention, which is, like, the worst fucking thing I could have ever fucking done. Yeah, you can't do that. The friends is, like, you never know. Because we had an argument. And one of my buddies was, like, all over her. And I was like, okay, like, fuck you, dude. Like, that pissed me off. Because even though, like, me and her weren't, like, a thing. Like, it's kind of like...
Like he was one of my close homies and you're trying to fuck the girl. I was like, dude, no, like I'll leave. Like, no, they kind of pissed me off, but you're about to post, dude, I'm just not a fucking post. So I saw that and I was like, okay, I'm gonna fucking do the same shit. So I was like, those are their friends, blah, blah, blah. Shouldn't have done that. Should've let it go. But long story short, um, we actually didn't talk for a really long time. And then I snapped her out of nowhere. Like I would snap her here and there like, yo, how you doing? Blah, blah. And I saw her again.
in la and i was like fuck dude because i haven't seen her a long time i've seen her for about a year and we actually had a party and i was um i wasn't talking like really any tiktok people i was kind of doing my own thing and she didn't know i was coming and i while i was in this party and she walked by me she didn't see me i tapped her arm and she like looked and she like looked again like oh my fucking god what are you doing here but like the hug that we had like that was like an i miss you hug i was like holy shit dude i'm about to cry in that motherfucker i ain't gonna lie to you and then i'm
she just no feelings for me at all she kind of like not hating me but she was like no like this is not there anymore i don't feel the same and i was like i'm sure she was probably just guarded i'm sure the feelings are there she's really stubborn but it's for a good reason it's a good thing so are you guys gonna get back together or what's the moral of the story you know i don't know uh i'm working on it but i'm kind of like letting her do her own thing i'm doing my own thing because we've talked about them all the times we've actually been talking a lot like recently not like talking talking but like you know having conversation
And we talked about everything that happened because me and her have been like on and off for like the last two years. Yeah. And everybody in our friend group knows like me and her, like no one messes with her. No one messes with me anymore because like they know we fuck with each other so much. Yeah. But...
I mean, I'm working on it. It's a slow process. No, you guys need to have fun. You guys are way too young to fucking settle down. Trust me. Take it from me. It's like one of those things, like no matter how much fun I'll have, like now, at the end of the day, like that's the person I still like want to be with, you know? Of course, yeah. So like, it's a struggle. It's right person, wrong time. Yeah. But even, we had talks about it, like arguments, she was cussing me out and it's kind of sexy. I was going to say, you strike me as the type of person who likes that kind of shit. That toxic shit a little bit?
I'm in for it. Hot pisses me right off. Yeah. Do you like toxic shit, Caden? It's hot. Okay, not like... So tell me, what are some of you guys' turn-ons? Because we know that's why these girls are tuning into this podcast. They want to know what... I'll tell you the biggest turn-on for me right now. It's not like a specific thing, but like, you know how girls always expect like dudes make the first move or whatever? If a girl comes up to me and makes the first move...
holy yeah oh my god you guys say that but then when it happens your wieners can't get hard oh mine gets mine gets a pretty pretty damn good fun some guys get really intimidated by strong women though no no or like whenever you like walk in somewhere and you like see the girl and you're like yeah she's bad and she gives you like the little look down that makes my freaking like that makes me want to go run a mile daddy is that how you feel
Are you high? He's over here just smiling away. Yeah. He's like, I'm watching my wife's podcast. Um, what else turns you guys on? Like what else can a girl do to get your attention?
Honestly, I don't even know. I don't really pay attention. Just being assertive. It's like if I feel it, I'll fuck with you. It's got to be the perfect amount of assertiveness. She can't be too in her masculine energy, but can't be too feminine either. She's got to be just boss. Yeah. Gotcha. What about some turn-offs? It's hard to actually think about. It's just got to happen in the moment. I don't know. Let me think. I hate whenever, because I'm a real small...
Small town country guy, but some I like hate whenever I heard your dick game is strong boy. Yeah, hey, that's a fucking lie He's a fucking person. He's a fucking person. I heard you are great in bed Did we have this documented don't we Jay? Oh my god, it is fucking up to you this shit. I Didn't say it was Jake. I'd have been somebody else to
His face, he gets so shy. You should be happy that she's out there saying that your wiener is amazing. She's something. She is something. He just got so excited when you said that. I feel like you get really shy whenever it comes to sex talk. Not really. I just get like, I don't know. That one threw me for a loop. As soon as you said I knew who it came from. So I was like, I kind of had to like let it go. I never confirmed it.
never confirmed it well like i said we've had a few girls on here so you'll just have to wait to see how the season unfolds but i mean i'm about to go search my name up so you guys don't know about any turnoffs there's nothing a girl could do that could possibly turn you off do you guys feel like it's hard to date now because of honestly i feel like i feel like
yes and no yeah yes and no but i honestly feel like a relationship now like where we're at it just boosts you like yeah you see that relationship shit like most of my buddies are in relationships and they'll post it and it just goes fucking nuts because everyone likes to see that couple shit and they like to see the fucking videos of you and like your girl or like that yeah it's crazy they really do love tiktok it's nuts it's like every time i make a video with a girl i was like oh my god are
You guys dating? Oh, yeah. I just met her like two hours ago. Yeah. So you guys got to meet Demp. You met Demp, right? Yeah. I freaking love her. She is a hoot. She's coming on the podcast on Monday. I can't wait to meet her. She's awesome. She seems like a sweetheart. She's crazy. No, I believe it. I freaking love her. No, she's awesome. Good. I can't wait. She seems just like good energy. Yeah, she is. She's a good vibe. Good. I love her. She's really down to earth. Really freaking...
She's just awesome. I love that. Yeah. Well, where do you guys want TikTok and what do you guys want to accomplish in the next year? What are some goals that you guys want to do? Because you guys have all this fame right now. Are you going to utilize it to actually build some sort of a brand? First thing I want to do is pay off my parents' debt. Aww. That's the first thing I'm going to do. After that, I kind of want to open up my own business. Yep.
Carpentry or just I don't know. Yeah, I'm really thinking a concrete business for me just hear that or Maybe like a fishing store would be pretty cool. Gotcha. That would be awesome Let's open up a big bar, dude Huge club i'm telling you right downtown miami and look at bass. So he got yeah Look i'm telling you right downtown miami I was actually gonna move there and do real estate but we came to nashville and it's crazy how fast something can change so quick dude, like
I even told him on the phone, I was like, dude, I was like, this whole Miami thing I'm supposed to do, I'm supposed to go out there. Like, I was going to sell yachts. I worked for this dude and his company and like this, like brokerage and all this stuff. And like, uh, eventually getting a real estate, get my license. I was actually doing schooling back in Ohio, uh, Florida real estate. Um,
Came here and now like so much stuff is like hit us and happen like dude. Yeah, I'm about to move here now like shits It's crazy. It's honestly nuts. Yeah, I think we got some freaking crazy. It's gonna be good So you guys move into Nashville you guys think for sure? Yeah, I think we're about to have a frickin pad Well, you know you move here Morgan Wallen's gonna bang more of your exes. Yeah, I did Morgan. Won't definitely just bang my Actually, I think current girlfriend. Oh you so you do have a girlfriend right now. Oh
No, it's my friends. Oh, your friends currently. I don't know what the heck they are. Oh, gotcha. But he definitely, Morgan Wallen definitely just waxed her. I mean, is she blonde? Yep. There you go. That's all you got to say. She's kind of hot. She is pretty hot. Morgan loves blondes. That's his thing. Yeah. Good thing my girl, I'm talking to my mom. He had to put them hands up. And he, Morgan somehow just takes every girl he wants, so. Well, not this one. Yeah. I love Morgan, but he's homies with daddy, so.
Big daddy. Big daddy. So I want to... I'm fucking dead. So I want to play a game with you guys. He pulls. No, he does. It feels so weird. It feels so weird, like, coming to Nashville. Like, I'm going to be honest. I am, like...
I'm not country, but I have my moments. Like right now, I just bought this shit yesterday. I was getting dogged in my comments. Like, what kind of bill you wearing? I'm like, all right, fuckers. I'm going to go buy a fucking thing. I just bought fucking $600 cowboy boots last night. I was like, fuck this shit. I'll fucking put some colors on. Are they Lou Casey's? Honestly, I could not fucking tell you. Okay, gotcha. But back home, I dress like him. I have a fucking gold grill. I had a home. Chains and shit. I'm like a city boy. So when he came out here, I was like, fuck it. I'll throw a country fit on because...
It's like whatever state you're in, that's a for you page your TikTok is going to hit. So I came here and I'm knowing Nashville. He dresses country. All the people here, I'm going to be with dress country. But we call that being a culture vulture if you don't stay true to who you are. Really? Yeah.
He's in Jaden's face. Fuck that. That is exactly what it's called because you're poaching people's, you know, lifestyle. I mean, don't get me wrong. Like when I'm here, I still dress. You're a content creator, so it doesn't really matter what you do. I mean, like don't get me wrong. While I was here, I still dress. I still have fits here like that I would wear back home. Like same, I still go out in them, but like if we're making content and stuff, like,
So that's what I mean by the variations of different things I try to do on my account. People are not used to me wearing a fucking cowboy hat or a buckled belt. Yeah, and it just blows them. They're like, holy shit, what is this? It just does good.
I mean, like how I am as a person, I'm still like a city boy. But like, I like to have fun and I'll like dress the part a little bit and like, you know, do that type of shit. - I get it. I'm a West Coast girl. I've never conformed to the whole cowgirl thing, but I will like slap on some cute little cowgirl boots or something every now and then. - Like when we go to LA for Halloween, right before I go, every time I get a fade, all this shit. - Makes you feel hot, do some pimping.
All right. I'm going to ask you guys a couple of questions. You guys know the thing that's trending right now where it's like, she's a nine, but she does this. So I'm going to ask you a few questions. And I went, Oh wait, you know what, Jaden, you have an only fans. Let's talk about that. Not explicit, but I get pretty close. Is your winner on the internet? It's not, it is not. And you make money not showing your wiener. I do. I do pretty good for myself. What do you do on there? Dude. Jesus butthole. No,
You're about to fuck your ex. Oh, well, I'm definitely subbing then. That's right up my alley. No names, but when my buddy's back at the crib right now, he's obsessed with ass. Like, asshole. He eats ass all the time. I'm like, dude, for me, I'm not eating your ass. I'm sorry. You don't eat ass? No, I could never. Okay, look. Okay, I will phrase it. If I really fuck with a girl, or if I'm married, okay, that's different. Yeah, I guess. But if I'm hooking up, hell no. Well, you can't just go around licking buttholes. You never know where they've been. Yeah, dude, he does. Yeah.
I should say his name right now, but fuck that. No, dude, that shit is gross. I'm sorry. I'm not eating some random girl's ass. I just met the club like an hour ago. What if she has like dingleberries? It's a whole thing. I get puked. I would. Look, I'll eat pussy all day. Someone said it tastes like licking a penny. Tastes like licking a penny. I'll eat pussy all day. I mean, are these girls not fucking washing their asses? Like what is happening? Dude. All right. She's a 15, but she chews tobacco. They're thinking about it.
I don't think I've ever met a 15 that chewed tobacco. It's just not a... I'm going to put her right there about a solid six. I gotcha. What about you, Jaden? Let's give her like a four.
I mean, I don't do anything like tobacco and nicotine. Oh, like pouches or like straight up grizzly wood? Just straight up fucking just chaw right here. Oh, that's like a two. I'm sorry. If your girl walks up to me, you're like, I don't even do that. I'm out of that. You're going to have to spit that bitch out and kick rocks. Yeah. No offense. Yeah. Look, I don't like... Nah, dude. I've never seen a fucking girl do that shit. Oh, yeah. No, I'm sorry. All right. I don't know what I would do. I'd be like, is that real? Like, did you get punched or is that a fucking... Is that a dick, bro? That's a hammer.
Shit. She's a two, but she has goals in her own business. Ten. Yeah. Ten. Ten? I like that. That's good. She's a whore, but she has a mullet. Hold on. I think I'm going to like this. Hold on. These only get worse, okay? Oh, come on. Let's keep it going. I think I'm going to like this. She's a whore, but she has a mullet.
Oh, shh. Dude, that's a fucking negative. Hey, I met a girl at the bar last night that looked at my hair, or no, a couple nights ago, and she was dead serious. She was like, I think I'm going to cut them all. Oh, my God, no, she dead ass was. Was she hot? No, hell no. She had green hair, pink hair. Oh, no. So, was that a yes? That's a negative for me. I just rather wouldn't meet you. Unless she sounds like Dolly Parton, I'm out.
I've never seen that. Just close your eyes and visualize. She is a nine, but she farts when she comes. Yo, what the fuck? Hold on. I can just like picture. What the fuck? I'm going to literally pee my pants. All right. Podcast over. Shit. I'm crying. You got to answer. You got to answer. Inquiring minds want to know. She's a nine, but farts when she comes. Like, is it like a loud, like a. Like. Like.
Or it's like a real hollowed out and it sounds like someone's breathing. Like it's got reverb. It's like... Oh my God. That would be... I don't get that about a 12. I'm just playing. Extra vibration. It might just feel better for real. Oh God. It'll rumble the balls. Like, is it every time? Like every time. Blow your nose, babe. I'm about to cum. Oh my God. Hold on. I might need like a fucking breathing tube. Daddy, what about you?
Okay, let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. You're going down on it all of a sudden. She lets that shit out. Like, what are you going to do? It's happening.
One time. One time in seven years. I will not go to the bathroom in front of this man. I will not pass gas in front of this man. This one time it happens. And it happened in the beginning of our relationship. And he has never let me fucking live it down. Ever. Look, no. Little queef action don't scare nobody. I'm going to put that one. I'm going to say if she's a nine. Does she fart every time?
Is it like a one-time thing or is it every fucking time? Every time. Every single time. Every time it skits it airs. I gotta hear that bitch and smell that bitch every single time? Every time, baby. I'm gonna go, oh, fuck that bitch. She gone. All right, all right. I'm gonna have to be hitting it like this. She's a three, but she has VIP access to all the bars on Broadway. Ten.
That's how you know you're not from here. Dude, I like to get lit. I don't like Broadway that much. You should go out a lot with us. I hate Broadway. I won't go down there. You can't fucking pay me to go down there. Okay, well, it's like where you're at. You got to deal with what you got. Yeah. I mean, the bars here aren't bad. Is it like CMA Fest VIP where you're like away from everyone? It's just VIP, baby. Anytime, anywhere. They're rationalizing it. No.
No, Caden is like... Look, she's crying over here. Caden's really trying to give her a chance here. Holy shit. She's a 10. These questions. She's a 10, but she will only listen to Cotton Eye Joe on repeat when you fuck. I'm not... I can't even get hard on her. Like, where did you come from? Where did you come from? Yeah, I don't know, dude.
She's a 10, but listen to Cotton Eye Joe. I'm out on that one. You're out on that one? No Cotton Eye Joe? No. I can dance about anything, but Cotton Eye Joe? I think I'd rather listen to Shawn Mendes. She's a negative one, but she loves Jesus.
That's a solid eight. Why do I feel like that was very, like, being nice? That was a solid eight. No, I like that. Yeah? Yeah. Maybe like a four or five, probably. I love Jaden. She's a 12, but she has a slight goatee. That's a dude. Yeah.
What's his name? There's a dick under her pants. So no facial hair. You guys don't like facial hair at all. Okay, if you're a girl and you got facial hair, I'm going to call you Mr. instead of Mrs. This is not... I can't do that shit. I don't think I'd kiss a girl and feel a mustache. Yeah, the little pricklies on there. I'm sorry. If it's like a full... You got more hair on your face than me, it's not going to work out. She's a 10, but she has an OnlyFans.
You better say 10. I'm about to. I'm saying, what did she post? Okay, but I don't post like dick pics or shit. So you won't date a girl that has an OnlyFans that posts explicit content? Okay, if she doesn't post sex videos, then she's a 10 still to me, yeah. What's wrong with a girl who posts sex content? Because she's not having sex with me.
She's not fucking a bunch of dudes. No, but what if it's like dildos and stuff like that? Oh, that's fine. Oh, okay. So as long as she doesn't have multiple partners. Yeah, that's fine. What about you, Caden? How do you feel about OnlyFans? When are you coming out with yours? I'm not making one. You're fucking close. That dick game is strong, though. I'm not making one. I still got real meat. Yeah. Now all the girls are going to want to see it. You drop that OnlyFans, you're going to be a millionaire in a month. I won't be having pictures from five years ago getting leaked. Oh.
I'm waiting for that to happen. One of these days it's going to happen and I'm going to kill someone. Are you putting nudes out there? Yeah, whenever I was a hoe. Oh, no. So there are dick pics floating around of you. Yeah, for me in like high school. Oh, okay. I have had that happen. But, yeah. But they're not like on Reddit or Twitter or anything, so I'm chilling. I think we got one more. I want a spicy. I want a good one.
I mean, we've done some pretty good ones. Let's see. Yeah, that shit. I was not expecting that. I'm sorry. She's a 10, but she hasn't cleaned her car out since the war of 1812. Like dirty girls, like messy girls. Do you guys like those? Fucking zero. Can't stand messiness. Yeah, I don't like messy. Unless she gives a good back scratch. I can't. So you'll deal with messiness as long as she can give you a back rub. Yeah.
I mean, everybody's like a little messy, but if you're like, you don't, I clean my car like twice a week, like clean it outside and clean the fuck out of that shit. I just bought a brand new car, but I don't, dude, if I got to get in that shit and sit on like, like two week old, like McDonald's fries and shit. Ew, that's disgusting. I can't, no. Or like moldy ass food in the backseat. You know how bad that's going to smell? Ew. Yeah, no, sorry. Well, if her car's dirty, her vagina's probably dirty too. Yeah, it's not going to look good. That's how you have to think about it. Refried beans and...
Unwashed cooch. Cum farts. Oh.
Well, I just want to thank you guys for coming in today. It was really sweet having you guys on. I want you guys to come back and start being reoccurring guests. I'm here. What can we look forward to? What can everybody start looking forward to? You guys moving to Nashville? Yeah. The shit we have coming in Nashville, it's fucking huge. Yay. I'm really excited for you guys. I can't wait to see what the world brings you guys. It's going to be dope. You guys have a lot to offer. I'm really excited.
really pumped so fast awesome when is this move happening uh i think real soon like next probably two months oh wow so that close yeah he's like one of the uh one of his buddies um was like a sponsor yeah he's a manager no he's got he's wants to get this big ass pad it's like got like a basketball court yeah like tiki bar um a stage on like a stage in the backyard like like that can fit like 500 people whose management you have a manager
I do, yeah, but this is another guy. Oh, gotcha. Okay. I don't know if you know him. I don't want to say his name out loud. Jay probably knows him. Jay knows everybody here. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Well, I can't wait to see what Nashville holds for you guys, and I know everybody's going to be tuning in to watch, so I'm really excited about that. Thank you guys so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye. Bye.